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Borderline Kişilik Organizasyonu ile Aldatma Eğilimi Nedenleri Arasındaki İlişkinin İncelenmesi

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 2, 1 - 14, 31.12.2023


Bu çalışma, borderline kişilik organizasyonu ile aldatma eğilimi sebepleri arasındaki ilişkiyi belirlemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Araştırma, 251 (%62.0) kadın katılımcı ve 154 erkek (%38.0) olmak üzere toplamda 400 genç yetişkinin gönüllü olarak katılımından oluşmaktadır. Çalışmada araştırmacı tarafından hazırlanan Sosyo-Demografik Bilgi Formu, Borderline Kişilik Ölçeği (BKÖ) ve Aldatma Eğilimi Sebepleri Ölçeği (AESÖ) kullanılmıştır. Çevrim içi olarak toplanan veriler SPSS 25 programına uygun şekilde kodlanarak aktarılmıştır. Analizlere başlamadan önce normal dağılım varsayımı kontrol edilmiş ve araştırmaya ilişkin tüm ölçüm araçlarının normal dağılılma uygun olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Araştırma bulgularına göre, borderline kişilik özellikleri ile aldatma eğilimi arasında pozitif yönde bir ilişki tespit edilmiştir. Sonrasında tespit edilen bu ilişkiyi referans alarak regresyon modeli kurulmuştur. Kurulan regresyon modelinin sonucuna göre, dürtüsellik, terk edilme ve psikoz benzeri durumlar bağımsız değişkenleri aldatma eğilimi bağımlı değişkeni için anlamlı yordayıcı olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Dürtüsellik, terk edilme ve psikoz benzeri durumlar bağımsız değişkenlerinin aldatma etkisinin pozitif olduğu gözlemlenmiştir. Aldatma eğilimindeki değişimi en iyi açıklayan değişkenin dürtüsellik olduğu saptanmıştır. Bu bulgular ışığında dürtüselliğin aldatma eğilimindeki değişimi en iyi açıklayan değişken olduğunu göstermiştir.


  • Adrian, M., Zeman, J., Erdley, C., Lisa, L., & Sim, L. (2011). Emotional dysregulation and interpersonal difficulties as risk factors for nonsuicidal self-injury in adolescent girls. Journal of Anormal Child Psychology, 39(3), 389-400.
  • Agrawal, H. R., Gunderson, J., Holmes, B. M., & Lyons-Ruth, K. (2004). Attachment studies with borderline patients: a review. Harvard Review of Psychiatry, 12(2), 94–104.
  • Alavi M, Mei T.K., Mehrinezhad S.A., (2018). The dark triad of personality and infidelity intentions: The moderating role of relationship experience. Personality and Individual Differences,128: 49-54.
  • Allen E.S., Baucom D.H., Adult attachment and patterns of extradyadic involvement. Family Process. 2004;43:467–488.
  • American Psychiatric Association (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual mental disorders (5th ed.).
  • Antičević, V.S. & Britvić, D. (2019). Emotional competence and coping mechanisms in Croatian women with borderline personality disorder: the role of attachment. Psychiatria Danubina, 31(1),88-94.,4869/psyd.2019.88
  • Armenti, N.A.,& Babcock, J.C., (2021). Borderline Personality Features, Anger, and Intimate Partner Violence: An Experimental Manipulation of Rejection. Journal of Interpersonal Violence,(5-6):NP3104-NP3129.
  • Beck, A.T., Freeman, A. ve Davis, D. (2004). Cognitive Therapy for Personality Disorders. New York: The Guilford Press.
  • Berenson, K. R., Downey, G., Rafaeli, E., Coifman, K. G., & Paquin, N. L. (2011). The rejection-rage contingency in borderline personality disorder. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 120, 681–690.
  • Birnbaum. G.E., Mizrahi. M., Kovler. L., Stutzman. B., Aloni-Soroker. A. &Reis HT. (2019). Our Fragile Relationships: Relationship Threat and Its Effect on the Allure of Alternative Mates. Arch Sex Behav, 48(3), 703-713.
  • Bogaert, A. F., & Sadava, S. (2002). Adult attachment and sexual behavior. Personal Relationships, 9(2), 191–204.
  • Buchheim, A. & Diamond, D. (2018). Attachment and Borderline Personality Disorder. Psychiatric Clinics of North America. 41(4), 651-668.
  • Cavicchioli, M. & Maffei, C. (2020). Rejection sensitivity in borderline personality disorder and the cognitive-affective personality system: A meta-analytic review. Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment, 11(1), 1-12.
  • Ceylan, V. (2017). “Borderline Kişilik Ölçeği (Türkçe BKÖ): Geçerlik,güvenirliği, faktör yapısı” (Tez no. 454194) [Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Hasan Kalyoncu Üniversitesi]. YÖK Ulusal Tez Merkezi. Yüksek lisans tezi).
  • Derrick J.L., Houston R.J., Quigley B.M., Testa M, Kubiak A., Levitt A., Homish, G.G. & Leonard, K.E. (2016). (Dis) similarity in impulsivity and marital satisfaction: A comparison of volatility, compatibility, and incompatibility hypotheses. Journal of Research in Personality, (1 )61:35-49.
  • DeWall, C.N., Lambert, N.M., Slotter, E.B., Pond, R.S., Deckman, T., Finkel, E.J., et al. (2011). So far away from one's partner, yet so close to romantic alternatives: Avoidant attachment, interest in alternatives, and infidelity. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 101(6), 1302–1316.
  • Er, K., Bal, F., & Faraji, H. (2020). Aldatma Eğilimi Sebepleri Ölçeği. International Journal of Disciplines Economics & Administrative Sciences Studies, 6(22), 596-608.
  • Eskander N, Emamy M, Saad-Omer S M, Khan, F. & Jahan, N. (August 05, 2020). The impact of impulsivity and emotional dysregulation on comorbid bipolar disorder and borderline personality disorder. Cureus 12(8): e9581.
  • Euler, S., Nolte, T., Constantinou, M., Griem, J, Montague, P.R., Fonagy, P. (2021). Interpersonal problems in borderline personality disorder:associations with mentalizing, emotion regulation, and impulsiveness. Journal of Personality Disorders, 35,177-193.
  • Faraji, H. (2021). Borderline kişilik bozukluğunun ergenlik döneminde belirlenmesine dair bir değerlendirme. OPUS Toplum Araştırmaları Dergisi, 18(43), 7141-7166.
  • Faraji, H., & Güler, K. (2021). Borderline personality traits and self-handicapping. International Journal of Current Research, 13(6), 17683-17689.
  • Faraji, H., & Tezcan, A. E. (2022). Borderline kişilik bozukluğu. Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık.
  • Fish, J.N., Pavkov, T.W., Wetchler, J.L. & Bercik, J. (2012) Characteristics of Those Who Participate in Infidelity: The Role of Adult Attachment and Differentiation in Extradyadic Experiences. American Journal of Family Therapy, 40, 214-229.
  • Gómez, S. N, Frías, Á & Carol, P. (2017). Romantic relationships of people with borderline personality: A narrative review. Psychopathology, 50(3):175-187.
  • Gürbüz, S., & Şahin, F. (2016). Sosyal Bilimlerde Araştırma Yöntemleri: Felsefe Yöntem Analiz. Seçkin Yayıncılık.
  • Hahs-Vaughn, DL ve Lomax, RG (2020). İstatistiksel Kavramlara Giriş (4. baskı). Routledge.
  • He, S & Tsang, S. (2017). Perceived female infidelity and male sexual coercion concerning first sex in Chinese college students' dating relationships: The mediating role of male partners' attachment insecurity. Personality and Individual Differences,11(1), 146-152.
  • Heekerens J.B., Schulze, L., Enge, J., Renneberg, B. & Roepke, S. (2022). The temporal relation of arousal and perceived rejection in patients with borderline personality disorder and depressive disorders: An experience sampling approach. Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment, 13(6):597-608.
  • Ignat, R. (2018). 704 infidelity, impulsivity, attachment and distorted cognitions. The Journal of Sexual Medicine, 15(3):401.
  • Kanwal, S. & Kazmi, S.F. (2022). Impulsivity, impulsive aggression, and borderline personality features among violent spouses. Heliyon, 8(8):e10135.
  • Kenézlöi, E, Balogh, L, Fazekas, K, Bajzát, B, Kruck, E, Unoka, Z & Réthelyi, J. (2020). Transdiagnostic study of impulsivity dimensions. Comparative analysis of impulsivity profiles in adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and borderline personality disorder. Psychiatria Hungarica, 35(2),136-145.
  • Kuo, J. R., Khoury, J. E., Metcalfe, R., Fitzpatrick, S., & Goodwill, A. (2015). An examination of the relationship between childhood emotional abuse and borderline personality disorder features The role of difficulties with emotion regulation. Child Abuse Neglect, 39(1), 147-155.
  • Lazarus. S.A., Scott. L.N., Beeney. J.E., Wright. AGC., Stepp. S.D., & Pilkonis P.A. (2018). Borderline personality disorder symptoms and affective responses to perceptions of rejection and acceptance from romantic versus nonromantic partners. Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment, 9(3), 197-206.
  • Levy, K. N., Johnson, B. N., Clouthier, T. L., Scala, J. W., & Temes, C. M. (2015). An attachment theoretical framework for personality disorders. Canadian Psychology/Psychologie Canadienne, 56(2), 197-207.
  • Linhartova, P, Širůček, J, Ejova, A, Bartecek, R, Theiner, P. & Kašpárek, T. (2021). Dimensions of impulsivity in healthy people, patients with borderline personality disorder, and patients with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Journal of Attention Disorders, 25(4):584-595. Lo Monte, F., & Englebert, J. (2022). Borderline Personality Disorder, Lived Space, and the Stimmung. Psychopathology, 55(3-4), 179-189.
  • Lyons–Ruth, K., Yellin, C., Melnick, S. ve Atwood, G. (2005). Expanding the concept of unresolved mental states: Hostile/helpless states of mind in the adult attachment interview are associated with disrupted mother–infant communication and infant disorganization. Development and Psychopathology, 17(1), 1-23.
  • Martin, S, Monte, J.D. & Graziani, P. (2019). Impulsivity issues in borderline personality disorder and its links with insight: the role of urgency. Heliyon, 4;5(10):e02564.
  • Mikulincer, M., & Shaver, P. (2016). Attachment in Adulthood. Guilford Press.
  • Miller, C. E., Townsend, M. L., Day, N. J., & Grenyer, B. F. (2020). Measuring the shadows: A systematic review of chronic emptiness in borderline personality disorder. PLoS One, 15(7), e0233970.
  • Mungo, A., Hein, M., Hubain, P., Loas, G. & Fontaine, P. (2020). Impulsivity and its therapeutic management in borderline personality disorder: a systematic review. Psychiatr Q, 91(4):1333-1362.
  • Munsch, C. L. (2015). Her support, his support: Money, masculinity, and marital infidelity. American Sociological Review, 80(3), 469-495. DOI: 10.1177/0003122415579989
  • Palihawadana, V., Broadbear, J.H. & Rao, S. (2018). Reviewing the clinical significance of 'fear of abandonment' in borderline personality disorder. Australasian Psychiatry, 27(1), 60-63.
  • Pierro, Rs., Amelio, S., Macca, M., Madeddu, F. & Sarno, M.D. (2022). What If I Feel Rejected? Borderline Personality, Pathological Narcissism, and Social Rejection in Daily Life. Journal of Personality Disorders, 36(5):559-582.
  • Porch, A. M., Rawlings, D., Claridge, G., Freeman, J. L., Faulkner, C., & Shelton, C. (2006). The BPQ: A scale for the assessment of borderline personality based on DSM-IV criteria. Journal of Personality Disorders, 20(3), 247-260.
  • Pournaghash, S. (2019). Infidelity, impulsivity, and marital adjustment. Journal of Psychiatry Depression & Anxiety, 5: 20.
  • Renneberg, B., Herm, K., Hahn, A., Staebler, K., Lammers, C.H., & Roepke, S. (2012). Perception of Social Participation in Borderline Personality Disorder. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, 19, 473–480.
  • Rockland, L.H. (2016). Borderline Hastalar İçin Destekleyici Terapi Psikodinamik Bir Yaklaşım. Psikoterapi Enstitüsü Eğitim Yayınları. Rosu, A, Tót, K, Godó, G, Keri, S, Nagby, A. & Eördegh, G. (2022). Visually guided equivalence learning in borderline personality disorder. Heliyon,8(10). e10823.
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The Investigation of the Relationship Between Borderline Personality Organization and the Reasons for the Tendency Towards Infidelity

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 2, 1 - 14, 31.12.2023


This study aims to determine the relationship between borderline personality organization and tendency to infidelity. The research consisted of a total of 400 young adults, 251 (62.0%) of whom were female participants and 154 (38.0%) were male, who volunteered to participate. The Socio-Demographic Information Form, Borderline Personality Questionnaire (BPQ), and Infidelity Tendency Scale (SCIT) prepared by the researcher were used in the study. The data collected online were coded appropriately and transferred to SPSS 25 program for analysis. Prior to conducting the analysis, the assumption of normal distribution was checked and it was found that all measurement tools were suitable for normal distribution. According to the research findings, a positive relationship was found between borderline personality traits and tendency to infidelity. Subsequently, a regression model was established based on this relationship. According to the result of the regression model, impulsivity, abandonment, and psychosis-like situations were found to be significant predictors for the dependent variable of tendency to infidelity. It was observed that the effect of impulsivity, abandonment, and psychosis-like situations as independent variables on infidelity was positive. Impulsivity was found to be the best variable that explained the changes in the tendency to infidelity. These findings indicate that impulsivity is the best variable that explains the changes in the tendency to infidelity.


  • Adrian, M., Zeman, J., Erdley, C., Lisa, L., & Sim, L. (2011). Emotional dysregulation and interpersonal difficulties as risk factors for nonsuicidal self-injury in adolescent girls. Journal of Anormal Child Psychology, 39(3), 389-400.
  • Agrawal, H. R., Gunderson, J., Holmes, B. M., & Lyons-Ruth, K. (2004). Attachment studies with borderline patients: a review. Harvard Review of Psychiatry, 12(2), 94–104.
  • Alavi M, Mei T.K., Mehrinezhad S.A., (2018). The dark triad of personality and infidelity intentions: The moderating role of relationship experience. Personality and Individual Differences,128: 49-54.
  • Allen E.S., Baucom D.H., Adult attachment and patterns of extradyadic involvement. Family Process. 2004;43:467–488.
  • American Psychiatric Association (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual mental disorders (5th ed.).
  • Antičević, V.S. & Britvić, D. (2019). Emotional competence and coping mechanisms in Croatian women with borderline personality disorder: the role of attachment. Psychiatria Danubina, 31(1),88-94.,4869/psyd.2019.88
  • Armenti, N.A.,& Babcock, J.C., (2021). Borderline Personality Features, Anger, and Intimate Partner Violence: An Experimental Manipulation of Rejection. Journal of Interpersonal Violence,(5-6):NP3104-NP3129.
  • Beck, A.T., Freeman, A. ve Davis, D. (2004). Cognitive Therapy for Personality Disorders. New York: The Guilford Press.
  • Berenson, K. R., Downey, G., Rafaeli, E., Coifman, K. G., & Paquin, N. L. (2011). The rejection-rage contingency in borderline personality disorder. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 120, 681–690.
  • Birnbaum. G.E., Mizrahi. M., Kovler. L., Stutzman. B., Aloni-Soroker. A. &Reis HT. (2019). Our Fragile Relationships: Relationship Threat and Its Effect on the Allure of Alternative Mates. Arch Sex Behav, 48(3), 703-713.
  • Bogaert, A. F., & Sadava, S. (2002). Adult attachment and sexual behavior. Personal Relationships, 9(2), 191–204.
  • Buchheim, A. & Diamond, D. (2018). Attachment and Borderline Personality Disorder. Psychiatric Clinics of North America. 41(4), 651-668.
  • Cavicchioli, M. & Maffei, C. (2020). Rejection sensitivity in borderline personality disorder and the cognitive-affective personality system: A meta-analytic review. Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment, 11(1), 1-12.
  • Ceylan, V. (2017). “Borderline Kişilik Ölçeği (Türkçe BKÖ): Geçerlik,güvenirliği, faktör yapısı” (Tez no. 454194) [Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Hasan Kalyoncu Üniversitesi]. YÖK Ulusal Tez Merkezi. Yüksek lisans tezi).
  • Derrick J.L., Houston R.J., Quigley B.M., Testa M, Kubiak A., Levitt A., Homish, G.G. & Leonard, K.E. (2016). (Dis) similarity in impulsivity and marital satisfaction: A comparison of volatility, compatibility, and incompatibility hypotheses. Journal of Research in Personality, (1 )61:35-49.
  • DeWall, C.N., Lambert, N.M., Slotter, E.B., Pond, R.S., Deckman, T., Finkel, E.J., et al. (2011). So far away from one's partner, yet so close to romantic alternatives: Avoidant attachment, interest in alternatives, and infidelity. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 101(6), 1302–1316.
  • Er, K., Bal, F., & Faraji, H. (2020). Aldatma Eğilimi Sebepleri Ölçeği. International Journal of Disciplines Economics & Administrative Sciences Studies, 6(22), 596-608.
  • Eskander N, Emamy M, Saad-Omer S M, Khan, F. & Jahan, N. (August 05, 2020). The impact of impulsivity and emotional dysregulation on comorbid bipolar disorder and borderline personality disorder. Cureus 12(8): e9581.
  • Euler, S., Nolte, T., Constantinou, M., Griem, J, Montague, P.R., Fonagy, P. (2021). Interpersonal problems in borderline personality disorder:associations with mentalizing, emotion regulation, and impulsiveness. Journal of Personality Disorders, 35,177-193.
  • Faraji, H. (2021). Borderline kişilik bozukluğunun ergenlik döneminde belirlenmesine dair bir değerlendirme. OPUS Toplum Araştırmaları Dergisi, 18(43), 7141-7166.
  • Faraji, H., & Güler, K. (2021). Borderline personality traits and self-handicapping. International Journal of Current Research, 13(6), 17683-17689.
  • Faraji, H., & Tezcan, A. E. (2022). Borderline kişilik bozukluğu. Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık.
  • Fish, J.N., Pavkov, T.W., Wetchler, J.L. & Bercik, J. (2012) Characteristics of Those Who Participate in Infidelity: The Role of Adult Attachment and Differentiation in Extradyadic Experiences. American Journal of Family Therapy, 40, 214-229.
  • Gómez, S. N, Frías, Á & Carol, P. (2017). Romantic relationships of people with borderline personality: A narrative review. Psychopathology, 50(3):175-187.
  • Gürbüz, S., & Şahin, F. (2016). Sosyal Bilimlerde Araştırma Yöntemleri: Felsefe Yöntem Analiz. Seçkin Yayıncılık.
  • Hahs-Vaughn, DL ve Lomax, RG (2020). İstatistiksel Kavramlara Giriş (4. baskı). Routledge.
  • He, S & Tsang, S. (2017). Perceived female infidelity and male sexual coercion concerning first sex in Chinese college students' dating relationships: The mediating role of male partners' attachment insecurity. Personality and Individual Differences,11(1), 146-152.
  • Heekerens J.B., Schulze, L., Enge, J., Renneberg, B. & Roepke, S. (2022). The temporal relation of arousal and perceived rejection in patients with borderline personality disorder and depressive disorders: An experience sampling approach. Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment, 13(6):597-608.
  • Ignat, R. (2018). 704 infidelity, impulsivity, attachment and distorted cognitions. The Journal of Sexual Medicine, 15(3):401.
  • Kanwal, S. & Kazmi, S.F. (2022). Impulsivity, impulsive aggression, and borderline personality features among violent spouses. Heliyon, 8(8):e10135.
  • Kenézlöi, E, Balogh, L, Fazekas, K, Bajzát, B, Kruck, E, Unoka, Z & Réthelyi, J. (2020). Transdiagnostic study of impulsivity dimensions. Comparative analysis of impulsivity profiles in adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and borderline personality disorder. Psychiatria Hungarica, 35(2),136-145.
  • Kuo, J. R., Khoury, J. E., Metcalfe, R., Fitzpatrick, S., & Goodwill, A. (2015). An examination of the relationship between childhood emotional abuse and borderline personality disorder features The role of difficulties with emotion regulation. Child Abuse Neglect, 39(1), 147-155.
  • Lazarus. S.A., Scott. L.N., Beeney. J.E., Wright. AGC., Stepp. S.D., & Pilkonis P.A. (2018). Borderline personality disorder symptoms and affective responses to perceptions of rejection and acceptance from romantic versus nonromantic partners. Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment, 9(3), 197-206.
  • Levy, K. N., Johnson, B. N., Clouthier, T. L., Scala, J. W., & Temes, C. M. (2015). An attachment theoretical framework for personality disorders. Canadian Psychology/Psychologie Canadienne, 56(2), 197-207.
  • Linhartova, P, Širůček, J, Ejova, A, Bartecek, R, Theiner, P. & Kašpárek, T. (2021). Dimensions of impulsivity in healthy people, patients with borderline personality disorder, and patients with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Journal of Attention Disorders, 25(4):584-595. Lo Monte, F., & Englebert, J. (2022). Borderline Personality Disorder, Lived Space, and the Stimmung. Psychopathology, 55(3-4), 179-189.
  • Lyons–Ruth, K., Yellin, C., Melnick, S. ve Atwood, G. (2005). Expanding the concept of unresolved mental states: Hostile/helpless states of mind in the adult attachment interview are associated with disrupted mother–infant communication and infant disorganization. Development and Psychopathology, 17(1), 1-23.
  • Martin, S, Monte, J.D. & Graziani, P. (2019). Impulsivity issues in borderline personality disorder and its links with insight: the role of urgency. Heliyon, 4;5(10):e02564.
  • Mikulincer, M., & Shaver, P. (2016). Attachment in Adulthood. Guilford Press.
  • Miller, C. E., Townsend, M. L., Day, N. J., & Grenyer, B. F. (2020). Measuring the shadows: A systematic review of chronic emptiness in borderline personality disorder. PLoS One, 15(7), e0233970.
  • Mungo, A., Hein, M., Hubain, P., Loas, G. & Fontaine, P. (2020). Impulsivity and its therapeutic management in borderline personality disorder: a systematic review. Psychiatr Q, 91(4):1333-1362.
  • Munsch, C. L. (2015). Her support, his support: Money, masculinity, and marital infidelity. American Sociological Review, 80(3), 469-495. DOI: 10.1177/0003122415579989
  • Palihawadana, V., Broadbear, J.H. & Rao, S. (2018). Reviewing the clinical significance of 'fear of abandonment' in borderline personality disorder. Australasian Psychiatry, 27(1), 60-63.
  • Pierro, Rs., Amelio, S., Macca, M., Madeddu, F. & Sarno, M.D. (2022). What If I Feel Rejected? Borderline Personality, Pathological Narcissism, and Social Rejection in Daily Life. Journal of Personality Disorders, 36(5):559-582.
  • Porch, A. M., Rawlings, D., Claridge, G., Freeman, J. L., Faulkner, C., & Shelton, C. (2006). The BPQ: A scale for the assessment of borderline personality based on DSM-IV criteria. Journal of Personality Disorders, 20(3), 247-260.
  • Pournaghash, S. (2019). Infidelity, impulsivity, and marital adjustment. Journal of Psychiatry Depression & Anxiety, 5: 20.
  • Renneberg, B., Herm, K., Hahn, A., Staebler, K., Lammers, C.H., & Roepke, S. (2012). Perception of Social Participation in Borderline Personality Disorder. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, 19, 473–480.
  • Rockland, L.H. (2016). Borderline Hastalar İçin Destekleyici Terapi Psikodinamik Bir Yaklaşım. Psikoterapi Enstitüsü Eğitim Yayınları. Rosu, A, Tót, K, Godó, G, Keri, S, Nagby, A. & Eördegh, G. (2022). Visually guided equivalence learning in borderline personality disorder. Heliyon,8(10). e10823.
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Toplam 63 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Psikoloji
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Haydeh Faraji 0000-0001-5306-6546

Hazal Tezcan Bu kişi benim 0009-0006-7291-3070

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 11 Nisan 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023 Cilt: 3 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Faraji, H., & Tezcan, H. (2023). The Investigation of the Relationship Between Borderline Personality Organization and the Reasons for the Tendency Towards Infidelity. Current Research and Reviews in Psychology and Psychiatry, 3(2), 1-14.

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