An Analysis of Factors Affecting Credit Scoring Performance in SMEs
Yıl 2019,
, 159 - 171, 30.04.2019
Ebru Saygılı
Arikan Tarik Saygılı
Gokhan Isık
In small and medium enterprises (SMEs), both financial and non-financial
indicators related to the company and the large shareholder have significant
effects on credit scores. This study explores the hybrid nature of SME credit
scoring systems by developing an SME credit scoring model with general
indicators, financial indicators and intelligence indicators related to the
company and the major shareholder. This study is the first to explore the
effect of intelligence indicators in credit scoring. It used regression
analysis to evaluate real data from 125 SMEs operating in Turkey. Of 17
independent variables, 9 had statistically significant relationships with SME
credit scores. The paper includes a comprehensive discussion of the implications
of these findings.
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Yıl 2019,
, 159 - 171, 30.04.2019
Ebru Saygılı
Arikan Tarik Saygılı
Gokhan Isık
- Abdou, A. H. (2009). Genetic programming for credit scoring: The case of Egyptian public sector banks. Expert Systems with Applications (36), p. 11402–11417.Akgemici, T. (2001). Kobilerin Temel Sorunlari ve Saglanan Destekler. Ankara: T.C. Sanayi ve Ticaret Bakanligi, KOSGEB Kucuk ve Orta Olcekli Sanayi Gelistirme ve Destekleme Idaresi Baskanligi.Aksumer, S. KOBI’lerin Ekonomideki Yeri, Yapisal Sorunlari Ve Cozum Onerileri, Konya Ticaret Odasi, Ekonomik Arastirmalar ve Proje Mudurlugu, Turkiye, 2015, -ekonomideki-yeri-ve-yapisal-sorunlari.pdf, accessed on 11/03/2018.Altman, E. I., Esentato, M., & Sabato, G. (2018). Assessing the credit worthiness of Italian SMEs and mini-bond issuers. Global Finance Journal.Ay, H.M., Talasli; E., Turkiye’de Kobi’lerin Ihracattaki Yeri ve Karsilastiklari Sorunlar, Selcuk Universitesi Karaman I.I.B.F.Dergisi Yerel Ekonomiler Ozel Sayisi, pp.173-184, May, 2007Babuscu. S. & Hazar, A. (2008). SPK Kredi Derecelendirme Uzmanligi Sinavlarina Hazirlik. Ankara, 360-362.Bekhet, H. A. & Eletter, S. F. K. (2014). Credit risk assessment model for Jordanian commercial banks: Neuralscoring approach. Review of Development Finance (4), p. 20-28.Belas, J., Mišanková, M., Schönfeld, J., & Gavurová, B. (2017). Credit Risk Management: Financial Safety and Sustainability Aspects. Journal of Security & Sustainability Issues, 7(1).Bingol, B. (2009). Turkiye’de KOBI Niteliginde Faaliyet Gosteren Tekstil Isletmelerinin Basel II Kriterleri Cercevesinde Kredi Derecelendirme Metodolojisi Uygulamasi. Unpublished PHD Thesis, Marmara Universitesi. Bluhm, C., Overbeck, L. and Wagner, C. (2003). An Introduction to Credit Risk Modeling. Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press Company.Cansiz, M. (2008). Turkiye’de KOBI’ler ve KOSGEB. Ankara: T.C. Basbakanlik Devlet Planlama Teskilati (DPT). p.3Dinh, T.H.T. & Kleimeier, S. (2007). A credit scoring model for Vietnam's retail banking market. International Review of Financial Analysis (16), p. 471-495.Emel A. B., Oral, N., Reisman, A. and Yolalan, R. (2003). A Credit Scoring Approach for the Commercial Banking Sector. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences (37), p. 103-123.Higgins, J. (2005). Introduction to Multiple Regression (Chp4). The Radical Statistician, p.1-15.Jacobson, T. & Roszbach, K. (2003). Bank Lending Policy, Credit Scoring and Value-at-Risk. Journal of Banking & Finance (27), p. 615-633. Joseph, F. H. et al. (2010). Multivariate Data Analysis (7th ed.). Pearson Prentice Hall. Louzada, F., Silva, P. H. F. and Diniz, C. A. R. (2012). On the impact of disproportional samples in credit scoring models: An application to a Brazilian bank data. Expert Systems with Applications (39), p. 8071-8078. Marron, D. (2007). ‘Lending by numbers’: credit scoring and the constitution of risk within American consumer credit. Economy and society, 36(1), 103-133.Marshall, A., Tang, L. and Milne, A. (2010). Variable reduction, sample selection bias and bank retail credit scoring. Journal of Empirical Finance (17), p. 501-512. Min, J. H. & Lee, Y. (2008). A Practical Approach to Credit Scoring. Expert Systems with Applications (35), p. 1762-1770Muftuoglu, T. M. (2002). Turkiye’de Kucuk ve Orta Olcekli Isletmeler Sorunlar Oneriler (5th ed.). Ankara, p.30-31.Ono, A., Hasumi, R., and Hirata, H. (2014). Differentiated use of small business credit scoring by relationship lenders and transactional lenders: Evidence from firm bank matched data in Japan. Journal of Banking & Finance (42), p.371-380.Sezgin, O. (2006). Statistical Methods of Credit Rating. Unpublished Master’s Thesis, The Middle East Technical University. Sirvan, N. (2004). Kredi Derecelendirme ve Turkiye Ekonomisi., accessed on 06/10/2016The New Basel Capital Accord: an explanatory note,, January 2001Vurur, N. S. Y. (2009). Basel Uzlasisi Cercevesinde Kobilerde Kredi Derecelendirme Notu Uygulamasi. Unpublished PHD Thesis, Afyon Kocatepe Universitesi. Zhang, M., He, Y. and Zhou, Z. (2013). Study on the Influence Factors of High-tech Enterprise Credit Risk: Empirical Evidence From China’s Listed Companies. Procedia Computer Science (17), p. 901-910.