Determination of Pollen Fertility of Some Cut Rose Varieties in Different Periods
Yıl 2024,
, 220 - 230, 23.12.2024
Şüheda Basire Akça Yılmaz
Soner Kazaz
In rose breeding by hybridization, the viable pollen and germination rate of the male parent increases the rate of successful pollination. Therefore, a good variety of pollinators is always needed in hybridization studies. This study was carried out at Ankara University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Horticulture to determine pollen viability and germination rates of Magnum, Harmonie and Lady Rose cultivars at three different periods (May, June and July) during flowering. The pollen viability rate was determined by "IKI test" and the pollen germination rate was determined by " saturated petri dish method". According to the data obtained from the study, the pollen viability rate showed significant differences among cultivars and within months. The highest pollen viability rate was observed in Harmonie variety in July (51.00%) and the lowest pollen viability rate was observed in Lady Rose variety in June (16.19%). The highest pollen germination rate was obtained from Harmonie variety with 19.84%. In all three varieties, the highest values in terms of both viable pollen and germination rates were found in July.
This study was presented at the 8th National Ornamental Plants Congress.
- Anand, P., Raju, D.V.S. (2016). Effect of seasonal variation on pollen viability and hip set in rose. Journal of Ornamental Horticulture, 19(1-2), 1-6.
- Datta, S. K. (2018). Breeding of new ornamental varieties: Rose. Current Scıence, VOL.114(6), NO.1194-1206.
- Ercişli, S. (2007). Determination of pollen viability and in vitro pollen germination of Rosa dumalis and Rosa villosa. Bangladesh Journal of Botany, 36(2), 185-187.
- Eti, S. (1990). Çiçek tozu miktarını belirlemede kullanılan pratik bir yöntem. Çukurova Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 5(4), 49-58.
- Giovannini, A., Macovei, A., Caser, M., Mansuino, A., Ghione, G.G., Savona, M., Carbonera, D., Scariot, V. ve Balestrazzi, A. (2017). Pollen grain preservation and fertility in valuable commercial rose cultivars. Plants, 6(17), 1-8. doi: 10.3390/plant6020017. PMID: 28441780; PMCID: PMC5489789.
- Gudin, S. (1992). Influence of bud chilling on subsequent reproductive fertility in roses. Scientia Hort. 51, 139-144.
- Gudin, S. (2000). Rose: genetics and breeding. Plant Breed. Rev., 17, 159-189.
- Gudin, S. (2001). Rose breedıng technologıes. Proc. III IS Rose Research. Eds. N. Zieslin & H. Agbaria. Acta Hort. 547, ISHS 2001.
- Imrak, B. (2010). ‘Bazı kiraz çeşitlerinin subtropik iklim koşullarındaki performansları ve çoklu dişi organ oluşumu sorununun çözümüne ilişkin araştırmalar’. Doktora Tezi, Çukurova Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Adana.
- Jacob Y, Ferrero F. (2003). Pollen grains and tubes. In: Roberts AV, Debener T, Gudin S (Eds). Encyclopedia of Rose Science Vol 2, Elsevier pp 518-523.
- Jeong, N.-R. and Park, K.-Y. (2022). Rose pollen management methods to improve productivity. Agronomy, 12, 1285.
- Kazaz S., Karagüzel Ü. Ö., Kaya A.S., Baydar H., Erken S., Özçelik H. ve Tuna Savaş G. (2022). Türkiye florasında yayılış gösteren gül türlerinden melezleme ıslahı yöntemiyle kokulu kesme gül çeşitlerinin geliştirilmesi. 1001 Tübitak Projesi Sonuç Raporu. Proje No:217O010.
- Khan, M. F., Hafiz, I. A., Khan, M. A., Abbasi, NA, Habib, U, Shah M. K. N. (2021). Determination of pollen fertility and hybridization success among Rosa hybrida. Pakistan Journal of Botany 53(5):1791–1800. DOI:10.30848/PJB2021-5(15).
- Khosh-Khui, M.; Bassiri, A.; Niknejad, M. (1976). Effects of temperature and humidity on pollen viability of six rose species. Can. J. Plant Sci. 56, 517–523. Available online:
- Koncalova, M.N., Jicinska, D., Sykorova, O. (1976). Effect of calcium and sucrose concentration on pollen germination in vitro of six Rosa Species. Biologia Plantarum. 18(1).
- Lakhotia, P. (2011). 'Pollen viability and in vitro germination studies in rose'. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Division of Floriculture and Landscaping Indian Agricultural Research Institute, Hindistan.
- Leus, L. (2005). Resistance breeding for powdery mildew (Podosphaera pannosa) and black spot (Diplocarpon rosae) in roses. Ghent University.
- Macovei, A., Caser, M., Donà, M., Valassi, A.l., Giovannini, A., Carbonera, D., Scariot, V., Balestrazzi, A. (2016). Prolonged cold storage affects pollen viability and germination along with hydrogen peroxide and nitric oxide content in Rosa hybrida. Not. Bot.Hortic. Agrobot. Cluj-Napoca, 44, 6–10.
- Marcellán, O.N. and Camadro, E.L. (1996). The viability of asparagus pollen after storage at low temperatures. Sci. Hortic., 67, 101–104.
- Martins, E.S., Davide, L.M.C, Miranda, G.J., Barizon, J.O., Junior, F.A.S., de Carvalho, R.P. ve Gonçalves, M.C. (2017). In vitro pollen viability of maize cultivars at different times of collection. Ci ncia Rural, Santa Maria, 47(02), 1-8.
- Nadeem, M., Akond, M., Riaz, A., Qasim, M., Younis, A. ve Farooq, A. (2013). Pollen morphology and viability relates to seed production in hybrid roses. Plant Breeding and Seed Science, 68(1), 25-38.
- Ogawa, T. (1961). Studies on the Seed Production of Onion. I. effects of rainfall and humidity on the fruit setting. J. Soc. Hortic. Sci. 30, 222–231.
- Pipino, L., Scariot, V., Gaggero, L., Mansuino, A., Van Labeke, M. C., Giovannini, A. (2011). Enhancing seed germination in hybrid tea roses. Propagation of Ornamental Plants, 11(3), 111-118.
- Salcă Roman G. M., Lehel L. , Somsaı, A. P., Stoıan-Dod, R. L., Dan, C., Bunea, C. I., Sestras, A. F., Sestras, R. E. (2024). The use of genetic resources in rose breeding and creation of new rose cultivars through hybridization and selection. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca. Volume 52, Issue 1, Article number 13585. DOI:10.15835/nbha52113585.
- Visser, T., De Vries, D.P., and Scheurink, J.A.M., and Welles, G.W.H. (1977). Hybrid tea-rose pollen I. Germination and storage. Euphytica 26, 721-728.
- Zlesak, D. C. (2006). Rose. Rosa hybrida. In: Anderson N. O. (Ed.). Flower breeding and genetics: Issues, Challenges and Opportunities for the 21st Century, Springer, 695-738, Amerika.
- Zlesak, D. C., Zuzek, K. and Hokanson, C. (2007). Rose pollen viability over time at varying storage temperatures. Proc. IVth IS on Rose Research and Cultivation Ed. H.B. Pemberton Acta Hort. 751, ISHS 2007.
- Zlesak, D.C. (2009). Pollen diameter and guard cell length as predictors of ploidy in diverse rose cultivars, species and breeding lines. In: J.A. Taxeira da Silva (ed.), Floriculture and ornamental biotechnology London: Global Science Books, pp. 53-70.
Bazı Kesme Gül Çeşitlerinin Farklı Dönemlerdeki Polen Kalitesinin Belirlenmesi
Yıl 2024,
, 220 - 230, 23.12.2024
Şüheda Basire Akça Yılmaz
Soner Kazaz
Melezleme yoluyla gül ıslahında, baba ebeveynin canlı polen ve çimlenme oranı başarılı tozlaşma oranını artırmaktadır. Bu nedenle, melezleme çalışmalarında her zaman iyi bir tozlayıcı çeşide ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır. Bu çalışma, Ankara Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Bahçe Bitkileri Bölümünde Magnum, Harmonie ve Lady Rose çeşitlerinin çiçeklenme döneminde üç farklı dönemde (Mayıs, Haziran ve Temmuz) polen canlılığı ve çimlenme oranlarını belirlemesi amacıyla yürütülmüştür. Canlı polen oranı “IKI testi”, çimlenme oranı “doymuş petri yöntemi” ile tespit edilmiştir. Çalışmadan elde edilen sonuçlara göre en yüksek polen canlılık oranı Temmuz ayında ve Harmonie (% 51.00) çeşidinde bulunurken, en düşük polen canlılık oranı ise Haziran ayında Lady Rose (% 16.19) çeşidinde gözlemlenmiştir. Polen çimlenme oranında en yüksek değer ise %19.84 ile Harmonie çeşidinden elde edilmiştir. Canlı polen oranları çeşitler arasında ve aylar içinde önemli farklılıklar göstermiştir. Üç çeşitte de hem canlı polen hem de çimlenme oranı açısından en yüksek değerler Temmuz ayında saptanmıştır.
Bu çalışma VIII. Ulusal Süs Bitkileri Kongresinde sunulmuştur.
- Anand, P., Raju, D.V.S. (2016). Effect of seasonal variation on pollen viability and hip set in rose. Journal of Ornamental Horticulture, 19(1-2), 1-6.
- Datta, S. K. (2018). Breeding of new ornamental varieties: Rose. Current Scıence, VOL.114(6), NO.1194-1206.
- Ercişli, S. (2007). Determination of pollen viability and in vitro pollen germination of Rosa dumalis and Rosa villosa. Bangladesh Journal of Botany, 36(2), 185-187.
- Eti, S. (1990). Çiçek tozu miktarını belirlemede kullanılan pratik bir yöntem. Çukurova Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 5(4), 49-58.
- Giovannini, A., Macovei, A., Caser, M., Mansuino, A., Ghione, G.G., Savona, M., Carbonera, D., Scariot, V. ve Balestrazzi, A. (2017). Pollen grain preservation and fertility in valuable commercial rose cultivars. Plants, 6(17), 1-8. doi: 10.3390/plant6020017. PMID: 28441780; PMCID: PMC5489789.
- Gudin, S. (1992). Influence of bud chilling on subsequent reproductive fertility in roses. Scientia Hort. 51, 139-144.
- Gudin, S. (2000). Rose: genetics and breeding. Plant Breed. Rev., 17, 159-189.
- Gudin, S. (2001). Rose breedıng technologıes. Proc. III IS Rose Research. Eds. N. Zieslin & H. Agbaria. Acta Hort. 547, ISHS 2001.
- Imrak, B. (2010). ‘Bazı kiraz çeşitlerinin subtropik iklim koşullarındaki performansları ve çoklu dişi organ oluşumu sorununun çözümüne ilişkin araştırmalar’. Doktora Tezi, Çukurova Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Adana.
- Jacob Y, Ferrero F. (2003). Pollen grains and tubes. In: Roberts AV, Debener T, Gudin S (Eds). Encyclopedia of Rose Science Vol 2, Elsevier pp 518-523.
- Jeong, N.-R. and Park, K.-Y. (2022). Rose pollen management methods to improve productivity. Agronomy, 12, 1285.
- Kazaz S., Karagüzel Ü. Ö., Kaya A.S., Baydar H., Erken S., Özçelik H. ve Tuna Savaş G. (2022). Türkiye florasında yayılış gösteren gül türlerinden melezleme ıslahı yöntemiyle kokulu kesme gül çeşitlerinin geliştirilmesi. 1001 Tübitak Projesi Sonuç Raporu. Proje No:217O010.
- Khan, M. F., Hafiz, I. A., Khan, M. A., Abbasi, NA, Habib, U, Shah M. K. N. (2021). Determination of pollen fertility and hybridization success among Rosa hybrida. Pakistan Journal of Botany 53(5):1791–1800. DOI:10.30848/PJB2021-5(15).
- Khosh-Khui, M.; Bassiri, A.; Niknejad, M. (1976). Effects of temperature and humidity on pollen viability of six rose species. Can. J. Plant Sci. 56, 517–523. Available online:
- Koncalova, M.N., Jicinska, D., Sykorova, O. (1976). Effect of calcium and sucrose concentration on pollen germination in vitro of six Rosa Species. Biologia Plantarum. 18(1).
- Lakhotia, P. (2011). 'Pollen viability and in vitro germination studies in rose'. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Division of Floriculture and Landscaping Indian Agricultural Research Institute, Hindistan.
- Leus, L. (2005). Resistance breeding for powdery mildew (Podosphaera pannosa) and black spot (Diplocarpon rosae) in roses. Ghent University.
- Macovei, A., Caser, M., Donà, M., Valassi, A.l., Giovannini, A., Carbonera, D., Scariot, V., Balestrazzi, A. (2016). Prolonged cold storage affects pollen viability and germination along with hydrogen peroxide and nitric oxide content in Rosa hybrida. Not. Bot.Hortic. Agrobot. Cluj-Napoca, 44, 6–10.
- Marcellán, O.N. and Camadro, E.L. (1996). The viability of asparagus pollen after storage at low temperatures. Sci. Hortic., 67, 101–104.
- Martins, E.S., Davide, L.M.C, Miranda, G.J., Barizon, J.O., Junior, F.A.S., de Carvalho, R.P. ve Gonçalves, M.C. (2017). In vitro pollen viability of maize cultivars at different times of collection. Ci ncia Rural, Santa Maria, 47(02), 1-8.
- Nadeem, M., Akond, M., Riaz, A., Qasim, M., Younis, A. ve Farooq, A. (2013). Pollen morphology and viability relates to seed production in hybrid roses. Plant Breeding and Seed Science, 68(1), 25-38.
- Ogawa, T. (1961). Studies on the Seed Production of Onion. I. effects of rainfall and humidity on the fruit setting. J. Soc. Hortic. Sci. 30, 222–231.
- Pipino, L., Scariot, V., Gaggero, L., Mansuino, A., Van Labeke, M. C., Giovannini, A. (2011). Enhancing seed germination in hybrid tea roses. Propagation of Ornamental Plants, 11(3), 111-118.
- Salcă Roman G. M., Lehel L. , Somsaı, A. P., Stoıan-Dod, R. L., Dan, C., Bunea, C. I., Sestras, A. F., Sestras, R. E. (2024). The use of genetic resources in rose breeding and creation of new rose cultivars through hybridization and selection. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca. Volume 52, Issue 1, Article number 13585. DOI:10.15835/nbha52113585.
- Visser, T., De Vries, D.P., and Scheurink, J.A.M., and Welles, G.W.H. (1977). Hybrid tea-rose pollen I. Germination and storage. Euphytica 26, 721-728.
- Zlesak, D. C. (2006). Rose. Rosa hybrida. In: Anderson N. O. (Ed.). Flower breeding and genetics: Issues, Challenges and Opportunities for the 21st Century, Springer, 695-738, Amerika.
- Zlesak, D. C., Zuzek, K. and Hokanson, C. (2007). Rose pollen viability over time at varying storage temperatures. Proc. IVth IS on Rose Research and Cultivation Ed. H.B. Pemberton Acta Hort. 751, ISHS 2007.
- Zlesak, D.C. (2009). Pollen diameter and guard cell length as predictors of ploidy in diverse rose cultivars, species and breeding lines. In: J.A. Taxeira da Silva (ed.), Floriculture and ornamental biotechnology London: Global Science Books, pp. 53-70.