Fiber Takviyeli Yapıştırıcıların Kullanıldığı Tek Tesirli Yapışma Bağlantılarında Hasar Analizi
Yıl 2021,
, 257 - 262, 30.03.2021
Kadir Turan
Sinan Barut
Bu çalışmada; tek yön cam fiberlerle takviye edilmiş yapıştırıcılar kullanılarak üretilmiş tek tesirli yapışma bağlantılarının hasar davranışları deneysel yöntemlerle araştırılmıştır. Kompozit levhaların tek tesirli bağlantılar ile birleştirilmesinde epoksi yapıştırıcı emdirilmiş fiberler kullanılmıştır. İki kompozit levha arasına yapıştırıcı emdirilmiş fiber tabakaları kullanılarak bağlantının güçlendirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Takviye edilmiş yapıştırıcılar ile elde edilen bağlantıların hasar yükleri, takviye edilmemiş yapıştırıcı ile birleştirilmiş bağlantıların hasar yükleri ile karşılaştırılmıştır. Ayrıca fiber takviye açısının etkisini araştırmak için 0o, 15o 30o ve 45o fiber takviye açıları kullanılmıştır. Deneysel çalışma sonucunda yapıştırıcıların takviye edilmesinin hasar yüklerini %7 ‘ye varan oranlarda arttırabildiği belirlenmiştir.
Proje Numarası
Bu çalışmayı MÜHENDİSLİK 18.014 numaralı proje ile desteklediği için DÜBAP birimine teşekkür ederiz.
- [1] Giv A.N., Ayatollahi M.R., Ghaffari S.H., Silva L.F.M., (2018). Effect of reinforcements at different scales on mechanical properties of epoxy adhesives and adhesive joints: a review, Journal of Adhesion , 94, 13, 1082-1121.
- [2] Jojibabu P., Jagannatham M., Haridoss P., Ram G.D. J., Deshpande A.P., Bakshi S.R., (2016). Effect of different carbon nano-fillers on rheological properties and lap shear strength of epoxy adhesive joints, Composites Part: A, 82, 53-64.
- [3] Udatha P., Babu Y.N., Satyadev M., Bhagavathi L.R., (2020). Effect of natural fibers reinforcement on lap-shear strength of adhesive bonded joints, Materials Today: Proceedings, 23, 541-544.
- [4] Hülagü B., Acar V., Aydın M.R., Aydın O.A., Gök S., Ünal H.Y., Pekbey Y., Akbulut H., (2020). Experimental modal analysis of graphene nanoparticle reinforced adhesively bonded double strap joints, Journal of Adhesion,
- [5] Khalili S.M.R., Shokuhfar A., Hoseini S.D., Bidkhori M., Khalili S., Mittal. R.K., (200). Experimental study of the influence of adhesive reinforcement in lap joints for composite structures subjected to mechanical loads, International Journal of Adhesion & Adhesives, 28, 436– 444.
- [6] Turan K., (2016). Kompozit malzemelerde yapışma bağlantılarının mukavemeti üzerine yama fiber takviye açısı etkisi, Dicle Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Mühendislik Dergisi,7, 1, 129-136.
- [7] Ayatollahi M. R., Giv A. N., Razavi S. M. J., Khoramishad H., (2017). Mechanical properties of adhesively single lap bonded joints reinforced with multi walled carbon nanotubes and silica nanoparticles, Journal of Adhesion, 93, 11, 816-913.
- [8] Khalili S.M.R., Tavakolian M., Sarabi A., (2010). Mechanical Properties of Nanoclay Reinforced Epoxy Adhesive Bonded Joints Made with Composite Materials, Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 24, 1917–1928.
- [9] Meguid S.A., Sun Y., (2004). On the tensile and shear strength of nano-reinforced composite interfaces, Materials and Design, 25, 289–296.
- [10] Turan K., Pekbey Y., (2015). Progressive Failure Analysis of Reinforced-Adhesively Single-Lap Joint, Journal of Adhesion, 91, 962–977.
- [11] Silva C.I., Barbosa, A.Q., Carbas R.J.C., Marques E.A.S., Safar A.A., Da Silva L.F.M., (2012). Influence of cork microparticles on the fracture type in single lap joints, Journal of Adhesion, 88, 452– 470
Failure Analysis of Fiber Reinforced Adhesively Single Lap Joints
Yıl 2021,
, 257 - 262, 30.03.2021
Kadir Turan
Sinan Barut
In this study; experimental failure analysis was investigated on adhesively single-lap joints produced using adhesives reinforced with uni-directional glass fibers. Epoxy adhesive impregnated fiber were used to join composite plates with single-lap joints. It is aimed to strengthen the joint by using fiber layers impregnated with adhesive between the two composite plates. The failure loads of the joints obtained with reinforced adhesives were compared with the failure loads of the joints attached to the non-reinforced adhesive. Also, 0o, 15o 30o and 45o fiber reinforcement angles were used to investigate the effect of fiber reinforcement angle. As a result of the experimental study, it was determined that reinforcing the adhesives can increase the damage loads by up to 7%.
Proje Numarası
- [1] Giv A.N., Ayatollahi M.R., Ghaffari S.H., Silva L.F.M., (2018). Effect of reinforcements at different scales on mechanical properties of epoxy adhesives and adhesive joints: a review, Journal of Adhesion , 94, 13, 1082-1121.
- [2] Jojibabu P., Jagannatham M., Haridoss P., Ram G.D. J., Deshpande A.P., Bakshi S.R., (2016). Effect of different carbon nano-fillers on rheological properties and lap shear strength of epoxy adhesive joints, Composites Part: A, 82, 53-64.
- [3] Udatha P., Babu Y.N., Satyadev M., Bhagavathi L.R., (2020). Effect of natural fibers reinforcement on lap-shear strength of adhesive bonded joints, Materials Today: Proceedings, 23, 541-544.
- [4] Hülagü B., Acar V., Aydın M.R., Aydın O.A., Gök S., Ünal H.Y., Pekbey Y., Akbulut H., (2020). Experimental modal analysis of graphene nanoparticle reinforced adhesively bonded double strap joints, Journal of Adhesion,
- [5] Khalili S.M.R., Shokuhfar A., Hoseini S.D., Bidkhori M., Khalili S., Mittal. R.K., (200). Experimental study of the influence of adhesive reinforcement in lap joints for composite structures subjected to mechanical loads, International Journal of Adhesion & Adhesives, 28, 436– 444.
- [6] Turan K., (2016). Kompozit malzemelerde yapışma bağlantılarının mukavemeti üzerine yama fiber takviye açısı etkisi, Dicle Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Mühendislik Dergisi,7, 1, 129-136.
- [7] Ayatollahi M. R., Giv A. N., Razavi S. M. J., Khoramishad H., (2017). Mechanical properties of adhesively single lap bonded joints reinforced with multi walled carbon nanotubes and silica nanoparticles, Journal of Adhesion, 93, 11, 816-913.
- [8] Khalili S.M.R., Tavakolian M., Sarabi A., (2010). Mechanical Properties of Nanoclay Reinforced Epoxy Adhesive Bonded Joints Made with Composite Materials, Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 24, 1917–1928.
- [9] Meguid S.A., Sun Y., (2004). On the tensile and shear strength of nano-reinforced composite interfaces, Materials and Design, 25, 289–296.
- [10] Turan K., Pekbey Y., (2015). Progressive Failure Analysis of Reinforced-Adhesively Single-Lap Joint, Journal of Adhesion, 91, 962–977.
- [11] Silva C.I., Barbosa, A.Q., Carbas R.J.C., Marques E.A.S., Safar A.A., Da Silva L.F.M., (2012). Influence of cork microparticles on the fracture type in single lap joints, Journal of Adhesion, 88, 452– 470