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Jhumpa Lahiri'nin The Namesake Adlı Romanına Lacancı Bir Bakış Açısı

Yıl 2024, , 359 - 368, 31.12.2024


Hint asıllı Amerikalı yazar Jhumpa Lahiri’nin 2003 yılında yayımlanan The Namesake adlı romanı, Amerika’ya göç etmiş ve iki kuşak yaşamış, farklı iki kültür arasında uyum sağlamakta zorlanan Hint asıllı Amerikalı göçmen bir ailenin yaşamış olduğu kültürel ve sosyal kimlik problemlerini ele almaktadır. Ailenin ikinci kuşaktan oğlu ve aynı zamanda romanın ana karakteri olan Gogol, iki kültür arasında sıkışıp kalmış ve bu nedenle kimlik bunalımı yaşamaktadır. Gogol, gerçek benliğini keşfetme yolculuğunda hem kendi öz kültürüyle hem de içinde doğup büyüdüğü Amerikan toplumuyla çatışır. Babası ona çok sevdiği Rus yazar Gogol adını vermiştir. Fakat, en büyük çatışması ismiyle yaşadığı ikilemle başlar ve içinde bulunduğu bu kimlik bunalımıyla başa çıkabilmek adına çareyi kendi köklerine sırt çevirip Amerikan kültürünü benimsemekte bulur. Ancak bu teşebbüsü, Gogol’un yaşamış olduğu kimlik bunalımına bir çözüm olmayacaktır. Bu bağlamda çalışma, romanın ana karakteri Gogol’un kimliğini oluşturma sürecini Jacques Lacan’ın psikoanalitik teorisi çerçevesinde incelemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Gogol’un içinde bulunduğu kimlik gelişim sürecini tam olarak yansıtabilmek için ana karakter, Lacan’ın Üç Evre olarak bilinen İmgesel, Simgesel ve Gerçek kavramlarıyla ilişkilendirilerek analiz edilmektedir. Gogol’un bu Üç Evreyi deneyimlemesini dikkate alan bu çalışma, onun gerçek benliğiyle bağ kurmak adına object petit a olarak adlandırılan kaybedilmiş arzu nesnesinin peşinde olan Lacancı çocuk tanımına uygun olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır.


  • Bailly, L. (2012). Lacan: a beginner’s guide. England: Oneworld Publications. (e-book edition)
  • Bhalla, T. (2012). Gogol: Reading and Recognition in Jhumpa Lahiri’s The Namesake. MELUS MELUS Multi-Ethnic Literature of the United States, 37(1), 105-129.
  • Bhandari, N. B. (2018). The Cultural Negotiation: A Shift of Paradigm between First and Second Generation Immigrants in Lahiri’s The Namesake. Prithvi Academic Journal, 1(1), 88–98.
  • Bertens, H. (2024). Literary theory: The basics. Routledge.
  • Buchanan, I. (2010). A dictionary of critical theory. Oxford University Press.
  • Ceaser, J. (2007). Gogol’s Namesake: Identity and Relationship in Jhumpa Lahiri’s The Namesake. Atenea, 27(1), 103–119.
  • Eagleton, T. (1996). Literary theory: an introduction. Blackwell Publishing.
  • Friedman, N. (2008). From Hybrids to Tourists: Children of Immigrants in Jhumpa Lahiri’s The Namesake. Critique, 50(1), 111–127.
  • Homer, S. (2005). Jacques Lacan. Routledge.
  • Lacan, J. (2006). Ecrits: the first complete edition in English (B. Fink, H. Fink, & R. Grigg, Trans.). W. W. Norton & Company.
  • Lacan, J. (2013). The triumph of religion: preceded by discourse to Catholics (Bruce Fink, Trans.). Polity Press.
  • Lahiri, J. (2006). The Namesake. Harper Perennial.
  • Munos, D. (2008). The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri: The Accident of Inheritance. Commonwealth Essays and Studies, 30(2), 107–118.
  • Nelson, E. S. (2015). Ethnic American literature: an encyclopedia for students. Greenwood.
  • Newsweek Staff. (2010, March 13). My two lives. Newsweek.
  • Rose, N. (1996). Identity, Genealogy, History . In S. Hall & P. Du Gay (Eds.), Questions of cultural identity (pp. 128–150). Sage Publications.
  • Selden, R., Widdowson, P., & Brooker, P. (2005). A reader’s guide to contemporary literary theory. Pearson Education Limited.
  • Tabur, S. (2017). Contested spaces in contemporary north American novels: reading for space. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
  • Tyson, L. (2006). Critical theory today: a user-friendly guide. Taylor Francis & Group.

A Lacanian Gaze into Jhumpa Lahiri’s The Namesake

Yıl 2024, , 359 - 368, 31.12.2024


The Namesake, published by Jhumpa Lahiri in 2003, illustrates the cultural and social identity issues of two generations of an Indian-American family, who struggle to adjust between two different cultures. As a second-generation son, Gogol, the protagonist of the novel, is trapped between these two cultures and experiences an identity crisis. In the journey of discovering his true self, Gogol has conflicts with his Indian roots along with the American society he has been raised in. He was named after his father’s favourite Russian author. His biggest conflict, however, starts with the dilemma he experiences with his own name. To deal with his identity crisis, he tries to leave his roots behind and embraces his American side. However, this attempt will not be a solution to the crisis he feels deep down inside of him. In this respect, this study aims to explore the journey of the protagonist’s identity construction in the context of Lacanian Psychoanalysis. In order to portray the identity development process of the protagonist, Gogol is analysed in relation to the three Orders of Lacan: the Imaginary, the Symbolic, and the Real. Regarding the protagonist's experience of these three Orders, Gogol is seen to be a Lacanian infant, who is in pursuit of his lost object of desire called object petit a to sustain the intimate connection with his true self.


  • Bailly, L. (2012). Lacan: a beginner’s guide. England: Oneworld Publications. (e-book edition)
  • Bhalla, T. (2012). Gogol: Reading and Recognition in Jhumpa Lahiri’s The Namesake. MELUS MELUS Multi-Ethnic Literature of the United States, 37(1), 105-129.
  • Bhandari, N. B. (2018). The Cultural Negotiation: A Shift of Paradigm between First and Second Generation Immigrants in Lahiri’s The Namesake. Prithvi Academic Journal, 1(1), 88–98.
  • Bertens, H. (2024). Literary theory: The basics. Routledge.
  • Buchanan, I. (2010). A dictionary of critical theory. Oxford University Press.
  • Ceaser, J. (2007). Gogol’s Namesake: Identity and Relationship in Jhumpa Lahiri’s The Namesake. Atenea, 27(1), 103–119.
  • Eagleton, T. (1996). Literary theory: an introduction. Blackwell Publishing.
  • Friedman, N. (2008). From Hybrids to Tourists: Children of Immigrants in Jhumpa Lahiri’s The Namesake. Critique, 50(1), 111–127.
  • Homer, S. (2005). Jacques Lacan. Routledge.
  • Lacan, J. (2006). Ecrits: the first complete edition in English (B. Fink, H. Fink, & R. Grigg, Trans.). W. W. Norton & Company.
  • Lacan, J. (2013). The triumph of religion: preceded by discourse to Catholics (Bruce Fink, Trans.). Polity Press.
  • Lahiri, J. (2006). The Namesake. Harper Perennial.
  • Munos, D. (2008). The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri: The Accident of Inheritance. Commonwealth Essays and Studies, 30(2), 107–118.
  • Nelson, E. S. (2015). Ethnic American literature: an encyclopedia for students. Greenwood.
  • Newsweek Staff. (2010, March 13). My two lives. Newsweek.
  • Rose, N. (1996). Identity, Genealogy, History . In S. Hall & P. Du Gay (Eds.), Questions of cultural identity (pp. 128–150). Sage Publications.
  • Selden, R., Widdowson, P., & Brooker, P. (2005). A reader’s guide to contemporary literary theory. Pearson Education Limited.
  • Tabur, S. (2017). Contested spaces in contemporary north American novels: reading for space. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
  • Tyson, L. (2006). Critical theory today: a user-friendly guide. Taylor Francis & Group.
Toplam 19 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular İngiliz ve İrlanda Dili, Edebiyatı ve Kültürü
Bölüm Makaleler

Özlem Ünlü 0009-0002-8511-763X

Ecevit Bekler 0000-0002-7080-6267

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 12 Eylül 2024
Kabul Tarihi 16 Ekim 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Ünlü, Ö., & Bekler, E. (2024). A Lacanian Gaze into Jhumpa Lahiri’s The Namesake. Cankaya University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 18(2), 359-368.

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