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Assessing Sustainability Disparities among Typologies of Sheep Farming in Türkiye

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 6, 750 - 757, 15.11.2024


This research aims to empirically examine the relationship between sustainability level and typological differences among Turkish sheep farms and the success of policy implications. Farm level research data were collected from randomly selected 328 sheep farms in Diyarbakır, Şanlıurfa, Mersin, Antalya, Konya, and Ankara through a structured questionnaire. Farm level sustainability was explored based on a composite sustainability index was created based on the selected 28 indicators attributed to productivity, resilience, adaptability, self-sufficiency, and equity under economic, social, and environmental pillars of sustainability. Research results revealed that the sustainability level of sheep farms varied from 36.54% to 41.19% associated with typology. Sheep farms in Type III (semi-intensive dairy sheep farms) and 5 (intensive dairy sheep farms) had the highest economic sustainability, while sheep farms in Type VI (multi-purpose sheep farms with large land) had the highest social sustainability and sheep farms in Type IV (extensive multi-purpose farms with small land) had the highest environmental sustainability. Sheep farms in Type V (intensive dairy sheep farms) were better performers than others in resilience and productivity. The research results also showed that there had been a gap between current policy implications and the real needs of sheep farms to achieve sustainability and it varied associated with typology. The study suggests considering sustainability level differences by typology when designing and practicing policy related to sheep farming. Reducing the gap between the real needs of sheep farms and current policy implications may increase the efficiency and impact of policy measures related to sheep farming.

Etik Beyan

The experimental procedures were approved by the Social and Human Sciences Research Ethics Committee of Ondokuz Mayis University (Approve number: 2021/592).

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Proje Numarası



This work was supported by The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey [ Grant no: 121K711].


  • Barron LJR., Andonegi A, Gamboa G, Garmendia E, García O, Aldai N, Aldezabal A. 2021. Sustainability assessment of pasture-based dairy sheep systems: a multidisciplinary and multiscale approach. Sustainability, 13: 3994.
  • Bernués A, Ruiz R, Olaizola A, Villalba D, Casasús I. 2011. Sustainability of pasture-based livestock farming systems in the European Mediterranean context: synergies and trade-offs. Livestock Sci, 139: 44-57.
  • Canan S, Ocak Yetişgin S, Bayav A, Arısoy H, Kaya T. 2022. Determination of typology of farms of small ruminants and the effect of typology on production efficiency of farms. Nobel Scientific Works Publishing House Publication, Ankara, Türkiye.
  • Cloquell-Ballester V, Cloquell-Ballester V, Monterde-Díaz R, Santamarina-Siurana M. 2006. Indicators validation for the improvement of environmental and social impact quantitative assessment. Environ Impact Asses Rev, 26: 79-105.
  • Gürsoy O. 2006. Economics and profitability of sheep and goat production in Türkiye under new support regimes and market conditions. Small Rumin Res, 62(3): 181-191.
  • Ion E.R, Ion C, Ion R, Marin MP, Carmen GN. 2015. Research regarding the typology of some sheep farms that practice conventional breeding system. Agri Agri Sci Procedia, 6: 206-210.
  • Lebacq T, Baret PV, Stilmant D. 2015. Role of input self-sufficiency in the economic and environmental sustainability of specialized dairy farms. Animal, 9: 544-55.
  • López-Ridaura S, Masera OR, Astier M. 2002. Evaluating the sustainability of complex socio-environmental systems: the MESMIS framework. Ecol Indicat, 2: 135-148.
  • Madelrieux S, Dedieu B, Dobremez L, Girard N. 2009. Patterns of work organization in livestock farms: The ATELAGE approach. Livestock Sci, 121: 28-37.
  • Masera OR, Astier M, López-Ridaura S. 2000. Sustentabilidad y manejo de recursos naturales: el marco de la evaluación MESMIS. Mundi-Prensa, México.
  • McCoart SA, Stevens DR, Whitney TR. 2020. Sustainable sheep and goat production through strategic nutritional management and advanced technologies, Editor(s): Fuller W. Bazer, G. Cliff Lamb, Guoyao Wu. Animal Agriculture, Academic Press, Londok, UK, pp: 231-246.
  • Pannell DJ, Glenn NA. 2000. A framework for the economic evaluation and selection of sustainability indicators in agriculture. Ecol Econ, 33(1): 135-149.
  • Pappa EC, Kondyli E, Sotirakoglou K, Bosnea L, Mataragas M, Allouche L, Tsiplakou E, Pappas AC. 2021. Farmers profile and characterization of sheep and goat dairy chain in Northwestern Greece. Sustainability, 13(2): 833.
  • Paraskevopoulou C, Theodoridis A, Johnson M, Ragkos A, Arguile L, Smith L, Vlachos D, Arsenos G. 2020. Sustainability assessment of goat and sheep farms: a comparison between European Countries. Sustainability, 12(8): 3099. 
  • Peacock C, Sherman DM. 2010. Sustainable goat production global perspectives. Small Rumin Res, 89: 70-80.
  • Reed MS, Fraser EDG, Dougill AJ. 2006. An adaptive learning process for developing and applying sustainability indicators with local communities. Ecol Econ, 59(4): 406-418.
  • Ripoll-Bosch R, Díez-Unquera B, Ruiz R, Villalba D, Molina E, Joy M, Olaizola A, Bernués,A. 2012. An integrated sustainability assessment of Mediterranean sheep farms with different degrees of intensification, Agri Syst, 105: 46-56.
  • Rolesu S, Loi F, Cappai S, Coccollone A, Cataldi M, Usala P, Podda A, Deliperi S, Oppia P, Natale A, Laddomada, A, Contu M. 2018. Description and typology of dairy sheep farm management profiles in Sardinia. Small Rumin Res, 164: 39-47.
  • Ronchi B, Nardone A. 2003. Contribution of organic farming to increase the sustainability of Mediterranean small ruminants' livestock systems. Livestock Prod Sci, 80: 17-31.
  • Ryschawy J, Choisis N, Choisis JP, Joannon A, Gibon A. 2012. Mixed crop-livestock systems: an economic and environmental-friendly way of farming? Animal, 6: 1722-1730.
  • Silveria RMF, de Vasconcelos AM, da Silva VJ, Vega WHO, Toro-Mujica P, Ferreiraet J. 2021. Typification, characterization, and differentiation of sheep production systems in the Brazilian semiarid region. Agri Life Sci, 48(1):73-93.
  • Stylianou A, Sdrali D, Apostolopoulos CD. 2020. Capturing the diversity of Mediterranean farming systems before their sustainability assessment: The case of Cyprus. Land Use Policy, 96: 104722.
  • Toro-Mujica P, García A, Aguilar C, Vera R, Perea J, Angón E. 2015. Economic sustainability of organic dairy sheep systems in Central Spain. Italian J Anim Sci, 14(2): 3625.
  • Toro-Mujica P, García A, Perea J, de Pablos-Heredero C, Barbaly C, Angónet E. 2014. A Sustainability assessment of organic dairy sheep systems in Castilla La Mancha (Spain). Revista Científica XXIV, (6): 553-562.
  • TSI. 2022. Turkish Statistical Institute, Livestock Statistics, (accessed date: March 15, 2021).
  • Veysset P, Lherm M, Bebin D. 2005. Evolutions, dispersions et déterminants du revenu en élevage bovin allaitant charolais. Etude sur 15 ans (1989–2003) à partir d’un échantillon constant de 69 exploitations. INRA Prod Animales, 18: 265-275.
  • Vilain L. 2008. La méthode IDEA: indicateurs de durabilité des exploitations agricoles. Educagri Editions, Dijon, France.
Yıl 2024, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 6, 750 - 757, 15.11.2024


Proje Numarası



  • Barron LJR., Andonegi A, Gamboa G, Garmendia E, García O, Aldai N, Aldezabal A. 2021. Sustainability assessment of pasture-based dairy sheep systems: a multidisciplinary and multiscale approach. Sustainability, 13: 3994.
  • Bernués A, Ruiz R, Olaizola A, Villalba D, Casasús I. 2011. Sustainability of pasture-based livestock farming systems in the European Mediterranean context: synergies and trade-offs. Livestock Sci, 139: 44-57.
  • Canan S, Ocak Yetişgin S, Bayav A, Arısoy H, Kaya T. 2022. Determination of typology of farms of small ruminants and the effect of typology on production efficiency of farms. Nobel Scientific Works Publishing House Publication, Ankara, Türkiye.
  • Cloquell-Ballester V, Cloquell-Ballester V, Monterde-Díaz R, Santamarina-Siurana M. 2006. Indicators validation for the improvement of environmental and social impact quantitative assessment. Environ Impact Asses Rev, 26: 79-105.
  • Gürsoy O. 2006. Economics and profitability of sheep and goat production in Türkiye under new support regimes and market conditions. Small Rumin Res, 62(3): 181-191.
  • Ion E.R, Ion C, Ion R, Marin MP, Carmen GN. 2015. Research regarding the typology of some sheep farms that practice conventional breeding system. Agri Agri Sci Procedia, 6: 206-210.
  • Lebacq T, Baret PV, Stilmant D. 2015. Role of input self-sufficiency in the economic and environmental sustainability of specialized dairy farms. Animal, 9: 544-55.
  • López-Ridaura S, Masera OR, Astier M. 2002. Evaluating the sustainability of complex socio-environmental systems: the MESMIS framework. Ecol Indicat, 2: 135-148.
  • Madelrieux S, Dedieu B, Dobremez L, Girard N. 2009. Patterns of work organization in livestock farms: The ATELAGE approach. Livestock Sci, 121: 28-37.
  • Masera OR, Astier M, López-Ridaura S. 2000. Sustentabilidad y manejo de recursos naturales: el marco de la evaluación MESMIS. Mundi-Prensa, México.
  • McCoart SA, Stevens DR, Whitney TR. 2020. Sustainable sheep and goat production through strategic nutritional management and advanced technologies, Editor(s): Fuller W. Bazer, G. Cliff Lamb, Guoyao Wu. Animal Agriculture, Academic Press, Londok, UK, pp: 231-246.
  • Pannell DJ, Glenn NA. 2000. A framework for the economic evaluation and selection of sustainability indicators in agriculture. Ecol Econ, 33(1): 135-149.
  • Pappa EC, Kondyli E, Sotirakoglou K, Bosnea L, Mataragas M, Allouche L, Tsiplakou E, Pappas AC. 2021. Farmers profile and characterization of sheep and goat dairy chain in Northwestern Greece. Sustainability, 13(2): 833.
  • Paraskevopoulou C, Theodoridis A, Johnson M, Ragkos A, Arguile L, Smith L, Vlachos D, Arsenos G. 2020. Sustainability assessment of goat and sheep farms: a comparison between European Countries. Sustainability, 12(8): 3099. 
  • Peacock C, Sherman DM. 2010. Sustainable goat production global perspectives. Small Rumin Res, 89: 70-80.
  • Reed MS, Fraser EDG, Dougill AJ. 2006. An adaptive learning process for developing and applying sustainability indicators with local communities. Ecol Econ, 59(4): 406-418.
  • Ripoll-Bosch R, Díez-Unquera B, Ruiz R, Villalba D, Molina E, Joy M, Olaizola A, Bernués,A. 2012. An integrated sustainability assessment of Mediterranean sheep farms with different degrees of intensification, Agri Syst, 105: 46-56.
  • Rolesu S, Loi F, Cappai S, Coccollone A, Cataldi M, Usala P, Podda A, Deliperi S, Oppia P, Natale A, Laddomada, A, Contu M. 2018. Description and typology of dairy sheep farm management profiles in Sardinia. Small Rumin Res, 164: 39-47.
  • Ronchi B, Nardone A. 2003. Contribution of organic farming to increase the sustainability of Mediterranean small ruminants' livestock systems. Livestock Prod Sci, 80: 17-31.
  • Ryschawy J, Choisis N, Choisis JP, Joannon A, Gibon A. 2012. Mixed crop-livestock systems: an economic and environmental-friendly way of farming? Animal, 6: 1722-1730.
  • Silveria RMF, de Vasconcelos AM, da Silva VJ, Vega WHO, Toro-Mujica P, Ferreiraet J. 2021. Typification, characterization, and differentiation of sheep production systems in the Brazilian semiarid region. Agri Life Sci, 48(1):73-93.
  • Stylianou A, Sdrali D, Apostolopoulos CD. 2020. Capturing the diversity of Mediterranean farming systems before their sustainability assessment: The case of Cyprus. Land Use Policy, 96: 104722.
  • Toro-Mujica P, García A, Aguilar C, Vera R, Perea J, Angón E. 2015. Economic sustainability of organic dairy sheep systems in Central Spain. Italian J Anim Sci, 14(2): 3625.
  • Toro-Mujica P, García A, Perea J, de Pablos-Heredero C, Barbaly C, Angónet E. 2014. A Sustainability assessment of organic dairy sheep systems in Castilla La Mancha (Spain). Revista Científica XXIV, (6): 553-562.
  • TSI. 2022. Turkish Statistical Institute, Livestock Statistics, (accessed date: March 15, 2021).
  • Veysset P, Lherm M, Bebin D. 2005. Evolutions, dispersions et déterminants du revenu en élevage bovin allaitant charolais. Etude sur 15 ans (1989–2003) à partir d’un échantillon constant de 69 exploitations. INRA Prod Animales, 18: 265-275.
  • Vilain L. 2008. La méthode IDEA: indicateurs de durabilité des exploitations agricoles. Educagri Editions, Dijon, France.
Toplam 27 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Ziraat Mühendisliği (Diğer)
Bölüm Research Articles

Selime Canan 0000-0002-8041-3272

Sezen Ocak Yetişgin 0000-0002-9410-9386

Proje Numarası 121K711
Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Kasım 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 8 Ekim 2024
Kabul Tarihi 2 Kasım 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 7 Sayı: 6

Kaynak Göster

APA Canan, S., & Ocak Yetişgin, S. (2024). Assessing Sustainability Disparities among Typologies of Sheep Farming in Türkiye. Black Sea Journal of Agriculture, 7(6), 750-757.
