BibTex RIS Kaynak Göster
Yıl 2021, , 107 - 111, 01.07.2021



  • Achigan-Dako EG, Sogbohossou OE, Maundu P. 2014. Current knowledge on Amaranthus spp.: research avenues for improved nutritional value and yield in leafy amaranths in sub-Saharan Africa. Euphytica, 197(3): 303-317.
  • Al-Sagheer AA, Elwakeel EA, Ahmed MG, Sallam SM. 2018. Potential of guava leaves for mitigating methane emissions and modulating ruminal fermentation characteristics and nutrient degradability. Environ Sci Pollution Res, 25(31): 31450-31458.
  • Aregheore EM. 2002. Intake and digestibility of Moringa oleifera–batiki grass mixtures by growing goats. Small Rum Res, 46(1): 23-28.
  • Arukwe U, Amadi BA, Duru MKC, Agomuo EN, Adindu EA, Odika PC, Lele KC, Egejuru L, Anudike J. 2012. Chemical composition of Persea americana leaf, fruit and seed. Int J Rec Res Appl Stud, 11(2): 346-349.
  • Asaolu V, Binuomote R, Akinlade J, Aderinola O, Oyelami O, 2012. Intake and growth performance of West African Dwarf Goats fed Moringa oleifera, Gliricidia sepium and Leucaena leucocephala dried leaves as supplements to cassava peels. J Biol Agric Health Care, 2(10): 76-88.
  • Bouafou KGM, Konan BA, Kouame KG, Kati-Coulibally S. 2012. Les produits et sous-produits du bananier dans l’alimentation animale. Int J Biol Chem Sci, 6(4): 1810-1818.
  • Buliah N, Jamek S, Ajit A, Abu R. 2018. Production of dairy cow pellets from pineapple leaf waste. In: Proceedings of the AIP Conference, 11–13 December, Penang, Malaysia, 2124(1): 020048.
  • Daswani PG, Gholkar MS, Birdi TJ. 2017. Psidium guajava: A single plant for multiple health problems of rural Indian population. Pharmacognosy Rev, 11(22): 167.
  • De Evan T, Vintimilla A, Molina-Alcaide E, Ranilla MJ, Carro MD. 2020. Potential of recycling cauliflower and romanesco wastes in ruminant feeding: In vitro studies. Animals, 10(8): 1247.
  • El Boushy AR, Van der Poel AF. 2000. Fruit, vegetable and brewers’ waste. In Handbook of Poultry Feed from Waste. Springer, Dordrecht, Nederland. pp: 173-311.
  • Elias AIK, Alves KS, Oliveira LRS, Cutrim DO, Mezzomo R, Pontes VP, Gomes DI. 2017. Carcass yield, cuts and body components in lambs fed a pineapple by-product silage diet. African J Agri Res, 12(28): 2351-2357.
  • Fadiyimu AA, Alokan JA, Fajemisin AN. 2006. Digestibility, Nitrogen balance and haematological profile of West African dwarf sheep fed dietary levels of Moringa oleifera as supplement to Panicum maximum. J American Sci, 6(10): 634-643.
  • Falowo AB, Mukumbo FE, Idamokoro EM, Lorenzo JM, Afolayan AJ, Muchenje V. 2018. Multi-functional application of Moringa oleifera Lam. in nutrition and animal food products: A review. Food Res Int, 106: 317-334.
  • Garcia DE, Medina M G, Cova LJ, Soca M, Pizzani P, Baldizan A, Dominguez CE. 2008. Acceptability of tropical tree fodder by cattle, sheep and goats in Trujillo state, Venezuela. Zootecnia Trop, 26(3): 191-196.
  • Gemalmaz E, Bilal T. 2016. Alternatif kaba yem kaynakları. Lalahan Hayv Araş Enst Derg, 56(2): 63-69.
  • Geoffroy F. 1985. Utilisation de la banane par les ruminants. Revue de Elevage et Méd Vét des Pays Trop, 38: 92-96.
  • Göhl B. 1982. Les aliments du bétail sous les tropiques. FAO, Division de Production et Santé Animale, Roma, Italy.
  • Gonzalez-Gaona E, Padilla-Ramirez JS, Lozano-Gutierrez J, España-Luna MP, Velásquez-Valle R, Gallegos-Morales G, Cepeda-Siller M. 2010. Evaluation of Mexican guava germplasm against root knot nematodes. Acta Horticult, (849): 363-368.
  • Gourdine JL, Fanchone A, Alexandre G, Marie-Magdeleine C, Calif E, Fleury J, Renaudeau D. 2011. Le bananier et ses produits dans l'alimentation animale. Systèmes durables de production et de transformation agricoles aux Antilles et en Guyane. (16) 2011; CIAG 2011 Carrefours de l'innovation agronomiques, Lamentin, Guadeloupe, France, 03 November 2011, 181-192.
  • Gübbük H, Biner B, Dal B, Yıldırım I, Daşkın D, Buhur L. 2017. Değişik tropik meyve türlerinin Antalya koşullarında adaptasyonu üzerine araştırmalar. TAGEM Proje Kesin sonuç raporu, Antalya, Turkey.
  • Harun NLA, Alimon AR, Jahromi MF, Samsudin AA. 2017. Effects of feeding goats with Leucaena leucocephala and Manihot esculenta leaves supplemented diets on rumen fermentation profiles, urinary purine derivatives and rumen microbial population. J App Anim Res, 45(1): 409-416.
  • Hassan M, Ding W, Shi Z, Zhao S. 2016. Methane enhancement through co-digestion of chicken manure and thermo-oxidative cleaved wheat straw with waste activated sludge: AC/N optimization case. Bioresource Tech, 211: 534-541.
  • Hassan TM, Ahmed-Farid OA, Abdel-Fattah FA. 2020. Effects of different sources and levels of tannins on live performance and antioxidant response of Ossimi lambs. The J Agri Sci, 158(4): 339-348.
  • Heuzé V, Tran G. 2015. Papaya (Carica papaya) fruits, leaves and by-products. Feedipedia, a programme by INRAE, CIRAD, AFZ and FAO.
  • Jayanegara A, Marquardt S, Wina E, Kreuzer M, Leiber F. 2013. In vitro indications for favourable non-additive effects on ruminal methane mitigation between high-phenolic and high-quality forages. British J Nutri, 109(4): 615-622.
  • Jhaumeer Laulloo S, Bhowon MG, Soyfoo S, Chua LS. 2018. Nutritional and biological evaluation of leaves of Mangifera indica from Mauritius. J Chemistry, 2018: 6869294.
  • Kamalak A, Canbolat Ö, Gürbüz Y, Özay O, Erer M, Özkan ÇÖ. 2005. Kondense taninin rumimant hayvanlar üzerindeki etkileri hakkında bir inceleme. KSÜ Fen ve Müh Derg, 8(1): 132-137.
  • Kavana PY, Mtunda K, Abass A, Rweyendera V. 2005. Promotion of cassava leaves silage utilization for smallholder dairy production in Eastern coast of Tanzania. Livest Res Rural Dev, 17(4): 43.
  • Knight JrRJ. 2002. History, Distribution and Uses. In: A.W. Whiley, B.Schaffer And B.N. Wolstenholme (Eds) The Avocado: Botany, Production and Uses; Cabi Publishing, India. pp: 1-10.
  • Kumar A, Duhan JS. 2011. Production and characterization of amylase enzyme isolated from Aspergillus niger MTCC-104 employing solid state fermentation. Intern J Pharam Biol Sci, 2: B250–B258.
  • Melesse A, Steingass H, Schollenberger M, Rodehutscord M. 2018. Component composition, in vitro gas and methane production profiles of fruit by-products and leaves of root crops. The J Agri Sci, 156(7): 949.
  • Moyo B, Masika BJ, Muchenje V. 2014. Effect of feeding Moringa (Moringa oleifera) leaf meal on the physico-chemical characteristics and sensory properties of goat meat. South Afric J Anim Sci, 44(1): 64-70.
  • Noviadi R, Zairiful Z, Candra AA. 2017. Improvement of carbon-to-nitrogen (c/n) ratio by making cassava leaf silage and its implications in digestibility in goat. Bangladesh J Vet Medicine, 15(2): 127-132.
  • Odusanya LQ, Fasae OA, Adewumi OO, James IJ. 2017. Effect of cassava leaf meal concentrate diets on the performance, haematology and carcass characteristics of West African Dwarf lambs. Archivos de Zootecnia, 66(256): 603-609.
  • Paengkoum P, Traiyakun S, Khotsakdee J, Srisaikham S, Paengkoum S. 2012. Evaluating the degradability of the guava and jack fruit leaves using in sacco technique and three-step techniques. Pakistan J Nutr, 11(1): 16-20.
  • Phengvilaysouk A, Wanapat M. 2008. Study on the effect of harvesting frequency on cassava foliage for cassava hay production and its nutritive value. Livestock Res for Rural Dev, 20(9).
  • Prachyalak P, Poatong S, Wanasitchaiwat V. 2001. Utilization of pineapple crowns as a roughage for fattening cattle. Annual Report on Animal Nutrition Division 2001, Department of Livestock Development. Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, Thailand.
  • Ravindran V. 1993. Cassava leaves as animal feed: potential and limitations. J Sci of Food and Agri, 61(2): 141-150.
  • Sanchez NR, Ledin S, Ledin I. 2006. Biomass production and chemical composition of Moringa oleifera under different management regimes in Nicaragua. Agroforestry Sys, 66(3): 231-242.
  • Sarıçiçek BZ. 2007. Küçükbaş ve Büyükbaş Hayvan Besleme. OMÜ. Ziraat Fakültesi, Samsun, Türkiye Yay. No: 37, Ders Kitabı. Samun, Turkey. pp: 435.
  • Somarriba E. 1985. Guava trees (Psidium guajava L.) in pastures. 2. Fruit consumption and seed dispersion. Turrialba, 35(4).
  • Velarde EDA, Martínez DLP, Salem AZ, García PGM, Berasain MDM. 2020. Antioxidant and antimicrobial capacity of three agroindustrial residues as animal feeds. Agroforestry Sys, 94(4): 1393-1402.
  • Wakasa K. 1989. Pineapple (Ananas comosus L. Merr.). Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry, Vol. 5 'frees II (ed. by Y. P. S. Bajaj) © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, Germany.
  • Wanapat M, Phesatcha K, Viennasay B, Phesatcha B, Ampapon T, Kang S. 2018. Strategic supplementation of cassava top silage to enhance rumen fermentation and milk production in lactating dairy cows in the tropics. Tropical Anim Health and Prod, 50: 1539-1546.
  • Wanapat M. 2002. The role of cassava hay as animal feed. In: Research and Development in Asia: Exploring New Opportunities for an Ancient Crop, R. H. Howeler (ed.), Proc. 7th regional cassava workshop.
  • Yamassaki FT, Campestrini LH, Zawadzki-Baggio SF, Maurer JBB. 2017. Avocado leaves: influence of drying process, thermal incubation, and storage conditions on preservation of polyphenolic compounds and antioxidant activity. Int J Food Prop, 20(S2): S2280–S2293.

Availability of Some Tropical Plants as Alternative Roughage Source in Ruminant Feeding

Yıl 2021, , 107 - 111, 01.07.2021


Roughages have vital importance in the diet of ruminants because they are cheap and absolutely necessary for digestive physiology. Ruminant nutrition requires quality feeds to obtain high amounts of product. As more than half of the business inputs are made up of feed expenses, the necessity of high-quality roughage sources, which are cheaper compared to concentrate, arises. The high quality of roughage means that the amount of mixed feed that can be put into the ruminant ration to meet the nutrient requirement is less. Thus, the cost of the product to be obtained will decrease and the net profit will increase. Since the leaves of some plants grown in the tropical region and the fruits and shells that cannot be used as human food are not utilized, they cause environmental pollution, and the feed cost cannot be reduced because the vegetable waste is not used in animal feeding. Many tropical plant leaves and waste are rich in protein and crude fiber. Crude protein levels in the leaves of some tropical plants can be up to 30%. The usability of tropical plant leaves and fruit peels, which are rich in nutrients, as roughage has not been adequately studied. These plants can be used as an alternative roughage source for ruminants in times of shortage of quality roughage and in times of famine, increasing animal production and preventing problems in the environment. The purpose of this review is to examine the possibilities of using leaves and fruits and wastes of some tropical plants (Guava, papaya, banana, mango, pineapple, cassava, moringa and avocado) as an alternative roughage source in ruminants.


  • Achigan-Dako EG, Sogbohossou OE, Maundu P. 2014. Current knowledge on Amaranthus spp.: research avenues for improved nutritional value and yield in leafy amaranths in sub-Saharan Africa. Euphytica, 197(3): 303-317.
  • Al-Sagheer AA, Elwakeel EA, Ahmed MG, Sallam SM. 2018. Potential of guava leaves for mitigating methane emissions and modulating ruminal fermentation characteristics and nutrient degradability. Environ Sci Pollution Res, 25(31): 31450-31458.
  • Aregheore EM. 2002. Intake and digestibility of Moringa oleifera–batiki grass mixtures by growing goats. Small Rum Res, 46(1): 23-28.
  • Arukwe U, Amadi BA, Duru MKC, Agomuo EN, Adindu EA, Odika PC, Lele KC, Egejuru L, Anudike J. 2012. Chemical composition of Persea americana leaf, fruit and seed. Int J Rec Res Appl Stud, 11(2): 346-349.
  • Asaolu V, Binuomote R, Akinlade J, Aderinola O, Oyelami O, 2012. Intake and growth performance of West African Dwarf Goats fed Moringa oleifera, Gliricidia sepium and Leucaena leucocephala dried leaves as supplements to cassava peels. J Biol Agric Health Care, 2(10): 76-88.
  • Bouafou KGM, Konan BA, Kouame KG, Kati-Coulibally S. 2012. Les produits et sous-produits du bananier dans l’alimentation animale. Int J Biol Chem Sci, 6(4): 1810-1818.
  • Buliah N, Jamek S, Ajit A, Abu R. 2018. Production of dairy cow pellets from pineapple leaf waste. In: Proceedings of the AIP Conference, 11–13 December, Penang, Malaysia, 2124(1): 020048.
  • Daswani PG, Gholkar MS, Birdi TJ. 2017. Psidium guajava: A single plant for multiple health problems of rural Indian population. Pharmacognosy Rev, 11(22): 167.
  • De Evan T, Vintimilla A, Molina-Alcaide E, Ranilla MJ, Carro MD. 2020. Potential of recycling cauliflower and romanesco wastes in ruminant feeding: In vitro studies. Animals, 10(8): 1247.
  • El Boushy AR, Van der Poel AF. 2000. Fruit, vegetable and brewers’ waste. In Handbook of Poultry Feed from Waste. Springer, Dordrecht, Nederland. pp: 173-311.
  • Elias AIK, Alves KS, Oliveira LRS, Cutrim DO, Mezzomo R, Pontes VP, Gomes DI. 2017. Carcass yield, cuts and body components in lambs fed a pineapple by-product silage diet. African J Agri Res, 12(28): 2351-2357.
  • Fadiyimu AA, Alokan JA, Fajemisin AN. 2006. Digestibility, Nitrogen balance and haematological profile of West African dwarf sheep fed dietary levels of Moringa oleifera as supplement to Panicum maximum. J American Sci, 6(10): 634-643.
  • Falowo AB, Mukumbo FE, Idamokoro EM, Lorenzo JM, Afolayan AJ, Muchenje V. 2018. Multi-functional application of Moringa oleifera Lam. in nutrition and animal food products: A review. Food Res Int, 106: 317-334.
  • Garcia DE, Medina M G, Cova LJ, Soca M, Pizzani P, Baldizan A, Dominguez CE. 2008. Acceptability of tropical tree fodder by cattle, sheep and goats in Trujillo state, Venezuela. Zootecnia Trop, 26(3): 191-196.
  • Gemalmaz E, Bilal T. 2016. Alternatif kaba yem kaynakları. Lalahan Hayv Araş Enst Derg, 56(2): 63-69.
  • Geoffroy F. 1985. Utilisation de la banane par les ruminants. Revue de Elevage et Méd Vét des Pays Trop, 38: 92-96.
  • Göhl B. 1982. Les aliments du bétail sous les tropiques. FAO, Division de Production et Santé Animale, Roma, Italy.
  • Gonzalez-Gaona E, Padilla-Ramirez JS, Lozano-Gutierrez J, España-Luna MP, Velásquez-Valle R, Gallegos-Morales G, Cepeda-Siller M. 2010. Evaluation of Mexican guava germplasm against root knot nematodes. Acta Horticult, (849): 363-368.
  • Gourdine JL, Fanchone A, Alexandre G, Marie-Magdeleine C, Calif E, Fleury J, Renaudeau D. 2011. Le bananier et ses produits dans l'alimentation animale. Systèmes durables de production et de transformation agricoles aux Antilles et en Guyane. (16) 2011; CIAG 2011 Carrefours de l'innovation agronomiques, Lamentin, Guadeloupe, France, 03 November 2011, 181-192.
  • Gübbük H, Biner B, Dal B, Yıldırım I, Daşkın D, Buhur L. 2017. Değişik tropik meyve türlerinin Antalya koşullarında adaptasyonu üzerine araştırmalar. TAGEM Proje Kesin sonuç raporu, Antalya, Turkey.
  • Harun NLA, Alimon AR, Jahromi MF, Samsudin AA. 2017. Effects of feeding goats with Leucaena leucocephala and Manihot esculenta leaves supplemented diets on rumen fermentation profiles, urinary purine derivatives and rumen microbial population. J App Anim Res, 45(1): 409-416.
  • Hassan M, Ding W, Shi Z, Zhao S. 2016. Methane enhancement through co-digestion of chicken manure and thermo-oxidative cleaved wheat straw with waste activated sludge: AC/N optimization case. Bioresource Tech, 211: 534-541.
  • Hassan TM, Ahmed-Farid OA, Abdel-Fattah FA. 2020. Effects of different sources and levels of tannins on live performance and antioxidant response of Ossimi lambs. The J Agri Sci, 158(4): 339-348.
  • Heuzé V, Tran G. 2015. Papaya (Carica papaya) fruits, leaves and by-products. Feedipedia, a programme by INRAE, CIRAD, AFZ and FAO.
  • Jayanegara A, Marquardt S, Wina E, Kreuzer M, Leiber F. 2013. In vitro indications for favourable non-additive effects on ruminal methane mitigation between high-phenolic and high-quality forages. British J Nutri, 109(4): 615-622.
  • Jhaumeer Laulloo S, Bhowon MG, Soyfoo S, Chua LS. 2018. Nutritional and biological evaluation of leaves of Mangifera indica from Mauritius. J Chemistry, 2018: 6869294.
  • Kamalak A, Canbolat Ö, Gürbüz Y, Özay O, Erer M, Özkan ÇÖ. 2005. Kondense taninin rumimant hayvanlar üzerindeki etkileri hakkında bir inceleme. KSÜ Fen ve Müh Derg, 8(1): 132-137.
  • Kavana PY, Mtunda K, Abass A, Rweyendera V. 2005. Promotion of cassava leaves silage utilization for smallholder dairy production in Eastern coast of Tanzania. Livest Res Rural Dev, 17(4): 43.
  • Knight JrRJ. 2002. History, Distribution and Uses. In: A.W. Whiley, B.Schaffer And B.N. Wolstenholme (Eds) The Avocado: Botany, Production and Uses; Cabi Publishing, India. pp: 1-10.
  • Kumar A, Duhan JS. 2011. Production and characterization of amylase enzyme isolated from Aspergillus niger MTCC-104 employing solid state fermentation. Intern J Pharam Biol Sci, 2: B250–B258.
  • Melesse A, Steingass H, Schollenberger M, Rodehutscord M. 2018. Component composition, in vitro gas and methane production profiles of fruit by-products and leaves of root crops. The J Agri Sci, 156(7): 949.
  • Moyo B, Masika BJ, Muchenje V. 2014. Effect of feeding Moringa (Moringa oleifera) leaf meal on the physico-chemical characteristics and sensory properties of goat meat. South Afric J Anim Sci, 44(1): 64-70.
  • Noviadi R, Zairiful Z, Candra AA. 2017. Improvement of carbon-to-nitrogen (c/n) ratio by making cassava leaf silage and its implications in digestibility in goat. Bangladesh J Vet Medicine, 15(2): 127-132.
  • Odusanya LQ, Fasae OA, Adewumi OO, James IJ. 2017. Effect of cassava leaf meal concentrate diets on the performance, haematology and carcass characteristics of West African Dwarf lambs. Archivos de Zootecnia, 66(256): 603-609.
  • Paengkoum P, Traiyakun S, Khotsakdee J, Srisaikham S, Paengkoum S. 2012. Evaluating the degradability of the guava and jack fruit leaves using in sacco technique and three-step techniques. Pakistan J Nutr, 11(1): 16-20.
  • Phengvilaysouk A, Wanapat M. 2008. Study on the effect of harvesting frequency on cassava foliage for cassava hay production and its nutritive value. Livestock Res for Rural Dev, 20(9).
  • Prachyalak P, Poatong S, Wanasitchaiwat V. 2001. Utilization of pineapple crowns as a roughage for fattening cattle. Annual Report on Animal Nutrition Division 2001, Department of Livestock Development. Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, Thailand.
  • Ravindran V. 1993. Cassava leaves as animal feed: potential and limitations. J Sci of Food and Agri, 61(2): 141-150.
  • Sanchez NR, Ledin S, Ledin I. 2006. Biomass production and chemical composition of Moringa oleifera under different management regimes in Nicaragua. Agroforestry Sys, 66(3): 231-242.
  • Sarıçiçek BZ. 2007. Küçükbaş ve Büyükbaş Hayvan Besleme. OMÜ. Ziraat Fakültesi, Samsun, Türkiye Yay. No: 37, Ders Kitabı. Samun, Turkey. pp: 435.
  • Somarriba E. 1985. Guava trees (Psidium guajava L.) in pastures. 2. Fruit consumption and seed dispersion. Turrialba, 35(4).
  • Velarde EDA, Martínez DLP, Salem AZ, García PGM, Berasain MDM. 2020. Antioxidant and antimicrobial capacity of three agroindustrial residues as animal feeds. Agroforestry Sys, 94(4): 1393-1402.
  • Wakasa K. 1989. Pineapple (Ananas comosus L. Merr.). Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry, Vol. 5 'frees II (ed. by Y. P. S. Bajaj) © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, Germany.
  • Wanapat M, Phesatcha K, Viennasay B, Phesatcha B, Ampapon T, Kang S. 2018. Strategic supplementation of cassava top silage to enhance rumen fermentation and milk production in lactating dairy cows in the tropics. Tropical Anim Health and Prod, 50: 1539-1546.
  • Wanapat M. 2002. The role of cassava hay as animal feed. In: Research and Development in Asia: Exploring New Opportunities for an Ancient Crop, R. H. Howeler (ed.), Proc. 7th regional cassava workshop.
  • Yamassaki FT, Campestrini LH, Zawadzki-Baggio SF, Maurer JBB. 2017. Avocado leaves: influence of drying process, thermal incubation, and storage conditions on preservation of polyphenolic compounds and antioxidant activity. Int J Food Prop, 20(S2): S2280–S2293.
Toplam 46 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Orman Endüstri Mühendisliği
Bölüm Reviews

Gbetolossi Gbaguıdı 0000-0002-3866-7121

Zehra Sarıçiçek 0000-0003-2138-793X

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Temmuz 2021
Gönderilme Tarihi 3 Şubat 2021
Kabul Tarihi 8 Haziran 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021

Kaynak Göster

APA Gbaguıdı, G., & Sarıçiçek, Z. (2021). Availability of Some Tropical Plants as Alternative Roughage Source in Ruminant Feeding. Black Sea Journal of Agriculture, 4(3), 107-111.
