Araştırma Makalesi
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Yıl 2023, , 608 - 626, 31.07.2023


Turkish foreign policy increasingly focused on the Southeast Asia region in the post-Cold War era. Türkiye realized the necessity to follow active policy towards the regions that Türkiye had limited access during the Cold War era. Southeast Asia region has been defined as a rising region of the post-Cold War world. The region’s economic development and opportunities made Turkish foreign policy makers instigated new foreign policy initiatives towards Southeast Asian countries and regional organizations. Türkiye became sectoral dialogue partner of ASEAN and signed Free Trade Agreements with some regional countries. Türkiye declared Asia a New Initiative in 2019. Türkiye’s trade volume with Southeast Asian countries has substantially increased. Among Southeast Asian countries, Indonesia has special importance with its strategic position and population for Turkish foreign policy. Türkiye-Indonesia relations reached the level of strategic partnership and the two countries’ cooperation in defense industry cemented bilateral relations. Türkiye-Indonesia relations created atmosphere that both countries could work together on important regional and global issues, which includes from struggle against Islamophobia to regional economic development.

In this article Türkiye-Indonesia relations will be evaluated in the framework of Türkiye’s Southeast Asia policy. It is argued that Indonesia deserves more attention in Turkish Southeast Asia policy. Closer Türkiye-Indonesia relations would provide more opportunities for both countries and Turkish-Indonesian relations will become even more important for Türkiye’s Southeast Asia policy.


  • Anwar, D.F., (1994). Indonesian Foreign Policy After the Cold War, Southern Asian Affairs, 146-163, Access: 1 June 2023, JSTOR,
  • Anwar, D.F. (2023). A Journey of Change: Indonesia’s Foreign Policy, Global Asia, Access: 25 March 2023,
  • ASEAN web site, Access: 20 March 2023,
  • Asia A New Initiative, Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Access: 26 May 2023,
  • Bangsamoro Peace Process has ‘come a long way’: Turkish Envoy, (2021). Anadolu Agency, Access: 20 April 2023,
  • Bilateral Relations Between Indonesia-Turkey, The Consulate General of Indonesia/Istanbul-Turkey, Access: 20 March 2023,
  • Cabinet Secretariat of the Republic of Indonesia (2017). Access: 18 March 2023,
  • Çolakoğlu, S, (2012). Turkey’s East Asian Policy From Security Concerns to Trade Partnership, Perceptions, XVII, (4), 129-158.
  • Darmawan A., Husaini M., Rakhmadi R., Atiqasani A, (2022). Investigating the Impact of Indonesia-Turkey CEPA and Factors influencing Indonesian Export Performance, Jurnal Ekonomi Pembangunan, 20 (1), (s.77-88), Access: 22 April 2023,
  • Demirtepe, M.T. and Özertem, H.S. (2013). Yükselen Tehdit Algısı Karşısında Çin’in Yumuşak Güç Siyaseti: Politikalar ve Sınırlılıkları, Bilig, (95), 95-118.
  • Doğan, D. (2022). Asia A New Initiative to Turkey and Impacts on Defense Industry, SETA Analysis, (79), (s.1-14), Access: 20 March 2023,
  • DPR Expects to Intensify Indonesia-Turkish Relations: Deputy Relations (2022). Antara Indonesian News Agency, Access: 25 April 2023,
  • Erdal, İ. (2022). “Türkiye-Endonezya Ticari İlişkileri Üzerine”, M. Dündar and G. Durmaz (Ed.), Türkiye’de Endonezya Çalışmaları-I, in (p. 7-12). Ankara: Ankara Üniversitesi Basımevi.
  • Esenbel, S. (2013). Turkey and Indonesia: Historical Roots, Contemporary Bussiness Links, Middle East Institute, Access: 20 March 2023,
  • FNSS Completed the Serial Production; KAPLAN MT Medium, (2022). Access: 20 April 2023,
  • Gindarsh, I. and Priamarizki, A. (2015). Indonesia’s Maritime Doctrine and Security Concerns, RISIS Policy Report, Access: 11 May 2023,
  • Göksoy, İ.H. (2011). “Ottoman-Ace Relations as Documented in Turkish Sources”, R. M.Feener, P. Daly and A. Reid (Ed.), Mapping the Acehnese Past, in (p. 65-96). Leiden: KITLV Press.
  • Göksoy, İ.H. (2002). Atatürk ve Türk İnkılabının Endonezya’daki Etkileri, Atatürk Araştırma Merkezi Dergisi, 18 (52), 1-36.
  • Hatta, M. (1958). Indonesia Between the Power Blocks, Foreign Affairs, 36, (5), 480-490.
  • Holsti, K. J. (1991). “Restructuring Foreign Policy: A Neglected Phenomenon InForeign Policy Theory”, K. J. Holsti (Ed.), Change in the International System, Essays onthe Theory and Practice of International Relations, in (p. 83-101). Edward Elgar publishing Company.
  • Holsti, K. J. (1988). International Politics: A Framework For Analysis, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall.
  • Idrus, P.G. (2020). Aceh’s History Can Boost Indonesia, Turkey Relations, Anadolu Agency, Access: 20 March 2023,
  • Indonesia Inks Defence Cooperation Action Plan with Turkey (2023). Antara Indonesian News Agency, Access: 25 May 2023,
  • Indonesia to be first foreign user of Turkey’s Khan missile system (2022). Access: 26 May 2023,
  • Indonesia: We Will Strengthen Our Cooperation Wigth Turkey (2022). Access: 24 May 2023,
  • Karsan Signs MoA to Advance Bus Electrification in Indonesia (2022).
  • Kasım, K. (2018). Tayvan-ABD İlişkileri ve Güneydoğu Asya’da Güvenliğe Yansımaları, A. M. Dündar (Ed.), Türkiye’de Tayvan Çalışmaları I in (p. 160-179). Ankara: Ankara Üniversitesi Basımevi.
  • Kasım, K. (2017). The Impact of the US Rebalancing Policy toward Asia Pacific on International Relations in the Region, T. Kaminski (Ed.), Overcoming Controversies in East Asia, in (p. 175-190). Lodz: Lodz University Press.
  • Kasım, K. (2015). Turkey-Taiwan Relations in the Context of Turkey’s Asia-Pacific Policy, Uluslararası İlişkiler/International Relations, 12, (45), 83-100.
  • Muzakki, F. (2017). Theory, Practice, and Analysis of Indonesia’s Foreign Policy, Jurnal Translıtera Edısı 5(2), (p.14-24), Access: 18 March 2023, file:///C:/Users/KAMER/Downloads/360-Article%20Text-721-1-10-20180329%20(2).pdf.
  • Özkan, G. and Demirtepe M.T. (2012). Transformation of a Development Aid Agency: TİKA in a Changing Domestic and International Setting, Turkish Studies, 13 (4), 647-664.
  • President Erdoğan meets with President Widodo of Indonesia (2022). Access: 12 April 2023,
  • Purtaş, F. (2019). ASEAN’ın G-20’deki Temsilcisi Endonezya’nın Türkiye İçin Sunduğu Fırsatlar, F. Purtaş (Ed.), Uluslararası İlişkilere Tarihsel Bakış, in (p. 545-568). Ankara: Nobel Yayınları.
  • Shanghai Cooperation Organization, Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Access: 25 May 2023,,on%206%2D7%20June%202012.
  • Shekbar, V. and Liow, J.C. (2014). Indonesia as a Maritime Power: Jokowi’s Vision, Strategies and Obstacles Ahead, Brookings, Access: 20 April 2023,
  • The First Batch of KAPLAN Medium Tank “HARIMAU” Delivered to Indonesia, (2022). Defence Turkey, (113), April, Access: 20 March 2023,
  • Tetik, Z. (2020). Endonezya’da Bir Osmanlı Görevlisi: Batavya Başşehbenderi Mehmed Kamil Bey’in Hayatı ve 1897 Tarihli Raporu, GİBTÜ İslami İlimler Fakültesi Dergisi, SIRAT, (2), 89-103.
  • Tetik, Z. (2019). Osmanlı Devleti’nin Batavya Başşehbenderleri ve Faaliyetleri (1883-1908), Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, İslam Tarihi ve Sanatları Ana Bilim Dalı Yüksek Lisans Tezi.
  • Turan, İ. (2020). Çin’in Enerji Güvenliği Politikası, Kuşak Yol İnisiyatifi ve Avrasya’da “Yeni Büyük Oyun”, Ankara: Nobel.
  • Turkey, Indonesia Agree to Talks on new Trade Pact (2017). Anadolu Agency, Access: 18 March 2023,
  • Turkey Marks 17th Anniversary of Indonesia Tsunami (2021). Anadolu Agency, Access: 20 March 2023,
  • Turkey’s Relations with the Asia-Pacific Region, Access: 18 March 2023,
  • Turkish Contractors Ready to Build Indonesia’s New Capital (2020). Daily Sabah, Access: 22 April 2023, indonesias-new-capital. Türkiye, Indonesia Eye Strengthened Ties With 7 New Accords Inked (2022). Anadolu Agency, Access: 25 May 2023,
  • Türkiye-Indonesia Economic-Trade Relations (2023). Access: 15 April 2023,, 28 March 2023.
  • Weitz, R. (2014). Turkey: Forgotten Ally in a Forgotten War, Access: 26 May 2023, details&id=9164.
  • Why is Indonesia Moving its Capital from Jakarta to Borneo? (2023). Associated Press, Access: 26 May 2023,
  • Yunus Emre Enstitüsü’nün Yurt Dışı Temsilciliğinin Açılışı Gerçekleştirildi (2022). Yunus Emre Enstitüsü, Access: 26 May 2023,


Yıl 2023, , 608 - 626, 31.07.2023


Turkish foreign policy increasingly focused on the Southeast Asia region in the post-Cold War era. Türkiye realized the necessity to follow active policy towards the regions that Türkiye had limited access during the Cold War era. Southeast Asia region has been defined as a rising region of the post-Cold War world. The region’s economic development and opportunities made Turkish foreign policy makers instigated new foreign policy initiatives towards Southeast Asian countries and regional organizations. Türkiye became sectoral dialogue partner of ASEAN and signed Free Trade Agreements with some regional countries. Türkiye declared Asia a New Initiative in 2019. Türkiye’s trade volume with Southeast Asian countries has substantially increased. Among Southeast Asian countries, Indonesia has special importance with its strategic position and population for Turkish foreign policy. Türkiye-Indonesia relations reached the level of strategic partnership and the two countries’ cooperation in defense industry cemented bilateral relations. Türkiye-Indonesia relations created atmosphere that both countries could work together on important regional and global issues, which includes from struggle against Islamophobia to regional economic development.

In this article Türkiye-Indonesia relations will be evaluated in the framework of Türkiye’s Southeast Asia policy. It is argued that Indonesia deserves more attention in Turkish Southeast Asia policy. Closer Türkiye-Indonesia relations would provide more opportunities for both countries and Turkish-Indonesian relations will become even more important for Türkiye’s Southeast Asia policy.


  • Anwar, D.F., (1994). Indonesian Foreign Policy After the Cold War, Southern Asian Affairs, 146-163, Access: 1 June 2023, JSTOR,
  • Anwar, D.F. (2023). A Journey of Change: Indonesia’s Foreign Policy, Global Asia, Access: 25 March 2023,
  • ASEAN web site, Access: 20 March 2023,
  • Asia A New Initiative, Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Access: 26 May 2023,
  • Bangsamoro Peace Process has ‘come a long way’: Turkish Envoy, (2021). Anadolu Agency, Access: 20 April 2023,
  • Bilateral Relations Between Indonesia-Turkey, The Consulate General of Indonesia/Istanbul-Turkey, Access: 20 March 2023,
  • Cabinet Secretariat of the Republic of Indonesia (2017). Access: 18 March 2023,
  • Çolakoğlu, S, (2012). Turkey’s East Asian Policy From Security Concerns to Trade Partnership, Perceptions, XVII, (4), 129-158.
  • Darmawan A., Husaini M., Rakhmadi R., Atiqasani A, (2022). Investigating the Impact of Indonesia-Turkey CEPA and Factors influencing Indonesian Export Performance, Jurnal Ekonomi Pembangunan, 20 (1), (s.77-88), Access: 22 April 2023,
  • Demirtepe, M.T. and Özertem, H.S. (2013). Yükselen Tehdit Algısı Karşısında Çin’in Yumuşak Güç Siyaseti: Politikalar ve Sınırlılıkları, Bilig, (95), 95-118.
  • Doğan, D. (2022). Asia A New Initiative to Turkey and Impacts on Defense Industry, SETA Analysis, (79), (s.1-14), Access: 20 March 2023,
  • DPR Expects to Intensify Indonesia-Turkish Relations: Deputy Relations (2022). Antara Indonesian News Agency, Access: 25 April 2023,
  • Erdal, İ. (2022). “Türkiye-Endonezya Ticari İlişkileri Üzerine”, M. Dündar and G. Durmaz (Ed.), Türkiye’de Endonezya Çalışmaları-I, in (p. 7-12). Ankara: Ankara Üniversitesi Basımevi.
  • Esenbel, S. (2013). Turkey and Indonesia: Historical Roots, Contemporary Bussiness Links, Middle East Institute, Access: 20 March 2023,
  • FNSS Completed the Serial Production; KAPLAN MT Medium, (2022). Access: 20 April 2023,
  • Gindarsh, I. and Priamarizki, A. (2015). Indonesia’s Maritime Doctrine and Security Concerns, RISIS Policy Report, Access: 11 May 2023,
  • Göksoy, İ.H. (2011). “Ottoman-Ace Relations as Documented in Turkish Sources”, R. M.Feener, P. Daly and A. Reid (Ed.), Mapping the Acehnese Past, in (p. 65-96). Leiden: KITLV Press.
  • Göksoy, İ.H. (2002). Atatürk ve Türk İnkılabının Endonezya’daki Etkileri, Atatürk Araştırma Merkezi Dergisi, 18 (52), 1-36.
  • Hatta, M. (1958). Indonesia Between the Power Blocks, Foreign Affairs, 36, (5), 480-490.
  • Holsti, K. J. (1991). “Restructuring Foreign Policy: A Neglected Phenomenon InForeign Policy Theory”, K. J. Holsti (Ed.), Change in the International System, Essays onthe Theory and Practice of International Relations, in (p. 83-101). Edward Elgar publishing Company.
  • Holsti, K. J. (1988). International Politics: A Framework For Analysis, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall.
  • Idrus, P.G. (2020). Aceh’s History Can Boost Indonesia, Turkey Relations, Anadolu Agency, Access: 20 March 2023,
  • Indonesia Inks Defence Cooperation Action Plan with Turkey (2023). Antara Indonesian News Agency, Access: 25 May 2023,
  • Indonesia to be first foreign user of Turkey’s Khan missile system (2022). Access: 26 May 2023,
  • Indonesia: We Will Strengthen Our Cooperation Wigth Turkey (2022). Access: 24 May 2023,
  • Karsan Signs MoA to Advance Bus Electrification in Indonesia (2022).
  • Kasım, K. (2018). Tayvan-ABD İlişkileri ve Güneydoğu Asya’da Güvenliğe Yansımaları, A. M. Dündar (Ed.), Türkiye’de Tayvan Çalışmaları I in (p. 160-179). Ankara: Ankara Üniversitesi Basımevi.
  • Kasım, K. (2017). The Impact of the US Rebalancing Policy toward Asia Pacific on International Relations in the Region, T. Kaminski (Ed.), Overcoming Controversies in East Asia, in (p. 175-190). Lodz: Lodz University Press.
  • Kasım, K. (2015). Turkey-Taiwan Relations in the Context of Turkey’s Asia-Pacific Policy, Uluslararası İlişkiler/International Relations, 12, (45), 83-100.
  • Muzakki, F. (2017). Theory, Practice, and Analysis of Indonesia’s Foreign Policy, Jurnal Translıtera Edısı 5(2), (p.14-24), Access: 18 March 2023, file:///C:/Users/KAMER/Downloads/360-Article%20Text-721-1-10-20180329%20(2).pdf.
  • Özkan, G. and Demirtepe M.T. (2012). Transformation of a Development Aid Agency: TİKA in a Changing Domestic and International Setting, Turkish Studies, 13 (4), 647-664.
  • President Erdoğan meets with President Widodo of Indonesia (2022). Access: 12 April 2023,
  • Purtaş, F. (2019). ASEAN’ın G-20’deki Temsilcisi Endonezya’nın Türkiye İçin Sunduğu Fırsatlar, F. Purtaş (Ed.), Uluslararası İlişkilere Tarihsel Bakış, in (p. 545-568). Ankara: Nobel Yayınları.
  • Shanghai Cooperation Organization, Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Access: 25 May 2023,,on%206%2D7%20June%202012.
  • Shekbar, V. and Liow, J.C. (2014). Indonesia as a Maritime Power: Jokowi’s Vision, Strategies and Obstacles Ahead, Brookings, Access: 20 April 2023,
  • The First Batch of KAPLAN Medium Tank “HARIMAU” Delivered to Indonesia, (2022). Defence Turkey, (113), April, Access: 20 March 2023,
  • Tetik, Z. (2020). Endonezya’da Bir Osmanlı Görevlisi: Batavya Başşehbenderi Mehmed Kamil Bey’in Hayatı ve 1897 Tarihli Raporu, GİBTÜ İslami İlimler Fakültesi Dergisi, SIRAT, (2), 89-103.
  • Tetik, Z. (2019). Osmanlı Devleti’nin Batavya Başşehbenderleri ve Faaliyetleri (1883-1908), Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, İslam Tarihi ve Sanatları Ana Bilim Dalı Yüksek Lisans Tezi.
  • Turan, İ. (2020). Çin’in Enerji Güvenliği Politikası, Kuşak Yol İnisiyatifi ve Avrasya’da “Yeni Büyük Oyun”, Ankara: Nobel.
  • Turkey, Indonesia Agree to Talks on new Trade Pact (2017). Anadolu Agency, Access: 18 March 2023,
  • Turkey Marks 17th Anniversary of Indonesia Tsunami (2021). Anadolu Agency, Access: 20 March 2023,
  • Turkey’s Relations with the Asia-Pacific Region, Access: 18 March 2023,
  • Turkish Contractors Ready to Build Indonesia’s New Capital (2020). Daily Sabah, Access: 22 April 2023, indonesias-new-capital. Türkiye, Indonesia Eye Strengthened Ties With 7 New Accords Inked (2022). Anadolu Agency, Access: 25 May 2023,
  • Türkiye-Indonesia Economic-Trade Relations (2023). Access: 15 April 2023,, 28 March 2023.
  • Weitz, R. (2014). Turkey: Forgotten Ally in a Forgotten War, Access: 26 May 2023, details&id=9164.
  • Why is Indonesia Moving its Capital from Jakarta to Borneo? (2023). Associated Press, Access: 26 May 2023,
  • Yunus Emre Enstitüsü’nün Yurt Dışı Temsilciliğinin Açılışı Gerçekleştirildi (2022). Yunus Emre Enstitüsü, Access: 26 May 2023,
Toplam 47 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Uluslararası Siyaset
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Kamer Kasım 0000-0002-9594-5183

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Temmuz 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 12 Haziran 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023

Kaynak Göster


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