Some Important Chemical and Aroma Characteristics of Some New Pepper Cultivars (Capsicum annuum L cv A30706 F1, Capsicum annuum L cv Kılçık F1, Capsicum annuum L cv Bitter F1)
Yıl 2022,
Cilt: 5 Sayı: 2, 72 - 79, 01.04.2022
Tolga Sarıyer
Mehmet Ali Gündoğdu
Arda Akçal
Murat Şeker
Obtaining agricultural products with better quality is closely related to the development of new cultivars. New cultivars are increasing gradually internationally as a result of the breeding programs. Capsicum annuum L. ‘A30706 F1’, Capsicum annuum L. ‘Kılçık F1’, Capsicum annuum L. ‘Bitter F1’ pepper cultivars are newly developed registered pepper cultivars in Turkey. A30706 F1 is a bitter and black coloured long pepper also called purple coloured, Kılçık F1 is a sweet long thin pepper and Bitter F1 is a hot long thin pepper. Among the cultivars while the highest amount of ascorbic acid (216.35 mg/100g) was determined in A30706 F1, the highest amount of phenolic compounds (63.69 mg GAE/100g) was determined in the Bitter F1 cultivar. Hexanal was found as major aroma component in A30706 F1 and Kılçık F1 pepper cultivars, which creates a sensory perception as fresh, cut grass. Hexanal and E-2-tetradecenal were found as major aroma components in Bitter F1 cultivar. E-2-tetradecenal creates a sensory perception as fatty, waxy, cheesy.
Destekleyen Kurum
“This study was supported by the Scientific Research Projects Coordination Unit of Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University. Project Number: FHD-2019-3091”
Proje Numarası
Project Number: FHD-2019-3091”
Acknowledgments: “This study was supported by the Scientific Research Projects Coordination Unit of Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University. Project Number: FHD-2019-3091”
- Amor FM, Serrano-Martinez A, Fortea I, Nunez Delicado E. 2008. Differential effect of organic cultivation on the levels of phenolics, peroxidase and capsidiol in sweet peppers. J Sci Food Agric, 88: 770-777.
- Balkaya A, Karaağaç O. 2009. Evaluation and selection of suitable red pepper (Capsicum annuum var. conoides Mill.) types in Turkey. Asian J Plant Sci, 8(7): 483-488.
- Bernardo A, Martinez S, Alvarez M, Fernandez A, Lopez M. 2008. The composıtıon of two Spanish pepper varıeties (Fresno de la vega and Benavente-los valles) in different ripening stages. J Food Qual, 31: 701-716.
- Bosland PW, Votava EJ. 2012. Domestication, history and spread. Ethnobotany. Chapter 1. Peppers vegetable and spice capsicums 2nd Edition. Crop Production Science and Horticulture Series 22. CPI Group Ltd, Croydon, UK, pp: 219.
- Bozok F, Kafkas E, Büyükalaca S. 2018. Türkiye’nin Adana ilinden toplanan Suillus collinitus (Fr.)’un uçucu aroma kompozisyonunun belirlenmesi. Gıda Bil Teknol Derg, 6(4): 486-489.
- Buttery RG, Seifert RM, Guadagni DG, Ling LC. 1969. Characterization of some volatile constituents of bell peppers. J Agr Food Chem, 17(6): 1322-1327.
- Calin Sanchez A, Martinez J, Vazquez Araujo L, Burlo F, Melgarejo P. Carbonell Barrachina A. 2010. Volatile composition and sensory quality of Spanish pomegranates (Punica granatum L.). J Sci Food Agric, 91: 586-592.
- Cirlini M, Luzzini G, Morini E, Folloni S, Ranieri R, Dall’Asta C, Galaverna G. 2019. Evaluation of the volatile fraction, pungency and extractable color of different Italian Capsicum annuum cultivars designed for food industry. European Food Res Techn, 245:2669–2678. DOI: 10.1007/s00217-019-03378-x. 1-10.
- Crepin J, Johnson RL. 1993. Soil sampling for environmental assessment. ACRC Press Company, New York, US, pp: 823.
- Ding X, Wu C, Huang J, Zhou R. 2015. Changes in volatile compounds of Chinese luzhou-flavor liquor during the fermentation and distillation process. J Food Sci, 80(11): 2373-2381.
- Domitrovic R. 2006. Vitamin C in disease prevention and therapy. Biochemia Medica, 16(2): 89-228.
- Duman İ, Düzyaman E. 2004. Türkiye’de yetiştirilen bazı önemli biber genotiplerinin morfolojik variyabilitesi üzerinde bir araştırma. Ege Üniv Zir Fak Derg, 41(3): 55-66.
- Ekinci N, Şeker M, Gündoğdu MA. 2016. Effects of post–harvest dippings of calcium oxide on aroma volatile compound of pink lady apple cultivar. Proceedings of the VII. Int. Sci. Agric. Sym. (Agrosym). pp: 1325–1331. 6-9 October 2016, Jahorina, Bosnia-Herzegovania.
- El-Ghorab AH, Javed Q, Anjum FM, Hamed SF, Shaaban, HA. 2013. Pakistani bell pepper (Capsicum annum L.): chemical compositions and its antioxidant activity. Int J Food Prop, 16: 18-32.
- Faustino CG, de Medeiros FA, Galardo AKR, Rodrigues ABL, Martins RL, de Medeiros Souza Lima Y, Tavares JF, de Medeiros MAA, dos Santos Cruz J, da Silva de Almeida SSM. 2020. Larvicide activity on aedes aegypti of essential oil nanoemulsion from the Protium heptaphyllum Resin. Molecules, 25: 5333. DOI: 10.3390/molecules25225333.1-12.
- Feng T, Shui M, Song S, Zhuang H, Sun M, Yao L. 2019. Characterization of the key aroma compounds in three true varieties from china by flavoromics approach. Molecules, 24(3305): 1-17.
- Ferreira DF, Garruti DDS, Barin JS, Cichoski AJ, Wagner R. 2016. Characterization of odor-active compounds in gabiroba fruits (Campomanesia xanthocarpa O. Berg). J Food Qual, 39: 90-97.
- Frary A, Keçeli MA, Ökmen B, Şığva HÖ, Yemenicioğlu A, Doğanlar A. 2008. Water-soluble antioxidant potential of Turkish pepper cultivars. Hort Sci, 43(3): 631-636.
- Gabriel KR. 1971. The biplot graphic display of matrices with application to principal component analysis. Biometrika, 58(3): 453-467.
- Jang HW, Ka MH, Lee KG. 2008. Antioxidant activity and characterization of volatile extracts of Capsicum annuum L. and Allium spp. Flav Fragrance J, 23: 178-184.
- Kalaivani K, Kalaiselvi MM, Senthil-Nathan S. 2016. Effect of methyl salicylate (MeSA), an elicitor on growth, physiology and pathology of resistant and susceptible rice varieties. Scient Rep, 6: 34498. DOI: 10.1038/srep34498.
- Kocsis N, Amtmann M, Mednyanszky Z, Korany K. 2002. GC--MS investigation of the aroma compounds of Hungarian red paprika (Capsicum annuum) cultivars. J Food Comp Anal, 15: 195-203.
- Kolton A, Wojciechowska R, Leja M. 2011. Effect of maturity stage and short-term storage on the biological quality of sweet pepper fruits. Veget Crops Res Bullet, 74: 143-152.
- Lattanzio V, Lattanzio MTV, Cardinali A. 2006. Role of polyphenols in the resistance mechanisms of plants against fungal pathogens and ınsects. Phytochem Adv Res, 2006: 23-67.
- Liu R, Xiong K, Dai X, Wang L, Liu Z, Xue W. 2010. The effects of maturity on chilli pepper volatile components determined by SDE, GC-MS and HPLC. Nat Prod Commun, 5(6): 985-990.
- Martinez S, Curros A, Bermudez J, Carballo J, Franco I. 2007. The composition of Arnoia peppers (Capsicum annuum L.) at different stages of maturity. Int J Food Sci Nutri, 58(2): 150-161.
- Niu Y, Wang P, Xiao Z, Zhu J, Sun X, Wang R. 2019. Evaluation of the perceptual interaction among ester aroma compounds in cherry wines By GC–MS, GC–O, odor threshold and sensory analysis: an insight at the molecular level. Food Chem, 275: 143-153.
- Pearson D, Churchill AA. 1970. The chemical analyses of foods. Gloucester Place, 104: 233.
- Qın L, Wer QP, Kang WH, Zhang Q, Sun J, Liu SZ. 2017. Comparison of volatile compounds in ‘fuji’ apples in the different regions in china. Food Sci Technol Res, 23(1): 79-89.
- Reboredo–Rodriguez P, Gonzalez–Barreiro C, Cancho–Grande B, Simal–Gandara J. 2013. Aroma biogenesis and distribution between olive pulps and seeds with ıdentification of aroma trends among cultivars. Food Chem, 141: 637-643.
- Rezende CM, Fraga SRG. 2003. Chemical and aroma determination of the pulp and seeds of murici (Byrsonima crassifolia L.). J Braz Chem Soc, 14(3): 425-428.
- Sabatini N, Marsilio M. 2008. Volatile compounds in table olives (Olea europaea L., Nocellara del Belice cultivar). Food Chem, 107: 1522-1528.
- Schwab W, Davidovich-Rikanati R, Lewinsohn E. 2008. Biosynthesis of plant-derived flavor compounds. Plant J, 54: 712-732.
- Selli S, Kelebek H, Ayseli MT, Tokbas H. 2014. Characterization of the most aroma-active compounds in cherry tomato by application of the aroma extract dilution analysis. Food Chem, 165: 540-546.
- Sim KH, Sil HY. 2008. Antioxidant activities of red pepper (Capsicum annuum) pericarp and seed extracts. Int J Food Sci Technol, 43: 1813-1823.
- Topuz A, Ozdemir F. 2007. Assessment of carotenoids, capsaicinoids and ascorbic acid composition of some selected pepper cultivars (Capsicum annuum L.) grown in Turkey. J Food Comp Anal, 20: 596-602.
- URL1: (access date: June 25, 2021).
- Vichi S, Guadayol JM, Caixach J, López-Tamames E, Buxaderas S. 2007. Comparative study of different extraction techniques for the analysis of virgin olive oil aroma. Food Chem, 105: 1171-1178.
- Yüksel L. 1998. Evaluation of the key odorants of fresh and dried coriander herb (Cilantro). MSc thesis, Mississippi State University, Faculty of Food Science and Technology, Mississippi, US, pp: 60.
- Zheng W, Wang SY. 2001. Antioxidant activity and phenolic compounds in selected herbs. J Agric Food Chem, 49: 5165-5170.
- Ziino M, Condurso C, Romeo V, Tripodi G, Verzera A. 2009. Volatile compounds and capsaicinoid content of fresh hot peppers (Capsicum annuum L.) of different Calabrian varieties. J Sci Food Agric, 89: 774-780.
Yıl 2022,
Cilt: 5 Sayı: 2, 72 - 79, 01.04.2022
Tolga Sarıyer
Mehmet Ali Gündoğdu
Arda Akçal
Murat Şeker
Proje Numarası
Project Number: FHD-2019-3091”
- Amor FM, Serrano-Martinez A, Fortea I, Nunez Delicado E. 2008. Differential effect of organic cultivation on the levels of phenolics, peroxidase and capsidiol in sweet peppers. J Sci Food Agric, 88: 770-777.
- Balkaya A, Karaağaç O. 2009. Evaluation and selection of suitable red pepper (Capsicum annuum var. conoides Mill.) types in Turkey. Asian J Plant Sci, 8(7): 483-488.
- Bernardo A, Martinez S, Alvarez M, Fernandez A, Lopez M. 2008. The composıtıon of two Spanish pepper varıeties (Fresno de la vega and Benavente-los valles) in different ripening stages. J Food Qual, 31: 701-716.
- Bosland PW, Votava EJ. 2012. Domestication, history and spread. Ethnobotany. Chapter 1. Peppers vegetable and spice capsicums 2nd Edition. Crop Production Science and Horticulture Series 22. CPI Group Ltd, Croydon, UK, pp: 219.
- Bozok F, Kafkas E, Büyükalaca S. 2018. Türkiye’nin Adana ilinden toplanan Suillus collinitus (Fr.)’un uçucu aroma kompozisyonunun belirlenmesi. Gıda Bil Teknol Derg, 6(4): 486-489.
- Buttery RG, Seifert RM, Guadagni DG, Ling LC. 1969. Characterization of some volatile constituents of bell peppers. J Agr Food Chem, 17(6): 1322-1327.
- Calin Sanchez A, Martinez J, Vazquez Araujo L, Burlo F, Melgarejo P. Carbonell Barrachina A. 2010. Volatile composition and sensory quality of Spanish pomegranates (Punica granatum L.). J Sci Food Agric, 91: 586-592.
- Cirlini M, Luzzini G, Morini E, Folloni S, Ranieri R, Dall’Asta C, Galaverna G. 2019. Evaluation of the volatile fraction, pungency and extractable color of different Italian Capsicum annuum cultivars designed for food industry. European Food Res Techn, 245:2669–2678. DOI: 10.1007/s00217-019-03378-x. 1-10.
- Crepin J, Johnson RL. 1993. Soil sampling for environmental assessment. ACRC Press Company, New York, US, pp: 823.
- Ding X, Wu C, Huang J, Zhou R. 2015. Changes in volatile compounds of Chinese luzhou-flavor liquor during the fermentation and distillation process. J Food Sci, 80(11): 2373-2381.
- Domitrovic R. 2006. Vitamin C in disease prevention and therapy. Biochemia Medica, 16(2): 89-228.
- Duman İ, Düzyaman E. 2004. Türkiye’de yetiştirilen bazı önemli biber genotiplerinin morfolojik variyabilitesi üzerinde bir araştırma. Ege Üniv Zir Fak Derg, 41(3): 55-66.
- Ekinci N, Şeker M, Gündoğdu MA. 2016. Effects of post–harvest dippings of calcium oxide on aroma volatile compound of pink lady apple cultivar. Proceedings of the VII. Int. Sci. Agric. Sym. (Agrosym). pp: 1325–1331. 6-9 October 2016, Jahorina, Bosnia-Herzegovania.
- El-Ghorab AH, Javed Q, Anjum FM, Hamed SF, Shaaban, HA. 2013. Pakistani bell pepper (Capsicum annum L.): chemical compositions and its antioxidant activity. Int J Food Prop, 16: 18-32.
- Faustino CG, de Medeiros FA, Galardo AKR, Rodrigues ABL, Martins RL, de Medeiros Souza Lima Y, Tavares JF, de Medeiros MAA, dos Santos Cruz J, da Silva de Almeida SSM. 2020. Larvicide activity on aedes aegypti of essential oil nanoemulsion from the Protium heptaphyllum Resin. Molecules, 25: 5333. DOI: 10.3390/molecules25225333.1-12.
- Feng T, Shui M, Song S, Zhuang H, Sun M, Yao L. 2019. Characterization of the key aroma compounds in three true varieties from china by flavoromics approach. Molecules, 24(3305): 1-17.
- Ferreira DF, Garruti DDS, Barin JS, Cichoski AJ, Wagner R. 2016. Characterization of odor-active compounds in gabiroba fruits (Campomanesia xanthocarpa O. Berg). J Food Qual, 39: 90-97.
- Frary A, Keçeli MA, Ökmen B, Şığva HÖ, Yemenicioğlu A, Doğanlar A. 2008. Water-soluble antioxidant potential of Turkish pepper cultivars. Hort Sci, 43(3): 631-636.
- Gabriel KR. 1971. The biplot graphic display of matrices with application to principal component analysis. Biometrika, 58(3): 453-467.
- Jang HW, Ka MH, Lee KG. 2008. Antioxidant activity and characterization of volatile extracts of Capsicum annuum L. and Allium spp. Flav Fragrance J, 23: 178-184.
- Kalaivani K, Kalaiselvi MM, Senthil-Nathan S. 2016. Effect of methyl salicylate (MeSA), an elicitor on growth, physiology and pathology of resistant and susceptible rice varieties. Scient Rep, 6: 34498. DOI: 10.1038/srep34498.
- Kocsis N, Amtmann M, Mednyanszky Z, Korany K. 2002. GC--MS investigation of the aroma compounds of Hungarian red paprika (Capsicum annuum) cultivars. J Food Comp Anal, 15: 195-203.
- Kolton A, Wojciechowska R, Leja M. 2011. Effect of maturity stage and short-term storage on the biological quality of sweet pepper fruits. Veget Crops Res Bullet, 74: 143-152.
- Lattanzio V, Lattanzio MTV, Cardinali A. 2006. Role of polyphenols in the resistance mechanisms of plants against fungal pathogens and ınsects. Phytochem Adv Res, 2006: 23-67.
- Liu R, Xiong K, Dai X, Wang L, Liu Z, Xue W. 2010. The effects of maturity on chilli pepper volatile components determined by SDE, GC-MS and HPLC. Nat Prod Commun, 5(6): 985-990.
- Martinez S, Curros A, Bermudez J, Carballo J, Franco I. 2007. The composition of Arnoia peppers (Capsicum annuum L.) at different stages of maturity. Int J Food Sci Nutri, 58(2): 150-161.
- Niu Y, Wang P, Xiao Z, Zhu J, Sun X, Wang R. 2019. Evaluation of the perceptual interaction among ester aroma compounds in cherry wines By GC–MS, GC–O, odor threshold and sensory analysis: an insight at the molecular level. Food Chem, 275: 143-153.
- Pearson D, Churchill AA. 1970. The chemical analyses of foods. Gloucester Place, 104: 233.
- Qın L, Wer QP, Kang WH, Zhang Q, Sun J, Liu SZ. 2017. Comparison of volatile compounds in ‘fuji’ apples in the different regions in china. Food Sci Technol Res, 23(1): 79-89.
- Reboredo–Rodriguez P, Gonzalez–Barreiro C, Cancho–Grande B, Simal–Gandara J. 2013. Aroma biogenesis and distribution between olive pulps and seeds with ıdentification of aroma trends among cultivars. Food Chem, 141: 637-643.
- Rezende CM, Fraga SRG. 2003. Chemical and aroma determination of the pulp and seeds of murici (Byrsonima crassifolia L.). J Braz Chem Soc, 14(3): 425-428.
- Sabatini N, Marsilio M. 2008. Volatile compounds in table olives (Olea europaea L., Nocellara del Belice cultivar). Food Chem, 107: 1522-1528.
- Schwab W, Davidovich-Rikanati R, Lewinsohn E. 2008. Biosynthesis of plant-derived flavor compounds. Plant J, 54: 712-732.
- Selli S, Kelebek H, Ayseli MT, Tokbas H. 2014. Characterization of the most aroma-active compounds in cherry tomato by application of the aroma extract dilution analysis. Food Chem, 165: 540-546.
- Sim KH, Sil HY. 2008. Antioxidant activities of red pepper (Capsicum annuum) pericarp and seed extracts. Int J Food Sci Technol, 43: 1813-1823.
- Topuz A, Ozdemir F. 2007. Assessment of carotenoids, capsaicinoids and ascorbic acid composition of some selected pepper cultivars (Capsicum annuum L.) grown in Turkey. J Food Comp Anal, 20: 596-602.
- URL1: (access date: June 25, 2021).
- Vichi S, Guadayol JM, Caixach J, López-Tamames E, Buxaderas S. 2007. Comparative study of different extraction techniques for the analysis of virgin olive oil aroma. Food Chem, 105: 1171-1178.
- Yüksel L. 1998. Evaluation of the key odorants of fresh and dried coriander herb (Cilantro). MSc thesis, Mississippi State University, Faculty of Food Science and Technology, Mississippi, US, pp: 60.
- Zheng W, Wang SY. 2001. Antioxidant activity and phenolic compounds in selected herbs. J Agric Food Chem, 49: 5165-5170.
- Ziino M, Condurso C, Romeo V, Tripodi G, Verzera A. 2009. Volatile compounds and capsaicinoid content of fresh hot peppers (Capsicum annuum L.) of different Calabrian varieties. J Sci Food Agric, 89: 774-780.