Urban Health Studies in Covid-19 Pandemic Process
Yıl 2020,
COVID-19 Özel Sayı, 147 - 151, 30.04.2020
Pinar Özdemir Deniz
Emine Didem Evci Kiraz
Covid-19 is transmitted very quickly from person to person through droplets. In order to prevent contamination, it is seen that there is a compulsory change and innovations in cities with collective living areas. The awareness and experiences that will result from the Covid-19 outbreak should be turned into an opportunity to build better and more sustainable communities and cities.In this study, new
approaches about urban health are discussed in the pandemic process.
- 1. COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2 Enfeksiyonu) Rehberi, T.C. Sağlık Bakanlığı Halk Sağlığı Genel Müdürlüğü, 14 Nisan 2020. 2020;19.
- 2. https://www.who.int/dg/speeches/detail/who-director-general-s-opening-remarks-at-the-media-briefing-on-covid-19---11-march-2020. doi:10.1007/s12603-017-0883-6
- 3. https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/advice-for-public
- 4. Hang M: Preparing cities for epidemics: Lessons from the COVID19 outbreak. The Urban Now: International Journal of Urban and Regional Research,.
- 5. Gu, C., Jiang, W., Zhao, T., & Zheng, B. (2020). Mathematical recommendations to fight against COVID-19. Retrieved from http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3551006.
- 6. Tian, H., Liu, Y., Li, Y., Wu, C.-H., Chen, B., Moritz, U. G. K., … Dye, C. (2020). An investigation of transmission control measures during the first 50 days of the COVID-19 epidemic in China. Science, 10.1126/sc, 1–13. https://doi.org/10.1126/science.ab.
- 7. https://www.icisleri.gov.tr/.
- 8. Caria, S., Fetzer, T., Fiorin, S., Goetz, F., Gomez, M., Haushofer, J., … Yoeli, E. (2020). Measuring Worldwide COVID-19 Attitudes and Beliefs. Retrieved April 9, 2020, from https://osf.io/3sn2k/).
- 9. Schou C, Heegaard NHH, Electrophoresis. Brooks, S. K., Webster, R. K., Smith, L. E., Woodland, L., Wessely, S., Greenberg, N., & Rubin, G. J. (2020). The psychological impact of quarantine and how to reduce it rapid review of the evidence. The Lancet, 395(10227), 912–920. httpsdoi.org10.1016S01.
- 10. Litman, Todd. “Pandemic-Resilient Community Planning.” (2020)
- 11. Badger E. Density is normally good for us: That will be true after Coronavirus, too. The Upshot – The New York Times (24 March 2020). 2020; [Accessed: 26 March 2020]. New York Times. 2020.
- 12. https://www.citiesforglobalhealth.org/.
- 13. https://www.weforum.orgagenda202003how-should-cities-prepare-for-coronavirus-pandemics.
- 14. https://georgetown.app.box.com/s/0sruh3cnji6txorqt2acgm0z9xx73ac1.
- 15. https://www.tbb.gov.tr/basin-ve-yayin/haberler/20200421-salgin-sonrasi-sehirlerin-gelecegi-tartisildi.
- 16. Samuelsson K, Barthel S, Colding J, Macassa G, Giusti M. Urban nature as a source of resilience during social distancing amidst the coronavirus pandemic. 2020.
- 17. Ranscombe, Peter. “Rural areas at risk during COVID-19 pandemic.” The Lancet Infectious Diseases (2020).
- 18. Stier AJ, Berman MG, Bettencourt LMA. COVID-19 attack rate increases with city size. 2020:1-23. http://arxiv.org/abs/2003.10376.
- 19. Salama AM. Coronavirus questions that will not go away : interrogating urban and socio-spatial implications of COVID-19 measures [ version 1 ; peer review : 1 approved ]. 2020.
Covid-19 Pandemi Sürecinde Şehir Sağlığı Çalışmaları
Yıl 2020,
COVID-19 Özel Sayı, 147 - 151, 30.04.2020
Pinar Özdemir Deniz
Emine Didem Evci Kiraz
Covid-19, damlacık yoluyla insandan insana çok hızlı bulaşmaktadır. Bulaşı önlemek için toplu yaşam alanı olan şehirlerde mecburi değişiklikler, yenilikler yapılmak zorunda kalındığı görülmektedir. Covid-19 salgını sonucu oluşacak farkındalık ve tecrübeler, daha iyi ve daha sürdürülebilir toplumlar ve şehirler inşa etmek için bir fırsata dönüştürülmelidir. Bu çalışmada pandemi
sürecinde şehir sağlığı ile ilgili gelişen yeni yaklaşımlara yer verilmiştir.
- 1. COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2 Enfeksiyonu) Rehberi, T.C. Sağlık Bakanlığı Halk Sağlığı Genel Müdürlüğü, 14 Nisan 2020. 2020;19.
- 2. https://www.who.int/dg/speeches/detail/who-director-general-s-opening-remarks-at-the-media-briefing-on-covid-19---11-march-2020. doi:10.1007/s12603-017-0883-6
- 3. https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/advice-for-public
- 4. Hang M: Preparing cities for epidemics: Lessons from the COVID19 outbreak. The Urban Now: International Journal of Urban and Regional Research,.
- 5. Gu, C., Jiang, W., Zhao, T., & Zheng, B. (2020). Mathematical recommendations to fight against COVID-19. Retrieved from http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3551006.
- 6. Tian, H., Liu, Y., Li, Y., Wu, C.-H., Chen, B., Moritz, U. G. K., … Dye, C. (2020). An investigation of transmission control measures during the first 50 days of the COVID-19 epidemic in China. Science, 10.1126/sc, 1–13. https://doi.org/10.1126/science.ab.
- 7. https://www.icisleri.gov.tr/.
- 8. Caria, S., Fetzer, T., Fiorin, S., Goetz, F., Gomez, M., Haushofer, J., … Yoeli, E. (2020). Measuring Worldwide COVID-19 Attitudes and Beliefs. Retrieved April 9, 2020, from https://osf.io/3sn2k/).
- 9. Schou C, Heegaard NHH, Electrophoresis. Brooks, S. K., Webster, R. K., Smith, L. E., Woodland, L., Wessely, S., Greenberg, N., & Rubin, G. J. (2020). The psychological impact of quarantine and how to reduce it rapid review of the evidence. The Lancet, 395(10227), 912–920. httpsdoi.org10.1016S01.
- 10. Litman, Todd. “Pandemic-Resilient Community Planning.” (2020)
- 11. Badger E. Density is normally good for us: That will be true after Coronavirus, too. The Upshot – The New York Times (24 March 2020). 2020; [Accessed: 26 March 2020]. New York Times. 2020.
- 12. https://www.citiesforglobalhealth.org/.
- 13. https://www.weforum.orgagenda202003how-should-cities-prepare-for-coronavirus-pandemics.
- 14. https://georgetown.app.box.com/s/0sruh3cnji6txorqt2acgm0z9xx73ac1.
- 15. https://www.tbb.gov.tr/basin-ve-yayin/haberler/20200421-salgin-sonrasi-sehirlerin-gelecegi-tartisildi.
- 16. Samuelsson K, Barthel S, Colding J, Macassa G, Giusti M. Urban nature as a source of resilience during social distancing amidst the coronavirus pandemic. 2020.
- 17. Ranscombe, Peter. “Rural areas at risk during COVID-19 pandemic.” The Lancet Infectious Diseases (2020).
- 18. Stier AJ, Berman MG, Bettencourt LMA. COVID-19 attack rate increases with city size. 2020:1-23. http://arxiv.org/abs/2003.10376.
- 19. Salama AM. Coronavirus questions that will not go away : interrogating urban and socio-spatial implications of COVID-19 measures [ version 1 ; peer review : 1 approved ]. 2020.