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Examining the effect of informal and foreign competitors on innovation and export: evidence from service SMEs

Yıl 2024, , 335 - 368, 11.07.2024


Threats from informal and foreign competitor groups have been particular importance for local emerging economy firms’ strategies. In this line, previous studies have examined the link between competitor groups and emerging economy firm success. Extant studies have mostly explored firms in the manufacturing sectors and they have not investigated what the results mean for smaller firms. To extend prior research, this paper examines to what extent informal and foreign competition affect the innovation and export performance of service SMEs. In analyzing cross-sectional data across Eastern Europe and Central Asia countries, this research finds that informal and foreign competition increase service SMEs’ innovation performance and the informal competition has bigger effect than foreing competition. The findings further reveal that informal competition decreases service SMEs’ export performance whereas foreign competition raises service SMEs’ export performance. Overall, this research aims to extend the existing literature that explores the influence of competition on firms’ strategies and decisions.


  • Abbas, S., Adapa, S., Sheridan, A., & Azeem, M.M. (2022). Informal competition and firm level innovation in South Asia: The moderating role of innovation time off and R&D intensity. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 181, 121751.
  • Amin, M. (2023). Does competition from informal firms hurt job creation by formal manufacturing SMEs in developing and emerging countries? Evidence using firm-level survey data. Small Business Economics. 60, 1659-1681.
  • Araujo, B.C., & Salerno, M.S. (2015). Technological strategies and learning-by exporting: The case of Brazilian manufacturing firms 2006–2008. International Business Review, 24(5), 725-738.
  • Barrett, M., Davidson, E., Prabhu, J., & Vargo S.L. (2015). Service innovation in the digital age. MIS Quarterly, 39(1), 135-154.
  • Bowen, H.P., & Wiersema, M.F. (2005). Foreign-based competition and corporate diversification strategy. Strategic Management Journal, 26, 1153-1171.
  • Bu, J., & Cuervo-Cazurra, A. (2020). Informality costs: Informal entrepreneurship and innovation in emerging economies. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 14(3), 329-368.
  • Bu, J., Luo, Y., & Zhang, H. (2022). The dark-side of informal institutions: How crime, corruption, and informality influence foreign firms' commitment. Global Strategy Journal. 12(2), 209-244.
  • Cavusgil, S. T., Knight, G., & Riesenberger, J. (2020). International Business: The New Realities (Subscription), 5th Edition (5th ed.). Pearson.
  • Chang, S.J., & Xu, D. (2008). Spillovers and competition among foreign and local firms in China. Strategic Management Journal, 29(5), 495-518.
  • Chen, M.J. (1996). Competitor analysis and interfirm rivalry: Toward a theoretical integration. Academy of Management Review, 21(1), 100-134.
  • Chen, M.J., & MacMillan, I.C. (1992). Nonresponse and delayed response to competitive moves: the roles of competitor dependence and action irreversibility. Academy of Management Journal, 35(3), 539-570.
  • Chen, H., Zeng, S., Wu, C., & Fu, H. (2021). The dual effect of foreign competition on emerging market firms’ internationalization. Management Decision, 59(9), 2264-2285.
  • Cui, L., Meyer, K.E., & Hu, H.W. (2014). What drives firms’ intent to seek strategic assets by foreign direct investment? A study of emerging economy firms. Journal of World Business, 49(4), 488-501.
  • Darbi, K., Hall, C.M., & Knott, P. (2018). The informal sector: a review and agenda for management research. International Journal of Management Review, 20(2), 301-324.
  • Distinguin, I., Rugemintwari, C., & Tacneng, R. (2016). Can informal firms hurt registered SMEs’ access to credit? World Development, 84, 18-40.
  • Elejalde, R. Ponce, C., & Roldan, F. (2022). Multidimensional innovation responses and foreign competition. Industrial and Corporate Change, 31(6), 1397-1427.
  • European Commission. (2003). Recommendation 2003/361/EC. Bruxelles.
  • Fu, X. (2012). Foreign direct investment and managerial knowledge spillovers through the diffusion of management practices. Journal of Management Studies, 49(5), 970-999.
  • Fu, X., Pietrobelli, C., & Soete, L. (2011). The role of foreign technology and indigenous innovation in the emerging economies: technological change and catching-up. World Development, 39(7), 1204-1212.
  • Gaur, A.S., Ma, X., & Ding, Z. (2018). Home country supportiveness/ unfavorableness and outward foreign direct investment from China. Journal of International Business Studies, 49(3), 324-345.
  • Godfrey, P.C. (2011). Toward a theory of the informal economy. Academy of Management Annals, 5(1), 231-277.
  • Goerzen A., & Makino, S. (2007). Multinational corporation internationalization in the service sector: A study of Japanese trading companies. Journal of International Business Studies, 38(7), 1149-1169.
  • Gokalp, O.N., Lee, S.H., & Peng, M.W. (2017). Competition and corporate tax evasion: An institution-based view. Journal of World Business, 52(2), 258-269.
  • Golovko, E., & Valentini, G. (2011). Exploring the complementarity between innovation and export for SMEs’ growth. Journal of International Business Studies, 42(3), 362-380.
  • Gonzalez, A.S., & Lamanna, F. (2007). Who fears competition from informal firms? Evidence from Latin America. Policy Research Working Paper 4316, The World Bank, Washington, DC.
  • Helkkula, A., Kowalkowski, C., & Tronvoll, B. (2018). Archetypes of service innovation: Implications for value cocreation. Journal of Service Research, 21(3), 284-301.
  • Hipp, C., & Grupp, H. (2005). Innovation in the service sector: The demand for service specific innovation measurement concepts and typologies. Research Policy, 34(4), 517-535.
  • Iriyama, A., Kishore, R., & Talukdar, D. (2016). Playing dirty or building capability? Corruption and HR training as competitive actions to threats from informal and foreign firm rivals. Strategic Management Journal, 37(10), 2152-2173.
  • Kotabe, M. (1989). “Hollowing-out” of US multinationals and their global competitiveness: An intrafirm perspective. Journal of Business Research, 19(1), 1-15.
  • Krammer, S.M.S. (2019). Greasing the wheels of change: Bribery, institutions, and new product introductions in emerging markets. Journal of Management, 45(5), 1889-1926.
  • Krammer, S.M.S., Strange, R., & Lashitew, A. (2018). The export performance of emerging economy firms: The influence of firm capabilities and institutional environments. International Business Review, 27(1), 218-230.
  • Lam, H.K.S., Ding, L., & Dong, Z. (2022). The impact of foreign competition on domestic firms’ product quality: Evidence from a quasi-natural experiment in the United States. Journal of Operations Management, 1-22.
  • Lee, M., Mutlu, C., & Lee, S. (2023). Bribery and firm growth: Sensemaking in CEE and Post-Soviet countries. Journal of International Management, 29(1), 100975.
  • Leonidou, C.L. (1995). Empirical research on export barriers: Review, assessment, and synthesis. Journal of International Marketing, 3(1), 29-43.
  • Li, Y., & Vanhaverbeke, W. (2009). The relationships between foreign competition, absorptive capacity and pioneering innovation: An empirical investigation in Canada. International Journal of Innovation Management, 13, 105-137.
  • Manolopoulos, D., Chatzopoulou, E., & Kottaridi, C. (2018). Resources, home institutional context and SMEs’ exporting: Direct relationships and contingency effects. International Business Review, 27(5), 993-1006.
  • McCann, B.T., & Bahl, M. (2017). The influence of competition from informal firms on new product development. Strategic Management Journal, 38(7), 1518-1535.
  • McGahan, A.M. (2012). Challenges of the informal economy for the field of management. Academy of Management Perspective, 26(3), 12-21.
  • Mendi, P., & Costamagna, R. (2017). Managing innovation under competitive pressure from informal procedures. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 114, 192-202.
  • Miocevic, D., Arslanagic-Kalajdzic, M., & Kadic-Maglajlic, S. (2022). Competition from informal firms and product innovation in EU candidate countries: A bounded rationality approach. Technovation, 110, 102365.
  • Narula, R. (2019). Enforcing higher labor standards within developing country value chains: Consequences for MNEs and informal actors in a dual economy. Journal of International Business Studies, 50(9), 1622-1635.
  • Navarro, A. Losada, F. Ruzo, E., & Diez J.A. (2010). Implications of perceived competitive advantages, adaptation of marketing tactics and export commitment on export performance. Journal of World Business, 45(1), 49-58.
  • Nichter, S., & Goldmark, L. (2009). Small firm growth in developing countries. World Development, 37(9), 1453-1464.
  • Nuruzzaman, N., Singh, D., & Pattnaik, C. (2019). Competing to be innovative: Foreign competition and imitative innovation of emerging economy firms. International Business Review, 28(5), 101490.
  • Oviatt, B., & McDougall, P.P. (1994). Toward a theory of international new ventures. Journal of International Business Studies, 25, 45-64.
  • Ozturk Kose, E. (2023). The influence of informal and foreign competition on innovation: Does size matter? European Journal of International Management, 19(1), 117-136.
  • Perez, J.A.H., Kunc, M.H., Durst, S., Flores, A., & Geldes C. (2018). Impact of competition from unregistered firms on R&D investment by industrial sectors in emerging economies. Technogical Forecasting and Social Change, 133, 179-189.
  • Perez, J.A., Yang, X., Bai, O., Flores, A., & Heredia, W. (2019). How does competition by nformal firms affect the innovation in formal firms? International Studies of Management & Organization, 49(2), 173-190.
  • Qi, S., & Nguyen, D.D. (2021). Government connections and credit access around the world: Evidence from discouraged borrowers. Journal of International Business Studies, 52(2), 321-333.
  • Santamaria, L. Nieto, M.J., & Miles I. (2012). Service innovation in manufacturing firms: Evidence from Spain. Technovation, 32(2), 144-155.
  • Schneider, F. (2002). Size and measurement of the informal economy in 110 countries around the world. Paper presented at a Workshop of Australian National Tax Centre, ANU, Canberra, Australia.
  • Schneider, F., & Williams, C.C. (2013). The Shadow Economy. London: Institute of Economic Affairs.
  • Singh, D., & Gaur, A.S. (2013). Governance structure, innovation and internationalization: Evidence from India. Journal of International Management, 19(3), 300-309.
  • Stevens, C.E., Xie, E., & Peng, M.W. (2016). Toward a legitimacy-based view of political risk: The case of Google and Yahoo in China. Strategic Management Journal, 37(5), 945-963.
  • Tesfom, G., & Lutz C. (2006). A classification of export marketing problems of small and medium sized manufacturing firms in developing countries. International Journal of Emerging Markets, 1(3), 262-281.
  • Tian, Y., Wang, Y., Xie, X., Jiao, J., & Jiao. H. (2019). The impact of business-government relations on firms’ innovation: Evidence from Chinese manufacturing industry. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 143, 1-8.
  • Wadho, W., & Chaudhry, A. (2018). Innovation and firm performance in developing countries: The case of Pakistani textile and apparel manufactures. Research Policy, 47(7), 1283-1294.
  • Wan, W.P. (2005). Country resource environments, firm capabilities, and corporate diversification strategies. Journal of Management Studies, 42(1), 161-182.
  • Webb, J.W., Tihanyi, L., Ireland, R.D., & Sirmon, D.G. (2009). You say illegal, I say legitimate: entrepreneurship in the informal economy. Academy of Management Review, 34(3), 492-510.
  • Wellalage N.H., & Locke, S. (2016). Informality and credit constraints: Evidence from sub Saharan African MSEs. Applied Economics, 48(29), 2756-2770.
  • Wiersema, M.F., & Bowen, H.P. (2008). Corporate diversification: The impact of foreign competition, industry globalization, and product diversification. Strategic Management Journal, 29, 115-132.
  • Williams, C., & Martinez, A. (2014) Entrepreneurship in the informal economy: A product of too much or too little state intervention? The International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, 15(4), 227-237.
  • Williams, C., & Kosta, B. (2020). Evaluating the Impact of Informal Sector Competition on the Performance of Formal Enterprises: Evidence From Bosnia and Herzegovina. Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship, 25(2), 1-15.
  • Williams, C., & Martinez-Perez, A. (2014). Why do consumers purchase goods and services in the informal economy? Journal of Business Research, 67(5), 802-806.
  • Xia, T., & Liu, X. (2017). Foreign competition, domestic competition and innovation in Chinese private high-tech new ventures. Journal of International Business Studies, 48(6), 716-739.
  • Xie, Z., & Li, J. (2018). Exporting and innovating among emerging market firms: The moderating role of institutional development. Journal of International Business Studies, 49(2), 222-245.
  • Zaheer, S. (1995). Overcoming the liability of foreignness. Academy of Management Journal, 38(2), 341-363.
  • Zhang, Y., Li, H., Li, Y., & Zhou, L. (2010). FDI spillovers in an emerging market: The role of foreign firms’ country origin diversity and domestic firms’ absorptive capacity. Strategic Management Journal, 31(9), 969-989.
  • Zhou, N., & Guillen, M.F. (2015). From home country to home base: A dynamic approach to the liability of foreignness. Strategic Management Journal, 36(6), 907-917.

İnovasyon ve ihracatta kayıt dışı ve yabancı rakiplerin etkisinin incelenmesi: hizmet KOBİ'leri örneği

Yıl 2024, , 335 - 368, 11.07.2024


Kayıt dışı ve yabancı rakip gruplardan gelen tehditler gelişmekte olan ülke firmalarının stratejileri için özel bir önem taşımaktadır. Bu doğrultuda, önceki çalışmalar rakip gruplar ile gelişmekte olan ülkelerde yeralan firmalarının başarısı arasındaki bağlantıyı incelemiştir. Mevcut çalışmalar çoğunlukla imalat sektörlerindeki firmaları araştırmış ve sonuçların daha küçük olcekli firmalar için ne anlama geldiğini araştırmamıştır. Bu makale, kayıt dışı ve yabancı rekabetin hizmet KOBİ'lerinin yenilik ve ihracat performansını ne ölçüde etkilediğini incelemektedir. Doğu Avrupa ve Orta Asya ülkelerindeki kesitsel verileri analiz eden bu araştırma, kayıt dışı ve yabancı rekabetin hizmet KOBİ'lerinin yenilik performansını artırdığını ve kayıt dışı rekabetin yabancı rekabetten daha büyük bir etkiye sahip olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır. Bulgular ayrıca kayıt dışı rekabetin hizmet KOBİ'lerinin ihracat performansını azalttığını, yabancı rekabetin ise hizmet KOBİ'lerinin ihracat performansını artırdığını ortaya koymaktadır. Genel olarak, bu araştırma, rekabetin firmaların stratejileri ve kararları üzerindeki etkisini araştıran mevcut literatüre katkı sağlamayı amaçlamaktadır.


  • Abbas, S., Adapa, S., Sheridan, A., & Azeem, M.M. (2022). Informal competition and firm level innovation in South Asia: The moderating role of innovation time off and R&D intensity. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 181, 121751.
  • Amin, M. (2023). Does competition from informal firms hurt job creation by formal manufacturing SMEs in developing and emerging countries? Evidence using firm-level survey data. Small Business Economics. 60, 1659-1681.
  • Araujo, B.C., & Salerno, M.S. (2015). Technological strategies and learning-by exporting: The case of Brazilian manufacturing firms 2006–2008. International Business Review, 24(5), 725-738.
  • Barrett, M., Davidson, E., Prabhu, J., & Vargo S.L. (2015). Service innovation in the digital age. MIS Quarterly, 39(1), 135-154.
  • Bowen, H.P., & Wiersema, M.F. (2005). Foreign-based competition and corporate diversification strategy. Strategic Management Journal, 26, 1153-1171.
  • Bu, J., & Cuervo-Cazurra, A. (2020). Informality costs: Informal entrepreneurship and innovation in emerging economies. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 14(3), 329-368.
  • Bu, J., Luo, Y., & Zhang, H. (2022). The dark-side of informal institutions: How crime, corruption, and informality influence foreign firms' commitment. Global Strategy Journal. 12(2), 209-244.
  • Cavusgil, S. T., Knight, G., & Riesenberger, J. (2020). International Business: The New Realities (Subscription), 5th Edition (5th ed.). Pearson.
  • Chang, S.J., & Xu, D. (2008). Spillovers and competition among foreign and local firms in China. Strategic Management Journal, 29(5), 495-518.
  • Chen, M.J. (1996). Competitor analysis and interfirm rivalry: Toward a theoretical integration. Academy of Management Review, 21(1), 100-134.
  • Chen, M.J., & MacMillan, I.C. (1992). Nonresponse and delayed response to competitive moves: the roles of competitor dependence and action irreversibility. Academy of Management Journal, 35(3), 539-570.
  • Chen, H., Zeng, S., Wu, C., & Fu, H. (2021). The dual effect of foreign competition on emerging market firms’ internationalization. Management Decision, 59(9), 2264-2285.
  • Cui, L., Meyer, K.E., & Hu, H.W. (2014). What drives firms’ intent to seek strategic assets by foreign direct investment? A study of emerging economy firms. Journal of World Business, 49(4), 488-501.
  • Darbi, K., Hall, C.M., & Knott, P. (2018). The informal sector: a review and agenda for management research. International Journal of Management Review, 20(2), 301-324.
  • Distinguin, I., Rugemintwari, C., & Tacneng, R. (2016). Can informal firms hurt registered SMEs’ access to credit? World Development, 84, 18-40.
  • Elejalde, R. Ponce, C., & Roldan, F. (2022). Multidimensional innovation responses and foreign competition. Industrial and Corporate Change, 31(6), 1397-1427.
  • European Commission. (2003). Recommendation 2003/361/EC. Bruxelles.
  • Fu, X. (2012). Foreign direct investment and managerial knowledge spillovers through the diffusion of management practices. Journal of Management Studies, 49(5), 970-999.
  • Fu, X., Pietrobelli, C., & Soete, L. (2011). The role of foreign technology and indigenous innovation in the emerging economies: technological change and catching-up. World Development, 39(7), 1204-1212.
  • Gaur, A.S., Ma, X., & Ding, Z. (2018). Home country supportiveness/ unfavorableness and outward foreign direct investment from China. Journal of International Business Studies, 49(3), 324-345.
  • Godfrey, P.C. (2011). Toward a theory of the informal economy. Academy of Management Annals, 5(1), 231-277.
  • Goerzen A., & Makino, S. (2007). Multinational corporation internationalization in the service sector: A study of Japanese trading companies. Journal of International Business Studies, 38(7), 1149-1169.
  • Gokalp, O.N., Lee, S.H., & Peng, M.W. (2017). Competition and corporate tax evasion: An institution-based view. Journal of World Business, 52(2), 258-269.
  • Golovko, E., & Valentini, G. (2011). Exploring the complementarity between innovation and export for SMEs’ growth. Journal of International Business Studies, 42(3), 362-380.
  • Gonzalez, A.S., & Lamanna, F. (2007). Who fears competition from informal firms? Evidence from Latin America. Policy Research Working Paper 4316, The World Bank, Washington, DC.
  • Helkkula, A., Kowalkowski, C., & Tronvoll, B. (2018). Archetypes of service innovation: Implications for value cocreation. Journal of Service Research, 21(3), 284-301.
  • Hipp, C., & Grupp, H. (2005). Innovation in the service sector: The demand for service specific innovation measurement concepts and typologies. Research Policy, 34(4), 517-535.
  • Iriyama, A., Kishore, R., & Talukdar, D. (2016). Playing dirty or building capability? Corruption and HR training as competitive actions to threats from informal and foreign firm rivals. Strategic Management Journal, 37(10), 2152-2173.
  • Kotabe, M. (1989). “Hollowing-out” of US multinationals and their global competitiveness: An intrafirm perspective. Journal of Business Research, 19(1), 1-15.
  • Krammer, S.M.S. (2019). Greasing the wheels of change: Bribery, institutions, and new product introductions in emerging markets. Journal of Management, 45(5), 1889-1926.
  • Krammer, S.M.S., Strange, R., & Lashitew, A. (2018). The export performance of emerging economy firms: The influence of firm capabilities and institutional environments. International Business Review, 27(1), 218-230.
  • Lam, H.K.S., Ding, L., & Dong, Z. (2022). The impact of foreign competition on domestic firms’ product quality: Evidence from a quasi-natural experiment in the United States. Journal of Operations Management, 1-22.
  • Lee, M., Mutlu, C., & Lee, S. (2023). Bribery and firm growth: Sensemaking in CEE and Post-Soviet countries. Journal of International Management, 29(1), 100975.
  • Leonidou, C.L. (1995). Empirical research on export barriers: Review, assessment, and synthesis. Journal of International Marketing, 3(1), 29-43.
  • Li, Y., & Vanhaverbeke, W. (2009). The relationships between foreign competition, absorptive capacity and pioneering innovation: An empirical investigation in Canada. International Journal of Innovation Management, 13, 105-137.
  • Manolopoulos, D., Chatzopoulou, E., & Kottaridi, C. (2018). Resources, home institutional context and SMEs’ exporting: Direct relationships and contingency effects. International Business Review, 27(5), 993-1006.
  • McCann, B.T., & Bahl, M. (2017). The influence of competition from informal firms on new product development. Strategic Management Journal, 38(7), 1518-1535.
  • McGahan, A.M. (2012). Challenges of the informal economy for the field of management. Academy of Management Perspective, 26(3), 12-21.
  • Mendi, P., & Costamagna, R. (2017). Managing innovation under competitive pressure from informal procedures. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 114, 192-202.
  • Miocevic, D., Arslanagic-Kalajdzic, M., & Kadic-Maglajlic, S. (2022). Competition from informal firms and product innovation in EU candidate countries: A bounded rationality approach. Technovation, 110, 102365.
  • Narula, R. (2019). Enforcing higher labor standards within developing country value chains: Consequences for MNEs and informal actors in a dual economy. Journal of International Business Studies, 50(9), 1622-1635.
  • Navarro, A. Losada, F. Ruzo, E., & Diez J.A. (2010). Implications of perceived competitive advantages, adaptation of marketing tactics and export commitment on export performance. Journal of World Business, 45(1), 49-58.
  • Nichter, S., & Goldmark, L. (2009). Small firm growth in developing countries. World Development, 37(9), 1453-1464.
  • Nuruzzaman, N., Singh, D., & Pattnaik, C. (2019). Competing to be innovative: Foreign competition and imitative innovation of emerging economy firms. International Business Review, 28(5), 101490.
  • Oviatt, B., & McDougall, P.P. (1994). Toward a theory of international new ventures. Journal of International Business Studies, 25, 45-64.
  • Ozturk Kose, E. (2023). The influence of informal and foreign competition on innovation: Does size matter? European Journal of International Management, 19(1), 117-136.
  • Perez, J.A.H., Kunc, M.H., Durst, S., Flores, A., & Geldes C. (2018). Impact of competition from unregistered firms on R&D investment by industrial sectors in emerging economies. Technogical Forecasting and Social Change, 133, 179-189.
  • Perez, J.A., Yang, X., Bai, O., Flores, A., & Heredia, W. (2019). How does competition by nformal firms affect the innovation in formal firms? International Studies of Management & Organization, 49(2), 173-190.
  • Qi, S., & Nguyen, D.D. (2021). Government connections and credit access around the world: Evidence from discouraged borrowers. Journal of International Business Studies, 52(2), 321-333.
  • Santamaria, L. Nieto, M.J., & Miles I. (2012). Service innovation in manufacturing firms: Evidence from Spain. Technovation, 32(2), 144-155.
  • Schneider, F. (2002). Size and measurement of the informal economy in 110 countries around the world. Paper presented at a Workshop of Australian National Tax Centre, ANU, Canberra, Australia.
  • Schneider, F., & Williams, C.C. (2013). The Shadow Economy. London: Institute of Economic Affairs.
  • Singh, D., & Gaur, A.S. (2013). Governance structure, innovation and internationalization: Evidence from India. Journal of International Management, 19(3), 300-309.
  • Stevens, C.E., Xie, E., & Peng, M.W. (2016). Toward a legitimacy-based view of political risk: The case of Google and Yahoo in China. Strategic Management Journal, 37(5), 945-963.
  • Tesfom, G., & Lutz C. (2006). A classification of export marketing problems of small and medium sized manufacturing firms in developing countries. International Journal of Emerging Markets, 1(3), 262-281.
  • Tian, Y., Wang, Y., Xie, X., Jiao, J., & Jiao. H. (2019). The impact of business-government relations on firms’ innovation: Evidence from Chinese manufacturing industry. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 143, 1-8.
  • Wadho, W., & Chaudhry, A. (2018). Innovation and firm performance in developing countries: The case of Pakistani textile and apparel manufactures. Research Policy, 47(7), 1283-1294.
  • Wan, W.P. (2005). Country resource environments, firm capabilities, and corporate diversification strategies. Journal of Management Studies, 42(1), 161-182.
  • Webb, J.W., Tihanyi, L., Ireland, R.D., & Sirmon, D.G. (2009). You say illegal, I say legitimate: entrepreneurship in the informal economy. Academy of Management Review, 34(3), 492-510.
  • Wellalage N.H., & Locke, S. (2016). Informality and credit constraints: Evidence from sub Saharan African MSEs. Applied Economics, 48(29), 2756-2770.
  • Wiersema, M.F., & Bowen, H.P. (2008). Corporate diversification: The impact of foreign competition, industry globalization, and product diversification. Strategic Management Journal, 29, 115-132.
  • Williams, C., & Martinez, A. (2014) Entrepreneurship in the informal economy: A product of too much or too little state intervention? The International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, 15(4), 227-237.
  • Williams, C., & Kosta, B. (2020). Evaluating the Impact of Informal Sector Competition on the Performance of Formal Enterprises: Evidence From Bosnia and Herzegovina. Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship, 25(2), 1-15.
  • Williams, C., & Martinez-Perez, A. (2014). Why do consumers purchase goods and services in the informal economy? Journal of Business Research, 67(5), 802-806.
  • Xia, T., & Liu, X. (2017). Foreign competition, domestic competition and innovation in Chinese private high-tech new ventures. Journal of International Business Studies, 48(6), 716-739.
  • Xie, Z., & Li, J. (2018). Exporting and innovating among emerging market firms: The moderating role of institutional development. Journal of International Business Studies, 49(2), 222-245.
  • Zaheer, S. (1995). Overcoming the liability of foreignness. Academy of Management Journal, 38(2), 341-363.
  • Zhang, Y., Li, H., Li, Y., & Zhou, L. (2010). FDI spillovers in an emerging market: The role of foreign firms’ country origin diversity and domestic firms’ absorptive capacity. Strategic Management Journal, 31(9), 969-989.
  • Zhou, N., & Guillen, M.F. (2015). From home country to home base: A dynamic approach to the liability of foreignness. Strategic Management Journal, 36(6), 907-917.
Toplam 69 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular İşletme
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Ebru Ozturk 0000-0002-4056-4105

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 30 Mayıs 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi 11 Temmuz 2024
Kabul Tarihi 29 Nisan 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Ozturk, E. (2024). Examining the effect of informal and foreign competitors on innovation and export: evidence from service SMEs. Ege Academic Review, 24(3), 335-368.
AMA Ozturk E. Examining the effect of informal and foreign competitors on innovation and export: evidence from service SMEs. eab. Temmuz 2024;24(3):335-368. doi:10.21121/eab.20240301
Chicago Ozturk, Ebru. “Examining the Effect of Informal and Foreign Competitors on Innovation and Export: Evidence from Service SMEs”. Ege Academic Review 24, sy. 3 (Temmuz 2024): 335-68.
EndNote Ozturk E (01 Temmuz 2024) Examining the effect of informal and foreign competitors on innovation and export: evidence from service SMEs. Ege Academic Review 24 3 335–368.
IEEE E. Ozturk, “Examining the effect of informal and foreign competitors on innovation and export: evidence from service SMEs”, eab, c. 24, sy. 3, ss. 335–368, 2024, doi: 10.21121/eab.20240301.
ISNAD Ozturk, Ebru. “Examining the Effect of Informal and Foreign Competitors on Innovation and Export: Evidence from Service SMEs”. Ege Academic Review 24/3 (Temmuz 2024), 335-368.
JAMA Ozturk E. Examining the effect of informal and foreign competitors on innovation and export: evidence from service SMEs. eab. 2024;24:335–368.
MLA Ozturk, Ebru. “Examining the Effect of Informal and Foreign Competitors on Innovation and Export: Evidence from Service SMEs”. Ege Academic Review, c. 24, sy. 3, 2024, ss. 335-68, doi:10.21121/eab.20240301.
Vancouver Ozturk E. Examining the effect of informal and foreign competitors on innovation and export: evidence from service SMEs. eab. 2024;24(3):335-68.