Kur’ân-ı Kerim, nüzulünden itibaren tefsir edilmeye başlanan ilâhî bir kitaptır. Onun ilk müfessirinin Hz. Peygamber olduğu konusunda ittifak vardır. Bu itibarla farklı etnik kökenden İslâm’a giren bütün milletlerin alimleri tarafından Kur’ân’ın tefsiri yapılmıştır denebilir. Bazı müfessirler Kur’ân’ı, Kur’ân ayetleri ve Hz. Peygamber’in hadisleriyle tefsir etmeyi tercih ederken, bazıları ise ayet ve hadislerin yanı sıra kişisel görüş ve yorumlarını, gerektiğinde sahip olduğu mezhep ve kanaat çevresinin düşünsel dinamiklerini tefsir kapsamında ifade etmiştir. Tefsir usulü alanında ilk tefsir çeşidi “rivayet tefsiri”, ikincisi ise “dirayet tefsiri” diye adlandırılmıştır. Adı geçen tefsir türlerinin dışında üçüncü bir tefsir türü vardır ki o, müfessirin hissettiği ilham ve işaretler doğrultusunda yaptığı tefsirdir ki usul alimleri bu çeşit tefsire “işârî tefsir” demiştir. Bu formatta tefsir yapanların ilki Tefsîrü’l-Kurʾâni’l-Azîm adlı tefsirin sahibi Ebû Muhammed Sehl b. Abdullâh et-Tüsterî’dir (ö.283/896). Kendisi, tefsirinde mü’minin hem dünyada hem ahirette kurtuluşa erebilmesi için hayatında yedi temel değeri uygulamasını şart koşmuştur.
Tüsterî’nin tefsirinde vurguladığı yedi temel prensibin birincisi Allah’ın Kitabı’na sarılmaktır. Tüsterî’ye göre Allah’ın buyruklarına itaat etme, hayatın özü değerindedir. Tüsterî, Kur’ân’ın, Allah ile kulları arasında bir ip olduğu, ancak onun sayesinde dosdoğru yolun bulunabileceği görüşündedir.
Tüsterî’ye göre ikinci prensip, Hz. Peygamber’in sünnetine uymaktır. Kendisi, tefsirinde Kur’ân’a bağlı kalmanın, ancak Hz. Peygamber’e tabi olmakla mümkün olduğunu vurgulamış, farzların sünnet ibadetlerle tamamlanacağını söylemiştir.
The Qur'an is a divine book that has been interpreted since its revelation. There is an agreement that its first interpreter was a Prophet. In this respect, it can be said that the Qur'an was interpreted by the scholars of all the nations that converted to Islam from different ethnic origins. While some commentators preferred to interpret the Qur'an with the verses of the Qur'an and the hadiths of the Prophet, others expressed their personal views and interpretations, and the intellectual dynamics of their sect and opinion circle, in the context of tafsir, in addition to the verses and hadiths. In the field of tafsir method, the first type of tafsir is called "report tafsir" and the second is called 'awareness tafsir'. Apart from the mentioned types of tafsir, there is a third type of tafsir, which is the tafsir that the interpreter makes in accordance with the inspiration and signs that he feels, and usul scholars have called this kind of tafsir “isari tafsir”.) (The first of those who made tafsir in this format was Ebû Mohammad Sahl b. Abdullah et-Tustarî (d.283/896), the owner of the tafsir called Tafsir al-Qur'an al-Azim.) In his tafsir, he stipulated that the believer should apply seven basic values in his life in order to achieve salvation both in this world and in the hereafter. Tüsteri listed these seven basic principles as “A believer should embrace the Book of Allah, follow the Sunnah of the Prophet, eat halal things in food and drinks, not hurting any creature, whether human or animal, avoid the sins emphasized by Allah and his Prophet, be sensitive to repentance for the mistakes he has committed, and respect everyone's rights”.
The first of the seven basic principles that Tustarî emphasized in his tafsir is to cling to the Book of Allah. According to Tustarî, obedience to Allah's commands is the essence of life. Tustarî believes that the Qur'an is a rope between Allah and his servants, but only thanks to it can a straight path be found.
According to Tustarî, the second principle is to follow the Sunnah of the Prophet. In his tafsir, he emphasized that it is possible to stick to the Qur'an only by following the Prophet, and said that fards can only be completed with sunnah prayers.
According to Tustarî, the third of the seven basic principles is that a believer chooses his sustenance from halal and clean ones and shows sensitivity about this issue. He pointed out that this area is very important for a believer, both in his tafsir and in his conversations.
As the fourth principle, Tustarî accepted to avoid torture and torture against living things. Tustarî considered avoiding torment and torture against living things as one of the ways that lead a believer to heaven.
According to Tustarî, the fifth principle is to avoid sins. He attached great importance to this area and stated that it has a very important place in the life of a believer.
One of the issues that Tustarî is most sensitive about is repentance. Tustarî said that a person has to repent immediately after his mistake and correct his own mistake, otherwise his repentance in question would have no value.
Many commentators have mentioned Tustarî, who is regarded as one of the İşârî tafsir school. Some of them both appreciated and criticized. The first of those who praised him was Abu Ishaq Ahmad b. Muhammad as-Sa'lebi (d.427/1035) is coming. It is possible to count Ebû Abdullâh Muhammed b. Ahmed el-Qurtubî (ö.671/1273), Ebü’l-Ferec Cemâlüddîn Abdurrahmân b. Alî İbnü’l-Cawzî (ö.597/1201) ve İbn Taymiyya (ö.728/1328) among the interpreters who made transfers from Tustarî. For example, Ibn Taymiyya, who was very harsh with those who made İşârî tafsir, appreciated Tusteri for some of his views. Another of those who mentioned Tustari is Abu Sahl Muhammad al-Magravi, who lives today. Magrâvî did not hesitate to state that Tusteri made many unacceptable speeches in the name of Sufism, but at some points he agreed with the views of the Salaf.
In this study, Tüstari's brief biography, the seven basic principles he listed, and some of the personalities who mentioned for and against were discussed.
Birincil Dil | Türkçe |
Konular | Din Araştırmaları |
Bölüm | Makaleler |
Yazarlar | |
Yayımlanma Tarihi | 24 Haziran 2023 |
Gönderilme Tarihi | 1 Şubat 2023 |
Kabul Tarihi | 2 Mayıs 2023 |
Yayımlandığı Sayı | Yıl 2023 |