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Son trimester gebelerde doğum korkusunu etkileyen faktörler ve doğum korkusunun postpartum depresyon ve maternal bağlanma ile ilişkisi

Year 2020, Volume: 45 Issue: 1, 239 - 250, 31.03.2020


Amaç: Bu çalışma son trimester gebelerin doğum korkusunu etkileyen faktörleri ve doğum korkusunun postpartum depresyon ve maternal bağlanma ile ilişkisini belirlemek amacı ile yapılmıştır.
Gereç ve Yöntem: Araştırma kesitsel tipte olup, batıda bir ilde bir üniversite ve bir devlet hastanesinin kadın doğum kliniği ve polikliniklerinde 2014-2016 yılları arasında yürütülmüştür. Araştırma 163 gebe ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırmanın verileri gebelerin sosyo-demografik özelliklerini ve doğum korkusunu etkileyeceği düşünülen sorulardan oluşan anket formu, Wijma Doğum Beklentisi Deneyimi Ölçeği, Gebeliğe Bağlı Yakınmalara İlişkin Ölçek, Gebelikte Psikososyal Sağlığı Değerlendirme Ölçeği, Edinburg Doğum Sonrası Depresyon Ölçeği, Maternal Bağlanma Ölçeği ile toplanmıştır.
Bulgular: Gebelerin doğum korkusu puan ortalaması 66.88±27.45’dir. Gebelik takibinde sosyal destek almayanlarda (MWU= 183.0; p= 0.041) ve doğuma ilişkin yeterli bilgiye sahip olmayanlarda (MWU=1840.50; p= 0.000) doğum korkusunun arttığı bulunmuştur. Gebelerin Wijma Doğum Beklentisi Deneyimi Ölçeği puan ortalaması ile Edinburg Doğum Sonrası Depresyon Ölçeği puan ortalaması arasında pozitif yönde zayıf ilişki (r=0.271; p=0.023) saptanmıştır.
Sonuç: Gebelik takibinde sosyal destek almayanlarda ve doğuma ilişkin yeterli bilgiye sahip olmayanlarda doğum korkusunun arttığı bulunmuştur. Ayrıca doğum korkusunun doğum sonrası depresyona neden olabileceği belirlenmiştir. 

Supporting Institution

Aydın Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri

Project Number



Bu araştırma Aydın Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri (BAP) tarafından desteklenmiştir. BAP birimine teşekkür ediyoruz.


  • 1. Daş Z. Gebeliğin psikososyal ve kültürel boyutları. İçinde: Doğum ve Kadın Sağlığı Hemşireliği. (Ed L Taşkın): 211–23.. Ankara, Sistem Ofset Matbaacılık, 2007.
  • 2. Green J.M, Kafetsios K, Statham H.E, Snowdon C.M. Factor structure, validity and reliability of the Cambridge Worry Scale in a pregnant population. J Health Psychol. 2003; 8(6):753-64.
  • 3. Hofberg K, Ward MR. Fear of pregnancy and childbirth. Postgrad Med J 2003;79 (935): 505-10.
  • 4.Timur S, Şahin HN. Kadınların doğumda sosyal destek tercihleri ve deneyimleri. Hemşirelikte Araştırma Geliştirme Dergisi. 2010; 12(1):29-40.
  • 5. Subaşı B, Özcan H, Pekçetin S, Göker B, Tunç S, Budak B. Doğum eğitiminin doğum kaygısı ve korkusu üzerine etkisi. Selçuk Üniversitesi Tıp Dergisi. 2013;29(4):165-67.
  • 6. Şahin N, Dinç H, Dişsiz M. Gebelerin doğuma ilişkin korkuları ve etkileyen faktörler. Zeynep Kamil Tıp Bülteni. 2009;40(2):57-62.
  • 7. Serçekuş P. Nullipar kadınlarda normal spontan doğuma ilişkin korkular ve nedenlerinin incelenmesi (Yüksek lisans tezi). İzmir, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi, 2005.
  • 8. Billert H. Tokophobia- a multidisciplinary problem. Ginekol Pol. 2007;78(10): 807–811, indexed in Pubmed: 18200974.
  • 9. Ryding E, Wijma B, Wijma K, Rydhstrom H. Fear of childbirth during pregnancy may increase the risk of emergency cesarean section. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 1998;77:542–547.
  • 10. El-Aziz SN , Mansour SE, Hassan NF. Factors associated with fear of childbirth: It’s effect on women’s preference for elective cesarean section. J Nurs Educ Pract. 2017; 7(1):133-145.
  • 11. Adams S, Eberhard-Gran M, Eskild A. Fear of childbirth and duration of labour: a study of 2206 women with ıntended vaginal delivery. BJOG. 2012; 119: 1238-46.
  • 12.Soltani F, Eskandari Z, Khodakarami B, Parsa P, Roshanaei G. Factors contributing to fear of childbirth among pregnant women in Hamadan (Iran) in 2016. Electronic Physician (ISSN: 2008-5842); July. 2017; 9(7):4725-31.
  • 13. Fenwick J, Gamble J, Nathan E, Bayes S, Hauck Y. Pre- and postpartum levels of childbirth fear and the relationship to birth outcomes in a cohort of Australian women. J Clin Nurs. 2009; 18: 667-77.
  • 14. Ryding E, Lukasse M, Schei B. Fear of childbirth does ıt affect mode of delivery. The BIDENS study results from six countries. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2012;91, 38.
  • 15.Wijma K. Why focus on 'fear of childbirth'? J Psychosom Obstet Gynaecol. 2003;24(3):141-3.
  • 16. Rouhe H, Salmela-Aro K, Toivanen R, Tokola M, Halmesmäki E, Saisto T. Obstetric outcome after intervention for severe fear of childbirth in nulliparous women - randomised trial. BJOG 2013;120(1):75-84.
  • 17. Sydsjö G, Angerbjörn L, Palmquist S, Bladh M, Sydsjö A, Josefsson A. Secondary fear of childbirth prolongs the time to subsequent delivery. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 2013;92(2):210-4.
  • 18. Hall W, Hauck Y, Carty E, Hutton E, Fenwick J, Stoll K. Childbirth fear, anxiety, fatigue, and sleep deprivation in pregnant women. JOGNN. 2009;38(5): 567-76.
  • 19. Tsui, MH ve Pang MW. Maternal fear associated with pregnancy and childbirth in hong kong chinese women. Women & Health 2006; 44(4):79-92.
  • 20. Hildingsson I, Nilsson C, Karlstrom A, Lundgren I. A longitudinal survey of childbirth-related fear and associated factors. JOGNN 2011;40 (5): 532-43.
  • 21. Waldenstrom U, Hildingsson I, Ryding EL. Antenatal fear of childbirth and its association with subsequent caesarean section and experience of childbirth. BJOG. 2006;113(6): 638-46.
  • 22. Allehagen S, Wijma K, Wijma B. Fear during labour. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2001;80:315-20.
  • 23. Melender HL. Experiences of fears associated with pregnancy and childbirth: a study of 329 pregnant women. Birth 2002;29(2):101-11.
  • 24. Saisto T, Salmela-Aro K, Nurmi JE, Halmesmäki E. Psychosocial characteristics of women and their partners fearing vaginal childbirth. BJOG 2001;108(5):492-8.
  • 25. Cumberland S. Cause for concern: Maternal fear around childbirth and caesarean section as a mode of delivery. MIDIRS 2010;20(3):297–304.
  • 26. Saisto T, Halmesmaki E. Fear of childbirth a neglected dilemma. Acta Obstetrica Scandinavica 2003;82:201-8.
  • 27. Laursen M, Hedegaard M, Johansen C. Fear of childbirth: Predictors and temporal changes among nulliparous women in the Danish National Birth Cohort. BJOG 2008;115(3):354–60.
  • 28. Storksen H, Eberhard-Gran M, Garthus-Niegel S, Eskild A. Fear of childbirth; the relation to anxiety and depression. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2012;91:237–42.
  • 29. Toohill J, Fenwick, J, Gamble J, Creedy DK, Buist A, Ryding EL. Psycho-social predictors of childbirth fear in pregnant women: An Australian study. Open J Obstet Gynecol. 2014a;4(9):531-43.
  • 30. Toohill J, Fenwick J, Gamble J, Creedy DK. Prevalence of childbirth fear in an Australian sample of pregnant women . BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2014b;14:275.
  • 31. Sydsjo G, Sydsjo A, Gunnervik C, Bladh M, Josefsson A. Obstetric outcome for women who received individualized treatment for fear of childbirth during pregnancy. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2012; 91(1): 44-9.
  • 32. Nerum H, Halvorsen L, Sorlie T, Oian, P. Maternal request for cesarean section due to fear of birth: can ıt be changed through crisis-oriented counseling? Birth 2006;33:221-28.
  • 33. Nieminen K, Stephansson O, Ryding EL. Women’s fear of childbirth and preference for cesarean section: a cross-sectional study at various stages of pregnancy in Sweden. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2009;88:807-13.
  • 34. Davies B. Caesareans by request. Can Nurse 2012;108(7):12.
  • 35.Saisto T, Toivanen R, Salmela-Aro K, Halmesmaki E. Therapeutic group psychoeducation and relaxation in treating fear of childbirth. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2006;85:1315-19.
  • 36. Sağlık İstatistikleri Yıllığı 2018 Haber Bülteni, https: //sbsgm. saglik. gov. tr/TR, 57543 / saglik-istatistikleri-yilligi–2018-haber-bulteni.html.
  • 37. Raisanen S, Lehto S, Nielsen H, Gissler M, Kramer M, Heinonen S. Fear of childbirth predicts postpartum depression: a population-based analysis of 511 422 singleton births in Finland. BMJ Open 2013;3, e004047.
  • 38. Söderquist J, Wijma B, Thorbert G, Wijma K. Risk factors in pregnancy for post-traumatic stress and depression after childbirth. BJOG 2009;116:672-80.
  • 39. Körükcü O, Kukulu K, Fırat MZ. The reliability and validity of the Turkish version of the Wijma Delivery Expectancy/Experience Questionnaire (W-DEQ) with pregnant women. J Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs. 2012;19(3):193-202.
  • 40. Shinkawa H, Shimada M, Hirokane K, Hayase M, Inui T. Development of a scale for pregnancy-related discomforts. J Obstet Gynaecol Res. 2012;38:316-23.
  • 41. Çoban A, Arslantaş H, Dereboy İF, Kamalak H. Validity and reliability study of the Turkish form of the scale related-pregnancy discomforts. 3rd Annual International Conference on Nursing 1-4 May 2017, Athens, Greece.
  • 42.Yıldız H. Gebelikte psikososyal sağlığı değerlendirme ölçeği geliştirme çalışması. Maltepe Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Bilim ve Sanatı Dergisi 2011;4(1):64-71.
  • 43. Müller ME. A questionnaire to measure mother-to-infant attachment. J Nurs Meas. 1994;2(2):129-41.
  • 44. Kavlak O, Şirin A. Maternal bağlanma ölçeğinin Türk toplumuna uyarlanması. Uluslararası İnsan Bilimleri Dergisi. 2009; 6(1):188-202.
  • 45. Cox JL, Holden JM, Sagovsky R. Detection of postnatal depression: development of the 10-item Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale(EPDS). Br J Psychiatry 1987;150(6):782-86.
  • 46. Engindeniz AN, Küey L, Kültür S. Edinburgh Doğum Sonrası Depresyon Ölçeği Türkçe Formu Geçerlilik Ve Güvenilirlik Çalışması, Ankara, Bahar Sempozyumları Kitabı, Psikiyatri Derneği Yayınları,1996.
  • 47. Cohen J. Statistical power analysis for the behavioral sciences. 2. Baskı. Hillsdale, New Jersey Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,1988.
  • 48. Körükcü O, Deliktaş A, Aydın R, Kabukcuoğlu K. Investigation of the relationship between the psychosocial health status and fear of childbirth in healthy pregnancies. Clin Exp Health Sci 2017;7:1-6.
  • 49. Toohill, J, Fenwick J, Gamble J, Creedy DK, Buist A, Turkstra E ve ark. A randomized controlled trial of a psycho-education intervention by midwives in reducing childbirth fear in pregnant women. Birth 2014;41(4):384-94.
  • 50. Beirvand PS, Moghadam ZB, Salsali M, Majd HA, Birjandi M, Khalesi ZB. Prevalence of fear of childbirth and its associated factors in primigravid women: A Cross- Sectional Study. Shiraz E Med J 2017;18:e61896.
  • 51.Güleç D, Öztürk R, Sevil Ü, Kazandı M. Gebelerin yaşadıkları doğum korkusu ile algıladıkları sosyal destek arasındaki ilişki. Türkiye Klinikleri J Gynecol Obst 2014;24:36-41.
  • 52. Kittisakchai, T. Fear of childbirth in pregnant women and related factors (Master of nursing thesis), Advanced Midwifery. In Thai.Chiang Mai University,2014.
  • 53. Zar M, Wijma K, Wijma B. Pre- and postpartum fear ofchildbirth in nulliparous and parous women. ScandJ Behav Ther. 2001;30:75–84.
  • 54. Goker A, Yanikkerem E, Demet MM, Dikayak S, Yildirim Y, Koyuncu FM. Postpartum depression: is mode of delivery a risk factor? ISRN Obstet Gynecol. 2012;2012:616759.

Factors effecting delivery fear in last trimester pregnant women and its relationship with postpartum depression and maternal attachment

Year 2020, Volume: 45 Issue: 1, 239 - 250, 31.03.2020


Purpose: This study was conducted cross-sectionally to investigate factors effecting fear of delivery in last trimester pregnant women and its relationship with postpartum depression and maternal attachment.
Materials and Methods: The study was conducted between the years 2014-2016 in a university hospital and in a state hospital maternity clinics in a western city. The study was made with 163 pregnant women. A questionnaire form which was created in accordance with literature that includes questions about socio-demographical characteristics and other items that can effect delivery fear, Wijma Delivery Expectance Experience Scale (W-DEQ), Pregnancy Related Discomforts Scale, Psychosocial Health Assesment in Pregnancy Scale, Maternal Attachment Scale, Edinburg Postpartum Depression Scale were used.
Results: The mean delivery fear score of the pregnant women was 66.88±27.45. Fear of delivery significantly increased among those who did not take sufficient social support during their pregnancy (MWU=183.0; p=0.041) and among those who did not have sufficient information about delivery (MWU=1840.50; p= 0.000). A siginificant positive small corelation was found between W-DEQ and Edinburg Postpartum Depression Scale (r=0.271; p=0.023).
Conclusion: Delivery fear of pregnant women increased for those who did not take social support during pregancy follows and for those who did not have sufficient information on delivery. In addition, it was found that delivery fear can cause postpartum depression. 

Project Number



  • 1. Daş Z. Gebeliğin psikososyal ve kültürel boyutları. İçinde: Doğum ve Kadın Sağlığı Hemşireliği. (Ed L Taşkın): 211–23.. Ankara, Sistem Ofset Matbaacılık, 2007.
  • 2. Green J.M, Kafetsios K, Statham H.E, Snowdon C.M. Factor structure, validity and reliability of the Cambridge Worry Scale in a pregnant population. J Health Psychol. 2003; 8(6):753-64.
  • 3. Hofberg K, Ward MR. Fear of pregnancy and childbirth. Postgrad Med J 2003;79 (935): 505-10.
  • 4.Timur S, Şahin HN. Kadınların doğumda sosyal destek tercihleri ve deneyimleri. Hemşirelikte Araştırma Geliştirme Dergisi. 2010; 12(1):29-40.
  • 5. Subaşı B, Özcan H, Pekçetin S, Göker B, Tunç S, Budak B. Doğum eğitiminin doğum kaygısı ve korkusu üzerine etkisi. Selçuk Üniversitesi Tıp Dergisi. 2013;29(4):165-67.
  • 6. Şahin N, Dinç H, Dişsiz M. Gebelerin doğuma ilişkin korkuları ve etkileyen faktörler. Zeynep Kamil Tıp Bülteni. 2009;40(2):57-62.
  • 7. Serçekuş P. Nullipar kadınlarda normal spontan doğuma ilişkin korkular ve nedenlerinin incelenmesi (Yüksek lisans tezi). İzmir, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi, 2005.
  • 8. Billert H. Tokophobia- a multidisciplinary problem. Ginekol Pol. 2007;78(10): 807–811, indexed in Pubmed: 18200974.
  • 9. Ryding E, Wijma B, Wijma K, Rydhstrom H. Fear of childbirth during pregnancy may increase the risk of emergency cesarean section. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 1998;77:542–547.
  • 10. El-Aziz SN , Mansour SE, Hassan NF. Factors associated with fear of childbirth: It’s effect on women’s preference for elective cesarean section. J Nurs Educ Pract. 2017; 7(1):133-145.
  • 11. Adams S, Eberhard-Gran M, Eskild A. Fear of childbirth and duration of labour: a study of 2206 women with ıntended vaginal delivery. BJOG. 2012; 119: 1238-46.
  • 12.Soltani F, Eskandari Z, Khodakarami B, Parsa P, Roshanaei G. Factors contributing to fear of childbirth among pregnant women in Hamadan (Iran) in 2016. Electronic Physician (ISSN: 2008-5842); July. 2017; 9(7):4725-31.
  • 13. Fenwick J, Gamble J, Nathan E, Bayes S, Hauck Y. Pre- and postpartum levels of childbirth fear and the relationship to birth outcomes in a cohort of Australian women. J Clin Nurs. 2009; 18: 667-77.
  • 14. Ryding E, Lukasse M, Schei B. Fear of childbirth does ıt affect mode of delivery. The BIDENS study results from six countries. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2012;91, 38.
  • 15.Wijma K. Why focus on 'fear of childbirth'? J Psychosom Obstet Gynaecol. 2003;24(3):141-3.
  • 16. Rouhe H, Salmela-Aro K, Toivanen R, Tokola M, Halmesmäki E, Saisto T. Obstetric outcome after intervention for severe fear of childbirth in nulliparous women - randomised trial. BJOG 2013;120(1):75-84.
  • 17. Sydsjö G, Angerbjörn L, Palmquist S, Bladh M, Sydsjö A, Josefsson A. Secondary fear of childbirth prolongs the time to subsequent delivery. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 2013;92(2):210-4.
  • 18. Hall W, Hauck Y, Carty E, Hutton E, Fenwick J, Stoll K. Childbirth fear, anxiety, fatigue, and sleep deprivation in pregnant women. JOGNN. 2009;38(5): 567-76.
  • 19. Tsui, MH ve Pang MW. Maternal fear associated with pregnancy and childbirth in hong kong chinese women. Women & Health 2006; 44(4):79-92.
  • 20. Hildingsson I, Nilsson C, Karlstrom A, Lundgren I. A longitudinal survey of childbirth-related fear and associated factors. JOGNN 2011;40 (5): 532-43.
  • 21. Waldenstrom U, Hildingsson I, Ryding EL. Antenatal fear of childbirth and its association with subsequent caesarean section and experience of childbirth. BJOG. 2006;113(6): 638-46.
  • 22. Allehagen S, Wijma K, Wijma B. Fear during labour. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2001;80:315-20.
  • 23. Melender HL. Experiences of fears associated with pregnancy and childbirth: a study of 329 pregnant women. Birth 2002;29(2):101-11.
  • 24. Saisto T, Salmela-Aro K, Nurmi JE, Halmesmäki E. Psychosocial characteristics of women and their partners fearing vaginal childbirth. BJOG 2001;108(5):492-8.
  • 25. Cumberland S. Cause for concern: Maternal fear around childbirth and caesarean section as a mode of delivery. MIDIRS 2010;20(3):297–304.
  • 26. Saisto T, Halmesmaki E. Fear of childbirth a neglected dilemma. Acta Obstetrica Scandinavica 2003;82:201-8.
  • 27. Laursen M, Hedegaard M, Johansen C. Fear of childbirth: Predictors and temporal changes among nulliparous women in the Danish National Birth Cohort. BJOG 2008;115(3):354–60.
  • 28. Storksen H, Eberhard-Gran M, Garthus-Niegel S, Eskild A. Fear of childbirth; the relation to anxiety and depression. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2012;91:237–42.
  • 29. Toohill J, Fenwick, J, Gamble J, Creedy DK, Buist A, Ryding EL. Psycho-social predictors of childbirth fear in pregnant women: An Australian study. Open J Obstet Gynecol. 2014a;4(9):531-43.
  • 30. Toohill J, Fenwick J, Gamble J, Creedy DK. Prevalence of childbirth fear in an Australian sample of pregnant women . BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2014b;14:275.
  • 31. Sydsjo G, Sydsjo A, Gunnervik C, Bladh M, Josefsson A. Obstetric outcome for women who received individualized treatment for fear of childbirth during pregnancy. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2012; 91(1): 44-9.
  • 32. Nerum H, Halvorsen L, Sorlie T, Oian, P. Maternal request for cesarean section due to fear of birth: can ıt be changed through crisis-oriented counseling? Birth 2006;33:221-28.
  • 33. Nieminen K, Stephansson O, Ryding EL. Women’s fear of childbirth and preference for cesarean section: a cross-sectional study at various stages of pregnancy in Sweden. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2009;88:807-13.
  • 34. Davies B. Caesareans by request. Can Nurse 2012;108(7):12.
  • 35.Saisto T, Toivanen R, Salmela-Aro K, Halmesmaki E. Therapeutic group psychoeducation and relaxation in treating fear of childbirth. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2006;85:1315-19.
  • 36. Sağlık İstatistikleri Yıllığı 2018 Haber Bülteni, https: //sbsgm. saglik. gov. tr/TR, 57543 / saglik-istatistikleri-yilligi–2018-haber-bulteni.html.
  • 37. Raisanen S, Lehto S, Nielsen H, Gissler M, Kramer M, Heinonen S. Fear of childbirth predicts postpartum depression: a population-based analysis of 511 422 singleton births in Finland. BMJ Open 2013;3, e004047.
  • 38. Söderquist J, Wijma B, Thorbert G, Wijma K. Risk factors in pregnancy for post-traumatic stress and depression after childbirth. BJOG 2009;116:672-80.
  • 39. Körükcü O, Kukulu K, Fırat MZ. The reliability and validity of the Turkish version of the Wijma Delivery Expectancy/Experience Questionnaire (W-DEQ) with pregnant women. J Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs. 2012;19(3):193-202.
  • 40. Shinkawa H, Shimada M, Hirokane K, Hayase M, Inui T. Development of a scale for pregnancy-related discomforts. J Obstet Gynaecol Res. 2012;38:316-23.
  • 41. Çoban A, Arslantaş H, Dereboy İF, Kamalak H. Validity and reliability study of the Turkish form of the scale related-pregnancy discomforts. 3rd Annual International Conference on Nursing 1-4 May 2017, Athens, Greece.
  • 42.Yıldız H. Gebelikte psikososyal sağlığı değerlendirme ölçeği geliştirme çalışması. Maltepe Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Bilim ve Sanatı Dergisi 2011;4(1):64-71.
  • 43. Müller ME. A questionnaire to measure mother-to-infant attachment. J Nurs Meas. 1994;2(2):129-41.
  • 44. Kavlak O, Şirin A. Maternal bağlanma ölçeğinin Türk toplumuna uyarlanması. Uluslararası İnsan Bilimleri Dergisi. 2009; 6(1):188-202.
  • 45. Cox JL, Holden JM, Sagovsky R. Detection of postnatal depression: development of the 10-item Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale(EPDS). Br J Psychiatry 1987;150(6):782-86.
  • 46. Engindeniz AN, Küey L, Kültür S. Edinburgh Doğum Sonrası Depresyon Ölçeği Türkçe Formu Geçerlilik Ve Güvenilirlik Çalışması, Ankara, Bahar Sempozyumları Kitabı, Psikiyatri Derneği Yayınları,1996.
  • 47. Cohen J. Statistical power analysis for the behavioral sciences. 2. Baskı. Hillsdale, New Jersey Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,1988.
  • 48. Körükcü O, Deliktaş A, Aydın R, Kabukcuoğlu K. Investigation of the relationship between the psychosocial health status and fear of childbirth in healthy pregnancies. Clin Exp Health Sci 2017;7:1-6.
  • 49. Toohill, J, Fenwick J, Gamble J, Creedy DK, Buist A, Turkstra E ve ark. A randomized controlled trial of a psycho-education intervention by midwives in reducing childbirth fear in pregnant women. Birth 2014;41(4):384-94.
  • 50. Beirvand PS, Moghadam ZB, Salsali M, Majd HA, Birjandi M, Khalesi ZB. Prevalence of fear of childbirth and its associated factors in primigravid women: A Cross- Sectional Study. Shiraz E Med J 2017;18:e61896.
  • 51.Güleç D, Öztürk R, Sevil Ü, Kazandı M. Gebelerin yaşadıkları doğum korkusu ile algıladıkları sosyal destek arasındaki ilişki. Türkiye Klinikleri J Gynecol Obst 2014;24:36-41.
  • 52. Kittisakchai, T. Fear of childbirth in pregnant women and related factors (Master of nursing thesis), Advanced Midwifery. In Thai.Chiang Mai University,2014.
  • 53. Zar M, Wijma K, Wijma B. Pre- and postpartum fear ofchildbirth in nulliparous and parous women. ScandJ Behav Ther. 2001;30:75–84.
  • 54. Goker A, Yanikkerem E, Demet MM, Dikayak S, Yildirim Y, Koyuncu FM. Postpartum depression: is mode of delivery a risk factor? ISRN Obstet Gynecol. 2012;2012:616759.
There are 54 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Research

Hülya Arslantaş 0000-0001-8155-2242

Ayden Çoban This is me 0000-0002-2189-2488

Ferhan Dereboy This is me 0000-0001-8155-2242

Ezgi Sarı This is me 0000-0002-0776-1318

Muazzez Şahbaz 0000-0003-2182-9371

Döndü Kurnaz 0000-0002-0613-7919

Project Number ASYO-15013
Publication Date March 31, 2020
Acceptance Date January 7, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 45 Issue: 1


MLA Arslantaş, Hülya et al. “Son Trimester Gebelerde doğum Korkusunu Etkileyen faktörler Ve doğum Korkusunun Postpartum Depresyon Ve Maternal bağlanma Ile ilişkisi”. Cukurova Medical Journal, vol. 45, no. 1, 2020, pp. 239-50, doi:10.17826/cumj.647253.

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