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Root Yield and Quality of Sugar Beet Under Drip and Sprinkler Irrigation with Foliar Application of Micronutrients

Year 2018, Volume: 6 Issue: 1, 105 - 114, 17.07.2018


This field study was conducted to determine the effects of different irrigation methods on the yield and quality of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L. cv.esperanza) in Altıntas-Kutahya, Turkey during 2016 growing season. The experimental design was randomized complete block design with three replications. In two irrigation methods; sprinkler and drip irrigation, full water requirement of sugar beet was meet throughout the whole growing season. In sub-plots, irrigation programs were applied together with foliar application with a mixture of humic acid (humic and fulvic acid 15%, water soluble K2O(0.03%) 2 L ha-1, 20-20-20+TE 2.5 L ha-1 and micronutrients (0.8%B, 1.5%Cu, %5 Fe, %3 Mn, 0.2% Mo, 4% Zn) 0.5 kg ha-1. The irrigation methods has significant effects on root and sugar yield. In drip irrigation system, the amount of irrigation water and evapotranspiration were almost 11% lower than the sprinkler irrigation. Water use efficiency in drip irrigation method increased up to 15.2 kg m-3 by saving water in the root zone of sugar beet. Results also indicated that drip irrigation with foliar application of micronutrients had a significant effect on the root and sugar yield. Generally, it could be recommended that drip irrigation was an effective method in sugar beet production for more root and sugar yield and also saving water. The results presented have important implications for maintaining plant quality and yield, and show the need to adjust the irrigation schedule to avoid yield loss. 


  • Anonymous, 2017. . Türkşeker, illere göre şeker pancarı ekim ve üretimi.
  • Anonymous, 2018. The top sugarbeet producing countries in the world. http:/
  • Amin,G.A., Badr,E.A., Afifi,M.H.M., 2013. Root yield and quality of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) in response to bio fertilizer and foliar application with micro-nutrients. World Applied Sci.J., 27(11): 1385-1389.
  • Abd El-Gawad, A.M.,Allam,S.A.H., Saif,L.M.A., Osman, A.M.H., 2004. Effect of somemicronutrients on yieldandquality of sugarbeet (Beta vulgaris L.) juicequalityandchemicalcomposition. Egypt.J.Agric.Res., 82(4):1681-1701
  • Bosnjak,DJ.,2001. Theproblems of drought in the Vojvodina province and drought control measures, A periodical of scientificresearch on fieldandvegetablecrops, 35: 391-402.
  • Carruthers,A., Oldfield, J.F.T., (1960). Methods fort he assessment of beet quality.Intrl.Sugar J., 63: 137-139. Doorenbos,J., Kassam,A.H., 1979. Yield Response to Water, FAO Irrigation and Drainage Paper, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome 1979, p.143.
  • Dunham RJ (1993). Thesugarbeetcrop: scienceintopractice: wateruseandirrigation. Chapman&Hall, pp. 279-309.
  • Esmaeili M.A.,2011. Evaluation of theEffects of WaterStressandDifferentLevels of Nitrogen on SugarBeet (Beta Vulgaris). Int. J. Biol. 3(2), 89-93.
  • Fabeiro, C, SantaOlalla, M., Lopez, R., Dominguez, A. 2003. Productionandquality of sugarbeet (Beta vulgarisL.) cultivatedundercontrolleddeficitirrigationcondition in semi-aridclimate. AgricWaterManage62: 215-227.
  • Hillel,D., Guron, Y., 1975. Relation between evapotranspiration rate and maize yield. Water Res.,9: 743-748.
  • Ilbeyi, A. Türkiye'de Bitki Su Tüketimleri Tahmininde Kullanılacak Bitki Katsayılarının Belirlenmesi. Doktora Tezi. Ankara Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Tarımsal Yapılar ve Sulama Anabilim Dalı, 179s, Ankara, 2001.(In Turkish)
  • Jaggard, K. W.,Dewar, A. M., Pidgeon, J. D. (1998). Therelativeeffects of drought stres andvirusyellows on theyield of sugarbeet in the UK, 1980–95. Journal of AgriculturalScience, Cambridge 130, 337–343.
  • Kar, G. and Kumar, A. 2007.Effect of irrigation and straw mulch on water use and tuber yield of potato in eastern India.Agricultural Water Management, 94: 109-116.
  • Kaffka RS, Peterson RG, Kirby D (2003) Irrigationcuttofdatesforsugarbeets in theTulelakeRegion. University of California, Davis, USA.
  • Masri,M.I.,Hamza,M., 2015. Influence of foliar application with micronutrients on productivity of three sugarbeet cultivars under drip irrigation in sandy soils. World Jornal of AgriculturalSciences 11(2): 55-61.
  • Masri,M.I.,Ramadan,B.S.B., El-Shafai,A.M.A., El-Kady,M.S.,2015. Effect of water stres and fertilization on yield and quality of sugar beet under drip and sprinkler irrigation systems in sandy soil. International Journal of Agriculture Sciences, ISSN 2167-0447.Vol.5(3).pp.414-425.
  • Mahmoodi,R.,Maralian,H., Aghabarati,A., 2008. Effects of limited irrigation on root yield and quality of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.), AfricanJournal of Biotechnology Vol.7(24),pp.4475-4478.
  • Mekki,B.B., 2014. Root yield and quality of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) in response to foliar application with urea, zinc and manganese in newly reclaimed sandy soil. American-Eurosian J. Agric.and Enviroment Sci., 14(9):800-806.
  • Mustafa,M.E., 2003. Effect of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization on the performance of three sugarbeet(Beta vulgaris L.) cultivars. A Thesis submitted in partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Master of Science (Agric). Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Khartoum, August, 2003.
  • Pejic,B.,Cupina,B., Dimitrijevic,M.,Petrovic,S., Milic,S., Krstic,D., Jacimovic,G., 2011. Response of sugar beet to soil water deficit, Romanian Agricultural Research, No.28, 2011. Print ISSN 1222-4227, Online ISSN 2067-5720.
  • Pidgeon, J. D.,Werker, A. R., Jaggard, K. W., Richter, G. M., Lister, D. H., andJones, P. D., 2001. Climatic Impact on the Productivity of Sugar Beet (Beta vulgaris L.) in Europe, 1961–1995, Agric. For. Meteorol. 109, 27–37.
  • Richter, G. M.,Jaggard, K. W., andMitchell, R. A. C.: 2001, ‘Modelling Radiation Interception and Radiation Use Efficiency for Sugar Beet under Variable Climatic Stress’, Agric. For. Meteorol. 109, 13–25.
  • Rassam,G.,Dashti,M., Dadkhah,A., Yazdi-Khoshnood,A., 2015. Root yield and quality of sugar beet in relation to folliar application of micronutrients. Annals of West University of Timişoara,ser.Biology, 2015. Vol.XVIII(2),87-94.
  • Stegmen,E.C., Bauer,A., 1997. Sugar beet response to water stres in sandy soils, Transactions of the ASAE, p.469-474.
  • Sharif A.E.,Eghbal K.1994.Yield analysis of seven sugar beet varieties under different levels of nitrogen in a dryregion of Egypt. Agri. Bio. Res., 47(3): 231-241.
  • Sharmasarkar,C.,Sharmasarkar, S. Miller, S.D., Vance, G.F., Zhang, R., 2001a. Assessment of drip and flood irrigation on water and fertilizer use efficiencies for sugarbeets. Agr.Water Management 46(2001), 241-251. Sharmasarkar F.C.,ShankarSharmasarkar, Held L.J., Miller S.D., Vance G.F., Zhang Ren Duo. (2001b). Agroeconomic analyses of drip irrigation for sugar beet production. Agron. J., 93(3): 517-523.
  • Süheri,S., 2007. Farklı Gelişme Safhalarında Uygulanan Farklı Sulama Seviyelerinin Şeker Pancarı Verimi Üzerine Etkileri, T.C.Selçuk Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Tarımsal Yapılar ve Sulama Anabilim Dalı, Konya 2007. (In Turkish) Tognetti R.,Palladino M., Minnocci A., Delfine S., Alvino A.,2003. The response of sugar beet to drip and low-pressure sprinkler irrigation in southern Italy. Agric. Water. Manage., 60(2): 135-155.
  • Turhan, M. ve Pişkin, A. 2005. Farklı dozlarda uygulanan potasyumun şeker pancarının verim ve kalitesine etkisi s.115-124. Tarımda Potasyumunun Yeri ve Önemi Çalıştayı (3-4 Ekim 2005, Eskişehir) Bildirileri.(In Turkish)
  • Uçan,K. ,Gençoğlan,C., 2004. The effect of water deficit on yield and yield componenets of suga rbeet. Turk.J.Agric.For.28(2004), 163-172.
  • Urbano, P.,Arroyo, J.M., 2000. Repercusión de la dosificación y frecuencia del riego en el aprovechamiento del agua y en la mejora del rendimiento. Un ejemplo en el cultivo de la remolachaazucarera. II Symposiumnacional. Los regad´ıosespañoles. Ministerio de Fomento. Ministerios de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación. Ministerio de MedioAmbiente, Madrid, pp. 536-541
  • Wright,J.L.,(1982).New evapotranspiration crop coefficients.Proc.Am.Soc.Civ.Eng.108:57-74.

Damla ve Yağmurlama Sulama Sitemlerinde Mikrobesin Maddelerinin Yaprağa Uygulanması ile Şekerpancarında Kök Verimi ve Kalitesi Üzerine Etkisi

Year 2018, Volume: 6 Issue: 1, 105 - 114, 17.07.2018


Bu çalışma, farklı sulama yöntemlerinin şekerpancarı (Beta vulgaris L. cv.esperanza) bitkisinin verim ve kalitesi üzerine etkilerini belirlemek amacıyla Kütahya ilinin Altıntaş ilçesinde arazi koşullarında 2016 yılında yürütülmüştür. Araştırma tesadüf blokları deneme deseninde üç tekrarlı olarak yürütülmüştür. Yağmurlama ve damla sulama sistemlerinde bitkinin su ihtiyacı tüm gelişim döneminde tam karşılanmıştır ve alt konularda aynı sulama programlarına devam edilmiş fakat yaprak gübreleme uygulaması gerçekleştirilmiştir. Yaprak gübresinde; hümik ve fülvik acit %15, suda çözünebilir K2O(0.03%) 2 L ha-1, 20-20-20+TE 2.5 L ha-1 ave mikrobesin elementleri (0.8%B, 1.5%Cu, %5 Fe, %3 Mn, 0.2% Mo, 4% Zn) 0.5 kg ha-1 uygulanmıştır. Farklı sulama yöntemleri şekerpancarı kök ve şeker verimini önemli derecede etkilemiştir. Damla sulama sisteminde, uygulanan sulama suyu miktarı ve buna bağlı olarak bitki su tüketim değeri yaklaşık %11 oranında daha az olmuştur ve bitki su kullanım randımanı 15.2 kg m-3 olarak, yağmurlama sulama sistemine göre daha yüksek olmuştur. Damla sulama sistemi ile yaprak gübrelemesinin yapılması kök ve şeker veriminde önemli bir etkiye sahip olmuştur. Genel olarak, damla sulama sistemi şeker pancarı kök ve şeker veriminde önemli bir artış
sağlarken, aynı zamanda suyu tasarruflu kullanan bir sistemolmuştur. Bu, bitki verim ve kalitesinin üst düzeyde sağlanması için düzenli sulaman önemini göstermektedir.  


  • Anonymous, 2017. . Türkşeker, illere göre şeker pancarı ekim ve üretimi.
  • Anonymous, 2018. The top sugarbeet producing countries in the world. http:/
  • Amin,G.A., Badr,E.A., Afifi,M.H.M., 2013. Root yield and quality of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) in response to bio fertilizer and foliar application with micro-nutrients. World Applied Sci.J., 27(11): 1385-1389.
  • Abd El-Gawad, A.M.,Allam,S.A.H., Saif,L.M.A., Osman, A.M.H., 2004. Effect of somemicronutrients on yieldandquality of sugarbeet (Beta vulgaris L.) juicequalityandchemicalcomposition. Egypt.J.Agric.Res., 82(4):1681-1701
  • Bosnjak,DJ.,2001. Theproblems of drought in the Vojvodina province and drought control measures, A periodical of scientificresearch on fieldandvegetablecrops, 35: 391-402.
  • Carruthers,A., Oldfield, J.F.T., (1960). Methods fort he assessment of beet quality.Intrl.Sugar J., 63: 137-139. Doorenbos,J., Kassam,A.H., 1979. Yield Response to Water, FAO Irrigation and Drainage Paper, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome 1979, p.143.
  • Dunham RJ (1993). Thesugarbeetcrop: scienceintopractice: wateruseandirrigation. Chapman&Hall, pp. 279-309.
  • Esmaeili M.A.,2011. Evaluation of theEffects of WaterStressandDifferentLevels of Nitrogen on SugarBeet (Beta Vulgaris). Int. J. Biol. 3(2), 89-93.
  • Fabeiro, C, SantaOlalla, M., Lopez, R., Dominguez, A. 2003. Productionandquality of sugarbeet (Beta vulgarisL.) cultivatedundercontrolleddeficitirrigationcondition in semi-aridclimate. AgricWaterManage62: 215-227.
  • Hillel,D., Guron, Y., 1975. Relation between evapotranspiration rate and maize yield. Water Res.,9: 743-748.
  • Ilbeyi, A. Türkiye'de Bitki Su Tüketimleri Tahmininde Kullanılacak Bitki Katsayılarının Belirlenmesi. Doktora Tezi. Ankara Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Tarımsal Yapılar ve Sulama Anabilim Dalı, 179s, Ankara, 2001.(In Turkish)
  • Jaggard, K. W.,Dewar, A. M., Pidgeon, J. D. (1998). Therelativeeffects of drought stres andvirusyellows on theyield of sugarbeet in the UK, 1980–95. Journal of AgriculturalScience, Cambridge 130, 337–343.
  • Kar, G. and Kumar, A. 2007.Effect of irrigation and straw mulch on water use and tuber yield of potato in eastern India.Agricultural Water Management, 94: 109-116.
  • Kaffka RS, Peterson RG, Kirby D (2003) Irrigationcuttofdatesforsugarbeets in theTulelakeRegion. University of California, Davis, USA.
  • Masri,M.I.,Hamza,M., 2015. Influence of foliar application with micronutrients on productivity of three sugarbeet cultivars under drip irrigation in sandy soils. World Jornal of AgriculturalSciences 11(2): 55-61.
  • Masri,M.I.,Ramadan,B.S.B., El-Shafai,A.M.A., El-Kady,M.S.,2015. Effect of water stres and fertilization on yield and quality of sugar beet under drip and sprinkler irrigation systems in sandy soil. International Journal of Agriculture Sciences, ISSN 2167-0447.Vol.5(3).pp.414-425.
  • Mahmoodi,R.,Maralian,H., Aghabarati,A., 2008. Effects of limited irrigation on root yield and quality of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.), AfricanJournal of Biotechnology Vol.7(24),pp.4475-4478.
  • Mekki,B.B., 2014. Root yield and quality of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) in response to foliar application with urea, zinc and manganese in newly reclaimed sandy soil. American-Eurosian J. Agric.and Enviroment Sci., 14(9):800-806.
  • Mustafa,M.E., 2003. Effect of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization on the performance of three sugarbeet(Beta vulgaris L.) cultivars. A Thesis submitted in partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Master of Science (Agric). Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Khartoum, August, 2003.
  • Pejic,B.,Cupina,B., Dimitrijevic,M.,Petrovic,S., Milic,S., Krstic,D., Jacimovic,G., 2011. Response of sugar beet to soil water deficit, Romanian Agricultural Research, No.28, 2011. Print ISSN 1222-4227, Online ISSN 2067-5720.
  • Pidgeon, J. D.,Werker, A. R., Jaggard, K. W., Richter, G. M., Lister, D. H., andJones, P. D., 2001. Climatic Impact on the Productivity of Sugar Beet (Beta vulgaris L.) in Europe, 1961–1995, Agric. For. Meteorol. 109, 27–37.
  • Richter, G. M.,Jaggard, K. W., andMitchell, R. A. C.: 2001, ‘Modelling Radiation Interception and Radiation Use Efficiency for Sugar Beet under Variable Climatic Stress’, Agric. For. Meteorol. 109, 13–25.
  • Rassam,G.,Dashti,M., Dadkhah,A., Yazdi-Khoshnood,A., 2015. Root yield and quality of sugar beet in relation to folliar application of micronutrients. Annals of West University of Timişoara,ser.Biology, 2015. Vol.XVIII(2),87-94.
  • Stegmen,E.C., Bauer,A., 1997. Sugar beet response to water stres in sandy soils, Transactions of the ASAE, p.469-474.
  • Sharif A.E.,Eghbal K.1994.Yield analysis of seven sugar beet varieties under different levels of nitrogen in a dryregion of Egypt. Agri. Bio. Res., 47(3): 231-241.
  • Sharmasarkar,C.,Sharmasarkar, S. Miller, S.D., Vance, G.F., Zhang, R., 2001a. Assessment of drip and flood irrigation on water and fertilizer use efficiencies for sugarbeets. Agr.Water Management 46(2001), 241-251. Sharmasarkar F.C.,ShankarSharmasarkar, Held L.J., Miller S.D., Vance G.F., Zhang Ren Duo. (2001b). Agroeconomic analyses of drip irrigation for sugar beet production. Agron. J., 93(3): 517-523.
  • Süheri,S., 2007. Farklı Gelişme Safhalarında Uygulanan Farklı Sulama Seviyelerinin Şeker Pancarı Verimi Üzerine Etkileri, T.C.Selçuk Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Tarımsal Yapılar ve Sulama Anabilim Dalı, Konya 2007. (In Turkish) Tognetti R.,Palladino M., Minnocci A., Delfine S., Alvino A.,2003. The response of sugar beet to drip and low-pressure sprinkler irrigation in southern Italy. Agric. Water. Manage., 60(2): 135-155.
  • Turhan, M. ve Pişkin, A. 2005. Farklı dozlarda uygulanan potasyumun şeker pancarının verim ve kalitesine etkisi s.115-124. Tarımda Potasyumunun Yeri ve Önemi Çalıştayı (3-4 Ekim 2005, Eskişehir) Bildirileri.(In Turkish)
  • Uçan,K. ,Gençoğlan,C., 2004. The effect of water deficit on yield and yield componenets of suga rbeet. Turk.J.Agric.For.28(2004), 163-172.
  • Urbano, P.,Arroyo, J.M., 2000. Repercusión de la dosificación y frecuencia del riego en el aprovechamiento del agua y en la mejora del rendimiento. Un ejemplo en el cultivo de la remolachaazucarera. II Symposiumnacional. Los regad´ıosespañoles. Ministerio de Fomento. Ministerios de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación. Ministerio de MedioAmbiente, Madrid, pp. 536-541
  • Wright,J.L.,(1982).New evapotranspiration crop coefficients.Proc.Am.Soc.Civ.Eng.108:57-74.
There are 31 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Agricultural Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Selçuk Özbay This is me

Murat Yıldırım

Publication Date July 17, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 6 Issue: 1


APA Özbay, S., & Yıldırım, M. (2018). Root Yield and Quality of Sugar Beet Under Drip and Sprinkler Irrigation with Foliar Application of Micronutrients. COMU Journal of Agriculture Faculty, 6(1), 105-114.