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Mao Zedong and Legalism: A Lifelong Defense of a Classical Chinese Philosophy

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 15, 38 - 62, 20.01.2025


The purpose of this study is to investigate a lesser-known facet of Mao Zedong's political ideology-legalism- and examine the effects it had on his leadership. Mao, the founder of the People's Republic of China (PRC), is widely known for his communist ideology and autocratic governance style. However, a lesser-known aspect of his political life is his fervent support for Legalism and his criticism of Confucianism, which has not been sufficiently examined in academic studies. Legalism, one of the four main traditional Chinese philosophies-along with Confucianism, Daoism, and Mohism-has had a profound influence on Chinese governance. By employing a qualitative analysis of historical texts and research articles, this study focuses on Legalist effect on Mao life from the childhood, his debate surrounding Legalism and Confucianism, and the application of Legalist principles in his political practices. Findings on this paper indicates that Mao was a fanatic defender of Legalism despite he officially embraced communism as the guiding doctrine of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). His quasi-academic debate over Legalism highlights how research objectivity could be compromised under an autocratic regime. Furthermore, the study reveals Mao’s despotic leadership formed by Legalism and Leninist-Stalinist Communism during the Great Leap Forward, showcasing the risks associated with his governance style. This article adds to the existing scholarship by providing a subtle understanding of Mao's ideology, highlighting his engagement with Legalism. It challenges the conventional view of Mao solely as a communist leader, revealing the impact of traditional Chinese philosophy on his governance and modern political practices.


  • BECKER, J. (1996). Hungry Ghosts: Mao’s Secret Famine. Free Press.
  • BENTON, G., & Tsang, S. (2006). The Portrayal of Opportunism, Betrayal, and Manipulation in Mao’s Rise to Power. The China Journal, 55, 95.
  • BRUCE, E. (Ed.). (1998). The Original Analects, E. Bruce and A. Taeko Brooks (eds. And trans.),: , 1998 (T. Brooks, Trans.). Columbia University Press.
  • CHANG, J. (2003). Wild Swans: Three Daughters of China (New edition). Touchstone.
  • CHANG,常 (1935), 起死回生法家思想的复兴与中国的起死回生. 国论.( The revival of Legalist thought and the revival of China. Guolun.)
  • CHEN Pu,陈 P. 晋, (1996).毛泽东读书笔记解析 2 (Analysis of Mao Zedong's Reading Notes 2 ), 广东人民出版社 (Guangdong People's Publishing House).
  • DONGPU Su,苏东坡(n.d.).卷五-正文-东坡志林-未删节减足本完整版白话全本全文翻译 (Volume 5,Text—Dongpo Zhilin—Unabridged and Reduced Complete Version of the Complete Vernacular Version), 国学典籍网 (In Chinese Classics Network),Retrieved 3 October 2024, from
  • FEIGON, L. (1983). Chen Duxiu, Founder of the Chinese Communist Party. Princeton University Press.
  • FENG, Y., & AYDIN, F. (2009). Çin felsefesi tarihi. İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi yayınları.
  • FU, Z. (1993). Autocratic tradition and Chinese politics. Cambridge University Press.
  • FU, Z. (1996). China’s Legalists: The Earliest Totalitarians and Their Art of Ruling (1st edition). Routledge.
  • Gao Huaping, Trans, (2010), 中华经典名著-韩非子 (Chinese Classics-Han Feizi),Hanfeizi, 中华书局 (Zhonghua Book Company).
  • GAO Xudong,高旭东, (2022). 谭嗣同在新体诗与传统诗之间的徘徊 (Tan Sitong's hesitation between new style poetry and traditional poetry), 东方论坛—青岛大学学报, (Oriental Forum—Journal of Qingdao University), 社会科学版 ((Social Science Edition), 1.
  • GREGOR, A. J., & Chang, M. H. (1979). Anti-Confucianism: Mao’s Last Campaign. Asian Survey, 19(11), 1073–1092.
  • GUO Moruo, 郭沫若 (1982). 郭沫若全集·历史编第02卷 (The Complete Works of Guo Moruo·Historical Volume 02), 十批判书 (Ten Critical Books), 郭沫若著作编辑出版委员会 ((Editorial and Publishing Committee of Guo Moruo's Works), 人民出版社 (Renmin Publishing House.)
  • HAN Dongyu,韩东育, (2009). 法家的发生逻辑与理解方法 (The logic of the emergence of Legalism and the method of understanding), 哲学研究 (Philosophical Research), 12, 32–40.
  • HARRELL, S. (2021). The Four Horsemen of the Ecopocalypse: The Agricultural Ecology of the Great Leap Forward. Human Ecology, 49(1), 7–18.
  • HE Fanf何方. (2005). “延安整风”与个人崇拜, (The "Yan'an Rectification Movement" and the Cult of Personality) Modern Chinese Studies, 1.
  • JIANG Kaibo, 江凯波, (2006). 毛泽东诗词全编鉴赏 (Appreciation of the Complete Works of Mao Zedong's Poems), 语文月刊 (Chinese Monthly), 004, 5–6.
  • KALLIO, J. (2011). Tradition in Chinese Politics: The Party-state’s Reinvention of the Past and the Critical Response from Public Intellectuals. Finnish Institute of International Affairs.
  • KUO, Y.-P. (2017). The Making of The New Culture Movement: A Discursive History. Twentieth-Century China, 42(1), 52–71.
  • LEI Yi,雷颐 (2009), “麻雀” 有故事. 炎黄春秋, 2, (Sparrow has a story. Yanhuang Qunqiu)
  • LEI Yi雷颐. (2010). “为曹操翻案”的背后 (Behind the scenes of ‘overturning Cao Cao’s case’),经济观察网 (Economic Observer).
  • LI, Z. (1994). The Private Life of Chairman Mao: The Inside Story of the Man Who Made Modern China (First Edition). Random House.
  • LIN, D. (2017). The CCP’s exploitation of Confucianism and Legalism. Routledge Handbook of the Chinese Communist Party.
  • Literature Research Office of the CPC Central Committee (中共中央文献研究室), (1996). 毛泽东文集第5卷, 第1版, (Works of Mao Zedong Volume 5,1st edition), 人民出版社 (Renmin Publishing House)
  • Literature Research Office of the CPC Central Committee, 中共中央文献研究室. (2013a), 毛泽东年谱:1893-1949 -上, (Mao Zedong's Chronicle: 1893-1949 (Volume 1), 人民出版社, (Renmin Publishing House)
  • Literature Research Office of the CPC Central Committee,中共中央文献研究室. (2013b). 毛泽东年谱:1949-1976 (第 6 卷))(Mao Zedong's Chronicle: 1949-1976,Volume 6), 人民出版社, (Renmin Publishing House)
  • LIU, J. C. H. (2017). Paradoxical routes of the sinification of Marxism: Materialist dialectic and immanent critique. In East-Asian Marxisms and Their Trajectories. Routledge.
  • LIU, Xiuming刘修明. (2009, January 23). 毛泽东”文革”期间嘱影大字本”古籍的回忆 (Mao Zedong's memories of asking for large-print copies of ancient books during the Cultural Revolution),人民政协报 (People's Political Consultative Conference Newspaper).
  • LOTTA, R. (Ed.). (1978). And Mao Makes Five: Mao Tsetung’s Last Great Battle. Banner Pr.
  • Mao, Z. (1967). Selected Works of Mao Zedong 2 (Vol. 2).
  • MAO, Zedong 毛泽东, (1958). 在八大二次会议上的讲话-摘要(Speech at the Second Session of the Eighth National Congress),中文马克思主义文库 (Chinese Marxist Library).
  • MENCIUS. (2016). Mencius: An Online Teaching Translation (R. Eno, Ed.).
  • Pines, Y., & Defoort, C. (2016). Chinese Academic Views on Shang Yang Since the Open-Up-and-Reform Era. Contemporary Chinese Thought, 47(2), 59–68.
  • QIN Hui 秦晖, Du Gangjian杜钢建 et,,all, (n.d.), 反思大跃进 (Reflections on the Great Leap Forward) Retrieved 4 October 2024, from
  • QIN Hui,秦晖, (2014). 对文革的四种判断(Four judgments on the Cultural Revolution), 爱思想 (Love Thought).
  • Qin Hui,秦晖, (2015),走出帝制:从晚清到民国的历史回望(Leaving the Imperial System: A Historical Review from the Late Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China), 群众出版社 (Qunzhong Publishing House).
  • SHANG, Y. (2017). The Book of Lord Shang: Apologetics of State Power in Early China. Columbia University Press.
  • SMIL, V. (1999). China’s great famine: 40 years later. BMJ : British Medical Journal, 319(7225), 1619–1621.
  • State, U. S. D. of. (2008). China, 1973-1976. U.S. Government Printing Office.
  • SUN Kaitai, 孙开泰. (2011), 中国史话·思想学术系列:法家史话 (Chinese History · Thought and Academic Series: History of Legalism,1 edition),社会科学文献出版社 (Social Sciences Academic Press).
  • TANRIKUT, M. (2023a). Discourses on Salt and Iron: A Study on the State Monopoly in China. İbn Haldun Çalışmaları Dergisi, 8(2), 175–201.
  • TANRIKUT, M. (2023b). New Warring States Era: Reviving of Legalism in China [Ibn Haldun University].
  • TONG Shengchen桐生陈. (2015). 中华经典名著 (Chinese classics),盐铁论 (Salt and Iron Theory), 中华书局 (Zhonghua Book Company).
  • WANG Fanxi王凡西, (1974), 初论批林批孔 (A Preliminary Discussion on Criticizing Lin Biao and Confucius),十月评论(October Comments),4.
  • WANG Junji,王骏骥. (2001). 郭沫若与秦始皇 (Guo Moruo and Qin Shi Huang), 郭沫若学刊 (Guo Moruo Academic Journal), 2.
  • WANG Shaobo,王晓波, (2015). “阳儒阴法”是中国文化的主流 ("Highlighting Confucianism Downplaying Legalism" is the mainstream of Chinese culture),国学网 (Guoxuenet)
  • WANG Zijin,王子今. (2004). 毛泽东论析秦始皇 (Mao Zedong's analysis of Qin Shi Huang), 报刊荟萃 (Newspaper and magazine collection), 1.
  • WANG, P. (2018). The Translatability of Revolution: Guo Moruo and Twentieth-Century Chinese Culture (1st ed.). Harvard University Asia Center.
  • Xing Jinliang,邢金亮, Xia Fei, 霞飞, (2016, May 1). 1950年代毛泽东为什么频繁为曹操翻案?(Why did Mao Zedong frequently overturn Cao Cao's verdict in the 1950s?), 人民网, People's Daily Online, l.
  • XU Quanxing,许全兴. (2009). “马克思加秦始皇” 的出处和本义 (The origin and original meaning of "Marx plus Qin Shi Huang"), 湖南科技大学学报 (Journal of Hunan University of Science and Technology), 社会科学版 (Social Science Edition), 3.
  • YANG, G. (2021). The Paradigm Shift of Political Science from Being “Change-oriented” to “Governance-oriented:” A Perspective on History of Political Science. Chinese Political Science Review, 6(4), 506–545.
  • YU Zhong, 喻中, (2018). 法家的现代性 (Modernity of Legalism), 法律出版社 (Legal Publishing House).
  • YU Zhong喻中, (2017). 毛泽东的法家观, (Mao Zedong's Legalist View), 理论探索 (Theoretical Exploration), 1, 8–14.
  • YUE, L. (2022). The CCP’s Information Channels in the ‘Great Leap Forward’ The Case of Xinhua News Agency’s Neibu Cankao (1958-1962). Modern China Studies, 29(2), 1–21.
  • Yutang, L. (1936). My Country and My People, by Lin Yutang (2nd ed.). Windmill press.
  • ZHANG Chengquan,张成权 & Li Yongsheng李永生. (1979). 评《 孔丘教育思想批判》(Comments on "A Critique of Confucius' Educational Thoughts"), 安徽师范大学学报: 人文社会科学版 (Journal of Anhui Normal University: Humanities and Social Sciences), 1, 92–98.

Mao Zedong ve Yasacılık: Klasik Bir Çin Felsefesinin Ömür Boyu Savunusu

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 15, 38 - 62, 20.01.2025


Bu çalışmanın amacı Mao Zedong'un siyasi ideolojisinin daha az bilinen bir yönünü olan yasalcılığı araştırmak ve bunun liderliği üzerindeki etkilerini incelemektir. Çin Halk Cumhuriyeti'nin (ÇHC) kurucusu Mao, komünist ideolojisi ve otokratik yönetim tarzıyla yaygın olarak bilinmektedir. Ancak siyasi hayatının daha az bilinen bir yönü, akademik çalışmalarda yeterince incelenmemiş olan Yasalcılığa olan ateşli desteği ve Konfüçyüsçülüğü eleştirmesidir. Konfüçyüsçülük, Taoizm ve Mohizm ile birlikte dört ana geleneksel Çin felsefesinden biri olan Yasalcılık, Çin yönetimi üzerinde derin bir etkiye sahip olmuştur. Bu çalışma, tarihi metinlerin ve araştırma makalelerinin nitel bir analizini kullanarak, Yasalcılığın Mao'nun çocukluğundan itibaren yaşamındaki etkisine, Yasalcılık ve Konfüçyüsçülük etrafındaki tartışmalarına ve Yasalcı ilkelerin siyasi ve ekonomik reforumlarda uygulanmasına odaklanmaktadır. Bu makaledeki bulgular, Mao'nun Çin Komünist Partisi'nin (ÇKP) rehber doktrini olarak komünizmi resmen benimsemesine rağmen, Yasalcılığın fanatik bir savunucusu olduğunu göstermektedir. Yasalcılık hakkındaki yarı akademik tartışması, otokratik bir rejim altında araştırma objectifliğinin nasıl tehlikeye atılabileceğini vurgulamaktadır. Dahası, çalışma, Mao'nun Büyük İleri Atılım sırasında Yasalcılık ve Leninist-Stalinist Komünizm yönetim metodu tarafından oluşturulan despot liderliğini ortaya koyarak, yönetim tarzıyla ilişkili riskleri göstermektedir. Bu makale, Mao'un ideolojisine ilişkin ayrıntılı bir anlayış sunarak ve Yasalcılık ile etkileşimini vurgulayarak mevcut literatüre katkıda bulunmaktadır. Mao'nun yalnızca bir komünist lider olduğu yönündeki geleneksel görüşe meydan okuyarak, geleneksel Çin felsefesinin onun yönetimi ve modern siyasi uygulamaları üzerindeki etkisini ortaya koymaktadır.


  • BECKER, J. (1996). Hungry Ghosts: Mao’s Secret Famine. Free Press.
  • BENTON, G., & Tsang, S. (2006). The Portrayal of Opportunism, Betrayal, and Manipulation in Mao’s Rise to Power. The China Journal, 55, 95.
  • BRUCE, E. (Ed.). (1998). The Original Analects, E. Bruce and A. Taeko Brooks (eds. And trans.),: , 1998 (T. Brooks, Trans.). Columbia University Press.
  • CHANG, J. (2003). Wild Swans: Three Daughters of China (New edition). Touchstone.
  • CHANG,常 (1935), 起死回生法家思想的复兴与中国的起死回生. 国论.( The revival of Legalist thought and the revival of China. Guolun.)
  • CHEN Pu,陈 P. 晋, (1996).毛泽东读书笔记解析 2 (Analysis of Mao Zedong's Reading Notes 2 ), 广东人民出版社 (Guangdong People's Publishing House).
  • DONGPU Su,苏东坡(n.d.).卷五-正文-东坡志林-未删节减足本完整版白话全本全文翻译 (Volume 5,Text—Dongpo Zhilin—Unabridged and Reduced Complete Version of the Complete Vernacular Version), 国学典籍网 (In Chinese Classics Network),Retrieved 3 October 2024, from
  • FEIGON, L. (1983). Chen Duxiu, Founder of the Chinese Communist Party. Princeton University Press.
  • FENG, Y., & AYDIN, F. (2009). Çin felsefesi tarihi. İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi yayınları.
  • FU, Z. (1993). Autocratic tradition and Chinese politics. Cambridge University Press.
  • FU, Z. (1996). China’s Legalists: The Earliest Totalitarians and Their Art of Ruling (1st edition). Routledge.
  • Gao Huaping, Trans, (2010), 中华经典名著-韩非子 (Chinese Classics-Han Feizi),Hanfeizi, 中华书局 (Zhonghua Book Company).
  • GAO Xudong,高旭东, (2022). 谭嗣同在新体诗与传统诗之间的徘徊 (Tan Sitong's hesitation between new style poetry and traditional poetry), 东方论坛—青岛大学学报, (Oriental Forum—Journal of Qingdao University), 社会科学版 ((Social Science Edition), 1.
  • GREGOR, A. J., & Chang, M. H. (1979). Anti-Confucianism: Mao’s Last Campaign. Asian Survey, 19(11), 1073–1092.
  • GUO Moruo, 郭沫若 (1982). 郭沫若全集·历史编第02卷 (The Complete Works of Guo Moruo·Historical Volume 02), 十批判书 (Ten Critical Books), 郭沫若著作编辑出版委员会 ((Editorial and Publishing Committee of Guo Moruo's Works), 人民出版社 (Renmin Publishing House.)
  • HAN Dongyu,韩东育, (2009). 法家的发生逻辑与理解方法 (The logic of the emergence of Legalism and the method of understanding), 哲学研究 (Philosophical Research), 12, 32–40.
  • HARRELL, S. (2021). The Four Horsemen of the Ecopocalypse: The Agricultural Ecology of the Great Leap Forward. Human Ecology, 49(1), 7–18.
  • HE Fanf何方. (2005). “延安整风”与个人崇拜, (The "Yan'an Rectification Movement" and the Cult of Personality) Modern Chinese Studies, 1.
  • JIANG Kaibo, 江凯波, (2006). 毛泽东诗词全编鉴赏 (Appreciation of the Complete Works of Mao Zedong's Poems), 语文月刊 (Chinese Monthly), 004, 5–6.
  • KALLIO, J. (2011). Tradition in Chinese Politics: The Party-state’s Reinvention of the Past and the Critical Response from Public Intellectuals. Finnish Institute of International Affairs.
  • KUO, Y.-P. (2017). The Making of The New Culture Movement: A Discursive History. Twentieth-Century China, 42(1), 52–71.
  • LEI Yi,雷颐 (2009), “麻雀” 有故事. 炎黄春秋, 2, (Sparrow has a story. Yanhuang Qunqiu)
  • LEI Yi雷颐. (2010). “为曹操翻案”的背后 (Behind the scenes of ‘overturning Cao Cao’s case’),经济观察网 (Economic Observer).
  • LI, Z. (1994). The Private Life of Chairman Mao: The Inside Story of the Man Who Made Modern China (First Edition). Random House.
  • LIN, D. (2017). The CCP’s exploitation of Confucianism and Legalism. Routledge Handbook of the Chinese Communist Party.
  • Literature Research Office of the CPC Central Committee (中共中央文献研究室), (1996). 毛泽东文集第5卷, 第1版, (Works of Mao Zedong Volume 5,1st edition), 人民出版社 (Renmin Publishing House)
  • Literature Research Office of the CPC Central Committee, 中共中央文献研究室. (2013a), 毛泽东年谱:1893-1949 -上, (Mao Zedong's Chronicle: 1893-1949 (Volume 1), 人民出版社, (Renmin Publishing House)
  • Literature Research Office of the CPC Central Committee,中共中央文献研究室. (2013b). 毛泽东年谱:1949-1976 (第 6 卷))(Mao Zedong's Chronicle: 1949-1976,Volume 6), 人民出版社, (Renmin Publishing House)
  • LIU, J. C. H. (2017). Paradoxical routes of the sinification of Marxism: Materialist dialectic and immanent critique. In East-Asian Marxisms and Their Trajectories. Routledge.
  • LIU, Xiuming刘修明. (2009, January 23). 毛泽东”文革”期间嘱影大字本”古籍的回忆 (Mao Zedong's memories of asking for large-print copies of ancient books during the Cultural Revolution),人民政协报 (People's Political Consultative Conference Newspaper).
  • LOTTA, R. (Ed.). (1978). And Mao Makes Five: Mao Tsetung’s Last Great Battle. Banner Pr.
  • Mao, Z. (1967). Selected Works of Mao Zedong 2 (Vol. 2).
  • MAO, Zedong 毛泽东, (1958). 在八大二次会议上的讲话-摘要(Speech at the Second Session of the Eighth National Congress),中文马克思主义文库 (Chinese Marxist Library).
  • MENCIUS. (2016). Mencius: An Online Teaching Translation (R. Eno, Ed.).
  • Pines, Y., & Defoort, C. (2016). Chinese Academic Views on Shang Yang Since the Open-Up-and-Reform Era. Contemporary Chinese Thought, 47(2), 59–68.
  • QIN Hui 秦晖, Du Gangjian杜钢建 et,,all, (n.d.), 反思大跃进 (Reflections on the Great Leap Forward) Retrieved 4 October 2024, from
  • QIN Hui,秦晖, (2014). 对文革的四种判断(Four judgments on the Cultural Revolution), 爱思想 (Love Thought).
  • Qin Hui,秦晖, (2015),走出帝制:从晚清到民国的历史回望(Leaving the Imperial System: A Historical Review from the Late Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China), 群众出版社 (Qunzhong Publishing House).
  • SHANG, Y. (2017). The Book of Lord Shang: Apologetics of State Power in Early China. Columbia University Press.
  • SMIL, V. (1999). China’s great famine: 40 years later. BMJ : British Medical Journal, 319(7225), 1619–1621.
  • State, U. S. D. of. (2008). China, 1973-1976. U.S. Government Printing Office.
  • SUN Kaitai, 孙开泰. (2011), 中国史话·思想学术系列:法家史话 (Chinese History · Thought and Academic Series: History of Legalism,1 edition),社会科学文献出版社 (Social Sciences Academic Press).
  • TANRIKUT, M. (2023a). Discourses on Salt and Iron: A Study on the State Monopoly in China. İbn Haldun Çalışmaları Dergisi, 8(2), 175–201.
  • TANRIKUT, M. (2023b). New Warring States Era: Reviving of Legalism in China [Ibn Haldun University].
  • TONG Shengchen桐生陈. (2015). 中华经典名著 (Chinese classics),盐铁论 (Salt and Iron Theory), 中华书局 (Zhonghua Book Company).
  • WANG Fanxi王凡西, (1974), 初论批林批孔 (A Preliminary Discussion on Criticizing Lin Biao and Confucius),十月评论(October Comments),4.
  • WANG Junji,王骏骥. (2001). 郭沫若与秦始皇 (Guo Moruo and Qin Shi Huang), 郭沫若学刊 (Guo Moruo Academic Journal), 2.
  • WANG Shaobo,王晓波, (2015). “阳儒阴法”是中国文化的主流 ("Highlighting Confucianism Downplaying Legalism" is the mainstream of Chinese culture),国学网 (Guoxuenet)
  • WANG Zijin,王子今. (2004). 毛泽东论析秦始皇 (Mao Zedong's analysis of Qin Shi Huang), 报刊荟萃 (Newspaper and magazine collection), 1.
  • WANG, P. (2018). The Translatability of Revolution: Guo Moruo and Twentieth-Century Chinese Culture (1st ed.). Harvard University Asia Center.
  • Xing Jinliang,邢金亮, Xia Fei, 霞飞, (2016, May 1). 1950年代毛泽东为什么频繁为曹操翻案?(Why did Mao Zedong frequently overturn Cao Cao's verdict in the 1950s?), 人民网, People's Daily Online, l.
  • XU Quanxing,许全兴. (2009). “马克思加秦始皇” 的出处和本义 (The origin and original meaning of "Marx plus Qin Shi Huang"), 湖南科技大学学报 (Journal of Hunan University of Science and Technology), 社会科学版 (Social Science Edition), 3.
  • YANG, G. (2021). The Paradigm Shift of Political Science from Being “Change-oriented” to “Governance-oriented:” A Perspective on History of Political Science. Chinese Political Science Review, 6(4), 506–545.
  • YU Zhong, 喻中, (2018). 法家的现代性 (Modernity of Legalism), 法律出版社 (Legal Publishing House).
  • YU Zhong喻中, (2017). 毛泽东的法家观, (Mao Zedong's Legalist View), 理论探索 (Theoretical Exploration), 1, 8–14.
  • YUE, L. (2022). The CCP’s Information Channels in the ‘Great Leap Forward’ The Case of Xinhua News Agency’s Neibu Cankao (1958-1962). Modern China Studies, 29(2), 1–21.
  • Yutang, L. (1936). My Country and My People, by Lin Yutang (2nd ed.). Windmill press.
  • ZHANG Chengquan,张成权 & Li Yongsheng李永生. (1979). 评《 孔丘教育思想批判》(Comments on "A Critique of Confucius' Educational Thoughts"), 安徽师范大学学报: 人文社会科学版 (Journal of Anhui Normal University: Humanities and Social Sciences), 1, 92–98.
Toplam 58 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Uluslararası İlişkilerde Siyaset
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Mevlan Tanrikut 0000-0002-7178-8339

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 23 Ocak 2025
Yayımlanma Tarihi 20 Ocak 2025
Gönderilme Tarihi 5 Ekim 2024
Kabul Tarihi 23 Aralık 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2025 Cilt: 8 Sayı: 15

Kaynak Göster

APA Tanrikut, M. (2025). Mao Zedong and Legalism: A Lifelong Defense of a Classical Chinese Philosophy. Doğu Asya Araştırmaları Dergisi, 8(15), 38-62.

Doğu Asya Araştırmaları Dergisi (DAAD) I 2021 I I

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