BibTex RIS Kaynak Göster
Yıl 2021, , 146 - 152, 01.10.2021



  • Agamuthu, P. 2009. Challenges and opportunities in Agro-waste management: An Asian perspective. Inaugural meeting of First Regional 3R Forum in Asia. 11 -12 Nov., Tokyo, Japan.
  • Avcioğlu A, Türker U. 2012.Status and potential of biogas energy from animal wastes in Turkey, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 16, 1557-1561.
  • Balat M. 2010. Security of energy supply in Turkey: challenges and solutions. Energy Convers Manag, 51:1998–2011.
  • Çöpür Y, Güler C, Akgül M, Tasçıoglu C. 2007. Some chemical properties of hazelnut husk and its suitability for particleboard production. Building and Environment 42 (2007), 2568–2572.
  • Das O, Sarmah K, Bhattacharyya D, 2015b. A novel approach in organic waste utilization through biochar addition in wood/polypropylene composites. Waste Manage. 38, 132–140.
  • Demirbaş A. 2001. Biomass resource facilities and biomass conversion processing for fuels and chemicals. Energy Convers Manag, 42, 1357–78.
  • Dumanli A, Gulyurtlu I, Yürüm Y. 2007. Fuel supply chain analysis of Turkey. Renew Sustain Energy Rev,11, 2058–82.
  • Ergudenler A. Isıgıgur A. 1994. Agricultural residues as a potential resource for environmentally sustainable electric power generation in Turkey, Renew. Energy 5 786e790.
  • Ferreira P, Cruz J, Fangueiro R. 2019. Surface modification of natural fibers in polymer composites. In: Green Composites for Automotive Applications. Woodhead Publishing.
  • Hass A, Gonzalez M, Lima M, Godwin W, Halvorson J, Boyer G, 2012. Chicken manure biochar as liming and nutrient source for acid Appalachian soil. J. Environ. Qual, 41, 1096–1106.
  • Hamawand I, Sandell G, Pittaway P, Chakrabarty S, Yusaf T, Chen G, Seneweera S, Al-Lwayzy S, Bennett J, Hopf J. 2016. Bioenergy from Cotton Industry Wastes: A review and potential. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 66, 435-448.
  • Jacinthe A, Shukla, K, Ikemura Y. 2011. Carbon pools and soil biochemical properties in manure-based organic farming systems of semi-arid New Mexico, Soil Use Manage, 27 (4), 453-463.
  • Kambo S, Dutta A. 2015. A comparative review of biochar and hydrochar interms of production, physico-chemical properties and applications. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 45, 359–378.
  • Lewu F, Volova T, Thomas S, Rakhimol K. 2021. Controlled Release Fertilizers for Sustainable Agriculture, Academic Press,Pages 25-39.
  • Liu J, Jia C, He C. 2012. Rice Straw and Cornstarch Biodegradable Composites. AASRI Procedia, 3, 83-88.
  • Mokwunye, U. 2000. Meeting the phosphorus Needs of the soils and crops of West Africa: The Role of Indigenous Phosphate rocks. Paper presented on Balanced Nutrition Management systems for the Moist Savanna and Humid Forest Zones of Africa at a symposium organized by IITA at Ku Leuva at Cotonun, Benin Republic, October 9-12. 2000.
  • Mu, D, Seager T, Rao, P, Zhao, F. 2010. Comparative life cycle assessment of lingo-cellulosic ethanol production: biochemical versus thermochemical conversion. Environ. Manage. 46 (4), 565578.
  • Neumann J, Binder S, Apfelbacher A, Gasson R, García R, Hornung A. 2015. Production and characterization of a new quality pyrolysis oil, char and syngas from digestate – introducing the thermo-catalytic reforming process. Anal. Appl. Pyrol, 113, 137–142.
  • Obi1 F, Ugwuishiwu B, Nwakaire J. 2016. Agricultural Waste Concept, Generation, Utilization and Management. Nigerian Journal of Technology (NIJOTECH), 35, pp. 957 – 964.
  • Okello C, Pindozzi S, Faugno S, Boccia L. 2013. Bioenergy potential of agricultural and forest residues in Uganda, Biomass Bioenergy, 56 515e525.
  • Onurbas A, Avcıoglu, Türker U, Atasoy Z, Koçtürk D. 2011. Tarımsal K€okenli Yenilenebilir Enerjiler-Biyoyakıtlar, Nobel Yayınevi, Ankara, 978-605- 5426-71-2, 519 s.
  • Ozturk H.H., Bascetincelik A. 2006. Energy exploitation of agricultural biomass potential in Turkey. Energy Explor, 24, 313e330.
  • Ozturk M, Saba N, Altay V, Iqbal R, Hakeem K. R, Jawaid M, Ibrahim F.H. 2017. Biomass and Bioenergy: An overview of the development potential in Turkey and Malaysia. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 79, Pages 1285-1302.
  • Özbay N, Pütün E, Uzun B, Pütün E. 2001. Biocrude from biomass: Pyrolysis of Cotton seed cake. Renew Energy, 24:615–25.
  • Riva G, Foppapedretti E, Caralis C. 2014. Handbook on Renewable Energy Sources-Biomass ENER SUPPLY,p. 157.
  • Roberts G, Gloy A, Joseph S, Scott R, Lehmann J. 2009. Life cycle assessment of biochar systems: estimating the energetic, economic, and climate change potential. Environ. Sci. Technol, 44, 827–833.
  • Scarlat N, Martinov M, Dallemand J. 2010. Assessment of the availability of agricultural crop residues in the European Union: Potential and limitations for bioenergy use. Waste Management, 30, 1889-1897.
  • Schouten S, Groenigen W, Oenema O, Cayuela L. 2012. Bioenergy from cattle manure? Implications of anaerobic digestion and subsequent pyrolysis for carbon and nitrogen dynamics in soil. Glob. Change Biol. Bioenergy, 4, 751–760.
  • Summers D, Jenkins M, Hyde R, Williams F, Mutters G, Scardacci C, Hair W. 2003. Biomass production and allocation in rice with implications for straw harvesting and utilization. Biomass and Bioenergy, 24, 163–173.
  • Väisänen T, Haapala A, Lappalainen R, Tomppo L. 2016.Utilization of agricultural and forest industry waste and residues in natural fiber-polymer composites: A review, Waste Management, 54, 62-73.
  • Vinod A, Sanjay M, Suchart S, Jyotishkumar P. 2020. Renewable and sustainable biobased materials: An assessment on biofibers, biofilms, biopolymers and biocomposites, Journal of Cleaner Production, 258.
  • Wang Z, Zhang S, Wang Z, Ren, Y. 2009. Effects of cross-linking on mechanical and physical properties of agricultural residues/recycled thermoplastics composites. Industrial Crops and Products, 29 (1), 133–138.

Utilization of Agricultural Wastes for Sustainable Development

Yıl 2021, , 146 - 152, 01.10.2021


Embracing the idea of recycling wastes or changing waste to energy and other materials is an indispensable choice for sustainable development, and it is also a principal waste management mechanism. This study principally focuses on the utilization of agricultural wastes for sustainable development in areas related to organic manure usage, bioenergy production from the agricultural residues, and manufacturing of biocomposites. This article also addresses the potential of agricultural wastes in particular regions and the extent of their utilization to come up with a broader understanding of their effectiveness and practicality.


  • Agamuthu, P. 2009. Challenges and opportunities in Agro-waste management: An Asian perspective. Inaugural meeting of First Regional 3R Forum in Asia. 11 -12 Nov., Tokyo, Japan.
  • Avcioğlu A, Türker U. 2012.Status and potential of biogas energy from animal wastes in Turkey, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 16, 1557-1561.
  • Balat M. 2010. Security of energy supply in Turkey: challenges and solutions. Energy Convers Manag, 51:1998–2011.
  • Çöpür Y, Güler C, Akgül M, Tasçıoglu C. 2007. Some chemical properties of hazelnut husk and its suitability for particleboard production. Building and Environment 42 (2007), 2568–2572.
  • Das O, Sarmah K, Bhattacharyya D, 2015b. A novel approach in organic waste utilization through biochar addition in wood/polypropylene composites. Waste Manage. 38, 132–140.
  • Demirbaş A. 2001. Biomass resource facilities and biomass conversion processing for fuels and chemicals. Energy Convers Manag, 42, 1357–78.
  • Dumanli A, Gulyurtlu I, Yürüm Y. 2007. Fuel supply chain analysis of Turkey. Renew Sustain Energy Rev,11, 2058–82.
  • Ergudenler A. Isıgıgur A. 1994. Agricultural residues as a potential resource for environmentally sustainable electric power generation in Turkey, Renew. Energy 5 786e790.
  • Ferreira P, Cruz J, Fangueiro R. 2019. Surface modification of natural fibers in polymer composites. In: Green Composites for Automotive Applications. Woodhead Publishing.
  • Hass A, Gonzalez M, Lima M, Godwin W, Halvorson J, Boyer G, 2012. Chicken manure biochar as liming and nutrient source for acid Appalachian soil. J. Environ. Qual, 41, 1096–1106.
  • Hamawand I, Sandell G, Pittaway P, Chakrabarty S, Yusaf T, Chen G, Seneweera S, Al-Lwayzy S, Bennett J, Hopf J. 2016. Bioenergy from Cotton Industry Wastes: A review and potential. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 66, 435-448.
  • Jacinthe A, Shukla, K, Ikemura Y. 2011. Carbon pools and soil biochemical properties in manure-based organic farming systems of semi-arid New Mexico, Soil Use Manage, 27 (4), 453-463.
  • Kambo S, Dutta A. 2015. A comparative review of biochar and hydrochar interms of production, physico-chemical properties and applications. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 45, 359–378.
  • Lewu F, Volova T, Thomas S, Rakhimol K. 2021. Controlled Release Fertilizers for Sustainable Agriculture, Academic Press,Pages 25-39.
  • Liu J, Jia C, He C. 2012. Rice Straw and Cornstarch Biodegradable Composites. AASRI Procedia, 3, 83-88.
  • Mokwunye, U. 2000. Meeting the phosphorus Needs of the soils and crops of West Africa: The Role of Indigenous Phosphate rocks. Paper presented on Balanced Nutrition Management systems for the Moist Savanna and Humid Forest Zones of Africa at a symposium organized by IITA at Ku Leuva at Cotonun, Benin Republic, October 9-12. 2000.
  • Mu, D, Seager T, Rao, P, Zhao, F. 2010. Comparative life cycle assessment of lingo-cellulosic ethanol production: biochemical versus thermochemical conversion. Environ. Manage. 46 (4), 565578.
  • Neumann J, Binder S, Apfelbacher A, Gasson R, García R, Hornung A. 2015. Production and characterization of a new quality pyrolysis oil, char and syngas from digestate – introducing the thermo-catalytic reforming process. Anal. Appl. Pyrol, 113, 137–142.
  • Obi1 F, Ugwuishiwu B, Nwakaire J. 2016. Agricultural Waste Concept, Generation, Utilization and Management. Nigerian Journal of Technology (NIJOTECH), 35, pp. 957 – 964.
  • Okello C, Pindozzi S, Faugno S, Boccia L. 2013. Bioenergy potential of agricultural and forest residues in Uganda, Biomass Bioenergy, 56 515e525.
  • Onurbas A, Avcıoglu, Türker U, Atasoy Z, Koçtürk D. 2011. Tarımsal K€okenli Yenilenebilir Enerjiler-Biyoyakıtlar, Nobel Yayınevi, Ankara, 978-605- 5426-71-2, 519 s.
  • Ozturk H.H., Bascetincelik A. 2006. Energy exploitation of agricultural biomass potential in Turkey. Energy Explor, 24, 313e330.
  • Ozturk M, Saba N, Altay V, Iqbal R, Hakeem K. R, Jawaid M, Ibrahim F.H. 2017. Biomass and Bioenergy: An overview of the development potential in Turkey and Malaysia. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 79, Pages 1285-1302.
  • Özbay N, Pütün E, Uzun B, Pütün E. 2001. Biocrude from biomass: Pyrolysis of Cotton seed cake. Renew Energy, 24:615–25.
  • Riva G, Foppapedretti E, Caralis C. 2014. Handbook on Renewable Energy Sources-Biomass ENER SUPPLY,p. 157.
  • Roberts G, Gloy A, Joseph S, Scott R, Lehmann J. 2009. Life cycle assessment of biochar systems: estimating the energetic, economic, and climate change potential. Environ. Sci. Technol, 44, 827–833.
  • Scarlat N, Martinov M, Dallemand J. 2010. Assessment of the availability of agricultural crop residues in the European Union: Potential and limitations for bioenergy use. Waste Management, 30, 1889-1897.
  • Schouten S, Groenigen W, Oenema O, Cayuela L. 2012. Bioenergy from cattle manure? Implications of anaerobic digestion and subsequent pyrolysis for carbon and nitrogen dynamics in soil. Glob. Change Biol. Bioenergy, 4, 751–760.
  • Summers D, Jenkins M, Hyde R, Williams F, Mutters G, Scardacci C, Hair W. 2003. Biomass production and allocation in rice with implications for straw harvesting and utilization. Biomass and Bioenergy, 24, 163–173.
  • Väisänen T, Haapala A, Lappalainen R, Tomppo L. 2016.Utilization of agricultural and forest industry waste and residues in natural fiber-polymer composites: A review, Waste Management, 54, 62-73.
  • Vinod A, Sanjay M, Suchart S, Jyotishkumar P. 2020. Renewable and sustainable biobased materials: An assessment on biofibers, biofilms, biopolymers and biocomposites, Journal of Cleaner Production, 258.
  • Wang Z, Zhang S, Wang Z, Ren, Y. 2009. Effects of cross-linking on mechanical and physical properties of agricultural residues/recycled thermoplastics composites. Industrial Crops and Products, 29 (1), 133–138.
Toplam 32 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Ziraat Mühendisliği
Bölüm Reviews

Gürkan Gürdil 0000-0001-7764-3977

Mahtem Mengstu 0000-0001-5768-9150

Ako K Omer 0000-0003-2584-6945

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ekim 2021
Gönderilme Tarihi 16 Haziran 2021
Kabul Tarihi 15 Eylül 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021

Kaynak Göster

APA Gürdil, G., Mengstu, M., & Omer, A. K. (2021). Utilization of Agricultural Wastes for Sustainable Development. Black Sea Journal of Agriculture, 4(4), 146-152.
