Searching of the Genetically Modified Organisms and Their Products’ Status and Evaluation of Food Safety and Regulations in Turkey in terms of the Forensic Sciences
Yıl 2020,
Cilt: 4 Sayı: 2, 104 - 109, 31.12.2020
Betül Bitir
Itır Erkan
Emel Hülya Yükseloğlu
Increased Genetically Modified (GM) plant production and the widespread trade and use of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) in the food and animal feed markets are questioned about food safety by consumers. GMOs have been the subject of various cases in the areas of public health, environment, and finance. Turkey has also regulations and serious penalties about GMOs and its product-usage so it is also questioned by forensic sciences. The purpose of this study is to investigate the current situation by making GMO analyses in risky product groups. Products containing corn and soy content, known as risky product groups, were obtained from markets in Istanbul. GMO screening analysis of 35 products selected between July-September 2018 was performed by Real-Time PCR method. Positive results were detected in 2 animal feed samples. In these samples, the amount of GMO (35S region) was determined as below 0.1%. According to the legal regulations, GMO below 0.9% rates may result from contamination that cannot be prevented.
Destekleyen Kurum
Istanbul University Scientific Research Projects Unit
- Ahmed, F.E. (2002). Detection of genetically modified organisms in foods. Trends in Biotechnology, 20(5), 215-223.
- Arun, Ö.Ö., Yılmaz, F., & Muratoğlu, K. (2013). PCR detection of genetically modified maize and soy in mildly and highly processed foods. Food Control, 32(2), 525-531.
- Arun, Ö.Ö., Muratoğlu, K., & Eker, F.Y. (2015). Overview of the concept of genetically modified organisms. Journal of Veterinary Faculty of Istanbul University, 41(1), 113-123.
- Avsar, B., Sadeghi, S., Turkec, A., & Lucas, S.J. (2020). Identification and quantitation of genetically modified (GM) ingredients in maize, rice, soybean and wheat-containing retail foods and feeds in Turkey. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 57, 787–793.
- Bekhit, M. (2019). Detection of Genetically Modified Foods Existence in Egypt Markets. Annals of Agricultural Science, Moshtohor, 57(3), 725-738.
- Branquinho, M., Ferreira, T.B.R., & Cardarelli-Leite, P. (2010). Survey of compliance with labeling legislation in food containing GMOs in Brazil. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 23(3), 220-225.
- Cankar, K., Stebih, D., Dreo, T., Zel, J., & Gruden, K. (2006). Critical points of DNA quantification by real-time PCR effects of DNA extraction method and sample matrix on quantification of genetically modified organisms. BMC Biotechnology, 6, 37.
- Cottenet, G., Blancpain, C., & Chuah, P. F. (2019). Performance assessment of digital PCR for the quantification of GM-maize and GM-soya events. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 411(11), 2461-2469.
- Erdoğan, S.M. (2015). GMO Legislation in the World, and Implementation of Trade Comparison and Turkey [EU Thesis]. T. C. Food, Agriculture and Livestock Ministry: General Directorate of European Union and Foreign Relations, ODTU (METU), Ankara.
- Erkan, I., & Dastan, K. (2017). Real-Time PCR detection of genetically modified organisms in several food products and their environmental effects in Turkey. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 26(4), 2589-2595.
- Fraiture, M.A., Herman, P., Taverniers, I., Loose, M.D., Deforce, D., & Roosens, N.H. (2015). Current and new approaches in GMO detection: Challenges and solutions. BioMed Research International, 2015, 392872.
- Gostek, K. (2016). Genetically modified organisms: How the United Statesʼ and the European Unionʼs regulations affect the economy. Michigan State International Law Review, 24, 761.
- Greiner, R., Konietzny, U., & Villavicencio, A.L.C.H. (2005). Qualitative and quantitative detection of genetically modified maize and soy in processed foods sold commercially in Brazil by PCR-based methods. Food Control, 16, 753–759.
- Gryson, N. (2010). Effect of food processing on plant DNA degradation and PCR-based GMO analysis: A review. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 396(6), 2003-2022.
- International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-biotech Applications (ISAAA) (2019). Global Status of Commercialized Biotech/GM Crops in 2018: Biotech Crop Area Reaches 2.5 Billion Hectares in 23 Years, Ithaca, NY.
- Kumar, K., Gambhir, G., Dass, A., Tripathi, A.K., Singh, A., Jha, A.K., ... Rakshit, S. (2020). Genetically modified crops: Current status and future prospects. Planta, 251, 1-27.
- Linnhoff, S., Volovich, E., Martin, H.M., & Smith, L.M. (2017). An examination of millennials’ attitudes toward genetically modified organism (GMO) foods: Is it franken-food or super-food? International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology, 13(4), 371–390.
- Mandaci, M., Cakir, O., Turgut-Kara, N., Meriç, S., & Ari, S. (2014). Detection of genetically modified organisms in soy products sold in Turkish market. Food Science and Technology, 34(4), 717-722.
- Meric, S., Cakır, O., Turgut-Kara, N., & Ari, S. (2014). Detection of genetically modified maize and soybean in feed samples. Genetics and Molecular Research, 13(1), 1160-1168.
- Meyer, R. (1999). Development and application of DNA analytical methods for the detection of GMOs in food. Food Control, 10(6), 391-399.
- Raza, A., Razzaq, A., Mehmood, S.S., Zou, X., Zhang, X., Lv, Y., & Xu, J. (2019). Impact of climate change on crops adaptation and strategies to tackle its outcome: a review. Plants, 8, 34.
- Santa-Maria, M.C., Lajo-Morgan, G., & Guardia, L. (2014). Adventitious presence of transgenic events in the maize supply chain in Peru: A case study. Food Control, 41, 96-101.
- Tung-Nguyen, C.T., Son, R., Raha, A.R., Lai, O.M., Clemente, M., & Wong, V.L. (2008). Detection of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) using molecular techniques in food and feed samples from Malaysia and Vietnam. International Food Research Journal, 15(2), 155-166.
- Turkec, A., Kazan, H., Karacanli, B., & Lucas, S.J. (2015). DNA extraction techniques compared for accurate detection of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in maize food and feed products. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 52(8), 5164-5171.
- Uzogara, S.G. (2000). The impact of genetic modification of human foods in the 21st century: A review. Biotechnology Advences, 18(3), 179-206.
Genetiği Değiştirilmiş Organizmalar ve Ürünlerinin Türkiye Piyasasındaki Durumuna Bir Bakış ve Gıda Güvenliği Düzenlenmelerinin Adli Bilimler Açısından Değerlendirilmesi
Yıl 2020,
Cilt: 4 Sayı: 2, 104 - 109, 31.12.2020
Betül Bitir
Itır Erkan
Emel Hülya Yükseloğlu
Genetiği değiştirilmiş (GD) bitki üretim ve ekiminin artması, genetiği değiştirilmiş organizmaların (GDO) gıda ve yem pazarında yaygın ticareti ve kullanımı gıda güvenliği konusunda tüketiciler tarafından sorgulanmaktadır. GDO’lar halk sağlığı, çevre ve finans alanlarında çeşitli davaların konusu olmuştur. Türkiye, pek çok ülke gibi GDO’lar ve ürünlerine dair hukuki düzenlemelere ve ciddi yaptırımlara sahiptir. Bu sebeple adli bilimler açısından pek çok açıdan önemli bir konu olmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı riskli ürün gruplarında GDO analizleri yaparak şu anki durumu araştırmaktır. Riskli ürün grupları olarak bilinen mısır ve soya içeriği barındıran ürünler İstanbuldaki marketlerden temin edilmiştir. Temmuz-Eylül 2018 tarihleri arasında seçilen 35 adet ürünün, Real-Time PCR yöntemi ile GDO tarama analizi yapılmıştır. İki hayvan yem örneğinde pozitiflik tespit edilmiştir. Bu örneklerde GDO miktarı (35S bölgesinde) %0.1’den düşük olarak tespit edilmiştir. Yasal düzenlemelere göre %0.9’un altında bulunan GDO oranlarının ise önlenemeyecek kontaminasyonlardan kaynaklanabileceği kabul edilmektedir.
- Ahmed, F.E. (2002). Detection of genetically modified organisms in foods. Trends in Biotechnology, 20(5), 215-223.
- Arun, Ö.Ö., Yılmaz, F., & Muratoğlu, K. (2013). PCR detection of genetically modified maize and soy in mildly and highly processed foods. Food Control, 32(2), 525-531.
- Arun, Ö.Ö., Muratoğlu, K., & Eker, F.Y. (2015). Overview of the concept of genetically modified organisms. Journal of Veterinary Faculty of Istanbul University, 41(1), 113-123.
- Avsar, B., Sadeghi, S., Turkec, A., & Lucas, S.J. (2020). Identification and quantitation of genetically modified (GM) ingredients in maize, rice, soybean and wheat-containing retail foods and feeds in Turkey. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 57, 787–793.
- Bekhit, M. (2019). Detection of Genetically Modified Foods Existence in Egypt Markets. Annals of Agricultural Science, Moshtohor, 57(3), 725-738.
- Branquinho, M., Ferreira, T.B.R., & Cardarelli-Leite, P. (2010). Survey of compliance with labeling legislation in food containing GMOs in Brazil. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 23(3), 220-225.
- Cankar, K., Stebih, D., Dreo, T., Zel, J., & Gruden, K. (2006). Critical points of DNA quantification by real-time PCR effects of DNA extraction method and sample matrix on quantification of genetically modified organisms. BMC Biotechnology, 6, 37.
- Cottenet, G., Blancpain, C., & Chuah, P. F. (2019). Performance assessment of digital PCR for the quantification of GM-maize and GM-soya events. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 411(11), 2461-2469.
- Erdoğan, S.M. (2015). GMO Legislation in the World, and Implementation of Trade Comparison and Turkey [EU Thesis]. T. C. Food, Agriculture and Livestock Ministry: General Directorate of European Union and Foreign Relations, ODTU (METU), Ankara.
- Erkan, I., & Dastan, K. (2017). Real-Time PCR detection of genetically modified organisms in several food products and their environmental effects in Turkey. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 26(4), 2589-2595.
- Fraiture, M.A., Herman, P., Taverniers, I., Loose, M.D., Deforce, D., & Roosens, N.H. (2015). Current and new approaches in GMO detection: Challenges and solutions. BioMed Research International, 2015, 392872.
- Gostek, K. (2016). Genetically modified organisms: How the United Statesʼ and the European Unionʼs regulations affect the economy. Michigan State International Law Review, 24, 761.
- Greiner, R., Konietzny, U., & Villavicencio, A.L.C.H. (2005). Qualitative and quantitative detection of genetically modified maize and soy in processed foods sold commercially in Brazil by PCR-based methods. Food Control, 16, 753–759.
- Gryson, N. (2010). Effect of food processing on plant DNA degradation and PCR-based GMO analysis: A review. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 396(6), 2003-2022.
- International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-biotech Applications (ISAAA) (2019). Global Status of Commercialized Biotech/GM Crops in 2018: Biotech Crop Area Reaches 2.5 Billion Hectares in 23 Years, Ithaca, NY.
- Kumar, K., Gambhir, G., Dass, A., Tripathi, A.K., Singh, A., Jha, A.K., ... Rakshit, S. (2020). Genetically modified crops: Current status and future prospects. Planta, 251, 1-27.
- Linnhoff, S., Volovich, E., Martin, H.M., & Smith, L.M. (2017). An examination of millennials’ attitudes toward genetically modified organism (GMO) foods: Is it franken-food or super-food? International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology, 13(4), 371–390.
- Mandaci, M., Cakir, O., Turgut-Kara, N., Meriç, S., & Ari, S. (2014). Detection of genetically modified organisms in soy products sold in Turkish market. Food Science and Technology, 34(4), 717-722.
- Meric, S., Cakır, O., Turgut-Kara, N., & Ari, S. (2014). Detection of genetically modified maize and soybean in feed samples. Genetics and Molecular Research, 13(1), 1160-1168.
- Meyer, R. (1999). Development and application of DNA analytical methods for the detection of GMOs in food. Food Control, 10(6), 391-399.
- Raza, A., Razzaq, A., Mehmood, S.S., Zou, X., Zhang, X., Lv, Y., & Xu, J. (2019). Impact of climate change on crops adaptation and strategies to tackle its outcome: a review. Plants, 8, 34.
- Santa-Maria, M.C., Lajo-Morgan, G., & Guardia, L. (2014). Adventitious presence of transgenic events in the maize supply chain in Peru: A case study. Food Control, 41, 96-101.
- Tung-Nguyen, C.T., Son, R., Raha, A.R., Lai, O.M., Clemente, M., & Wong, V.L. (2008). Detection of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) using molecular techniques in food and feed samples from Malaysia and Vietnam. International Food Research Journal, 15(2), 155-166.
- Turkec, A., Kazan, H., Karacanli, B., & Lucas, S.J. (2015). DNA extraction techniques compared for accurate detection of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in maize food and feed products. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 52(8), 5164-5171.
- Uzogara, S.G. (2000). The impact of genetic modification of human foods in the 21st century: A review. Biotechnology Advences, 18(3), 179-206.