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Farklı Branşlardaki Amatör Sporcuların Alt Ekstremite Hacim Ve Kütlelerinin İvmelenme Hızı Üzerine Etkileri

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 2, 13 - 22, 31.12.2019


Bu araştırmanın amacı, farklı branşlardaki amatör sporcuların bacak hacmi ve kütlesinin ivmelenme hızı üzerine etkilerini araştırmaktır. Araştırma Kırşehir ilinde amatör olarak spor yapan ve araştırmaya gönüllü olarak katılmayı kabul eden, 200 erkek sporcu ile yapılmıştır. Amatör sporcuların alt ektremite bacak hacim Frustum, bacak kütlesi ise Hanavan metodu kullanılarak, Marangoz ve Özbalcı tarafından geliştirilen “Sporcularda Bacak Hacim ve Kütlesi Hesaplama Programı” ile hesaplanmıştır. Bu araştırmada, Windows için SPSS 22.0 paket programı kullanılarak analiz yapılmıştır. Sonuç olarak çalışmamızdaki örneklem grubundaki voleybolcularda ve tenisçilerde ivmelenmenin daha iyi olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Bu sonucun, vücut kompozisyonu, somatotip komponentlerinin farklı olması, antrenmanların içerikleri, bacak hacmi ve bacak kütlesinin daha fazla olmasından kaynaklandığı düşünülmektedir.


  • 1- Murphy AJ, Lockie RG, Coutts AJ. (2003). Kinematic Determinants of Early Acceleration in Field Sport Athletes. Journal of Sports Science & Medicine, 2.4: 144-150.
  • 2- Facciono A. (1993). Resisted and Assisted Methods For Speed Development. Strength Cond Coach. 1: 10–11.
  • 3- Tidow G. Aspects of Strength Training in Athletics. New Stud. Athletics. 1990; 5: 93–110.
  • 4- Deleclusk C. (1997). Influence of Strength Training on Sprint Running Performance. Sports Med.; 24:147-56.
  • 5- Baecchle TR, Earle RW. (2000). Plyometric training. Potach, D. H. & Chu, D. A.(Der.). Essential of Strength Training and Conditioning, Canada: Human Kinetics.
  • 6- Shumway Cook A. Woollocatt MH. (2007). Motor Control, Wippincott Williams & Wilkins, 3.Edition.
  • 7- Hanavan Jr, E. P. (1964). A mathematical model of the human body (No. AFIT-GA-PHYS- 64-3). Air Force Aerospace Medical Research Lab Wright-Patterson AFB OH.
  • 8- Mayrovitz, H. N., Sims, N., Litwio, B., & Pfister, S. (2005). Foot Volume Estimates Based on a Georietric Algorithm in Comparison to Water Displacement. Lymphology, 38, 20-2.
  • 9- Özkan, A., Kin Isler, A. (2010). Relationship of leg volume, leg mass, anaerobic performance and isokinetic strength in american football players. Spormetre; 8(1): 35-41.
  • 10- Özkan, A., Kin Isler, A. (2010). The Association among Leg Volume, Leg Mass and H/Q Ratio with Anaerobic Performance and Isokinetic Knee Strength in Athletes. Hacettepe J. of Sport Sciences, 21 (3), 90–102
  • 11- Sukul, D.K., Den Hoed, P.T., Johannes, E.J., Van Dolder, R., & Benda, E. (1993). Direct and indirect methods for the quantification of leg volume: comparison between water displacement volumetry, the disk model method and the frustum sign model method, using the correlation coefficient and the limits of agreement. Journal of biomedical engineering, 15(6),
  • 12- Marangoz İ, Bastürk, D. (2018). The Relationship among Somatotype Structures, Leg Volume, Leg Mass, Anaerobic Strength and Flexibility of Elite Male Athletes in Different Branches. Journal of Education and Training Studies, 6(7), 130-137.
  • 13- Baştürk, D., Marangoz, I. (2018). The Effect of the Relationship among Leg Volume, Leg Mass and Flexibility on Success in University Student Elite Gymnasts. World Journal of Education, 8(4), 47-53.
  • 14- Kwon, Y.H. (1998). Modified Hanavan Model. (08.9.2016).
  • 15- Mavi Var, S., & Marangoz İ, (2018). The Relationship between Anaerobic Performance and Lower Extremity Volume and Mass in Female Athletes in Individual Sports and Team Sports. Journal of Education and Learning, 7(6), 178-183. DOI:10.5539/jel.v7n6p178
  • 16- Mavi Var, S. & Marangoz İ,. (2018). Leg Volume and Mass Scales of Elite Male and Female Athletes in Some Olympic Sports. World Journal of Education, 8(4), 54-58.
  • 17- Marangoz İ, Özbalcı U. (2017). Leg Volume and Mass Calculation Program in Sports, The Journal of Academic Social Science, 5,48, 223-231.
  • 18- Pauole K, Madole K, Garhammer J, Lacourse M, Rozenek R. (2000). Reliability and Validity of The T -Test As a Measure of Agility, Leg Power and Leg Speed in College- Aged Men and Women. J. Strength Cond Res. 14: 443–450.
  • 19- Bloomfield J, Polman R, O’ Donoghue P, Mcnaughton L. (2007). Effective Speed and Agility Conditioningmethodology for Random Intermittent Dynamic Type Sports. J. Strength Cond Res.; 21(4): 1093–100.
  • 20- Marangoz İ,, Polat Y. (2017). The Effects of Body Composition and Somatotypes on Acceleration Speed in Male Athletes, The Journal of Academic Social Science, 5,54, 345- 360.
  • 21- Marangoz, İ (2017). “Comparison of Speeding Sports Using Springers with a Springer in The Non-Sprintary Balanced Mezomorfi Category” The Journal of Academic Social Science, 5(55), 279-285.
  • 22- Staron RS, Hagerman FC, Hikida RS, Murray TF,Hostler DP, Crill MT ve diğ. (2000). Fiber type composition of the vastus lateralis muscle of young men and women. The Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry, 48(5), 623-629.
  • 23- Armstrong N, Welsman JR, Chia MYH. (2001). Short term power output in relation to growth and maturation. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 35, 118-124.
  • 24- De Ste Croix, Armstrong, N., Chia, M. Y. H., Welsman, J. R., Parsons, G., & Sharpe, P. (2001). Changes in short-term power output in 10-to 12-year-olds. Journal of sports sciences, 19(2), 141-148.
  • 25- Janssen I., Heymsfield SB., Wang Z., Ross R. (2000). Skeletal muscle mass and distribution in 468 men and women aged 18–88 yr. Journal of Applied Physiology, 89(1), 81-88.
  • 26- Özkan, A., & Sarol, H. (2008). Dağcılarda Vücut Kompozisyonu, Bacak Hacmi, Bacak Kütlesi, Anaerobik Performans ve Bacak Kuvveti Arasındaki İlişki. Spormetre Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 6(4), 175-181.
  • 27- Zorba E, Özkan, A, Akyüz M, Harmanci H, Taş M, Şenel O. (2010). The relationship of leg volume and leg mass with anaerobic performance and knee strength in wrestlers. Journal of Human Sciences, 7(1), 84-96.
  • 28- Chelly, SM, Cherif,N, Amar, BM, Hermassi, S., Fathloun, M., Bouhlel, E., Tabka, Z., Shephard, JR. (2010). Relatıonshıps of Peak Leg Power,1 Maximal Repetition Half Back Squat, and Leg Muscle Volume to 5-M Sprint Performance Of Junior Soccer Players. Journal Of Strength And Conditioning Research. 24(1)/266–271.
  • 29- Lockie RG, Murphy AJ, Jeffriess MD, Callaghan SJ. Step Kinematic Predictors of Short Sprint Performance in Field Sport Athletes. Serbian Journal of Sports Sciences; 2013,7(2). 1999; 39(2), 120.
  • 30- Dolu E. Sprintte Kuvvetin Önemi ve Geliştirilmesi. Atletizm Bilim Ve Teknolojisi Dergisi, Ankara, 1993; 12: 9-13.
  • 31- Yalçıner MG. Süratin Fizyolojik ve Mekanik Özellikleri. T.C. Başbakanlık Gençlik ve Spor Genel Müdürlüğü Spor Eğitim Dairesi Başkanlığı, Ankara,1993; 13-48.
  • 32- Chaouachi A, Brughelli M, Chamari K at al. Lower Limb Maximal Dynamic Strength and Agility Determinants in Elite Basketball Players. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 2009; 23(5), 1570-1577.
  • 33- Göral K. Futsal Oyuncuları ve Futbolcularda İvmelenme ve Çeviklik Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi. SSTB International Refereed Academic Journal of Sports, Health & Medical Sciences, 2014; 10 (4), 98-105.
  • 34- Köklü, Y., Özkan, A., Alemdaroğlu, U., & Ersöz, G. (2009). The comparison of some physical fitness and somatotype characteristics of young soccer players according to their playing positions. Ankara University School of Physical Education and Sports Spormetre Physical Education and Sports Science Journal, 7(2), 61-68.


Yıl 2019, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 2, 13 - 22, 31.12.2019


The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of leg volume and mass on acceleration rate of amateur athletes in different branches. The study was conducted with 200 male athletes who were doing amateur sports in Kırşehir province and willing to participate voluntarily. The lower limb leg volume of the amateur athletes was calculated using Frustum and the leg mass was calculated using the Hanavan method using the Leg Volume and Mass Calculation Program in Athletes geliştiril developed by the Marangoz and Özbalcı. In this research, SPSS 22.0 for Windows package program was analyzed. As a result, it was found that acceleration was better in volleyball players and tennis players in the sample group in our study. This result is thought to be due to different body composition, somatotype components, training contents and greater leg volume and leg mass.


  • 1- Murphy AJ, Lockie RG, Coutts AJ. (2003). Kinematic Determinants of Early Acceleration in Field Sport Athletes. Journal of Sports Science & Medicine, 2.4: 144-150.
  • 2- Facciono A. (1993). Resisted and Assisted Methods For Speed Development. Strength Cond Coach. 1: 10–11.
  • 3- Tidow G. Aspects of Strength Training in Athletics. New Stud. Athletics. 1990; 5: 93–110.
  • 4- Deleclusk C. (1997). Influence of Strength Training on Sprint Running Performance. Sports Med.; 24:147-56.
  • 5- Baecchle TR, Earle RW. (2000). Plyometric training. Potach, D. H. & Chu, D. A.(Der.). Essential of Strength Training and Conditioning, Canada: Human Kinetics.
  • 6- Shumway Cook A. Woollocatt MH. (2007). Motor Control, Wippincott Williams & Wilkins, 3.Edition.
  • 7- Hanavan Jr, E. P. (1964). A mathematical model of the human body (No. AFIT-GA-PHYS- 64-3). Air Force Aerospace Medical Research Lab Wright-Patterson AFB OH.
  • 8- Mayrovitz, H. N., Sims, N., Litwio, B., & Pfister, S. (2005). Foot Volume Estimates Based on a Georietric Algorithm in Comparison to Water Displacement. Lymphology, 38, 20-2.
  • 9- Özkan, A., Kin Isler, A. (2010). Relationship of leg volume, leg mass, anaerobic performance and isokinetic strength in american football players. Spormetre; 8(1): 35-41.
  • 10- Özkan, A., Kin Isler, A. (2010). The Association among Leg Volume, Leg Mass and H/Q Ratio with Anaerobic Performance and Isokinetic Knee Strength in Athletes. Hacettepe J. of Sport Sciences, 21 (3), 90–102
  • 11- Sukul, D.K., Den Hoed, P.T., Johannes, E.J., Van Dolder, R., & Benda, E. (1993). Direct and indirect methods for the quantification of leg volume: comparison between water displacement volumetry, the disk model method and the frustum sign model method, using the correlation coefficient and the limits of agreement. Journal of biomedical engineering, 15(6),
  • 12- Marangoz İ, Bastürk, D. (2018). The Relationship among Somatotype Structures, Leg Volume, Leg Mass, Anaerobic Strength and Flexibility of Elite Male Athletes in Different Branches. Journal of Education and Training Studies, 6(7), 130-137.
  • 13- Baştürk, D., Marangoz, I. (2018). The Effect of the Relationship among Leg Volume, Leg Mass and Flexibility on Success in University Student Elite Gymnasts. World Journal of Education, 8(4), 47-53.
  • 14- Kwon, Y.H. (1998). Modified Hanavan Model. (08.9.2016).
  • 15- Mavi Var, S., & Marangoz İ, (2018). The Relationship between Anaerobic Performance and Lower Extremity Volume and Mass in Female Athletes in Individual Sports and Team Sports. Journal of Education and Learning, 7(6), 178-183. DOI:10.5539/jel.v7n6p178
  • 16- Mavi Var, S. & Marangoz İ,. (2018). Leg Volume and Mass Scales of Elite Male and Female Athletes in Some Olympic Sports. World Journal of Education, 8(4), 54-58.
  • 17- Marangoz İ, Özbalcı U. (2017). Leg Volume and Mass Calculation Program in Sports, The Journal of Academic Social Science, 5,48, 223-231.
  • 18- Pauole K, Madole K, Garhammer J, Lacourse M, Rozenek R. (2000). Reliability and Validity of The T -Test As a Measure of Agility, Leg Power and Leg Speed in College- Aged Men and Women. J. Strength Cond Res. 14: 443–450.
  • 19- Bloomfield J, Polman R, O’ Donoghue P, Mcnaughton L. (2007). Effective Speed and Agility Conditioningmethodology for Random Intermittent Dynamic Type Sports. J. Strength Cond Res.; 21(4): 1093–100.
  • 20- Marangoz İ,, Polat Y. (2017). The Effects of Body Composition and Somatotypes on Acceleration Speed in Male Athletes, The Journal of Academic Social Science, 5,54, 345- 360.
  • 21- Marangoz, İ (2017). “Comparison of Speeding Sports Using Springers with a Springer in The Non-Sprintary Balanced Mezomorfi Category” The Journal of Academic Social Science, 5(55), 279-285.
  • 22- Staron RS, Hagerman FC, Hikida RS, Murray TF,Hostler DP, Crill MT ve diğ. (2000). Fiber type composition of the vastus lateralis muscle of young men and women. The Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry, 48(5), 623-629.
  • 23- Armstrong N, Welsman JR, Chia MYH. (2001). Short term power output in relation to growth and maturation. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 35, 118-124.
  • 24- De Ste Croix, Armstrong, N., Chia, M. Y. H., Welsman, J. R., Parsons, G., & Sharpe, P. (2001). Changes in short-term power output in 10-to 12-year-olds. Journal of sports sciences, 19(2), 141-148.
  • 25- Janssen I., Heymsfield SB., Wang Z., Ross R. (2000). Skeletal muscle mass and distribution in 468 men and women aged 18–88 yr. Journal of Applied Physiology, 89(1), 81-88.
  • 26- Özkan, A., & Sarol, H. (2008). Dağcılarda Vücut Kompozisyonu, Bacak Hacmi, Bacak Kütlesi, Anaerobik Performans ve Bacak Kuvveti Arasındaki İlişki. Spormetre Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 6(4), 175-181.
  • 27- Zorba E, Özkan, A, Akyüz M, Harmanci H, Taş M, Şenel O. (2010). The relationship of leg volume and leg mass with anaerobic performance and knee strength in wrestlers. Journal of Human Sciences, 7(1), 84-96.
  • 28- Chelly, SM, Cherif,N, Amar, BM, Hermassi, S., Fathloun, M., Bouhlel, E., Tabka, Z., Shephard, JR. (2010). Relatıonshıps of Peak Leg Power,1 Maximal Repetition Half Back Squat, and Leg Muscle Volume to 5-M Sprint Performance Of Junior Soccer Players. Journal Of Strength And Conditioning Research. 24(1)/266–271.
  • 29- Lockie RG, Murphy AJ, Jeffriess MD, Callaghan SJ. Step Kinematic Predictors of Short Sprint Performance in Field Sport Athletes. Serbian Journal of Sports Sciences; 2013,7(2). 1999; 39(2), 120.
  • 30- Dolu E. Sprintte Kuvvetin Önemi ve Geliştirilmesi. Atletizm Bilim Ve Teknolojisi Dergisi, Ankara, 1993; 12: 9-13.
  • 31- Yalçıner MG. Süratin Fizyolojik ve Mekanik Özellikleri. T.C. Başbakanlık Gençlik ve Spor Genel Müdürlüğü Spor Eğitim Dairesi Başkanlığı, Ankara,1993; 13-48.
  • 32- Chaouachi A, Brughelli M, Chamari K at al. Lower Limb Maximal Dynamic Strength and Agility Determinants in Elite Basketball Players. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 2009; 23(5), 1570-1577.
  • 33- Göral K. Futsal Oyuncuları ve Futbolcularda İvmelenme ve Çeviklik Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi. SSTB International Refereed Academic Journal of Sports, Health & Medical Sciences, 2014; 10 (4), 98-105.
  • 34- Köklü, Y., Özkan, A., Alemdaroğlu, U., & Ersöz, G. (2009). The comparison of some physical fitness and somatotype characteristics of young soccer players according to their playing positions. Ankara University School of Physical Education and Sports Spormetre Physical Education and Sports Science Journal, 7(2), 61-68.
Toplam 34 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Spor Hekimliği
Bölüm Makaleler

İrfan Marangoz

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019 Cilt: 2 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Marangoz, İ. (2019). Farklı Branşlardaki Amatör Sporcuların Alt Ekstremite Hacim Ve Kütlelerinin İvmelenme Hızı Üzerine Etkileri. Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 2(2), 13-22.

Sayın Araştırmacılar,

Spor Bilimleri alanındaki çalışmaları içeren uluslararası nitelikte ve hakemli dergi olarak yayımlanan ÇOMÜ Spor Bilimleri Dergisi'nin Mart 2025'te çıkacak olan sayısı için dergimizin kapsamı dahilinde olan konularla ilgili özgün araştırma ve derleme türünde makaleler kabul edilecektir. Bu anlamda ilgili sayı için makaleler 2025 yılının Şubat ayı sonuna kadar gönderilebilir. Bilgilerinize sunulur.

Editör Prof. Dr. Hürmüz KOÇ