Araştırma Makalesi
BibTex RIS Kaynak Göster
Yıl 2020, , 91 - 110, 31.01.2020



  • Ahmed, Z. U., Johnson, J. P., Yang, X., Kheng Fatt, C., Sack Teng, H., & Chee Boon, L. (2004). Does country of origin matter for low-involvement products?. International Marketing Review, 21(1), 102-120.
  • Atalaysun, M. (2016). Turkey Food Retail Sector. USDA Foreign Agricultural Service GAIN Report.
  • Balabanis, G., & Diamantopoulos, A. (2004). Domestic country bias, country-of-origin effects, and consumer ethnocentrism: a multidimensional unfolding approach. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 32(1), 80.
  • Bellows, A. C., Alcaraz, G., & Hallman, W. K. (2010). Gender and food, a study of attitudes in the USA towards organic, local, US grown, and GM-free foods. Appetite, 55(3), 540-550.
  • Black, C., Ntani, G., Inskip, H., Cooper, C., Cummins, S., Moon, G., & Baird, J. (2014). Measuring the healthfulness of food retail stores: variations by store type and neighbourhood deprivation. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 11(1), 69.
  • Cardello, A. V. (1995). Food quality: relativity, context and consumer expectations. Food Quality and Preference, 6(3), 163-170.
  • Carpenter, J. M., & Moore, M. (2006). Consumer demographics, store attributes, and retail format choice in the US grocery market. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 34(6), 434-452.
  • Cholette, S., Ozluk, O., Ozsen, L., & R. Ungson, G. (2013). Exploring purchasing preferences: local and ecologically labelled foods. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 30(7), 563-572.
  • Chryssochoidis, G., Krystallis, A., & Perreas, P. (2007). Ethnocentric beliefs and country-of-origin (COO) effect: Impact of country, product and product attributes on Greek consumers' evaluation of food products. European Journal of Marketing, 41(11/12), 1518-1544.
  • Ciburiene, J. (2014). Organic agriculture for sustainable rural development: Lithuanian case. Economic Science for Rural Development, (36), 51-57.
  • Cutler, D. M., & Lleras-Muney, A. (2006). Education and health: evaluating theories and evidence (No. w12352). National Bureau of Economic Research. Retrieved from
  • Davies, A., Titterington, A. J., & Cochrane, C. (1995). Who buys organic food? A profile of the purchasers of organic food in Northern Ireland. British Food Journal, 97(10), 17-23.
  • Dawson, J. (2013). Retailer activity in shaping food choice. Food Quality and Preference, 28(1), 339-347.
  • Denver, S., & Jensen, J. D. (2014). Consumer preferences for organically and locally produced apples. Food Quality and Preference, 31, 129-134.
  • de Tavares Canto Guina, F., & de Moura Engracia Giraldi, J. (2015). The country of origin effect on Brazilian beef trade in Europe: The moderating role of gender, age, and product involvement. Journal of Food Products Marketing, 21(2), 123-140.
  • Denver, S., & Jensen, J. D. (2014). Consumer preferences for organically and locally produced apples. Food Quality and Preference, 31, 129-134.
  • Dichter, E. (1962). The World Customer. Harvard Business Review, 40(4), 113-122.
  • Dimitri, C., Geoghegan, J., & Rogus, S. (2017). Two-stage determinants of the organic food retailing landscape: The case of Manhattan, New York. Journal of Food Products Marketing, 23(2), 221-238.
  • Dransfield, E., Ngapo, T. M., Nielsen, N. A., Bredahl, L., Sjödén, P. O., Magnusson, M., ... & Nute, G. R. (2005). Consumer choice and suggested price for pork as influenced by its appearance, taste and information concerning country of origin and organic pig production. Meat Science, 69(1), 61-70.
  • Durlu-Ozkaya, F., & Gun, İ. (2014). Aroma compounds of some traditional Turkish cheeses and their importance for Turkish cuisine. Food and Nutrition Sciences, 5(04), 425.
  • European Commision (2019). Milk Market Observatory: EU exports of cheeses in 2018 (by origin / destination). Retrieved from., R., Dagevos, J., Gijsberts, M., & Roodenburg, H. (2007, March). The labour market position of Turkish immigrants in Germany and the Netherlands. CBP Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis.
  • Gottschalk, I., & Leistner, T. (2013). Consumer reactions to the availability of organic food in discount supermarkets. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 37(2), 136-142.
  • Government of Netherlands (2016). Agri & food exports achieve record high in 2016.
  • Han, C. M. (1989). Country image: Halo or summary construct. Journal of marketing research, 26(2), 222-229.
  • Harris, E. A., & Strom, S. (2014). Walmart to sell organic food, undercutting big brands. New York Times.
  • Hansen, T., Boye, H., & Uth Thomsen, T. (2010). Involvement, competencies, gender and food health information seeking. British Food Journal, 112(4), 387-402.
  • Hidalgo-Baz, M., Martos-Partal, M., & González-Benito, Ó. (2017). Assessments of the quality of organic versus conventional products, by category and cognitive style. Food Quality and Preference, 62, 31-37.
  • Huddleston, P., Whipple, J., Nye Mattick, R., & Jung Lee, S. (2009). Customer satisfaction in food retailing: comparing specialty and conventional grocery stores. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 37(1), 63-80.
  • Hung, Y., Verbeke, W., & de Kok, T. M. (2016). Stakeholder and consumer reactions towards innovative processed meat products: Insights from a qualitative study about nitrite reduction and phytochemical addition. Food Control, 60, 690-698.
  • Jabbar, M. A., Baker, D., & Fadiga, M. L. (2010). Demand for livestock products in developing countries with a focus on quality and safety attributes. Evidence From Asia and Africa (Vol. 24). ILRI (aka ILCA and ILRAD).
  • Jaeger, S. R. (2006). Non-sensory factors in sensory science research. Food Quality and Preference, 17(1-2), 132-144.
  • Josiassen, A. (2011). Consumer disidentification and its effects on domestic product purchases: An empirical investigation in the Netherlands. Journal of Marketing, 75(2), 124-140.
  • Josiassen, A., Assaf, A. G., & Karpen, I. O. (2011). Consumer ethnocentrism and willingness to buy: Analyzing the role of three demographic consumer characteristics. International Marketing Review, 28(6), 627-646.
  • Josiassen, A., & Assaf, A. (2010). Country-of-origin contingencies: their joint influence on consumer behaviour. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 22(3), 294-313.
  • Josiassen, A., Lukas, B. A., & Whitwell, G. J. (2008). Country-of-origin contingencies: Competing perspectives on product familiarity and product involvement. International Marketing Review, 25(4), 423-440.
  • Kaynak, E., Kucukemiroglu, O., & Hyder, A. S. (2000). Consumers’ country-of-origin (COO) perceptions of imported products in a homogenous less-developed country. European Journal of Marketing, 34(9/10), 1221-1241.
  • Kumpulainen, T., Vainio, A., Sandell, M., & Hopia, A. (2018). The effect of gender, age and product type on the origin induced food product experience among young consumers in Finland. Appetite, 123, 101-107.
  • Larceneux, F., Benoit-Moreau, F., & Renaudin, V. (2012). Why might organic labels fail to influence consumer choices? Marginal labelling and brand equity effects. Journal of Consumer Policy, 35(1), 85-104.
  • Lassen, A. D., Lehmann, C., Andersen, E. W., Werther, M. N., Thorsen, A. V., Trolle, E., ... & Tetens, I. (2016). Gender differences in purchase intentions and reasons for meal selection among fast food customers–Opportunities for healthier and more sustainable fast food. Food Quality and Preference, 47, 123-129.
  • Lim, K. H., Hu, W., Maynard, L. J., & Goddard, E. (2013). US consumers’ preference and willingness to pay for country‐of‐origin‐labeled beef steak and food safety enhancements. Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics/Revue canadienne d'agroeconomie, 61(1), 93-118.
  • Liu, F., Murphy, J., Li, J., & Liu, X. (2006). English and Chinese? The role of consumer ethnocentrism and country of origin in Chinese attitudes towards store signs. Australasian Marketing Journal (AMJ), 14(2), 5-16.
  • Lodorfos, G. N., & Dennis, J. (2008). Consumers’ intent: in the organic food market. Journal of Food Products Marketing, 14(2), 17-38.
  • Malhotra, N. K. (2006). Marketing Research: An Applied Orientation. Upper Saddle River. Prentice Hall
  • Mortimer, G., & Clarke, P. (2011). Supermarket consumers and gender differences relating to their perceived importance levels of store characteristics. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 18(6), 575-585.
  • Neuman, W. L. (2013). Social research methods: qualitative and quantitative approaches. Edinburg Gate. Pearson education.
  • Newman, C. L., Turri, A. M., Howlett, E., & Stokes, A. (2014). Twenty years of country-of-origin food labeling research: a review of the literature and implications for food marketing systems. Journal of Macromarketing, 34(4), 505-519.
  • Ngobo, P. V., & Jean, S. (2012). Does store image influence demand for organic store brands?. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 19(6), 621-628.Onozaka, Y., & McFadden, D. T. (2011). Does local labeling complement or compete with other sustainable labels? A conjoint analysis of direct and joint values for fresh produce claim. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 93(3), 693-706.
  • Ortega, D. L., Hong, S. J., Wang, H. H., & Wu, L. (2016). Emerging markets for imported beef in China: Results from a consumer choice experiment in Beijing. Meat Science, 121, 317-323.
  • Prescott, J., Young, O., O'neill, L., Yau, N. J. N., & Stevens, R. (2002). Motives for food choice: a comparison of consumers from Japan, Taiwan, Malaysia and New Zealand. Food Quality and Preference, 13(7-8), 489-495.
  • Rappoport, L., Peters, G. R., Downey, R., McCann, T., & Huff-Corzine, L. (1993). Gender and age differences in food cognition. Appetite, 20(1), 33-52.
  • Roman, S., Sanchez-Siles, L. M., & Siegrist, M. (2017). The importance of food naturalness for consumers: Results of a systematic review. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 67, 44-57.
  • Schjøll, A. (2017). Country-of-origin preferences for organic food. Organic Agriculture, 7(3), 315-327.
  • Shimp, T. A., & Sharma, S. (1987). Consumer ethnocentrism: Construction and validation of the CETSCALE. Journal of Marketing Research, 24(3), 280-289.
  • Steenkamp, J. B. E. (1989). Product quality: An investigation into the concept and how it is perceived by consumers. Steenkamp.
  • Thøgersen, J., Pedersen, S., & Aschemann-Witzel, J. (2019). The impact of organic certification and country of origin on consumer food choice in developed and emerging economies. Food Quality and Preference, 72, 10-30.
  • Thøgersen, J., Pedersen, S., Paternoga, M., Schwendel, E., & Aschemann-Witzel, J. (2017). How important is country-of-origin for organic food consumers? A review of the literature and suggestions for future research. British Food Journal, 119(3), 542-557.
  • Urena, F., Bernabéu, R., & Olmeda, M. (2008). Women, men and organic food: differences in their attitudes and willingness to pay. A Spanish case study. International Journal of consumer Studies, 32(1), 18-26.
  • Usunier, J. C. (2006). Relevance in business research: the case of country‐of‐origin research in marketing. European Management Review, 3(1), 60-73.
  • Uusitalo, O. (2001). Consumer perceptions of grocery retail formats and brands. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 29(5), 214-225.
  • Wu, M. Y. C., Hsu, M. Y., Chen, S. J., Hwang, D. K., Yen, T. H., & Cheng, C. M. (2017). Point-of-care detection devices for food safety monitoring: proactive disease prevention. Trends in Biotechnology, 35(4), 288-300.
  • Xie, J., Gao, Z., Swisher, M., & Zhao, X. (2016). Consumers’ preferences for fresh broccolis: interactive effects between country of origin and organic labels. Agricultural Economics, 47(2), 181-191.
  • Zheng, Y., Li, X., & Peterson, H. H. (2013). In pursuit of safe foods: Chinese preferences for soybean attributes in soymilk. Agribusiness, 29(3), 377-391.

Evaluation of Organic Food Quality in Turkey: Impact of Gender, Country of Origin and Store Category

Yıl 2020, , 91 - 110, 31.01.2020


study investigated the effects of country of origin (Turkey, Germany, the
Netherlands), gender (male, female) and store category (supermarket, discount
store, specialty food store) on Turkish consumers’ perceived quality of organic
cheese products. Data were collected online from 396 participants via
convenience sampling. Results revealed significant main effects of COO and
store category on the perceived cheese quality. The perceived quality of cheese
in specialty stores were the highest, followed by supermarkets. Yet quality
perception was not positive in discount stores. Thus, specialty food stores and
supermarkets especially appeared to be optimal locations to sell organic foods
in Turkey. Perceived quality rating scored the highest for the cheese originating
in the Netherlands, followed by German and Turkish cheese. Female consumers
showed positive attitudes toward cheese originating from Turkey, whereas male
consumers rated the Turkish cheese as the lowest quality cheese across each
store category. Based on these findings, the present study offered strategical
implications for international and domestic cheese producers as well as
retailers operating in Turkey.


  • Ahmed, Z. U., Johnson, J. P., Yang, X., Kheng Fatt, C., Sack Teng, H., & Chee Boon, L. (2004). Does country of origin matter for low-involvement products?. International Marketing Review, 21(1), 102-120.
  • Atalaysun, M. (2016). Turkey Food Retail Sector. USDA Foreign Agricultural Service GAIN Report.
  • Balabanis, G., & Diamantopoulos, A. (2004). Domestic country bias, country-of-origin effects, and consumer ethnocentrism: a multidimensional unfolding approach. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 32(1), 80.
  • Bellows, A. C., Alcaraz, G., & Hallman, W. K. (2010). Gender and food, a study of attitudes in the USA towards organic, local, US grown, and GM-free foods. Appetite, 55(3), 540-550.
  • Black, C., Ntani, G., Inskip, H., Cooper, C., Cummins, S., Moon, G., & Baird, J. (2014). Measuring the healthfulness of food retail stores: variations by store type and neighbourhood deprivation. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 11(1), 69.
  • Cardello, A. V. (1995). Food quality: relativity, context and consumer expectations. Food Quality and Preference, 6(3), 163-170.
  • Carpenter, J. M., & Moore, M. (2006). Consumer demographics, store attributes, and retail format choice in the US grocery market. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 34(6), 434-452.
  • Cholette, S., Ozluk, O., Ozsen, L., & R. Ungson, G. (2013). Exploring purchasing preferences: local and ecologically labelled foods. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 30(7), 563-572.
  • Chryssochoidis, G., Krystallis, A., & Perreas, P. (2007). Ethnocentric beliefs and country-of-origin (COO) effect: Impact of country, product and product attributes on Greek consumers' evaluation of food products. European Journal of Marketing, 41(11/12), 1518-1544.
  • Ciburiene, J. (2014). Organic agriculture for sustainable rural development: Lithuanian case. Economic Science for Rural Development, (36), 51-57.
  • Cutler, D. M., & Lleras-Muney, A. (2006). Education and health: evaluating theories and evidence (No. w12352). National Bureau of Economic Research. Retrieved from
  • Davies, A., Titterington, A. J., & Cochrane, C. (1995). Who buys organic food? A profile of the purchasers of organic food in Northern Ireland. British Food Journal, 97(10), 17-23.
  • Dawson, J. (2013). Retailer activity in shaping food choice. Food Quality and Preference, 28(1), 339-347.
  • Denver, S., & Jensen, J. D. (2014). Consumer preferences for organically and locally produced apples. Food Quality and Preference, 31, 129-134.
  • de Tavares Canto Guina, F., & de Moura Engracia Giraldi, J. (2015). The country of origin effect on Brazilian beef trade in Europe: The moderating role of gender, age, and product involvement. Journal of Food Products Marketing, 21(2), 123-140.
  • Denver, S., & Jensen, J. D. (2014). Consumer preferences for organically and locally produced apples. Food Quality and Preference, 31, 129-134.
  • Dichter, E. (1962). The World Customer. Harvard Business Review, 40(4), 113-122.
  • Dimitri, C., Geoghegan, J., & Rogus, S. (2017). Two-stage determinants of the organic food retailing landscape: The case of Manhattan, New York. Journal of Food Products Marketing, 23(2), 221-238.
  • Dransfield, E., Ngapo, T. M., Nielsen, N. A., Bredahl, L., Sjödén, P. O., Magnusson, M., ... & Nute, G. R. (2005). Consumer choice and suggested price for pork as influenced by its appearance, taste and information concerning country of origin and organic pig production. Meat Science, 69(1), 61-70.
  • Durlu-Ozkaya, F., & Gun, İ. (2014). Aroma compounds of some traditional Turkish cheeses and their importance for Turkish cuisine. Food and Nutrition Sciences, 5(04), 425.
  • European Commision (2019). Milk Market Observatory: EU exports of cheeses in 2018 (by origin / destination). Retrieved from., R., Dagevos, J., Gijsberts, M., & Roodenburg, H. (2007, March). The labour market position of Turkish immigrants in Germany and the Netherlands. CBP Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis.
  • Gottschalk, I., & Leistner, T. (2013). Consumer reactions to the availability of organic food in discount supermarkets. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 37(2), 136-142.
  • Government of Netherlands (2016). Agri & food exports achieve record high in 2016.
  • Han, C. M. (1989). Country image: Halo or summary construct. Journal of marketing research, 26(2), 222-229.
  • Harris, E. A., & Strom, S. (2014). Walmart to sell organic food, undercutting big brands. New York Times.
  • Hansen, T., Boye, H., & Uth Thomsen, T. (2010). Involvement, competencies, gender and food health information seeking. British Food Journal, 112(4), 387-402.
  • Hidalgo-Baz, M., Martos-Partal, M., & González-Benito, Ó. (2017). Assessments of the quality of organic versus conventional products, by category and cognitive style. Food Quality and Preference, 62, 31-37.
  • Huddleston, P., Whipple, J., Nye Mattick, R., & Jung Lee, S. (2009). Customer satisfaction in food retailing: comparing specialty and conventional grocery stores. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 37(1), 63-80.
  • Hung, Y., Verbeke, W., & de Kok, T. M. (2016). Stakeholder and consumer reactions towards innovative processed meat products: Insights from a qualitative study about nitrite reduction and phytochemical addition. Food Control, 60, 690-698.
  • Jabbar, M. A., Baker, D., & Fadiga, M. L. (2010). Demand for livestock products in developing countries with a focus on quality and safety attributes. Evidence From Asia and Africa (Vol. 24). ILRI (aka ILCA and ILRAD).
  • Jaeger, S. R. (2006). Non-sensory factors in sensory science research. Food Quality and Preference, 17(1-2), 132-144.
  • Josiassen, A. (2011). Consumer disidentification and its effects on domestic product purchases: An empirical investigation in the Netherlands. Journal of Marketing, 75(2), 124-140.
  • Josiassen, A., Assaf, A. G., & Karpen, I. O. (2011). Consumer ethnocentrism and willingness to buy: Analyzing the role of three demographic consumer characteristics. International Marketing Review, 28(6), 627-646.
  • Josiassen, A., & Assaf, A. (2010). Country-of-origin contingencies: their joint influence on consumer behaviour. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 22(3), 294-313.
  • Josiassen, A., Lukas, B. A., & Whitwell, G. J. (2008). Country-of-origin contingencies: Competing perspectives on product familiarity and product involvement. International Marketing Review, 25(4), 423-440.
  • Kaynak, E., Kucukemiroglu, O., & Hyder, A. S. (2000). Consumers’ country-of-origin (COO) perceptions of imported products in a homogenous less-developed country. European Journal of Marketing, 34(9/10), 1221-1241.
  • Kumpulainen, T., Vainio, A., Sandell, M., & Hopia, A. (2018). The effect of gender, age and product type on the origin induced food product experience among young consumers in Finland. Appetite, 123, 101-107.
  • Larceneux, F., Benoit-Moreau, F., & Renaudin, V. (2012). Why might organic labels fail to influence consumer choices? Marginal labelling and brand equity effects. Journal of Consumer Policy, 35(1), 85-104.
  • Lassen, A. D., Lehmann, C., Andersen, E. W., Werther, M. N., Thorsen, A. V., Trolle, E., ... & Tetens, I. (2016). Gender differences in purchase intentions and reasons for meal selection among fast food customers–Opportunities for healthier and more sustainable fast food. Food Quality and Preference, 47, 123-129.
  • Lim, K. H., Hu, W., Maynard, L. J., & Goddard, E. (2013). US consumers’ preference and willingness to pay for country‐of‐origin‐labeled beef steak and food safety enhancements. Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics/Revue canadienne d'agroeconomie, 61(1), 93-118.
  • Liu, F., Murphy, J., Li, J., & Liu, X. (2006). English and Chinese? The role of consumer ethnocentrism and country of origin in Chinese attitudes towards store signs. Australasian Marketing Journal (AMJ), 14(2), 5-16.
  • Lodorfos, G. N., & Dennis, J. (2008). Consumers’ intent: in the organic food market. Journal of Food Products Marketing, 14(2), 17-38.
  • Malhotra, N. K. (2006). Marketing Research: An Applied Orientation. Upper Saddle River. Prentice Hall
  • Mortimer, G., & Clarke, P. (2011). Supermarket consumers and gender differences relating to their perceived importance levels of store characteristics. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 18(6), 575-585.
  • Neuman, W. L. (2013). Social research methods: qualitative and quantitative approaches. Edinburg Gate. Pearson education.
  • Newman, C. L., Turri, A. M., Howlett, E., & Stokes, A. (2014). Twenty years of country-of-origin food labeling research: a review of the literature and implications for food marketing systems. Journal of Macromarketing, 34(4), 505-519.
  • Ngobo, P. V., & Jean, S. (2012). Does store image influence demand for organic store brands?. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 19(6), 621-628.Onozaka, Y., & McFadden, D. T. (2011). Does local labeling complement or compete with other sustainable labels? A conjoint analysis of direct and joint values for fresh produce claim. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 93(3), 693-706.
  • Ortega, D. L., Hong, S. J., Wang, H. H., & Wu, L. (2016). Emerging markets for imported beef in China: Results from a consumer choice experiment in Beijing. Meat Science, 121, 317-323.
  • Prescott, J., Young, O., O'neill, L., Yau, N. J. N., & Stevens, R. (2002). Motives for food choice: a comparison of consumers from Japan, Taiwan, Malaysia and New Zealand. Food Quality and Preference, 13(7-8), 489-495.
  • Rappoport, L., Peters, G. R., Downey, R., McCann, T., & Huff-Corzine, L. (1993). Gender and age differences in food cognition. Appetite, 20(1), 33-52.
  • Roman, S., Sanchez-Siles, L. M., & Siegrist, M. (2017). The importance of food naturalness for consumers: Results of a systematic review. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 67, 44-57.
  • Schjøll, A. (2017). Country-of-origin preferences for organic food. Organic Agriculture, 7(3), 315-327.
  • Shimp, T. A., & Sharma, S. (1987). Consumer ethnocentrism: Construction and validation of the CETSCALE. Journal of Marketing Research, 24(3), 280-289.
  • Steenkamp, J. B. E. (1989). Product quality: An investigation into the concept and how it is perceived by consumers. Steenkamp.
  • Thøgersen, J., Pedersen, S., & Aschemann-Witzel, J. (2019). The impact of organic certification and country of origin on consumer food choice in developed and emerging economies. Food Quality and Preference, 72, 10-30.
  • Thøgersen, J., Pedersen, S., Paternoga, M., Schwendel, E., & Aschemann-Witzel, J. (2017). How important is country-of-origin for organic food consumers? A review of the literature and suggestions for future research. British Food Journal, 119(3), 542-557.
  • Urena, F., Bernabéu, R., & Olmeda, M. (2008). Women, men and organic food: differences in their attitudes and willingness to pay. A Spanish case study. International Journal of consumer Studies, 32(1), 18-26.
  • Usunier, J. C. (2006). Relevance in business research: the case of country‐of‐origin research in marketing. European Management Review, 3(1), 60-73.
  • Uusitalo, O. (2001). Consumer perceptions of grocery retail formats and brands. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 29(5), 214-225.
  • Wu, M. Y. C., Hsu, M. Y., Chen, S. J., Hwang, D. K., Yen, T. H., & Cheng, C. M. (2017). Point-of-care detection devices for food safety monitoring: proactive disease prevention. Trends in Biotechnology, 35(4), 288-300.
  • Xie, J., Gao, Z., Swisher, M., & Zhao, X. (2016). Consumers’ preferences for fresh broccolis: interactive effects between country of origin and organic labels. Agricultural Economics, 47(2), 181-191.
  • Zheng, Y., Li, X., & Peterson, H. H. (2013). In pursuit of safe foods: Chinese preferences for soybean attributes in soymilk. Agribusiness, 29(3), 377-391.
Toplam 62 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Murat Aktan 0000-0002-3126-6739

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Ocak 2020
Gönderilme Tarihi 24 Nisan 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020

Kaynak Göster

APA Aktan, M. (2020). Evaluation of Organic Food Quality in Turkey: Impact of Gender, Country of Origin and Store Category. Yönetim Bilimleri Dergisi, 18(35), 91-110.

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