Research Article
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Evaluation of medication and herbal product usage habits in the geriatric population: A pilot study from Trabzon Province, Türkiye

Year 2025, Volume: 15 Issue: 1, 124 - 131, 28.03.2025


Objectives: Polypharmacy and the uncontrolled use of herbal products increase drug interactions and adverse drug reactions, leading to possible risks for the geriatric population. This study aimed to investigate the medications and herbal products used by geriatric individuals who presented to a family health center in Trabzon province, Türkiye, as well as their related habits and knowledge and information sources.
Methods: The study was conducted through face-to-face interviews with geriatric patients who presented to the Yomra Family Health Center in Trabzon between February and May 2019. The questionnaire forms obtained from a total of 236 individuals with appropriate data quality were included in the study.
Results: Of the participants, 137 (58.1%) were primary school graduates, whose mean age was 69.23 ± 4.81 years. It was found that 212 (89.9%) of the participants used medications regularly, and 143 (60.5%) of the regular medication users did not remember the name or purpose of at least one medication. The participants used a total of 646 medications, of which 63 (9.7%) were kept under unsuitable storage conditions. It was also determined that 76 (32.2%) of the participants used herbal products, with the most commonly used herbal products being linden and lemon-and-mint tea.
Conclusion: Pharmacists can improve the treatment adherence and outcomes of geriatric patients by monitoring their treatment regimens in terms of dose, duration, and drug interactions, while also providing counseling on medications and herbal products, including necessary warnings and instructions. Furthermore, healthcare professionals must be fully aware of the potential health complications arising from the combined intake of herbs and drugs to ensure optimal patient care.

Ethical Statement

Ethical permission was obtained from the Public Health Services Directorate of the Trabzon Provincial Health Directorate and the Scientific Research Ethics Committee of the Karadeniz Technical University Faculty of Medicine (2019/4).

Supporting Institution





  • Kojima G, Liljas AEM, Iliffe S. Frailty syndrome: implications and challenges for health care policy. Risk Manag Healthc Policy. 2019;14 (12): 23-30.
  • World Health Organization. Global strategy and action plan on ageing and health [e-book]. CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO Publication 2017. [Internet]. Available from: Accessed: 20.02.2024. ISBN: 978-92-4-151350-0.
  • Turkish Statistical Institute. Elderly Statistics, 2023 [press release] 2023. [Internet] Available from: Accessed: 19.02.2025. ID number: 53710.
  • Oktay S, Akici A. Drug use and desicion making process for rational pharmacotherapy in elderly. Turkish Journal of Geriatrics 2001; 4(Suppl 3): 127-133. (in Turkish)
  • Potempa KM, Folta A. Drug use and effects in older adults in the United States. International Journal of Nursing Studies 1992; 29(1):17-26.
  • BG Katzung. Special Aspects of Geriatric Pharmacology, In: Bertram G. Katzung , Anthony J. Trevor (Eds) Basic and Clinical Pharmacology. 13th Edition, Lange, Mc Graw Hill, USA 2015, pp 1024-1032.
  • Dişli M, Yeşilada E. Herbal medicinal products in Turkey (Standardization, production and adulteration of herbal products in Turkey). J Biotechnol and Strategic Health Res 2019; 3(Special Issue):13-21. (in Turkish)
  • WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations, Fifty-second report. (accessed on 12 August 2024).
  • Turkish Food Codex Communiqué on Dietary Supplements. Sayı: 28737, 16.08.2013 (accessed on 12 August 2024).
  • Taneri PE, Akis N, Karaalp A. Herbal product use patterns and possible herb-drug interactions among older adults in Turkey. Journal of Herbal Medicine 2021; 29: 100487.
  • Canan Demirbag B, Timur M. Knowledge, attitudes and behaviours of a group of elderly people about drug use. Ankara Journal of Health Services 2012; 11 (1): 1-8.
  • Orhan HG, Erdem SR. Use and Potential Risks of Herbal Products & Supplements in the Elderly. Uluoglu C, Arici A, Aydin V, editors. Geriatric Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy. Turkiye Klinikleri Pharmacology-Special Topics; 2023. 11(2) p.31-35.
  • Turkmenoglu FP, Kutsal YG, Dolgun AB, Diker Y, Baydar T. Evaluation of herbal product use and possible herb-drug interactions in Turkish elderly. Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2016; 23: 46-51.
  • OpenEpi. 2019. [cited 2019 3 March]. Available from:
  • Yegenoglu S, Baydar T. Information and Observations of Community Pharmacists on Geriatric Patients: A Qualitative Study in Ankara City. Turkish Journal of Geriatrics 2011; 14 (4): 344-351.
  • Canan Demirbag B, Timur M. Knowledge, attitudes and behaviours of a group of elderly people about drug use. Ankara Journal of Health Services 2012; 11 (1): 1-8.
  • Discigil G, Gemalmaz A, Basak O. Depression in geriatric age group in primary care. Turkish Journal of Geriatrics 2005; 8(3):129-133. (in Turkish)
  • Brown ST, Kirkpatrick MK, Swanson MS, McKenzie IL. Pain Experience of the Elderly. Pain Management Nursing 2011; 12(4): 190-196.
  • Arslan S, Atalay A, Gokce-Kutsal Y. Drug use in the elderly. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 2002; 50(6): 1163-1164.
  • Gokce Kutsal Y. Aging World. Turkish Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2006; 52 (Special Appendix A): A6-A11. (in Turkish)
  • Boyd CM, Darer JD, Boult C, Fried LP, Boult L, Wu AW. Clinical practice guidelines and quality of care for older patients with multiple comorbid diseases, pay-for-performance outcomes. JAMA 2005; 294(6): 716-724.
  • Mortazavi SS, Shati M, Keshtkar A, Malakouti SK, Bazargan M, Assari S. Defining polypharmacy in the elderly: a systematic review protocol. BMJ Open 2016;6: e010989.
  • Discigil G, Tekinc N, Anadol Z, Bozkaya AO. Polypharmacy in nursing home and community-dwelling elderly. Turkish Journal of Geriatrics 2006; 9(3):117-121. (in Turkish)
  • Christopher C, Kc B, Shrestha S, Blebil AQ, Alex D, Ibrahim MIM, Ismail N. Medication use problems among older adults at a primary care: A narrative of literature review. Aging Med (Milton) 2022; 5(2):126-137.
  • Golchin N, Frank SH, Vince A, Isham L, Meropol SB. Polypharmacy in the elderly. Journal of Research in Pharmacy Practice 2015; 4(2): 85-88.
  • Taskin-Sayir C, Aslan-Karaoglu S, Evcik-Toprak D. Evaluation of polypharmacy and complementary therapy use in patients>=65 years, attending to Family Medicine Outpatient Clinic of Sisli Etfal Training and Research Hospital. The Turkish Journal of Family Practice 2014; 18(1): 35-41.
  • Varli M, Bahsi R, Dogan S, Uysal H, Subaşı Ş, Toper M, Peksarı S, Keskin S, Sürmeli DM, Turgut T, Öztorun HS, Aras S. Nonprescription Product Use Among Geriatric Outpatients. Ankara Medical Journal 2017; 17 (4): 226-234.
  • Golden J, Kenyon-Pesce L, Robison J, Grady J, Guerrera M.P. 2023. Disclosure of Complementary and Alternative Medicine Use Among Older Adults: A Cross-Sectional Study, Gerontology & Geriatric Medicine, Volume 9: 1–7.
  • Awortwe C, Makiwane M, Reuter H, Muller C, Louw J, Rosenkranz B. Critical evaluation of causality assessment of herb-drug interactions in patients. Br J Clin Pharmacol 2018; Apr; 84(4): 679-693.
  • Hassen G, Belete G, Carrera K G, Iriowen RO, Araya H, Alemu T, Solomon N, Bam DS, Nicola SM, Araya ME, Debele T, Zouetr M, Jain N. Clinical Implications of Herbal Supplements in Conventional Medical Practice: A US Perspective. Cureus, 2022; 14(7): e26893.
  • Sarinca Y, Doganli B, Senol FS, Orhan İE. Assessment of Consumer Perceptions in Ankara (Turkey) Toward Herbal Medicinal Products: A Survey Analysis in the Etimesgut District. Clin Exp Health Sci 2017; 9 (1): 7-13.
  • Wu JYF, Leung WYS, Chang S, Lee B, Zee B, Tong PCY, Chan JCN. Effectiveness of telephone counselling by a pharmacist in reducing mortality in patients receiving polypharmacy: A randomised controlled trial. BMJ 2006; 333(7567): 522-527.
  • Lam AY. Assessing medication consultations, hypertension control, awareness, and treatment among elderly Asian community dwellers. Consult Pharm 2008; 23 (10): 795-803.
Year 2025, Volume: 15 Issue: 1, 124 - 131, 28.03.2025



  • Kojima G, Liljas AEM, Iliffe S. Frailty syndrome: implications and challenges for health care policy. Risk Manag Healthc Policy. 2019;14 (12): 23-30.
  • World Health Organization. Global strategy and action plan on ageing and health [e-book]. CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO Publication 2017. [Internet]. Available from: Accessed: 20.02.2024. ISBN: 978-92-4-151350-0.
  • Turkish Statistical Institute. Elderly Statistics, 2023 [press release] 2023. [Internet] Available from: Accessed: 19.02.2025. ID number: 53710.
  • Oktay S, Akici A. Drug use and desicion making process for rational pharmacotherapy in elderly. Turkish Journal of Geriatrics 2001; 4(Suppl 3): 127-133. (in Turkish)
  • Potempa KM, Folta A. Drug use and effects in older adults in the United States. International Journal of Nursing Studies 1992; 29(1):17-26.
  • BG Katzung. Special Aspects of Geriatric Pharmacology, In: Bertram G. Katzung , Anthony J. Trevor (Eds) Basic and Clinical Pharmacology. 13th Edition, Lange, Mc Graw Hill, USA 2015, pp 1024-1032.
  • Dişli M, Yeşilada E. Herbal medicinal products in Turkey (Standardization, production and adulteration of herbal products in Turkey). J Biotechnol and Strategic Health Res 2019; 3(Special Issue):13-21. (in Turkish)
  • WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations, Fifty-second report. (accessed on 12 August 2024).
  • Turkish Food Codex Communiqué on Dietary Supplements. Sayı: 28737, 16.08.2013 (accessed on 12 August 2024).
  • Taneri PE, Akis N, Karaalp A. Herbal product use patterns and possible herb-drug interactions among older adults in Turkey. Journal of Herbal Medicine 2021; 29: 100487.
  • Canan Demirbag B, Timur M. Knowledge, attitudes and behaviours of a group of elderly people about drug use. Ankara Journal of Health Services 2012; 11 (1): 1-8.
  • Orhan HG, Erdem SR. Use and Potential Risks of Herbal Products & Supplements in the Elderly. Uluoglu C, Arici A, Aydin V, editors. Geriatric Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy. Turkiye Klinikleri Pharmacology-Special Topics; 2023. 11(2) p.31-35.
  • Turkmenoglu FP, Kutsal YG, Dolgun AB, Diker Y, Baydar T. Evaluation of herbal product use and possible herb-drug interactions in Turkish elderly. Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2016; 23: 46-51.
  • OpenEpi. 2019. [cited 2019 3 March]. Available from:
  • Yegenoglu S, Baydar T. Information and Observations of Community Pharmacists on Geriatric Patients: A Qualitative Study in Ankara City. Turkish Journal of Geriatrics 2011; 14 (4): 344-351.
  • Canan Demirbag B, Timur M. Knowledge, attitudes and behaviours of a group of elderly people about drug use. Ankara Journal of Health Services 2012; 11 (1): 1-8.
  • Discigil G, Gemalmaz A, Basak O. Depression in geriatric age group in primary care. Turkish Journal of Geriatrics 2005; 8(3):129-133. (in Turkish)
  • Brown ST, Kirkpatrick MK, Swanson MS, McKenzie IL. Pain Experience of the Elderly. Pain Management Nursing 2011; 12(4): 190-196.
  • Arslan S, Atalay A, Gokce-Kutsal Y. Drug use in the elderly. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 2002; 50(6): 1163-1164.
  • Gokce Kutsal Y. Aging World. Turkish Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2006; 52 (Special Appendix A): A6-A11. (in Turkish)
  • Boyd CM, Darer JD, Boult C, Fried LP, Boult L, Wu AW. Clinical practice guidelines and quality of care for older patients with multiple comorbid diseases, pay-for-performance outcomes. JAMA 2005; 294(6): 716-724.
  • Mortazavi SS, Shati M, Keshtkar A, Malakouti SK, Bazargan M, Assari S. Defining polypharmacy in the elderly: a systematic review protocol. BMJ Open 2016;6: e010989.
  • Discigil G, Tekinc N, Anadol Z, Bozkaya AO. Polypharmacy in nursing home and community-dwelling elderly. Turkish Journal of Geriatrics 2006; 9(3):117-121. (in Turkish)
  • Christopher C, Kc B, Shrestha S, Blebil AQ, Alex D, Ibrahim MIM, Ismail N. Medication use problems among older adults at a primary care: A narrative of literature review. Aging Med (Milton) 2022; 5(2):126-137.
  • Golchin N, Frank SH, Vince A, Isham L, Meropol SB. Polypharmacy in the elderly. Journal of Research in Pharmacy Practice 2015; 4(2): 85-88.
  • Taskin-Sayir C, Aslan-Karaoglu S, Evcik-Toprak D. Evaluation of polypharmacy and complementary therapy use in patients>=65 years, attending to Family Medicine Outpatient Clinic of Sisli Etfal Training and Research Hospital. The Turkish Journal of Family Practice 2014; 18(1): 35-41.
  • Varli M, Bahsi R, Dogan S, Uysal H, Subaşı Ş, Toper M, Peksarı S, Keskin S, Sürmeli DM, Turgut T, Öztorun HS, Aras S. Nonprescription Product Use Among Geriatric Outpatients. Ankara Medical Journal 2017; 17 (4): 226-234.
  • Golden J, Kenyon-Pesce L, Robison J, Grady J, Guerrera M.P. 2023. Disclosure of Complementary and Alternative Medicine Use Among Older Adults: A Cross-Sectional Study, Gerontology & Geriatric Medicine, Volume 9: 1–7.
  • Awortwe C, Makiwane M, Reuter H, Muller C, Louw J, Rosenkranz B. Critical evaluation of causality assessment of herb-drug interactions in patients. Br J Clin Pharmacol 2018; Apr; 84(4): 679-693.
  • Hassen G, Belete G, Carrera K G, Iriowen RO, Araya H, Alemu T, Solomon N, Bam DS, Nicola SM, Araya ME, Debele T, Zouetr M, Jain N. Clinical Implications of Herbal Supplements in Conventional Medical Practice: A US Perspective. Cureus, 2022; 14(7): e26893.
  • Sarinca Y, Doganli B, Senol FS, Orhan İE. Assessment of Consumer Perceptions in Ankara (Turkey) Toward Herbal Medicinal Products: A Survey Analysis in the Etimesgut District. Clin Exp Health Sci 2017; 9 (1): 7-13.
  • Wu JYF, Leung WYS, Chang S, Lee B, Zee B, Tong PCY, Chan JCN. Effectiveness of telephone counselling by a pharmacist in reducing mortality in patients receiving polypharmacy: A randomised controlled trial. BMJ 2006; 333(7567): 522-527.
  • Lam AY. Assessing medication consultations, hypertension control, awareness, and treatment among elderly Asian community dwellers. Consult Pharm 2008; 23 (10): 795-803.
There are 33 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Geriatrics and Gerontology
Journal Section Articles

Yeşim Kaya Yaşar 0000-0002-9938-3288

Yasemin Altun Ali 0000-0003-0843-6354

Esra Kara 0009-0006-3362-4874

Ergun Aybars Eroglu 0009-0003-9639-6328

Gülin Renda 0000-0001-6323-0338

Gamze Çan 0000-0002-7065-649X

Feride Sena Sezen 0000-0002-7379-2518

Early Pub Date March 23, 2025
Publication Date March 28, 2025
Submission Date October 29, 2024
Acceptance Date March 5, 2025
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 15 Issue: 1


APA Kaya Yaşar, Y., Altun Ali, Y., Kara, E., Eroglu, E. A., et al. (2025). Evaluation of medication and herbal product usage habits in the geriatric population: A pilot study from Trabzon Province, Türkiye. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences, 15(1), 124-131.
AMA Kaya Yaşar Y, Altun Ali Y, Kara E, Eroglu EA, Renda G, Çan G, Sezen FS. Evaluation of medication and herbal product usage habits in the geriatric population: A pilot study from Trabzon Province, Türkiye. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences. March 2025;15(1):124-131. doi:10.33808/clinexphealthsci.1575123
Chicago Kaya Yaşar, Yeşim, Yasemin Altun Ali, Esra Kara, Ergun Aybars Eroglu, Gülin Renda, Gamze Çan, and Feride Sena Sezen. “Evaluation of Medication and Herbal Product Usage Habits in the Geriatric Population: A Pilot Study from Trabzon Province, Türkiye”. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences 15, no. 1 (March 2025): 124-31.
EndNote Kaya Yaşar Y, Altun Ali Y, Kara E, Eroglu EA, Renda G, Çan G, Sezen FS (March 1, 2025) Evaluation of medication and herbal product usage habits in the geriatric population: A pilot study from Trabzon Province, Türkiye. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences 15 1 124–131.
IEEE Y. Kaya Yaşar, Y. Altun Ali, E. Kara, E. A. Eroglu, G. Renda, G. Çan, and F. S. Sezen, “Evaluation of medication and herbal product usage habits in the geriatric population: A pilot study from Trabzon Province, Türkiye”, Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 124–131, 2025, doi: 10.33808/clinexphealthsci.1575123.
ISNAD Kaya Yaşar, Yeşim et al. “Evaluation of Medication and Herbal Product Usage Habits in the Geriatric Population: A Pilot Study from Trabzon Province, Türkiye”. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences 15/1 (March 2025), 124-131.
JAMA Kaya Yaşar Y, Altun Ali Y, Kara E, Eroglu EA, Renda G, Çan G, Sezen FS. Evaluation of medication and herbal product usage habits in the geriatric population: A pilot study from Trabzon Province, Türkiye. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences. 2025;15:124–131.
MLA Kaya Yaşar, Yeşim et al. “Evaluation of Medication and Herbal Product Usage Habits in the Geriatric Population: A Pilot Study from Trabzon Province, Türkiye”. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences, vol. 15, no. 1, 2025, pp. 124-31, doi:10.33808/clinexphealthsci.1575123.
Vancouver Kaya Yaşar Y, Altun Ali Y, Kara E, Eroglu EA, Renda G, Çan G, Sezen FS. Evaluation of medication and herbal product usage habits in the geriatric population: A pilot study from Trabzon Province, Türkiye. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences. 2025;15(1):124-31.

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