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Production, Nutritional Quality and Microbial Safety of Selected Nigerian Dried Meat Products: A Review

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 6, 726 - 733, 01.11.2023


Production and consumption of dried meat products are increasing considerably across all nations because they are nutritious, low in fat, easily accessible, and convenient for customers to eat. Over the years, its roles have become vital in human diet as they are consumed to combat protein malnutrition and boost food security of undernourished people in underdeveloped and developing nations. Initially, dried meat products are made to satisfy consumer expectations for sensory and nutritional attributes as well as to reduce meat wastage and increase the meat shelf life during prolonged transportation and storage. Recently, the discovery of contamination that is above the minimal threshold advised for meat safety has made the safety of dried meat products the focus of microbiological evaluation. It is well recognized that eating meat products with poisoning microorganisms could put customers at risk for health problems. As a result, it is critical to refocus the research to determine the viability of dried meat products for eating after production by evaluating the production processes, nutritional quality, and microbial safety. Therefore, this review aimed to highlight the production procedures, nutritional quality and microbial safety of dried meat products and their suitability for consumption after production.

Destekleyen Kurum

Adekunle Ajasin University Akungba Akoko

Proje Numarası



I appreciate Dr (Mrs) Eunice Akuru for proof reading the manuscript


  • Adeyeye EI, Adesina AJ, Olaleye AA, Olagboye SA, Olatunya MA. 2020. Proximate, vitamins, minerals compositions together with mineral ratios and mineral safety index of kilishi (Beef jerky meat). Haya Saudi J Life Sci, 5(5): 79-89.
  • Adeyeye EI, Olaleye AA, Aremu MO, Ayodele O, Olatoye RA, Gbolagade AY. 2020. Lipid composition of the jerky meat (Kilishi) consumed in Nigeria. FTST, 5(2): 602-12.
  • Adeyeye EI, Oseni OA, Popoola KO, Gbolagade YA, Olatoye AR, Idowu K. 2020. Amino acid composition of kilishi-Nigerian (beef jerky) meat. Sustain. Food Prod, 8: 1-6.
  • Adeyeye SAO. 2016. Quality and safety assessment of sun dried meat product (kundi) from Ibadan, Oyo state, Nigeria. Cogent Food Agri, 2: 1209074.
  • Adeyi AM, Osunde ZD, Ogunjirin OA, Awu JI, Ibrahim A. 2015 Effect of drying on nutritional quality of dried meat (Kilishi). J Agri Eng, 23(1): 14-34.
  • Ajiboye AE, Kolawole OM, Oladosu TO, Adedayo MR, Akintunde JK. 2011. Studies on the microorganisms associated with dried meat (Tinko) sold in Ilorin, Nigeria. Afr J Microbiol Res, 5: 4150-4154.
  • Akerele D, Akinbode SO, Dipeolu AO. 2010. Willingness to Pay for the Safety of Kilishiin Sokoto, Nigeria. J Agri Food Inf, 11: 330-339.
  • Anjorin TS, Ekwunife SC, Egweye EJ, Akande MG, Fagbohun AA, Asogwa NT. 2022. Mycotoxin Profile of Honey and Dry-Cured Meat (Kilishi) for Export in Abuja, Nigeria. Food Sci Eng, 2022: 194-209.
  • Ayorinde KS, Muhammad BF. 2017. Effect of specie on the mineral and proximate composition of raw meats and ‘Kilishi’ produced from beef and camel meats towards reducing food wastage in food in secured environment: a case study of Kano state, Nigeria. Glob J Anim Sci, 5: 2.
  • Ayorinde KS. 2015. Beef and camel meat ‘kilishi’ preservation with natural oils towards sustainable development in Africa. J Sust Devel Africa, 17(7): 18-29.
  • Dada TA, Ekwomadu TI, Mwanza M. 2020. Multi mycotoxin determination in dried beef using liquid chromatography coupled with triple quadrupole mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). Toxins, 12(6): 357.
  • Eke K, Ojotu M, Ariahu A, Chukwuma C, Abu A, Oneh J. 2013. Sensory and chemical evaluation of beef based dambu‐nama (BBDN). Adv J Food Sci Technol, 5(10): 1271-1274.
  • Eke MO, Ariahu CC, Igyor MA. 2013b. In-vivo quality assessment of dambu-nama treated with some hurdles. Int J Eng Sci, 2: 27-31.
  • Eke MO, Ariahu CC, Okonkwo TM. 2012. Production and Quality Evaluation of Dambu-Nama – A Nigerian Dried Meat Product. Niger. Food J, 30(2): 66-72.
  • European Commission Regulation (EC). 2006. No 1881/2006 of 19 December 2006 setting maximum levels for certain contaminants in foodstuffs.
  • European Commission Regulation (EC). 2010. European Commission. Commission Regulation (EC) No 165/2010 of 26 February 2010 amending Regulation (EC) No 1881/2006 setting maximum levels for certain contaminants in foodstuffs as regards aflatoxins. Off J Eur Union L, 50: 8-12.
  • Fakolade PO, Fatola ME. 2021. A comparison study on the quality attributes of kilishi produced from camel, chevon and pork. UJARR, 2021: 5.
  • Falowo AB. 2021. A comprehensive review of nutritional benefits of minerals in meat and meat products. Sci Lett, 9(2): 55-64.
  • Gambo A., Barde A. Dankadia JM. 2012. Microbiological quality of some commercially processed meat products ‘tsire’ ‘balangu’ ‘kilishi’ sold within Wudil town, Kano state. Proceedings of the 36th Annual conference of NISFT, October 15-19, 2012, Fukuoka, Japan.
  • Idowu AO, Omobuwajo TO, Falade KO. 2010. Production proximate analysis and shelf life studies of ready-to-eat rice and kilishi. Afr J Food Sci, 4(5): 264-268.
  • Iheagwara MC, Okonkwo TM. 2016. Effect of processing techniques on the microbiological quality of Kilishi – A traditional Nigerian dried beef product. J Meat Sci Technol, 4(1): 11-17.
  • Iqbal SZ, Nisar S, Asi MR, Jinap S. 2014. Natural incidence of aflatoxins, ochratoxin A and zearalenone in chicken meat and eggs. Food Control, 1(43): 98-103.
  • Iyiola VO, Aladi NO, Anyanwu VC, Okeudo NJ. 2021. Animal product and processing technology proximate composition and microbial countof oven dried kilishi-like jerkies made with different slurry types. 26th Annual Conference of Animal Science Association of Nigeria-Nigerian Institute of Animal Science (ASAN-NIAS), November 12-18, 2021, Uyo Nigeria.
  • Karabasil N, Bošković T, Tomašević I, Vasilev D, Dimitrijević M, Katanić N, Antić D. 2018. Production of traditional meat products in small and micro establishments in Serbia: Current status and future perspectives. Acta Vet, 68(4): 373-90. DOI: 10.2478/acve-2018-0031.
  • Khodaei D, Javanmardi F, Khaneghah AM. 2021. The global overview of the occurrence of mycotoxins in cereals: a three-year survey. Curr Opin Food Sci, 39: 36-42.
  • Koleosho F. 2013. Dambu Nama - A Meaty Treat. URL: https:// funke- koleosho.blogspot. com / 2013 / 12 / dambu-nama-meaty-treat.html (accessed date: January 10, 2023).
  • Kovač T, Šarkanj B, Borišev I, Djordjevic A, Jović D, Lončarić A, Babić J, Jozinović A, Krska T, Gangl J, Ezekiel CN. 2020. Fullerol c60 (oh) 24 nanoparticles affect secondary metabolite profile of important foodborne mycotoxigenic fungi in vitro. Toxins, 12(4): 213. DOI: 10.3390/toxins12040213.
  • Laranjo M, Talon R, Lauková A, Fraqueza MJ, Elias M. 2017. Traditional meat products: improvement of quality and safety. J Food Qual, 2017: 2873793.
  • Mahato DK, Lee KE, Kamle M, Devi S, Dewangan KN, Kumar P, Kang SG. 2019. Aflatoxins in food and feed: An overview on prevalence, detection and control strategies. Front Microbiol, 10: 2266.
  • Mediani A, Hamezah HS, Jam FA, Mahadi NF, Chan SX, Rohani ER, Che Lah NH, Azlan UK, Khairul Annuar NA, Azman NA, Bunawan H. 2022. A comprehensive review of drying meat products and the associated effects and changes. Front Nutr, 9: 1057366.
  • Mishra B, Mishra J, Pati P, Rath P. 2017.Dehydrated meat products—A review. Int J Livest Res, 7: 10-22.
  • Montanha FP, Anater A, Burchard JF, Luciano FB, Meca G, Manyes L, Pimpão CT. 2018. Mycotoxins in dry-cured meats: A review. Food Chem Toxicol, 111: 494-502.
  • Muhammad BF, Mahmud AB, Mustapha A. 2010. Effect of processing method on composition and consumer acceptability of camel (Camelus dromedarious) meat and beef. Niger J Anim Prod, 38(1): 135-144.
  • Ogunsola OO, Omojola AB. 2008. Qualitative evaluation of Kilishi prepared from beef and pork. Afr J Biotechnol, 7(11): 1753-1758.
  • Oladejo DA, Adebayo-Tayo BC. 2011. Moulds, proximate mineral composition and mycotoxin contamination of banda (“kundi”/“tinko”) sold in Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria. AU J Tech, 15(1): 32-40.
  • Olusola OO, Abunwune RN, Adeshola AT. 2017. Quality evaluation of kilishi, an intermediate moisture meat product sold in Zaria metropolis, Nigeria. Niger J Anim Sci, 19(2): 271-279.
  • Pandey AK, Samota MK, Kumar A, Silva AS, Dubey NK. 2022. Fungal mycotoxins in food commodities: present status and future concerns. Front Sustain Food Syst, 57: 1162595.
  • Ribah MI, Jibir M, Jega IS. 2020. Influence of packaging materials and storage length on the physico-chemical quality of Balangu a Nigerian ready-to-eat meat product. Int J Res Sci Innov, 7: 7.
  • Sivaranjani M, Nayar R, Rajagopal K, Vasudevan VN, Bashir BP. 2022. Physico-chemical and microbiological characteristics of buffalo meat dried by hot air. Pharma Innova J, 11(12): 5462-5465.
Yıl 2023, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 6, 726 - 733, 01.11.2023


Proje Numarası



  • Adeyeye EI, Adesina AJ, Olaleye AA, Olagboye SA, Olatunya MA. 2020. Proximate, vitamins, minerals compositions together with mineral ratios and mineral safety index of kilishi (Beef jerky meat). Haya Saudi J Life Sci, 5(5): 79-89.
  • Adeyeye EI, Olaleye AA, Aremu MO, Ayodele O, Olatoye RA, Gbolagade AY. 2020. Lipid composition of the jerky meat (Kilishi) consumed in Nigeria. FTST, 5(2): 602-12.
  • Adeyeye EI, Oseni OA, Popoola KO, Gbolagade YA, Olatoye AR, Idowu K. 2020. Amino acid composition of kilishi-Nigerian (beef jerky) meat. Sustain. Food Prod, 8: 1-6.
  • Adeyeye SAO. 2016. Quality and safety assessment of sun dried meat product (kundi) from Ibadan, Oyo state, Nigeria. Cogent Food Agri, 2: 1209074.
  • Adeyi AM, Osunde ZD, Ogunjirin OA, Awu JI, Ibrahim A. 2015 Effect of drying on nutritional quality of dried meat (Kilishi). J Agri Eng, 23(1): 14-34.
  • Ajiboye AE, Kolawole OM, Oladosu TO, Adedayo MR, Akintunde JK. 2011. Studies on the microorganisms associated with dried meat (Tinko) sold in Ilorin, Nigeria. Afr J Microbiol Res, 5: 4150-4154.
  • Akerele D, Akinbode SO, Dipeolu AO. 2010. Willingness to Pay for the Safety of Kilishiin Sokoto, Nigeria. J Agri Food Inf, 11: 330-339.
  • Anjorin TS, Ekwunife SC, Egweye EJ, Akande MG, Fagbohun AA, Asogwa NT. 2022. Mycotoxin Profile of Honey and Dry-Cured Meat (Kilishi) for Export in Abuja, Nigeria. Food Sci Eng, 2022: 194-209.
  • Ayorinde KS, Muhammad BF. 2017. Effect of specie on the mineral and proximate composition of raw meats and ‘Kilishi’ produced from beef and camel meats towards reducing food wastage in food in secured environment: a case study of Kano state, Nigeria. Glob J Anim Sci, 5: 2.
  • Ayorinde KS. 2015. Beef and camel meat ‘kilishi’ preservation with natural oils towards sustainable development in Africa. J Sust Devel Africa, 17(7): 18-29.
  • Dada TA, Ekwomadu TI, Mwanza M. 2020. Multi mycotoxin determination in dried beef using liquid chromatography coupled with triple quadrupole mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). Toxins, 12(6): 357.
  • Eke K, Ojotu M, Ariahu A, Chukwuma C, Abu A, Oneh J. 2013. Sensory and chemical evaluation of beef based dambu‐nama (BBDN). Adv J Food Sci Technol, 5(10): 1271-1274.
  • Eke MO, Ariahu CC, Igyor MA. 2013b. In-vivo quality assessment of dambu-nama treated with some hurdles. Int J Eng Sci, 2: 27-31.
  • Eke MO, Ariahu CC, Okonkwo TM. 2012. Production and Quality Evaluation of Dambu-Nama – A Nigerian Dried Meat Product. Niger. Food J, 30(2): 66-72.
  • European Commission Regulation (EC). 2006. No 1881/2006 of 19 December 2006 setting maximum levels for certain contaminants in foodstuffs.
  • European Commission Regulation (EC). 2010. European Commission. Commission Regulation (EC) No 165/2010 of 26 February 2010 amending Regulation (EC) No 1881/2006 setting maximum levels for certain contaminants in foodstuffs as regards aflatoxins. Off J Eur Union L, 50: 8-12.
  • Fakolade PO, Fatola ME. 2021. A comparison study on the quality attributes of kilishi produced from camel, chevon and pork. UJARR, 2021: 5.
  • Falowo AB. 2021. A comprehensive review of nutritional benefits of minerals in meat and meat products. Sci Lett, 9(2): 55-64.
  • Gambo A., Barde A. Dankadia JM. 2012. Microbiological quality of some commercially processed meat products ‘tsire’ ‘balangu’ ‘kilishi’ sold within Wudil town, Kano state. Proceedings of the 36th Annual conference of NISFT, October 15-19, 2012, Fukuoka, Japan.
  • Idowu AO, Omobuwajo TO, Falade KO. 2010. Production proximate analysis and shelf life studies of ready-to-eat rice and kilishi. Afr J Food Sci, 4(5): 264-268.
  • Iheagwara MC, Okonkwo TM. 2016. Effect of processing techniques on the microbiological quality of Kilishi – A traditional Nigerian dried beef product. J Meat Sci Technol, 4(1): 11-17.
  • Iqbal SZ, Nisar S, Asi MR, Jinap S. 2014. Natural incidence of aflatoxins, ochratoxin A and zearalenone in chicken meat and eggs. Food Control, 1(43): 98-103.
  • Iyiola VO, Aladi NO, Anyanwu VC, Okeudo NJ. 2021. Animal product and processing technology proximate composition and microbial countof oven dried kilishi-like jerkies made with different slurry types. 26th Annual Conference of Animal Science Association of Nigeria-Nigerian Institute of Animal Science (ASAN-NIAS), November 12-18, 2021, Uyo Nigeria.
  • Karabasil N, Bošković T, Tomašević I, Vasilev D, Dimitrijević M, Katanić N, Antić D. 2018. Production of traditional meat products in small and micro establishments in Serbia: Current status and future perspectives. Acta Vet, 68(4): 373-90. DOI: 10.2478/acve-2018-0031.
  • Khodaei D, Javanmardi F, Khaneghah AM. 2021. The global overview of the occurrence of mycotoxins in cereals: a three-year survey. Curr Opin Food Sci, 39: 36-42.
  • Koleosho F. 2013. Dambu Nama - A Meaty Treat. URL: https:// funke- koleosho.blogspot. com / 2013 / 12 / dambu-nama-meaty-treat.html (accessed date: January 10, 2023).
  • Kovač T, Šarkanj B, Borišev I, Djordjevic A, Jović D, Lončarić A, Babić J, Jozinović A, Krska T, Gangl J, Ezekiel CN. 2020. Fullerol c60 (oh) 24 nanoparticles affect secondary metabolite profile of important foodborne mycotoxigenic fungi in vitro. Toxins, 12(4): 213. DOI: 10.3390/toxins12040213.
  • Laranjo M, Talon R, Lauková A, Fraqueza MJ, Elias M. 2017. Traditional meat products: improvement of quality and safety. J Food Qual, 2017: 2873793.
  • Mahato DK, Lee KE, Kamle M, Devi S, Dewangan KN, Kumar P, Kang SG. 2019. Aflatoxins in food and feed: An overview on prevalence, detection and control strategies. Front Microbiol, 10: 2266.
  • Mediani A, Hamezah HS, Jam FA, Mahadi NF, Chan SX, Rohani ER, Che Lah NH, Azlan UK, Khairul Annuar NA, Azman NA, Bunawan H. 2022. A comprehensive review of drying meat products and the associated effects and changes. Front Nutr, 9: 1057366.
  • Mishra B, Mishra J, Pati P, Rath P. 2017.Dehydrated meat products—A review. Int J Livest Res, 7: 10-22.
  • Montanha FP, Anater A, Burchard JF, Luciano FB, Meca G, Manyes L, Pimpão CT. 2018. Mycotoxins in dry-cured meats: A review. Food Chem Toxicol, 111: 494-502.
  • Muhammad BF, Mahmud AB, Mustapha A. 2010. Effect of processing method on composition and consumer acceptability of camel (Camelus dromedarious) meat and beef. Niger J Anim Prod, 38(1): 135-144.
  • Ogunsola OO, Omojola AB. 2008. Qualitative evaluation of Kilishi prepared from beef and pork. Afr J Biotechnol, 7(11): 1753-1758.
  • Oladejo DA, Adebayo-Tayo BC. 2011. Moulds, proximate mineral composition and mycotoxin contamination of banda (“kundi”/“tinko”) sold in Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria. AU J Tech, 15(1): 32-40.
  • Olusola OO, Abunwune RN, Adeshola AT. 2017. Quality evaluation of kilishi, an intermediate moisture meat product sold in Zaria metropolis, Nigeria. Niger J Anim Sci, 19(2): 271-279.
  • Pandey AK, Samota MK, Kumar A, Silva AS, Dubey NK. 2022. Fungal mycotoxins in food commodities: present status and future concerns. Front Sustain Food Syst, 57: 1162595.
  • Ribah MI, Jibir M, Jega IS. 2020. Influence of packaging materials and storage length on the physico-chemical quality of Balangu a Nigerian ready-to-eat meat product. Int J Res Sci Innov, 7: 7.
  • Sivaranjani M, Nayar R, Rajagopal K, Vasudevan VN, Bashir BP. 2022. Physico-chemical and microbiological characteristics of buffalo meat dried by hot air. Pharma Innova J, 11(12): 5462-5465.
Toplam 39 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Konular Hayvansal Üretim (Diğer)
Bölüm Reviews

Andrew Falowo 0000-0002-4712-0398

Proje Numarası Nill
Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Kasım 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 17 Mayıs 2023
Kabul Tarihi 11 Ekim 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023 Cilt: 6 Sayı: 6

Kaynak Göster

APA Falowo, A. (2023). Production, Nutritional Quality and Microbial Safety of Selected Nigerian Dried Meat Products: A Review. Black Sea Journal of Agriculture, 6(6), 726-733.
