Yıl 2021,
Cilt: 4 Sayı: 2, 79 - 87, 01.04.2021
Bantalem Zeleke Ayenew
Tiegist Dejene
Fisseha Worede
- Belete T, Mekbib F, Eshete M. 2017. Assessment of genetic improvement in grain yield potential and related traits of Kabuli type chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) varieties in Ethiopia (1974-2009). Adv. Crop Sci Tech, 5: 284.
- Bezaweletaw K, Belete K, Sripichitt P. 2006. Genetic gain in grain yield potential and associated agronomic traits in haricot bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Kasetsart J (Natural Sci), 40: 835-847.
- Bogale DA, Mekbib F, Fikre A. 2015. Genetic improvement of lentil [Lens culinaris Medikus] between 1980 and 2010 in Ethiopia. Malays J Med Biol Res, 2(3): 284-292.
- Breseghello F, de Morais OP, Rangel PHN. 1998. A new method to estimate genetic gain in annual crops. Genetics and Mol Biol, 21(4). DOI: 10.1590/S1415-47571998000400024.
- Breseghello F, de Morais OP, Pinheiro PV, Silva ACS, da Maia de Castro E, Guimarães ÉP, de Castro AP, Pereira JA, de Matos Lopes A, Utumi MM, de Oliveira JP. 2011. Results of 25 years of upland rice breeding in Brazil. Crop Sci, 51: 914-923.
- Dargo F, Mekbib F, Assefa K. 2016. Genetic gain in grain yield potential and associated traits of tef [Eragrostis tef (Zucc.) Trotter] in Ethiopia. Global J Sci Frontier Res, D16(6): 1-17.
- Dessie A, Zewdu Z, Worede F, Bitew M. 2018. Yield stability and agronomic performance of rain fed upland rice genotypes by using GGE bi-plot and AMMI in North West Ethiopia. Int J Res Rev, 5(9): 123-129.
- Donmez E, Sears RG, Shroyer JP, Paulsen GM. 2001. Genetic gain in yield attributes of winter wheat in the Great Plains. Crop Sci, 41: 1412-1419.
dos Reis GG, Fritsche-Neto R, Soares PC, de Oliveira Cornélio VM, de Sousa Reis M, de Morais OP, da Silva Marques T. 2015. Accuracy and genetic progress of agronomic traits in irrigated rice program in Brazil. Afr J Agric Res, 10(43): 4032-4038.
- Elsadig AI, Abdalla KM. 2013. Estimation of genetic variability and correlation for grain yield components in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Glob J Plant Ecophysiol, 3: 1-6.
- Evans LT. 1993. Crop evolution, adaptation and yield. Cambridge University Press, New York, USA.
- Evans LT, Fischer RA. 1999. Yield potential: Its definition, measurement and significance. Crop Sci, 39: 1544-1551.
- FAOSTAT. 2017. URL: http://www.fao.org/faostat/en/#data/QC. (access date: 10.09.2019).
- Fekadu W, Zeleke H, Ayana A. 2011. Genetic improvement in grain yield potential and associated traits of food barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) in Ethiopia. Ethiop J Appl Sci Technol, 2(2): 43-60.
- Fentie D, Alemayehu G, Siddalingaiah M, Tadesse T. 2014. Genetic variability, heritability and correlation coefficient analysis for yield and yield component traits in upland rice (Oryza sativa L.). East African J Sci, 8(2): 147-154.
- Green AJ, Berger G, Griffey CA, Pitman R, Thomason W, Balota M, Ahmed A. 2012. Genetic yield improvement in soft red winter wheat in the Eastern United States from 1919 to 2009. Crop Sci, 52: 2097–2108.
- Hagos F, Zeleke H, Woyessa B. 2012. Genetic gain in yield and yield related traits of groundnut (Arachis hypogea L.) in central rift valley of Ethiopia. East African J Sci, 6(2): 125-136.
- IRRI. 2013. Standard evaluation system for rice. 5th (ed.). International Rice Research Institute, 55p, Manila. Philippines.
- Khodarahmi M, Nabipour A, Zargari K. 2010. Genetic improvement of agronomic and quality traits of wheat cultivars introduced to temperate regions of Iran during 1942-2007. Afr J Agric Res, 5(9): 947-954.
- Madhavilatha L, Sekhar MR, Suneetha Y, Srinivas T. 2005. Genetic variability, correlation and path analysis for yield and quality traits in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Res on Crops, 6(3): 527-534.
- Miri H. 2009. Grain yield and morpho-physiological changes from 60 years of genetic improvement of wheat in Iran. Experimental Agri, 45: 149-163.
- MoANR. 2016. Crop variety register. Issue No. 19. Plant variety release, protection and seed quality control directorate. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
- Ortiz R, Nurminiemi M, Madsen S, Rognli OA, Bjørnstad Å. 2002. Genetic gains in Nordic spring barley breeding over sixty years. Euphytica, 126(2): 283-289.
- Peng S, Laza RC, Visperas RM, Sanico AL, Cassman KG, Khush GS. 2000. Grain yield of rice cultivars and lines developed in the Philippines since 1966. Crop Sci, 40: 307-314.
- Perry MW, D’Antuono MF. 1989. Yield improvement and associated characteristics of some Australian spring wheat cultivars introduced between 1960 and 1982. Aust J Agr Res, 50: 457-472.
- Rangare NR, Krupakar A, Ravichandra K, Shukla AK, Mishra AK. 2012. Estimation of characters’ association and direct and indirect effects of yield contributing traits on grain yield in exotic and Indian rice (Oryza sativa L.) germplasm. Intl J Agric Sci, 2(1): 54-61.
- Rathor AP, Singh A, Suresh BG, Lavanya GR, Yadav Y. 2014. Diversity analysis of local land races and improved germplasm of rice (Oryza sativa L.) under Allahabad agro-climatic conditions. Indian J Applied Res, 4(8): 38-42.
- Ratna M, Begum S, Husna A, Dey SR, Hossain MS. 2015. Correlation and path coefficients analyses in basmati rice. Bangladesh J Agri Res, 40: 153-161.
- Samado EA, Guei RG, Nguyen N. 2008. NERICA: Origin, nomenclature and identification characteristics, pp. 10-19. In E.A. Somado, R.G. Guei and S.O. Keya, (eds.). NERICA®: The New Rice for Africa – a Compendium. Africa Rice Center, Cotonou, Benin.
- SAS. 2008. Statistical Analysis System. Version 9.2, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC., USA.
- Shearman VJ, Sylvester-Bradley R, Scott RK, Foulkes MJ. 2005. Physiological processes associated with wheat yield progress in the UK. Crop Sci, 45: 175-185.
- Somchit P, Sreewongchai T, Sripichitt P, Matthayatthaworn W, Uckarach S, Keawsaard Y, Worede F. 2017. Genetic relationships of rice yield and yield components in RILs population derived from a cross between KDML105 and CH1 rice varieties. Walailak J Sci Tech, 14(12): 997-1004.
- Tabien RE, Samonte SOPB, McClung AM. 2008. Forty-eight years of rice improvement in Texas since the release of cultivar Bluebonnet in 1944. Crop Sci, 48: 2097-2106.
- Tarekegn A, Tanner DG, Gebeyehu G. 1995. Improvement in yield of bread wheat cultivars released in Ethiopia from 1949 to 1987. African Crop Sci J, 3(1): 41-49.
- Teklu Y., Tefera H. 2005. Genetic improvement in grain yield potential and associated agronomic traits of tef (Eragrostis tef). Euphytica, 141: 247-254.
- Tolessa T, Keneni G, Mohammad H. 2015. Genetic progresses from over three decades of faba bean (Vicia faba L.) breeding in Ethiopia. Australian J Crop Sci, 9: 41-48.
- Veasey EA, da Silva EF, Schammass EA, Oliveira GCX, Ando A. 2008. Morphoagronomic genetic diversity in American wild rice species. Braz Arch Biol Tech, 51: 95-104.
- Waddington S, Ransom S, Osamanzi M, Sounders D. 1986. Improvement in the yield potential of bread wheat adapted to North West Mexico. Crop Sci, 26: 699-703.
- Woldesemayat MY, Mekbib F, Gebeyehu S. 2015. Genetic gain in lowland sorghum [Sorghum Bicolor (L.) Moench] varieties in Ethiopia. Int J Hortic Plant Breed Sci, 2(1): 1 -13.
- Worede F, Sreewongchai T, Phumichai C, Sripichitt P. 2014. Multivariate analysis of genetic diversity among some rice genotypes using morpho-agronomic traits. J Plant Sci, 9: 14-24.
- Worku M, Zelleke H. 2007. Advances in improving harvest index and grain yield of maize in Ethiopia. East African J Sci, 1: 112-119.
- Wych RD, Rasmusson DC. 1983. Genetic improvement in malting barley cultivars since 1920. Crop Sci, 23: 1037-1040.
- Wych RD, Stuthman DD. 1983. Genetic improvement in Minnesota-adapted oat cultivars released since 1923. Crop Sci, 23: 879-881.
- Zhu G, Peng S, Huang J, Cui K, Nie L, Wang F. 2016. Genetic improvements in rice yield and concomitant increases in radiation- and nitrogen-use efficiency in middle reaches of Yangtze River. Sci Rep, 6, 21049. DOI: 10.1038/srep21049.
Genetic Gain in Yield and Yield Attributing Traits of Rice under Upland Ecosystem of Fogera, Northwest Ethiopia
Yıl 2021,
Cilt: 4 Sayı: 2, 79 - 87, 01.04.2021
Bantalem Zeleke Ayenew
Tiegist Dejene
Fisseha Worede
Evaluation of varieties from different years in a common environment is one of the most direct methods used to estimate breeding progress. Twenty upland rice varieties released in Ethiopia from 1998 to 2016 were evaluated at Fogera National Rice Research and Training Center in 2017 cropping season to estimate the amount of genetic gain over the years. The varieties were laid out in a randomized complete block design with three replications. Analysis of variance revealed significant differences among varieties for all traits. Grain yield was increased from 2.76 t ha-1 to 4.86 t ha-1 over the past 18 years. The average rate of increase in grain yield of upland rice per year, estimated from the linear regression on year of variety release, was 0.044 t ha-1 with a relative genetic gain of 1.59% year-1, although non-significant. The study showed significant improvements in grain-filling period, panicles length and number of filled-grains panicle-1. Significant reduction was also observed in days to heading and thousand-seed weight. No marked changes were observed in grain yield per plant and biological yield, number of fertile tillers, plant height and days to maturity over the 18-year period.
- Belete T, Mekbib F, Eshete M. 2017. Assessment of genetic improvement in grain yield potential and related traits of Kabuli type chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) varieties in Ethiopia (1974-2009). Adv. Crop Sci Tech, 5: 284.
- Bezaweletaw K, Belete K, Sripichitt P. 2006. Genetic gain in grain yield potential and associated agronomic traits in haricot bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Kasetsart J (Natural Sci), 40: 835-847.
- Bogale DA, Mekbib F, Fikre A. 2015. Genetic improvement of lentil [Lens culinaris Medikus] between 1980 and 2010 in Ethiopia. Malays J Med Biol Res, 2(3): 284-292.
- Breseghello F, de Morais OP, Rangel PHN. 1998. A new method to estimate genetic gain in annual crops. Genetics and Mol Biol, 21(4). DOI: 10.1590/S1415-47571998000400024.
- Breseghello F, de Morais OP, Pinheiro PV, Silva ACS, da Maia de Castro E, Guimarães ÉP, de Castro AP, Pereira JA, de Matos Lopes A, Utumi MM, de Oliveira JP. 2011. Results of 25 years of upland rice breeding in Brazil. Crop Sci, 51: 914-923.
- Dargo F, Mekbib F, Assefa K. 2016. Genetic gain in grain yield potential and associated traits of tef [Eragrostis tef (Zucc.) Trotter] in Ethiopia. Global J Sci Frontier Res, D16(6): 1-17.
- Dessie A, Zewdu Z, Worede F, Bitew M. 2018. Yield stability and agronomic performance of rain fed upland rice genotypes by using GGE bi-plot and AMMI in North West Ethiopia. Int J Res Rev, 5(9): 123-129.
- Donmez E, Sears RG, Shroyer JP, Paulsen GM. 2001. Genetic gain in yield attributes of winter wheat in the Great Plains. Crop Sci, 41: 1412-1419.
dos Reis GG, Fritsche-Neto R, Soares PC, de Oliveira Cornélio VM, de Sousa Reis M, de Morais OP, da Silva Marques T. 2015. Accuracy and genetic progress of agronomic traits in irrigated rice program in Brazil. Afr J Agric Res, 10(43): 4032-4038.
- Elsadig AI, Abdalla KM. 2013. Estimation of genetic variability and correlation for grain yield components in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Glob J Plant Ecophysiol, 3: 1-6.
- Evans LT. 1993. Crop evolution, adaptation and yield. Cambridge University Press, New York, USA.
- Evans LT, Fischer RA. 1999. Yield potential: Its definition, measurement and significance. Crop Sci, 39: 1544-1551.
- FAOSTAT. 2017. URL: http://www.fao.org/faostat/en/#data/QC. (access date: 10.09.2019).
- Fekadu W, Zeleke H, Ayana A. 2011. Genetic improvement in grain yield potential and associated traits of food barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) in Ethiopia. Ethiop J Appl Sci Technol, 2(2): 43-60.
- Fentie D, Alemayehu G, Siddalingaiah M, Tadesse T. 2014. Genetic variability, heritability and correlation coefficient analysis for yield and yield component traits in upland rice (Oryza sativa L.). East African J Sci, 8(2): 147-154.
- Green AJ, Berger G, Griffey CA, Pitman R, Thomason W, Balota M, Ahmed A. 2012. Genetic yield improvement in soft red winter wheat in the Eastern United States from 1919 to 2009. Crop Sci, 52: 2097–2108.
- Hagos F, Zeleke H, Woyessa B. 2012. Genetic gain in yield and yield related traits of groundnut (Arachis hypogea L.) in central rift valley of Ethiopia. East African J Sci, 6(2): 125-136.
- IRRI. 2013. Standard evaluation system for rice. 5th (ed.). International Rice Research Institute, 55p, Manila. Philippines.
- Khodarahmi M, Nabipour A, Zargari K. 2010. Genetic improvement of agronomic and quality traits of wheat cultivars introduced to temperate regions of Iran during 1942-2007. Afr J Agric Res, 5(9): 947-954.
- Madhavilatha L, Sekhar MR, Suneetha Y, Srinivas T. 2005. Genetic variability, correlation and path analysis for yield and quality traits in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Res on Crops, 6(3): 527-534.
- Miri H. 2009. Grain yield and morpho-physiological changes from 60 years of genetic improvement of wheat in Iran. Experimental Agri, 45: 149-163.
- MoANR. 2016. Crop variety register. Issue No. 19. Plant variety release, protection and seed quality control directorate. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
- Ortiz R, Nurminiemi M, Madsen S, Rognli OA, Bjørnstad Å. 2002. Genetic gains in Nordic spring barley breeding over sixty years. Euphytica, 126(2): 283-289.
- Peng S, Laza RC, Visperas RM, Sanico AL, Cassman KG, Khush GS. 2000. Grain yield of rice cultivars and lines developed in the Philippines since 1966. Crop Sci, 40: 307-314.
- Perry MW, D’Antuono MF. 1989. Yield improvement and associated characteristics of some Australian spring wheat cultivars introduced between 1960 and 1982. Aust J Agr Res, 50: 457-472.
- Rangare NR, Krupakar A, Ravichandra K, Shukla AK, Mishra AK. 2012. Estimation of characters’ association and direct and indirect effects of yield contributing traits on grain yield in exotic and Indian rice (Oryza sativa L.) germplasm. Intl J Agric Sci, 2(1): 54-61.
- Rathor AP, Singh A, Suresh BG, Lavanya GR, Yadav Y. 2014. Diversity analysis of local land races and improved germplasm of rice (Oryza sativa L.) under Allahabad agro-climatic conditions. Indian J Applied Res, 4(8): 38-42.
- Ratna M, Begum S, Husna A, Dey SR, Hossain MS. 2015. Correlation and path coefficients analyses in basmati rice. Bangladesh J Agri Res, 40: 153-161.
- Samado EA, Guei RG, Nguyen N. 2008. NERICA: Origin, nomenclature and identification characteristics, pp. 10-19. In E.A. Somado, R.G. Guei and S.O. Keya, (eds.). NERICA®: The New Rice for Africa – a Compendium. Africa Rice Center, Cotonou, Benin.
- SAS. 2008. Statistical Analysis System. Version 9.2, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC., USA.
- Shearman VJ, Sylvester-Bradley R, Scott RK, Foulkes MJ. 2005. Physiological processes associated with wheat yield progress in the UK. Crop Sci, 45: 175-185.
- Somchit P, Sreewongchai T, Sripichitt P, Matthayatthaworn W, Uckarach S, Keawsaard Y, Worede F. 2017. Genetic relationships of rice yield and yield components in RILs population derived from a cross between KDML105 and CH1 rice varieties. Walailak J Sci Tech, 14(12): 997-1004.
- Tabien RE, Samonte SOPB, McClung AM. 2008. Forty-eight years of rice improvement in Texas since the release of cultivar Bluebonnet in 1944. Crop Sci, 48: 2097-2106.
- Tarekegn A, Tanner DG, Gebeyehu G. 1995. Improvement in yield of bread wheat cultivars released in Ethiopia from 1949 to 1987. African Crop Sci J, 3(1): 41-49.
- Teklu Y., Tefera H. 2005. Genetic improvement in grain yield potential and associated agronomic traits of tef (Eragrostis tef). Euphytica, 141: 247-254.
- Tolessa T, Keneni G, Mohammad H. 2015. Genetic progresses from over three decades of faba bean (Vicia faba L.) breeding in Ethiopia. Australian J Crop Sci, 9: 41-48.
- Veasey EA, da Silva EF, Schammass EA, Oliveira GCX, Ando A. 2008. Morphoagronomic genetic diversity in American wild rice species. Braz Arch Biol Tech, 51: 95-104.
- Waddington S, Ransom S, Osamanzi M, Sounders D. 1986. Improvement in the yield potential of bread wheat adapted to North West Mexico. Crop Sci, 26: 699-703.
- Woldesemayat MY, Mekbib F, Gebeyehu S. 2015. Genetic gain in lowland sorghum [Sorghum Bicolor (L.) Moench] varieties in Ethiopia. Int J Hortic Plant Breed Sci, 2(1): 1 -13.
- Worede F, Sreewongchai T, Phumichai C, Sripichitt P. 2014. Multivariate analysis of genetic diversity among some rice genotypes using morpho-agronomic traits. J Plant Sci, 9: 14-24.
- Worku M, Zelleke H. 2007. Advances in improving harvest index and grain yield of maize in Ethiopia. East African J Sci, 1: 112-119.
- Wych RD, Rasmusson DC. 1983. Genetic improvement in malting barley cultivars since 1920. Crop Sci, 23: 1037-1040.
- Wych RD, Stuthman DD. 1983. Genetic improvement in Minnesota-adapted oat cultivars released since 1923. Crop Sci, 23: 879-881.
- Zhu G, Peng S, Huang J, Cui K, Nie L, Wang F. 2016. Genetic improvements in rice yield and concomitant increases in radiation- and nitrogen-use efficiency in middle reaches of Yangtze River. Sci Rep, 6, 21049. DOI: 10.1038/srep21049.