Yıl 2009,
Cilt: 139 Sayı: 139, 51 - 59, 01.08.2009
Ahmet Evren Erginal
Beyhan Öztürk
- Bradley, V.C., Hutton, J.T. and Twidale, C.R. 1978. Role of salts in development of granitic tafoni, South Australia. Journal of Geology, 86, 647-654.
- Erginal, A.E., 2008. Coğrafya ve Jeoloji Labora- tuarı Bozcaada: Keşfedilmemiş Yerbi- limsel Değerler. Bozcaada Değerleri Sempozyumu, 25-26 Ağustos 2008, Bozcaada, s: 173-181 (in Turkish).
- Erginal, A. E., Gönüz, A., Bozcu, M., Ateş, A..S. and Çetiner, Z.S., 2007. The first fin- dings on the origin of alveolar disinteg- ration at the western shores of Gelibolu Peninsula. Bulletin of the Mineral Rese- arch and Exploration, 134: 27-41.
- Erguvanlı, K. 1955. Etüde Geologigue de l'ile de Bozcaada. Bulletin de la Société Géolo- gique de France, 6, 399–401.
- Evans, I.S. 1970. Salt crystallization and rock weathering: A Géomorphologie Dynamique, 19, 153- 177.
- Folk, R.L., Andrews, P.B. and Lewis, D.W. 1970. Detrital sedimentary rock classification and nomenclature for use in New Ze- land. New Zeland Journal of Geology and Geophysics 13, p. 955.
- Goudie AS. and Viles H.A. 1997. Salt Weathe- ring Hazards, Wiley: Chichester.
- ______, Viles, H.A. and Parker, A.G. 1997. Mo- nitoring of rapid salt weathering in the central Nabib Desert using limestone blocks. Journal of Arid Environments, 37, 581-598.
- Kalafatçıoğlu, A. 1963. Ezine civarının ve Boz- caada'nın jeolojisi, kalker ve serpantin- lerinin yaşı. MTA Dergisi 60, 60-69 (in Turkish).
- Kıyak, N.G. and Erginal, A.E., 2009. A Geomorp- hological and Optical Stimulated Lumi- nescence Dating Study of Eolianite on the Island of Bozcaada, Turkey: Prelimi- nary Results. Journal of Coastal Rese- arch (submitted to journal).
- Matsukura, Y. and Matsuoka, N. 1991. Rates of tafoni weathering on uplifted shore plat- forms in Nojima-Zaki, Boso Peninsula, Japan. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 16, 51-56.
- Mc Bride, E.F. and Picard, M.D. 2004. Origin of honeycombs and related weathering forms in Oligocene Macigno Sandstone, Tuscan Coasts near Livorno, Italy. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 29, 713-735.
- Mc Greevy, J.P. 1985. A preliminary scanning electron microscope study of honey- comb weathering of sandstone in a co- astal environment. Earth Surface Pro- cesses and Landforms, 10, 509-518.
- Mustoe, G.E. 1982. The origin of honeycomb weathering. Geological Society of Ame- rica Bulletin, 93, 108-115.
- Önem, Y. 1974. Gelibolu ve Çanakkale dolayla- rının jeolojisi. TPAO (Turkish Petroleum Corporation) Report no. 877 (in Turkish, unpublished report).
- Pettijohn, F.J., Potter, P.E. and Siever, R. 1987. Sand and Sandstone. Springer &Verlag, Berlin, 553 p.
- Rodriguez-Navarro, C., Doehne, E. and Sebas- tian, E. 1999. Origins of honeycomb we- athering: The role of salts and wind. Ge- ological Society of America Bulletin, 111, 1250-1255.
- Robinson, D. and Williams, R.B.G. 2000. Experi- mental weathering of sandstone by com- binations of salts. Earth Surface Proces- ses and Landforms, 25, 1309-1315.
- Saltık O. and Saka, K. 1972. Saros Körfezi ku- zeyi, Gelibolu Yarımadası, İmroz-Boz- caada ve Çanakkale sahil şeridi jeoloji incelemesi: TPAO Rapor No; 786 (in Turkish).
- Skoog, D.A., West, D.M., Holler, F.J. and Cro- uch, S.R. 2000. Analytical chemistry: An introduction, 7th edition). New York: Sa- unders College Publishers.
- Sümengen, M. and Terlemez, İ. 1991. Güneyba- tı Trakya yöresi Eosen çökellerinin stra- tigrafisi. MTA Dergisi, 113, 17-30 (in Tur- kish with English abstract).
Coastal salt weathering of Quaternary Eolianite (Bozcaada Island) and Eocene sandstone (Gelibolu Peninsula): The contribution of microanalytical data
Yıl 2009,
Cilt: 139 Sayı: 139, 51 - 59, 01.08.2009
Ahmet Evren Erginal
Beyhan Öztürk
In this paper, factors controlling the diverse dissolution of Quaternary eolianite and Eocene sandstone in two different coastal environments in northwest Turkey were investigated by means of Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy (EDX) coupled with Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), X-Ray Diffractometry(XRD), X-Ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy (XRF) analyses and thin section interpretations. With regard to governing agents of the weathering process, petrographic attributes, salt crystallization, and biological impacts appear to be important. The weathered forms were found to be distinctive in size, shape and the degree of weathering owing to different mineral compositions of the host rocks and combined effects of sodium chloride (halite) and calcium sulphide (gypsum) crystallisation during the dry summer period when evaporation conditions dominate.
- Bradley, V.C., Hutton, J.T. and Twidale, C.R. 1978. Role of salts in development of granitic tafoni, South Australia. Journal of Geology, 86, 647-654.
- Erginal, A.E., 2008. Coğrafya ve Jeoloji Labora- tuarı Bozcaada: Keşfedilmemiş Yerbi- limsel Değerler. Bozcaada Değerleri Sempozyumu, 25-26 Ağustos 2008, Bozcaada, s: 173-181 (in Turkish).
- Erginal, A. E., Gönüz, A., Bozcu, M., Ateş, A..S. and Çetiner, Z.S., 2007. The first fin- dings on the origin of alveolar disinteg- ration at the western shores of Gelibolu Peninsula. Bulletin of the Mineral Rese- arch and Exploration, 134: 27-41.
- Erguvanlı, K. 1955. Etüde Geologigue de l'ile de Bozcaada. Bulletin de la Société Géolo- gique de France, 6, 399–401.
- Evans, I.S. 1970. Salt crystallization and rock weathering: A Géomorphologie Dynamique, 19, 153- 177.
- Folk, R.L., Andrews, P.B. and Lewis, D.W. 1970. Detrital sedimentary rock classification and nomenclature for use in New Ze- land. New Zeland Journal of Geology and Geophysics 13, p. 955.
- Goudie AS. and Viles H.A. 1997. Salt Weathe- ring Hazards, Wiley: Chichester.
- ______, Viles, H.A. and Parker, A.G. 1997. Mo- nitoring of rapid salt weathering in the central Nabib Desert using limestone blocks. Journal of Arid Environments, 37, 581-598.
- Kalafatçıoğlu, A. 1963. Ezine civarının ve Boz- caada'nın jeolojisi, kalker ve serpantin- lerinin yaşı. MTA Dergisi 60, 60-69 (in Turkish).
- Kıyak, N.G. and Erginal, A.E., 2009. A Geomorp- hological and Optical Stimulated Lumi- nescence Dating Study of Eolianite on the Island of Bozcaada, Turkey: Prelimi- nary Results. Journal of Coastal Rese- arch (submitted to journal).
- Matsukura, Y. and Matsuoka, N. 1991. Rates of tafoni weathering on uplifted shore plat- forms in Nojima-Zaki, Boso Peninsula, Japan. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 16, 51-56.
- Mc Bride, E.F. and Picard, M.D. 2004. Origin of honeycombs and related weathering forms in Oligocene Macigno Sandstone, Tuscan Coasts near Livorno, Italy. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 29, 713-735.
- Mc Greevy, J.P. 1985. A preliminary scanning electron microscope study of honey- comb weathering of sandstone in a co- astal environment. Earth Surface Pro- cesses and Landforms, 10, 509-518.
- Mustoe, G.E. 1982. The origin of honeycomb weathering. Geological Society of Ame- rica Bulletin, 93, 108-115.
- Önem, Y. 1974. Gelibolu ve Çanakkale dolayla- rının jeolojisi. TPAO (Turkish Petroleum Corporation) Report no. 877 (in Turkish, unpublished report).
- Pettijohn, F.J., Potter, P.E. and Siever, R. 1987. Sand and Sandstone. Springer &Verlag, Berlin, 553 p.
- Rodriguez-Navarro, C., Doehne, E. and Sebas- tian, E. 1999. Origins of honeycomb we- athering: The role of salts and wind. Ge- ological Society of America Bulletin, 111, 1250-1255.
- Robinson, D. and Williams, R.B.G. 2000. Experi- mental weathering of sandstone by com- binations of salts. Earth Surface Proces- ses and Landforms, 25, 1309-1315.
- Saltık O. and Saka, K. 1972. Saros Körfezi ku- zeyi, Gelibolu Yarımadası, İmroz-Boz- caada ve Çanakkale sahil şeridi jeoloji incelemesi: TPAO Rapor No; 786 (in Turkish).
- Skoog, D.A., West, D.M., Holler, F.J. and Cro- uch, S.R. 2000. Analytical chemistry: An introduction, 7th edition). New York: Sa- unders College Publishers.
- Sümengen, M. and Terlemez, İ. 1991. Güneyba- tı Trakya yöresi Eosen çökellerinin stra- tigrafisi. MTA Dergisi, 113, 17-30 (in Tur- kish with English abstract).