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Behaviour of Radio- Thermoluminescence (X-Ray Irradiated), Thermal and Structural Characterization of Limestone

Yıl 2022, Cilt: 18 Sayı: 4, 435 - 441, 26.12.2022


In this study, it was reported radioluminescence properties of limestone from Kütahya, Turkey for the first time in this study, which has been the subject of many studies in both mineralogical and gemological fields. Limestone is the general name of carbonate roks, which is the mineral with typical colors according to the impurity elements in rock and exhibited luminescence properties under x-ray irradiation. The radio&thermoluminescence data were analyzed for limestone. Besides, x-ray diffraction pattern was created for structural characterization, scanning electron microscope images and energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy maps were taken to determine morphological features. When the radioluminescence spectrum of the limestone was detailed, a broad emission consisting of several peaks was observed in the visible region. In the thermoluminescence spectrum taken after the x-ray excitation of the limestone, three thermoluminescence peaks were observed at 97 oC, 170oC and 320 oC. Also; TL kinetic parameters are reported; The activation energy (E) and frequency factor (s) of the first peak were determined in detail using the methods of peak shape and varying heating rates.


The experiments in this paper were fully/partially performed at Manisa Celal Bayar University (Turkey)- Applied Science and Research Center (DEFAM).


  • J.M. Kalita, M.L. Chithambo, Thermoluminescence and infrared light stimulated luminescence of limestone (CaCO3) and its dosimetric features, Applied Radiaion and Isotopes 154 (2019) 108888. doi:10.1016/J.APRADISO.2019.108888.
  • P.D. Townsend, B.J. Luff, R.A. Wood, Mn2+ transitions in the TL emission spectra of calcite, Radiation Measurements 23 (1994) 433–440. doi:10.1016/1350-4487(94)90076-0.
  • B. Yalçinalp, H. Ersoy, A. Firat Ersoy, C. Keke Öz, A. Kelimeler, Bahçecik (Gümüşhane) Travertenlerinin Jeolojik Ve Jeoteknik Özellikleri, JeolojiMühendisliği Dergisi.32(1)2008. İ. Çobanoğlu, B. Çelik, Evaluation of the use of an alternative mixture for pore filling material on travertine slabs Traverten plakalarda gözenek dolgu malzemesi için alternatif bir karışımın kullanımının değerlendirilmesi, Pamukkale Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi.26 (2020) 1373–1378. doi:10.5505/pajes.2020.84584.
  • J.D. Hemingway, G.A. Henkes, A disordered kinetic model for clumped isotope bond reordering in carbonates, Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 566 (2021) 116962. doi:10.1016/J.EPSL.2021.116962.
  • Ç.M. Oral, D. Kapusuz, B. Ercan, Enhanced Vaterite And Aragonite Crystallization At Controlled Ethylene Glycol Concentrations, Sakarya University Journal of Science. 23 (1997) 129–138. doi:10.16984/saufenbilder.433985.
  • K. Ninagawa, T. Kitahara, S. Toyoda, K. Hayashi, H. Nishido, M. Kinjo, T. Kawana, Thermoluminescence dating of the Ryukyu Limestone, Quaternary Science Reviews. 20 (2001) 829–833. doi:10.1016/S0277-3791(00)00058-5.
  • J.M. Kalita, M.L. Chithambo, Thermoluminescence and infrared light stimulated luminescence of limestone (CaCO3) and its dosimetric features, Applied Radiaion and Isotopes. 154 (2019). doi:10.1016/J.APRADISO.2019.108888.
  • K. Ninagawa, K. Adachi, N. Uchimura, I. Yamamoto, T. Wada, Y. Yamashita, I. Takashima, K. Sekimoto, H. Hasegawa, Thermoluminescence dating of calcite shells in the pectinidae family, Quaternary Science Reviews. 11 (1992) 121–126. doi:10.1016/0277-3791(92)90052-A.
  • J.M. Kalita, G. Wary, X-ray dose response of calcite—A comprehensive analysis for optimal application in TL dosimetry, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms. 383 (2016) 93–102. doi:10.1016/J.NIMB.2016.06.018.
  • C. Soliman, S.M. Metwally, Thermoluminescence of the green emission band of calcite, Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids. 161 (2007) 607–613. doi:10.1080/10420150600857647.
  • V. Ponnusamy, V. Ramasamy, M. Dheenathayalu, J. Hemalatha, Effect of annealing in thermostimulated luminescence (TSL) on natural blue colour calcite crystals, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms. 217 (2004) 611–620. doi:10.1016/J.NIMB.2003.12.037.
  • B. Engin, O. Güven, The effect of heat treatment on the thermoluminescence of naturally-occurring calcites and their use as a gamma-ray dosimeter, Radiation Measurements. 32 (2000) 253–272. doi:10.1016/S1350-4487(99)00284-X.
  • İ.Ç. Keskin, M.İ. Katı, M. Türemiş, S. Gültekin, S. Üstün, A. Çetin, R. Kibar, X-ray irradiated thermo- and radioluminescence, structural and thermal characterization of septarian (powder&bulk) from Madagascar, Optical Materials. (Amst). 83 (2018) 176–181. doi:10.1016/J.OPTMAT.2018.06.005.
  • Y. Tuncer Arslanlar, Ç. Keskin, M.İ. Katı, M. Türemiş, A. Çetin, R. Kibar, Investigation on Cathodoluminescence Properties of Copper Implanted ZnO Samples, Celal Bayar University Journal of Science. 15 (2019) 145–149. doi:10.18466/cbayarfbe.475150.
  • M. Singh, S. Vinodh Kumar, S.A. Waghmare, P.D. Sabale, Aragonite-vaterite-calcite: Polymorphs of CaCO3 in 7th century CE lime plasters of Alampur group of temples, India, Construction and Building Materials. 112 (2016) 386–397. doi:10.1016/J.CONBUILDMAT.2016.02.191.
  • M.A. Popescu, R. Isopescu, C. Matei, G. Fagarasan, V. Plesu, Thermal decomposition of calcium carbonate polymorphs precipitated in the presence of ammonia and alkylamines, Advanced Powder Technology. 25 (2014) 500–507. doi:10.1016/J.APT.2013.08.003.
  • İ.Ç. Keskin, M. Türemiş, M.İ. Kati, R. Kibar, A. Çetin, Effects of CdS quantum dot in polymer nanocomposites: In terms of luminescence, optic, and thermal results, Radiation Physics and Chemistry. 156 (2019). doi:10.1016/j.radphyschem.2018.11.006.
  • A. Çetin, İ. Çetin Keskin, M. Türemiş, M.İ. Kati, B. Taştekin, M.A. Çipiloğlu, R. Kibar, The Investigation of Kinetic Characterization of Sea Salt via Thermoluminescence Method, Celal Bayar University Journal of Science. 13 (2017) 845–849. doi:10.18466/cbayarfbe.370366.
  • M.İ. Katı, G. Sam, İ.Ç. Keskin, M. Türemiş, A. Çetin, R. Kibar, Pembe Spodümenin Termolüminesans Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi ve Kinetik Parametrelerinin Hesaplanması, El-Cezeri Journal of Science and Engineering. 3 (2016) 258-271. doi: 10.31202/ecjse.264189.
  • M.İ. Katı, K. Kadiroğulları, M. Türemiş, İ.Ç. Keskin, A. Çetin, R. Kibar, The Investigation of Thermoluminescence Properties of Tooth Enamel, El-Cezeri Journal of Science and Engineering 3 (2016) 297–303. doi:10.31202/ecjse.264193.
  • S. Gültekin, S. Yıldırım, O. Yılmaz, İ.Ç. Keskin, M.İ. Katı, E. Çelik, Structural and optical properties of SrAl2O4: Eu2+/Dy3+ phosphors synthesized by flame spray pyrolysis technique, Journal of Luminescence. 206 (2019) 59–69. doi:10.1016/J.JLUMIN.2018.10.011.
  • M.İ. Katı, İ.Ç. Keskin, M. Türemiş, A. Çetin, R.Kibar, The Role of Eu3+ Ion on Luminescence, TL Kinetic Parameter and Electrochemical Bahaviors of Sr0,5Ca0,5WO4 Phosphor Synthesized via Sol-Gel Technique, El-Cezeri Journal of Science and Engineering. 8 (2021) 254-267. doi:10.31202/ecjse.833068.
  • İ.Ç. Keskin, M.İ. Katı, M. Türemiş, A. Çetin, Y. Tuncer Arslanlar, R. Kibar, Determination of Thermoluminescence Kinetic Parameters of White and Blue Chalcedony Exposed to X-ray Irradiation, Radiation Physics and Chemistry. (2018). doi:10.1016/j.radphyschem.2018.05.031.
Yıl 2022, Cilt: 18 Sayı: 4, 435 - 441, 26.12.2022



  • J.M. Kalita, M.L. Chithambo, Thermoluminescence and infrared light stimulated luminescence of limestone (CaCO3) and its dosimetric features, Applied Radiaion and Isotopes 154 (2019) 108888. doi:10.1016/J.APRADISO.2019.108888.
  • P.D. Townsend, B.J. Luff, R.A. Wood, Mn2+ transitions in the TL emission spectra of calcite, Radiation Measurements 23 (1994) 433–440. doi:10.1016/1350-4487(94)90076-0.
  • B. Yalçinalp, H. Ersoy, A. Firat Ersoy, C. Keke Öz, A. Kelimeler, Bahçecik (Gümüşhane) Travertenlerinin Jeolojik Ve Jeoteknik Özellikleri, JeolojiMühendisliği Dergisi.32(1)2008. İ. Çobanoğlu, B. Çelik, Evaluation of the use of an alternative mixture for pore filling material on travertine slabs Traverten plakalarda gözenek dolgu malzemesi için alternatif bir karışımın kullanımının değerlendirilmesi, Pamukkale Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi.26 (2020) 1373–1378. doi:10.5505/pajes.2020.84584.
  • J.D. Hemingway, G.A. Henkes, A disordered kinetic model for clumped isotope bond reordering in carbonates, Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 566 (2021) 116962. doi:10.1016/J.EPSL.2021.116962.
  • Ç.M. Oral, D. Kapusuz, B. Ercan, Enhanced Vaterite And Aragonite Crystallization At Controlled Ethylene Glycol Concentrations, Sakarya University Journal of Science. 23 (1997) 129–138. doi:10.16984/saufenbilder.433985.
  • K. Ninagawa, T. Kitahara, S. Toyoda, K. Hayashi, H. Nishido, M. Kinjo, T. Kawana, Thermoluminescence dating of the Ryukyu Limestone, Quaternary Science Reviews. 20 (2001) 829–833. doi:10.1016/S0277-3791(00)00058-5.
  • J.M. Kalita, M.L. Chithambo, Thermoluminescence and infrared light stimulated luminescence of limestone (CaCO3) and its dosimetric features, Applied Radiaion and Isotopes. 154 (2019). doi:10.1016/J.APRADISO.2019.108888.
  • K. Ninagawa, K. Adachi, N. Uchimura, I. Yamamoto, T. Wada, Y. Yamashita, I. Takashima, K. Sekimoto, H. Hasegawa, Thermoluminescence dating of calcite shells in the pectinidae family, Quaternary Science Reviews. 11 (1992) 121–126. doi:10.1016/0277-3791(92)90052-A.
  • J.M. Kalita, G. Wary, X-ray dose response of calcite—A comprehensive analysis for optimal application in TL dosimetry, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms. 383 (2016) 93–102. doi:10.1016/J.NIMB.2016.06.018.
  • C. Soliman, S.M. Metwally, Thermoluminescence of the green emission band of calcite, Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids. 161 (2007) 607–613. doi:10.1080/10420150600857647.
  • V. Ponnusamy, V. Ramasamy, M. Dheenathayalu, J. Hemalatha, Effect of annealing in thermostimulated luminescence (TSL) on natural blue colour calcite crystals, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms. 217 (2004) 611–620. doi:10.1016/J.NIMB.2003.12.037.
  • B. Engin, O. Güven, The effect of heat treatment on the thermoluminescence of naturally-occurring calcites and their use as a gamma-ray dosimeter, Radiation Measurements. 32 (2000) 253–272. doi:10.1016/S1350-4487(99)00284-X.
  • İ.Ç. Keskin, M.İ. Katı, M. Türemiş, S. Gültekin, S. Üstün, A. Çetin, R. Kibar, X-ray irradiated thermo- and radioluminescence, structural and thermal characterization of septarian (powder&bulk) from Madagascar, Optical Materials. (Amst). 83 (2018) 176–181. doi:10.1016/J.OPTMAT.2018.06.005.
  • Y. Tuncer Arslanlar, Ç. Keskin, M.İ. Katı, M. Türemiş, A. Çetin, R. Kibar, Investigation on Cathodoluminescence Properties of Copper Implanted ZnO Samples, Celal Bayar University Journal of Science. 15 (2019) 145–149. doi:10.18466/cbayarfbe.475150.
  • M. Singh, S. Vinodh Kumar, S.A. Waghmare, P.D. Sabale, Aragonite-vaterite-calcite: Polymorphs of CaCO3 in 7th century CE lime plasters of Alampur group of temples, India, Construction and Building Materials. 112 (2016) 386–397. doi:10.1016/J.CONBUILDMAT.2016.02.191.
  • M.A. Popescu, R. Isopescu, C. Matei, G. Fagarasan, V. Plesu, Thermal decomposition of calcium carbonate polymorphs precipitated in the presence of ammonia and alkylamines, Advanced Powder Technology. 25 (2014) 500–507. doi:10.1016/J.APT.2013.08.003.
  • İ.Ç. Keskin, M. Türemiş, M.İ. Kati, R. Kibar, A. Çetin, Effects of CdS quantum dot in polymer nanocomposites: In terms of luminescence, optic, and thermal results, Radiation Physics and Chemistry. 156 (2019). doi:10.1016/j.radphyschem.2018.11.006.
  • A. Çetin, İ. Çetin Keskin, M. Türemiş, M.İ. Kati, B. Taştekin, M.A. Çipiloğlu, R. Kibar, The Investigation of Kinetic Characterization of Sea Salt via Thermoluminescence Method, Celal Bayar University Journal of Science. 13 (2017) 845–849. doi:10.18466/cbayarfbe.370366.
  • M.İ. Katı, G. Sam, İ.Ç. Keskin, M. Türemiş, A. Çetin, R. Kibar, Pembe Spodümenin Termolüminesans Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi ve Kinetik Parametrelerinin Hesaplanması, El-Cezeri Journal of Science and Engineering. 3 (2016) 258-271. doi: 10.31202/ecjse.264189.
  • M.İ. Katı, K. Kadiroğulları, M. Türemiş, İ.Ç. Keskin, A. Çetin, R. Kibar, The Investigation of Thermoluminescence Properties of Tooth Enamel, El-Cezeri Journal of Science and Engineering 3 (2016) 297–303. doi:10.31202/ecjse.264193.
  • S. Gültekin, S. Yıldırım, O. Yılmaz, İ.Ç. Keskin, M.İ. Katı, E. Çelik, Structural and optical properties of SrAl2O4: Eu2+/Dy3+ phosphors synthesized by flame spray pyrolysis technique, Journal of Luminescence. 206 (2019) 59–69. doi:10.1016/J.JLUMIN.2018.10.011.
  • M.İ. Katı, İ.Ç. Keskin, M. Türemiş, A. Çetin, R.Kibar, The Role of Eu3+ Ion on Luminescence, TL Kinetic Parameter and Electrochemical Bahaviors of Sr0,5Ca0,5WO4 Phosphor Synthesized via Sol-Gel Technique, El-Cezeri Journal of Science and Engineering. 8 (2021) 254-267. doi:10.31202/ecjse.833068.
  • İ.Ç. Keskin, M.İ. Katı, M. Türemiş, A. Çetin, Y. Tuncer Arslanlar, R. Kibar, Determination of Thermoluminescence Kinetic Parameters of White and Blue Chalcedony Exposed to X-ray Irradiation, Radiation Physics and Chemistry. (2018). doi:10.1016/j.radphyschem.2018.05.031.
Toplam 23 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Mühendislik
Bölüm Makaleler

Mehmet İsmail Katı 0000-0002-9225-730X

Yayımlanma Tarihi 26 Aralık 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022 Cilt: 18 Sayı: 4

Kaynak Göster

APA Katı, M. İ. (2022). Behaviour of Radio- Thermoluminescence (X-Ray Irradiated), Thermal and Structural Characterization of Limestone. Celal Bayar University Journal of Science, 18(4), 435-441.
AMA Katı Mİ. Behaviour of Radio- Thermoluminescence (X-Ray Irradiated), Thermal and Structural Characterization of Limestone. CBUJOS. Aralık 2022;18(4):435-441. doi:10.18466/cbayarfbe.1106810
Chicago Katı, Mehmet İsmail. “Behaviour of Radio- Thermoluminescence (X-Ray Irradiated), Thermal and Structural Characterization of Limestone”. Celal Bayar University Journal of Science 18, sy. 4 (Aralık 2022): 435-41.
EndNote Katı Mİ (01 Aralık 2022) Behaviour of Radio- Thermoluminescence (X-Ray Irradiated), Thermal and Structural Characterization of Limestone. Celal Bayar University Journal of Science 18 4 435–441.
IEEE M. İ. Katı, “Behaviour of Radio- Thermoluminescence (X-Ray Irradiated), Thermal and Structural Characterization of Limestone”, CBUJOS, c. 18, sy. 4, ss. 435–441, 2022, doi: 10.18466/cbayarfbe.1106810.
ISNAD Katı, Mehmet İsmail. “Behaviour of Radio- Thermoluminescence (X-Ray Irradiated), Thermal and Structural Characterization of Limestone”. Celal Bayar University Journal of Science 18/4 (Aralık 2022), 435-441.
JAMA Katı Mİ. Behaviour of Radio- Thermoluminescence (X-Ray Irradiated), Thermal and Structural Characterization of Limestone. CBUJOS. 2022;18:435–441.
MLA Katı, Mehmet İsmail. “Behaviour of Radio- Thermoluminescence (X-Ray Irradiated), Thermal and Structural Characterization of Limestone”. Celal Bayar University Journal of Science, c. 18, sy. 4, 2022, ss. 435-41, doi:10.18466/cbayarfbe.1106810.
Vancouver Katı Mİ. Behaviour of Radio- Thermoluminescence (X-Ray Irradiated), Thermal and Structural Characterization of Limestone. CBUJOS. 2022;18(4):435-41.