An Alternative Approach to the Conservation of Feed Plants: Microbial Protectors
Yıl 2018,
Cilt: 1 Sayı: 1, 20 - 23, 01.01.2018
Ahmet Akdağ
Ali Vaiz Garipoğlu
Different losses (washing losses, mechanical losses etc) occurred during field drying process of
forages lead to losses in nutrient contents, especially protein and soluble carbohydrates. The extent of these losses
increases due to the field drying time of forages. This fact encouraged the researchers to find methods which
enable the rapid movement of forages from field to barn. One of these methods is to use microbial preservatives
which enable the storage of forages with high moisture levels (27-28%) without any quality losses. In this study, it
was discussed the possibilities of using microbial preservatives for conservation of forages.
- Bass AE, Philipp D, Coffey KP, Caldwell JD, Rhein RT, Young AN, Coblenz WK. 2012. Chemical composition, intake by sheep, and in situ disappearance in cannulated cows of bermudagrass hayed at two moisture concentrations and treated with a non-viableLactobacillus-lactic acid preservative. Anim Feed Sci Tech, 171: 43-51.
- Cherney JH, Johnson KD, Tuite J, Volenec JJ. 1987. Microfloral and compositional changes in alfalfa hay treated with sodium diacetate and stored at different moisture contents. Anim Feed Sci Tech, 17: 45-56.
- Coblentz WK, Turner IE, Scarbrough DA, Lesmerster KE, Keilogg DW, Coffey KP, Mc Beth LJ. 1999. Storage characteristic of Bermuda grass hay as affected by moisture content and density of square bales Arkansas. Agri Exper Stat Res, 470: 154–161.
- Coblentz WK, Bertram MG. 2012. Effects of a propionic acidbased preservative on storage characteristics nutritive value and energy content for alfalfa hays packaed in large round bales. J Dairy Sci, 95(1): 340-342.
- Duchaine C, Lavoie MC, Cormier Y. 1995. Effects of bacterial hay preservative (Pediococcus pentosaceus) on hay under experimental storage conditions. Appl Envir Micro, 4240-4243.
- Dulcet E. 1998. Gru¨ nfutterkonservierung Wie flu¨ ssige Pra¨ parate im Aufsammelhacksler zudosieren? [Ensiling of green forage How to apply liquid additives in a forage harvester? Landtechnik, 4: 272.
- Dulcet E, Woropay M. 2000. Analysis of liquid additives loss when applied to green forage in a forage harvester. Appl Engin Agri, 16(6): 653–656.
- Dulcet E, Woropay M, Borowski S, Kaszkowiak J, Haczkiewicz T. 2004. Analysis of uniformity of the application of granulated additive to hay during harvesting with the baler. Proceedings of the 4th Asia-Pacific Conference on System Integrity and Maintenance The Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur India pp 233–239.
- Dulcet E, Kaszkowiak J, Borowski S, Mikoajczak J. 2006. Effects of Microbiological Additive on Baled. Wet Hay Biosyst Eng, 95(3): 379-384
Karabulut A. 1995 Yemler Bilgisi ve Yem Teknolojisi. UÜ Zir Fak Ders Notları No:67 Bursa.
- Kellner D, Becker M. 1979. Podstawy Zywienia Zwierza˛t The Fundamentals of Animal Nutrition Pan´stwowe Wydawnictwo Rolniczei Les´ne Warszawa Poland.
- McBeth LJ, Coffey KP, Coblentz WK, Turner JE, Scarbrough DA, Bailey CR, Stivarius MR. 2001 Impact of heating- degree-day accumulation during bermudagrass hay storage on nutrient utilization by lambs. J Anim Sci, 79: 2698-2703.
- Nelson ML, Klopfenstein TJ, Britton A. 1989a. Control of fermentation in high-moisture baled alfalfa inoculation with lactic acid producing bacteria: large round bales. J Anim Sci, 26: 1369-1374.
- Nelson ML, Headley DM, Loesche JA. 1989b. Control of fermentation in high-moisture baled alfalfa inoculation with lactic acid producing bacteria: small rectangular bales. J Anim Sci, 67: 1586-1592.
- Mahanna B. 1994. Hay additive review. Twenty Fourth National alfalfa Symposium, February 24-25 Springfield.
- Poppi DP, Hughes TP, Lhuillier PJ. 1987. Intake of pasture by grazing ruminantsIn: NICOL AM (Ed) Livestock feeding on pasture. New Zealand Soc Anim Prod, 55-64.
- Rotz CA, Davis RJ, Buckmaster DR, Allen MS. 1991. Preservation of alfalfa hay with propionic acid. Appl Engin Agri, 7 (1): 33-43.
Rotz CA. 1995. Field curing of foragesın: post-harvest physiology and preservation of forages. CSSA Special Publication, No:22 crop Sci Soc Agron and Am Soc Agron Madis WIpp39-65.
- Wittenberg KM. 1993. Nutritive value of high moisture alfalfa hay preserved with Pediococcus pentosaceus. Canadian J Anim Sci, 74: 229-234.
Yıl 2018,
Cilt: 1 Sayı: 1, 20 - 23, 01.01.2018
Ahmet Akdağ
Ali Vaiz Garipoğlu
Kaba yemlerin kurutulması sırasında farklı şekillerde gerçekleşen olaylar (yıkanma kayıpları, mekanik kayıplar vb) başta protein ve çözünebilir karbonhidratlar olmak üzere tüm besin maddelerinde kayıplara neden olmaktadır. Bu kayıpların düzeyi kaba yemlerin kurutulmak üzere tarlada bekletilme süresinin uzamasına bağlı olarak artmaktadır. Bu durum araştırıcıları kaba yemlerin mümkün olan en kısa sürede tarladan depoya kaldırılmasına imkan verecek yolları araştırmaya yönlendirmiştir. İşte bu yollardan birisi de kaba yemlerin yüksek nem düzeylerinde (%27-28) herhangi bir kalite kaybına uğramaksızın depolanmalarını sağlayan mikrobiyal koruyucuların kullanılmasıdır. Bu çalışmada, kaba yemlerin muhafazasında mikrobiyal koruyucuların kullanım imkânları irdelenmiştir
- Bass AE, Philipp D, Coffey KP, Caldwell JD, Rhein RT, Young AN, Coblenz WK. 2012. Chemical composition, intake by sheep, and in situ disappearance in cannulated cows of bermudagrass hayed at two moisture concentrations and treated with a non-viableLactobacillus-lactic acid preservative. Anim Feed Sci Tech, 171: 43-51.
- Cherney JH, Johnson KD, Tuite J, Volenec JJ. 1987. Microfloral and compositional changes in alfalfa hay treated with sodium diacetate and stored at different moisture contents. Anim Feed Sci Tech, 17: 45-56.
- Coblentz WK, Turner IE, Scarbrough DA, Lesmerster KE, Keilogg DW, Coffey KP, Mc Beth LJ. 1999. Storage characteristic of Bermuda grass hay as affected by moisture content and density of square bales Arkansas. Agri Exper Stat Res, 470: 154–161.
- Coblentz WK, Bertram MG. 2012. Effects of a propionic acidbased preservative on storage characteristics nutritive value and energy content for alfalfa hays packaed in large round bales. J Dairy Sci, 95(1): 340-342.
- Duchaine C, Lavoie MC, Cormier Y. 1995. Effects of bacterial hay preservative (Pediococcus pentosaceus) on hay under experimental storage conditions. Appl Envir Micro, 4240-4243.
- Dulcet E. 1998. Gru¨ nfutterkonservierung Wie flu¨ ssige Pra¨ parate im Aufsammelhacksler zudosieren? [Ensiling of green forage How to apply liquid additives in a forage harvester? Landtechnik, 4: 272.
- Dulcet E, Woropay M. 2000. Analysis of liquid additives loss when applied to green forage in a forage harvester. Appl Engin Agri, 16(6): 653–656.
- Dulcet E, Woropay M, Borowski S, Kaszkowiak J, Haczkiewicz T. 2004. Analysis of uniformity of the application of granulated additive to hay during harvesting with the baler. Proceedings of the 4th Asia-Pacific Conference on System Integrity and Maintenance The Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur India pp 233–239.
- Dulcet E, Kaszkowiak J, Borowski S, Mikoajczak J. 2006. Effects of Microbiological Additive on Baled. Wet Hay Biosyst Eng, 95(3): 379-384
Karabulut A. 1995 Yemler Bilgisi ve Yem Teknolojisi. UÜ Zir Fak Ders Notları No:67 Bursa.
- Kellner D, Becker M. 1979. Podstawy Zywienia Zwierza˛t The Fundamentals of Animal Nutrition Pan´stwowe Wydawnictwo Rolniczei Les´ne Warszawa Poland.
- McBeth LJ, Coffey KP, Coblentz WK, Turner JE, Scarbrough DA, Bailey CR, Stivarius MR. 2001 Impact of heating- degree-day accumulation during bermudagrass hay storage on nutrient utilization by lambs. J Anim Sci, 79: 2698-2703.
- Nelson ML, Klopfenstein TJ, Britton A. 1989a. Control of fermentation in high-moisture baled alfalfa inoculation with lactic acid producing bacteria: large round bales. J Anim Sci, 26: 1369-1374.
- Nelson ML, Headley DM, Loesche JA. 1989b. Control of fermentation in high-moisture baled alfalfa inoculation with lactic acid producing bacteria: small rectangular bales. J Anim Sci, 67: 1586-1592.
- Mahanna B. 1994. Hay additive review. Twenty Fourth National alfalfa Symposium, February 24-25 Springfield.
- Poppi DP, Hughes TP, Lhuillier PJ. 1987. Intake of pasture by grazing ruminantsIn: NICOL AM (Ed) Livestock feeding on pasture. New Zealand Soc Anim Prod, 55-64.
- Rotz CA, Davis RJ, Buckmaster DR, Allen MS. 1991. Preservation of alfalfa hay with propionic acid. Appl Engin Agri, 7 (1): 33-43.
Rotz CA. 1995. Field curing of foragesın: post-harvest physiology and preservation of forages. CSSA Special Publication, No:22 crop Sci Soc Agron and Am Soc Agron Madis WIpp39-65.
- Wittenberg KM. 1993. Nutritive value of high moisture alfalfa hay preserved with Pediococcus pentosaceus. Canadian J Anim Sci, 74: 229-234.