Modelling Changes in Milk Components of Damascus Goats during Lactation
Yıl 2025,
Cilt: 8 Sayı: 2, 134 - 142
Nazire Mikail
Ayhan Yılmaz
Muhammet Ali Kara
Figen Ceritoğlu
Ercan Güneş
In this study, the possibilities of determining the changes of lactation milk components in Damascus goats by mathematical models were investigated. The animal material of the study consisted of 47 Damascus goats raised in Gökçebağ village of Siirt province. Milk components were analyzed in milk samples acquired at 2-week intervals after parturition. Milk components were analyzed using the Lactoscan Milk Analyzer. Wood and Ali-Schaeffer models, which are assumed to be the most appropriate for the definition of lactation curves, were applied to the milk component data obtained to describe the change in milk components, the best fitting model was determined, mathematical and biological relationships were solved in protein and fat content, and the relationship between the parameters was examined. Samples taken from dairy goats in the local enterprise were expressed with mathematical models and the change in milk content during lactation was tried to be learned. The results are intended to form the basis for the improvement of goat milk content and breeding projects in Siirt.
Etik Beyan
Ethics committee approval was not required for this study because there was no study on animals or humans.
Destekleyen Kurum
Scientific Research Council of Siirt University
Proje Numarası
This study was supported by the Project No 2020- SİÜZİR-010 of the Scientific Research Council of Siirt University.
- Akbulut Ö. 1990. Atatürk Üniversitesi Tarım İşletmesinde yetiştirilen Esmer, Esmer melezleri ile Siyah Alaca sığırların süt verim özellikleri ve laktasyon eğrisi parametrelerine etkili faktörler. Doktora Tezi, Atatürk Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Erzurum, Türkiye, pp: 172.
- Ayasrah EM, Abou-Bakr S, Ibrahim MAM. 2013. Characteristics of lactation curve in Damascus goats in Jordan. J Anim Poult Prod, 4(8): 479-491.
- Burnham KP, Anderson DR. 2002. Model selection and multimodel inference. A practical information-theoretic approach. Springer-Verlag, New York, USA, 2nd ed., pp: 488.
- Çilek S, Keskin I. 2008. Comparison of six different mathematical models to the lactation curve of Simmental cows reared in Kazova State Farm. J Anim Vet Advan 7: 1316-1319.
- Çilek S, Keskin İ, İlhan F, Hesna EŞ. 2009. Lactation curve traits of Anatolian population of Brown Swiss cows in Turkey. Archiva Zootechnica, 15(2): 53-60.
- Dağ B, Keskin İ, Zülkadir U, Boztepe S. 2003. Çumra Ziraat Meslek Lisesinde yetiştirilen esmer ineklerin süt verim özellikleri ve bu özelliklere ait tekrarlanma dereceleri. Selcuk J Agr Food Sci, 17(1): 13-17.
- Daşkıran İ, Yılmaz A, Günbey VS. 2022. A study on lactation milk yield and milk qualtiy characteristics of Kilis goats in farm conditions. J Tekirdag Agri Fac, 19(03): 678-687.
- FAO. 2014. FAOSTAT. URL: (accessed date: September 11, 2024).
- Gaddour A, Najari S, Ferchichi A. 2009. Lactation curve of local goat, pure breds and crosses in southern Tunisia. J Appl Anim Res, 36(1), 153-157.
- González-Peña D, Acosta J, Guerra D, González N, Acosta M, Sosa D, Torres-Hernández G. 2012. Modeling of individual lactation curves for milk production in a population of Alpine goats in Cuba. Livest Sci, 150(1-3), 42-50.
- Gök T, Mikail N, Akkol S. 2019. Analysis of the first lactation curve in Holstein cows with different mathematical models. KSU J Agric Nat, 22(4): 601-608.
- Groenewald PC, Viljoen CS. 2003. A Bayesian model for the analysis of lactation curves of dairy goats. J Agri Biol Env Stat, 8, 75-83.
- Haenlein GFW. 2004. Goat milk in human nutrition. Small Rumin Res, 51, 155-163.
- Kaymakçı M, Engindeniz S. 2010. Türkiye'de Keçi Yetiştiriciliği; Sorunlar ve Çözümler. Ulusal Keçicilik Kongresi Tam Metin Bildiri Kitabı, 24 Haziran, Çanakkale, Türkiye, pp: 1-25.
- Keskin İ, Tozluca A. 2004. Süt sığırlarında laktasyon eğrilerinin farklı matematik modellerle belirlenmesi ve kontrol aralığının tespiti. SÜ Zir Fak Derg, 18(34): 11-19.
- Keskin İ, Dağ B, Sariyel V. 2009a. Fitness of four different mathematical models to the lactation curve of Brown Swiss cows in Konya Province of Turkey. Can J Anim Sci, 89(2): 195-199.
- Keskin İ, Çilek S, İlhan F. 2009b. Polatlı tarım işletmesinde yetiştirilen Siyah Alaca siğirlarin laktasyon eğrisi özellikleri. Kafkas Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 15(3): 437-442.
- Madsen OA. 1975. Comparison of some suggested measures of persistency of milk yield in dairy cows. Anim Prod, 20: 191-197.
- Masselin S, Sauvant D, Chapoutot P, Milan D. 1987. Les modèles d’ajustement des courbes de lactation. Ann Zootech, 36: 171-206.
- Min BR, Hart SP, Sahlu T, Satter LD. 2005. The effect of diets on milk production and composition, and on lactation curves in pastured dairy goats. J Dairy Sci, 88: 2604-2615.
- Mousa E, Elzarei MF. 2016. Prediction of lactation curve in Saudi Arabia, Damascus and their crossbred goats. J Agri Vet Sci, 267(3724), 1-22.
- Paksoy M. 2007. Kahramanmaraş ilinde süt üretimine yönelik keçi yetiştiriciliğine yer veren tarım işletmelerinin ekonomik analizi. Doktora Tezi, Ankara Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Ankara, Türkiye, pp: 157.
- Park YW, Haenlein GFW. 2006. Overview of milks of minor species. In: Park YW, Haenlein GFW. Editors, Handbook of Milk of Non-Bovine Mammals. Blackwell Publishers. Ames, Iowa and Oxford, England, pp: 3-10.
- Pirisi A, Lauret A, Dubeuf JP. 2007. Basic and incentive payments for goat and sheep milk in relation to quality. Small Rumin Res, 68: 167-178.
- R Core Team 2021. R: A language and environment for statistical computing. R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria. URL: (accessed date: September 11, 2024).
- Raynal-Ljutovac K, Gaborit P, Lauret A. 2005. The relationship between quality criteria of goat milk, its technological properties and the quality of the final products. Small Ruminant Res, 60: 167-177.
- Raynal-Ljutovac K, Lagriffoul G, Paccard P, Guillet I, Chilliard YY. 2008. Composition of goat and sheep milk products: An update. Small Ruminant Res, 79(1): 57-72.
- Semerci A, Çelik AD. 2016. Türkiye'de küçükbaş hayvan yetiştiriciliğinin genel durumu. Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi Zir Fak Derg, 21(2): 182-196.
- Silvestre A, Petim-Batista F, Colaço J. 2006. The accuracy of seven mathematical functions in modeling dairy cattle lactation curves based on test-day records from varying sample schemes. J Dairy Sci, 89: 1813-1821.
- Tüfekçi H. 2023. Keçi sütü üretimi ve önemi. Osmaniye Korkut Ata Üniversitesi Fen Bil Ens Derg, 6(1): 970-981.
- Wood PDP. 1967. Algebraic model of lactation curve in cattle. Nature, 218: 164-165.
- Yadav KA, Singh J, Yadav KS. 2016. Composition, nutritional and therapeutic values of goat milk: A review. Asian J Dairy Food Res, 35(2): 96-102.
- Zeng SS, Escobar, EN. 1995. Effect of parity and milk production on somatic cell count, standard plate count and composition of goat milk. Small Ruminant Res, 17: 269-274.
- Zülkadir U, Aytekin İ, Keskin İ. 2008. Relationship between persistency values defined with various methods and some lactation traits of Brown Swiss cattle in Turkey. J Applied Anim Res, 34(1): 137-141.
Modelling Changes in Milk Components of Damascus Goats during Lactation
Yıl 2025,
Cilt: 8 Sayı: 2, 134 - 142
Nazire Mikail
Ayhan Yılmaz
Muhammet Ali Kara
Figen Ceritoğlu
Ercan Güneş
In this study, the possibilities of determining the changes of lactation milk components in Damascus goats by mathematical models were investigated. The animal material of the study consisted of 47 Damascus goats raised in Gökçebağ village of Siirt province. Milk components were analyzed in milk samples acquired at 2-week intervals after parturition. Milk components were analyzed using the Lactoscan Milk Analyzer. Wood and Ali-Schaeffer models, which are assumed to be the most appropriate for the definition of lactation curves, were applied to the milk component data obtained to describe the change in milk components, the best fitting model was determined, mathematical and biological relationships were solved in protein and fat content, and the relationship between the parameters was examined. Samples taken from dairy goats in the local enterprise were expressed with mathematical models and the change in milk content during lactation was tried to be learned. The results are intended to form the basis for the improvement of goat milk content and breeding projects in Siirt.
Etik Beyan
Ethics committee approval was not required for this study because there was no study on animals or humans.
Destekleyen Kurum
Scientific Research Council of Siirt University
Proje Numarası
This study was supported by the Project No 2020- SİÜZİR-010 of the Scientific Research Council of Siirt University.
- Akbulut Ö. 1990. Atatürk Üniversitesi Tarım İşletmesinde yetiştirilen Esmer, Esmer melezleri ile Siyah Alaca sığırların süt verim özellikleri ve laktasyon eğrisi parametrelerine etkili faktörler. Doktora Tezi, Atatürk Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Erzurum, Türkiye, pp: 172.
- Ayasrah EM, Abou-Bakr S, Ibrahim MAM. 2013. Characteristics of lactation curve in Damascus goats in Jordan. J Anim Poult Prod, 4(8): 479-491.
- Burnham KP, Anderson DR. 2002. Model selection and multimodel inference. A practical information-theoretic approach. Springer-Verlag, New York, USA, 2nd ed., pp: 488.
- Çilek S, Keskin I. 2008. Comparison of six different mathematical models to the lactation curve of Simmental cows reared in Kazova State Farm. J Anim Vet Advan 7: 1316-1319.
- Çilek S, Keskin İ, İlhan F, Hesna EŞ. 2009. Lactation curve traits of Anatolian population of Brown Swiss cows in Turkey. Archiva Zootechnica, 15(2): 53-60.
- Dağ B, Keskin İ, Zülkadir U, Boztepe S. 2003. Çumra Ziraat Meslek Lisesinde yetiştirilen esmer ineklerin süt verim özellikleri ve bu özelliklere ait tekrarlanma dereceleri. Selcuk J Agr Food Sci, 17(1): 13-17.
- Daşkıran İ, Yılmaz A, Günbey VS. 2022. A study on lactation milk yield and milk qualtiy characteristics of Kilis goats in farm conditions. J Tekirdag Agri Fac, 19(03): 678-687.
- FAO. 2014. FAOSTAT. URL: (accessed date: September 11, 2024).
- Gaddour A, Najari S, Ferchichi A. 2009. Lactation curve of local goat, pure breds and crosses in southern Tunisia. J Appl Anim Res, 36(1), 153-157.
- González-Peña D, Acosta J, Guerra D, González N, Acosta M, Sosa D, Torres-Hernández G. 2012. Modeling of individual lactation curves for milk production in a population of Alpine goats in Cuba. Livest Sci, 150(1-3), 42-50.
- Gök T, Mikail N, Akkol S. 2019. Analysis of the first lactation curve in Holstein cows with different mathematical models. KSU J Agric Nat, 22(4): 601-608.
- Groenewald PC, Viljoen CS. 2003. A Bayesian model for the analysis of lactation curves of dairy goats. J Agri Biol Env Stat, 8, 75-83.
- Haenlein GFW. 2004. Goat milk in human nutrition. Small Rumin Res, 51, 155-163.
- Kaymakçı M, Engindeniz S. 2010. Türkiye'de Keçi Yetiştiriciliği; Sorunlar ve Çözümler. Ulusal Keçicilik Kongresi Tam Metin Bildiri Kitabı, 24 Haziran, Çanakkale, Türkiye, pp: 1-25.
- Keskin İ, Tozluca A. 2004. Süt sığırlarında laktasyon eğrilerinin farklı matematik modellerle belirlenmesi ve kontrol aralığının tespiti. SÜ Zir Fak Derg, 18(34): 11-19.
- Keskin İ, Dağ B, Sariyel V. 2009a. Fitness of four different mathematical models to the lactation curve of Brown Swiss cows in Konya Province of Turkey. Can J Anim Sci, 89(2): 195-199.
- Keskin İ, Çilek S, İlhan F. 2009b. Polatlı tarım işletmesinde yetiştirilen Siyah Alaca siğirlarin laktasyon eğrisi özellikleri. Kafkas Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 15(3): 437-442.
- Madsen OA. 1975. Comparison of some suggested measures of persistency of milk yield in dairy cows. Anim Prod, 20: 191-197.
- Masselin S, Sauvant D, Chapoutot P, Milan D. 1987. Les modèles d’ajustement des courbes de lactation. Ann Zootech, 36: 171-206.
- Min BR, Hart SP, Sahlu T, Satter LD. 2005. The effect of diets on milk production and composition, and on lactation curves in pastured dairy goats. J Dairy Sci, 88: 2604-2615.
- Mousa E, Elzarei MF. 2016. Prediction of lactation curve in Saudi Arabia, Damascus and their crossbred goats. J Agri Vet Sci, 267(3724), 1-22.
- Paksoy M. 2007. Kahramanmaraş ilinde süt üretimine yönelik keçi yetiştiriciliğine yer veren tarım işletmelerinin ekonomik analizi. Doktora Tezi, Ankara Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Ankara, Türkiye, pp: 157.
- Park YW, Haenlein GFW. 2006. Overview of milks of minor species. In: Park YW, Haenlein GFW. Editors, Handbook of Milk of Non-Bovine Mammals. Blackwell Publishers. Ames, Iowa and Oxford, England, pp: 3-10.
- Pirisi A, Lauret A, Dubeuf JP. 2007. Basic and incentive payments for goat and sheep milk in relation to quality. Small Rumin Res, 68: 167-178.
- R Core Team 2021. R: A language and environment for statistical computing. R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria. URL: (accessed date: September 11, 2024).
- Raynal-Ljutovac K, Gaborit P, Lauret A. 2005. The relationship between quality criteria of goat milk, its technological properties and the quality of the final products. Small Ruminant Res, 60: 167-177.
- Raynal-Ljutovac K, Lagriffoul G, Paccard P, Guillet I, Chilliard YY. 2008. Composition of goat and sheep milk products: An update. Small Ruminant Res, 79(1): 57-72.
- Semerci A, Çelik AD. 2016. Türkiye'de küçükbaş hayvan yetiştiriciliğinin genel durumu. Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi Zir Fak Derg, 21(2): 182-196.
- Silvestre A, Petim-Batista F, Colaço J. 2006. The accuracy of seven mathematical functions in modeling dairy cattle lactation curves based on test-day records from varying sample schemes. J Dairy Sci, 89: 1813-1821.
- Tüfekçi H. 2023. Keçi sütü üretimi ve önemi. Osmaniye Korkut Ata Üniversitesi Fen Bil Ens Derg, 6(1): 970-981.
- Wood PDP. 1967. Algebraic model of lactation curve in cattle. Nature, 218: 164-165.
- Yadav KA, Singh J, Yadav KS. 2016. Composition, nutritional and therapeutic values of goat milk: A review. Asian J Dairy Food Res, 35(2): 96-102.
- Zeng SS, Escobar, EN. 1995. Effect of parity and milk production on somatic cell count, standard plate count and composition of goat milk. Small Ruminant Res, 17: 269-274.
- Zülkadir U, Aytekin İ, Keskin İ. 2008. Relationship between persistency values defined with various methods and some lactation traits of Brown Swiss cattle in Turkey. J Applied Anim Res, 34(1): 137-141.