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Fungal Diseases in Fish

Yıl 2022, , 48 - 52, 01.01.2022


Fungal diseases of fish have become increasingly important, over the past 20 years. The traditional ‘‘fungi’’ are comprised of members from several different taxonomic kingdoms. An increasing number of other environmental fungi are being reported from diseased fish, further testament to the opportunistic nature of many fungi. Active fungal agents living in waters cause infections in juvenile and adult individuals in fish populations, leading to decay in eggs and larvae. Fungal infections that are generally observed as a secondary infection in fish populations become established in lesions caused as a result of mechanical injury by bacterial, viral, and parasitic primary agents, consequently causing a change in the prognosis of the disease. Fungi, however, can cause disease under a variety of other circumstances. Some may be more aggressive and play a more primary role. Fungi can be external or internal, and systemic. Fungi can cause problems during reproduction, for example, by infecting fertilized eggs in spawns. Certain species of fungi can grow in poorly stored feeds and produce mycotoxins. Fungal diseases, in general, are very difficult to control or treat once they have taken hold. Prevention is, as always, the best medicine. Increased knowledge of basic biology will help guide treatment and control methods. This review study sought to provide insights into the fungal diseases of wild or farmed fish introduced onto the market.

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  • Adeshina I, Amoka PO, Tiamiyu LO, Abubakar MI, Adesanmi O. 2019. Natural formation and pathological effects of branchiomyces species in farm-grown African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) in Ilorin metropolis. Harran Üni Vet Fak Derg, 28(2): 186-190.
  • Ali EH. 2005. Morphological and biochemical alternations of Oomycetes fish pathogen Saprolegnia parasitica as affected by salinity, ascorbic acid and their synergistic action. Mycopathologia, 159(2): 231-43.
  • Beakers GW, Wood SE, Burr AW. 1994. Features which characterize Saprolegniaisolates from salmonid fish lesions a review. In Salmo saprolegniasis, Edited by G.J. Mueller.U.S. Depart of Energy, Bonnevilla Power Administration, Portland, Oregon, US, pp: 66.
  • Blaylock RB, Overstreet RM, Klich MA. 2001. Mycoses in red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) caused by two deutero mycete fungi (Penicillium corylophilum and Cladosporium sphaerospermum). Hydrobiologia, 460: 221-228.
  • Chalmers GA. 2003. Infectious diseases of silver carp, Hypophthalmichthys molitrix (Valenciennes, 1844). Goldon A Chalmers, DVM Lethbridge, Alberta, US, pp: 56.
  • Chesser B. 2020. Saprolegniasis, aquaculture, fisheries & pond management. URL: (access date: April 11, 2021).
  • Choudhury TG, Singh SK, Parhi J, Barman D, Das BS. 2014. Common fungal diseases of Fish: A review. Environ Ecol, 32(2): 450-456.
  • Dick MW, Vick MC, Gibbings JG, Hedderson TA, Lopez-Lastra C.C. 1999. 18Sr DNA for species of Leptolegnia and other Peronosporomycetes: justification for the subclasstaxa Saprolegniomycetidae and Peronosporomycetidae and division of the Saprolegniaceae sensulato into the Leptolegniaceae and Saprolegniaceae. Mycol Res, 103: 1119–1125.
  • Durborow RM, Wise JD, Terhune JS. 2003. Saprolegniasis (winter fungus) and branchiomycosis of commercially cultured channel catfish, 2003. Southern Regional Aquaculture Publication No, 4700, Stoneville, US, pp: 4.
  • FAO. 2020. Food and Agriculture Organisation Global Fisheries and Aquaculture Production Statistics. Fish Stat J Rome, Italy. URL: (access date: April 20, 2021).
  • Ferguson HW. 1989. Systemic pathology of fish. Ames, IA, Iowa University press 1, Iowa, US, pp: 263.
  • Govind P, Sharma M, Shrivastav AB. 2012. Overviews of the treatment and control of common fish diseases. Int Res J Pharm, 3(7): 123-127.
  • Hodneland K, Karlsbalck E, Skagen DW. 1997. Ichthyophonus hoferi in Norwegian spring spawning herring (Clupea harengus L.). IFM Report, 3: 28.
  • Huchzermeyer KDA, Van der Waal. 2012. Epizootic ulcerative syndrome: Exotic fish disease threatens Africa’s aquatic ecosystems. J South African Vet Assoc, 83: 1-6.
  • Huntsberger CJ, Hamlinb JR, Smolowitza RJ, Smolowitzb RM. 2017. Prevalence and description of Ichthyophonus sp. in yellow tail flounder (Limanda ferruginea) from a seasonal survey on Georges Bank. Fisheries Res, 194: 60-67.
  • İberahim NA, Trusch F, Pietervan W. 2018. Aphanomyces invidans the causal agent of Epizootic Ulcerative Syndrome, is a global threat to wild and farmed fish. Fungal Biology Rev, 32(3):118-130.
  • Jiang RH, de Bruijn I, Haas BJ, Belmonte R, Löbach L, Christie J, Van den Ackerveken G, Bottin A, Bulone V, Díaz Moreno SM. 2013. Distinctive expansion of potential virulencegenes in the genome of the oomycete fish pathogen Saprolegnia parasitica. PLoS Genetics, 9: e1003272.
  • Judy S. 2010. Comparative pathology of fishes. Leger Sea World, San Diego, US, October 20, 2010.
  • Kamilya D, Baruah A. 2014. Epizootic ulcerative syndrome (EUS) in fish: History and current status of understanding. Rev Fish Biol Fisher, 24: 369-380.
  • Khalid Subhi I. 2011. Isolation and pathological study of Branchiomycosis from the commercial pond of common carp (Cyprinuscarpio) fish, in Governorate of Duhok / Iraq. The Iraqi J Vet Medicine, 35(1): 1-9.
  • Khoo L. 2000. Fungal diseases in fish. Avian and Exotic Pet Med, 9(2): 102-111.
  • Kiryu Y, Blazer VS, Vogelbein WK, Kator H, Shields JD. 2005. Factors influencing the sporulation and cystformation of Aphanomyces invadans, etiological agent of ulcerative mycosis in Atlantic menhaden, Brevoortiatyrannus. Mycologia, 97: 569-575.
  • Kocan R, Hershberger P, Sanders G, Winton F. 2009. Effects of temperature on disease progression and swimming stamina in Ichthyophonus-infected rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum). J Fish Diseas, 32: 835-843.
  • Kutama AS, Umar S, Fagwalawa LD, Ahmed MK, Bilkisu AI. 2013. Detection of fish saprolegniasis in thomas dam and challawa commercial fish pond. Global Advanced Research J. Agri Sci, 2(12): 315-321.
  • Lio-Po GD, Lim LHS. 2002. Infectious diseases of warm water fish in fresh water. In: Diseases and Disorders of Finfish in Cage Culture (Ed. by P. T. K. Woo, D. W. Bruno& L. H. S. Lim). CABI Publishing, Wallingford, UK, pp. 231-281.
  • Neish GA, Hughes GC. 1980. Fungal diseases of fishes. THF publication, Neptune, US, pp: 346.
  • Noga EJ. 2010. Fish disease: Diagnosis and treatment”; 2nd Edition. Wiley-Blackwell, New York, US, pp: 536.
  • Pagrut NK, Ganguly S, Jaiswal V, Singh C. 2017. An overview on epizootic ulcerative syndrome of fishes in India: A comprehensive report. J Entomol Zool Stud, 5: 1941-1943.
  • Patel AS, Patel SJ, Bariya AR, Pata BA, Ghodasara SN. 2018. Fungal diseases of fish: A review. J Vet Sci Res, 3(3): 000-164.
  • Podet KR, Benarjee G. 2017. Haematological changes in South Indian fresh water murrel, Channa punctatus have both EUS and A. hydrophila infection. J Parasitic Diseas, 41: 329-335.
  • Ramaiah N. 2006. A review on fungal diseases of algae, marine fishes, shrimps and corals. Indian J Marine Sci, 35: 380-387.
  • Rand TG, Bunkley-Williams S, Williams EH. 2000. A hyphomycetes mantar, Paecilomyceslilacinus, associated with wasting disease in two species of tilapia from Puerto Rico. J Aquatic Anim Health, 2: 149-156.
  • Riad H, Khalil Talaat T, Saad Talal A, AboSelema M, Hany MR. Abdel-Latif A. 2015. Branchiomyces demigrans infection in farm‐reared common carp (cyprinus carpio l.) and nile tilapia (oreochromis niloticus) at different localities in egypt, with special emphasis to the role of environmental stress factors. Int J Innov Stud Aquatic Biol Fisher, 1(1): 15-23.
  • Roberts RJ. 1989. Fish pathology, Second edition. Bailiere Tindall publishers, London, UK, pp: 467.
  • Silphaduang U, Hatai K, Wada S, Noga S. 2000. Cladosporium infection in tomato clown fish. J Zoo Wild Life Med, 31: 259-261.
  • TÜİK. 2018. The Statistical Agency of Turkey, aquaculture statistics 2018. URL: (access date: April 01, 2021).
  • TÜİK. 2019. Statistical Agency of Turkey, aquaculture efficiency report. URL: (access date: April 01, 2021).
  • Yarsan E. 2020. Balık hekimliği. Güneş Tıp Kitap Evi, Ankara, Turkey, pp: 552.
  • Yilmaz E, Yilmaz A, Bilgin B. 2011. Alabalık kuluçkahanelerinde görülen önemli hastalıklar ve tedavi yöntemleri, Türk Bil Derlemeler Derg, (2): 37-39.
  • Zadeh MJ, Peyghan R, Manavi SE. 2014. The detection of ichthyophonus hoferi in naturally infected fresh water ornamental fishes. J Aquacul Res Develop, 5: 289.
Yıl 2022, , 48 - 52, 01.01.2022


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Finansal Açıdan Destekleyen kurum bulunmamaktadır.

Proje Numarası

Proje Numarası bulunmamaktadır.


  • Adeshina I, Amoka PO, Tiamiyu LO, Abubakar MI, Adesanmi O. 2019. Natural formation and pathological effects of branchiomyces species in farm-grown African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) in Ilorin metropolis. Harran Üni Vet Fak Derg, 28(2): 186-190.
  • Ali EH. 2005. Morphological and biochemical alternations of Oomycetes fish pathogen Saprolegnia parasitica as affected by salinity, ascorbic acid and their synergistic action. Mycopathologia, 159(2): 231-43.
  • Beakers GW, Wood SE, Burr AW. 1994. Features which characterize Saprolegniaisolates from salmonid fish lesions a review. In Salmo saprolegniasis, Edited by G.J. Mueller.U.S. Depart of Energy, Bonnevilla Power Administration, Portland, Oregon, US, pp: 66.
  • Blaylock RB, Overstreet RM, Klich MA. 2001. Mycoses in red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) caused by two deutero mycete fungi (Penicillium corylophilum and Cladosporium sphaerospermum). Hydrobiologia, 460: 221-228.
  • Chalmers GA. 2003. Infectious diseases of silver carp, Hypophthalmichthys molitrix (Valenciennes, 1844). Goldon A Chalmers, DVM Lethbridge, Alberta, US, pp: 56.
  • Chesser B. 2020. Saprolegniasis, aquaculture, fisheries & pond management. URL: (access date: April 11, 2021).
  • Choudhury TG, Singh SK, Parhi J, Barman D, Das BS. 2014. Common fungal diseases of Fish: A review. Environ Ecol, 32(2): 450-456.
  • Dick MW, Vick MC, Gibbings JG, Hedderson TA, Lopez-Lastra C.C. 1999. 18Sr DNA for species of Leptolegnia and other Peronosporomycetes: justification for the subclasstaxa Saprolegniomycetidae and Peronosporomycetidae and division of the Saprolegniaceae sensulato into the Leptolegniaceae and Saprolegniaceae. Mycol Res, 103: 1119–1125.
  • Durborow RM, Wise JD, Terhune JS. 2003. Saprolegniasis (winter fungus) and branchiomycosis of commercially cultured channel catfish, 2003. Southern Regional Aquaculture Publication No, 4700, Stoneville, US, pp: 4.
  • FAO. 2020. Food and Agriculture Organisation Global Fisheries and Aquaculture Production Statistics. Fish Stat J Rome, Italy. URL: (access date: April 20, 2021).
  • Ferguson HW. 1989. Systemic pathology of fish. Ames, IA, Iowa University press 1, Iowa, US, pp: 263.
  • Govind P, Sharma M, Shrivastav AB. 2012. Overviews of the treatment and control of common fish diseases. Int Res J Pharm, 3(7): 123-127.
  • Hodneland K, Karlsbalck E, Skagen DW. 1997. Ichthyophonus hoferi in Norwegian spring spawning herring (Clupea harengus L.). IFM Report, 3: 28.
  • Huchzermeyer KDA, Van der Waal. 2012. Epizootic ulcerative syndrome: Exotic fish disease threatens Africa’s aquatic ecosystems. J South African Vet Assoc, 83: 1-6.
  • Huntsberger CJ, Hamlinb JR, Smolowitza RJ, Smolowitzb RM. 2017. Prevalence and description of Ichthyophonus sp. in yellow tail flounder (Limanda ferruginea) from a seasonal survey on Georges Bank. Fisheries Res, 194: 60-67.
  • İberahim NA, Trusch F, Pietervan W. 2018. Aphanomyces invidans the causal agent of Epizootic Ulcerative Syndrome, is a global threat to wild and farmed fish. Fungal Biology Rev, 32(3):118-130.
  • Jiang RH, de Bruijn I, Haas BJ, Belmonte R, Löbach L, Christie J, Van den Ackerveken G, Bottin A, Bulone V, Díaz Moreno SM. 2013. Distinctive expansion of potential virulencegenes in the genome of the oomycete fish pathogen Saprolegnia parasitica. PLoS Genetics, 9: e1003272.
  • Judy S. 2010. Comparative pathology of fishes. Leger Sea World, San Diego, US, October 20, 2010.
  • Kamilya D, Baruah A. 2014. Epizootic ulcerative syndrome (EUS) in fish: History and current status of understanding. Rev Fish Biol Fisher, 24: 369-380.
  • Khalid Subhi I. 2011. Isolation and pathological study of Branchiomycosis from the commercial pond of common carp (Cyprinuscarpio) fish, in Governorate of Duhok / Iraq. The Iraqi J Vet Medicine, 35(1): 1-9.
  • Khoo L. 2000. Fungal diseases in fish. Avian and Exotic Pet Med, 9(2): 102-111.
  • Kiryu Y, Blazer VS, Vogelbein WK, Kator H, Shields JD. 2005. Factors influencing the sporulation and cystformation of Aphanomyces invadans, etiological agent of ulcerative mycosis in Atlantic menhaden, Brevoortiatyrannus. Mycologia, 97: 569-575.
  • Kocan R, Hershberger P, Sanders G, Winton F. 2009. Effects of temperature on disease progression and swimming stamina in Ichthyophonus-infected rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum). J Fish Diseas, 32: 835-843.
  • Kutama AS, Umar S, Fagwalawa LD, Ahmed MK, Bilkisu AI. 2013. Detection of fish saprolegniasis in thomas dam and challawa commercial fish pond. Global Advanced Research J. Agri Sci, 2(12): 315-321.
  • Lio-Po GD, Lim LHS. 2002. Infectious diseases of warm water fish in fresh water. In: Diseases and Disorders of Finfish in Cage Culture (Ed. by P. T. K. Woo, D. W. Bruno& L. H. S. Lim). CABI Publishing, Wallingford, UK, pp. 231-281.
  • Neish GA, Hughes GC. 1980. Fungal diseases of fishes. THF publication, Neptune, US, pp: 346.
  • Noga EJ. 2010. Fish disease: Diagnosis and treatment”; 2nd Edition. Wiley-Blackwell, New York, US, pp: 536.
  • Pagrut NK, Ganguly S, Jaiswal V, Singh C. 2017. An overview on epizootic ulcerative syndrome of fishes in India: A comprehensive report. J Entomol Zool Stud, 5: 1941-1943.
  • Patel AS, Patel SJ, Bariya AR, Pata BA, Ghodasara SN. 2018. Fungal diseases of fish: A review. J Vet Sci Res, 3(3): 000-164.
  • Podet KR, Benarjee G. 2017. Haematological changes in South Indian fresh water murrel, Channa punctatus have both EUS and A. hydrophila infection. J Parasitic Diseas, 41: 329-335.
  • Ramaiah N. 2006. A review on fungal diseases of algae, marine fishes, shrimps and corals. Indian J Marine Sci, 35: 380-387.
  • Rand TG, Bunkley-Williams S, Williams EH. 2000. A hyphomycetes mantar, Paecilomyceslilacinus, associated with wasting disease in two species of tilapia from Puerto Rico. J Aquatic Anim Health, 2: 149-156.
  • Riad H, Khalil Talaat T, Saad Talal A, AboSelema M, Hany MR. Abdel-Latif A. 2015. Branchiomyces demigrans infection in farm‐reared common carp (cyprinus carpio l.) and nile tilapia (oreochromis niloticus) at different localities in egypt, with special emphasis to the role of environmental stress factors. Int J Innov Stud Aquatic Biol Fisher, 1(1): 15-23.
  • Roberts RJ. 1989. Fish pathology, Second edition. Bailiere Tindall publishers, London, UK, pp: 467.
  • Silphaduang U, Hatai K, Wada S, Noga S. 2000. Cladosporium infection in tomato clown fish. J Zoo Wild Life Med, 31: 259-261.
  • TÜİK. 2018. The Statistical Agency of Turkey, aquaculture statistics 2018. URL: (access date: April 01, 2021).
  • TÜİK. 2019. Statistical Agency of Turkey, aquaculture efficiency report. URL: (access date: April 01, 2021).
  • Yarsan E. 2020. Balık hekimliği. Güneş Tıp Kitap Evi, Ankara, Turkey, pp: 552.
  • Yilmaz E, Yilmaz A, Bilgin B. 2011. Alabalık kuluçkahanelerinde görülen önemli hastalıklar ve tedavi yöntemleri, Türk Bil Derlemeler Derg, (2): 37-39.
  • Zadeh MJ, Peyghan R, Manavi SE. 2014. The detection of ichthyophonus hoferi in naturally infected fresh water ornamental fishes. J Aquacul Res Develop, 5: 289.
Toplam 40 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Hidrobiyoloji
Bölüm Reviews

Filiz Özcan 0000-0003-4767-9893

Neval Berrin Arserim 0000-0002-7097-0091

Proje Numarası Proje Numarası bulunmamaktadır.
Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ocak 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 16 Ağustos 2021
Kabul Tarihi 7 Ekim 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022

Kaynak Göster

APA Özcan, F., & Arserim, N. B. (2022). Fungal Diseases in Fish. Black Sea Journal of Agriculture, 5(1), 48-52.
