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‘Samourai’ Kesme Gül Çeşidinin Farklı Vazo Solüsyonlarıyla Vazo Ömrünün Uzatılması

Yıl 2024, , 1 - 15, 23.12.2024


Dünyada ticareti en fazla yapılan kesme çiçeklerin başında kesme gül yer almakta ve hem kıtalar içi hem de kıtalar arasında taşınmaktadır. Kesme güllerin vazo ömrü; iletim demetlerinin tıkanarak yeterli suyu çekememesi, boyun bükme, petallerde kararma ve solma, hastalık (özellikle kurşuni küf) vb. nedenlerle kısalmaktadır. Çiçeklerin vazo ömrü ise vazo solüsyonlarına ilave edilen koruyucu maddelerle uzatılabilmektedir. Çalışmada bitkisel materyal olarak Rosa hybrida türüne ait ülkemizde ticareti oldukça fazla yapılan kırmızı renkte çiçeklere sahip standart tip çiçekleri olan ‘Samourai’ çeşidi kullanılmıştır. Vazo solüsyonu olarak 4 farklı uygulama [ticari marka çamaşır suyu (%0.2, ACE: ürün bileşimi ˂5 Klor bazlı ağartıcı), Sodyum hipoklorit (75 mg L-1), Chrysal (%0.2) ve 8-hydroxyquinoline (200 mg L-1)] kullanılmış ve sonuçlar distile suyun kontrol olarak kullanıldığı uygulama ile karşılaştırılmıştır. Çalışmada; çiçeklerin vazo ömrü, toplam vazo solüsyon alımı, oransal taze ağırlık, vazo ömrü süresince petal rengi, çiçek çapı ve vazo solüsyonlarındaki pH ve EC değişimleri ile mikrobiyal aktivite incelenmiştir. Çalışmamız %0.2 Chrysal (17.83 gün), %0.2 çamaşır suyu (17.75 gün), 200 mg L-1 8-hydroxyquinoline (12.42 gün), 75 mg L-1 Sodyum hipoklorit (9.17 gün) içeren vazo solüsyonlarının, kontrol (8.0 gün)’e kıyasla çiçeklerin vazo ömrünü önemli ölçüde artırdığını göstermiştir. Sonuç olarak, piyasada ticari olarak kullanılan çamaşır suyunun, dünya kesme çiçek sektöründe ticari çiçek koruyucusu olarak kullanılan Chrysal ürünü kadar kesme gül çiçeklerinin vazo ömrünü uzattığı ve çiçek kalitesini koruduğu belirlenmiştir.


8. Ulusal Süs Bitkileri kongresinde sunulmuştur


  • Anonim, (2024). Erişim Tarihi: 14.08.2024.
  • Cho, M.C., Çelikel, F.G., Dodge, L. (2001). Sucrose Enhances the Postharvest Quality of Cut Flowers of Eustoma grandiflorum (RAF.). International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS), Leuven, Belgium, pp. 305–315.
  • Çelikel, F. G., Reid, M. S., & Jiang, C. Z. (2019). Postharvest handling of cut flowers and potted plants. Horticultural Reviews, 47, 197-240.
  • Çelikel, F.G. (2015). Post-harvest physiology of flowers from the family gentianaceae. In: Rybczyński, J.J., Davey, M.R., Mikuła, A. (Eds.), The Gentianaceae- Volume 2: Biotechnology and Applications. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 287–305.
  • Çelikel, F.G., Reid, M.S. (2002). Postharvest handling of stock (Matthiola incana). HortScience 37, 144–147.
  • Dole, J.M., Wilkins, H.F. (2005). Floriculture: Principles and Species. Prentice Hall.
  • Faragher, J., Slater, T., Joyce, D., Williamson, V., (2002). Postharvest Handling of Australian Flowers From Australian Native Plants and Related Species, a Practical Workbook. Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation (RIRDC) Barton, ACT, Australia..
  • Halevy, A.H., Mayak, S., (1981). Senescence and postharvest physiology of cut flowers. Part 2. Horticulture Reviews, 3, 59–153.
  • He, S., Joyce, D.C., Irving, D.E., Faragher, J.D. (2006). Stemend blockage in cut Grevillea ‘CrimsonYul-lo’ inflorescences. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 41,78–84.
  • Ichimura, K., Shimizu-Yumoto, H., Shibuya, K., Mochizuki, H. (2011). Investigation of the vase life of cut flowers in different seasons. Bull. Natl. Inst. Flor. Sci., 11, 49–65.
  • Jones, R. B. (2001). Postharvest Handling of Cut Flowers. HortTechnology, 11(2), 241-246.
  • Kazaz, S., Ergür, E.G., Kılıç, T., Korkut, S.S. (2019). Effects of some preservative solutions on the vase life of cut rose flowers, Acta Horticulturae, 1232, 93-98.
  • Kato, M.; Kanda, M.; Ichimura, K. (2022). Effects of pulse treatments with sucrose, silver thiosulfate and calcium chloride on the vase life and soluble carbohydrate and aurone levels in cut snapdragon flowers. Hortic. J. 91, 112–121.
  • Kim, Y., Lee, J.S. (2002). Changes in bent neck, water balance and vase life of cut rose cultivars as affected by the preservative solution. J.Korean Soc. Hortic. Sci. 43, 201–207.
  • Knee, M. (2000). Selection of biocides for use in floral preservatives. Postharvest Biology Technology. 18, 227–234.
  • Loubaud, M., VanDoorn, W.G. (2004). Wound-induced and bacteria-induced xylem blockage in roses, Astilbe, and Viburnum. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 32 (3),281–288.
  • Lü, P., Cao, J., He, S., Liu, J., Li, H., Cheng G., Ding Y., Joyce, D.C. (2010). Nanosilver pulse treatments ımprove water relations of cut rose cv. Movie star flowers. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 57:196–202
  • Nowak, J., & Rudnicki, R. M. (1990). Postharvest Handling and Storage of Cut Flowers, Florist Greens, and Potted Plants. Springer, Timber Press.
  • Reid, B.J., Reid, M.S., (2000). The Role of microbial growth in the vase life of cut flowers. Acta Horticulturae.,517, 223-229.
  • Reid, M. S. (2012). Postharvest handling and treatment of cut flowers. Horticultural Reviews, 40, 169-201.
  • Sun, J., Guo, H., Tao, J. (2022). Effects of Harvest Stage, Storage, and Preservation Technology on Postharvest Ornamental Value of Cut Peony (Paeonia lactiflora) Flowers. Agronomy, 12, 230.
  • Van Doorn, W. G. (1997). Water relations of cut flowers. Horticultural Reviews, 18, 1-85.
  • van Doorn, W. G., Reid, M. S. (1995). Flower Opening and Senescence. Horticultural Reviews, 17, 1-15.
  • van Doorn, W.G., de Witte, Y., Perik, R.R.J., (1990). Effect of antimicrobial compounds on the number of bacteria in stems of cut rose flowers. J. Appl. Bacteriol. 68, 117–122.
  • Van Doorn, W.G., Schurer, K., De Witte, Y., (1989). Role of endogenous bacteria in vascular blockage of cut rose flowers. Journal of Plant Physiology. 134, 375–381.
  • Van Ieperen,W., VanMeeteren, U.,Nijsse, J., (2002). Embolism repair in cut flower stems:a physical approach. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 25(1),1–14.
  • VanMeetern, U.,VanIberen, W., Nijsse,J., Keijzer,K. (2001). Processes and xylem antimicrobial properties involved in dehydration dynamics of cut flowers. ActaHorticulturae, 543, 207–211.
  • Van, Y., Wen, C., Gong, L., Zeng, H., Wang, C. (2023). Neoagaro-oligosaccharides Improve the Postharvest Flower Quality and Vase Life of Cut Rose ‘Gaoyuanhong’, HortScience,, 58(4): 404-409.

Extending the Vase Life of ‘Samourai’ Cut Rose Variety with Different Vase Solutions

Yıl 2024, , 1 - 15, 23.12.2024


Cut roses are one of the most traded cut flowers in the world and are transported both within and between continents. The vase life of cut roses is shortened due to reasons such as blockage of vascular bundles and insufficient water absorption, neck bending, blackening and fading of petals, disease (especially lead mould), etc. The vase life of flowers can be prolonged with preservatives added to the vase solutions. In this study, ‘Samourai’ variety of Rosa hybrida species with standard type flowers with red coloured flowers, which is widely traded in our country, was used as plant material. Four different treatments [trademark bleach (0.2%, ACE: product composition ˂5 Chlorine-based bleach), sodium hypochlorite (75 mg L-1), Chrysal (0.2%) and 8-hydroxyquinoline (200 mg L-1)] were used as vase solutions and the results were compared with the control treatment of distilled water. In the study; vase life, total vase solution uptake, relative fresh weight, petal colour, flower diameter, pH and EC changes in vase solutions and microbial activity were investigated. Our study showed that vase solutions containing 0.2% Chrysal (17.83 days), 0.2% bleach (17.75 days), 200 mg L-1 8-hydroxyquinoline (12.42 days), 75 mg L-1 sodium hypochlorite (9.17 days) significantly increased the vase life of flowers compared to control (8.0 days). In conclusion, it was determined that bleach, which is used commercially in the market, prolonged the vase life of cut rose flowers and preserved the flower quality as much as Chrysal, which is used as a commercial flower preservative in the world cut flower sector.


  • Anonim, (2024). Erişim Tarihi: 14.08.2024.
  • Cho, M.C., Çelikel, F.G., Dodge, L. (2001). Sucrose Enhances the Postharvest Quality of Cut Flowers of Eustoma grandiflorum (RAF.). International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS), Leuven, Belgium, pp. 305–315.
  • Çelikel, F. G., Reid, M. S., & Jiang, C. Z. (2019). Postharvest handling of cut flowers and potted plants. Horticultural Reviews, 47, 197-240.
  • Çelikel, F.G. (2015). Post-harvest physiology of flowers from the family gentianaceae. In: Rybczyński, J.J., Davey, M.R., Mikuła, A. (Eds.), The Gentianaceae- Volume 2: Biotechnology and Applications. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 287–305.
  • Çelikel, F.G., Reid, M.S. (2002). Postharvest handling of stock (Matthiola incana). HortScience 37, 144–147.
  • Dole, J.M., Wilkins, H.F. (2005). Floriculture: Principles and Species. Prentice Hall.
  • Faragher, J., Slater, T., Joyce, D., Williamson, V., (2002). Postharvest Handling of Australian Flowers From Australian Native Plants and Related Species, a Practical Workbook. Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation (RIRDC) Barton, ACT, Australia..
  • Halevy, A.H., Mayak, S., (1981). Senescence and postharvest physiology of cut flowers. Part 2. Horticulture Reviews, 3, 59–153.
  • He, S., Joyce, D.C., Irving, D.E., Faragher, J.D. (2006). Stemend blockage in cut Grevillea ‘CrimsonYul-lo’ inflorescences. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 41,78–84.
  • Ichimura, K., Shimizu-Yumoto, H., Shibuya, K., Mochizuki, H. (2011). Investigation of the vase life of cut flowers in different seasons. Bull. Natl. Inst. Flor. Sci., 11, 49–65.
  • Jones, R. B. (2001). Postharvest Handling of Cut Flowers. HortTechnology, 11(2), 241-246.
  • Kazaz, S., Ergür, E.G., Kılıç, T., Korkut, S.S. (2019). Effects of some preservative solutions on the vase life of cut rose flowers, Acta Horticulturae, 1232, 93-98.
  • Kato, M.; Kanda, M.; Ichimura, K. (2022). Effects of pulse treatments with sucrose, silver thiosulfate and calcium chloride on the vase life and soluble carbohydrate and aurone levels in cut snapdragon flowers. Hortic. J. 91, 112–121.
  • Kim, Y., Lee, J.S. (2002). Changes in bent neck, water balance and vase life of cut rose cultivars as affected by the preservative solution. J.Korean Soc. Hortic. Sci. 43, 201–207.
  • Knee, M. (2000). Selection of biocides for use in floral preservatives. Postharvest Biology Technology. 18, 227–234.
  • Loubaud, M., VanDoorn, W.G. (2004). Wound-induced and bacteria-induced xylem blockage in roses, Astilbe, and Viburnum. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 32 (3),281–288.
  • Lü, P., Cao, J., He, S., Liu, J., Li, H., Cheng G., Ding Y., Joyce, D.C. (2010). Nanosilver pulse treatments ımprove water relations of cut rose cv. Movie star flowers. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 57:196–202
  • Nowak, J., & Rudnicki, R. M. (1990). Postharvest Handling and Storage of Cut Flowers, Florist Greens, and Potted Plants. Springer, Timber Press.
  • Reid, B.J., Reid, M.S., (2000). The Role of microbial growth in the vase life of cut flowers. Acta Horticulturae.,517, 223-229.
  • Reid, M. S. (2012). Postharvest handling and treatment of cut flowers. Horticultural Reviews, 40, 169-201.
  • Sun, J., Guo, H., Tao, J. (2022). Effects of Harvest Stage, Storage, and Preservation Technology on Postharvest Ornamental Value of Cut Peony (Paeonia lactiflora) Flowers. Agronomy, 12, 230.
  • Van Doorn, W. G. (1997). Water relations of cut flowers. Horticultural Reviews, 18, 1-85.
  • van Doorn, W. G., Reid, M. S. (1995). Flower Opening and Senescence. Horticultural Reviews, 17, 1-15.
  • van Doorn, W.G., de Witte, Y., Perik, R.R.J., (1990). Effect of antimicrobial compounds on the number of bacteria in stems of cut rose flowers. J. Appl. Bacteriol. 68, 117–122.
  • Van Doorn, W.G., Schurer, K., De Witte, Y., (1989). Role of endogenous bacteria in vascular blockage of cut rose flowers. Journal of Plant Physiology. 134, 375–381.
  • Van Ieperen,W., VanMeeteren, U.,Nijsse, J., (2002). Embolism repair in cut flower stems:a physical approach. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 25(1),1–14.
  • VanMeetern, U.,VanIberen, W., Nijsse,J., Keijzer,K. (2001). Processes and xylem antimicrobial properties involved in dehydration dynamics of cut flowers. ActaHorticulturae, 543, 207–211.
  • Van, Y., Wen, C., Gong, L., Zeng, H., Wang, C. (2023). Neoagaro-oligosaccharides Improve the Postharvest Flower Quality and Vase Life of Cut Rose ‘Gaoyuanhong’, HortScience,, 58(4): 404-409.
Toplam 28 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Ormancılık (Diğer)
Bölüm Özel Sayı

Ezgi Doğan Meral 0000-0003-0854-7134

Soner Kazaz 0000-0002-6644-9690

Yayımlanma Tarihi 23 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 13 Eylül 2024
Kabul Tarihi 28 Kasım 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Doğan Meral, E., & Kazaz, S. (2024). ‘Samourai’ Kesme Gül Çeşidinin Farklı Vazo Solüsyonlarıyla Vazo Ömrünün Uzatılması. Düzce Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Ormancılık Dergisi, 20(Özel Sayı), 1-15.
