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Erkek Futbolcularda Nordik Hamstring Egzersizinin Sprint ve Sıçrama Performansına Etkisi Sprint ve Sıçrama Performansına Etkisi

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 4, 56 - 66, 31.12.2024


Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı, erkek futbolcularda nordik hamstring egzersiz uygulamasının sprint ve sıçrama performansları üzerindeki etkisini incelemektir.
Yöntem: Çalışmaya, profesyonel bir futbol kulübünün U-17 takımında yer alan toplam 20 sporcu (15-16 yaş) gönüllü olarak katılmışlardır. Çalışmamıza katılan sporcular, kontrol grubu (n=10) ve antrenman grubu (n=10) olmak üzere randomize şekilde iki gruba ayrılmıştır. Sporcuların antropometrik ölçümleri ile 30m sprint ve dikey sıçrama parametreleri çalışmanın başında ön-test ve sonunda ise son-test olarak ölçülmüştür. Ön-test değerleri alındıktan sonra antrenman grubundaki sporcular, haftalık olağan rutin futbol antrenmanlarına ek; sekiz hafta, haftada 2-3 gün Nordik hamstring egzersiz protokolünü uygulamıştır. Kontrol grubu ise olagan rutin futbol antrenmanlarına devam etmiş ve bunun dışında ilave antrenman yapmamıştır. Sekiz haftalık uygulama sonunda son-test uygulaması yapılmış ve çalışma sonlandırılmıştır. Verilerin grup içindeki karşılaştırmalarında bağımlı gruplarda t testi, gruplar arasındaki karşılaştırmalarda ise bağımsız gruplarda t testi kullanılmıştır.
Bulgular: Verilerin istatistiksel analizi sonucunda antrenman grubunun, sprint zamanı ve dikey sıçrama yüksekliği değerlerinde istatistiksel olarak anlamlı gelişmeler olduğu belirlenmiştir (p<0.05). Ayrıca kontrol grubunun sprint performansının öntest-son test değerleri arasında anlamlı bir fark olduğu fakat sıçrama performansında aynı anlamlı farkın olmadığı belirlenmiştir.
Sonuç: Bu çalışmada, genç futbolculara uygulanan, Nordik hamstring egzersiz protokolünün bazı performans parametrelerinde anlamlı gelişmeler gösterdiği söylenebilir. Antrenörlerin gerek sporcuların sakatlıklarının önlenmesinde gerekse sportif performansın arttırılmasında önemli etkisi olan nordik hamstring egzersizlerine kendi antrenman programlarında daha fazla yer vermeleri önerilmektedir.


  • Alt, T., Schmidt, M. (2021). The ANHEQ evaluation criteria: Introducing reliable rating scales for assessing Nordic hamstring exercise quality. Sports Medicine, 7, 91-96.
  • Amjad, S., Hafeez, T., Javed, H., Azfar, H. (2024). Effects of Nordic versus sprint exercise program in prevention of hamstring ınjuries in football players: Journal of Health and Rehabilitation Research (JHRR),4(1), 1296–1301.
  • Bautista, I.J., Vicente-Mampel, J., Baraja-Vegas, L., Segarra, V., Martín, F., Van Hooren, B. (2021). A systematic review and meta-analysis of intervention studies among team sport players. The Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 24(9), 931-938.
  • Delahunt, E.; McGroarty, M., De Vito, G.; Ditroilo, M. (2016). Nordic hamstring exercise training alters knee joint kinematics and hamstring activation patterns in young men. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 116, 663–672
  • De Oliveira, N.T., Medeiros, T.M., Vianna, K.B., Oliveira, G.D.S., de Araujo Ribeiro-Alvares, J.B., Baroni, B.M. (2020). A four-week training program with the Nordic hamstring exercise during preseason increases eccentric strength of male soccer players. International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy, 15(4), 571-578.
  • Ekstrand, J., Hägglund, M., Waldén, M. (2011). Epidemiology of muscle injuries in professional football (soccer). American Journal of Sports Medicine (AJSM), 39, 1226–1232. Freeman, B.W., Young, W.B., Talpey, S.W., Smyth, A.M., Pane, C.L., Carlon, T.A. (2019). The effects of sprint training and the Nordic hamstring exercise on eccentric hamstring strength and sprint performance in adolescent athletes. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, 59(7), 1119-1125.
  • Glatthorn, J. F., Gouge, S., Nussbauner, S., Stauffacher, S., Impellizzeri, F. M., Maffiuletti, N. A (2011). Validity and Reliability of optojump photoelectric cells for estimating vertical jump height. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research (JSCR), 25(2), 556-560.
  • Guruhan, S., Kafa, N., Ecemis, Z.B., Guzel, N.A. (2021). Muscle activation differences during eccentric hamstring exercises. Sports Health,13, 181–186. Gülü, M., Doğan, A.A. (2021). The effect of 6 week Nordic hamstring exercise on sprint and jumping performance. Journal of Sports Sciences Research, 6(2), 421-430.
  • Iga, J., Fruer, C.S., Deighan, M., Croix, M.D., James, D.V. (2012). ‘Nordic’ hamstrings exercise-engagement characteristics and training responses. International Journal of Sports Medicine, 33, 1000–1004.
  • Ishøi, L., Hölmich, P., Aagaard, P., Thorborg, K., Bandholm, T., Serner, A. (2018). Effects of the Nordic hamstring exercise on sprint capacity in male football players: a randomized controlled trial. Journal of Sports Sciences, 36(14),1663-1672.
  • Kaplan, M.İ., Yapici, A., Ergin, G.F., Atabas, E.G. (2024). Muscle injury response of two different eccentric hamstring exercises. Human Sport Medicine, 24(S1),182–194.
  • Krommes, K., Nielsen, M.F., Krohn, L., Grønfeldt, B.M., Thorborg, K.B., Hölmich, P., Ishøi L. (2020). The effect of including the Nordic hamstring exercise on sprint and jump performance in athletes: protocol of a systematic review and meta-analyses. Pre-print on med Rxiv, 01-APR-2020 v. 1.0.
  • Krommes, K., Petersen, J., Nielsen, M. B., Aagaard, P., Hölmich, P., ve Thorborg, K. (2017). Sprint and jump performance in elite male soccer players following a 10-week Nordic hamstring exercise protocol: a randomised pilot study. BMC Research Notes, 10(1), Article 669.
  • Mjolsnes, R., Arnason, A., Østhagen, T., Raastad, T., Bahr, R. (2004). A 10-week randomized trial comparing eccentric vs. concentric hamstring strength training in well-trained soccer players. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, 14, 311–317.
  • Mendiguchia, J., Martinez-Ruiz, E., Morin, J.B., Samozino, P., Edouard, P., Alcaraz, P.E., ve ark. (2015). Effects of hamstring-emphasized neuromuscular training on strength and sprinting mechanics in football players. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, 25, e621-9.
  • Mor, A., Yurtseven, R., Mor, H., & Acar, K. (2021). 11-12 yaş grubu futbolcularda farklı ısınma protokollerinin bazı performans parametrelerine etkisi. Spormetre, 19(4), 72-83.
  • Nunes, H., Fernandes, L.G., Martins, P.N., Ferreira, R.M. (2024). The effects of Nordic Hamstring exercise on performance and ınjury in the lower extremities: An umbrella review. Healthcare, 12, 1462.
  • Opar, D.A., Timmins, R.G., Behan, F.P., Hickey, J.T., van Dyk, N., Price, K., Maniar, N. (2021). Is pre-season eccentric strength testing during the Nordic hamstring exercise associated with future hamstring strain injury? A systematic review and meta-analysis. Sports Medicine, 51, 1935-1945.
  • Porrati-Paladino, G., Cuesta-Barriuso, R. (2021). Effectiveness of plyometric and eccentric exercise for jumping and stability in female soccer players-a single-blind, randomized controlled pilot study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(1), 294-99.
  • Petersen, J., Thorborg, K., Nielsen, M.B., Budtz-Jørgensen, E., Hölmich, P. (2011). Preventive effect of eccentric training on acute hamstring injuries in men’s soccer: A cluster-randomized controlled trial. American Journal of Sports Medicine, 39, 2296–2303
  • Ribeiro-Alvares, J.B., Marques, V.B., Vaz, M.A., Baroni, B.M. (2018). Four weeks of Nordic hamstring exercise reduce muscle ınjury risk factors in young adults. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research (JSCR),32, 1254–1262.
  • Ripley, N.J., Cuthbert, M., Comfort, P., McMahon, J.J. (2023). Effect of additional Nordic hamstring exercise or sprint training on the modifiable risk factors of hamstring strain injuries and performance. PLoS ONE. 18, e0281966.
  • Rumpf, M. C., Lockie, R. G., Cronin, J. B., Jalilvand, F. (2016). Effect of different sprint training methods on sprint performance over various distances: A brief review. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research (JSCR), 30(6), 1767-1785.
  • Saleh, A.A.A.W., Faude, O., Husain, M.A., Soomro, N., Sanders, R.H. (2021). Combining the copenhagen adduction exercise and nordic hamstring exercise improves dynamic balance among male athletes: A randomized controlled trial. Sports Health, 13, 580–587.
  • Van der Horst, N., Smits, D.W., Petersen, J., Goedhart, E.A., Backx, F.J. (2015). The preventive effect of the Nordic hamstring exercise on hamstring injuries in amateur soccer players: A randomized controll

The Effect of Nordic Hamstring Exercise on Sprint and Jumping Performance in Male Soccer Players

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 4, 56 - 66, 31.12.2024


Purpose: The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of nordic hamstring exercise application on sprint and jumping performances in male football players.
Method: A total of 20 athletes (15-16 years old) participating in the U-17 team of a professional football club participated in the study voluntarily. The athletes participating in our study were randomly divided into two groups as control group (n=10) and training group (n=10). With the anthropometric measurements of the athletes, the parameters of the 30m sprint and vertical jump were measured as a pre-test at the beginning of the study and as a post-test at the end. After the pre-test values are taken, the athletes in the training group are in addition to their usual weekly routine football training; They have been following the Nordic hamstring exercise protocol for eight weeks, 2-3 days a week. The control group, on the other hand, continued their normal routine football training and did not do any additional training. At the end of the eight-week application, the final test application was made and the study was terminated. In the comparisons of the data within the group, the t-test was used in the dependent groups and the t-test was used in the independent groups for the comparisons between the groups.
Results: As a result of the statistical analysis of the data, it was determined that there were statistically significant improvements in the sprint time and vertical jump height values of the training group (p<0.05). In addition, it was determined that there was a significant difference between the pretest and post-test values of the sprint performance of the control group, but there was not the same significant difference in jumping performance.
Conclusion: In this study, it can be said that the Nordic hamstring exercise protocol applied to young football players showed significant improvements in some performance parameters. It is recommended that coaches give more space to nordic hamstring exercises in their training programs, which have an important effect on both preventing athletes' injuries and improving athletic performance.


  • Alt, T., Schmidt, M. (2021). The ANHEQ evaluation criteria: Introducing reliable rating scales for assessing Nordic hamstring exercise quality. Sports Medicine, 7, 91-96.
  • Amjad, S., Hafeez, T., Javed, H., Azfar, H. (2024). Effects of Nordic versus sprint exercise program in prevention of hamstring ınjuries in football players: Journal of Health and Rehabilitation Research (JHRR),4(1), 1296–1301.
  • Bautista, I.J., Vicente-Mampel, J., Baraja-Vegas, L., Segarra, V., Martín, F., Van Hooren, B. (2021). A systematic review and meta-analysis of intervention studies among team sport players. The Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 24(9), 931-938.
  • Delahunt, E.; McGroarty, M., De Vito, G.; Ditroilo, M. (2016). Nordic hamstring exercise training alters knee joint kinematics and hamstring activation patterns in young men. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 116, 663–672
  • De Oliveira, N.T., Medeiros, T.M., Vianna, K.B., Oliveira, G.D.S., de Araujo Ribeiro-Alvares, J.B., Baroni, B.M. (2020). A four-week training program with the Nordic hamstring exercise during preseason increases eccentric strength of male soccer players. International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy, 15(4), 571-578.
  • Ekstrand, J., Hägglund, M., Waldén, M. (2011). Epidemiology of muscle injuries in professional football (soccer). American Journal of Sports Medicine (AJSM), 39, 1226–1232. Freeman, B.W., Young, W.B., Talpey, S.W., Smyth, A.M., Pane, C.L., Carlon, T.A. (2019). The effects of sprint training and the Nordic hamstring exercise on eccentric hamstring strength and sprint performance in adolescent athletes. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, 59(7), 1119-1125.
  • Glatthorn, J. F., Gouge, S., Nussbauner, S., Stauffacher, S., Impellizzeri, F. M., Maffiuletti, N. A (2011). Validity and Reliability of optojump photoelectric cells for estimating vertical jump height. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research (JSCR), 25(2), 556-560.
  • Guruhan, S., Kafa, N., Ecemis, Z.B., Guzel, N.A. (2021). Muscle activation differences during eccentric hamstring exercises. Sports Health,13, 181–186. Gülü, M., Doğan, A.A. (2021). The effect of 6 week Nordic hamstring exercise on sprint and jumping performance. Journal of Sports Sciences Research, 6(2), 421-430.
  • Iga, J., Fruer, C.S., Deighan, M., Croix, M.D., James, D.V. (2012). ‘Nordic’ hamstrings exercise-engagement characteristics and training responses. International Journal of Sports Medicine, 33, 1000–1004.
  • Ishøi, L., Hölmich, P., Aagaard, P., Thorborg, K., Bandholm, T., Serner, A. (2018). Effects of the Nordic hamstring exercise on sprint capacity in male football players: a randomized controlled trial. Journal of Sports Sciences, 36(14),1663-1672.
  • Kaplan, M.İ., Yapici, A., Ergin, G.F., Atabas, E.G. (2024). Muscle injury response of two different eccentric hamstring exercises. Human Sport Medicine, 24(S1),182–194.
  • Krommes, K., Nielsen, M.F., Krohn, L., Grønfeldt, B.M., Thorborg, K.B., Hölmich, P., Ishøi L. (2020). The effect of including the Nordic hamstring exercise on sprint and jump performance in athletes: protocol of a systematic review and meta-analyses. Pre-print on med Rxiv, 01-APR-2020 v. 1.0.
  • Krommes, K., Petersen, J., Nielsen, M. B., Aagaard, P., Hölmich, P., ve Thorborg, K. (2017). Sprint and jump performance in elite male soccer players following a 10-week Nordic hamstring exercise protocol: a randomised pilot study. BMC Research Notes, 10(1), Article 669.
  • Mjolsnes, R., Arnason, A., Østhagen, T., Raastad, T., Bahr, R. (2004). A 10-week randomized trial comparing eccentric vs. concentric hamstring strength training in well-trained soccer players. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, 14, 311–317.
  • Mendiguchia, J., Martinez-Ruiz, E., Morin, J.B., Samozino, P., Edouard, P., Alcaraz, P.E., ve ark. (2015). Effects of hamstring-emphasized neuromuscular training on strength and sprinting mechanics in football players. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, 25, e621-9.
  • Mor, A., Yurtseven, R., Mor, H., & Acar, K. (2021). 11-12 yaş grubu futbolcularda farklı ısınma protokollerinin bazı performans parametrelerine etkisi. Spormetre, 19(4), 72-83.
  • Nunes, H., Fernandes, L.G., Martins, P.N., Ferreira, R.M. (2024). The effects of Nordic Hamstring exercise on performance and ınjury in the lower extremities: An umbrella review. Healthcare, 12, 1462.
  • Opar, D.A., Timmins, R.G., Behan, F.P., Hickey, J.T., van Dyk, N., Price, K., Maniar, N. (2021). Is pre-season eccentric strength testing during the Nordic hamstring exercise associated with future hamstring strain injury? A systematic review and meta-analysis. Sports Medicine, 51, 1935-1945.
  • Porrati-Paladino, G., Cuesta-Barriuso, R. (2021). Effectiveness of plyometric and eccentric exercise for jumping and stability in female soccer players-a single-blind, randomized controlled pilot study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(1), 294-99.
  • Petersen, J., Thorborg, K., Nielsen, M.B., Budtz-Jørgensen, E., Hölmich, P. (2011). Preventive effect of eccentric training on acute hamstring injuries in men’s soccer: A cluster-randomized controlled trial. American Journal of Sports Medicine, 39, 2296–2303
  • Ribeiro-Alvares, J.B., Marques, V.B., Vaz, M.A., Baroni, B.M. (2018). Four weeks of Nordic hamstring exercise reduce muscle ınjury risk factors in young adults. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research (JSCR),32, 1254–1262.
  • Ripley, N.J., Cuthbert, M., Comfort, P., McMahon, J.J. (2023). Effect of additional Nordic hamstring exercise or sprint training on the modifiable risk factors of hamstring strain injuries and performance. PLoS ONE. 18, e0281966.
  • Rumpf, M. C., Lockie, R. G., Cronin, J. B., Jalilvand, F. (2016). Effect of different sprint training methods on sprint performance over various distances: A brief review. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research (JSCR), 30(6), 1767-1785.
  • Saleh, A.A.A.W., Faude, O., Husain, M.A., Soomro, N., Sanders, R.H. (2021). Combining the copenhagen adduction exercise and nordic hamstring exercise improves dynamic balance among male athletes: A randomized controlled trial. Sports Health, 13, 580–587.
  • Van der Horst, N., Smits, D.W., Petersen, J., Goedhart, E.A., Backx, F.J. (2015). The preventive effect of the Nordic hamstring exercise on hamstring injuries in amateur soccer players: A randomized controll
Toplam 25 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Antrenman
Bölüm Makaleler

Halit Egesoy 0000-0003-1347-8647

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 6 Kasım 2024
Kabul Tarihi 26 Aralık 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 7 Sayı: 4

Kaynak Göster

APA Egesoy, H. (2024). Erkek Futbolcularda Nordik Hamstring Egzersizinin Sprint ve Sıçrama Performansına Etkisi Sprint ve Sıçrama Performansına Etkisi. Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 7(4), 56-66.

Sayın Araştırmacılar,

Spor Bilimleri alanındaki çalışmaları içeren uluslararası nitelikte ve hakemli dergi olarak yayımlanan ÇOMÜ Spor Bilimleri Dergisi'nin EYLÜL 2024'te çıkacak olan sayısı için dergimizin kapsamı dahilinde olan konularla ilgili özgün araştırma ve derleme türünde makaleler kabul edilecektir. Bu anlamda ilgili sayı için makaleler 2024 yılının AĞUSTOS ayı sonuna kadar gönderilebilir. Bilgilerinize sunulur.

Editör Prof. Dr. Hürmüz KOÇ