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Yıl 2025, Cilt: 25 Sayı: 1, 175 - 188, 04.02.2025


As the world undergoes significant transformations in various domains, including technology, energy supply and communication, the idea of sustainability has become a significant issue. This study investigates the barriers to Sustainable Lean Supply Chain (SLSC) management within Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) and explores the structural interrelationships among these barriers. A comprehensive literature review was carried out to recognize critical elements relevant to the research topic, resulting in the identification of fifteen specific elements that account for 85% of the barriers in SLSC management. The DEMATEL method was used to evaluate the significance and influence levels of these factors. Furthermore, structured in-depth interviews were conducted with ten experts representing sectors that constitute 85% of the SMEs operating in Kayseri Organized Industrial Zone (OIZ), Turkey, including metal products, furniture, plastic packaging, construction materials, textiles and food. The findings reveal that strategies represent the most significant barrier to SLSC management in SMEs. The barriers were analyzed in two dimensions: influencing and influenced factors. The primary influencing factor identified was laws, standards, regulations, and legislation while the most significant influenced factor was found supply and suppliers. The study concludes with findings and actionable recommendations for practitioners and decision-makers.


  • Ada, N., Kazancoglu, Y., Sezer, M. D., Ede-Senturk, C., Ozer, I., & Ram, M. (2021). Analyzing barriers of circular food supply chains and proposing industry 4.0 solutions. Sustainability, 13(12), 6812.
  • Ada, E., Kazançoğlu, Y., Mangla, S., & Aydin, U. (2023). Barriers to cement industry towards circular economy. International Journal of Mathematical, Engineering and Management Sciences, 8(4).
  • Adams, D., Donovan, J., & Topple, C. (2023). Sustainability in large food and beverage companies and their supply chains: An investigation into key drivers and barriers affecting sustainability strategies. Business Strategy and the Environment, 32(4), 1451-1463.
  • Alayón, C. L., Säfsten, K., & Johansson, G. (2022). Barriers and enablers for the adoption of sustainable manufacturing by manufacturing SMEs. Sustainability, 14(4), 2364.
  • Begam, M. S., Swamynathan, R., & Sekkizhar, J. (2013). Current trends on lean management–A review. International Journal of lean thinking, 4(2), 15-21.
  • Bhandari, N., Garza-Reyes, J. A., Rocha-Lona, L., Kumar, A., Naz, F., & Joshi, R. (2022). Barriers to sustainable sourcing in the apparel and fashion luxury industry. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 31, 220-235.
  • Caldarelli, G., Zardini, A., & Rossignoli, C. (2021). Blockchain adoption in the fashion sustainable supply chain: Pragmatically addressing barriers. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 34(2), 507-524.
  • Caldera, H. T. S., Desha, C., & Dawes, L. (2019). Evaluating the enablers and barriers for successful implementation of sustainable business practice in ‘lean’SMEs. Journal of cleaner production, 218, 575-590.
  • Chen, W. K., Nalluri, V., Lin, M. L., & Lin, C. T. (2021). Identifying decisive socio-political sustainability barriers in the supply chain of banking sector in India: Causality analysis using ISM and MICMAC. Mathematics, 9(3), 240.
  • Division of SME Research and Consultancy Center ((2022, March 15). Türkiye’nin KOBİ’leri Bülteni. The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey. https://www.tobb.org.tr/KobiArastirma/Sayfalar/TRninKOBIleriBulteni.php
  • Ecer, F. (2020). Çok kriterli karar verme geçmişten günümüze kapsamlı bir yaklaşım. Ankara: Seçkin Yayınevi.
  • Gabus, A., & Fontela, E. J. B. G. R. C. (1972). World problems, an invitation to further thought within the framework of DEMATEL. Battelle Geneva Research Center, Geneva, Switzerland, 1(8), 12-14.
  • Guimarães, Y. M., Eustachio, J. H. P. P., Leal Filho, W., Martinez, L. F., do Valle, M. R., & Caldana, A. C. F. (2022). Drivers and barriers in sustainable supply chains: The case of the Brazilian coffee industry. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 34, 42-54.
  • Gupta, H., Kusi-Sarpong, S., & Rezaei, J. (2020). Barriers and overcoming strategies to supply chain sustainability innovation. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 161, 104819.
  • Hariyani, D., Mishra, S., Sharma, M. K., & Hariyani, P. (2022). Organizational barriers to the sustainable manufacturing system: A literature review. Environmental Challenges, 9, 100606.
  • Heidary Dahooie, J., Zamani Babgohari, A., Meidutė-Kavaliauskienė, I., & Govindan, K. (2021). Prioritising sustainable supply chain management practices by their impact on multiple interacting barriers. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology, 28(3), 267-290.
  • Kayseri Organized Industrial Zone (2022, August, 15). https://www.kayseriosb.org/
  • Kazancoglu, I., Kazancoglu, Y., Yarimoglu, E., & Kahraman, A. (2020). A conceptual framework for barriers of circular supply chains for sustainability in the textile industry. Sustainable development, 28(5), 1477-1492.
  • Khan, S. A. R., Zkik, K., Belhadi, A., & Kamble, S. S. (2021). Evaluating barriers and solutions for social sustainability adoption in multi-tier supply chains. International Journal of Production Research, 59(11), 3378-3397.
  • Kobryń, A. (2017). DEMATEL as a weighting method in multi-criteria decision analysis. Multiple Criteria Decision Making, 12, 153-167.
  • Kouhizadeh, M., Saberi, S., & Sarkis, J. (2021). Blockchain technology and the sustainable supply chain: Theoretically exploring adoption barriers. International journal of production economics, 231, 107831.
  • Kumar, P., Singh, R. K., & Kumar, V. (2021). Managing supply chains for sustainable operations in the era of industry 4.0 and circular economy: Analysis of barriers. Resources, conservation and recycling, 164, 105215.
  • Kumar Dadsena, K., & Pant, P. (2023). Analyzing the barriers in supply chain digitization: sustainable development goals perspective. Operations Management Research, 16(4), 1684-1697.
  • Kumar, A., Mangla, S. K., & Kumar, P. (2024). Barriers for adoption of Industry 4.0 in sustainable food supply chain: a circular economy perspective. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 73(2), 385-411.
  • Lahane, S., Paliwal, V., & Kant, R. (2023). Evaluation and ranking of solutions to overcome the barriers of Industry 4.0 enabled sustainable food supply chain adoption. Cleaner Logistics and Supply Chain, 8, 100116.
  • Li, Y., & Mathiyazhagan, K. (2018). Application of DEMATEL approach to identify the influential indicators towards sustainable supply chain adoption in the auto components manufacturing sector. Journal of cleaner production, 172, 2931-2941.
  • Linton, J. D., Klassen, R., & Jayaraman, V. (2007). Sustainable supply chains: An introduction. Journal of operations management, 25(6), 1075-1082.
  • Menon, R. R., & Ravi, V. (2022). An analysis of barriers affecting implementation of sustainable supply chain management in electronics industry: a Grey-DEMATEL approach. Journal of Modelling in Management, 17(4), 1319-1350.
  • Nair, P. U., & Thankamony, P. (2021). A study on barriers and practices of supply chain social sustainability in Indian and North American energy and manufacturing sectors. Available at SSRN 3781430.
  • Narimissa, O., Kangarani‐Farahani, A., & Molla‐Alizadeh‐Zavardehi, S. (2020). Drivers and barriers for implementation and improvement of Sustainable Supply Chain Management. Sustainable Development, 28(1), 247-258.
  • Nazam, M., Hashim, M., Baig, S. A., Abrar, M., & Shabbir, R. (2020). Modeling the key barriers of knowledge management adoption in sustainable supply chain. Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 33(5), 1077-1109.
  • Nazam, M., Hashim, M., Ahmad Baig, S., Abrar, M., Ur Rehman, H., Nazim, M., & Raza, A. (2020). Categorizing the barriers in adopting sustainable supply chain initiatives: A way-forward towards business excellence. Cogent business & management, 7(1), 1825042.
  • Pålsson, H., & Sandberg, E. (2022). Adoption barriers for sustainable packaging practices: A comparative study of food supply chains in South Africa and Sweden. Journal of Cleaner Production, 374, 133811.
  • Paul, S. K., Karuppiah, K., Sankaranarayanan, B., & Ali, S. M. (2023). Barriers for Sustainable Supply Chain Management and Their Overcoming Strategies in Context of the Indian Automobile Industry. In Data Analytics for Supply Chain Networks (pp. 129-165). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
  • Praharsi, Y., Jami’in, M. A., Suhardjito, G., & Wee, H. M. (2020). Barriers and Enablers for developing sustainable supply chain at traditional shipyards in East Java, Indonesia. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management.
  • Rashid, M. R., Ghosh, S. K., Alam, M. F. B., & Rahman, M. F. (2024). A fuzzy multi-criteria model with Pareto analysis for prioritizing sustainable supply chain barriers in the textile industry: Evidence from an emerging economy. Sustainable Operations and Computers, 5, 29-40.
  • Ratna, S., & Kumar, B. (2020). Assessing the barriers in implementing sustainable supply chain management practices: an ISM approach. PalArch's Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology, 17(9), 6980-6987.
  • Sajjad, A., Eweje, G., & Tappin, D. (2020). Managerial perspectives on drivers for and barriers to sustainable supply chain management implementation: Evidence from New Zealand. Business Strategy and the Environment, 29(2), 592-604.
  • Salman, S., Taqi, H. M. M., Nur, S. S. A., Awan, U., & Ali, S. M. (2024). The pathways to lean manufacturing for circular economy: Implications for sustainable development goals. Journal of Responsible Production and Consumption, 1(1), 18-36.
  • Sanders, N. R. (2012). Supply chain management: A global perspective. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Schwab, K. (2021). Stakeholder capitalism: A global economy that works for progress, people and planet. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Singh, C., Singh, D., & Khamba, J. S. (2021). Analyzing barriers of Green Lean practices in manufacturing industries by DEMATEL approach. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 32(1), 176- 198.
  • Singh, A. K., Kumar, V. P., Irfan, M., Mohandes, S. R., & Awan, U. (2023). Revealing the barriers of blockchain technology for supply chain transparency and sustainability in the construction industry: an application of pythagorean FAHP methods. Sustainability, 15(13), 10681.
  • Singh, P. K., & Maheswaran, R. (2024). Analysis of social barriers to sustainable innovation and digitisation in supply chain. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 26(2), 5223-5248.
  • Verma, V. K., Kamble, S. S., Ganapathy, L., Belhadi, A., & Gupta, S. (2023). 3D Printing for sustainable food supply chains: Modelling the implementation barriers. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, 26(9), 1190-1216.
  • Vishwakarma, A., Dangayach, G. S., Meena, M. L., & Gupta, S. (2022). Analysing barriers of sustainable supply chain in apparel & textile sector: A hybrid ISM-MICMAC and DEMATEL approach. Cleaner Logistics and Supply Chain, 5, 100073.
  • Womack, J.P., Jones, D.T. ve Roos, D. (1990). Dünyayı Değiştiren Makine, Türkçesi: Otomotiv Sanayi Derneği, 1, OSD Yayını, Panel Matbaacılık, İstanbul.
  • Womack, J. P., & Jones, D. T. (1998). Yalın düşünce. Optimist Yayın Grubu.
  • Zhu, X., Xiao, Y., Xiao, G., & Deng, X. (2022). Research on driving factors of collaborative integration implementation of lean-green manufacturing system with industry 4.0 based on fuzzy AHP-DEMATEL-ISM: From the perspective of enterprise stakeholders. Processes, 10(12), 2714.
Yıl 2025, Cilt: 25 Sayı: 1, 175 - 188, 04.02.2025



  • Ada, N., Kazancoglu, Y., Sezer, M. D., Ede-Senturk, C., Ozer, I., & Ram, M. (2021). Analyzing barriers of circular food supply chains and proposing industry 4.0 solutions. Sustainability, 13(12), 6812.
  • Ada, E., Kazançoğlu, Y., Mangla, S., & Aydin, U. (2023). Barriers to cement industry towards circular economy. International Journal of Mathematical, Engineering and Management Sciences, 8(4).
  • Adams, D., Donovan, J., & Topple, C. (2023). Sustainability in large food and beverage companies and their supply chains: An investigation into key drivers and barriers affecting sustainability strategies. Business Strategy and the Environment, 32(4), 1451-1463.
  • Alayón, C. L., Säfsten, K., & Johansson, G. (2022). Barriers and enablers for the adoption of sustainable manufacturing by manufacturing SMEs. Sustainability, 14(4), 2364.
  • Begam, M. S., Swamynathan, R., & Sekkizhar, J. (2013). Current trends on lean management–A review. International Journal of lean thinking, 4(2), 15-21.
  • Bhandari, N., Garza-Reyes, J. A., Rocha-Lona, L., Kumar, A., Naz, F., & Joshi, R. (2022). Barriers to sustainable sourcing in the apparel and fashion luxury industry. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 31, 220-235.
  • Caldarelli, G., Zardini, A., & Rossignoli, C. (2021). Blockchain adoption in the fashion sustainable supply chain: Pragmatically addressing barriers. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 34(2), 507-524.
  • Caldera, H. T. S., Desha, C., & Dawes, L. (2019). Evaluating the enablers and barriers for successful implementation of sustainable business practice in ‘lean’SMEs. Journal of cleaner production, 218, 575-590.
  • Chen, W. K., Nalluri, V., Lin, M. L., & Lin, C. T. (2021). Identifying decisive socio-political sustainability barriers in the supply chain of banking sector in India: Causality analysis using ISM and MICMAC. Mathematics, 9(3), 240.
  • Division of SME Research and Consultancy Center ((2022, March 15). Türkiye’nin KOBİ’leri Bülteni. The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey. https://www.tobb.org.tr/KobiArastirma/Sayfalar/TRninKOBIleriBulteni.php
  • Ecer, F. (2020). Çok kriterli karar verme geçmişten günümüze kapsamlı bir yaklaşım. Ankara: Seçkin Yayınevi.
  • Gabus, A., & Fontela, E. J. B. G. R. C. (1972). World problems, an invitation to further thought within the framework of DEMATEL. Battelle Geneva Research Center, Geneva, Switzerland, 1(8), 12-14.
  • Guimarães, Y. M., Eustachio, J. H. P. P., Leal Filho, W., Martinez, L. F., do Valle, M. R., & Caldana, A. C. F. (2022). Drivers and barriers in sustainable supply chains: The case of the Brazilian coffee industry. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 34, 42-54.
  • Gupta, H., Kusi-Sarpong, S., & Rezaei, J. (2020). Barriers and overcoming strategies to supply chain sustainability innovation. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 161, 104819.
  • Hariyani, D., Mishra, S., Sharma, M. K., & Hariyani, P. (2022). Organizational barriers to the sustainable manufacturing system: A literature review. Environmental Challenges, 9, 100606.
  • Heidary Dahooie, J., Zamani Babgohari, A., Meidutė-Kavaliauskienė, I., & Govindan, K. (2021). Prioritising sustainable supply chain management practices by their impact on multiple interacting barriers. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology, 28(3), 267-290.
  • Kayseri Organized Industrial Zone (2022, August, 15). https://www.kayseriosb.org/
  • Kazancoglu, I., Kazancoglu, Y., Yarimoglu, E., & Kahraman, A. (2020). A conceptual framework for barriers of circular supply chains for sustainability in the textile industry. Sustainable development, 28(5), 1477-1492.
  • Khan, S. A. R., Zkik, K., Belhadi, A., & Kamble, S. S. (2021). Evaluating barriers and solutions for social sustainability adoption in multi-tier supply chains. International Journal of Production Research, 59(11), 3378-3397.
  • Kobryń, A. (2017). DEMATEL as a weighting method in multi-criteria decision analysis. Multiple Criteria Decision Making, 12, 153-167.
  • Kouhizadeh, M., Saberi, S., & Sarkis, J. (2021). Blockchain technology and the sustainable supply chain: Theoretically exploring adoption barriers. International journal of production economics, 231, 107831.
  • Kumar, P., Singh, R. K., & Kumar, V. (2021). Managing supply chains for sustainable operations in the era of industry 4.0 and circular economy: Analysis of barriers. Resources, conservation and recycling, 164, 105215.
  • Kumar Dadsena, K., & Pant, P. (2023). Analyzing the barriers in supply chain digitization: sustainable development goals perspective. Operations Management Research, 16(4), 1684-1697.
  • Kumar, A., Mangla, S. K., & Kumar, P. (2024). Barriers for adoption of Industry 4.0 in sustainable food supply chain: a circular economy perspective. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 73(2), 385-411.
  • Lahane, S., Paliwal, V., & Kant, R. (2023). Evaluation and ranking of solutions to overcome the barriers of Industry 4.0 enabled sustainable food supply chain adoption. Cleaner Logistics and Supply Chain, 8, 100116.
  • Li, Y., & Mathiyazhagan, K. (2018). Application of DEMATEL approach to identify the influential indicators towards sustainable supply chain adoption in the auto components manufacturing sector. Journal of cleaner production, 172, 2931-2941.
  • Linton, J. D., Klassen, R., & Jayaraman, V. (2007). Sustainable supply chains: An introduction. Journal of operations management, 25(6), 1075-1082.
  • Menon, R. R., & Ravi, V. (2022). An analysis of barriers affecting implementation of sustainable supply chain management in electronics industry: a Grey-DEMATEL approach. Journal of Modelling in Management, 17(4), 1319-1350.
  • Nair, P. U., & Thankamony, P. (2021). A study on barriers and practices of supply chain social sustainability in Indian and North American energy and manufacturing sectors. Available at SSRN 3781430.
  • Narimissa, O., Kangarani‐Farahani, A., & Molla‐Alizadeh‐Zavardehi, S. (2020). Drivers and barriers for implementation and improvement of Sustainable Supply Chain Management. Sustainable Development, 28(1), 247-258.
  • Nazam, M., Hashim, M., Baig, S. A., Abrar, M., & Shabbir, R. (2020). Modeling the key barriers of knowledge management adoption in sustainable supply chain. Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 33(5), 1077-1109.
  • Nazam, M., Hashim, M., Ahmad Baig, S., Abrar, M., Ur Rehman, H., Nazim, M., & Raza, A. (2020). Categorizing the barriers in adopting sustainable supply chain initiatives: A way-forward towards business excellence. Cogent business & management, 7(1), 1825042.
  • Pålsson, H., & Sandberg, E. (2022). Adoption barriers for sustainable packaging practices: A comparative study of food supply chains in South Africa and Sweden. Journal of Cleaner Production, 374, 133811.
  • Paul, S. K., Karuppiah, K., Sankaranarayanan, B., & Ali, S. M. (2023). Barriers for Sustainable Supply Chain Management and Their Overcoming Strategies in Context of the Indian Automobile Industry. In Data Analytics for Supply Chain Networks (pp. 129-165). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
  • Praharsi, Y., Jami’in, M. A., Suhardjito, G., & Wee, H. M. (2020). Barriers and Enablers for developing sustainable supply chain at traditional shipyards in East Java, Indonesia. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management.
  • Rashid, M. R., Ghosh, S. K., Alam, M. F. B., & Rahman, M. F. (2024). A fuzzy multi-criteria model with Pareto analysis for prioritizing sustainable supply chain barriers in the textile industry: Evidence from an emerging economy. Sustainable Operations and Computers, 5, 29-40.
  • Ratna, S., & Kumar, B. (2020). Assessing the barriers in implementing sustainable supply chain management practices: an ISM approach. PalArch's Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology, 17(9), 6980-6987.
  • Sajjad, A., Eweje, G., & Tappin, D. (2020). Managerial perspectives on drivers for and barriers to sustainable supply chain management implementation: Evidence from New Zealand. Business Strategy and the Environment, 29(2), 592-604.
  • Salman, S., Taqi, H. M. M., Nur, S. S. A., Awan, U., & Ali, S. M. (2024). The pathways to lean manufacturing for circular economy: Implications for sustainable development goals. Journal of Responsible Production and Consumption, 1(1), 18-36.
  • Sanders, N. R. (2012). Supply chain management: A global perspective. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Schwab, K. (2021). Stakeholder capitalism: A global economy that works for progress, people and planet. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Singh, C., Singh, D., & Khamba, J. S. (2021). Analyzing barriers of Green Lean practices in manufacturing industries by DEMATEL approach. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 32(1), 176- 198.
  • Singh, A. K., Kumar, V. P., Irfan, M., Mohandes, S. R., & Awan, U. (2023). Revealing the barriers of blockchain technology for supply chain transparency and sustainability in the construction industry: an application of pythagorean FAHP methods. Sustainability, 15(13), 10681.
  • Singh, P. K., & Maheswaran, R. (2024). Analysis of social barriers to sustainable innovation and digitisation in supply chain. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 26(2), 5223-5248.
  • Verma, V. K., Kamble, S. S., Ganapathy, L., Belhadi, A., & Gupta, S. (2023). 3D Printing for sustainable food supply chains: Modelling the implementation barriers. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, 26(9), 1190-1216.
  • Vishwakarma, A., Dangayach, G. S., Meena, M. L., & Gupta, S. (2022). Analysing barriers of sustainable supply chain in apparel & textile sector: A hybrid ISM-MICMAC and DEMATEL approach. Cleaner Logistics and Supply Chain, 5, 100073.
  • Womack, J.P., Jones, D.T. ve Roos, D. (1990). Dünyayı Değiştiren Makine, Türkçesi: Otomotiv Sanayi Derneği, 1, OSD Yayını, Panel Matbaacılık, İstanbul.
  • Womack, J. P., & Jones, D. T. (1998). Yalın düşünce. Optimist Yayın Grubu.
  • Zhu, X., Xiao, Y., Xiao, G., & Deng, X. (2022). Research on driving factors of collaborative integration implementation of lean-green manufacturing system with industry 4.0 based on fuzzy AHP-DEMATEL-ISM: From the perspective of enterprise stakeholders. Processes, 10(12), 2714.
Toplam 49 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular İşletme
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Ebru Takcı 0000-0003-3451-3149

Erhan Ada 0000-0002-4439-0966

Yiğit Kazançoğlu 0000-0001-9199-671X

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 27 Ocak 2025
Yayımlanma Tarihi 4 Şubat 2025
Gönderilme Tarihi 29 Mayıs 2024
Kabul Tarihi 21 Aralık 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2025 Cilt: 25 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Takcı, E., Ada, E., & Kazançoğlu, Y. (2025). BARRIERS IN SUSTAINABLE LEAN SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT: IMPLEMENTATION IN SMEs. Ege Academic Review, 25(1), 175-188. https://doi.org/10.21121/eab.20250111
AMA Takcı E, Ada E, Kazançoğlu Y. BARRIERS IN SUSTAINABLE LEAN SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT: IMPLEMENTATION IN SMEs. eab. Şubat 2025;25(1):175-188. doi:10.21121/eab.20250111
Chicago Takcı, Ebru, Erhan Ada, ve Yiğit Kazançoğlu. “BARRIERS IN SUSTAINABLE LEAN SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT: IMPLEMENTATION IN SMEs”. Ege Academic Review 25, sy. 1 (Şubat 2025): 175-88. https://doi.org/10.21121/eab.20250111.
EndNote Takcı E, Ada E, Kazançoğlu Y (01 Şubat 2025) BARRIERS IN SUSTAINABLE LEAN SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT: IMPLEMENTATION IN SMEs. Ege Academic Review 25 1 175–188.
IEEE E. Takcı, E. Ada, ve Y. Kazançoğlu, “BARRIERS IN SUSTAINABLE LEAN SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT: IMPLEMENTATION IN SMEs”, eab, c. 25, sy. 1, ss. 175–188, 2025, doi: 10.21121/eab.20250111.
ISNAD Takcı, Ebru vd. “BARRIERS IN SUSTAINABLE LEAN SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT: IMPLEMENTATION IN SMEs”. Ege Academic Review 25/1 (Şubat 2025), 175-188. https://doi.org/10.21121/eab.20250111.
MLA Takcı, Ebru vd. “BARRIERS IN SUSTAINABLE LEAN SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT: IMPLEMENTATION IN SMEs”. Ege Academic Review, c. 25, sy. 1, 2025, ss. 175-88, doi:10.21121/eab.20250111.