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Yıl 2024, Cilt: 26 Sayı: 3, 1401 - 1419, 15.09.2024


This study aims to evaluate the Turkish validity and reliability of The Personal Growth Initiative Scale developed by Zahid et al. (2023) in healthcare professionals. This study was applied to 343 healthcare professionals in a public hospital. The sample was determined by the quota sampling method, considering the profession criterion. The data within the scope of the research was collected by survey method. The survey consisted of questions containing participant characteristics and the Personal Growth Initiative Scale developed by Zahid et al. (2023). SPSS 26 and AMOS 24 software were used to evaluate the data. After language validity, content validity was evaluated. Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and second level Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) were used to evaluate the scale construct validity. Cronbach Alpha (CA) and Composite Reliability (CR) coefficients were used to evaluate the scale reliability analysis. The Personal Growth Initiative Scale translated into Turkish was determined to have content (CVR>0.977) and construct validity (CMIN/DF=2,699; NFI=0,917, GFI=0,954, AGFI=9,41, RMR=0,079). In addition, the Personal Growth Initiative Scale translated into Turkish had internal consistency. When the findings were examined, the participants' mean Personal Growth Initiative Scale score was 77.25±10.24 (min: 39.00; max: 95.00). The Personal Growth Initiative Scale, translated into Turkish, was determined to be a valid and reliable measurement tool in the research population.


  • Almanasreh, E., Moles, R. J., & Chen, T. F. (2022). Chapter 41 - A practical approach to the assessment and quantification of content validity. In S. P. Desselle, V. García-Cárdenas, C. Anderson, P. Aslani, A. M. H. Chen, & T. F. Chen (Eds.), Contemporary Research Methods in Pharmacy and Health Services (pp. 583-599): Academic Press.
  • Anderson, K. A., & Gaugler, J. E. (2007). The Grief Experiences of Certified Nursing Assistants: Personal Growth and Complicated Grief. OMEGA - Journal of Death and Dying, 54 (4), 301-318. doi:10.2190/T14N-W223-7612-0224
  • Arora, C., Sinha, B., Malhotra, A., & Ranjan, P. (2017). Development and Validation of Health Education Tools and Evaluation Questionnaires for Improving Patient Care in Lifestyle Related Diseases. J Clin Diagn Res, 11 (5), Je06-je09. doi:10.7860/jcdr/2017/28197.9946
  • Ayub, N., & Iqbal, S. (2012). The relationship of personal growth initiative, psychological well-being, and psychological distress among adolescents. Journal of Teaching and Education, 1 (6), 101-107.
  • Bartley, D. F., & Robitschek, C. (2000). Career exploration: A multivariate analysis of predictors. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 56 (1), 63-81.
  • Bayram, N. (2010). Yapısal eşitlik modellemesine giriş amos uygulamaları: Ezgi Kitabevi.
  • Beaune, L., Muskat, B., & Anthony, S. J. (2018). The emergence of personal growth amongst healthcare professionals who care for dying children. Palliative & Supportive Care, 16 (3), 298-307. doi:10.1017/S1478951517000396
  • Bhattacharya, A., & Mehrotra, S. (2014). Personal Growth Initiative Scale: How does it perform in Indian youth samples. Journal of the Indian Academy of Applied Psychology, 40 (1), 122-129.
  • Blumberga, S., & Olava, S. (2016). Quality of hospital nursing work life, psychological and subjective well-being. Rural Environment Education Personality, 13 (1), 295-300.
  • Can, A. (2016). SPSS ile bilimsel araştırma sürecinde veri analizi. Ankara: Pegem Akademi.
  • Davis, L. L. (1992). Instrument review: Getting the most from a panel of experts. Applied nursing research, 5 (4), 194-197.
  • de Freitas, C. P. P., Damásio, B. F., Tobo, P. R., Kamei, H. H., & Koller, S. H. (2016). Systematic review about personal growth initiative. Anales de Psicología/Annals of Psychology, 32 (3), 770-782.
  • Gabčanová, I. (2011). The employees–the most important asset in the organizations. Human Resources Management & Ergonomics, 5 (1), 30-33.
  • Grainger, A. (2019). Lifelong learning, personal growth and resilience. British Journal of Healthcare Assistants, 13 (2), 90-93. doi:10.12968/bjha.2019.13.2.90
  • Gürbüz, S. (2019). AMOS ile yapısal eşitlik modellemesi. Ankara: Seçkin Yayınevi.
  • İnal, H., Yilmaz Koğar, E., Demirdüzen Demirel, E., & Gelbal, S. (2017). Cronbach's coefficient alpha: A meta-analysis study. Hacettepe Universitesi Egitim Fakultesi Dergisi-Hacettepe University Journal of Education, 32 (1).
  • Irving, J. A., & Williams, D. I. (1999). Personal growth and personal development: Concepts clarified. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 27 (4), 517-526. doi:10.1080/03069889908256287
  • Karagöz, Y. (2016). SPSS 23 ve AMOS 23 uygulamalı istatistiksel analizler. Ankara: Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık.
  • Kern, D. E., Wright, S. M., Carrese, J. A., Lipkin, M., Jr., Simmons, J. M., Novack, D. H., . . . Frankel, R. (2001). Personal growth in medical faculty: a qualitative study. West J Med, 175 (2), 92-98. doi:10.1136/ewjm.175.2.92
  • Kula Kartal, S., & Mor Dirlik, E. (2016). Geçerlik Kavramının Tarihsel Gelişimi ve Güvenirlikte En Çok Tercih Edilen Yöntem: Cronbach Alfa Katsayısı. [Historical development of the concept of validity and the most preferred technique of reliability: Cronbach alpha coefficient]. Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 16 (4), 1865-1879.
  • Kuokkanen, L., Leino-Kilpi, H., & Katajisto, J. (2003). Nurse Empowerment, Job-Related Satisfaction, and Organizational Commitment. Journal of Nursing Care Quality, 18 (3), 184-192.
  • Loo, J. M. Y., Tsai, J.-S., Raylu, N., & Oei, T. P. S. (2014). Gratitude, Hope, Mindfulness and Personal-Growth Initiative: Buffers or Risk Factors for Problem Gambling? PLOS ONE, 9 (2), e83889. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0083889
  • Matsuo, M. (2019). Empowerment through self-improvement skills: The role of learning goals and personal growth initiative. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 115, 103311. doi:10.1016/j.jvb.2019.05.008
  • Meydan, C. H., & Şeşen, H. (2011). Yapısal eşitlik modellemesi AMOS uygulamaları: Detay Yayıncılık.
  • Noor, A. M., Priyalatha, G., & Isa, N. J. M. (2020). nal growth initiative in relation to life satisfaction among university students: Inisiatif pertumbuhan personal dan perkaitannya dengan kepuasan hidup dalam kalangan pelajar universiti. EDUCATUM Journal of Social Sciences, 6 (2), 42-49.
  • Ogunyemi, A. O., & Mabekoje, S. O. (2007). Self-efficacy, risk-taking behavior and mental health as predictors of personal growth initiative among university undergraduates. Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, 5 (12), 349 – 362.
  • Pol, M. S., & Chandani, M. J. (2020). Relationship between peer victimization, personal growth initiative and perceived social support. The International Journal of Indian Psychology, 6 (3), 104-113. doi:10.25215/0603.051
  • Ramos, D. C. G., Ayo, J. F. A., Cepeda, M. C. V., & Rubio, M. A. C. (2023). Análisis de confiabilidad del test de iniciativa de crecimiento personal–II: Reliability analysis of the personal growth initiative scale–II. LATAM Revista Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades, 4 (3), 1387–1393-1387–1393.
  • Robitschek, C. (1998). Personal growth initiative: The construct and its measure. Measurement and evaluation in counseling and development, 30 (4), 183-198.
  • Robitschek, C. (2003). Validity of Personal Growth Initiative Scale scores with a Mexican American college student population. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 50 (4), 496-502. doi:10.1037/0022-0167.50.4.496
  • Robitschek, C., Ashton, M. W., Spering, C. C., Geiger, N., Byers, D., Schotts, G. C., & Thoen, M. A. (2012). Development and psychometric evaluation of the Personal Growth Initiative Scale–II. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 59 (2), 274-287. doi:10.1037/a0027310
  • Robitschek, C., & Cook, S. W. (1999). The Influence of Personal Growth Initiative and Coping Styles on Career Exploration and Vocational Identity. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 54 (1), 127-141. doi:10.1006/jvbe.1998.1650
  • Robitschek, C., & Keyes, C. L. M. (2009). Keyes's model of mental health with personal growth initiative as a parsimonious predictor. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 56 (2), 321-329. doi:10.1037/a0013954
  • Robitschek, C., Yang, A., Villalba Ii, R., & Shigemoto, Y. (2019). Personal growth Initiative: A robust and malleable predictor of treatment outcome for depressed partial hospital patients. Journal of Affective Disorders, 246, 548-555. doi:10.1016/j.jad.2018.12.121
  • Shorey, H. S., Little, T. D., Snyder, C. R., Kluck, B., & Robitschek, C. (2007). Hope and personal growth initiative: A comparison of positive, future-oriented constructs. Personality and Individual Differences, 43 (7), 1917-1926. doi:10.1016/j.paid.2007.06.011
  • Shouksmith, G. (1994). Variables Related to Organizational Commitment in Health Professionals. Psychological Reports, 74 (3), 707-711. doi:10.2466/pr0.1994.74.3.707
  • Srivastava, S., & Singh, S. (2020). Linking personal growth initiative and organizational identification to employee engagement: Testing the mediating- moderating effects in Indian hotel industry. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 45, 79-89. doi:10.1016/j.jhtm.2020.07.005
  • Taubman–Ben-Ari, O., & Weintroub, A. (2008). Meaning in Life and Personal Growth among Pediatric Physicians and Nurses. Death Studies, 32 (7), 621-645. doi:10.1080/07481180802215627
  • van Woerkom, M., & Meyers, M. C. (2019). Strengthening personal growth: The effects of a strengths intervention on personal growth initiative. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 92 (1), 98-121. doi:10.1111/joop.12240
  • Vishnevsky, T., Quinlan, M. M., Kilmer, R. P., Cann, A., & Danhauer, S. C. (2015). “The Keepers of Stories”: Personal Growth and Wisdom Among Oncology Nurses. Journal of Holistic Nursing, 33 (4), 326-344. doi:10.1177/0898010115574196
  • Weigold, A., Weigold, I. K., Ethridge, E. T., & Chong, Y. K. (2023). Translation and Validation of the German Personal Growth Initiative Scale – II. The Counseling Psychologist, 51 (7), 906-932. doi:10.1177/00110000231181310
  • Weigold, I. K., Boyle, R. A., Weigold, A., Antonucci, S. Z., Mitchell, H. B., & Martin-Wagar, C. A. (2018). Personal Growth Initiative in the Therapeutic Process: An Exploratory Study. The Counseling Psychologist, 46 (4), 481-504. doi:10.1177/0011000018774541
  • Weigold, I. K., Weigold, A., Russell, E. J., Wolfe, G. L., Prowell, J. L., & Martin-Wagar, C. A. (2020). Personal Growth Initiative and Mental Health: A Meta-Analysis. Journal of Counseling & Development, 98 (4), 376-390. doi:10.1002/jcad.12340
  • Weng, Q., McElroy, J. C., Morrow, P. C., & Liu, R. (2010). The relationship between career growth and organizational commitment. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 77 (3), 391-400. doi:10.1016/j.jvb.2010.05.003
  • Wright, S. M., Levine, R. B., Beasley, B., Haidet, P., Gress, T. W., Caccamese, S., . . . Kern, D. E. (2006). Personal growth and its correlates during residency training. Medical Education, 40 (8), 737-745. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2929.2006.02499.x
  • Yalcin, I., & Malkoç, A. (2013). Adaptation of Personal Growth Initiative Scale-II to Turkish and investigation of psychometric properties. Dusunen Adam The Journal of Psychiatry and Neurological Sciences, 26 (3), 258.
  • Zahid, B., Ehsan, S., Ashraf, M., Shoukat, N., Rafi, A., Naukhaiz, H., & Nawaz, Z. (2023). Psychometric development and validation of personal growth initiative scale across male and female in early adulthood population in Pakistan: a comparative study. International Journal of Human Rights in Healthcare, 16 (1), 19-33.


Yıl 2024, Cilt: 26 Sayı: 3, 1401 - 1419, 15.09.2024


Bu çalışma Zahid vd. (2023) tarafından geliştirilen Kişisel Gelişim Yönelim Ölçeğinin sağlık çalışanlarında Türkçe geçerlilik ve güvenirliğinin değerlendirilmesini hedeflenmektedir. Bu çalışma kamu hastanesindeki 343 sağlık çalışanına uygulanmıştır. Örneklem meslek kriteri dikkate alınarak kota örneklem metodu ile belirlenmiştir. Araştırma kapsamındaki veriler anket yöntemi ile toplanmıştır. Anket katılımcı özellikleri içeren sorulardan ve Zahid vd. (2023) tarafından geliştirilen “Kişisel Gelişim Yönelimi Ölçeği” ‘den oluşmaktadır. Verilerin değerlendirilmesinde SPSS 26 ve AMOS 24 programları kullanılmıştır. Dil geçerliliği sonrasında kapsam geçerliliği değerlendirilmiştir. Ölçeğin yapı geçerliliğinin değerlendirilmesinde Açıklayıcı Faktör Analizi (AFA) ve ikinci düzey Doğrulayıcı Faktör Analizi (DFA) kullanılmıştır. Ölçeğin güvenilirlik analizlerinin değerlendirilmesinde Cronbach Alfa (CA) ve Bileşik Güvenilirlik (CR) katsayısı kullanılmıştır. Türkçe diline çevrilen Kişisel Gelişim Yönelimi Ölçeğinin kapsam (KGO>0,977) ve yapı geçerliliğinin (CMIN/DF=2,699; NFI=0,917, GFI=0,954, AGFI=9,41, RMR=0,079) olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca Türkçe diline çevrilen Kişisel Gelişim Yönelimi Ölçeğinin iç tutarlılığının olduğu belirlenmiştir. Bulgular incelendiğinde katılımcıların Kişisel Gelişim Yönelim Ölçek puan ortalamasının 77,25±10,24 (min:39,00; maks:95,00) olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Araştırma popülasyonunda Türkçe diline çevrilen Kişisel Gelişim Yönelimi Ölçeğinin geçerli ve güvenilir bir ölçüm aracı olduğu belirlenmiştir.


  • Almanasreh, E., Moles, R. J., & Chen, T. F. (2022). Chapter 41 - A practical approach to the assessment and quantification of content validity. In S. P. Desselle, V. García-Cárdenas, C. Anderson, P. Aslani, A. M. H. Chen, & T. F. Chen (Eds.), Contemporary Research Methods in Pharmacy and Health Services (pp. 583-599): Academic Press.
  • Anderson, K. A., & Gaugler, J. E. (2007). The Grief Experiences of Certified Nursing Assistants: Personal Growth and Complicated Grief. OMEGA - Journal of Death and Dying, 54 (4), 301-318. doi:10.2190/T14N-W223-7612-0224
  • Arora, C., Sinha, B., Malhotra, A., & Ranjan, P. (2017). Development and Validation of Health Education Tools and Evaluation Questionnaires for Improving Patient Care in Lifestyle Related Diseases. J Clin Diagn Res, 11 (5), Je06-je09. doi:10.7860/jcdr/2017/28197.9946
  • Ayub, N., & Iqbal, S. (2012). The relationship of personal growth initiative, psychological well-being, and psychological distress among adolescents. Journal of Teaching and Education, 1 (6), 101-107.
  • Bartley, D. F., & Robitschek, C. (2000). Career exploration: A multivariate analysis of predictors. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 56 (1), 63-81.
  • Bayram, N. (2010). Yapısal eşitlik modellemesine giriş amos uygulamaları: Ezgi Kitabevi.
  • Beaune, L., Muskat, B., & Anthony, S. J. (2018). The emergence of personal growth amongst healthcare professionals who care for dying children. Palliative & Supportive Care, 16 (3), 298-307. doi:10.1017/S1478951517000396
  • Bhattacharya, A., & Mehrotra, S. (2014). Personal Growth Initiative Scale: How does it perform in Indian youth samples. Journal of the Indian Academy of Applied Psychology, 40 (1), 122-129.
  • Blumberga, S., & Olava, S. (2016). Quality of hospital nursing work life, psychological and subjective well-being. Rural Environment Education Personality, 13 (1), 295-300.
  • Can, A. (2016). SPSS ile bilimsel araştırma sürecinde veri analizi. Ankara: Pegem Akademi.
  • Davis, L. L. (1992). Instrument review: Getting the most from a panel of experts. Applied nursing research, 5 (4), 194-197.
  • de Freitas, C. P. P., Damásio, B. F., Tobo, P. R., Kamei, H. H., & Koller, S. H. (2016). Systematic review about personal growth initiative. Anales de Psicología/Annals of Psychology, 32 (3), 770-782.
  • Gabčanová, I. (2011). The employees–the most important asset in the organizations. Human Resources Management & Ergonomics, 5 (1), 30-33.
  • Grainger, A. (2019). Lifelong learning, personal growth and resilience. British Journal of Healthcare Assistants, 13 (2), 90-93. doi:10.12968/bjha.2019.13.2.90
  • Gürbüz, S. (2019). AMOS ile yapısal eşitlik modellemesi. Ankara: Seçkin Yayınevi.
  • İnal, H., Yilmaz Koğar, E., Demirdüzen Demirel, E., & Gelbal, S. (2017). Cronbach's coefficient alpha: A meta-analysis study. Hacettepe Universitesi Egitim Fakultesi Dergisi-Hacettepe University Journal of Education, 32 (1).
  • Irving, J. A., & Williams, D. I. (1999). Personal growth and personal development: Concepts clarified. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 27 (4), 517-526. doi:10.1080/03069889908256287
  • Karagöz, Y. (2016). SPSS 23 ve AMOS 23 uygulamalı istatistiksel analizler. Ankara: Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık.
  • Kern, D. E., Wright, S. M., Carrese, J. A., Lipkin, M., Jr., Simmons, J. M., Novack, D. H., . . . Frankel, R. (2001). Personal growth in medical faculty: a qualitative study. West J Med, 175 (2), 92-98. doi:10.1136/ewjm.175.2.92
  • Kula Kartal, S., & Mor Dirlik, E. (2016). Geçerlik Kavramının Tarihsel Gelişimi ve Güvenirlikte En Çok Tercih Edilen Yöntem: Cronbach Alfa Katsayısı. [Historical development of the concept of validity and the most preferred technique of reliability: Cronbach alpha coefficient]. Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 16 (4), 1865-1879.
  • Kuokkanen, L., Leino-Kilpi, H., & Katajisto, J. (2003). Nurse Empowerment, Job-Related Satisfaction, and Organizational Commitment. Journal of Nursing Care Quality, 18 (3), 184-192.
  • Loo, J. M. Y., Tsai, J.-S., Raylu, N., & Oei, T. P. S. (2014). Gratitude, Hope, Mindfulness and Personal-Growth Initiative: Buffers or Risk Factors for Problem Gambling? PLOS ONE, 9 (2), e83889. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0083889
  • Matsuo, M. (2019). Empowerment through self-improvement skills: The role of learning goals and personal growth initiative. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 115, 103311. doi:10.1016/j.jvb.2019.05.008
  • Meydan, C. H., & Şeşen, H. (2011). Yapısal eşitlik modellemesi AMOS uygulamaları: Detay Yayıncılık.
  • Noor, A. M., Priyalatha, G., & Isa, N. J. M. (2020). nal growth initiative in relation to life satisfaction among university students: Inisiatif pertumbuhan personal dan perkaitannya dengan kepuasan hidup dalam kalangan pelajar universiti. EDUCATUM Journal of Social Sciences, 6 (2), 42-49.
  • Ogunyemi, A. O., & Mabekoje, S. O. (2007). Self-efficacy, risk-taking behavior and mental health as predictors of personal growth initiative among university undergraduates. Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, 5 (12), 349 – 362.
  • Pol, M. S., & Chandani, M. J. (2020). Relationship between peer victimization, personal growth initiative and perceived social support. The International Journal of Indian Psychology, 6 (3), 104-113. doi:10.25215/0603.051
  • Ramos, D. C. G., Ayo, J. F. A., Cepeda, M. C. V., & Rubio, M. A. C. (2023). Análisis de confiabilidad del test de iniciativa de crecimiento personal–II: Reliability analysis of the personal growth initiative scale–II. LATAM Revista Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades, 4 (3), 1387–1393-1387–1393.
  • Robitschek, C. (1998). Personal growth initiative: The construct and its measure. Measurement and evaluation in counseling and development, 30 (4), 183-198.
  • Robitschek, C. (2003). Validity of Personal Growth Initiative Scale scores with a Mexican American college student population. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 50 (4), 496-502. doi:10.1037/0022-0167.50.4.496
  • Robitschek, C., Ashton, M. W., Spering, C. C., Geiger, N., Byers, D., Schotts, G. C., & Thoen, M. A. (2012). Development and psychometric evaluation of the Personal Growth Initiative Scale–II. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 59 (2), 274-287. doi:10.1037/a0027310
  • Robitschek, C., & Cook, S. W. (1999). The Influence of Personal Growth Initiative and Coping Styles on Career Exploration and Vocational Identity. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 54 (1), 127-141. doi:10.1006/jvbe.1998.1650
  • Robitschek, C., & Keyes, C. L. M. (2009). Keyes's model of mental health with personal growth initiative as a parsimonious predictor. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 56 (2), 321-329. doi:10.1037/a0013954
  • Robitschek, C., Yang, A., Villalba Ii, R., & Shigemoto, Y. (2019). Personal growth Initiative: A robust and malleable predictor of treatment outcome for depressed partial hospital patients. Journal of Affective Disorders, 246, 548-555. doi:10.1016/j.jad.2018.12.121
  • Shorey, H. S., Little, T. D., Snyder, C. R., Kluck, B., & Robitschek, C. (2007). Hope and personal growth initiative: A comparison of positive, future-oriented constructs. Personality and Individual Differences, 43 (7), 1917-1926. doi:10.1016/j.paid.2007.06.011
  • Shouksmith, G. (1994). Variables Related to Organizational Commitment in Health Professionals. Psychological Reports, 74 (3), 707-711. doi:10.2466/pr0.1994.74.3.707
  • Srivastava, S., & Singh, S. (2020). Linking personal growth initiative and organizational identification to employee engagement: Testing the mediating- moderating effects in Indian hotel industry. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 45, 79-89. doi:10.1016/j.jhtm.2020.07.005
  • Taubman–Ben-Ari, O., & Weintroub, A. (2008). Meaning in Life and Personal Growth among Pediatric Physicians and Nurses. Death Studies, 32 (7), 621-645. doi:10.1080/07481180802215627
  • van Woerkom, M., & Meyers, M. C. (2019). Strengthening personal growth: The effects of a strengths intervention on personal growth initiative. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 92 (1), 98-121. doi:10.1111/joop.12240
  • Vishnevsky, T., Quinlan, M. M., Kilmer, R. P., Cann, A., & Danhauer, S. C. (2015). “The Keepers of Stories”: Personal Growth and Wisdom Among Oncology Nurses. Journal of Holistic Nursing, 33 (4), 326-344. doi:10.1177/0898010115574196
  • Weigold, A., Weigold, I. K., Ethridge, E. T., & Chong, Y. K. (2023). Translation and Validation of the German Personal Growth Initiative Scale – II. The Counseling Psychologist, 51 (7), 906-932. doi:10.1177/00110000231181310
  • Weigold, I. K., Boyle, R. A., Weigold, A., Antonucci, S. Z., Mitchell, H. B., & Martin-Wagar, C. A. (2018). Personal Growth Initiative in the Therapeutic Process: An Exploratory Study. The Counseling Psychologist, 46 (4), 481-504. doi:10.1177/0011000018774541
  • Weigold, I. K., Weigold, A., Russell, E. J., Wolfe, G. L., Prowell, J. L., & Martin-Wagar, C. A. (2020). Personal Growth Initiative and Mental Health: A Meta-Analysis. Journal of Counseling & Development, 98 (4), 376-390. doi:10.1002/jcad.12340
  • Weng, Q., McElroy, J. C., Morrow, P. C., & Liu, R. (2010). The relationship between career growth and organizational commitment. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 77 (3), 391-400. doi:10.1016/j.jvb.2010.05.003
  • Wright, S. M., Levine, R. B., Beasley, B., Haidet, P., Gress, T. W., Caccamese, S., . . . Kern, D. E. (2006). Personal growth and its correlates during residency training. Medical Education, 40 (8), 737-745. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2929.2006.02499.x
  • Yalcin, I., & Malkoç, A. (2013). Adaptation of Personal Growth Initiative Scale-II to Turkish and investigation of psychometric properties. Dusunen Adam The Journal of Psychiatry and Neurological Sciences, 26 (3), 258.
  • Zahid, B., Ehsan, S., Ashraf, M., Shoukat, N., Rafi, A., Naukhaiz, H., & Nawaz, Z. (2023). Psychometric development and validation of personal growth initiative scale across male and female in early adulthood population in Pakistan: a comparative study. International Journal of Human Rights in Healthcare, 16 (1), 19-33.
Toplam 47 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Politika ve Yönetim (Diğer), Sosyal ve Kişilik Psikolojisi (Diğer)
Bölüm Makaleler

Selahattin Akyüz 0000-0002-4591-5461

Ugur Ugrak 0000-0002-6043-835X

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Eylül 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Aralık 2023
Kabul Tarihi 4 Eylül 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 26 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Akyüz, S., & Ugrak, U. (2024). KİŞİSEL GELİŞİM YÖNELİM ÖLÇEĞİ: SAĞLIK ÇALIŞANLARINDA TÜRKÇE GEÇERLİLİK VE GÜVENİLİRLİK ÇALIŞMASI. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 26(3), 1401-1419.