Bibliometric Analysis of Innovation Capacity Studies
Yıl 2024,
, 113 - 136, 31.12.2024
Kevser Ozyasar
İsmail Bakan
Purpose: This research was prepared to provide an in-depth look at the concept of "innovation capacity", which is one of the important topics highlighted by today's changing conditions. The aim of the study is to evaluate important trends regarding innovation capacity, improve the academic perspective and identify research gaps. The study was prepared to evaluate important trends, improve academic insight and identify research gaps on innovation capacity.
Conclusion and Recommendations: The year with the most publications regarding innovation capacity is 2023, with 923 studies. When we look at the distribution by field according to WoS categories, the management field stands out first with a rate of 10.30%. However, it is also noteworthy that the concept has been written in many different fields. It is possible to say that it can be attributed to many fields of study and disciplines. China was mentioned frequently throughout the research. China ranks first as the country with the most publications, the most cited countries, and the country with the most cited institutions. Researchers who want to focus on innovation capacity research can join the international network where innovation capacity studies are concentrated by collaborating with the most cited institutions and/or authors. On the other hand, this study can help managers understand the latest developments in the field of innovation capacity and where and in which areas these developments mostly occur. Academics can use this study as a guide to understand how to evaluate academic outcomes using various indicators.
Originality/Value of the Study: Although there are bibliometric analysis studies on “organizational innovation” (national) and “innovation in sustainability goals” (international); No bibliometric analysis study has been found in the national and international literature regarding the concept of "innovation capacity". This represents the original part of the research.
Limitations of the Research: The inclusion of a single database (Web of Science) in the research and the exclusion of other databases represent an obvious limitation of the research. In order to bring a broader and richer understanding to the concept of innovation capacity, analysis of different databases will contribute to the relevant literature.
Ethics committee: Since the research was conducted with secondary data, an ethics committee report is not needed.
Etik Beyan
Araştırmada ikincil verilerle çalışılmış olduğu için etik kurul raporuna ihtiyaç duyulmamaktadır.
Sayın Editor;
“İnovasyon Kapasitesi Çalışmalarının Bibliyometrik Analizi” başlıklı makalemizi, seçkin derginize sunmaktan ötürü mutluyuz. Bu araştırmada güncel bir konu olan dijital olgunluk kavramına; hem kavramsal bir açıklama getirilmiş olup hem de veri görselleştirme programı sayesinde rakamlarla nicel bir perspektif çizilmeye çalışılmıştır. Bu araştırma için yapılan araştırmada gerek ulusal gerekse uluslararası alanyazında dijital olgunluk hakkında bibliyometrik bir araştırmaya rastlanmamıştır. Bu anlamda çalışmanın özgün yapısı ile ilgili alanyazına katkı sağlamasını ümit etmekteyiz. Süreç boyunca sizlerin ve hakemlerimizin görüşleri bizler için çok kıymetli olacaktır. Makalemizin kabul edilmesi ve bilime/uygulayıcılara/karar merciilere faydalı olması ümidiyle.
- Aggarwal, A., Baker, H. K., & Joshi, N. A. (2024). Organizational innovation as business strategy: A review and Bibliometric analysis. Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 1-27.
- Aria, M., & Cuccurullo, C. (2017). bibliometrix: An R-tool for comprehensive science mapping analysis. Journal of informetrics, 11(4), 959-975.
- Amit, R., & Schoemaker, P. J. (1993). Strategic assets and organizational rent. Strategic management journal, 14(1), 33-46.
- Beliaeva, T., Ferasso, M., Kraus, S., & Damke, E. J. (2020). Dynamics of digital entrepreneurship and the innovation ecosystem: A multilevel perspective. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 26(2), 266-284.
- Borgatti, S. P. (2005). Centrality and network flow. Social networks, 27(1), 55-71.
- Chen, C. (2006). CiteSpace II: Detecting and visualizing emerging trends and transient patterns in scientific literature. Journal of the American Society for information Science and Technology, 57(3), 359-377.
- Chhtrapati, D., Trivedi, D., Chaudhari, S. P., Sharma, A., & Bhatt, A. (2023). Global research performance on social media security: a bibliometric visualization analysis. Information Discovery and Delivery, (ahead-of-print).
- Cobo, M. J., Chiclana, F., Collop, A., de Ona, J., & Herrera-Viedma, E. (2013). A bibliometric analysis of the intelligent transportation systems research based on science mapping. IEEE transactions on intelligent transportation systems, 15(2), 901-908.
- Culnan, M. J. (1986). The intellectual development of management information systems, 1972–1982: A co-citation analysis. Management science, 32(2), 156-172.
- Davenport, T. H., Leibold, M., & Voelpel, S. C. (2007). Strategic management in the innovation economy: Strategic approaches and tools for dynamic innovation capabilities. John Wiley & Sons.
Deloitte. (2016). CIO Insider articles are developed with the guidance. Deloitte Services LP. Erişim tarihi:02.06.2024
- Dzage, E. J., & Szabados, G. N. (2024). The Relationship of Corporate Social Responsibility with Business Performance—A Bibliometric Literature Review. Sustainability, 16(7), 2637.
Dzhunushalieva, G., & Teuber, R. (2024). Roles of innovation in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals: A bibliometric analysis. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge, 9(2), 100472.
- Farooq, R. (2024). A review of knowledge management research in the past three decades: a bibliometric analysis. VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems, 54(2), 339-378.
- Forsman, H. (2009). Improving innovation capabilities of small enterprises: Cluster strategy as a tool. International Journal of Innovation Management, 13(02), 221-243.
- Gaviria-Marin, M., Merigó, J. M., & Baier-Fuentes, H. (2019). Knowledge management: A global examination based on bibliometric analysis. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 140, 194-220.
- Hallinger, P., & Kovačević, J. (2019). A bibliometric review of research on educational administration: Science mapping the literature, 1960 to 2018. Review of Educational Research, 89(3), 335-369.
- Hirsch‐Kreinsen, H. (2008). “Low‐tech” innovations. Industry and innovation, 15(1), 19-43.
- Szeto, E. (2000). Innovation capacity: working towards a mechanism for improving innovation within an inter‐organizational network. The TQM magazine, 12(2), 149-158.
- Kessler, M. M. (1963). Bibliographic coupling between scientific papers. American documentation, 14(1), 10-25.
Khiste, G. P., Maske, D. B., & Deshmukh, R. K. (2018). Knowledge management output in scopus during 2007 to 2016. Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities, 8(1), 10-19.
- Kirner, E., Kinkel, S., & Jaeger, A. (2009). Innovation paths and the innovation performance of low-technology firms—An empirical analysis of German industry. Research Policy, 38(3), 447-458.
- Kumar, S., & Garg, N. (2023). Bibliometrics assessment of research in India's five key areas: A comprehensive study. International Journal of Information Dissemination and Technology, 13(3), 116-121.
- Leydesdorff, L. (2007). Visualization of the citation impact environments of scientific journals: An online mapping exercise. Journal of the American society for Information science and technology, 58(1), 25-38.
- Lu, F. P., Lin, K. P., & Kuo, H. K. (2009). Diabetes and the risk of multi-system aging phenotypes: a systematic review and meta-analysis. PloS one, 4(1), e4144.
- Marques, C. S., & Ferreira, J. (2009). SME innovative capacity, competitive advantage and performance in a'traditional'industrial region of Portugal. Journal of technology management & innovation, 4(4), 53-68.
- Morrisey, L. J. (2013). Bibliometric and bibliographic analysis in an era of electronic scholarly communication. In Scholarly Communication in Science and Engineering Research in Higher Education (pp. 149-160). Routledge.
- Mukherjee, D., Lim, W. M., Kumar, S., & Donthu, N. (2022). Guidelines for advancing theory and practice through bibliometric research. Journal of business research, 148, 101-115.
- Niknejad, N., Ismail, W., Bahari, M., Hendradi, R., & Salleh, A. Z. (2021). Mapping the research trends on blockchain technology in food and agriculture industry: A bibliometric analysis. Environmental Technology & Innovation, 21, 101272.
- OECD (2019), Enhancing Innovation Capacity in City Government, OECD Publishing, Paris,
- Persson, O., Danell, R., & Schneider, J. W. (2009). How to use Bibexcel for various types of bibliometric analysis. Celebrating scholarly communication studies: A Festschrift for Olle Persson at his 60th Birthday, 5(2009), 9-24.
- Pino, A. F. S., Ruiz, P. H., Agredo-Delgado, V., Mon, A., & Collazos, C. A. (2024). Bibliometric Analysis of the Research Landscape in Human-Computer Interaction in Ibero-America. TecnoLógicas, 27(59), e2907-e2907.
- Romijn, H. A., Caniëls, M. C. J., & de Ruijter-De Wildt, M. (2003). Can business development services practitioners learn from theories on innovation and services marketing?.
- Sanguankaew, P., & Vathanophas Ractham, V. (2019). Bibliometric review of research on knowledge management and sustainability, 1994–2018. Sustainability, 11(16), 4388.
- Suarez-Villa, L., & Walrod, W. (2003). The collaborative economy of biotechnology: Alliances, outsourcing and R&D. International Journal of Biotechnology, 5(3-4), 402-438.
- Tajvidi, M., Karami, A., Tajvidi, M., & Karami, A. (2015). Innovation capacity. Product development strategy: Innovation capacity and entrepreneurial firm performance in high-tech SMEs, 125-146.
- Van Eck, N. J., Waltman, L., Dekker, R., & Van Den Berg, J. (2010). A comparison of two techniques for bibliometric mapping: Multidimensional scaling and VOS. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 61(12), 2405-2416.
- Van Eck, N. J., & Waltman, L. (2014). Visualizing bibliometric networks. In Measuring scholarly impact: Methods and practice (pp. 285-320). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
- Van Eck, N. J., & Waltman, L. (2022). Crossref as a source of open bibliographic metadata.
İnovasyon Kapasitesi Çalışmalarının Bibliyometrik Analizi
Yıl 2024,
, 113 - 136, 31.12.2024
Kevser Ozyasar
İsmail Bakan
Amaç: Bu araştırma, günümüzün değişen koşullarının ön plana çıkardığı önemli başlıklardan biri olan “inovasyon kapasitesi” kavramına yönelik derinlemesine bir bakış sağlamak için hazırlanmıştır. Çalışmada, inovasyon kapasitesi ile ilgili önemli eğilimleri değerlendirmek, akademik bakışı geliştirmek ve araştırma boşluklarını belirleyebilmek hedeflenmiştir. Çalışma, inovasyon kapasitesi hakkında, önemli eğilimleri değerlendirmek, akademik bakışı geliştirmek ve araştırma boşluklarını belirleyebilmek için hazırlanmıştır.
Sonuç ve Öneriler: Inovasyon kapasitesiyle alakalı en çok yayın yapılan yıl, 923 çalışmayla 2023’tür. WoS kategorilerine göre alan bazında dağılımlara bakıldığında ilk sırada %10.30’luk oran ile yönetim alanı dikkat çekmektedir. Ancak kavramın çok farklı alanlarda kaleme alındığı da dikkat çekmektedir. Birçok çalışma alanı ve disipline atfedilebileceğini söylemek mümkündür. Araştırma boyunca Çin sıklıkla tekrar edilmiştir. Zira en çok yayın yapan, en çok atıf alan ülke ve en çok atıf alan kurumların bulunduğu ülke olarak Çin birinci sırada yer almaktadır. Inovasyon kapasitesi araştırmalarına yoğunlaşmak isteyen araştırmacılar en çok atıf alan kurumlar ve/veya yazarlar ile iş birliği yaparak inovasyon kapasitesi çalışmalarının yoğunlaştığı uluslararası ağa dahil olabilirler. Öte yandan bu çalışma yöneticilere inovasyon kapasitesi alanındaki son gelişmeleri ve bu gelişmelerin yoğunlukla nelerde ve hangi alanlarda ortaya çıktığı konusunda yardımcı olabilir. Akademisyenler bu çalışmayı çeşitli göstergeleri kullanarak akademik sonuçların nasıl değerlendirileceğini anlamak için bir rehber olarak kullanabilirler.
Çalışmanın Orjinalliği/ Değeri: “Örgütsel inovasyon” (ulusal) ve “sürdürülebilirlik hedeflerinde inovasyon” (uluslararası) üzerine bibliyometrik analiz çalışmaları olsa da; “inovasyon kapasitesi” kavramı ile ilgili ulusal ve uluslararası alanyazında bibliyometrik analiz çalışmasına rastlanmamıştır. Bu araştırmanın özgün kısmını ifade etmektedir.
Araştırmanın Sınırlılıkları: Araştırmaya tek bir veritabanın (Web of Science) dahil edilmiş olması ve diğer veri tabanlarının hariç tutulması araştırmanın bariz sınırlılığını temsil etmektedir. İnovasyon kapasitesi kavramına daha geniş ve zengin bir anlayış getirebilmek için farklı veritabanlarının analizi ilgili alanyazına katkı sağlayacaktır.
Etik kurul: Araştırmada ikincil verilerle çalışılmış olduğu için etik kurul raporuna ihtiyaç duyulmamaktadır.
- Aggarwal, A., Baker, H. K., & Joshi, N. A. (2024). Organizational innovation as business strategy: A review and Bibliometric analysis. Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 1-27.
- Aria, M., & Cuccurullo, C. (2017). bibliometrix: An R-tool for comprehensive science mapping analysis. Journal of informetrics, 11(4), 959-975.
- Amit, R., & Schoemaker, P. J. (1993). Strategic assets and organizational rent. Strategic management journal, 14(1), 33-46.
- Beliaeva, T., Ferasso, M., Kraus, S., & Damke, E. J. (2020). Dynamics of digital entrepreneurship and the innovation ecosystem: A multilevel perspective. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 26(2), 266-284.
- Borgatti, S. P. (2005). Centrality and network flow. Social networks, 27(1), 55-71.
- Chen, C. (2006). CiteSpace II: Detecting and visualizing emerging trends and transient patterns in scientific literature. Journal of the American Society for information Science and Technology, 57(3), 359-377.
- Chhtrapati, D., Trivedi, D., Chaudhari, S. P., Sharma, A., & Bhatt, A. (2023). Global research performance on social media security: a bibliometric visualization analysis. Information Discovery and Delivery, (ahead-of-print).
- Cobo, M. J., Chiclana, F., Collop, A., de Ona, J., & Herrera-Viedma, E. (2013). A bibliometric analysis of the intelligent transportation systems research based on science mapping. IEEE transactions on intelligent transportation systems, 15(2), 901-908.
- Culnan, M. J. (1986). The intellectual development of management information systems, 1972–1982: A co-citation analysis. Management science, 32(2), 156-172.
- Davenport, T. H., Leibold, M., & Voelpel, S. C. (2007). Strategic management in the innovation economy: Strategic approaches and tools for dynamic innovation capabilities. John Wiley & Sons.
Deloitte. (2016). CIO Insider articles are developed with the guidance. Deloitte Services LP. Erişim tarihi:02.06.2024
- Dzage, E. J., & Szabados, G. N. (2024). The Relationship of Corporate Social Responsibility with Business Performance—A Bibliometric Literature Review. Sustainability, 16(7), 2637.
Dzhunushalieva, G., & Teuber, R. (2024). Roles of innovation in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals: A bibliometric analysis. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge, 9(2), 100472.
- Farooq, R. (2024). A review of knowledge management research in the past three decades: a bibliometric analysis. VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems, 54(2), 339-378.
- Forsman, H. (2009). Improving innovation capabilities of small enterprises: Cluster strategy as a tool. International Journal of Innovation Management, 13(02), 221-243.
- Gaviria-Marin, M., Merigó, J. M., & Baier-Fuentes, H. (2019). Knowledge management: A global examination based on bibliometric analysis. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 140, 194-220.
- Hallinger, P., & Kovačević, J. (2019). A bibliometric review of research on educational administration: Science mapping the literature, 1960 to 2018. Review of Educational Research, 89(3), 335-369.
- Hirsch‐Kreinsen, H. (2008). “Low‐tech” innovations. Industry and innovation, 15(1), 19-43.
- Szeto, E. (2000). Innovation capacity: working towards a mechanism for improving innovation within an inter‐organizational network. The TQM magazine, 12(2), 149-158.
- Kessler, M. M. (1963). Bibliographic coupling between scientific papers. American documentation, 14(1), 10-25.
Khiste, G. P., Maske, D. B., & Deshmukh, R. K. (2018). Knowledge management output in scopus during 2007 to 2016. Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities, 8(1), 10-19.
- Kirner, E., Kinkel, S., & Jaeger, A. (2009). Innovation paths and the innovation performance of low-technology firms—An empirical analysis of German industry. Research Policy, 38(3), 447-458.
- Kumar, S., & Garg, N. (2023). Bibliometrics assessment of research in India's five key areas: A comprehensive study. International Journal of Information Dissemination and Technology, 13(3), 116-121.
- Leydesdorff, L. (2007). Visualization of the citation impact environments of scientific journals: An online mapping exercise. Journal of the American society for Information science and technology, 58(1), 25-38.
- Lu, F. P., Lin, K. P., & Kuo, H. K. (2009). Diabetes and the risk of multi-system aging phenotypes: a systematic review and meta-analysis. PloS one, 4(1), e4144.
- Marques, C. S., & Ferreira, J. (2009). SME innovative capacity, competitive advantage and performance in a'traditional'industrial region of Portugal. Journal of technology management & innovation, 4(4), 53-68.
- Morrisey, L. J. (2013). Bibliometric and bibliographic analysis in an era of electronic scholarly communication. In Scholarly Communication in Science and Engineering Research in Higher Education (pp. 149-160). Routledge.
- Mukherjee, D., Lim, W. M., Kumar, S., & Donthu, N. (2022). Guidelines for advancing theory and practice through bibliometric research. Journal of business research, 148, 101-115.
- Niknejad, N., Ismail, W., Bahari, M., Hendradi, R., & Salleh, A. Z. (2021). Mapping the research trends on blockchain technology in food and agriculture industry: A bibliometric analysis. Environmental Technology & Innovation, 21, 101272.
- OECD (2019), Enhancing Innovation Capacity in City Government, OECD Publishing, Paris,
- Persson, O., Danell, R., & Schneider, J. W. (2009). How to use Bibexcel for various types of bibliometric analysis. Celebrating scholarly communication studies: A Festschrift for Olle Persson at his 60th Birthday, 5(2009), 9-24.
- Pino, A. F. S., Ruiz, P. H., Agredo-Delgado, V., Mon, A., & Collazos, C. A. (2024). Bibliometric Analysis of the Research Landscape in Human-Computer Interaction in Ibero-America. TecnoLógicas, 27(59), e2907-e2907.
- Romijn, H. A., Caniëls, M. C. J., & de Ruijter-De Wildt, M. (2003). Can business development services practitioners learn from theories on innovation and services marketing?.
- Sanguankaew, P., & Vathanophas Ractham, V. (2019). Bibliometric review of research on knowledge management and sustainability, 1994–2018. Sustainability, 11(16), 4388.
- Suarez-Villa, L., & Walrod, W. (2003). The collaborative economy of biotechnology: Alliances, outsourcing and R&D. International Journal of Biotechnology, 5(3-4), 402-438.
- Tajvidi, M., Karami, A., Tajvidi, M., & Karami, A. (2015). Innovation capacity. Product development strategy: Innovation capacity and entrepreneurial firm performance in high-tech SMEs, 125-146.
- Van Eck, N. J., Waltman, L., Dekker, R., & Van Den Berg, J. (2010). A comparison of two techniques for bibliometric mapping: Multidimensional scaling and VOS. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 61(12), 2405-2416.
- Van Eck, N. J., & Waltman, L. (2014). Visualizing bibliometric networks. In Measuring scholarly impact: Methods and practice (pp. 285-320). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
- Van Eck, N. J., & Waltman, L. (2022). Crossref as a source of open bibliographic metadata.