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Fiziksel Aktivite ve Bilinç Düzeyi: JSGA Örneği

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 3, 160 - 174, 27.10.2023


Amaç: Kolluk personeli için fiziksel olarak iyi olma durumu mesleki performansını icra etmesinde kritik önem taşımaktadır. Bu sebeple kolluk kuvvetleri için fiziksel aktivitenin hayatlarının içinde yer alması beklenmektedir. Bu çalışmada Jandarma ve Sahil Güvenlik Akademisinde (JSGA) görevli kolluk personellerinin fiziksel aktivite ve bilinç düzeyinin incelenmesi amaçlanmaktadır.
Yöntem: JSGA’da görev yapan personelin fiziksel aktivite ve bilinç düzeylerinin belirlenmesini amaçlayan bu çalışma tarama modelidir. Bu çalışma Jandarma ve Sahil Güvenlik Akademisinde çeşitli kademelerde görev yapan 120 ’si kadın, 470’i erkek olmak üzere toplam beş yüz doksan (590) personel üzerinde yürütülmüştür. Çalışmada elde edilen verilerin aritmetik ortalamaları, standart sapmaları ve yüzdeleri SPSS 23.0 programında analiz edilmiştir.
Bulgular: Elde edilen bulgular incelendiğinde, personelin fiziksel aktivite bilinç düzeyinin orta düzeyde olduğu (X : 1,80± 0,70) görülmektedir.
Sonuç: Çalışma grubumuzda yer alan kolluk personellerinin fiziksel aktivite bilinç düzeyinin literatür çalışma örneklerine ve sonuçlarına benzer oranda sonuçlar çıkardığı söylenebilir.


  • Altay B , Cavusoglu F & Gunestas I. (2015). Healthy Life Style Behaviours And Influencıng Factors Of Nurses Who Work At The University Hospital. Dokuz Eylul University Faculty of Nursing Electronic Journal, 8 (1) , 12-18 .
  • Andersen LJ, Hansen PR, Søgaard P, Madsen JK, Bech J, & Krustrup P. (2010). Improvement of systolic and diastolic heart function after physical training in sedentary women. Scandinavian Journal Of Medicine & Science İn Sports, 45(20), 50-57. 10.1111/j.1600-0838.2009.01088.x.
  • Anderson GS, Plecas D, & Segger T. (2001). Police officer physical ability testing–re‐validating a selection criterion. Policing: An International, Journal of Police Strategies & Management, 24(1), 8-31. 10.1108/13639510110382232.
  • Basar S, & Sari I. (2018). The effect of regular exercıse on depressıon, happıness and mental well-beıng. Inonu University, Journal of Physical Education and Sport Sciences (IUJPESS), 5(3), 25-34.
  • Bissett D, Bissett J, & Snell C. (2012). Physical agility tests and fitness standards: perceptions of law enforcement officers. Police Practice and Research, 13(3), 208-223. 10.1080/15614263.2011.616142.
  • Bonneau J, & Brown J. (1995). Physical ability, fitness and police work. Journal Of Clinical Forensic Medicine, 2(3), 157-164. 10.1016/1353-1131(95)90085-3.
  • Bozkus T, Turkmen M, Kul M, Ozkan A, Oz U, & Cengiz, C. (2013). Determination and relationships of physical activity level and healthy lifestyle behaviors in physical education students. International Journal Of Science Culture And Sport (Intjscs), 1(3), 49-65.
  • Ceylan H I, & Saygın O. (2021). An investigation of the relationship between new fasting hormone asprosin, obesity and acute–chronic exercise: current systematic review. Archives of Physiology and Biochemistry, 127(4), 373-384.
  • Conway TL, & Cronan, TA. (1992). Smoking, exercise, and physical fitness. Preventive Medicine, 21(6), 723-734. 0.1016/0091-7435(92)90079-W.
  • Crawford K, Fleishman K, Abt J P, Sell T C, Lovalekar M, Nagai T, & Lephart S M. (2011). Less body fat improves physical and physiological performance in army soldiers. Military Medicine, 176(1), 35-43. 10.7205/MILMED-D-10-00003.
  • Dogru E, Kızılcı M H, Balcı N C, Korkmaz N C, & Tekindal MA. (2015). Investigation of exercise consciousness and habits of ındividuals using outdoor sports equipment. Journal Of Exercise Therapy And Rehabilitation, 2(3), 102-109.
  • Dugdill L, Crone D, & Murphy R (Eds.). (2009). Physical Activity And Health Promotion: Evidence-Based Approaches To Practice. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Gorczyca A M, Eaton C B, Lamonte M J, Manson J E, Johnston J D, Bidulescu A, & Shumaker S. (2017). Change in physical activity and sitting time after myocardial infarction and mortality among postmenopausal women in the women's health ınitiative‐observational study. Journal Of The American Heart Association, 6(5), E005354. 10.1161/JAHA.116.005354.
  • Hicks A L, Martin K A, Ditor D S, Latimer A E, Craven C, Bugaresti J, & Mccartney N. (2003). Long-Term exercise training in persons with spinal cord injury: effects on strength, arm ergometry performance and psychological well-being. Spinal Cord, 41(1), 34-43.
  • Lagestad P. (2012). Physical skills and work performance in policing. International Journal Of Police Science & Management, 14(1), 58-70. 0.1350/ijps.2012.14.1.
  • Lockie R G, Balfany K, Bloodgood A M, Moreno M R, Cesario KA, Dulla J M, & Orr RM. (2019). The influence of physical fitness on reasons for academy separation in law enforcement recruits. International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health, 16(3), 372.
  • Marins E F, Cabistany L, Farias C, Dawes J, & Del Vecchio FB. (2020). Effects of personal protective equipment on metabolism and performance during an occupational physical ability test for federal highway police officers. The Journal Of Strength & Conditioning Research, 34:1093-1102.
  • Marins E F, David GB, & Del Vecchio FB. (2019). Characterization of the physical fitness of police officers: A systematic review. The Journal Of Strength & Conditioning Research, 33(10), 2860-2874. 10.1519/JSC.0000000000003177.
  • Milne M, Divine A, Hall C, Gregg M, & Hardy J. (2014). Non‐Participation: How age ınfluences ınactive women's views of exercise. Journal Of Applied Biobehavioral Research, 19(3), 171-191. 10.1111/jabr.12024.
  • Ozer, K. (2010). Physical Conformity.3. Impression. Ankara: Nobel Publishing Distribution.
  • Ozturk M. (2015). Validity and reliability of the international physical activity questionnaire and determination of physical activity levels in students studying at the university. Master's Thesis, Hacettepe University, Institute of Social Sciences, Ankara.
  • Rhodes R E, Janssen I, Bredin S S, Warburton D E, & Bauman A. (2017). Physical activity: Health impact, prevalence, correlates and interventions. Psychology & Health, 32(8), 942-975. 10.1080/08870446.2017.1325486.
  • Sabbag C, & Aksoy E. (2011). Leisure activities of university students and employees: The case of Adıyaman. Journal Of Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Institute Of Social Sciences, (4), 10-23.
  • Sahin A. (2018). Investigation of perceived stress levels of university students by faculty type and gender variables. Kilis 7 December University Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, 2(1), 28-35.
  • Saygın O, & Dukkancı Y. (2009). Investigation of the relationship between health-related physical fitness and physical activity intensity in girls. International Journal of Human Sciences, 6(1), 320-329.
  • Støren Ø, & Sunde, A. (2003). Trening I Arbeidstiden’: Et samarbeidsprosjekt mellom politidirektoratet, høgskolen i telemark og elixia nordic bedrift AS (Sluttrapport Juni). Høgskolen I Telemark, Bø.
  • Suniaga S, Rolvien T, Vom Scheidt A, Fiedler I A, Bale H A, Huysseune A, & Busse B. (2018). Increased mechanical loading through controlled swimming exercise induces bone formation and mineralization in adult zebrafish. Scientific Reports, 8(1), 1-13.
  • Talbot LA, Weinstein AA, & Fleg JL. (2009). Army physical fitness test scores predict coronary heart disease risk in army national guard soldiers. Military Medicine, 174(3), 245-252. 10.7205/MILMED-D-01-690.
  • Taylor MK, Markham A E, Reis, J P, Padilla GA, Potterat EG, Drummond S P, & Mujica-Parodi LR. (2008). Physical fitness influences stress reactions to extreme military training. Military Medicine, 173(8), 738-742.
  • Tuncel F, Tuncel S, Yuksel HS, & Sevde V. (2016). Healthy living habits and physical activity awareness levels of staff working in Ankara University Colleges. Spormeter Journal of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, 14(1), 109-119.
  • Turkish Statistical Institute website (2022). Date received: 03.11. 2022.
  • Vardarlıer P, & Ozturk C. (2020). The role of social media use in health communication. Sociological Thought, 5(1), 1-18.
  • Vural O, Serdar ER, & Guzel NA (2010). The relationship between physical activity level and quality of life in desk workers. Spormeter Journal of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, 8(2), 69-75.
  • Wang A, Qin F, Hedlin H, Desai M, Chlebowski R, Gomez S, & Stefanick ML. (2016). Physical activity and sedentary behavior in relation to lung cancer incidence and mortality in older women: The Women's health ınitiative. International Journal Of Cancer, 139(10), 2178-2192.
  • Yalcınkaya M, Ozer FG, & Karamanoglu AY. (2007). Evaluation of healthy lifestyle behaviors in health workers. TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin, 6(6), 409-420.
  • Yoo HL, Eisenmann JC, & Franke WD. (2009). Independent and combined influence of physical activity and perceived stress on the metabolic syndrome in male law enforcement officers. Journal Of Occupational And Environmental Medicine,1(51) 46-53.

Physical Activity And Awareness Level: The Case of JSGA

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 3, 160 - 174, 27.10.2023


Purpose: Physical well-being is critical for law enforcement personnel in performing their professional performance. For this reason, physical activity is expected to be a part of law enforcement officers' lives. This study aims to examine the physical activity and awareness levels of law enforcement personnel working at the Gendarmerie and Coast Guard Academy (JSGA).
Method: This study is a screening model that aims to determine the physical activity and awareness levels of the personnel working at JSGA. This study was conducted on a total of five hundred and ninety (590) personnel, 120 of whom were women and 470 of whom were men, working at various levels at the Gendarmerie and Coast Guard Academy. Arithmetic means, standard deviations and percentages of the data obtained in the study were analyzed in the SPSS 23.0 program.
Results: When the findings are examined, it is seen that the physical activity awareness level of the staff is at a medium level (X: 1.80± 0.70).
Conclusion: It can be said that the physical activity awareness level of the law enforcement personnel in our study group yields results similar to the literature study examples and results.


  • Altay B , Cavusoglu F & Gunestas I. (2015). Healthy Life Style Behaviours And Influencıng Factors Of Nurses Who Work At The University Hospital. Dokuz Eylul University Faculty of Nursing Electronic Journal, 8 (1) , 12-18 .
  • Andersen LJ, Hansen PR, Søgaard P, Madsen JK, Bech J, & Krustrup P. (2010). Improvement of systolic and diastolic heart function after physical training in sedentary women. Scandinavian Journal Of Medicine & Science İn Sports, 45(20), 50-57. 10.1111/j.1600-0838.2009.01088.x.
  • Anderson GS, Plecas D, & Segger T. (2001). Police officer physical ability testing–re‐validating a selection criterion. Policing: An International, Journal of Police Strategies & Management, 24(1), 8-31. 10.1108/13639510110382232.
  • Basar S, & Sari I. (2018). The effect of regular exercıse on depressıon, happıness and mental well-beıng. Inonu University, Journal of Physical Education and Sport Sciences (IUJPESS), 5(3), 25-34.
  • Bissett D, Bissett J, & Snell C. (2012). Physical agility tests and fitness standards: perceptions of law enforcement officers. Police Practice and Research, 13(3), 208-223. 10.1080/15614263.2011.616142.
  • Bonneau J, & Brown J. (1995). Physical ability, fitness and police work. Journal Of Clinical Forensic Medicine, 2(3), 157-164. 10.1016/1353-1131(95)90085-3.
  • Bozkus T, Turkmen M, Kul M, Ozkan A, Oz U, & Cengiz, C. (2013). Determination and relationships of physical activity level and healthy lifestyle behaviors in physical education students. International Journal Of Science Culture And Sport (Intjscs), 1(3), 49-65.
  • Ceylan H I, & Saygın O. (2021). An investigation of the relationship between new fasting hormone asprosin, obesity and acute–chronic exercise: current systematic review. Archives of Physiology and Biochemistry, 127(4), 373-384.
  • Conway TL, & Cronan, TA. (1992). Smoking, exercise, and physical fitness. Preventive Medicine, 21(6), 723-734. 0.1016/0091-7435(92)90079-W.
  • Crawford K, Fleishman K, Abt J P, Sell T C, Lovalekar M, Nagai T, & Lephart S M. (2011). Less body fat improves physical and physiological performance in army soldiers. Military Medicine, 176(1), 35-43. 10.7205/MILMED-D-10-00003.
  • Dogru E, Kızılcı M H, Balcı N C, Korkmaz N C, & Tekindal MA. (2015). Investigation of exercise consciousness and habits of ındividuals using outdoor sports equipment. Journal Of Exercise Therapy And Rehabilitation, 2(3), 102-109.
  • Dugdill L, Crone D, & Murphy R (Eds.). (2009). Physical Activity And Health Promotion: Evidence-Based Approaches To Practice. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Gorczyca A M, Eaton C B, Lamonte M J, Manson J E, Johnston J D, Bidulescu A, & Shumaker S. (2017). Change in physical activity and sitting time after myocardial infarction and mortality among postmenopausal women in the women's health ınitiative‐observational study. Journal Of The American Heart Association, 6(5), E005354. 10.1161/JAHA.116.005354.
  • Hicks A L, Martin K A, Ditor D S, Latimer A E, Craven C, Bugaresti J, & Mccartney N. (2003). Long-Term exercise training in persons with spinal cord injury: effects on strength, arm ergometry performance and psychological well-being. Spinal Cord, 41(1), 34-43.
  • Lagestad P. (2012). Physical skills and work performance in policing. International Journal Of Police Science & Management, 14(1), 58-70. 0.1350/ijps.2012.14.1.
  • Lockie R G, Balfany K, Bloodgood A M, Moreno M R, Cesario KA, Dulla J M, & Orr RM. (2019). The influence of physical fitness on reasons for academy separation in law enforcement recruits. International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health, 16(3), 372.
  • Marins E F, Cabistany L, Farias C, Dawes J, & Del Vecchio FB. (2020). Effects of personal protective equipment on metabolism and performance during an occupational physical ability test for federal highway police officers. The Journal Of Strength & Conditioning Research, 34:1093-1102.
  • Marins E F, David GB, & Del Vecchio FB. (2019). Characterization of the physical fitness of police officers: A systematic review. The Journal Of Strength & Conditioning Research, 33(10), 2860-2874. 10.1519/JSC.0000000000003177.
  • Milne M, Divine A, Hall C, Gregg M, & Hardy J. (2014). Non‐Participation: How age ınfluences ınactive women's views of exercise. Journal Of Applied Biobehavioral Research, 19(3), 171-191. 10.1111/jabr.12024.
  • Ozer, K. (2010). Physical Conformity.3. Impression. Ankara: Nobel Publishing Distribution.
  • Ozturk M. (2015). Validity and reliability of the international physical activity questionnaire and determination of physical activity levels in students studying at the university. Master's Thesis, Hacettepe University, Institute of Social Sciences, Ankara.
  • Rhodes R E, Janssen I, Bredin S S, Warburton D E, & Bauman A. (2017). Physical activity: Health impact, prevalence, correlates and interventions. Psychology & Health, 32(8), 942-975. 10.1080/08870446.2017.1325486.
  • Sabbag C, & Aksoy E. (2011). Leisure activities of university students and employees: The case of Adıyaman. Journal Of Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Institute Of Social Sciences, (4), 10-23.
  • Sahin A. (2018). Investigation of perceived stress levels of university students by faculty type and gender variables. Kilis 7 December University Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, 2(1), 28-35.
  • Saygın O, & Dukkancı Y. (2009). Investigation of the relationship between health-related physical fitness and physical activity intensity in girls. International Journal of Human Sciences, 6(1), 320-329.
  • Støren Ø, & Sunde, A. (2003). Trening I Arbeidstiden’: Et samarbeidsprosjekt mellom politidirektoratet, høgskolen i telemark og elixia nordic bedrift AS (Sluttrapport Juni). Høgskolen I Telemark, Bø.
  • Suniaga S, Rolvien T, Vom Scheidt A, Fiedler I A, Bale H A, Huysseune A, & Busse B. (2018). Increased mechanical loading through controlled swimming exercise induces bone formation and mineralization in adult zebrafish. Scientific Reports, 8(1), 1-13.
  • Talbot LA, Weinstein AA, & Fleg JL. (2009). Army physical fitness test scores predict coronary heart disease risk in army national guard soldiers. Military Medicine, 174(3), 245-252. 10.7205/MILMED-D-01-690.
  • Taylor MK, Markham A E, Reis, J P, Padilla GA, Potterat EG, Drummond S P, & Mujica-Parodi LR. (2008). Physical fitness influences stress reactions to extreme military training. Military Medicine, 173(8), 738-742.
  • Tuncel F, Tuncel S, Yuksel HS, & Sevde V. (2016). Healthy living habits and physical activity awareness levels of staff working in Ankara University Colleges. Spormeter Journal of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, 14(1), 109-119.
  • Turkish Statistical Institute website (2022). Date received: 03.11. 2022.
  • Vardarlıer P, & Ozturk C. (2020). The role of social media use in health communication. Sociological Thought, 5(1), 1-18.
  • Vural O, Serdar ER, & Guzel NA (2010). The relationship between physical activity level and quality of life in desk workers. Spormeter Journal of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, 8(2), 69-75.
  • Wang A, Qin F, Hedlin H, Desai M, Chlebowski R, Gomez S, & Stefanick ML. (2016). Physical activity and sedentary behavior in relation to lung cancer incidence and mortality in older women: The Women's health ınitiative. International Journal Of Cancer, 139(10), 2178-2192.
  • Yalcınkaya M, Ozer FG, & Karamanoglu AY. (2007). Evaluation of healthy lifestyle behaviors in health workers. TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin, 6(6), 409-420.
  • Yoo HL, Eisenmann JC, & Franke WD. (2009). Independent and combined influence of physical activity and perceived stress on the metabolic syndrome in male law enforcement officers. Journal Of Occupational And Environmental Medicine,1(51) 46-53.
Toplam 36 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Fiziksel Aktivite ve Sağlık
Bölüm Makaleler

Emsal Öztürk 0000-0002-3461-5527

Merve Cin 0000-0001-9408-7853

Yayımlanma Tarihi 27 Ekim 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023 Cilt: 6 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Öztürk, E., & Cin, M. (2023). Physical Activity And Awareness Level: The Case of JSGA. Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 6(3), 160-174.

Sayın Araştırmacılar,

Spor Bilimleri alanındaki çalışmaları içeren uluslararası nitelikte ve hakemli dergi olarak yayımlanan ÇOMÜ Spor Bilimleri Dergisi'nin Mart 2025'te çıkacak olan sayısı için dergimizin kapsamı dahilinde olan konularla ilgili özgün araştırma ve derleme türünde makaleler kabul edilecektir. Bu anlamda ilgili sayı için makaleler 2025 yılının Şubat ayı sonuna kadar gönderilebilir. Bilgilerinize sunulur.

Editör Prof. Dr. Hürmüz KOÇ