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From Stage to Cyberspace: Intermediality and Performativity in Jennifer Haley’s The Nether

Yıl 2024, , 211 - 223, 31.12.2024


Jennifer Haley’s The Nether premiered in 2013 at the Kirk Douglas Theater. It is an interplay between stage and virtual reality (VR), also known as, cyberspace. This quality makes the play an example of “intermedial” theater, which links digital media elements to the performance on stage indissolubly. The play not only provides a rich exploration of intermediality that reshapes traditional notions of character and acting, but also the characters in the play are presented as having avatars in VR, which ultimately highlights the fluidity of roles based on identity. Applying Judith Butler’s theory of performative construction of identity and gender to analyze the characters, who are portrayed as having double identities and fulfilling fluid gender roles, is highly relevant in a play that uniquely blends dramatic performance with digital media to create a complex narrative landscape. By analyzing key scenes and particularly focusing on three major characters in the play, Sims, Doyle, and Morris, it is aimed in this study to see how performativity, as theorized by Butler, is redefined in virtual environments, as characters navigate identities mediated through digital avatars. The interaction between media both enhances the narrative but also prompts audiences to reflect on the significance of repetitive performance in gender and identity formation; therefore, this study also highlights the play’s innovative approach to media interaction and contributes to contemporary discussions on the relationship between theatre, digital technology, space, and gender studies.


  • Artaud, A. (2024). The Theatre and Its Double. Translated by Mark Taylor-Batty. Methuen Drama Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.
  • Bradley, L. (2006). Brecht and Political Theatre: The Mother on Stage. Oxford University Press.
  • Butler, J. (1999). Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity. Routledge.
  • Chapple, F. & Kattenbelt, C. (Eds.). (2006). Intermediality in Theatre and Performance. Rodopi.
  • Dixon, S. (2007). Digital Performance: A History of New Media in Theater, Dance, Performance Art, and Installation. The MIT Press.
  • Felton-Dansky, M. (2019). “The Algorithmic Spectator: Watching Annie Dorsen’s Work.” TDR: The Drama Review, 63(4), pp. 66-87.
  • Giannachi, G. (2004). Virtual Theatres: An Introduction. Routledge.
  • Giesekam, G. (2007). Staging the Screen: The Use of Film and Video in Theatre. Palgrave.
  • Grau, O. (2003). Virtual Art: From Illusion to Immersion. MIT Press.
  • Haley, J. (2015). The Nether: A Play. Northwestern University Press.
  • Haraway, D. (1985). “A Cyborg Manifesto: Science, Technology, and Socialist-Feminism in the Late Twentieth Century.” In The Transgender Studies Reader, edited by S. Stryker & S. Whittle. Routledge.
  • Kattenbelt, C. (2008). “Intermediality in Theatre and Performance: Definitions, Perceptions and Medial Relationships.” Culture, Language and Representation, (6), pp. 19-29.
  • Klich, R. & Scheer, E. (2012). Multimedia Performance. Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Lévy, P. (2001). Cyberculture. Translated by R. Bononno. University of Minnesota Press.
  • Mumford, M. (2009). Bertolt Brecht. Routledge.
  • Reaney, M. (1996). “Virtual Scenography: The Actor, Audience, Computer, Interface.” TD & T, Winter.
  • Woycicki, P. (2014). Post-Cinematic Theatre and Performance. Palgrave Macmillan.
  • “Nether.” Retrieved from _and_use #34644962
  • “Omni-.” Retrieved from _and _ derived_words #33490341
  • “Verfremdungseffekt.” Retrieved from _n?tab=meaning_and_use

Sahneden Siberuzam’a: Jennifer Haley’in The Nether Oyununda Medyalararasılık ve Edimsellik

Yıl 2024, , 211 - 223, 31.12.2024


Jennifer Haley’in Cehennem adlı oyununun prömiyeri 2013 yılında Kirk Douglas Tiyatrosu’nda yapıldı. Oyun, sahne ile sanal gerçeklik (VR) ya da diğer adıyla siberuzam arasında bir etkileşim ürünüdür. Bu niteliğiyle oyun, dijital medya unsurlarının sahnedeki performansla içiçe geçtiği bir tiyatro türü olan “medyalararası” tiyatronun bir örneği niteliğindedir. Oyun, sadece geleneksel karakter ve oyunculuk kavramlarını yeniden şekillendiren zengin bir medyalararasılık keşfi sağlamakla kalmaz, aynı zamanda tüm karakterlerin sanal bir dünyada avatarlara sahip olmaları sebebiyle kimliğe dayalı rollerin akışkanlığını ön plana çıkarır. Dramatik performansı dijital medya ile benzersiz bir şekilde harmanlamak suretiyle çok katmanlı bir anlatı ortamının yaratıldığı bu oyunda, çifte kimliğe sahip ve akışkan toplumsal cinsiyet rollerini sergileyen oyun karakterlerinin edebi analizi için Judith Butler’ın kimlik ve toplumsal cinsiyetin edimsel inşası teorisini uygulamak oldukça yerinde olacaktır. Bu çalışmada, kilit sahnelerin analizi yapılırken özellikle oyundaki üç ana karakter olan Sims, Doyle ve Morris’e odaklanılmıştır. Bu şekilde, karakterlerin dijital avatarlar aracılığıyla elde edilen kimliklerde gezinirken sanal ortamlarda kendilerini nasıl yeniden tanımladıklarını ele alarak Butler’ın öne sürdüğü şekliyle cinsiyet kavramının edimselliğini incelemek amaçlanmaktadır. Bu eserde medyalararası etkileşim yalnızca anlatıyı güçlendirmez, aynı zamanda izleyicileri toplumsal cinsiyet ve kimlik oluşumunda tekrarlayan performansın önemi üzerine düşünmeye sevk eder ve dolayısıyla bu çalışma, oyunun bu yönüyle medya etkileşimine yenilikçi yaklaşımını da vurgulamaktadır.


  • Artaud, A. (2024). The Theatre and Its Double. Translated by Mark Taylor-Batty. Methuen Drama Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.
  • Bradley, L. (2006). Brecht and Political Theatre: The Mother on Stage. Oxford University Press.
  • Butler, J. (1999). Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity. Routledge.
  • Chapple, F. & Kattenbelt, C. (Eds.). (2006). Intermediality in Theatre and Performance. Rodopi.
  • Dixon, S. (2007). Digital Performance: A History of New Media in Theater, Dance, Performance Art, and Installation. The MIT Press.
  • Felton-Dansky, M. (2019). “The Algorithmic Spectator: Watching Annie Dorsen’s Work.” TDR: The Drama Review, 63(4), pp. 66-87.
  • Giannachi, G. (2004). Virtual Theatres: An Introduction. Routledge.
  • Giesekam, G. (2007). Staging the Screen: The Use of Film and Video in Theatre. Palgrave.
  • Grau, O. (2003). Virtual Art: From Illusion to Immersion. MIT Press.
  • Haley, J. (2015). The Nether: A Play. Northwestern University Press.
  • Haraway, D. (1985). “A Cyborg Manifesto: Science, Technology, and Socialist-Feminism in the Late Twentieth Century.” In The Transgender Studies Reader, edited by S. Stryker & S. Whittle. Routledge.
  • Kattenbelt, C. (2008). “Intermediality in Theatre and Performance: Definitions, Perceptions and Medial Relationships.” Culture, Language and Representation, (6), pp. 19-29.
  • Klich, R. & Scheer, E. (2012). Multimedia Performance. Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Lévy, P. (2001). Cyberculture. Translated by R. Bononno. University of Minnesota Press.
  • Mumford, M. (2009). Bertolt Brecht. Routledge.
  • Reaney, M. (1996). “Virtual Scenography: The Actor, Audience, Computer, Interface.” TD & T, Winter.
  • Woycicki, P. (2014). Post-Cinematic Theatre and Performance. Palgrave Macmillan.
  • “Nether.” Retrieved from _and_use #34644962
  • “Omni-.” Retrieved from _and _ derived_words #33490341
  • “Verfremdungseffekt.” Retrieved from _n?tab=meaning_and_use
Toplam 20 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular İngiliz ve İrlanda Dili, Edebiyatı ve Kültürü
Bölüm Makaleler

Mustafa Güneş 0000-0002-0826-9472

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 16 Temmuz 2024
Kabul Tarihi 18 Eylül 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Güneş, M. (2024). From Stage to Cyberspace: Intermediality and Performativity in Jennifer Haley’s The Nether. Cankaya University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 18(2), 211-223.

Çankaya University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences
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