Exploring I, bc-12 and bc-3 Gene Locus in Promising Common Bean Lines
Yıl 2023,
Cilt: 6 Sayı: 5, 478 - 484, 01.09.2023
Orkun Emiralioğlu
Mehmet Zahit Yeken
Ali Çelik
Vahdettin Çiftçi
Common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), known as the "poor man's meat", is an internationally important legume crop that appeals to farmers as well as consumers. Many biotic stressors such as bean common mosaic virus (BCMV), bean common mosaic necrosis virus (BCMNV) cause significant yield and quality losses in common bean. The most efficient and cost-effective way to lessen of these factors is to develop resistant cultivars. Local genotypes have been cultivated in many areas for years and have varied distinguishing characteristics as a result of spontaneous mutations. Identifying bean germplasm harboring gene sources is critical for developing resistant cultivars against BCMV and BCMNV. For this purpose, a total of 43 promising common bean lines selected from local genotypes cultivated across various regions of Türkiye were subjected to screening using diverse molecular markers (ROC11, SBD-5 and SW-13) to investigate gene sources associated with BCMV and BCMNV. The findings revealed that 21 lines had both I and bc-12 gene locus. In addition, the bc-12+bc-3 gene loci were discovered to be present in the 8 common bean lines. The combination of I+bc-3 resistance genes, which guarantees immune reaction to BCMV and BCMNV, was found in only one line; YLV-32. These gene sources can be evaluated in marker-assisted breeding to develop modern cultivars resistant to BCMV and BCMNV by breeders.
Destekleyen Kurum
Bolu Abant Izzet Baysal University
Proje Numarası
The authors thank the Research and Development Unit (BAP) of Bolu Abant Izzet Baysal University for their support in conducting this study (Project Number: 2022.10.06.1550).
- Ali MA. 1950. Genetics of resistance to the common bean mosaic virus (bean virus 1) in the bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Phytopathology, 40(1): 69-79.
- Blair MW. 2013. Mineral biofortification strategies for food staples: the example of common bean. J Agric Food Chem, 61(35): 8287-8294. DOI: 10.1021/jf400774y.
- Çeli̇k A, Morca AF, Emi̇rali̇oğlu O, Yeken MZ, Özer G, Çiftçi V. 2023a. The use of colorimetric loop-mediated isothermal amplification assay for naked-eye detection of bean common mosaic virus. Physiol Mol Plant Pathol, 125: 102017.
- Çelik A, Emiralioğlu O, Yeken MZ, Çiftçi V, Özer G, Kim Y, Baloch FS, Chung YS. 2023b. A novel study on bean common mosaic virus accumulation shows disease resistance at the initial stage of infection in Phaseolus vulgaris. Front Genet, 14: 1136794.
- Deligöz I, Sokmen M, Kutluk Yılmaz N, Özçelik H, Tekeoğlu M. 2022. Screening of snap and dry bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) genotypes for resistance to Bean common mosaic virus and Bean common mosaic necrosis virus. Plant Prot Bull, 62(4): 5-13. DOI: 10.16955/bitkorb.1130635.
- Deligöz I, Sökmen MA. 2013. Bazı fasulye genotiplerinin Bean common mosaic virus (BCMV) ve Bean common mosaic necrosis virus (BCMNV)'a dayanıklılık durumlarının kalitatif, kantitatif ve moleküler yöntemlerle belirlenmesi. Plant Prot Bull, 53(2): 101-113.
- Deligöz I, Arlı-Sökmen M, Tekeoglu M. 2021. Phenotypic and molecular screening of dry bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) breeding lines for resistance to bean common mosaic virus and bean common mosaic necrosis virus. Acta Sci Pol Hortorum Cultus, 20(6): 7-18. DOI: 10.24326/asphc.2021.6.2.
- Drijfhout E. 1978. Genetic Interaction between Phaseolus vulgaris L. and Bean Common Mosaic Virus with Implications for Strain Identification and Breeding for Resistance. Agricultural Research Report 872, Centre for Agricultural Publishing and Documentation, Pudoc, Wageningen, Netherlands.
- Drijfhout E. 1994. Bean common mosaic virus. In: Compendium of bean diseases, Hall, R. (Ed.). APS Press, St. Paul, Minnesota, US.
- El-Sawy MA, Mohamed HAE. Elsharkawy MM. 2014. Serological and molecular characterisations of the Egyptian isolate of Bean common mosaic virus. Arch Phytopathol, 47: 1431-1443.
- Galvez GE, Morales FJ. 1989. Aphid-transmitted viruses. In H.F. Shawartz and M.A. Pastor-Corrales (Ed). Bean production problems in the Tropics, 2nd. Ed. CIAT, Cali, Colombia, pp: 333-361.
- Haliloğlu K, Türkoğlu A, Öztürk HI, Özkan G, Elkoca E, Poczai P. 2022. iPBS-Retrotransposon Markers in the Analysis of Genetic Diversity among Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Germplasm from Türkiye. Genes, 13(7): 1147. DOI: 10.3390/genes13071147.
- Johnson WC, Guzmán P, Mandala D, Mkandawire ABC, Temple S, Gilbertson RL, Gepts P. 1997. Molecular tagging of the bc-3 gene for introgression into Andean common bean. Crop Sci., 37(1): 248-254. DOI: 10.2135/cropsci1997.0011183X003700010044x.
- Kelly JD. 1997. A review of varietal response to Bean common mosaic potyvirus in Phaseoulus vulgaris. Plant Variet Seeds, 10(1): 1-6.
- Kyle MM, Provvidenti R. 1993. Inheritance of resistance to potyviruses in Phaseolus vulgaris L. II. Linkage relations and utility of a dominant gene for lethal systemic necrosis to soybean mosaic virus. Theor Appl Genet, 86(2): 189-196. DOI: 10.1007/BF00222078.
- Melotto M, Afanador L, Kelly JD. 1996. Development of SCAR marker linked to the I gene in common bean. Genome, 39: 1216-1219. DOI: 10.1139/g96-155.
- Miklas PN, Larsen RC, Riley R, Kelly JD. 2000. Potential marker-assisted selection for bc-1² resistance to bean common mosaic potyvirus in common bean. Euphytica, 116(3): 211-219. DOI: 10.1023/A:1004006514814.
- Nadeem MA, Habyarimana E, Çiftçi V, Nawaz MA, Karaköy T, Comertpay G, Baloch, FS. 2018. Characterization of genetic diversity in Turkish common bean gene pool using phenotypic and whole-genome DArTseq-generated silicoDArT marker information. PloS One, 13(10): e0205363. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0205363.
- Nadeem MA, Yeken MZ, Shahid MQ, Habyarimana E, Yılmaz H, Alsaleh A, Baloch FS. 2021. Common bean as a potential crop for future food security: an overview of past, current and future contributions in genomics, transcriptomics, transgenics and proteomics. Biotechnol Equip, 35(1): 759-787. DOI: 10.1080/13102818.2021.1920462.
- Özkan G, Haliloğlu K, Türkoğlu A, Özturk HI, Elkoca E, Poczai P. 2022. Determining genetic diversity and population structure of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) landraces from Türkiye using SSR markers. Genes, 13(8): 1410. DOI: 10.3390/genes13081410.
- Palacıoğlu G, Şanlı I, Bayraktar H, Özer G. 2020. Ülkemizde yetiştirilen bazı fasulye (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Çeşitlerinin BCMV ve BCMNV’e karşı dayanıklılık kaynaklarının belirlenmesi. Int J Agri Wild Sci, 6(3): 453-460. DOI: 10.24180/ijaws.749476.
- Pasev G, Dimitrina K, Svetla S. 2014. Identification of genes for resistance to bean common mosaic virus and bean common mosaic necrosis virus in snap bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) breeding lines using conventional and molecular methods. J Phytopathol, 162(1): 19-25. DOI: 10.1111/jph.12149.
- Pastor-Corrales MA, Kelly JD, Steadman JR, Lindgren DT, Stavely JR, Coyne DP. 2007. Registration of six great northern bean germplasm lines with enhanced resistance to rust and bean common mosaic and necrosis potyviruses. J Plant Regist, 1: 77-79. DOI: 10.3198/jpr2005.12.0517crg.
- Silbernagel MJ, Mink GI, Zhao RL, Zheng GY. 2001. Phenotypic recombination between bean common mosaic and bean common mosaic necrosis potyviruses in vivo. Arch Virol, 146(5): 1007-1020. DOI: 10.1007/s007050170132.
- Sperotto RA, Ricachenevsky FK. 2017. Common bean Fe biofortification using model species’ lessons. Front. Plant Sci, 8: 2187. DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2017.02187.
- Worrall EA, Wamonje FO, Mukeshimana G, Harvey JJ, Carr JP, Mitter N. 2015. Bean common mosaic virus and Bean common mosaic necrosis virus: relationships, biology, and prospects for control. Adv Virus Res, 93: 1-46. DOI: 10.1016/bs.aivir.2015.04.002.
- Yeken MZ, Emiralioğlu O, Çiftçi V, Bayraktar H, Palacioğlu G, Özer G. 2022. Analysis of genetic diversity among common bean germplasm by start codon targeted (SCoT) markers. Mol Biol Rep, 49(5): 3839-3847. DOI: 10.1007/s11033-022-07229-z.
- Yeken MZ, Özer G, Çelik A, Çiftçi V. 2018. Türkiye'de ticari fasulye (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) çeşitlerinde bean common mosaic virus ve bean common mosaic necrosis virus etmenlerine dayanıklılıkla ilişkili genlerin karakterizasyonu. Türkjans, 5(4): 613-619. DOI: 10.30910/turkjans.471371.
Yıl 2023,
Cilt: 6 Sayı: 5, 478 - 484, 01.09.2023
Orkun Emiralioğlu
Mehmet Zahit Yeken
Ali Çelik
Vahdettin Çiftçi
Proje Numarası
- Ali MA. 1950. Genetics of resistance to the common bean mosaic virus (bean virus 1) in the bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Phytopathology, 40(1): 69-79.
- Blair MW. 2013. Mineral biofortification strategies for food staples: the example of common bean. J Agric Food Chem, 61(35): 8287-8294. DOI: 10.1021/jf400774y.
- Çeli̇k A, Morca AF, Emi̇rali̇oğlu O, Yeken MZ, Özer G, Çiftçi V. 2023a. The use of colorimetric loop-mediated isothermal amplification assay for naked-eye detection of bean common mosaic virus. Physiol Mol Plant Pathol, 125: 102017.
- Çelik A, Emiralioğlu O, Yeken MZ, Çiftçi V, Özer G, Kim Y, Baloch FS, Chung YS. 2023b. A novel study on bean common mosaic virus accumulation shows disease resistance at the initial stage of infection in Phaseolus vulgaris. Front Genet, 14: 1136794.
- Deligöz I, Sokmen M, Kutluk Yılmaz N, Özçelik H, Tekeoğlu M. 2022. Screening of snap and dry bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) genotypes for resistance to Bean common mosaic virus and Bean common mosaic necrosis virus. Plant Prot Bull, 62(4): 5-13. DOI: 10.16955/bitkorb.1130635.
- Deligöz I, Sökmen MA. 2013. Bazı fasulye genotiplerinin Bean common mosaic virus (BCMV) ve Bean common mosaic necrosis virus (BCMNV)'a dayanıklılık durumlarının kalitatif, kantitatif ve moleküler yöntemlerle belirlenmesi. Plant Prot Bull, 53(2): 101-113.
- Deligöz I, Arlı-Sökmen M, Tekeoglu M. 2021. Phenotypic and molecular screening of dry bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) breeding lines for resistance to bean common mosaic virus and bean common mosaic necrosis virus. Acta Sci Pol Hortorum Cultus, 20(6): 7-18. DOI: 10.24326/asphc.2021.6.2.
- Drijfhout E. 1978. Genetic Interaction between Phaseolus vulgaris L. and Bean Common Mosaic Virus with Implications for Strain Identification and Breeding for Resistance. Agricultural Research Report 872, Centre for Agricultural Publishing and Documentation, Pudoc, Wageningen, Netherlands.
- Drijfhout E. 1994. Bean common mosaic virus. In: Compendium of bean diseases, Hall, R. (Ed.). APS Press, St. Paul, Minnesota, US.
- El-Sawy MA, Mohamed HAE. Elsharkawy MM. 2014. Serological and molecular characterisations of the Egyptian isolate of Bean common mosaic virus. Arch Phytopathol, 47: 1431-1443.
- Galvez GE, Morales FJ. 1989. Aphid-transmitted viruses. In H.F. Shawartz and M.A. Pastor-Corrales (Ed). Bean production problems in the Tropics, 2nd. Ed. CIAT, Cali, Colombia, pp: 333-361.
- Haliloğlu K, Türkoğlu A, Öztürk HI, Özkan G, Elkoca E, Poczai P. 2022. iPBS-Retrotransposon Markers in the Analysis of Genetic Diversity among Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Germplasm from Türkiye. Genes, 13(7): 1147. DOI: 10.3390/genes13071147.
- Johnson WC, Guzmán P, Mandala D, Mkandawire ABC, Temple S, Gilbertson RL, Gepts P. 1997. Molecular tagging of the bc-3 gene for introgression into Andean common bean. Crop Sci., 37(1): 248-254. DOI: 10.2135/cropsci1997.0011183X003700010044x.
- Kelly JD. 1997. A review of varietal response to Bean common mosaic potyvirus in Phaseoulus vulgaris. Plant Variet Seeds, 10(1): 1-6.
- Kyle MM, Provvidenti R. 1993. Inheritance of resistance to potyviruses in Phaseolus vulgaris L. II. Linkage relations and utility of a dominant gene for lethal systemic necrosis to soybean mosaic virus. Theor Appl Genet, 86(2): 189-196. DOI: 10.1007/BF00222078.
- Melotto M, Afanador L, Kelly JD. 1996. Development of SCAR marker linked to the I gene in common bean. Genome, 39: 1216-1219. DOI: 10.1139/g96-155.
- Miklas PN, Larsen RC, Riley R, Kelly JD. 2000. Potential marker-assisted selection for bc-1² resistance to bean common mosaic potyvirus in common bean. Euphytica, 116(3): 211-219. DOI: 10.1023/A:1004006514814.
- Nadeem MA, Habyarimana E, Çiftçi V, Nawaz MA, Karaköy T, Comertpay G, Baloch, FS. 2018. Characterization of genetic diversity in Turkish common bean gene pool using phenotypic and whole-genome DArTseq-generated silicoDArT marker information. PloS One, 13(10): e0205363. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0205363.
- Nadeem MA, Yeken MZ, Shahid MQ, Habyarimana E, Yılmaz H, Alsaleh A, Baloch FS. 2021. Common bean as a potential crop for future food security: an overview of past, current and future contributions in genomics, transcriptomics, transgenics and proteomics. Biotechnol Equip, 35(1): 759-787. DOI: 10.1080/13102818.2021.1920462.
- Özkan G, Haliloğlu K, Türkoğlu A, Özturk HI, Elkoca E, Poczai P. 2022. Determining genetic diversity and population structure of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) landraces from Türkiye using SSR markers. Genes, 13(8): 1410. DOI: 10.3390/genes13081410.
- Palacıoğlu G, Şanlı I, Bayraktar H, Özer G. 2020. Ülkemizde yetiştirilen bazı fasulye (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Çeşitlerinin BCMV ve BCMNV’e karşı dayanıklılık kaynaklarının belirlenmesi. Int J Agri Wild Sci, 6(3): 453-460. DOI: 10.24180/ijaws.749476.
- Pasev G, Dimitrina K, Svetla S. 2014. Identification of genes for resistance to bean common mosaic virus and bean common mosaic necrosis virus in snap bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) breeding lines using conventional and molecular methods. J Phytopathol, 162(1): 19-25. DOI: 10.1111/jph.12149.
- Pastor-Corrales MA, Kelly JD, Steadman JR, Lindgren DT, Stavely JR, Coyne DP. 2007. Registration of six great northern bean germplasm lines with enhanced resistance to rust and bean common mosaic and necrosis potyviruses. J Plant Regist, 1: 77-79. DOI: 10.3198/jpr2005.12.0517crg.
- Silbernagel MJ, Mink GI, Zhao RL, Zheng GY. 2001. Phenotypic recombination between bean common mosaic and bean common mosaic necrosis potyviruses in vivo. Arch Virol, 146(5): 1007-1020. DOI: 10.1007/s007050170132.
- Sperotto RA, Ricachenevsky FK. 2017. Common bean Fe biofortification using model species’ lessons. Front. Plant Sci, 8: 2187. DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2017.02187.
- Worrall EA, Wamonje FO, Mukeshimana G, Harvey JJ, Carr JP, Mitter N. 2015. Bean common mosaic virus and Bean common mosaic necrosis virus: relationships, biology, and prospects for control. Adv Virus Res, 93: 1-46. DOI: 10.1016/bs.aivir.2015.04.002.
- Yeken MZ, Emiralioğlu O, Çiftçi V, Bayraktar H, Palacioğlu G, Özer G. 2022. Analysis of genetic diversity among common bean germplasm by start codon targeted (SCoT) markers. Mol Biol Rep, 49(5): 3839-3847. DOI: 10.1007/s11033-022-07229-z.
- Yeken MZ, Özer G, Çelik A, Çiftçi V. 2018. Türkiye'de ticari fasulye (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) çeşitlerinde bean common mosaic virus ve bean common mosaic necrosis virus etmenlerine dayanıklılıkla ilişkili genlerin karakterizasyonu. Türkjans, 5(4): 613-619. DOI: 10.30910/turkjans.471371.