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Insult in Sumerian Writing: Reconsideration to Two Insult Texts (ETCSL 5.4.11 and 5.4.12)

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 7, 41 - 58, 30.06.2019


This study is concerned with the analysis of
insulting statements in two Sumerian diatribe texts known as “He is a good seed
of a dog” and “Engardug the fool”. Insults are frequently mentioned in the
Sumerian disputation and diatribe texts. These two texts are dated to the Old
Babylonian period and are thought to be school texts. In these texts in
question there are a number of insulting statements directed by someone against
some­one else. In this study, it will be mentioned that what kind of insults
are used and what the insults mean and also will be focused on the relationships
between the abusive language used in these texts and some social, cul­tural and
individual elements in the ancient Mesopota­mia. And some remarks on the
etymology of the insult­ing statements in question will be emphasized. As a mat­ter
of fact, the both texts consist of the intense and harsh criticism accompanied
by insults that seems to be di­rected to a certain individual from the first
lines to the last lines, and that actually targets a more general human ty­pology.


  • AHw W. von Soden, Akkadisches Handwörterbuch.
  • Alster 1973 B. Alster, “An Aspect of ‘Enmerkar and the Lord of Aratta’”. Revue d'Assyrio¬logie et D'archéologie Orientale 67/2 (1973) 101-110.
  • Alster 1989 B. Alster, “An Akkadian Animal Proverb and the Assyrian Letter ABL 555”. Journal of Cuneiform Studies 41/2 (1989) 187-193.
  • Attinger 1984 P. Attinger, “Remarques A Propos De La Malediction D’Accad”. Revue d'Assyriologie et D'archéologie Orientale 78/2 (1984) 99-121.
  • Bachvarova 2008 M. Bachvarova, “Sumerian Gala Priests and Eastern Mediterranean Retur¬ning Gods: Tragic Lamentation in Cross-Cultural Perspective”. Ed. A. Suter, Lament: Studies in the Ancient Mediterranean and Beyond. New York (2008) 18-52.
  • Black et al. 2004 J. Black, G. Cunningham, E. Robson – G. Zolyomi, The Literature of Ancient Sumer. New York 2004.
  • Böck 1999 B. Böck, “Homo Mesopotamicus”. Eds. B. Böck, E. Cancik-Kirschbaum – T. Richter, Munuscula Mesopotamica: Festschrift für Johannes Renger. Münster (1999) 53-68.
  • BSS N. Aydın, Büyük Sümerce Sözlük. Ankara 2013.
  • CAD The Assyrian Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago.
  • Ceccarelli 2016 M. Ceccarelli, Enki and Ninmaḫ: Eine mythische Erzählung in sumerischer Sprache. Tübingen 2016.
  • Civil 1997 M. Civil, “Ancient Mesopotamian Lexicography”. Ed. J. M. Sasson, Civiliza¬tions of the Ancient Near East IV. New York (1997) 2305-2314.
  • Cohen 1973 M. E. Cohen, “The Identification of Kušû”. Journal of Cuneiform Studies 25/4 (1973) 203-210.
  • DCCLT Digital Corpus of Cuneiform Lexical Texts.
  • EB Eski Babil.
  • ePSD The Pennsylvania Sumerian Dictionary (
  • ETCSL The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature (
  • Foster 1974 B. R. Foster, “Humor and Cuneiform Literature”. Journal of the Ancient Near Eastern Society 6 (1974) 69-81.
  • Foster 2002 B. R. Foster, “Animals in Mesopotamian Literature”. Ed. B. J. Collins, A His¬tory of the Animal World in the Ancient Near East. Leiden (2002) 271-289.
  • Freedman 2006 S. Freedman, If a City is Set on a Height vol. 2; Tablets 22-40, Occasional Pub¬lication of the Samuel Noah Kramer Fund 19. Philadephia 2006.
  • Freedman 2017 S. Freedman, If a City is Set on a Height Vol. 3; Tablets 41-63. Winona Lake-Indiana 2017.
  • George 1999 A. George, “The Dogs of Ninkilim: Magic against Field Pests in Ancient Me¬sopotamia”. Eds. H. Klengel – J. Renger, Landwirtschaft im alten Mesopota¬mien-Ausgewählte Vorträge der XLI. Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale Berlin 4.-8. 7 1994. Berlin (1999) 291-299.
  • George 2003 A. George, The Babylonian Gilgamesh Epic: Introduction, Critical Edition and Cuneiform Texts Vol 1. New York 2003.
  • Grayson 1996 A. K.Grayson, Assyrian Rulers of the Early First Millenium BC II (858-745 BC) RIMA III. Toronto 1996.
  • Hughes – Paterson 2011 B. Hughes – K. Paterson, “Sakatlık Sosyal Modeli ve Kaybolan Beden: Bir Ye¬ti Yitimi Sosyolojisine Doğru”. Der. D. Bezmez, S. Yardımcı – Y. Şentürk, Sa¬katlık Çalışmaları: Sosyal Bilimlerden Bakmak. İstanbul (2011) 63-81.
  • Jiménez 2017 E. Jiménez, The Babylonian Disputation Poems. Boston 2017.
  • Johnson – Geller 2015 J. C. Johnson – M. J. Geller, The Class Reunion-An Annotated Translation and Commentary on the Sumerian Dialogue Two Scribes. Leiden 2015.
  • Kağnıcı 2018a G. Kağnıcı, “Eski Mezopotamya Çivi Yazılı Metinlerde Kuduz”. Eds. Ç. Büke et al., Tarihsel Süreçte Anadolu’da Kuduz. Ankara (2018) 31-44.
  • Kağnıcı 2018b G. Kağnıcı, “Mental Disability (?): On the Akkadian Word Lillu”. Archivum Anatolicum 12/1 (2018) 49-70.
  • Kağnıcı 2018c G. Kağnıcı, “Insights from Sumerian Mythology: The Myth of Enki and Ninmaḫ and the History of Disability”. Tarih İncelemeleri Dergisi XXXIII/2 (2018) 429-450.
  • Kienast 2003 B. Kienast, iškar šēlebi: Die Serie Vom Fuchs. Stuttgart 2003.
  • Kleinerman 2011 A. Kleinerman, Education in Early 2nd Millennium BC Babylonia. Leiden 2011.
  • Kramer 2002 S. N. Kramer, Sümerler. Çev. Ö. Buze. İstanbul 2002.
  • Lambert 1996 W. G. Lambert, Babylonian Wisdom Literature. Winona Lake- Indiana 1996.
  • Lambert 2013 W. G. Lambert, Babylonian Creation Myths. Winona Lake-Indiana 2013.
  • Langdon 1917 S. Langdon, Sumerian Liturgical Texts. Philadelphia 1917.
  • Lecompte 2016 C. Lecompte, “Representation of Women in Mesopotamian Lexical Lists”. Eds. B. Lion – C. Michel, The Role of Women in Work and Society in the An¬cient Near East. Berlin (2016) 29-56.
  • Leichty 1970 E. Leichty, The Omen Series Šumma Izbu. Augustin 1970.
  • Leichty 2011 E. Leichty, The Royal Inscriptions of Esarhaddon, King of Assyria (680-669 BC) RINAP 4. Winona Lake-Indiana 2011.
  • Matuszak 2018 J. Matuszak, “Assessing Misogyny in Sumerian Disputations and Diatribes”. Eds. S. L. Budin et al., Gender and Methodology in Ancient Near East. Barce¬lona (2018) 259-272.
  • Millard 1966 A. R. Millard, The Atrahasis Epic and Its Place in Babylonian Literature. Un¬published Master Thesis, University of London. London 1966.
  • Molina – Such-Gutierrez 2004
  • M. Molina – M. Such-Gutierrez, “On Terms for Cutting Plants and Noses in Ancient Sumer”. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 63/1 (2004) 1-16. ORACC Open Richly Annotated Cuneiform Corpus.
  • Plantholt 2017 I. S. Plantholt, “Black Dogs in Mesopotamia and Beyond”. Eds. D. Kertai – O. Nieuwenhuyse, From the Four Corners of the Earth. Studies in Iconography and Cultures of the Ancient Near East in Honour of F.A.M. Wiggermann. Münster (2017) 165-181.
  • Postgate 1992 J. N. Postgate, Early Mesopotamia: Society and Economy at the Dawn of His¬tory. London 1992. Pruzsinszky 2018 R. Pruzsinszky, “The Poor Musician’ in Ancient Near Eastern Texts and Images”. Eds. A. G. Ventura, L. Verderame – C. Tavolieri, The Study of Musi¬cal Performance in Antiquity: Archaeology and Written Sources. Newcastle (2018) 39-59.
  • RIMA The Royal Inscriptions of Mesopotamia Assyrian Period.
  • RINAP The Royal Inscriptions of the Neo-Assyrian Period.
  • Richardson 2007 S. Richardson, “Death and Dismemberment in Mesopotamia: Discorpora¬tion between the Body and Body Politic”. Ed. N. Laneri, Performing Death: Social Analyses of Funerary Traditions in the Ancient Near East and Mediter¬tanean. Chicago 2007.
  • Rodin 2014 T. Rodin, The World of the Sumerian Mother Goddess: An Interpretation of Her Myths. Uppsala 2014.
  • Rubio 2009 G. Rubio, “Sumerian Literature”. Ed. C. S. Ehrlich, From an Antique Land: An Introduction to Ancient Near Eastern Literature. Maryland (2009) 11-75.
  • Scurlock 2002 J. Scurlock, “Animal Sacrifice in Ancient Mesopotamian Religion”. Ed. B. J. Collins, A History of the Animal World in the Ancient Near East. Leiden (2002) 389-403.
  • Sjöberg 1972 Â. W. Sjöberg, "He Is a Good Seed of a Dog" and "Engardu, the Fool". Journal of Cuneiform Studies 24/4 (1972) 107-119.
  • Sjöberg 1973 Â. W. Sjöberg, “Der Vater und sein missratener Sohn”. Journal of Cuneiform Studies 25 (1973) 105-169.
  • SpTU Spätbabylonische Texte aus Uruk.
  • Van Buren 1936-37 E. D. Van Buren, “Mesopotamian Fauna in the Light of the Monuments. Archaeological Remarks upon Landsberger's Fauna des alten Mesopota¬mien”. Archiv für Orientforschung 11 (1936-1937) 1-37.
  • Van Dijk 1953 J. J. A. Van Dijk, La Sagesse suméro-accadienne. Leiden 1953.
  • Vanstiphout 1984 H. L. J. Vanstiphout, “On the Sumerian Disputation between the Hoe and the Plough”. Aula Orientalis 2 (1984) 239-251.
  • Veenhof 1996 K. R. Veenhof, “An Old Assyrian Incantation against a Black Dog (kt a/k 611)”. Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes 86, Festschrift für Hans Hirsch zum 65. Geburtstag gewidmet von seinen Freunden. Schülern (1996) 425-433.
  • Veldhuis 1993 N. Veldhuis, “An Ur III Incantation against the Bite of a Snake, a Scorpion, or a Dog”. Zeit¬schrift für Assyriologie 83 (1993) 161-169.
  • Veldhuis 2002 N. Veldhuis, “Studies in Sumerian Vocabulary: dnin-ka6; immal/šilam; and e21.d”. Journal of Cuneiform Studies 54 (2002) 67-77.
  • Veldhuis 2006 N. Veldhuis, “How to Classify Pigs: Old Babylonian and Middle Babylonian Lexical List”. Eds. C. Michel – B. Lion, De la domestication au tabou: le cas des suidés dans le Proche-Orient ancien. Paris 2006.
  • Veldhuis 2014 N. Veldhuis, History of the Cuneiform Lexical Tradition. Münster 2014.
  • Verderame 2017 L. Verderame, “The Seven Attendants of Hendursaĝa: A study of Animal Symbolism in Mesopotamian Cultures”. Eds. L. Feliu, F. Karahashi – G.
  • Rubio, The First Ninety Years: A Sumerian Celebration in Honor of Miguel Civil. Berlin (2017) 396-415.
  • YB Yeni Babil.

Sumer Yazınında Hakaret: İki Sumer Metninde (ETCSL 5.4.11 VE 5.4.12) Geçen Hakaret İfadeleri Üzerine Bazı Etimolojik Düşünceler

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 7, 41 - 58, 30.06.2019


Bu çalışma, “O, bir köpeğin kaliteli bir
” ve “Ahmak Engardug” başlıklarıyla bilinen iki Sumer
tartışma metninde geçen hakaret ifadelerinin analiziyle ilgilidir. Ha­karet
içerikli söylemlere Sumer tartışma ve diyalog me­tin­lerinde sıklıkla yer
verilmiştir. Eski Babil dönemine ta­rih­lendirilen ve büyük olasılıkla okul
metinleri olduğu dü­şünülen bu iki metinde, birisinin bir başkasını hedef
aldığı çok sayıda hakaret ifadesi geçmektedir. Makalede bu haka­ret
ifadelerinin neler olduğu ve ne anlama geldiği üzerinde durulacaktır. Ayrıca bu
kötü ifadelerin hangi toplumsal, kül­türel ve bireysel unsurlarla ilişkili
oldukları tespit edil­meye çalışılacaktır. Çalışmada büyük oranda söz konusu
ifadelerin etimolojilerine dair birtakım düşünceler üzerin­de durulacaktır.
Nitekim metinler ilk satırlarından son sa­tır­larına kadar bütünüyle belirli
bir insana yöneltilmiş gibi gözüken ve aslında daha genel bir insan
tipolojisini hedef alan hakaret içerikli ifadelerle dolu yoğun eleştirilerden


  • AHw W. von Soden, Akkadisches Handwörterbuch.
  • Alster 1973 B. Alster, “An Aspect of ‘Enmerkar and the Lord of Aratta’”. Revue d'Assyrio¬logie et D'archéologie Orientale 67/2 (1973) 101-110.
  • Alster 1989 B. Alster, “An Akkadian Animal Proverb and the Assyrian Letter ABL 555”. Journal of Cuneiform Studies 41/2 (1989) 187-193.
  • Attinger 1984 P. Attinger, “Remarques A Propos De La Malediction D’Accad”. Revue d'Assyriologie et D'archéologie Orientale 78/2 (1984) 99-121.
  • Bachvarova 2008 M. Bachvarova, “Sumerian Gala Priests and Eastern Mediterranean Retur¬ning Gods: Tragic Lamentation in Cross-Cultural Perspective”. Ed. A. Suter, Lament: Studies in the Ancient Mediterranean and Beyond. New York (2008) 18-52.
  • Black et al. 2004 J. Black, G. Cunningham, E. Robson – G. Zolyomi, The Literature of Ancient Sumer. New York 2004.
  • Böck 1999 B. Böck, “Homo Mesopotamicus”. Eds. B. Böck, E. Cancik-Kirschbaum – T. Richter, Munuscula Mesopotamica: Festschrift für Johannes Renger. Münster (1999) 53-68.
  • BSS N. Aydın, Büyük Sümerce Sözlük. Ankara 2013.
  • CAD The Assyrian Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago.
  • Ceccarelli 2016 M. Ceccarelli, Enki and Ninmaḫ: Eine mythische Erzählung in sumerischer Sprache. Tübingen 2016.
  • Civil 1997 M. Civil, “Ancient Mesopotamian Lexicography”. Ed. J. M. Sasson, Civiliza¬tions of the Ancient Near East IV. New York (1997) 2305-2314.
  • Cohen 1973 M. E. Cohen, “The Identification of Kušû”. Journal of Cuneiform Studies 25/4 (1973) 203-210.
  • DCCLT Digital Corpus of Cuneiform Lexical Texts.
  • EB Eski Babil.
  • ePSD The Pennsylvania Sumerian Dictionary (
  • ETCSL The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature (
  • Foster 1974 B. R. Foster, “Humor and Cuneiform Literature”. Journal of the Ancient Near Eastern Society 6 (1974) 69-81.
  • Foster 2002 B. R. Foster, “Animals in Mesopotamian Literature”. Ed. B. J. Collins, A His¬tory of the Animal World in the Ancient Near East. Leiden (2002) 271-289.
  • Freedman 2006 S. Freedman, If a City is Set on a Height vol. 2; Tablets 22-40, Occasional Pub¬lication of the Samuel Noah Kramer Fund 19. Philadephia 2006.
  • Freedman 2017 S. Freedman, If a City is Set on a Height Vol. 3; Tablets 41-63. Winona Lake-Indiana 2017.
  • George 1999 A. George, “The Dogs of Ninkilim: Magic against Field Pests in Ancient Me¬sopotamia”. Eds. H. Klengel – J. Renger, Landwirtschaft im alten Mesopota¬mien-Ausgewählte Vorträge der XLI. Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale Berlin 4.-8. 7 1994. Berlin (1999) 291-299.
  • George 2003 A. George, The Babylonian Gilgamesh Epic: Introduction, Critical Edition and Cuneiform Texts Vol 1. New York 2003.
  • Grayson 1996 A. K.Grayson, Assyrian Rulers of the Early First Millenium BC II (858-745 BC) RIMA III. Toronto 1996.
  • Hughes – Paterson 2011 B. Hughes – K. Paterson, “Sakatlık Sosyal Modeli ve Kaybolan Beden: Bir Ye¬ti Yitimi Sosyolojisine Doğru”. Der. D. Bezmez, S. Yardımcı – Y. Şentürk, Sa¬katlık Çalışmaları: Sosyal Bilimlerden Bakmak. İstanbul (2011) 63-81.
  • Jiménez 2017 E. Jiménez, The Babylonian Disputation Poems. Boston 2017.
  • Johnson – Geller 2015 J. C. Johnson – M. J. Geller, The Class Reunion-An Annotated Translation and Commentary on the Sumerian Dialogue Two Scribes. Leiden 2015.
  • Kağnıcı 2018a G. Kağnıcı, “Eski Mezopotamya Çivi Yazılı Metinlerde Kuduz”. Eds. Ç. Büke et al., Tarihsel Süreçte Anadolu’da Kuduz. Ankara (2018) 31-44.
  • Kağnıcı 2018b G. Kağnıcı, “Mental Disability (?): On the Akkadian Word Lillu”. Archivum Anatolicum 12/1 (2018) 49-70.
  • Kağnıcı 2018c G. Kağnıcı, “Insights from Sumerian Mythology: The Myth of Enki and Ninmaḫ and the History of Disability”. Tarih İncelemeleri Dergisi XXXIII/2 (2018) 429-450.
  • Kienast 2003 B. Kienast, iškar šēlebi: Die Serie Vom Fuchs. Stuttgart 2003.
  • Kleinerman 2011 A. Kleinerman, Education in Early 2nd Millennium BC Babylonia. Leiden 2011.
  • Kramer 2002 S. N. Kramer, Sümerler. Çev. Ö. Buze. İstanbul 2002.
  • Lambert 1996 W. G. Lambert, Babylonian Wisdom Literature. Winona Lake- Indiana 1996.
  • Lambert 2013 W. G. Lambert, Babylonian Creation Myths. Winona Lake-Indiana 2013.
  • Langdon 1917 S. Langdon, Sumerian Liturgical Texts. Philadelphia 1917.
  • Lecompte 2016 C. Lecompte, “Representation of Women in Mesopotamian Lexical Lists”. Eds. B. Lion – C. Michel, The Role of Women in Work and Society in the An¬cient Near East. Berlin (2016) 29-56.
  • Leichty 1970 E. Leichty, The Omen Series Šumma Izbu. Augustin 1970.
  • Leichty 2011 E. Leichty, The Royal Inscriptions of Esarhaddon, King of Assyria (680-669 BC) RINAP 4. Winona Lake-Indiana 2011.
  • Matuszak 2018 J. Matuszak, “Assessing Misogyny in Sumerian Disputations and Diatribes”. Eds. S. L. Budin et al., Gender and Methodology in Ancient Near East. Barce¬lona (2018) 259-272.
  • Millard 1966 A. R. Millard, The Atrahasis Epic and Its Place in Babylonian Literature. Un¬published Master Thesis, University of London. London 1966.
  • Molina – Such-Gutierrez 2004
  • M. Molina – M. Such-Gutierrez, “On Terms for Cutting Plants and Noses in Ancient Sumer”. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 63/1 (2004) 1-16. ORACC Open Richly Annotated Cuneiform Corpus.
  • Plantholt 2017 I. S. Plantholt, “Black Dogs in Mesopotamia and Beyond”. Eds. D. Kertai – O. Nieuwenhuyse, From the Four Corners of the Earth. Studies in Iconography and Cultures of the Ancient Near East in Honour of F.A.M. Wiggermann. Münster (2017) 165-181.
  • Postgate 1992 J. N. Postgate, Early Mesopotamia: Society and Economy at the Dawn of His¬tory. London 1992. Pruzsinszky 2018 R. Pruzsinszky, “The Poor Musician’ in Ancient Near Eastern Texts and Images”. Eds. A. G. Ventura, L. Verderame – C. Tavolieri, The Study of Musi¬cal Performance in Antiquity: Archaeology and Written Sources. Newcastle (2018) 39-59.
  • RIMA The Royal Inscriptions of Mesopotamia Assyrian Period.
  • RINAP The Royal Inscriptions of the Neo-Assyrian Period.
  • Richardson 2007 S. Richardson, “Death and Dismemberment in Mesopotamia: Discorpora¬tion between the Body and Body Politic”. Ed. N. Laneri, Performing Death: Social Analyses of Funerary Traditions in the Ancient Near East and Mediter¬tanean. Chicago 2007.
  • Rodin 2014 T. Rodin, The World of the Sumerian Mother Goddess: An Interpretation of Her Myths. Uppsala 2014.
  • Rubio 2009 G. Rubio, “Sumerian Literature”. Ed. C. S. Ehrlich, From an Antique Land: An Introduction to Ancient Near Eastern Literature. Maryland (2009) 11-75.
  • Scurlock 2002 J. Scurlock, “Animal Sacrifice in Ancient Mesopotamian Religion”. Ed. B. J. Collins, A History of the Animal World in the Ancient Near East. Leiden (2002) 389-403.
  • Sjöberg 1972 Â. W. Sjöberg, "He Is a Good Seed of a Dog" and "Engardu, the Fool". Journal of Cuneiform Studies 24/4 (1972) 107-119.
  • Sjöberg 1973 Â. W. Sjöberg, “Der Vater und sein missratener Sohn”. Journal of Cuneiform Studies 25 (1973) 105-169.
  • SpTU Spätbabylonische Texte aus Uruk.
  • Van Buren 1936-37 E. D. Van Buren, “Mesopotamian Fauna in the Light of the Monuments. Archaeological Remarks upon Landsberger's Fauna des alten Mesopota¬mien”. Archiv für Orientforschung 11 (1936-1937) 1-37.
  • Van Dijk 1953 J. J. A. Van Dijk, La Sagesse suméro-accadienne. Leiden 1953.
  • Vanstiphout 1984 H. L. J. Vanstiphout, “On the Sumerian Disputation between the Hoe and the Plough”. Aula Orientalis 2 (1984) 239-251.
  • Veenhof 1996 K. R. Veenhof, “An Old Assyrian Incantation against a Black Dog (kt a/k 611)”. Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes 86, Festschrift für Hans Hirsch zum 65. Geburtstag gewidmet von seinen Freunden. Schülern (1996) 425-433.
  • Veldhuis 1993 N. Veldhuis, “An Ur III Incantation against the Bite of a Snake, a Scorpion, or a Dog”. Zeit¬schrift für Assyriologie 83 (1993) 161-169.
  • Veldhuis 2002 N. Veldhuis, “Studies in Sumerian Vocabulary: dnin-ka6; immal/šilam; and e21.d”. Journal of Cuneiform Studies 54 (2002) 67-77.
  • Veldhuis 2006 N. Veldhuis, “How to Classify Pigs: Old Babylonian and Middle Babylonian Lexical List”. Eds. C. Michel – B. Lion, De la domestication au tabou: le cas des suidés dans le Proche-Orient ancien. Paris 2006.
  • Veldhuis 2014 N. Veldhuis, History of the Cuneiform Lexical Tradition. Münster 2014.
  • Verderame 2017 L. Verderame, “The Seven Attendants of Hendursaĝa: A study of Animal Symbolism in Mesopotamian Cultures”. Eds. L. Feliu, F. Karahashi – G.
  • Rubio, The First Ninety Years: A Sumerian Celebration in Honor of Miguel Civil. Berlin (2017) 396-415.
  • YB Yeni Babil.
Toplam 64 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Arkeoloji
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Gökhan Kağnıcı 0000-0002-8357-6624

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Haziran 2019
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Mayıs 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019 Cilt: 7

Kaynak Göster

APA Kağnıcı, G. (2019). Sumer Yazınında Hakaret: İki Sumer Metninde (ETCSL 5.4.11 VE 5.4.12) Geçen Hakaret İfadeleri Üzerine Bazı Etimolojik Düşünceler. Cedrus, 7, 41-58.
AMA Kağnıcı G. Sumer Yazınında Hakaret: İki Sumer Metninde (ETCSL 5.4.11 VE 5.4.12) Geçen Hakaret İfadeleri Üzerine Bazı Etimolojik Düşünceler. Cedrus. Haziran 2019;7:41-58. doi:10.13113/CEDRUS.201903
Chicago Kağnıcı, Gökhan. “Sumer Yazınında Hakaret: İki Sumer Metninde (ETCSL 5.4.11 VE 5.4.12) Geçen Hakaret İfadeleri Üzerine Bazı Etimolojik Düşünceler”. Cedrus 7, Haziran (Haziran 2019): 41-58.
EndNote Kağnıcı G (01 Haziran 2019) Sumer Yazınında Hakaret: İki Sumer Metninde (ETCSL 5.4.11 VE 5.4.12) Geçen Hakaret İfadeleri Üzerine Bazı Etimolojik Düşünceler. Cedrus 7 41–58.
IEEE G. Kağnıcı, “Sumer Yazınında Hakaret: İki Sumer Metninde (ETCSL 5.4.11 VE 5.4.12) Geçen Hakaret İfadeleri Üzerine Bazı Etimolojik Düşünceler”, Cedrus, c. 7, ss. 41–58, 2019, doi: 10.13113/CEDRUS.201903.
ISNAD Kağnıcı, Gökhan. “Sumer Yazınında Hakaret: İki Sumer Metninde (ETCSL 5.4.11 VE 5.4.12) Geçen Hakaret İfadeleri Üzerine Bazı Etimolojik Düşünceler”. Cedrus 7 (Haziran 2019), 41-58.
JAMA Kağnıcı G. Sumer Yazınında Hakaret: İki Sumer Metninde (ETCSL 5.4.11 VE 5.4.12) Geçen Hakaret İfadeleri Üzerine Bazı Etimolojik Düşünceler. Cedrus. 2019;7:41–58.
MLA Kağnıcı, Gökhan. “Sumer Yazınında Hakaret: İki Sumer Metninde (ETCSL 5.4.11 VE 5.4.12) Geçen Hakaret İfadeleri Üzerine Bazı Etimolojik Düşünceler”. Cedrus, c. 7, 2019, ss. 41-58, doi:10.13113/CEDRUS.201903.
Vancouver Kağnıcı G. Sumer Yazınında Hakaret: İki Sumer Metninde (ETCSL 5.4.11 VE 5.4.12) Geçen Hakaret İfadeleri Üzerine Bazı Etimolojik Düşünceler. Cedrus. 2019;7:41-58.

İlgili yılın sayısında en fazla 15 makale yayımlanır ve makale kabul tarihleri 15 Ekim ile 1 Mayıs arasındadır. 2024 yılı Ekim ayı itibariyle Cedrus sadece yabancı dilde makale kabul edecektir.