Characterization and In Vitro Evaluation of Carrot Pulp Ensiled with Different Dry Roughages
Yıl 2023,
Cilt: 6 Sayı: 5, 571 - 577, 01.09.2023
Ali Faruk Kandemir
Canan Kop Bozbay
This study investigated the nutrient content, the digestibility of organic matter (OMD), and the metabolic energy (ME) values of silages prepared from carrot pulp, a by-product of the food industry. Five different silages with five replicates were prepared by adding wheat straw (CP + WS), vetch/oat hay (CP + VOH), maize stalk straw (CP + CS), alfalfa hay (CP + AH), and barley straw (CP + BS) as 20% absorption material to 80% carrot pulp. The silages were opened after 60 days, and physical and chemical analyses were performed. The dry matter content was highest in the CP+BS silage. Crude protein content was highest in the CP+AH and CP+VOH groups. CP+AH silage had the highest ADF and NDF. The CP+AH and CP+VOH groups had high-quality relative feed values, while all groups had very good Flieg quality values. There were no differences between the groups for OMD and ME. To conclude, it was found that carrot pulp silage can be used as an alternative feed source in animal nutrition.
Destekleyen Kurum
Scientific Research Fund of Eskisehir Osmangazi University
Proje Numarası
This research was part of an MSc project of the first author and was supported by the Scientific Research Fund of Eskisehir Osmangazi University (FYL-2021-1592). The authors are grateful for the support of the Scientific Research Fund of Eskisehir Osmangazi University.
- AOAC. 2006. Association of Official Analytical Chemists: Official Methods of Analysis, 18th ed.
- Ayaşan T, Sucu E, Ülger I, Hızlı H, Çubukcu P, Özcan BD. 2020. Determination of in vitro rumen digestibility and potential feed value of tiger nut varieties. S Afr J Anim, 50: 738-744.
- Azizi A, Hashemi M, Sharifi A. 2019. Effect of different dietary levels of carrot pulp on in vitro gas production, nutrients digestibility and rumen fermentation. Anim Prod, 7: 47-56.
- Başar Y, Atalay Aİ. 2020. The use of citrus pulps as an alternative feed source in ruminant feeding and its methane production capacities. J Inst Sci Tech, 10: 1449-1455.
- Büyükkılıç Beyzi S, Ülger İ, Kaliber M, Konca Y. 2018. Determination of chemical, nutritional and fermentation properties of citrus pulp silages. Turkish JAF Sci Tech, 6: 1833.
- Ergün A, Tuncer ŞD, Çolpan İ, Yalçın S, Yıdız G, Küçükersan K, Küçükersan S, Şehu A. 2020. Feeds, feed hygiene and technology. Pozitif Printing, Ankara, Türkiye, pp: 54.
- Gharehbagh AG, Pirmohammadi R, Alijoo YA, Behroozyar HK. 2020. Investigating the effect of apple pomac silage as fodder source on performance and residues of its toxins in milk and some rumen fermentation in Mahabadi lactation goats in early lactation period. Ukr J Ecol, 10: 241-245.
- Gillen RL, Berg WA. 1998. Nitrogen fertilization of a native grass planting in western Oklahoma. J Range Manage, 51: 436-441.
- Günal M, Öter M, Özkaya S. 2017. Determination of nutritive value of some market-place wastes by in vitro gas production technique. MKU J Agri, 22: 54-64.
- Jagtap SA, Adsule RN, Chavan UD. 2000. Utilization of carrot pomace for preparation of toffees. Beverage Food World, 27: 30-32.
- Jeranyama P, Garcia AD. 2004. Understanding relative feed value (RFV) and relative forage quality (RFQ). South Dakota State University, Washington, US, pp: 352.
- Kılıç A. 1986. Silo feed teaching, learning and application recommendations. Bilgehan Printing, İzmir, Türkiye, pp: 350.
- Larbi A, Smith JW, Kurdi IO, Adekunle IO, Raji AM, Ladipo DO. 1998. Chemical composition, rumen degradation, and gas production characteristics of some multipurpose fodder trees and shrubs during wet and dry seasons in the humid tropics. Anim Feed Sci Technol, 72: 81-96.
- Mahyuddin P. 2008. Relationship between chemical component and in vitro digestibility of tropical grasses. Hayati J Biosci, 15: 85-89.
- Massaro Junior FL, Bumbieris Junior VH, Pereira ES, Zanin E, Horst EH, Calixto OPP, Peixoto ELT, Galbeiro S, Mizubuti IY. 2022. Grape pomace silage on growth performance, carcass, and meat quality attributes of lambs. Sci Agri, 79: e20200343.
- Menke KH, Steingass H. 1988. Estimation of the energetic feed value from chemical analysis and in vitro gas production using rumen fluid. Anim Res Dev, 28: 7-55.
- Mertens DR, Taysom D, Steinlicht B. 2012. Factors affecting in vitro undigested NDF as estimates of indigestible NDF. J Dairy Sci, 93: 291.
- Mirzaei-Aghsaghali A, Maheri-Sis N. 2008. Nutritive value ofsomeagro-industrial by-products for ruminants- A review. World J Zool, 3: 40-46.
- Muck RE. 2010. Silage microbiology and its control through additives. Rev Bras Zootec, 39: 183-191.
- Mugerwa S, Kabirizi J, Zziwa E, Lukwago G. 2012. Utilization of crop residues and agro-industrial byproducts in livestock feeds and feeding systems of Uganda. Int J Biosci, 2: 82-89.
- Ndlovu LR, Nherera FV. 1997. Chemical composition and relationship to in vitro gas production of Zimbabwean browsable indigenous tree species. Anim Feed Sci Technol, 69: 121-129.
- Nocolle C, Cardinault N, Aprikian O, Busserolles J, Grolier P, Rock E, Demigné C, Mazur A, Scalbert A, Amouroux P, Rémésy C. 2003. Effect of carrot intake on cholesterol metabolism and antioxidant status in cholesterol fed rats. Eur J Nutr, 42: 254-261.
- Özdemir M, Okumuş O. 2022. Some silage studies made in Turkey in the last five years. J Erciyes Agri Anim Sci, 4: 30-39.
- Özdemir M, Ülger İ. 2022. The effect of ensiling peach pulp with some fruit pulp on nutrient composition, energy value, and organic matter digestibility. J Erciyes Agri Anim Sci, 5: 77-83.
- Ramos-Andrés M, Aguilera-Torre B, García-Serna J. 2020. Hydrothermal production of high-molecular weight hemicellulose-pectin, free sugars and residual cellulose pulp from discarded carrots. J Clean Prod, 290: 125179.
- Razak OA, Masaaki H, Yimamu A, Meiji O. 2012. Potential water retention capacity as a factor in silage effluent control: Experiments with high moisture by-product feedstuffs. Asian Australas J Anim Sci, 25: 471.
- Rohvveder DA, Barnes RF, Jorgensen N. 1978. Proposed hay grading standards based on laboratory analyses for evaluating quality. J Anim Sci, 47: 747-759.
- Rosas D, Ortiz H, Herrera J, Leyva O. 2016. Revalorización de algunos residuos agroindustriales y su potencial de aplicación a suelos agrícolas. Agroproductividad, 9: 18-23.
- Santos NW, Santos GT, Silva-Kazama DC, Grande PA, Pintro PM, de Marchi FE, Jobim CC, Petit HV. 2014. Production, composition and antioxidants in milk of dairy cows fed diets containing soybean oil and grape residue silage. Livest Sci, 159: 37-45.
- Sarıçiçek BZ, Yıldırım B, Kocabaş Z, Demir EÖ. 2016. The effects of storage time on nutrient composition and silage quality parameters of corn silage made in plastic mini silo in laboratory conditions. J Inst Sci Tech, 6: 177-183.
- Stallings CC. 2006. Relative feed value (RFV) and relative forage quality (RFQ). Virginia Cooperative Extension, Newsletter Archive index. URL: (accessed date: May 12, 2023).
- Tekin M. 2017. Determination of nutrient composition and in vitro digestion level of tomato herbage silage. MSc Thesis, Erciyes University, Graduate School of Health Sciences Department of Animal Nutrition and Nutritional Diseases, Kayseri, Türkiye, pp: 69.
- Tharangani RMH, Yakun C, Zhao LS, Ma L, Liu HL, Su SL, Shan L, Yang ZN, Kononoff PJ, Weiss WP, Bu DP. 2021. Corn silage quality index: An index combining milk yield, silage nutritional and fermentation parameters. Anim Feed Sci Technol, 273: 114817.
- Torronen R, Lehmusaho M, Häkkinen S, Hänninen O, Mykkänen H. 1996. Serum β-carotene response to supplementation with raw carrots, carrot juice or purified β-carotene in healthy non-smoking women. Nutr Res, 16: 565-575.
- TÜİK. (2022). Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu. URL: Production of vegetables, (accessed date: August 02, 2023).
- Ülger I, Küçük O, Kaliber M, Ayaşan T. 2018. Chemical composition, organic matter digestibility and energy content of apple pomace silage and its combination with corn plant, sugar beet pulp and pumpkin pulp. S Afr J Anim Sci, 48: 497-503.
- Ülger İ, Özdemir M. 2023. Effects of ensiling waste red and white grape pulp as alternative forage source on nutrient composition and silage quality traits. Osmaniye Korkut Ata Uni J Inst Sci Tech, 6: 792-805.
- Van Dyke NJ, Anderson PM. 2000. Interpreting a forage analysis. Alabama cooperative extension. Circular ANR-890.
- Van Soest PJ, Robertson JB, Lewis BA. 1991. Methods for dietary fiber, neutral detergent fiber, and nonstarch polysaccharides in relation to animal nutrition. J Dairy Sci, 74: 3583-3597.
- Van Soest PJ. 1994. Nutritional ecology of the ruminant. 2. Edition. Cornell University, London, UK.
- Wadhwa M, Bakshi MP, Makkar HP. 2015. Waste to worth: fruit wastes and by-products as animal feed. CAB Reviews, 10: 1-26.
- Yitbarek MB, Tamir B. 2014. Silage additives: Review. Open J Appl Sci, 4: 258-274.
Yıl 2023,
Cilt: 6 Sayı: 5, 571 - 577, 01.09.2023
Ali Faruk Kandemir
Canan Kop Bozbay
Proje Numarası
- AOAC. 2006. Association of Official Analytical Chemists: Official Methods of Analysis, 18th ed.
- Ayaşan T, Sucu E, Ülger I, Hızlı H, Çubukcu P, Özcan BD. 2020. Determination of in vitro rumen digestibility and potential feed value of tiger nut varieties. S Afr J Anim, 50: 738-744.
- Azizi A, Hashemi M, Sharifi A. 2019. Effect of different dietary levels of carrot pulp on in vitro gas production, nutrients digestibility and rumen fermentation. Anim Prod, 7: 47-56.
- Başar Y, Atalay Aİ. 2020. The use of citrus pulps as an alternative feed source in ruminant feeding and its methane production capacities. J Inst Sci Tech, 10: 1449-1455.
- Büyükkılıç Beyzi S, Ülger İ, Kaliber M, Konca Y. 2018. Determination of chemical, nutritional and fermentation properties of citrus pulp silages. Turkish JAF Sci Tech, 6: 1833.
- Ergün A, Tuncer ŞD, Çolpan İ, Yalçın S, Yıdız G, Küçükersan K, Küçükersan S, Şehu A. 2020. Feeds, feed hygiene and technology. Pozitif Printing, Ankara, Türkiye, pp: 54.
- Gharehbagh AG, Pirmohammadi R, Alijoo YA, Behroozyar HK. 2020. Investigating the effect of apple pomac silage as fodder source on performance and residues of its toxins in milk and some rumen fermentation in Mahabadi lactation goats in early lactation period. Ukr J Ecol, 10: 241-245.
- Gillen RL, Berg WA. 1998. Nitrogen fertilization of a native grass planting in western Oklahoma. J Range Manage, 51: 436-441.
- Günal M, Öter M, Özkaya S. 2017. Determination of nutritive value of some market-place wastes by in vitro gas production technique. MKU J Agri, 22: 54-64.
- Jagtap SA, Adsule RN, Chavan UD. 2000. Utilization of carrot pomace for preparation of toffees. Beverage Food World, 27: 30-32.
- Jeranyama P, Garcia AD. 2004. Understanding relative feed value (RFV) and relative forage quality (RFQ). South Dakota State University, Washington, US, pp: 352.
- Kılıç A. 1986. Silo feed teaching, learning and application recommendations. Bilgehan Printing, İzmir, Türkiye, pp: 350.
- Larbi A, Smith JW, Kurdi IO, Adekunle IO, Raji AM, Ladipo DO. 1998. Chemical composition, rumen degradation, and gas production characteristics of some multipurpose fodder trees and shrubs during wet and dry seasons in the humid tropics. Anim Feed Sci Technol, 72: 81-96.
- Mahyuddin P. 2008. Relationship between chemical component and in vitro digestibility of tropical grasses. Hayati J Biosci, 15: 85-89.
- Massaro Junior FL, Bumbieris Junior VH, Pereira ES, Zanin E, Horst EH, Calixto OPP, Peixoto ELT, Galbeiro S, Mizubuti IY. 2022. Grape pomace silage on growth performance, carcass, and meat quality attributes of lambs. Sci Agri, 79: e20200343.
- Menke KH, Steingass H. 1988. Estimation of the energetic feed value from chemical analysis and in vitro gas production using rumen fluid. Anim Res Dev, 28: 7-55.
- Mertens DR, Taysom D, Steinlicht B. 2012. Factors affecting in vitro undigested NDF as estimates of indigestible NDF. J Dairy Sci, 93: 291.
- Mirzaei-Aghsaghali A, Maheri-Sis N. 2008. Nutritive value ofsomeagro-industrial by-products for ruminants- A review. World J Zool, 3: 40-46.
- Muck RE. 2010. Silage microbiology and its control through additives. Rev Bras Zootec, 39: 183-191.
- Mugerwa S, Kabirizi J, Zziwa E, Lukwago G. 2012. Utilization of crop residues and agro-industrial byproducts in livestock feeds and feeding systems of Uganda. Int J Biosci, 2: 82-89.
- Ndlovu LR, Nherera FV. 1997. Chemical composition and relationship to in vitro gas production of Zimbabwean browsable indigenous tree species. Anim Feed Sci Technol, 69: 121-129.
- Nocolle C, Cardinault N, Aprikian O, Busserolles J, Grolier P, Rock E, Demigné C, Mazur A, Scalbert A, Amouroux P, Rémésy C. 2003. Effect of carrot intake on cholesterol metabolism and antioxidant status in cholesterol fed rats. Eur J Nutr, 42: 254-261.
- Özdemir M, Okumuş O. 2022. Some silage studies made in Turkey in the last five years. J Erciyes Agri Anim Sci, 4: 30-39.
- Özdemir M, Ülger İ. 2022. The effect of ensiling peach pulp with some fruit pulp on nutrient composition, energy value, and organic matter digestibility. J Erciyes Agri Anim Sci, 5: 77-83.
- Ramos-Andrés M, Aguilera-Torre B, García-Serna J. 2020. Hydrothermal production of high-molecular weight hemicellulose-pectin, free sugars and residual cellulose pulp from discarded carrots. J Clean Prod, 290: 125179.
- Razak OA, Masaaki H, Yimamu A, Meiji O. 2012. Potential water retention capacity as a factor in silage effluent control: Experiments with high moisture by-product feedstuffs. Asian Australas J Anim Sci, 25: 471.
- Rohvveder DA, Barnes RF, Jorgensen N. 1978. Proposed hay grading standards based on laboratory analyses for evaluating quality. J Anim Sci, 47: 747-759.
- Rosas D, Ortiz H, Herrera J, Leyva O. 2016. Revalorización de algunos residuos agroindustriales y su potencial de aplicación a suelos agrícolas. Agroproductividad, 9: 18-23.
- Santos NW, Santos GT, Silva-Kazama DC, Grande PA, Pintro PM, de Marchi FE, Jobim CC, Petit HV. 2014. Production, composition and antioxidants in milk of dairy cows fed diets containing soybean oil and grape residue silage. Livest Sci, 159: 37-45.
- Sarıçiçek BZ, Yıldırım B, Kocabaş Z, Demir EÖ. 2016. The effects of storage time on nutrient composition and silage quality parameters of corn silage made in plastic mini silo in laboratory conditions. J Inst Sci Tech, 6: 177-183.
- Stallings CC. 2006. Relative feed value (RFV) and relative forage quality (RFQ). Virginia Cooperative Extension, Newsletter Archive index. URL: (accessed date: May 12, 2023).
- Tekin M. 2017. Determination of nutrient composition and in vitro digestion level of tomato herbage silage. MSc Thesis, Erciyes University, Graduate School of Health Sciences Department of Animal Nutrition and Nutritional Diseases, Kayseri, Türkiye, pp: 69.
- Tharangani RMH, Yakun C, Zhao LS, Ma L, Liu HL, Su SL, Shan L, Yang ZN, Kononoff PJ, Weiss WP, Bu DP. 2021. Corn silage quality index: An index combining milk yield, silage nutritional and fermentation parameters. Anim Feed Sci Technol, 273: 114817.
- Torronen R, Lehmusaho M, Häkkinen S, Hänninen O, Mykkänen H. 1996. Serum β-carotene response to supplementation with raw carrots, carrot juice or purified β-carotene in healthy non-smoking women. Nutr Res, 16: 565-575.
- TÜİK. (2022). Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu. URL: Production of vegetables, (accessed date: August 02, 2023).
- Ülger I, Küçük O, Kaliber M, Ayaşan T. 2018. Chemical composition, organic matter digestibility and energy content of apple pomace silage and its combination with corn plant, sugar beet pulp and pumpkin pulp. S Afr J Anim Sci, 48: 497-503.
- Ülger İ, Özdemir M. 2023. Effects of ensiling waste red and white grape pulp as alternative forage source on nutrient composition and silage quality traits. Osmaniye Korkut Ata Uni J Inst Sci Tech, 6: 792-805.
- Van Dyke NJ, Anderson PM. 2000. Interpreting a forage analysis. Alabama cooperative extension. Circular ANR-890.
- Van Soest PJ, Robertson JB, Lewis BA. 1991. Methods for dietary fiber, neutral detergent fiber, and nonstarch polysaccharides in relation to animal nutrition. J Dairy Sci, 74: 3583-3597.
- Van Soest PJ. 1994. Nutritional ecology of the ruminant. 2. Edition. Cornell University, London, UK.
- Wadhwa M, Bakshi MP, Makkar HP. 2015. Waste to worth: fruit wastes and by-products as animal feed. CAB Reviews, 10: 1-26.
- Yitbarek MB, Tamir B. 2014. Silage additives: Review. Open J Appl Sci, 4: 258-274.