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Analyzing Motivational Determinants of Shopping Addiction Tendency

Yıl 2019, , 61 - 74, 01.01.2019


Shopping addiction tendency is defined as being so occupied
about shopping that consumers become driven by uncontrollable shopping urges
and as a result of facing negative psychological, social and financial
consequences. Based on a field study on university students (N=372), this paper
examines hedonic shopping, escapism and negative mood reduction, as
motivational determinants of shopping addiction tendency, which is a relatively
less studied area of consumer behavior in Turkey. The findings indicate that,
hedonic shopping, escapism and negative mood reduction all have significant
effect on shopping addiction. Getting its mainstream studies from compulsive
buying literature, shopping addiction literature focuses mainly on the
enjoyment gathered from shopping action However this study provides new
insights into potential antecedents of shopping addiction as negativity
avoidance and escapism, which are negative psychological states with respect to
shopping addicts quest for shopping enjoyment.


  • Andreassen, C. S. 2014. Shopping addiction: an overview. J. Nor. Psychol. Ass. 51, 194–209.
  • Andreassen, C. S., Griffiths, M. D., Pallesen, S., Bilder, R. M., Torsheim, T., & Aboujaoude, E. 2015. The Bergen Shopping Addiction Scale: Reliability and validity of a brief screening test. Frontiers in psychology, 6, 1374.
  • Arnold M, Reynolds J. 2003. Hedonic Shopping Motivations Journal of Retailing 79(2) : 77-95.
  • Babin B, Darden W, Griffin M. 1994. Work and/or fun: measuring hedonic and utilitarian shopping value Journal of Consumer Research 20(4): 644-656.
  • Bas, Y. 2016 The Dimensions Of Consumers’ Shopaholic Behaviors And Scale Development. Journal of Management, Marketing and Logistics, 3(1): 64-86.
  • Baumeister RF. 1990 Anxiety and deconstruction: On escaping the self, in Self inference processes: The Ontario symposium James M. Olson and Mark Zanna (ed.). Hillsdale NJ England : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc. ; 259-291.
  • Baumeister RF. 1998. The self Random House New York. Bellenger D, Robertson D, Greenberg B. 1977. Shopping centre patronage motives. Journal of Retailing 53(2): 29-38.
  • Black DW. 2007. A review of compulsive buying disorder. World Psychiatry 6(1) 14.
  • Bleuler E. 1924. Textbook of Psychiatry. New York: Mc- Millan.
  • Bozdağ, Y., Alkar, Ö. Y. Bergen2018. Alışveriş Bağımlılığı Ölçeği’nin Kompülsif Çevrimiçi Satın Alma Davranışına Uyarlanması. Bağımlılık Dergisi, 19(2), 23-34.
  • Bradley BP. 1990. Behavioural addictions: Common features and treatment implications. British Journal of Addiction 85:1417–1419.
  • Chang E, Burns LD, Francis SK. 2004. Gender differences in the dimensional structure of apparel shopping satisfaction among Korean consumers: The role of hedonic shopping value. Clothing and Textiles Research Journal 22(4): 185-199.
  • Clark M, Callega K. 2008. Shopping Addiction: A Preliminary Investigation among Maltese University Students. Addiction Research and Theory 16(6):633–649.
  • D’Astous A. 1990. An Inquiry into the compulsive side of “normal” consumers Journal of Consumer Policy. 13(1): 15-31.
  • Desmond J. (2003). Consuming behaviour. Basingstoke: Palgrave.
  • Dittmar, H., Beattie, J., & Friese, S. 1996. Objects, decision considerations and self-image in men’s and women’s impulse purchases. Acta psychologica, 93(1-3), 187-206.
  • Edwards E. 1993. Development of a new scale for measuring compulsive buying behavior. Financial Counselling and Planning 4(1): 67-85
  • Elliott R. 1994. Addictive consumption: Function and fragmentation in postmodernity. Journal of Consumer Policy 17(2): 159-179.
  • Faber RJ, O’Guinn, TC. 1988. Compulsive consumption and credit abuse. Journal of Consumer Policy 11 (1): 97-109.
  • Faber RJ, O’Guinn TC. 1992. A clinical screener for compulsive buying. Journal of Consumer Research 19(3): 459-469.
  • Faber RJ, Christenson GA. 1996. In the mood to buy: Differences in the mood states experienced by compulsive buyers and other consumers. Psychology & Marketing 13(8): 803-819.
  • Faber RJ, O’Guinn TC, Krych R. 1987. Compulsive consumption. Advances in Consumer Research 74(1) 132-135
  • Faber R, Vohs KD. 2004. To buy or not to buy? Self-control and self-regulatory failure in purchase behavior, in Handbook of self-regulation: Research theory and application, R. F. Baumeister and K. D. Vohs (ed). NY: Guilford Press; 509–524.
  • Faber RJ. 2004. Self-control and compulsive buying, in Psychology and Consumer Culture: The Struggle for a Good Life in a Materialistic World, Kasser T. And Kanner T. (ed). American Psychological Association Washington DC; 169-89.
  • Firat AF,Venkatesh A. 1995 Libratory postmodernism and the reenchantment of consumption. Journal of Consumer Research 22(3) : 239–267 .
  • Fornell C, Larcker DF. 1981. Evaluating structural equation models with unobservable variables and measurement error. Journal of Marketing Research 18 (1), 39-50.
  • Goodman A. 1989. Addiction defined: Diagnostic criteria for addictive disorder. American Journal of Psychiatric Nuerology 2:12–5.
  • Grant JE, Kim SW. 2003. Stop me because I can’t stop myself: Taking control of impulsive behavior. New York: McGraw-Hill.
  • Grüsser SM, Albrecht U. 2007. Rien ne va plus. Wenn Glu¨ cksspiele Leiden schaffen. Bern: Huber. Hair Jr, JF, Black WC, Babin BJ, Anderson RE, Tatham RL. 2006. Multivariate data analysis (6th Ed.), Pearson- Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ.
  • Hair, J. F. J., Anderson, R. E., Tatham, R. L., & Black, W. C. 1995. Multivariate data analysis . Saddle River.
  • Hair, J. F., Sarstedt, M., Pieper, T. M., & Ringle, C. M. 2012. The use of partial least squares structural equation modeling in strategic management research: a review of past practices and recommendations for future applications. Long Range Planning, 45(5–6), 320–340.
  • Heatherton TF, Baumeister RF. 1991. Binge eating as escape from self-awareness. Psychological Bulletin 110(1): 86–108.
  • Henning B, Vorderer P, 2001. Psychological escapism: Predicting the amount of television viewing by Need for Cognition Journal of Communication 51(1): 100–120.
  • Henseler, J., Ringle, C. M., & Sarstedt, M. 2015. A new criterion for assessing discriminant validity in variance- based structural equation modeling. Journal of the academy of marketing science, 43(1), 115-135.
  • Hirschman EC, Holbrook M. 1982. Hedonic consumption: emerging concepts methods and propositions. Journal of Marketing 46(3): 92-101.
  • Hollander E. 1993. Obsessive-compulsive related disorders. Washington: American Psychiatric Press.
  • Hollander EM, Allen A. 2006. Is compulsive buying a real disorder, and is it really compulsive?. American Journal of Psychiatry 163:1670–1672.
  • Kacen JJ. 1988 Retail Therapy: Consumers’ Shopping Cures for Negative Moods. Advances in Consumer Research. 25(1):75-87.
  • Karim R, Chaudhri P. 2012. Behavioral addictions: An overview. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs 44(1): 5-17.
  • Kearney M, Stevens L. 2012 Compulsive buying: Literature review and suggestions for future research. The Marketing Review 12 (3): 233-251.
  • Kottler J, Montgomery M, Shepard D. 2004. Acquisitive desire: Assessment and treatment. In: Kasser T, Kanner AD, editors. Psychology and consumer culture: The struggle for a good life in a materialistic world. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. pp 149–168.
  • Kraepelin E. 1915. Psychiatrie: Ein lehrbuch für studierende und arzte . 7th Edition Leipzig: Verlag Von Johann Ambrosius Barth.
  • Kukar-Kinney M, Ridgway NM, Monroe KM. 2009. The Relationship between Consumers Tendencies to Buy Compulsively and Their Motivations to Shop and Buy on the Internet Journal of Retailing 85 (3): 298–307.
  • Kyrios M, Frost RO, Steketee G. 2004. Cognitions in compulsive buying and acquisition. Cognitive Therapy and Research 28(2): 241–258.
  • Lee M, KimY, Fairhurst A. 2009. Shopping value in online auctions: their antecedents and outcomes. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 16(1): 75-82.
  • Lo HY, Harvey,N. 2011 Shopping without pain: Compulsive buying and the effects of credit card availability in Europe and the Far East. Journal of Economic Psychology, 32(1), 79-92.
  • McElroy S, Keck R, Pope H, Smith J, Strakowski S. 1994. Compulsive buying: A report of 20 cases. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 55(6): 242-248.
  • Mikołajczak-Degrauwe K. Wauters B. Rossi G. & Brengman M. 2012. Does personality affect compulsive buying? An application of the Big Five personality model. INTECH Open Access Publisher. Available at [accessed on 16 September 2015].
  • Miltenberger R G, Redlin J, Crosby R, Stickney M, Mitchell J, Wonderlich S, ... , Smyth J. (2003). Direct and retrospective assessment of factors contributing to compulsive buying. Journal of behavior therapy and experimental psychiatry 34(1): 1-9.
  • Mowen JC, Spears N. 1999. Understanding compulsive buying among college students: A hierarchical approach. Journal of Consumer Psychology 8(4): 407-430
  • Nataraajan R, Goff, BG. 1992. Manifestations of Compulsiveness in the Consumer-Marketplace Domain. Psychology and Marketing 9(1): 31-44.
  • O’Guinn TC, Faber RJ. 1989. Compulsive buying: A phenomenological exploration. Journal of Consumer Research 16(2): 147-157.
  • Orford J. 2001. Excessive appetites: A psychological view of addictions. Chichester England: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
  • Özçelik, A. B., Gegez, E. E., Burnaz, Ş. 2017 Mobil İnternet, Tüketici Materyalizmi Ve Alişveriş Bağimliliği: Alişveriş Motivasyonlarinin Düzenleyici Etkisi Üzerine Bir Araştirma. Pazarlama Teorisi ve Uygulamaları Dergisi 3(2): 1-20.
  • Ridgway NM, Kukar-Kinney M, Monroe K.M. 2008. An Expanded Conceptualization and New Measure of Compulsive Buying Journal of Consumer Research 35 (4):622–639
  • Roberts JA, Pirog SF. 2004. Personal Goals and their role in Consumer Behavior: The Case of Compulsive Buying Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice 12(3): 61 – 73.
  • Rodríguez-Villarino R, González-Lorenzo M, Fernández- González A, Lameiras-Fernández M, Foltz M.L. 2006. Individual factors associated with buying addiction: An empirical study” Addiction Research Theory 14(5): 511–525.
  • Rose, S., & Dhandayudham, A. 2014. Towards an understanding of Internet-based problem shopping behaviour: The concept of online shopping addiction and its proposed predictors. Journal of Behavioral Addictions 3(2), 83–89.
  • Safiih, M., & Azreen, N. (2016). Confirmatory Factor Analysis Approach: A Case Study of Mathematics Students’ Achievement in TIMSS. Malaysian Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 10, 41-51.
  • Saleem S, Abideen Z, Latif A. 2010. Few Determinants of Compulsive Buying of Youth in Pakistan European Journal of Social Sciences 17(4): 521-535.
  • Scherhorn G. (1990). The addictive trait in buying behaviour. Journal of Consumer Policy 13(1): 33-51. Solomon M, Bamossy G, Askegaard S, Hogg, M K. 2006. Consumer Behaviour: A European Perspective. Pearson Education Limited: England.
  • Sussman, S., Lisha, N. & Griffiths, M. 2010. Prevalence of the addictions: A problem of the majority or the minority? Evaluation & the Health Professions, 34(3), 3–56 Swan-Kremeier LA, Mitchell JE, Faber RJ. 2005.
  • Compulsive Buying: A Disorder of Compulsivity or Impulsivity?, in Concepts and controversies in obsessive-compulsive disorder J.S. Abranowitz and A.C. Houts (ed). Springer US; 185-190.
  • Tauber EM. 1972. Why Do People Shop? Journal of Marketing 36(4): 46-49.
  • Unger A, Raab G. 2015. The Dark Side of Globalization and Consumption: How Similar Are Chinese and German Consumers Toward Their Proneness to Compulsive Buying? Journal of Asia-Pacific Business 16(1): 4-20.
  • Valence G, d’Astous A, Fortier L. 1988. Compulsive buying: Concept and measurement. Journal of Consumer Policy 11(4): 419-433.
  • Vorderer P. 1996. Rezeptionsmotivation: Warum nutzen Rezipienten mediale Unterhaltungsangebote? Publizistik 41(3) 310–326.
  • Walters GD. 1999. The addiction concept: Working hypothesis or self-fulfilling prophesy?. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
  • Weaver ST, Moschis GP, Davis T. 2011. Antecedents of materialism and compulsive buying: A life course study in Australia. Australian Marketing Journal 19(4): 247-256.
  • Westbrook RA, Black WC. 1985. A motivation-based shopper typology Journal of Retailing.
  • Woodruffe-Burton H, Eccles S, Elliott R. 2002. Towards a theory of shopping: A holistic framework. Journal of Consumer Behaviour 1(3): 256–266.
  • Workman L, Paper D. 2010. Compulsive Buying: A Theoretical Framework. The Journal of Business Inquiry 9(1): 89-126.
  • Yi S. 2012. Shame-proneness as a risk factor of compulsive buying. Journal of Consumer Policy 35(3) :393–410.
  • Yurchisin J, Johnson KKP. (2004). Compulsive buying behaviour and its relationship to perceived social status associated with buying materialism self-esteem and apparel-product involvement. Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal 32(3): 291–314.
  • Zaiţ, A., & Bertea, P. S. P. E. (2011). Methods for testing discriminant validity. Management & Marketing Journal, 9(2), 217-224.

Alışveriş Bağımlılığının Motivasyonel Öğelerinin Belirlenmesi

Yıl 2019, , 61 - 74, 01.01.2019


Alışveriş bağımlılığı; bireylerin iç ve dış faktörlerden
kaynaklanan psikolojik gerilimleri ile baş etmek adına yapılan kontrolsüz ve
aşırı alışveriş yapma olarak tanımlanabilir. Üniversite öğrencileri üzerinde
yapılan bir saha çalışması doğrultusunda (N=372), bu çalışma alışveriş
bağımlılığına motivasyonel anlamda etkisi olduğu düşünülen hedonik alışveriş,
gerçeklerden kaçış ve olumsuz ruh halini düzeltme faktörlerini incelemektedir.
Araştırmanın sonuçları, her üç bağımsız değişkenin de alışveriş bağımlılığını
anlamlı biçimde etkilediğini ortaya koymaktadır. Satın alma ve alışveriş
bağımlılığı literatüründe bu çalışmayı farklı kılan unsur, bağımsız değişken
olarak keyif ve ruh halini düzeltme gibi psikolojiyi olumlu etkisi olan
öğelerle negative bir durum olan bağımlılığı açıklamaya çalışma hedefidir.
Zira, bağımlılık literatürü çoğunlukla negatif olay ne nedenler üzerinde


  • Andreassen, C. S. 2014. Shopping addiction: an overview. J. Nor. Psychol. Ass. 51, 194–209.
  • Andreassen, C. S., Griffiths, M. D., Pallesen, S., Bilder, R. M., Torsheim, T., & Aboujaoude, E. 2015. The Bergen Shopping Addiction Scale: Reliability and validity of a brief screening test. Frontiers in psychology, 6, 1374.
  • Arnold M, Reynolds J. 2003. Hedonic Shopping Motivations Journal of Retailing 79(2) : 77-95.
  • Babin B, Darden W, Griffin M. 1994. Work and/or fun: measuring hedonic and utilitarian shopping value Journal of Consumer Research 20(4): 644-656.
  • Bas, Y. 2016 The Dimensions Of Consumers’ Shopaholic Behaviors And Scale Development. Journal of Management, Marketing and Logistics, 3(1): 64-86.
  • Baumeister RF. 1990 Anxiety and deconstruction: On escaping the self, in Self inference processes: The Ontario symposium James M. Olson and Mark Zanna (ed.). Hillsdale NJ England : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc. ; 259-291.
  • Baumeister RF. 1998. The self Random House New York. Bellenger D, Robertson D, Greenberg B. 1977. Shopping centre patronage motives. Journal of Retailing 53(2): 29-38.
  • Black DW. 2007. A review of compulsive buying disorder. World Psychiatry 6(1) 14.
  • Bleuler E. 1924. Textbook of Psychiatry. New York: Mc- Millan.
  • Bozdağ, Y., Alkar, Ö. Y. Bergen2018. Alışveriş Bağımlılığı Ölçeği’nin Kompülsif Çevrimiçi Satın Alma Davranışına Uyarlanması. Bağımlılık Dergisi, 19(2), 23-34.
  • Bradley BP. 1990. Behavioural addictions: Common features and treatment implications. British Journal of Addiction 85:1417–1419.
  • Chang E, Burns LD, Francis SK. 2004. Gender differences in the dimensional structure of apparel shopping satisfaction among Korean consumers: The role of hedonic shopping value. Clothing and Textiles Research Journal 22(4): 185-199.
  • Clark M, Callega K. 2008. Shopping Addiction: A Preliminary Investigation among Maltese University Students. Addiction Research and Theory 16(6):633–649.
  • D’Astous A. 1990. An Inquiry into the compulsive side of “normal” consumers Journal of Consumer Policy. 13(1): 15-31.
  • Desmond J. (2003). Consuming behaviour. Basingstoke: Palgrave.
  • Dittmar, H., Beattie, J., & Friese, S. 1996. Objects, decision considerations and self-image in men’s and women’s impulse purchases. Acta psychologica, 93(1-3), 187-206.
  • Edwards E. 1993. Development of a new scale for measuring compulsive buying behavior. Financial Counselling and Planning 4(1): 67-85
  • Elliott R. 1994. Addictive consumption: Function and fragmentation in postmodernity. Journal of Consumer Policy 17(2): 159-179.
  • Faber RJ, O’Guinn, TC. 1988. Compulsive consumption and credit abuse. Journal of Consumer Policy 11 (1): 97-109.
  • Faber RJ, O’Guinn TC. 1992. A clinical screener for compulsive buying. Journal of Consumer Research 19(3): 459-469.
  • Faber RJ, Christenson GA. 1996. In the mood to buy: Differences in the mood states experienced by compulsive buyers and other consumers. Psychology & Marketing 13(8): 803-819.
  • Faber RJ, O’Guinn TC, Krych R. 1987. Compulsive consumption. Advances in Consumer Research 74(1) 132-135
  • Faber R, Vohs KD. 2004. To buy or not to buy? Self-control and self-regulatory failure in purchase behavior, in Handbook of self-regulation: Research theory and application, R. F. Baumeister and K. D. Vohs (ed). NY: Guilford Press; 509–524.
  • Faber RJ. 2004. Self-control and compulsive buying, in Psychology and Consumer Culture: The Struggle for a Good Life in a Materialistic World, Kasser T. And Kanner T. (ed). American Psychological Association Washington DC; 169-89.
  • Firat AF,Venkatesh A. 1995 Libratory postmodernism and the reenchantment of consumption. Journal of Consumer Research 22(3) : 239–267 .
  • Fornell C, Larcker DF. 1981. Evaluating structural equation models with unobservable variables and measurement error. Journal of Marketing Research 18 (1), 39-50.
  • Goodman A. 1989. Addiction defined: Diagnostic criteria for addictive disorder. American Journal of Psychiatric Nuerology 2:12–5.
  • Grant JE, Kim SW. 2003. Stop me because I can’t stop myself: Taking control of impulsive behavior. New York: McGraw-Hill.
  • Grüsser SM, Albrecht U. 2007. Rien ne va plus. Wenn Glu¨ cksspiele Leiden schaffen. Bern: Huber. Hair Jr, JF, Black WC, Babin BJ, Anderson RE, Tatham RL. 2006. Multivariate data analysis (6th Ed.), Pearson- Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ.
  • Hair, J. F. J., Anderson, R. E., Tatham, R. L., & Black, W. C. 1995. Multivariate data analysis . Saddle River.
  • Hair, J. F., Sarstedt, M., Pieper, T. M., & Ringle, C. M. 2012. The use of partial least squares structural equation modeling in strategic management research: a review of past practices and recommendations for future applications. Long Range Planning, 45(5–6), 320–340.
  • Heatherton TF, Baumeister RF. 1991. Binge eating as escape from self-awareness. Psychological Bulletin 110(1): 86–108.
  • Henning B, Vorderer P, 2001. Psychological escapism: Predicting the amount of television viewing by Need for Cognition Journal of Communication 51(1): 100–120.
  • Henseler, J., Ringle, C. M., & Sarstedt, M. 2015. A new criterion for assessing discriminant validity in variance- based structural equation modeling. Journal of the academy of marketing science, 43(1), 115-135.
  • Hirschman EC, Holbrook M. 1982. Hedonic consumption: emerging concepts methods and propositions. Journal of Marketing 46(3): 92-101.
  • Hollander E. 1993. Obsessive-compulsive related disorders. Washington: American Psychiatric Press.
  • Hollander EM, Allen A. 2006. Is compulsive buying a real disorder, and is it really compulsive?. American Journal of Psychiatry 163:1670–1672.
  • Kacen JJ. 1988 Retail Therapy: Consumers’ Shopping Cures for Negative Moods. Advances in Consumer Research. 25(1):75-87.
  • Karim R, Chaudhri P. 2012. Behavioral addictions: An overview. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs 44(1): 5-17.
  • Kearney M, Stevens L. 2012 Compulsive buying: Literature review and suggestions for future research. The Marketing Review 12 (3): 233-251.
  • Kottler J, Montgomery M, Shepard D. 2004. Acquisitive desire: Assessment and treatment. In: Kasser T, Kanner AD, editors. Psychology and consumer culture: The struggle for a good life in a materialistic world. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. pp 149–168.
  • Kraepelin E. 1915. Psychiatrie: Ein lehrbuch für studierende und arzte . 7th Edition Leipzig: Verlag Von Johann Ambrosius Barth.
  • Kukar-Kinney M, Ridgway NM, Monroe KM. 2009. The Relationship between Consumers Tendencies to Buy Compulsively and Their Motivations to Shop and Buy on the Internet Journal of Retailing 85 (3): 298–307.
  • Kyrios M, Frost RO, Steketee G. 2004. Cognitions in compulsive buying and acquisition. Cognitive Therapy and Research 28(2): 241–258.
  • Lee M, KimY, Fairhurst A. 2009. Shopping value in online auctions: their antecedents and outcomes. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 16(1): 75-82.
  • Lo HY, Harvey,N. 2011 Shopping without pain: Compulsive buying and the effects of credit card availability in Europe and the Far East. Journal of Economic Psychology, 32(1), 79-92.
  • McElroy S, Keck R, Pope H, Smith J, Strakowski S. 1994. Compulsive buying: A report of 20 cases. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 55(6): 242-248.
  • Mikołajczak-Degrauwe K. Wauters B. Rossi G. & Brengman M. 2012. Does personality affect compulsive buying? An application of the Big Five personality model. INTECH Open Access Publisher. Available at [accessed on 16 September 2015].
  • Miltenberger R G, Redlin J, Crosby R, Stickney M, Mitchell J, Wonderlich S, ... , Smyth J. (2003). Direct and retrospective assessment of factors contributing to compulsive buying. Journal of behavior therapy and experimental psychiatry 34(1): 1-9.
  • Mowen JC, Spears N. 1999. Understanding compulsive buying among college students: A hierarchical approach. Journal of Consumer Psychology 8(4): 407-430
  • Nataraajan R, Goff, BG. 1992. Manifestations of Compulsiveness in the Consumer-Marketplace Domain. Psychology and Marketing 9(1): 31-44.
  • O’Guinn TC, Faber RJ. 1989. Compulsive buying: A phenomenological exploration. Journal of Consumer Research 16(2): 147-157.
  • Orford J. 2001. Excessive appetites: A psychological view of addictions. Chichester England: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
  • Özçelik, A. B., Gegez, E. E., Burnaz, Ş. 2017 Mobil İnternet, Tüketici Materyalizmi Ve Alişveriş Bağimliliği: Alişveriş Motivasyonlarinin Düzenleyici Etkisi Üzerine Bir Araştirma. Pazarlama Teorisi ve Uygulamaları Dergisi 3(2): 1-20.
  • Ridgway NM, Kukar-Kinney M, Monroe K.M. 2008. An Expanded Conceptualization and New Measure of Compulsive Buying Journal of Consumer Research 35 (4):622–639
  • Roberts JA, Pirog SF. 2004. Personal Goals and their role in Consumer Behavior: The Case of Compulsive Buying Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice 12(3): 61 – 73.
  • Rodríguez-Villarino R, González-Lorenzo M, Fernández- González A, Lameiras-Fernández M, Foltz M.L. 2006. Individual factors associated with buying addiction: An empirical study” Addiction Research Theory 14(5): 511–525.
  • Rose, S., & Dhandayudham, A. 2014. Towards an understanding of Internet-based problem shopping behaviour: The concept of online shopping addiction and its proposed predictors. Journal of Behavioral Addictions 3(2), 83–89.
  • Safiih, M., & Azreen, N. (2016). Confirmatory Factor Analysis Approach: A Case Study of Mathematics Students’ Achievement in TIMSS. Malaysian Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 10, 41-51.
  • Saleem S, Abideen Z, Latif A. 2010. Few Determinants of Compulsive Buying of Youth in Pakistan European Journal of Social Sciences 17(4): 521-535.
  • Scherhorn G. (1990). The addictive trait in buying behaviour. Journal of Consumer Policy 13(1): 33-51. Solomon M, Bamossy G, Askegaard S, Hogg, M K. 2006. Consumer Behaviour: A European Perspective. Pearson Education Limited: England.
  • Sussman, S., Lisha, N. & Griffiths, M. 2010. Prevalence of the addictions: A problem of the majority or the minority? Evaluation & the Health Professions, 34(3), 3–56 Swan-Kremeier LA, Mitchell JE, Faber RJ. 2005.
  • Compulsive Buying: A Disorder of Compulsivity or Impulsivity?, in Concepts and controversies in obsessive-compulsive disorder J.S. Abranowitz and A.C. Houts (ed). Springer US; 185-190.
  • Tauber EM. 1972. Why Do People Shop? Journal of Marketing 36(4): 46-49.
  • Unger A, Raab G. 2015. The Dark Side of Globalization and Consumption: How Similar Are Chinese and German Consumers Toward Their Proneness to Compulsive Buying? Journal of Asia-Pacific Business 16(1): 4-20.
  • Valence G, d’Astous A, Fortier L. 1988. Compulsive buying: Concept and measurement. Journal of Consumer Policy 11(4): 419-433.
  • Vorderer P. 1996. Rezeptionsmotivation: Warum nutzen Rezipienten mediale Unterhaltungsangebote? Publizistik 41(3) 310–326.
  • Walters GD. 1999. The addiction concept: Working hypothesis or self-fulfilling prophesy?. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
  • Weaver ST, Moschis GP, Davis T. 2011. Antecedents of materialism and compulsive buying: A life course study in Australia. Australian Marketing Journal 19(4): 247-256.
  • Westbrook RA, Black WC. 1985. A motivation-based shopper typology Journal of Retailing.
  • Woodruffe-Burton H, Eccles S, Elliott R. 2002. Towards a theory of shopping: A holistic framework. Journal of Consumer Behaviour 1(3): 256–266.
  • Workman L, Paper D. 2010. Compulsive Buying: A Theoretical Framework. The Journal of Business Inquiry 9(1): 89-126.
  • Yi S. 2012. Shame-proneness as a risk factor of compulsive buying. Journal of Consumer Policy 35(3) :393–410.
  • Yurchisin J, Johnson KKP. (2004). Compulsive buying behaviour and its relationship to perceived social status associated with buying materialism self-esteem and apparel-product involvement. Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal 32(3): 291–314.
  • Zaiţ, A., & Bertea, P. S. P. E. (2011). Methods for testing discriminant validity. Management & Marketing Journal, 9(2), 217-224.
Toplam 75 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular İşletme
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Özge Kirezli 0000-0003-1122-0191

Fatma Müge Arslan 0000-0003-1665-348X

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ocak 2019
Kabul Tarihi 1 Ekim 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019

Kaynak Göster

APA Kirezli, Ö., & Arslan, F. M. (2019). Analyzing Motivational Determinants of Shopping Addiction Tendency. Ege Academic Review, 19(1), 61-74.
AMA Kirezli Ö, Arslan FM. Analyzing Motivational Determinants of Shopping Addiction Tendency. eab. Ocak 2019;19(1):61-74. doi:10.21121/eab.2019148775
Chicago Kirezli, Özge, ve Fatma Müge Arslan. “Analyzing Motivational Determinants of Shopping Addiction Tendency”. Ege Academic Review 19, sy. 1 (Ocak 2019): 61-74.
EndNote Kirezli Ö, Arslan FM (01 Ocak 2019) Analyzing Motivational Determinants of Shopping Addiction Tendency. Ege Academic Review 19 1 61–74.
IEEE Ö. Kirezli ve F. M. Arslan, “Analyzing Motivational Determinants of Shopping Addiction Tendency”, eab, c. 19, sy. 1, ss. 61–74, 2019, doi: 10.21121/eab.2019148775.
ISNAD Kirezli, Özge - Arslan, Fatma Müge. “Analyzing Motivational Determinants of Shopping Addiction Tendency”. Ege Academic Review 19/1 (Ocak 2019), 61-74.
JAMA Kirezli Ö, Arslan FM. Analyzing Motivational Determinants of Shopping Addiction Tendency. eab. 2019;19:61–74.
MLA Kirezli, Özge ve Fatma Müge Arslan. “Analyzing Motivational Determinants of Shopping Addiction Tendency”. Ege Academic Review, c. 19, sy. 1, 2019, ss. 61-74, doi:10.21121/eab.2019148775.
Vancouver Kirezli Ö, Arslan FM. Analyzing Motivational Determinants of Shopping Addiction Tendency. eab. 2019;19(1):61-74.