Comparison of Swelling Pressures Determined by Two Different Methods
Yıl 2025,
Cilt: 13 Sayı: 1, 545 - 557, 30.01.2025
Ömür Çimen
Nilay Keskin
Expansive soils are a problem affecting many parts of the world. The fact that the expenses incurred due to the damage caused by swelling soils are quite high shows that this problem cannot be ignored. In this study, swelling pressures of compacted clays are determined using two different test methods, one of which is an oedometer test equipment. Three different clay samples were used in the tests. Free and constant-volume swell tests are conducted on compacted samples prepared at various water contents and dry densities. Free swell pressure and constant-volume swell pressure tests are performed on samples with identical initial conditions using oedometer testing equipment. These tests are repeated more than two times. Regression analysis was conducted on the free and constant-volume swell pressures based on the obtained data. Then, the swelling pressures calculated using the empirical equation are compared with test results and literature data.
Destekleyen Kurum
Süleyman Demirel University Scientific Research Projects Coordination Unit
Proje Numarası
Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi 310 nolu BAP projesi
This study was produced from project number 310 titled “Fuzzy Logic Approach in Determining Swelling and Suction Properties of Clayey Soils”. The authors would like to thank Süleyman Demirel University Scientific Research Projects Coordination Unit for their support.
- [1] Nelson, J.D., and Miller, D.J., Expansive Soils Problem and Practice in Foundation and Pavement Engineering, John Wiley & Sons, 253 p.,1992.
- [2] Astm, D4546, “Standart test methods for one dimensional swell or settlement potential of cohesive soils,” Annual Book of ASTM Standarts, vol.4, no.8, pp.992-1100, 1986.
- [3] Al-Muhaidib, A.I., “Swelling behaviour of expansive shales from the middle region of Saudi Arabia,” Geotechnical Geol. Eng., vol.16, no.4, pp.291-307, 1998.
- [4] El-Sayed, S.T., and Rabbaa, S.A., “Factors affecting behavior of expansive soils in the laboratory and field,” Geotechnical Engineering, vol.17, pp.89-107, 1986.
- [5] Erol, A.O., “In-situ and laboratory measured suction parameters for predictions of swelling,” In Proceeding of the Seventh International Conference on Expansive Soils, Dallas, TX, 2-30, 1992.
- [6] Al-Shamrani, M.A., and Al- Mhaidib, A.I., “Swelling behavior under oedometric and triaxial loading conditions,” In: shackelford, C.D., Houston, S.L., Chang, N.Y., (Eds.), Advances in Unsaturated Geotechnics, Geotechnical Special Publication, vol.99, pp.344-360, 2000.
- [7] Abduljauwad, S.N., and Al-Sulaimani, G.J., “Determination of swell potential of Al-Qatif clay,” Geotechnical Testing Journal, vol.16, no.4, pp.469-484, 1993.
- [8] Tisot, J.P., and Aboushook, M.I., “Triaxial study of the swelling characteristic,” Proc. of the Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Haifa, 94-97, 1983.
- [9] Al- Shamrani, M.A., and Dhowian, A.W., “Experimental study of lateral restraint effects on the potential heave of expansive soil,” Engineering Geology, vol.69, pp.63-81, 2003.
- [10] Liang, W., Yan, R., Xu, H., Zhang, O., Tian, H., and Wei, C., “Swelling pressure of compacted expansive soil over a wide suction range,” Applied Clay Science, vol.203, 106018, 2021.
- [11] Delage, P., “Some microstructure effects on the behaviour of compacted swelling clays used for engineered barriers,” Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering, 25. Science Press, 16 Donghuangchenggen North St, Beijing, pp. 721–732. 100717, China, 2006.
- [12] Hanumantha, R., Reddy, P.S., Mohanty, B., and Reddy, K.R., “Combined effect of mineralogical and chemical parameters on swelling behaviour of expansive soils,” Scientific Reports, vol.11, pp.16562, 2021.
- [13] Taherdangkoo, R., Shehab, M.,Ardejani, F.D., and Butscher, C., “Experimental Data on Maximum Swelling Pressure of Clayey Soils and Related Soil Properties,” MDPI, vol. 9, no.4, pp.57, , 2024.
- [14] Aneke, F., Onyelowe, K.C., and Ebid, A.M., “AI-Based estimation of swelling stress for soils in South Africa,” Transportation Infrastructure Geotechnology, vol.11, pp.1049-1072, 2024.
- [15] Prabhakara Rao, V.V.N., “Swelling pressure of soil using a predictive tool,” International Journal of Computer Applications, vol.63, no.19, pp. 27-32, 2013.
- [16] Eyo, E.U., Abbey, S.J. Lawrance, T.T., and Tetteh, F.K., “Improved prediction of clay soil expansion using machine learning algorithms and meta-heuristic dichotomous ensemble classifiers,” Geoscience Frontiers, vol.13, no.1, pp.101296, 2022.
- [17] Narmandakh, D., Butcher, C. ,Ardejani, F.D. ,Yang, H., Nagel, T., and Taherdangkoo, R., “The use of feed-forward and cascade-forward neural networks to determine swelling potential of clayey soils,” Computers and Geotechnics, vol.157, pp.105319, 2023.
- [18] Çimen, Ö., “Determination of swelling and suction properties of clay soils with fuzzy logic,” PhD thesis, Süleyman Demirel University, Isparta, Turkey, (in Turkish), 2002.
- [19] Kumari, N., and Mohan, C., “Basics of Clay Minerals and Their Characteristic Properties,” DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.97672, 2021.
- [20] Ohri, M.L., “Swelling pressure of clays and its control,” International Conference on Poblematic Soils, Nottingham, United Kingdom, vol. 2, pp. 427- 433, 2003.
- [21] Karathanasis, A.D., and Hajek, B.F., “Shrink– swell potential of montmorillonitic soils in udic moisture regimes,” Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J., vol. 49, pp. 159 – 166, 1985.
- [22] Çimen, Ö., and Keskin, S.N., “Relationship of free and constant volüme swelling pressure tests at compacted clays,” Eleventh National Congress of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, 7-8 September 2006, Karadeniz Technical University, 514-524, (in Turkish), 2006.
- [23] Keskin, S.N., “İstanbul neojen kilinin şişme davranışına ön konsolidasyonun, minerolojik özelliklerin ve çevresel faktörlerin etkisi,” PhD thesis, ITU Institute of Science, Istanbul, Turkey, 155p., (in Turkish), 1993.
- [24] Abduljauwad, S.N., Al-Sulaımanı, G.J., Basunbul, I.A., and Al-Buraim, I., “Laboratory and field studies of response of structures to heave of expansive clay,” Geotechnique, vol.48, no.1, pp.103-121, 1998.
İki Farklı Yöntemle Belirlenen Şişme Basınçlarının Karşılaştırılması
Yıl 2025,
Cilt: 13 Sayı: 1, 545 - 557, 30.01.2025
Ömür Çimen
Nilay Keskin
Şişen zeminler dünyanın birçok bölgesini etkileyen bir sorundur. Şişen zeminlerin neden olduğu hasarlar nedeniyle oluşan masrafların oldukça yüksek olması bu sorunun göz ardı edilemeyeceğini göstermektedir. Bu çalışmada, sıkıştırılmış killerin şişme basınçları ödometre test cihazı kullanılarak iki farklı deney yöntemi ile belirlenmiştir. Üç farklı kil numunesi ile deneyler yapılmıştır. Farklı su muhtevalarında ve farklı kuru birim hacim ağırlıklarda hazırlanan sıkıştırılmış numunelerde serbest şişme deneyleri ve sabit hacimli şişme deneyleri yapılmıştır. Başlangıç koşulları aynı olan numuneler üzerinde ödometre test cihazı ile serbest şişme basıncı ve sabit hacimli şişme basıncı deneyleri yapılmıştır. Bu deneyler her numune için en az iki kez yapılmıştır. Elde edilen verilerden serbest şişme basıncı ve sabit hacimli şişme basıncı için regresyon analizi yapılmıştır. Daha sonra, ampirik denklemden bulunan şişme basıncı değerleri hem deney sonuçları hem de literatür verileri ile karşılaştırılmıştır.
Destekleyen Kurum
Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi
Proje Numarası
Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi 310 nolu BAP projesi
Destekleri için Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesine teşekkür ederiz.
- [1] Nelson, J.D., and Miller, D.J., Expansive Soils Problem and Practice in Foundation and Pavement Engineering, John Wiley & Sons, 253 p.,1992.
- [2] Astm, D4546, “Standart test methods for one dimensional swell or settlement potential of cohesive soils,” Annual Book of ASTM Standarts, vol.4, no.8, pp.992-1100, 1986.
- [3] Al-Muhaidib, A.I., “Swelling behaviour of expansive shales from the middle region of Saudi Arabia,” Geotechnical Geol. Eng., vol.16, no.4, pp.291-307, 1998.
- [4] El-Sayed, S.T., and Rabbaa, S.A., “Factors affecting behavior of expansive soils in the laboratory and field,” Geotechnical Engineering, vol.17, pp.89-107, 1986.
- [5] Erol, A.O., “In-situ and laboratory measured suction parameters for predictions of swelling,” In Proceeding of the Seventh International Conference on Expansive Soils, Dallas, TX, 2-30, 1992.
- [6] Al-Shamrani, M.A., and Al- Mhaidib, A.I., “Swelling behavior under oedometric and triaxial loading conditions,” In: shackelford, C.D., Houston, S.L., Chang, N.Y., (Eds.), Advances in Unsaturated Geotechnics, Geotechnical Special Publication, vol.99, pp.344-360, 2000.
- [7] Abduljauwad, S.N., and Al-Sulaimani, G.J., “Determination of swell potential of Al-Qatif clay,” Geotechnical Testing Journal, vol.16, no.4, pp.469-484, 1993.
- [8] Tisot, J.P., and Aboushook, M.I., “Triaxial study of the swelling characteristic,” Proc. of the Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Haifa, 94-97, 1983.
- [9] Al- Shamrani, M.A., and Dhowian, A.W., “Experimental study of lateral restraint effects on the potential heave of expansive soil,” Engineering Geology, vol.69, pp.63-81, 2003.
- [10] Liang, W., Yan, R., Xu, H., Zhang, O., Tian, H., and Wei, C., “Swelling pressure of compacted expansive soil over a wide suction range,” Applied Clay Science, vol.203, 106018, 2021.
- [11] Delage, P., “Some microstructure effects on the behaviour of compacted swelling clays used for engineered barriers,” Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering, 25. Science Press, 16 Donghuangchenggen North St, Beijing, pp. 721–732. 100717, China, 2006.
- [12] Hanumantha, R., Reddy, P.S., Mohanty, B., and Reddy, K.R., “Combined effect of mineralogical and chemical parameters on swelling behaviour of expansive soils,” Scientific Reports, vol.11, pp.16562, 2021.
- [13] Taherdangkoo, R., Shehab, M.,Ardejani, F.D., and Butscher, C., “Experimental Data on Maximum Swelling Pressure of Clayey Soils and Related Soil Properties,” MDPI, vol. 9, no.4, pp.57, , 2024.
- [14] Aneke, F., Onyelowe, K.C., and Ebid, A.M., “AI-Based estimation of swelling stress for soils in South Africa,” Transportation Infrastructure Geotechnology, vol.11, pp.1049-1072, 2024.
- [15] Prabhakara Rao, V.V.N., “Swelling pressure of soil using a predictive tool,” International Journal of Computer Applications, vol.63, no.19, pp. 27-32, 2013.
- [16] Eyo, E.U., Abbey, S.J. Lawrance, T.T., and Tetteh, F.K., “Improved prediction of clay soil expansion using machine learning algorithms and meta-heuristic dichotomous ensemble classifiers,” Geoscience Frontiers, vol.13, no.1, pp.101296, 2022.
- [17] Narmandakh, D., Butcher, C. ,Ardejani, F.D. ,Yang, H., Nagel, T., and Taherdangkoo, R., “The use of feed-forward and cascade-forward neural networks to determine swelling potential of clayey soils,” Computers and Geotechnics, vol.157, pp.105319, 2023.
- [18] Çimen, Ö., “Determination of swelling and suction properties of clay soils with fuzzy logic,” PhD thesis, Süleyman Demirel University, Isparta, Turkey, (in Turkish), 2002.
- [19] Kumari, N., and Mohan, C., “Basics of Clay Minerals and Their Characteristic Properties,” DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.97672, 2021.
- [20] Ohri, M.L., “Swelling pressure of clays and its control,” International Conference on Poblematic Soils, Nottingham, United Kingdom, vol. 2, pp. 427- 433, 2003.
- [21] Karathanasis, A.D., and Hajek, B.F., “Shrink– swell potential of montmorillonitic soils in udic moisture regimes,” Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J., vol. 49, pp. 159 – 166, 1985.
- [22] Çimen, Ö., and Keskin, S.N., “Relationship of free and constant volüme swelling pressure tests at compacted clays,” Eleventh National Congress of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, 7-8 September 2006, Karadeniz Technical University, 514-524, (in Turkish), 2006.
- [23] Keskin, S.N., “İstanbul neojen kilinin şişme davranışına ön konsolidasyonun, minerolojik özelliklerin ve çevresel faktörlerin etkisi,” PhD thesis, ITU Institute of Science, Istanbul, Turkey, 155p., (in Turkish), 1993.
- [24] Abduljauwad, S.N., Al-Sulaımanı, G.J., Basunbul, I.A., and Al-Buraim, I., “Laboratory and field studies of response of structures to heave of expansive clay,” Geotechnique, vol.48, no.1, pp.103-121, 1998.