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Medical Plant of Aloe Vera in Desert Regions of Iran: Greenhouses, Economic Importance, Development, Extension, Processing and Marketing

Yıl 2022, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 1, 1 - 15, 01.01.2022


Medical plants are the best source for getting treatment from various diseases. Using of natural substances with therapeutic properties has been used since ancient times. More than 500 species of Aloe Vera are known. This plant is native to tropical areas, including the north of Africa, Europe and the southern part of the Mediterranean region. Aloe Vera grows widely in the south of Iran and is cultured for the pharmaceutical uses. Aloe Vera is a plant with structural and physiological adaptations that allow it to survive in arid or semiarid regions with erratic rainfall. Aloe Vera is a medicinal plant cultivated for various applications in medical, food and health products. Aloe Vera has been used for centuries for its health, beauty, medicinal and skin care properties. Aloe Vera is a plant that can produce sap and gel. The gel is extracted from the leaves, and this is the most widely used substance as a treatment. Different from traditional treatment modalities, Aloe Vera will great reduce medical cost intended as complementary therapy. Aloe Vera is much more effective and less costly in the prevention and healing the ulcers compared to current treatments. Also, since the revival of traditional medicine is important and the side effects of this drug has been proven to be trivial over the years, it seems Aloe Vera is a good substitute to replace the current methods or to be used as a complementary method for prevention of pressure ulcers and improving community health. In this article, introducing various aspects of cultivating Aloe Vera greenhouses in desert regions of Iran and their economic importance plus approaches for their development, extension, processing and marketing. Main locations of study were greenhouses of Aloe Vera in two provinces in Iran, namely South Khorasan and Semnan provinces in the east and north of the country. For doing this study utilized qualitative approach with its main tools for gathering information such as participatory observation, maps, scientific articles, pictures, documents etc.. In the end present appropriate approaches for improving its economic importance, development, extension, processing and marketing in Iran.

Destekleyen Kurum

Islamic Azad University_ Birjand Branch – Birjand. Iran.

Proje Numarası





  • Alinejad-Mofrad S, Foadoddini M, Saadatjoo SA, Shayesteh M. 2015. Improvement of glucose and lipid profile status with Aloe vera in pre-diabetic subjects: a randomized controlled-trial. J Diabet Metab Disor, 14: 22. DOI: 10.1186/s40200-015-0137-2.
  • Barceloux DG. 2008. 46 Aloe Vera [Aloe vera (L.) Burm. f. In: part 3 medicinal herbs and essential oils. Medical Toxicology of Natural Substances. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.., New York, US, pp: 381.
  • Bayani A, Farahani F, Noormohammadi Z, Nejad Sattari T. 2019. Optimization micropropagation of Aloe (Aloe littoralis) medicinal plant native in Iran (In Persian). URL: (access date: February 05, 2021).
  • Cardenas-Ibarra L, Villarreal-Perez JZ, Lira-Castillo JC, Nava-Aleman A. 2017. Randomized double blind crossover trial of Aloe vera, Cnidoscolus chayamansa and placebo for reducing hyperglycemia in women with early metabolic syndrome. Clin Nutri Metab, 14: 1-12.
  • Creswell JW. 1994. Research design, qualitative & quantitative approaches. SAGE Publications, London, UK, pp: 304.
  • Edwards SE, Costa Rocha ID, Williamson EM, Heinrich M. 2015. Aloe vera (Gel) Aloe vera (L.) Burm.f., A. arborescens Mill. and other Aloe spp. In: Phytopharmacy: An evidence-based guide to herbal medicinal products, First Edition. John Wiley & Sons Ltd., New York, US, pp: 432.
  • Ghahraman B, Taghvaeian S. 2008. Investigation of annual rainfall trends in Iran. J Agri Sci Technol, 10: 93-97.
  • Hekmatpou D, Mehrabi F, Rahzani K, Aminiyan A. 2019. The effect of aloe vera clinical trials on prevention and healing of skin wound: A systematic review. IJMS 44(1): 1-9.
  • Hekmatpou D, Mehrabi F, Rahzani K, Aminiyan A. 2018.The effect of Aloe Vera gel on prevention of pressure ulcers in patients hospitalized in the orthopedic wards: a randomized tripleblind clinical trial. BMC Complem Alter Med, 18: 264 DOI: 10.1186/s12906-018-2326-2.
  • IMARC Group. 2021. Aloe vera market: global industry trends, share, size, growth, opportunity and forecast 2021-2026. URL: (access date: February 16, 2021).
  • Imery-Buiz J. 2012. Genetic resources, chromosome engineering, and crop improvement. Volume 6. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis, New York, US, pp: 884.
  • Iranian Bureau of Statistics. 2021. Statistical center of Iran. URL: (access date: February 02, 2021).
  • Jahandideh M, Hajimehdipoor H, Mortazavi SA, Dehpour A, Hassanzadeh G. 2016. A wound healing formulation based on Iranian traditional medicine and its HPTLC fingerprint. Iranian J Pharmac Res, 15: 149-157.
  • Jamshidi F, Rahimi S, Fadaei Noghani V. 2018. The effect of edible aloe vera gel-persian gum film on Iranian white cheese properties. Iranian J Nutri Sci Food Technol, 74(13): 1.
  • Lahsaeizadeh A. 2007. Iran sociology of agriculture (In Persian). Samt Publication of Iranian Human Sciences Universities, Tehran, Iran, pp: 154.
  • Mansouri P, Haghighi M, Beheshti Pour N, Ramzi M. 2016. The effect of aloe vera solution on chemotherapy-induced stomatitis in clients with lymphoma and leukemia: A randomized controlled clinical trial. Int J Commun Based Nurs Midwifery, 4(2): 119-126.
  • Masoudi M, Yousefi M, Behbahani N. 2018. Hazard assessment of climate changes in south Khorasan province, Iran. EQA – Environ Qual, 29: 29-39. DOI: 10.6092/issn.2281-4485/7910.
  • National Drought Warning and Monitoring Center (NDWMC). 2021. Periodical reports on the average amount of rainfall in Iran. URL: (access date: February 12, 2021).
  • Noori M. 2012. Introducing medical plant of Aloe vera. URL: (access date: January 23, 2021).
  • Reportlinker. 2017. Aloe Vera Gel Market: Global Industry Trends, Share, Size, Growth, Opportunity and Forecast 2017-2022. URL: (access date: February 07, 2021).
  • Research Reports. 2020. Global Aloe Vera Extract Sales Market Report 2020. URL: (access date: February 07, 2021).
  • Rozani M, Kusbaryanto A. 2019. Efficacy aloe vera in treatment: A literature review. J Complement Med Alt Healthcare, 10(1): 555776.
  • Safiaghdam H, Oveissi V, Bahramsoltani R, Farzaei MH, Rahimi R. 2017. Effects of aloe vera (l.) burm. f. in gingivitis: a review of clinical trials. Res J Pharmacognosy, 4: 57.
  • Safari M, Nejad MCD, Mesbah M, Nejad JA. 2019. Effects of aloe vera extract on growth and some hematological parameters of shirbot, Tor grypus (Heckel, 1843). Iranian J Fisher Sci, 18(3): 445-456.
  • Singh P, Singh Hundal J, Kumar Patra A, Wadhwa M, Sharma A. 2021. Sustainable utilization of Aloe vera waste in the diet of lactating cows for improvement of milk production performance and reduction of carbon footprint. J Cleaner Prod, 288: 125118.
  • Sahebnasagh A, Ghasemi A, Akbari J, Alipour A, Lashkardoost H, Ala S, Hosseinimehr SJ, Salehifar E. 2020. Prevention of acute radiation-induced proctitis by aloe vera: a prospective randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled clinical trial in Pelvic Cancer patients. BMC Complem Med Therap, 20: 146. DOI: 10.1186/s12906-020-02935-2
  • Young In P, Hyung JT. 2006. 6. Perspective of industrial application of Aloe Vera. In: New Perspectives on Aloe. URL: (access date: February 11, 2021).
Yıl 2022, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 1, 1 - 15, 01.01.2022


Proje Numarası



  • Alinejad-Mofrad S, Foadoddini M, Saadatjoo SA, Shayesteh M. 2015. Improvement of glucose and lipid profile status with Aloe vera in pre-diabetic subjects: a randomized controlled-trial. J Diabet Metab Disor, 14: 22. DOI: 10.1186/s40200-015-0137-2.
  • Barceloux DG. 2008. 46 Aloe Vera [Aloe vera (L.) Burm. f. In: part 3 medicinal herbs and essential oils. Medical Toxicology of Natural Substances. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.., New York, US, pp: 381.
  • Bayani A, Farahani F, Noormohammadi Z, Nejad Sattari T. 2019. Optimization micropropagation of Aloe (Aloe littoralis) medicinal plant native in Iran (In Persian). URL: (access date: February 05, 2021).
  • Cardenas-Ibarra L, Villarreal-Perez JZ, Lira-Castillo JC, Nava-Aleman A. 2017. Randomized double blind crossover trial of Aloe vera, Cnidoscolus chayamansa and placebo for reducing hyperglycemia in women with early metabolic syndrome. Clin Nutri Metab, 14: 1-12.
  • Creswell JW. 1994. Research design, qualitative & quantitative approaches. SAGE Publications, London, UK, pp: 304.
  • Edwards SE, Costa Rocha ID, Williamson EM, Heinrich M. 2015. Aloe vera (Gel) Aloe vera (L.) Burm.f., A. arborescens Mill. and other Aloe spp. In: Phytopharmacy: An evidence-based guide to herbal medicinal products, First Edition. John Wiley & Sons Ltd., New York, US, pp: 432.
  • Ghahraman B, Taghvaeian S. 2008. Investigation of annual rainfall trends in Iran. J Agri Sci Technol, 10: 93-97.
  • Hekmatpou D, Mehrabi F, Rahzani K, Aminiyan A. 2019. The effect of aloe vera clinical trials on prevention and healing of skin wound: A systematic review. IJMS 44(1): 1-9.
  • Hekmatpou D, Mehrabi F, Rahzani K, Aminiyan A. 2018.The effect of Aloe Vera gel on prevention of pressure ulcers in patients hospitalized in the orthopedic wards: a randomized tripleblind clinical trial. BMC Complem Alter Med, 18: 264 DOI: 10.1186/s12906-018-2326-2.
  • IMARC Group. 2021. Aloe vera market: global industry trends, share, size, growth, opportunity and forecast 2021-2026. URL: (access date: February 16, 2021).
  • Imery-Buiz J. 2012. Genetic resources, chromosome engineering, and crop improvement. Volume 6. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis, New York, US, pp: 884.
  • Iranian Bureau of Statistics. 2021. Statistical center of Iran. URL: (access date: February 02, 2021).
  • Jahandideh M, Hajimehdipoor H, Mortazavi SA, Dehpour A, Hassanzadeh G. 2016. A wound healing formulation based on Iranian traditional medicine and its HPTLC fingerprint. Iranian J Pharmac Res, 15: 149-157.
  • Jamshidi F, Rahimi S, Fadaei Noghani V. 2018. The effect of edible aloe vera gel-persian gum film on Iranian white cheese properties. Iranian J Nutri Sci Food Technol, 74(13): 1.
  • Lahsaeizadeh A. 2007. Iran sociology of agriculture (In Persian). Samt Publication of Iranian Human Sciences Universities, Tehran, Iran, pp: 154.
  • Mansouri P, Haghighi M, Beheshti Pour N, Ramzi M. 2016. The effect of aloe vera solution on chemotherapy-induced stomatitis in clients with lymphoma and leukemia: A randomized controlled clinical trial. Int J Commun Based Nurs Midwifery, 4(2): 119-126.
  • Masoudi M, Yousefi M, Behbahani N. 2018. Hazard assessment of climate changes in south Khorasan province, Iran. EQA – Environ Qual, 29: 29-39. DOI: 10.6092/issn.2281-4485/7910.
  • National Drought Warning and Monitoring Center (NDWMC). 2021. Periodical reports on the average amount of rainfall in Iran. URL: (access date: February 12, 2021).
  • Noori M. 2012. Introducing medical plant of Aloe vera. URL: (access date: January 23, 2021).
  • Reportlinker. 2017. Aloe Vera Gel Market: Global Industry Trends, Share, Size, Growth, Opportunity and Forecast 2017-2022. URL: (access date: February 07, 2021).
  • Research Reports. 2020. Global Aloe Vera Extract Sales Market Report 2020. URL: (access date: February 07, 2021).
  • Rozani M, Kusbaryanto A. 2019. Efficacy aloe vera in treatment: A literature review. J Complement Med Alt Healthcare, 10(1): 555776.
  • Safiaghdam H, Oveissi V, Bahramsoltani R, Farzaei MH, Rahimi R. 2017. Effects of aloe vera (l.) burm. f. in gingivitis: a review of clinical trials. Res J Pharmacognosy, 4: 57.
  • Safari M, Nejad MCD, Mesbah M, Nejad JA. 2019. Effects of aloe vera extract on growth and some hematological parameters of shirbot, Tor grypus (Heckel, 1843). Iranian J Fisher Sci, 18(3): 445-456.
  • Singh P, Singh Hundal J, Kumar Patra A, Wadhwa M, Sharma A. 2021. Sustainable utilization of Aloe vera waste in the diet of lactating cows for improvement of milk production performance and reduction of carbon footprint. J Cleaner Prod, 288: 125118.
  • Sahebnasagh A, Ghasemi A, Akbari J, Alipour A, Lashkardoost H, Ala S, Hosseinimehr SJ, Salehifar E. 2020. Prevention of acute radiation-induced proctitis by aloe vera: a prospective randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled clinical trial in Pelvic Cancer patients. BMC Complem Med Therap, 20: 146. DOI: 10.1186/s12906-020-02935-2
  • Young In P, Hyung JT. 2006. 6. Perspective of industrial application of Aloe Vera. In: New Perspectives on Aloe. URL: (access date: February 11, 2021).
Toplam 27 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Ziraat Mühendisliği
Bölüm Research Articles

Farhood Golmohammadi 0000-0003-0939-4678

Proje Numarası __________
Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ocak 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 31 Mayıs 2021
Kabul Tarihi 6 Ekim 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022 Cilt: 5 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Golmohammadi, F. (2022). Medical Plant of Aloe Vera in Desert Regions of Iran: Greenhouses, Economic Importance, Development, Extension, Processing and Marketing. Black Sea Journal of Agriculture, 5(1), 1-15.
