Araştırma Makalesi
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Effects of Pollen Viability and Germination Rates on Fruit Set, Seed Number and Seed Germination Rate in Cut Rose Hybridization Breeding

Yıl 2024, , 392 - 404, 23.12.2024


Rose hybridization breeding programs, the development of new hybrid varieties consists of many steps, starting from controlled pollination to seed maturation and then germination. Hybridization breeding is a challenging process due to its low success rate, which can be attributed to pollen fertility and changes in environmental conditions. To avoid low seed yield, understanding the male parent's pollen viability and germination rate is critically important for increasing successful pollination rates. This study was conducted to determine the performance of Rosa odorata ’Louis XIV’ species and Esmeralda commercial cut rose variety as male parents in hybridization breeding. In the study, the number of fruits and seeds, fruit set and seed germination rates were determined in 10 different hybrid combinations. As a result of the hybridizations; the highest average seed number per fruit (28.00 seeds) was achieved from the Tineke x Rosa odorata hybrid combination, while the Avalanche x Rosa odorata hybrid combination produced the lowest average seed number per fruit (5.00 seeds). The highest germination rate was 50.00% in the Tineke x Rosa odorata combination, followed by 37.50% in the Harmonie x Esmeralda combination. The lowest germination rate was observed in the Lady Rose x Esmeralda combination, at 5.00%.


  • Abdolmohammadi, M., M. J. Kermani, H. Zakizadeh and Y. Hamidoghli. (2014). In vitro embryo germination and interploidy hybridization of rose (Rosa sp). Euphytica, 198(2): 255 264.
  • Chimonidou, D., A. Bolla, C. Pitta, L. Vassiliou, G. Kyriakou and H.M.C. Put. (2007). Is it possible to transfer aroma from Rosa damascena to Hybrid Tea Rose cultivars by hybridisation?. Acta Hort., 751: 299.
  • Crespel, L., Mouchotte, J. (2003). Methods of cross-breeding. In: Roberts AV, Debener T, Gudin S (eds) Encyclopedia of rose science, vol 1. Elsevier Academic Press, Oxford, pp 30–33.
  • Datta, S. K. (2018). Breeding of new ornamental varieties: Rose. Current Scıence, VOL.114(6), NO.1194-1206.
  • De Vries, D. P. ve Dubois, L. A. (1983). Pollen and pollination experiments. X. the effect of repeated pollination on fruit-and seed set in crosses between the hybrid tea-rose cvs. Sonia and Ilona. Euphytica, 32 (3), pp. 685-689.
  • De Vries, D.P., Dubois L. (1996). Rose breeding: past, present, prospects. Acta Horticulturae 424:241-248.
  • Doğan, E. (2022). Melezleme Yoluyla Saksılı Minyatür Gül Islahı. Doktora Tezi. Ankara Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 250 s. Türkiye.
  • Doğan, E., Kazaz, S., Kılıç, T., Dursun, H., Ünsal, H. T., Uran, M. (2020). A Research on Determination of the Performance Rosa damascena Mill. as Pollen Source in Rose Breeding by Hybridization. Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi. Türkiye 13. Ulusal, I. Uluslararası Tarla Bitkileri Kongresi Özel Sayısı:194-201, 2020 ISSN 1304-9984, Araştırma Makalesi.
  • Ercişli, S. (2007). Determination of pollen viability and in vitro pollen germination of Rosa dumalis and Rosa villosa. Bangladesh Journal of Botany, 36(2), 185-187.
  • Eti, S. (1990). Çiçek tozu miktarını belirlemede kullanılan pratik bir yöntem. Çukurova Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 5(4), 49-58.
  • Farooq, A., Lei, S., Nadeem, M., Asif, M., Akhtar, G. ve Butt, S. J. (2016). Cross compatibility in various scented rosa species breeding. Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 53(4), 863-869.
  • Guan, H., Huang, B., Yan, X., Zhao, J., Yang, S., Wu, Q., Bao, M., Bendahmane, M. ve Fu, X. (2024). Identification of distinct roses suitable for future breeding by phenotypic and genotypic evaluations of 192 rose germplasms. HORTIC. ADV. 2, 5.
  • Gudin, S. (1992). Influence of bud chilling on subsequent reproductive fertility in roses. Scientia Hort. 51, 139-144.
  • Gudin, S., Arene, L., Chavagnat, A., Bulard, C. (1990). Influence of endocarp thickness on rose achene germination: genetic and environmental factors.HortScience, 25 (7), pp. 786-788.
  • Hosafci, H., Arslan, N., Sarihan, E.O. (2005). Propagation of Dog Roses (Rosa canina L.) by Seed. Acta Hortic.690: 159-164.
  • Imrak, B. (2010). ‘Bazı kiraz çeşitlerinin subtropik iklim koşullarındaki performansları ve çoklu dişi organ oluşumu sorununun çözümüne ilişkin araştırmalar’. Doktora Tezi, Çukurova Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Adana.
  • Jeong, N.-R., Park, K.Y. (2022). Rose pollen management methods to improve productivity. Agronomy, 12, 1285.
  • Khan, M. F., Hafiz, I. A., Khan, M. A., Abbasi, NA, Habib, U, Shah M. K. N. (2021). Determination of pollen fertility and hybridization success among Rosa hybrida. Pakistan Journal of Botany 53(5):1791–1800. DOI 10.30848/PJB2021-5(15).
  • Khan, M.F., Hafiz, I.A., Abbasi, N.A. ve Shah, M.K.N. (2020). Mitigation of seed dormancy and microsatellite analysis of hybrid population of Garden roses (Rosa hybrida). Sci. Hortic., 262: 109044. ISSN 0304-4238,
  • Kılıç, T. (2020). Melezleme yoluyla kokulu kesme gül ıslahı. Doktora Tezi. Ankara Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 494 s. Türkiye.
  • Leus, L. (2005). Resistance breeding for powdery mildew (Podosphaera pannosa) and black spot (Diplocarpon rosae) in roses. Ghent University.
  • Leus, L., Van Laere, K, De Riek J., Van Huylenbroeck J. (2018). Rose. In: Van Huylenbroeck J (Ed). Ornamental Crops. Handbook of Plant Breeding 11, pp 719-767. Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature.
  • Love, J., Graham, S.W., Irwin, J.A., Asthon, P.A., Bretagnolle, F. ve Abbott, R.J. (2016). Self-pollination, style length development and seed set in self-compatible Asteraceae: evidence from Senecio vulgaris L.. Plant Ecology & Diversity, 9 (4), 371-379.
  • Meral, D. E. (2023). Cross ability of miniature rose and quantitative and qualitative traits in hybrids, Frontiers in Plant Science 14:1-14. doi:10.3389/ fpls.2023.1244426.
  • Meral, E. D. ve Kazaz, S. (2024). Güllerde Tür İçi ve Türler Arası Melezlemenin Islah Başarısı Üzerine Etkisi. BAHÇE 53 (Özel Sayı 1): 303–309.
  • Morpeth, D. R. and Hall, A. M. (2000). Microbial enhancement of seed germination in Rosa corymbifera ‘Laxa’ Seed Sci. Res., 10 (4), pp. 489-494.
  • Nadeem, M., Akond, M., Riaz, A., Qasim, M., Younis, A. ve Farooq, A. (2013). Pollen morphology and viability relates to seed production in hybrid roses. Plant Breeding and Seed Science, 68(1):25-38.
  • Nadeem, M., Younis, A., Riaz, A. ve Lim, K.B. (2015). Crossability among modern roses and heterosis of quantitative and qualitative traits in hybrids. Horticulture, Environment and Biotechnology, 56(4), 487-497.
  • Ogilvie, I., D. Cloutier, N. Arnold, and P.Y. Jui. (1991). The effect of gibberellic acid on fruit and seed set in crosses of garden and winter hardy Rosa accessions. Euphytica 52:119-123
  • Pipino, L., Scariot, V., Gaggero, L., Mansuino, A., Van Labeke, M. C., Giovannini, A. (2011). Enhancing seed germination in hybrid tea roses. Propagation of Ornamental Plants, 11(3), 111-118.
  • Qi, W.C, Chen, X., Fang, P.H, Shi, S.C, Li, J.J, Liu, X.T. (2018). Genomic and transcriptomic sequencing of Rosa hybrida provides microsatellite markers for breeding, flower trait improvement and taxonomy studies. BMC Plant Biol. 2018;18:119.
  • Salcă Roman, G. M., Lehel, L. , Somsaı, A. P., Stoıan-Dod, R. L., Dan, C., Bunea, C. I., Sestras, A. F., Sestras, R. E. (2024). The use of genetic resources in rose breeding and creation of new rose cultivars through hybridization and selection. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca. Volume 52, Issue 1, Article number 13585. DOI:10.15835/nbha52113585.
  • Şener, M. U., Kazaz, S., Kılıç, T. ve Meral, E. D. (2023) "Crossing success of 'pot miniature rose x cut rose'," Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry: Vol. 47: No. 5, Article 6.
  • Ueckert, J.A. (2014). Understanding and Manipulating Polyploidy in Garden Roses. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Texas A&M Üniversitesi, Bitki Islahı, 92, Amerika.
  • Ueda, Y. (2003). Seed maturation and germination. p.623-626. In: A.V. Roberts, T. Debener and S. Gudin (eds.), Encyclopedia of Rose Science. Elsevier Academic Press, Oxford,UK.
  • Visser, T., D.P. de Vries, J.A.M. Scheurink, and G.W.H. Welles. (1977). Hybrid tea-rose pollen. II. Inheritance of pollen viability. Euphytica 26:729-732.
  • Zhou, Z. ve Bao, W. (2011). Levels of physiological dormancy and methods for improving seed germination of four rose species, Scientia Horticulturae, Volume 129, Issue 4, Pages 818-824, ISSN 0304-4238, j.scienta.2011.04.024.
  • Zhou, Z.Q., Bao, W.K., Wu, N. ve Wilson, E.H. (2009). Dormancy and germination in Rosa multibracteata Hemsl. Sci. Hortic. 119: 434-441.
  • Zhou, Z.Q., Wu, N., Bao, W.K., Qiu, P.F. (2008).Post-dispersal factors regulating dormancy and germination of Rosa soulieana seeds.Belg. J. Bot., pp. 103-111.
  • Zlesak, D. C. (2006). Rose. Rosa hybrida. In: Anderson N. O. (Ed.). Flower Breeding and Genetics: Issues, Challenges and Opportunities for the 21st Century, Springer, 695-738, Amerika.
  • Zlesak, D. C. (2009). Pollen diameter and guard cell length as predictors of ploidy in diverse rose cultivars, species, and breeding lines. Floriculture and Ornamental Biotechnology, 3(1): 53-70.

Kesme Gül Melezleme Islahında Farklı Melez Kombinasyonlarında Meyve Tutumu, Tohum Sayısı ve Tohum Çimlenme Oranının Belirlenmesi

Yıl 2024, , 392 - 404, 23.12.2024


Gül melezleme ıslah programlarında, yeni hibrit çeşitlerinin geliştirilmesi kontrollü tozlama işleminden başlayarak, tohumun olgunlaşması ve ardından çimlenmeye kadar birçok adımdan oluşmaktadır. Melezleme ıslahı, polen fertilitesi ve çevresel koşullarda meydana gelen değişiklikler nedeniyle düşük başarı oranına sahip zorlu bir süreçtir. Özellikle düşük tohum verimini önlemek için, baba ebeveynin polen canlılığı ve çimlenme oranının bilinmesi, başarılı tozlaşma oranının artırılmasında kritik bir öneme sahiptir. Bu çalışma, Rosa odorata ’Louis XIV’ türü ve Esmeralda ticari kesme gül çeşidinin melezleme ıslahında baba ebeveyn olarak performansını belirlemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Çalışmada, 10 farklı melez kombinasyonunda meyve ve tohum sayısı ile meyve tutum ve tohum çimlenme oranları belirlenmiştir. Melezlemeler sonucunda; meyve başına ortalama tohum sayısı en fazla (28.00 adet) Tineke x Rosa odorata, meyve başına ortalama tohum sayısı en az (5.00 adet) Avalanche x Rosa odorata melez kombinasyonundan elde edilmiştir. En yüksek çimlenme oranı % 50.00 ile Tineke x Rosa odorata melez kombinasyonunda belirlenmiş, bunu %37.50 ile Harmonie x Esmeralda melez kombinasyonu takip etmiştir. En düşük çimlenme oranı ise % 5.00 ile Lady Rose x Esmeralda melez kombinasyonunda gözlemlenmiştir.


Bu çalışma VIII. Ulusal Süs Bitkileri Kongresi’nde sunulmuştur.


  • Abdolmohammadi, M., M. J. Kermani, H. Zakizadeh and Y. Hamidoghli. (2014). In vitro embryo germination and interploidy hybridization of rose (Rosa sp). Euphytica, 198(2): 255 264.
  • Chimonidou, D., A. Bolla, C. Pitta, L. Vassiliou, G. Kyriakou and H.M.C. Put. (2007). Is it possible to transfer aroma from Rosa damascena to Hybrid Tea Rose cultivars by hybridisation?. Acta Hort., 751: 299.
  • Crespel, L., Mouchotte, J. (2003). Methods of cross-breeding. In: Roberts AV, Debener T, Gudin S (eds) Encyclopedia of rose science, vol 1. Elsevier Academic Press, Oxford, pp 30–33.
  • Datta, S. K. (2018). Breeding of new ornamental varieties: Rose. Current Scıence, VOL.114(6), NO.1194-1206.
  • De Vries, D. P. ve Dubois, L. A. (1983). Pollen and pollination experiments. X. the effect of repeated pollination on fruit-and seed set in crosses between the hybrid tea-rose cvs. Sonia and Ilona. Euphytica, 32 (3), pp. 685-689.
  • De Vries, D.P., Dubois L. (1996). Rose breeding: past, present, prospects. Acta Horticulturae 424:241-248.
  • Doğan, E. (2022). Melezleme Yoluyla Saksılı Minyatür Gül Islahı. Doktora Tezi. Ankara Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 250 s. Türkiye.
  • Doğan, E., Kazaz, S., Kılıç, T., Dursun, H., Ünsal, H. T., Uran, M. (2020). A Research on Determination of the Performance Rosa damascena Mill. as Pollen Source in Rose Breeding by Hybridization. Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi. Türkiye 13. Ulusal, I. Uluslararası Tarla Bitkileri Kongresi Özel Sayısı:194-201, 2020 ISSN 1304-9984, Araştırma Makalesi.
  • Ercişli, S. (2007). Determination of pollen viability and in vitro pollen germination of Rosa dumalis and Rosa villosa. Bangladesh Journal of Botany, 36(2), 185-187.
  • Eti, S. (1990). Çiçek tozu miktarını belirlemede kullanılan pratik bir yöntem. Çukurova Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 5(4), 49-58.
  • Farooq, A., Lei, S., Nadeem, M., Asif, M., Akhtar, G. ve Butt, S. J. (2016). Cross compatibility in various scented rosa species breeding. Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 53(4), 863-869.
  • Guan, H., Huang, B., Yan, X., Zhao, J., Yang, S., Wu, Q., Bao, M., Bendahmane, M. ve Fu, X. (2024). Identification of distinct roses suitable for future breeding by phenotypic and genotypic evaluations of 192 rose germplasms. HORTIC. ADV. 2, 5.
  • Gudin, S. (1992). Influence of bud chilling on subsequent reproductive fertility in roses. Scientia Hort. 51, 139-144.
  • Gudin, S., Arene, L., Chavagnat, A., Bulard, C. (1990). Influence of endocarp thickness on rose achene germination: genetic and environmental factors.HortScience, 25 (7), pp. 786-788.
  • Hosafci, H., Arslan, N., Sarihan, E.O. (2005). Propagation of Dog Roses (Rosa canina L.) by Seed. Acta Hortic.690: 159-164.
  • Imrak, B. (2010). ‘Bazı kiraz çeşitlerinin subtropik iklim koşullarındaki performansları ve çoklu dişi organ oluşumu sorununun çözümüne ilişkin araştırmalar’. Doktora Tezi, Çukurova Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Adana.
  • Jeong, N.-R., Park, K.Y. (2022). Rose pollen management methods to improve productivity. Agronomy, 12, 1285.
  • Khan, M. F., Hafiz, I. A., Khan, M. A., Abbasi, NA, Habib, U, Shah M. K. N. (2021). Determination of pollen fertility and hybridization success among Rosa hybrida. Pakistan Journal of Botany 53(5):1791–1800. DOI 10.30848/PJB2021-5(15).
  • Khan, M.F., Hafiz, I.A., Abbasi, N.A. ve Shah, M.K.N. (2020). Mitigation of seed dormancy and microsatellite analysis of hybrid population of Garden roses (Rosa hybrida). Sci. Hortic., 262: 109044. ISSN 0304-4238,
  • Kılıç, T. (2020). Melezleme yoluyla kokulu kesme gül ıslahı. Doktora Tezi. Ankara Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 494 s. Türkiye.
  • Leus, L. (2005). Resistance breeding for powdery mildew (Podosphaera pannosa) and black spot (Diplocarpon rosae) in roses. Ghent University.
  • Leus, L., Van Laere, K, De Riek J., Van Huylenbroeck J. (2018). Rose. In: Van Huylenbroeck J (Ed). Ornamental Crops. Handbook of Plant Breeding 11, pp 719-767. Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature.
  • Love, J., Graham, S.W., Irwin, J.A., Asthon, P.A., Bretagnolle, F. ve Abbott, R.J. (2016). Self-pollination, style length development and seed set in self-compatible Asteraceae: evidence from Senecio vulgaris L.. Plant Ecology & Diversity, 9 (4), 371-379.
  • Meral, D. E. (2023). Cross ability of miniature rose and quantitative and qualitative traits in hybrids, Frontiers in Plant Science 14:1-14. doi:10.3389/ fpls.2023.1244426.
  • Meral, E. D. ve Kazaz, S. (2024). Güllerde Tür İçi ve Türler Arası Melezlemenin Islah Başarısı Üzerine Etkisi. BAHÇE 53 (Özel Sayı 1): 303–309.
  • Morpeth, D. R. and Hall, A. M. (2000). Microbial enhancement of seed germination in Rosa corymbifera ‘Laxa’ Seed Sci. Res., 10 (4), pp. 489-494.
  • Nadeem, M., Akond, M., Riaz, A., Qasim, M., Younis, A. ve Farooq, A. (2013). Pollen morphology and viability relates to seed production in hybrid roses. Plant Breeding and Seed Science, 68(1):25-38.
  • Nadeem, M., Younis, A., Riaz, A. ve Lim, K.B. (2015). Crossability among modern roses and heterosis of quantitative and qualitative traits in hybrids. Horticulture, Environment and Biotechnology, 56(4), 487-497.
  • Ogilvie, I., D. Cloutier, N. Arnold, and P.Y. Jui. (1991). The effect of gibberellic acid on fruit and seed set in crosses of garden and winter hardy Rosa accessions. Euphytica 52:119-123
  • Pipino, L., Scariot, V., Gaggero, L., Mansuino, A., Van Labeke, M. C., Giovannini, A. (2011). Enhancing seed germination in hybrid tea roses. Propagation of Ornamental Plants, 11(3), 111-118.
  • Qi, W.C, Chen, X., Fang, P.H, Shi, S.C, Li, J.J, Liu, X.T. (2018). Genomic and transcriptomic sequencing of Rosa hybrida provides microsatellite markers for breeding, flower trait improvement and taxonomy studies. BMC Plant Biol. 2018;18:119.
  • Salcă Roman, G. M., Lehel, L. , Somsaı, A. P., Stoıan-Dod, R. L., Dan, C., Bunea, C. I., Sestras, A. F., Sestras, R. E. (2024). The use of genetic resources in rose breeding and creation of new rose cultivars through hybridization and selection. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca. Volume 52, Issue 1, Article number 13585. DOI:10.15835/nbha52113585.
  • Şener, M. U., Kazaz, S., Kılıç, T. ve Meral, E. D. (2023) "Crossing success of 'pot miniature rose x cut rose'," Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry: Vol. 47: No. 5, Article 6.
  • Ueckert, J.A. (2014). Understanding and Manipulating Polyploidy in Garden Roses. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Texas A&M Üniversitesi, Bitki Islahı, 92, Amerika.
  • Ueda, Y. (2003). Seed maturation and germination. p.623-626. In: A.V. Roberts, T. Debener and S. Gudin (eds.), Encyclopedia of Rose Science. Elsevier Academic Press, Oxford,UK.
  • Visser, T., D.P. de Vries, J.A.M. Scheurink, and G.W.H. Welles. (1977). Hybrid tea-rose pollen. II. Inheritance of pollen viability. Euphytica 26:729-732.
  • Zhou, Z. ve Bao, W. (2011). Levels of physiological dormancy and methods for improving seed germination of four rose species, Scientia Horticulturae, Volume 129, Issue 4, Pages 818-824, ISSN 0304-4238, j.scienta.2011.04.024.
  • Zhou, Z.Q., Bao, W.K., Wu, N. ve Wilson, E.H. (2009). Dormancy and germination in Rosa multibracteata Hemsl. Sci. Hortic. 119: 434-441.
  • Zhou, Z.Q., Wu, N., Bao, W.K., Qiu, P.F. (2008).Post-dispersal factors regulating dormancy and germination of Rosa soulieana seeds.Belg. J. Bot., pp. 103-111.
  • Zlesak, D. C. (2006). Rose. Rosa hybrida. In: Anderson N. O. (Ed.). Flower Breeding and Genetics: Issues, Challenges and Opportunities for the 21st Century, Springer, 695-738, Amerika.
  • Zlesak, D. C. (2009). Pollen diameter and guard cell length as predictors of ploidy in diverse rose cultivars, species, and breeding lines. Floriculture and Ornamental Biotechnology, 3(1): 53-70.
Toplam 41 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Ormancılık (Diğer)
Bölüm Özel Sayı

Şüheda Basire Akça Yılmaz 0000-0001-9390-1921

Yayımlanma Tarihi 23 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 2 Ekim 2024
Kabul Tarihi 13 Kasım 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Akça Yılmaz, Ş. B. (2024). Kesme Gül Melezleme Islahında Farklı Melez Kombinasyonlarında Meyve Tutumu, Tohum Sayısı ve Tohum Çimlenme Oranının Belirlenmesi. Düzce Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Ormancılık Dergisi, 20(Özel Sayı), 392-404.
