The Effects of Managers' Strategic Behaviors on Motivation at Workplace in a Chaotic Environment
Yıl 2023,
Cilt: 23 Sayı: 1, 75 - 88, 23.01.2023
Yunus Emre Taşgit
Tuğba Çiçek
Mert Yıldırım
Birol Coşkun
The purpose of this research is to examine the reflections of the strategic behaviors preferred by managers on motivation at workplace in a chaotic environment. In this context, first of all, the strategic behavior characteristics of the managers were determined by considering the characteristics of the chaotic environment and then they were associated with the motivational situations. Quantitative method was used in the research and the data were obtained through face to face survey method. According to the results of the research, managers prefer more strategic behaviors related to creating alliances in a chaotic environment. Strategic behaviors that have the highest impact on motivation in the workplace are the using power sources and creating alliance. However, if a more holistic assessment is to be made, it seems that in chaotic environments, managers prefer to create alliances as a strategic behavior to reduce the impact of negative external conditions on internal dynamics or increase resistance. And this behavior not only prevents the negative effects of the chaotic environment, but also important contributes to the continuity of motivational conditions in the workplace.
- Aguinis, H., Simonsen, M. M., & Pierce, C.A. (1998). Effects of Nonverbal Behavior on Perceptions of Power Bases. The Journal of Social Psychology, 138(4), 455-469.
- Aldag, R. J. & Fuller, S. R. (1993). Beyond Fiasco: A Reappraisal of the Groupthink Phenomenon and a New Model of Group Decision Processes. Psychological Bulletin, 113(3), 533-552.
- Bechtold, B. L. (1997). Chaos theory as a model for strategy development. Empowerment in organizations.
- Bozeman, D. P., Perrewe, P. L., Hochwarter, W. A., & Brymer, R.A. (2001). Organizational Politics, Perceived Control, and Work Outcomes: Boundary Conditions on the Effects of Politics. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 31(3), 486-503.
- Brammer, S., Millington, A., & Rayton, B. (2007). The contribution of corporate social responsibility to organizational commitment. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 18(10), 1701-1719.
- Breen, V., Fetzer, R., Howard, L., & Preziosi, R. (2005).Consensus Problem-Solving Increases Perceived Communication Openness in Organizations. Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal, 17(4), 215-229.
- Brislin, R. W., MacNab, B., Worthley, R., Kabigting, Jr, F., & Zukis, B. (2005). Evolving perceptions of Japanese workplace motivation: an employee-manager comparison. International Journal of Cross Cultural Management, 5(1), 87-104.
- Burns, T., & Stalker, G. M. (1961). The management of innovation. London: Tavistock Publications.
- Cartwright, T. J. (1991). Planning and chaos theory. Journal of the American Planning Association, 57(1), 44-56.
- Cassidy, T., & Lynn, R. A. (1989). Multifactorial Approach to Achievement Motivation: The Development of a Comprehensive Measure. Journal of Occupational and Applied Psychology, (12), 301-311.
- Church, J., & Ware, R. (2000).Industrial Organization: A Strategic Approach. Boston: Irwin McGraw-Hill.
- Das, T.K., & Teng, B. (2000).A Resource-Based Theory of Strategic Alliances. Journal of Management, 26(1), 31-61.
- Doz, Y. L., & Hamel, G. (1999). Alliance Advantage: The Art of Creating Value through Partnering. Boston: Harvard business school press.
- Elias, S. M. (2009). Employee Commitment in Times of Change: Assessing the Importance of Attitudes toward Organizational Change. Journal of Management, 35(1), 37-55.
- Emery, F. E., & Trist, E. L. (1965).The causal texture of organizational environments. Human Relations, 18(1), 21–32.
- Erlinghagen, M. (2008). Self-perceived Job Insecurity and Social Context: A Multi-level Analysis of European Countries, European Sociological Review, 24(2), 183-197.
- French, J. R. P., & Raven, B. (1959). The Bases of Social Power. Studies in social power, 151-157.
- Ganta, V. C. (2014). Motivation in the Workplace to Improve the Employee Performance. International Journal of Engineering Technology, Management and Applied Sciences, 2(6), 221-230.
- Gebrekidan, D. A., & Awuah, G.B. (2002). Interorganizational Cooperation: a New View of Strategic Alliances The Case of Swedish Firms in the International Market. Industrial Marketing Management, (31), 679-693.
- Gleick, J. (1995). Kaos Yeni bir bilim teorisi, Ankara: TÜBİTAK Popüler Bilim Kitapları
- Hageman, G. (1997). Motivasyon El Kitabı. İstanbul: Rota Yayınları.
- Hamel, G. (1991). Competition for Competence and Inter-Partner Learning Within International Strategic Alliances.Strategic Management Journal. (12), 83-103.
- Hanks, K. (1999). İnsanları Motive Etme Sanatı. Çev. İkizler, C., İstanbul: Alfa Yayıncılık
- Harris, K. J., Kacmar, K. M., Zivnuska, S., & Shaw, J. D. (2007). The Impact of Political Skill on Impression Management Effectiveness. Journal of Applied Psychology, 92(1), 278-285.
- Hayward, T., & Preston, J. (1999). Chaos theory, economics and information: the implications for strategic decision-making. Journal of Information Science, 25(3), 173-182.
- Huang, J., Tzeng, G., & Ong, C. (2005). Motivation and Resource-allocation for Strategic Alliances through the DeNovo Perspective. Mathematical and Computer Modeling, 41(6-7), 711-721.
- Inkpen, A.C. (1998). Learning and Knowledge Acquisition through International Strategic Alliances. Academy of Management Perspectives, 12(4), 69-80.
- Jonnathan, F. L., & Serans, D. O. (1992). Sosyal Psikoloji, Çev. Ali Dönmez, İstanbul: Ara Yayıncılık
- Joreskog, K.G., & Sorbom D. (1995). LISREL 8. Scientific Software International. Chicago: Inc.
- Kanfer, R., Frese, M., & Johnson, R. E. (2017). Motivation related to work: A century of progress. Journal of Applied Psychology, 102(3), 338.
- Kauffman, S. (1996). At home in the universe: The search for the laws of self-organization and complexity. Oxford university press.
- Kiel, L. D., & Elliott, E. W. (1996). Chaos theory in the social sciences: Foundations and applications. University of Michigan Press.
- Kipnis, D., Schmidt, S. M., & Wilkinson, I. (1980). Intraorganizational Influence Tactics: Explorations in Getting One's Way. Journal of Applied Psychology, 65(4), 440-452.
- Lai, W. H., & Chang, P. L. (2010). Corporate motivation and performance in R&D alliances. Journal of Business research, 63(5), 490-496.
- Latham, Gary P., & Locke Edwin A. (1992). Management and Motivation. Edited By, Victor H. Vroom and Edward L. Deci, England: Penguin Books.
- Lunenburg, F.C. (2012). Power and Leadership: An Influence Process. International Journal of Management, Business, and Administration, 15(1), 1-9.
- Luo, B., Yu, J., Lu, Z., & Wan, L. (2012). The Influence of Interactive Control on Subsidiary Performance: A Mediating Role of Subsidiary Managers’ Strategic Behavior. American Journal of Operations Research, (2), 473-481.
- Luthans, F. (1989). Organizational Behavior (12th Edition). Boston: McGraw-Hill.
- Mann, S. R. (1992). Chaos theory and strategi cthought. ARMY WAR COLL CARLISLE BARRACKS PA.
- Maruyama, G. (1998). Basics of structural equation modeling. Sage.
- McClelland, D.C. (1985). Human motivation, Gelenview, IL: Scott, Foresman
- McDonald, R. P., & Ho, M. H. R. (2002). Principles and practice in reporting structural equation analyses. Psychological methods, 7(1), 64.
- McShane, S., & Glinow, M. A. V. (2017). Organizational behavior. McGraw-Hill Education.
- Miles, J., & Shevlin, M. (2007). A time and a place for incremental fit indices. Personality and individual differences, 42(5), 869-874.
- Naeemullah, K., Muhammad, I.H., Muhammad, S., Uddin, N.M., & Shafqat, H. (2010). The Managerial Behavior of Secondary School Heads in Punjab (Pakistan). Educational Research and Reviews, 5(4), 189-192.
- Palin, K., & Kaartemo, V. (2016). Employee motivation to participate in workplace innovation via in- house crowd sourcing. European Journal of Workplace Innovation, 2(2).
- Perryer, C., Celestine, N. A., Scott-Ladd, B., & Leighton, C. (2016). Enhancing workplace motivation through gamification: Transferrableles sons from pedagogy. The International Journal of Management Education, 14(3), 327-335.
- Porter, L. W., Steers, R. M., Mowday, R. T., & Boulian, P. V. (1979). Organizational Commitment, Job Satisfaction and Turnover Among Psychiatric Technician. Journal of Applied Psychology, 59(5), 603-609.
- Putra, E. D., Cho, S., & Liu, J. (2017). Extrinsic and intrinsic motivation on work engagement in the hospitality industry: Test of motivation crowding theory. Tourism and Hospitality Research, 17(2), 228-241.
- Raven, B. H. (2008). The Bases of Power and the Power/Interaction Model of Interpersonal Influence. Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy, 8(1), 1-22.
- Reichers, A. E.,Wanous, J. P., & Austin, J. T. (1997). Understanding and Canaging cynicism About Organizational Change. The Academy of Management Executive, 11(1), 48-59.
- Regester, M., & Larkin, J. (1997). Risk Issues and Crisis Management. A Casebook of Best Practice. London: Kogan Page Limited
- Robbins, S. P. (1996). Organizational Behavior: Concepts, Controversies, Applications. Seventh Edition, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall International Inc.
- Rožman, M., Treven, S., & Čančer, V. (2017). Motivation and Satisfaction of Employees in the Workplace. Business systems research journal: international journal of the Society for Advancing Business & Information Technology (BIT), 8(2), 14-25.
- Salaman, G., & Butler, J. (1990). Why Managers Won'T Learn. Management Education and Development, 21(3), 183-191.
- Schelling, T. (1960). The Strategy of Conflict. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
- Sekeran, U. (2003). Research Method for Business: A Skill Building Approach (4th edition). John Wiley & Sons
- Sellnow, T. L., Seeger, M. W., & Ulmer, R. R. (2002). Chaos theory, informational needs, and natural disasters. Journal of Applied Communication Research, 30(4), 269-292
- Singh, H., & Singh, A. (2002). Principles of complexity and chaos theory in Project execution: A new approach to management. Cost engineering, 44(12), 23.
- Wagner, J. A., & Hollenbeck, J. R. (2010). Organizational behavior. New York: Routledge
- Walecka, A. (2016). Determinants of Managers’ Behaviour in a Crisis Situation in an Enterprise - an Attempt at Codel Construction. Management, 20(1), 58-70.
- Wernerfelt, B. (1984). A Resource-based View of the Firm. Strategic Management Journal, 5, 171-180.
- Yoon, J. (2001). The role of structure and motivation for workplace empowerment: The case of Korean employees. Social Psychology Quarterly, 195-206.
- Yukl, G., & Falbe, M. C. (1990). Influence Tactics and Objectives in Upward, Downward, and Lateral Influence Attempts. Journal of Applied Psychology, 75(2), 132-140.
- Yukl, G., & Falbe, M.C. (1991). Importance of Different Power Sources in Downward and Lateral Relations. Journal of Applied Psychology, 76(3), 416-423.
- Yukl, G., & Tracey, J.B. (1992). Consequences of Influence Tactics Used With Subordinates, Peers, and the Boss. Journal of Applied Psychology, 77(4), 525-535.
Yıl 2023,
Cilt: 23 Sayı: 1, 75 - 88, 23.01.2023
Yunus Emre Taşgit
Tuğba Çiçek
Mert Yıldırım
Birol Coşkun
- Aguinis, H., Simonsen, M. M., & Pierce, C.A. (1998). Effects of Nonverbal Behavior on Perceptions of Power Bases. The Journal of Social Psychology, 138(4), 455-469.
- Aldag, R. J. & Fuller, S. R. (1993). Beyond Fiasco: A Reappraisal of the Groupthink Phenomenon and a New Model of Group Decision Processes. Psychological Bulletin, 113(3), 533-552.
- Bechtold, B. L. (1997). Chaos theory as a model for strategy development. Empowerment in organizations.
- Bozeman, D. P., Perrewe, P. L., Hochwarter, W. A., & Brymer, R.A. (2001). Organizational Politics, Perceived Control, and Work Outcomes: Boundary Conditions on the Effects of Politics. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 31(3), 486-503.
- Brammer, S., Millington, A., & Rayton, B. (2007). The contribution of corporate social responsibility to organizational commitment. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 18(10), 1701-1719.
- Breen, V., Fetzer, R., Howard, L., & Preziosi, R. (2005).Consensus Problem-Solving Increases Perceived Communication Openness in Organizations. Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal, 17(4), 215-229.
- Brislin, R. W., MacNab, B., Worthley, R., Kabigting, Jr, F., & Zukis, B. (2005). Evolving perceptions of Japanese workplace motivation: an employee-manager comparison. International Journal of Cross Cultural Management, 5(1), 87-104.
- Burns, T., & Stalker, G. M. (1961). The management of innovation. London: Tavistock Publications.
- Cartwright, T. J. (1991). Planning and chaos theory. Journal of the American Planning Association, 57(1), 44-56.
- Cassidy, T., & Lynn, R. A. (1989). Multifactorial Approach to Achievement Motivation: The Development of a Comprehensive Measure. Journal of Occupational and Applied Psychology, (12), 301-311.
- Church, J., & Ware, R. (2000).Industrial Organization: A Strategic Approach. Boston: Irwin McGraw-Hill.
- Das, T.K., & Teng, B. (2000).A Resource-Based Theory of Strategic Alliances. Journal of Management, 26(1), 31-61.
- Doz, Y. L., & Hamel, G. (1999). Alliance Advantage: The Art of Creating Value through Partnering. Boston: Harvard business school press.
- Elias, S. M. (2009). Employee Commitment in Times of Change: Assessing the Importance of Attitudes toward Organizational Change. Journal of Management, 35(1), 37-55.
- Emery, F. E., & Trist, E. L. (1965).The causal texture of organizational environments. Human Relations, 18(1), 21–32.
- Erlinghagen, M. (2008). Self-perceived Job Insecurity and Social Context: A Multi-level Analysis of European Countries, European Sociological Review, 24(2), 183-197.
- French, J. R. P., & Raven, B. (1959). The Bases of Social Power. Studies in social power, 151-157.
- Ganta, V. C. (2014). Motivation in the Workplace to Improve the Employee Performance. International Journal of Engineering Technology, Management and Applied Sciences, 2(6), 221-230.
- Gebrekidan, D. A., & Awuah, G.B. (2002). Interorganizational Cooperation: a New View of Strategic Alliances The Case of Swedish Firms in the International Market. Industrial Marketing Management, (31), 679-693.
- Gleick, J. (1995). Kaos Yeni bir bilim teorisi, Ankara: TÜBİTAK Popüler Bilim Kitapları
- Hageman, G. (1997). Motivasyon El Kitabı. İstanbul: Rota Yayınları.
- Hamel, G. (1991). Competition for Competence and Inter-Partner Learning Within International Strategic Alliances.Strategic Management Journal. (12), 83-103.
- Hanks, K. (1999). İnsanları Motive Etme Sanatı. Çev. İkizler, C., İstanbul: Alfa Yayıncılık
- Harris, K. J., Kacmar, K. M., Zivnuska, S., & Shaw, J. D. (2007). The Impact of Political Skill on Impression Management Effectiveness. Journal of Applied Psychology, 92(1), 278-285.
- Hayward, T., & Preston, J. (1999). Chaos theory, economics and information: the implications for strategic decision-making. Journal of Information Science, 25(3), 173-182.
- Huang, J., Tzeng, G., & Ong, C. (2005). Motivation and Resource-allocation for Strategic Alliances through the DeNovo Perspective. Mathematical and Computer Modeling, 41(6-7), 711-721.
- Inkpen, A.C. (1998). Learning and Knowledge Acquisition through International Strategic Alliances. Academy of Management Perspectives, 12(4), 69-80.
- Jonnathan, F. L., & Serans, D. O. (1992). Sosyal Psikoloji, Çev. Ali Dönmez, İstanbul: Ara Yayıncılık
- Joreskog, K.G., & Sorbom D. (1995). LISREL 8. Scientific Software International. Chicago: Inc.
- Kanfer, R., Frese, M., & Johnson, R. E. (2017). Motivation related to work: A century of progress. Journal of Applied Psychology, 102(3), 338.
- Kauffman, S. (1996). At home in the universe: The search for the laws of self-organization and complexity. Oxford university press.
- Kiel, L. D., & Elliott, E. W. (1996). Chaos theory in the social sciences: Foundations and applications. University of Michigan Press.
- Kipnis, D., Schmidt, S. M., & Wilkinson, I. (1980). Intraorganizational Influence Tactics: Explorations in Getting One's Way. Journal of Applied Psychology, 65(4), 440-452.
- Lai, W. H., & Chang, P. L. (2010). Corporate motivation and performance in R&D alliances. Journal of Business research, 63(5), 490-496.
- Latham, Gary P., & Locke Edwin A. (1992). Management and Motivation. Edited By, Victor H. Vroom and Edward L. Deci, England: Penguin Books.
- Lunenburg, F.C. (2012). Power and Leadership: An Influence Process. International Journal of Management, Business, and Administration, 15(1), 1-9.
- Luo, B., Yu, J., Lu, Z., & Wan, L. (2012). The Influence of Interactive Control on Subsidiary Performance: A Mediating Role of Subsidiary Managers’ Strategic Behavior. American Journal of Operations Research, (2), 473-481.
- Luthans, F. (1989). Organizational Behavior (12th Edition). Boston: McGraw-Hill.
- Mann, S. R. (1992). Chaos theory and strategi cthought. ARMY WAR COLL CARLISLE BARRACKS PA.
- Maruyama, G. (1998). Basics of structural equation modeling. Sage.
- McClelland, D.C. (1985). Human motivation, Gelenview, IL: Scott, Foresman
- McDonald, R. P., & Ho, M. H. R. (2002). Principles and practice in reporting structural equation analyses. Psychological methods, 7(1), 64.
- McShane, S., & Glinow, M. A. V. (2017). Organizational behavior. McGraw-Hill Education.
- Miles, J., & Shevlin, M. (2007). A time and a place for incremental fit indices. Personality and individual differences, 42(5), 869-874.
- Naeemullah, K., Muhammad, I.H., Muhammad, S., Uddin, N.M., & Shafqat, H. (2010). The Managerial Behavior of Secondary School Heads in Punjab (Pakistan). Educational Research and Reviews, 5(4), 189-192.
- Palin, K., & Kaartemo, V. (2016). Employee motivation to participate in workplace innovation via in- house crowd sourcing. European Journal of Workplace Innovation, 2(2).
- Perryer, C., Celestine, N. A., Scott-Ladd, B., & Leighton, C. (2016). Enhancing workplace motivation through gamification: Transferrableles sons from pedagogy. The International Journal of Management Education, 14(3), 327-335.
- Porter, L. W., Steers, R. M., Mowday, R. T., & Boulian, P. V. (1979). Organizational Commitment, Job Satisfaction and Turnover Among Psychiatric Technician. Journal of Applied Psychology, 59(5), 603-609.
- Putra, E. D., Cho, S., & Liu, J. (2017). Extrinsic and intrinsic motivation on work engagement in the hospitality industry: Test of motivation crowding theory. Tourism and Hospitality Research, 17(2), 228-241.
- Raven, B. H. (2008). The Bases of Power and the Power/Interaction Model of Interpersonal Influence. Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy, 8(1), 1-22.
- Reichers, A. E.,Wanous, J. P., & Austin, J. T. (1997). Understanding and Canaging cynicism About Organizational Change. The Academy of Management Executive, 11(1), 48-59.
- Regester, M., & Larkin, J. (1997). Risk Issues and Crisis Management. A Casebook of Best Practice. London: Kogan Page Limited
- Robbins, S. P. (1996). Organizational Behavior: Concepts, Controversies, Applications. Seventh Edition, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall International Inc.
- Rožman, M., Treven, S., & Čančer, V. (2017). Motivation and Satisfaction of Employees in the Workplace. Business systems research journal: international journal of the Society for Advancing Business & Information Technology (BIT), 8(2), 14-25.
- Salaman, G., & Butler, J. (1990). Why Managers Won'T Learn. Management Education and Development, 21(3), 183-191.
- Schelling, T. (1960). The Strategy of Conflict. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
- Sekeran, U. (2003). Research Method for Business: A Skill Building Approach (4th edition). John Wiley & Sons
- Sellnow, T. L., Seeger, M. W., & Ulmer, R. R. (2002). Chaos theory, informational needs, and natural disasters. Journal of Applied Communication Research, 30(4), 269-292
- Singh, H., & Singh, A. (2002). Principles of complexity and chaos theory in Project execution: A new approach to management. Cost engineering, 44(12), 23.
- Wagner, J. A., & Hollenbeck, J. R. (2010). Organizational behavior. New York: Routledge
- Walecka, A. (2016). Determinants of Managers’ Behaviour in a Crisis Situation in an Enterprise - an Attempt at Codel Construction. Management, 20(1), 58-70.
- Wernerfelt, B. (1984). A Resource-based View of the Firm. Strategic Management Journal, 5, 171-180.
- Yoon, J. (2001). The role of structure and motivation for workplace empowerment: The case of Korean employees. Social Psychology Quarterly, 195-206.
- Yukl, G., & Falbe, M. C. (1990). Influence Tactics and Objectives in Upward, Downward, and Lateral Influence Attempts. Journal of Applied Psychology, 75(2), 132-140.
- Yukl, G., & Falbe, M.C. (1991). Importance of Different Power Sources in Downward and Lateral Relations. Journal of Applied Psychology, 76(3), 416-423.
- Yukl, G., & Tracey, J.B. (1992). Consequences of Influence Tactics Used With Subordinates, Peers, and the Boss. Journal of Applied Psychology, 77(4), 525-535.