Yıl 2021,
, 103 - 106, 01.07.2021
Gürkan Gürdil
Mahtem Mengstu
Tesfit Medhn
- Demirel B, Gürdil GAK. 2014. Evaluation of waste/residues produced as a result of agricultural activities as solid biofuel. In: Proceedings of the Energy Agriculture and Biofuels 4th National Workshop Proceedings, 28-29 May, Samsun, Turkey, 229-238.
- Elias WG, Shabbir HG. 2018. Potential of bio-energy production in Ethiopia based on available biomass residues. Biomass and Bioenergy. 111: 77-87.
- Friedl A, Padouvas E, Rotter H, Varmuza K. 2005. Prediction of heating values of biomass fuel from elemental composition. Anal Chim Acta, 544: 191-198.
- Hiloidhari M, Baruah DC. 2011. Crop residue biomass for decentralized electrical power generation in rural areas (part 1): investigation of spatial availability. Renew Sustain Energy Rev, 15: 1885-1892.
- Jekayinfa SO, Scholz V. 2009. Potential availability of energetically usable crop residues in Nigeria Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery. Util Environ Effects, 31: 687-697.
- Kaygusuz K. 2011. Energy services and energy poverty for sustainable rural development, Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev, 15: 936-947.
- Kimutai SK, Muumbo AM, Siagi ZO, Kiprop AK. 2014. A study on agricultural residues as a substitute to fire wood in Kenya: A Review on Major Crops. Energy Technol Policy, 4: 2224-3232.
- Long H, Li X, Wang H, Jia J. 2013. Biomass resources and their bioenergy potential estimation: a review. Renew Sustain Energy Rev, 26: 344-352.
- Mirkouei A, Haapala K. R, Sessions J, Murthy G. S. 2017. A mixed biomass-based energy supply chain for enhancing economic and environmental sustainability benefits: A multi-criteria decision making framework. Applied Energy. vol 206: issue C, 1088-1101
- Mohtasham J. 2015. Review Article-Renewable Energies. Energy Procedia, 74: 1289-1297.
- Onochie UP, Aliu SA., Itabor N., Damisah LE, Eyakwanor TO. 2015. A Review on the use of biomass energy for electricity generation: Environmental impact on climate. Int J Eng Sci Res Tech, 4(9): 674-681.
- Perea-Moreno A, Samerón-Manzano E, Perea-Moreno J. 2019. Biomass as renewable energy: Worldwide research trends. Sustainability, 11: 863.
- Semere H. 2001. Current energy uses and technologies in rural Eritrea. In: Proceedings of the National Policy Seminar on Energy for Rural Development in Eritrea, 2-3 November, Asmara, Eritrea, 257-258.
- Singh J, Panesar BS, Sharma SK. 2008. Energy potential through crop biomass using geographical information system - a cases study of Punjab. Biomass Bioenergy, 32: 301-307.
- Terrapon-Pfaff JC, Fischedick M, Monheim H. 2012. Energy potentials and sustainability- the case of sisal residues in Tanzania. Energy Sustain Dev, 16: 312-319.
- Van den D, Vis M.W. 2014. Harmonization of biomass resource assessments, best practices and methods handbook. Biomass Energy Europe, BTG Biomass Technology Group B.V, Enschede, Netherlands, 1th ed., pp 1.
- Yang Y, Brammer JG, Wright DG, Scott JA, Serrano C, Bridgwater AV. 2017. Combined heat and power from the intermediate pyrolysis of biomass materials: performance, economics and environmental impact. Applied Energy, 191: 639-652.
- Zabaniotou A, Ioannidou O, Antonakou E, Lappas A. 2008. Experimental study of Pyrolysis for potential energy, hydrogen and carbon material production from lignocellulosic biomass. Int J Hydrogen Energy, 33: 2433-2444.
- Zemenfes, T. 2001. Energy and rural development. In: Proceedings of the National Policy Seminar on Energy for Rural Development in Eritrea, 2-3 November, Asmara, Eritrea, 278-281.
- Zulu C, Richardson B. 2013. Charcoal, livelihoods and poverty reduction: evidence from sub-Saharan Africa. Energy Sustain Dev, 17: 127-137.
Biomass Energy Potential from Agricultural Residues in Eritrea
Yıl 2021,
, 103 - 106, 01.07.2021
Gürkan Gürdil
Mahtem Mengstu
Tesfit Medhn
This study aimed to estimate the amount of biomass energy that can be acquired from crop residues in Eritrea, a country in the horn of Africa with a population of 6 million and having a national income per capita is around 150 US dollars. It’s an agricultural country. The energy potential of crop residues was calculated by considering the calorific values and the amount of available residue. For the year 2015, the total calorific value of agricultural residues was estimated approximately 1332.34TJ. According to the amount of agricultural residues, the most contributing crops were sorghum (50%) and millet (27%). Thus, it can be inferred that knowing the particular and general biomass energy potential of agricultural residues could help in managing energy sources and planning projects.
- Demirel B, Gürdil GAK. 2014. Evaluation of waste/residues produced as a result of agricultural activities as solid biofuel. In: Proceedings of the Energy Agriculture and Biofuels 4th National Workshop Proceedings, 28-29 May, Samsun, Turkey, 229-238.
- Elias WG, Shabbir HG. 2018. Potential of bio-energy production in Ethiopia based on available biomass residues. Biomass and Bioenergy. 111: 77-87.
- Friedl A, Padouvas E, Rotter H, Varmuza K. 2005. Prediction of heating values of biomass fuel from elemental composition. Anal Chim Acta, 544: 191-198.
- Hiloidhari M, Baruah DC. 2011. Crop residue biomass for decentralized electrical power generation in rural areas (part 1): investigation of spatial availability. Renew Sustain Energy Rev, 15: 1885-1892.
- Jekayinfa SO, Scholz V. 2009. Potential availability of energetically usable crop residues in Nigeria Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery. Util Environ Effects, 31: 687-697.
- Kaygusuz K. 2011. Energy services and energy poverty for sustainable rural development, Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev, 15: 936-947.
- Kimutai SK, Muumbo AM, Siagi ZO, Kiprop AK. 2014. A study on agricultural residues as a substitute to fire wood in Kenya: A Review on Major Crops. Energy Technol Policy, 4: 2224-3232.
- Long H, Li X, Wang H, Jia J. 2013. Biomass resources and their bioenergy potential estimation: a review. Renew Sustain Energy Rev, 26: 344-352.
- Mirkouei A, Haapala K. R, Sessions J, Murthy G. S. 2017. A mixed biomass-based energy supply chain for enhancing economic and environmental sustainability benefits: A multi-criteria decision making framework. Applied Energy. vol 206: issue C, 1088-1101
- Mohtasham J. 2015. Review Article-Renewable Energies. Energy Procedia, 74: 1289-1297.
- Onochie UP, Aliu SA., Itabor N., Damisah LE, Eyakwanor TO. 2015. A Review on the use of biomass energy for electricity generation: Environmental impact on climate. Int J Eng Sci Res Tech, 4(9): 674-681.
- Perea-Moreno A, Samerón-Manzano E, Perea-Moreno J. 2019. Biomass as renewable energy: Worldwide research trends. Sustainability, 11: 863.
- Semere H. 2001. Current energy uses and technologies in rural Eritrea. In: Proceedings of the National Policy Seminar on Energy for Rural Development in Eritrea, 2-3 November, Asmara, Eritrea, 257-258.
- Singh J, Panesar BS, Sharma SK. 2008. Energy potential through crop biomass using geographical information system - a cases study of Punjab. Biomass Bioenergy, 32: 301-307.
- Terrapon-Pfaff JC, Fischedick M, Monheim H. 2012. Energy potentials and sustainability- the case of sisal residues in Tanzania. Energy Sustain Dev, 16: 312-319.
- Van den D, Vis M.W. 2014. Harmonization of biomass resource assessments, best practices and methods handbook. Biomass Energy Europe, BTG Biomass Technology Group B.V, Enschede, Netherlands, 1th ed., pp 1.
- Yang Y, Brammer JG, Wright DG, Scott JA, Serrano C, Bridgwater AV. 2017. Combined heat and power from the intermediate pyrolysis of biomass materials: performance, economics and environmental impact. Applied Energy, 191: 639-652.
- Zabaniotou A, Ioannidou O, Antonakou E, Lappas A. 2008. Experimental study of Pyrolysis for potential energy, hydrogen and carbon material production from lignocellulosic biomass. Int J Hydrogen Energy, 33: 2433-2444.
- Zemenfes, T. 2001. Energy and rural development. In: Proceedings of the National Policy Seminar on Energy for Rural Development in Eritrea, 2-3 November, Asmara, Eritrea, 278-281.
- Zulu C, Richardson B. 2013. Charcoal, livelihoods and poverty reduction: evidence from sub-Saharan Africa. Energy Sustain Dev, 17: 127-137.