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Ücret Eğrisi Boyunca Cinsiyete Dayalı Ücret Eşitsizliği: Türkiye’nin Durumu

Yıl 2024, , 168 - 191, 31.12.2024


Bu çalışma, 2003 ve 2011 Hanehalkı Bütçe Anketlerini kullanarak Türkiye'de kadın ve erkek ücret farklılıklarını araştırmayı amaçlamaktadır. İlk olarak, istihdamın cinsiyete dayalı görüntüsünü yakalamak için betimleyici istatistikler sunulmaktadır. Daha sonra, emek özelliklerinin getirilerini araştırmak için Mincerian ücret denklemleri kantil regresyonla tahmin ediliyor ve cinsiyetler arası ücret farkının belirlenmesinde ücret priminin rolünü gözlemlemek için eğitim kategorilerinin yıllık getirileri elde ediliyor. Son olarak, cinsiyete dayalı ücret eşitsizliğinin kaynaklarını donanım, ücretlendirme ve gözlemlenemeyen etkiler olarak ayrıştırmak için Juhn, Murphy ve Pierce (1993) karşı-olgusal analizi yapılmıştır. Ücret eşitsizliğinin örüntüsü ve eğitimin getirileri, ücret dağılımı boyunca farklılık göstermektedir. Cinsiyetler arası ücret farkı dönem boyunca ve ücret eğrisi boyunca üst kuyruğa doğru ilerledikçe düşme eğilimindedir. Fiyat ayrımcılığı gelir düzeyinden bağımsız olarak konumunu korumakta ancak zamanla azalmaktadır.


  • Akgul, T. (2018). Discrimination Against Women in Turkish Labor Market: An Analysis of Gender Wage Gap with Blinder-Oaxaca and Juhn-Murphy-Pierce Decomposition Methods, 2004-2017 Period. Journal of Economics Finance and Accounting, 5(4), 349-358.
  • Aktaş, A., & Uysal, G. (2016). The Gender Wage Gap in Turkey. Marmara University Journal of Economic and Administrative Sciences, 38(2), 1-19.
  • Bakis, O., Davutyan, N., Levent, H., & Polat, S. (2009, October). Social Returns to Higher Education in Turkey: A Quantile Regression Approach. In Shock Vulnerability and Therapy, Economic Research Forum 16th Annual Conference.
  • Bakış, O., & Polat, S. (2015). Wage Inequality in Turkey, 2002–10. Economics of Transition, 23(1), 169-212.
  • Bakis, O., & Polat, S. (2023). Wage Inequality Dynamics in Turkey. Empirica, 50(3), 657-694.
  • Beblo, M., Beninger, D., Heinze, A., & Laisney, F. (2003). Methodological Issues Related to the Analysis of Gender Gaps in Employment, Earnings and Career Progression. Final Project Report for the European Commission, Employment and Social Affairs DG, Mannheim: ZEW.
  • Bircan, F. (2005). Three Essays On Education In Turkey. (Unpublished PhD Dissertation). Middle East Technical University, Ankara.
  • Bozdoğan, A. (2021a). Wage Inequality in Turkish Manufacturing Industry. Journal of Research in Economics, 5(2), 129-145.
  • Bozdoğan, A. (2021b). Skill Biased Technical Change and Wage Inequality: Evidence from Turkish Manufacturing Sector. (Unpublished PhD Dissertation). Marmara University, Istanbul.
  • Card, D. (1992). The Effect of Unions on the Distribution of Wages: Redistribution or Relabeling?. (NBER Working Paper No.4195). National Bureau of Economic Research.
  • Cudeville, E., & Gurbuzer, L. Y. (2010). Gender Wage Discrimination in the Turkish Labor Market: Can Turkey be Part of Europe?. Comparative Economic Studies, 52, 429-463.
  • Özbay-Daş, Z. Ö. (2021). Wage Inequality and Labour Market Polarization in Turkey?. Journal of Financial Politic & Economic Reviews, 58(658), 73-100.
  • Özbay-Daş, Z. Ö., & Doğruel, F. (2017). Wage Inequality in Turkey: What Changed during 1994-2011?. Marmara Journal of Economics, 1(2), 171-194.
  • Dayioglu, M., & Kasnakoglu, Z. (1997). Kentsel Kesimde Kadin ve Erkeklerin İsgücüne Katilimlari ve Kazanç Farkliliklari. METU Studies in Development, 24, 329-362.
  • DiNardo, J., Fortin, N. M., & Lemieux, T. (1996). Labor Market Institutions and the Distribution of Wages, 1973-1992: A Semiparametric Approach. Econometrica, 64(5), 1001-1044.
  • Elveren, A. Y. (2010). Wage Inequality In Turkey: Decomposition By Statistical Regions, 1980-2001. Review of Urban & Regional Development Studies, 22(1), 55-72.
  • Eriş-Dereli, B. (2021). Ücret Eşitsizliğinin Mesleklere Göre Ayrıştırılması: 2005-2017. In O. Kent, B. C. Karahasan, M. Tekçe, H. Taştan, M. Donduran, (Eds), Türkiye Ekonomisinde Büyüme Kalkınma ve Eşitsizlik içinde (pp. 350-368). Istanbul, Turkiye: Efil.
  • Fortin, N., Lemieux, T., & Firpo, S. (2011). Decomposition Methods in Economics. In: Ashenfelter, O., Card, D. (Eds.), Handbook of Labor Economics, vol. 4. North Holland, Amsterdam, pp. 1–102. Part A.
  • Günalp, B., Cilasun, S. M., & Acar, E.Ö. (2015). Male-Female Labor Market Participation and the Extent of Gender-based Wage Discrimination in Turkey. (Economics Discussion Papers, No 2015-56). Kiel Institute for the World Economy.
  • Hisarcıklılar, M., & Ercan, H. (2005). Gender based Wage Differentials in Turkey. Bilgi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, (1), 45-62.
  • Ilkkaracan, I., & Selim, R. (2007). The Gender Wage Gap in the Turkish Labor Market. Labour, 21(3), 563-593.
  • Juhn, C., Murphy, K. M., & Pierce, B. (1993). Wage Inequality and the Rise in Returns to Skill. Journal of Political Economy, 410-442.
  • Kara, O. (2006). Occupational Gender Wage Discrimination in Turkey. Journal of Economic Studies, 33(2), 130-143.
  • Katz, L. F., & Murphy, K. M. (1992). Changes in Relative Wages, 1963–1987: Supply and Demand Factors. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 107(1), 35-78.
  • Kaya, E. (2017). Quantile Regression and the Gender Wage Gap: Is There a Glass Ceiling in the Turkish Labor Market?. (No. E2017/5). Cardiff Economics Working Papers.
  • Kent, O. (2022). Türkiye’de Bölge-içi Ücret Farklılıkları VE Ücret Eşitsizliği: Dağılım Boyunca Bir Aanaliz. Journal of Financial Politic & Economic Reviews, 59(661)., 155-181.
  • Kent, O., & Sefil-Tansever, S. (2021). Educational Wage Premia and Wage Inequality in Turkey. Global Business and Economics Review, 24(4), 360-381.
  • Koral, Z. A., & Mercan, M. A. (2021). Assessing the Gender Wage Gap: Turkey in the Years 2002–2019. Economics and Business Review, 7(1), 90-112.
  • Lee, D. S. (1999). Wage Inequality in the United States during the 1980s: Rising Dispersion or Falling Minimum Wage?. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 114(3), 977-1023.
  • Lemieux, T. (2008). The Changing Nature of Wage Inequality. Journal of Population Economics, 21(1), 21-48.
  • Limanlı, Ö. (2015). Gender Based Wage Gap in Turkey. In EY International Congress on Economics II (EYC2015), November 5-6, 2015, Ankara, Turkey (No. 22). Ekonomik Yaklasim Association.
  • Machado, J. A., & Mata, J. (2005). Counterfactual decomposition of changes in Wage Distributions Using Quantile Regression. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 20(4), 445-465.
  • Oaxaca, R. (1973). Male-Female Wage Differentials in Urban Labor Markets. International Economic Review, 14(3), 693-709.
  • Pelek, S. (2018). The Impact of the Minimum Wage on Wage Distribution: The Evidence from Turkey. Ekonomi-tek, 7(1), 17-59.
  • Tansever, S. S., & Kent, O. (2018). Earnings Inequality in Turkey: A Regional Perspective. Marmara Journal of Economics, 2(1), 117-136.
  • Tamkoç, M. N., & Torul, O. (2020). Cross-Sectional Facts for Macroeconomists: Wage, Income and Consumption Inequality in Turkey. The Journal of Economic Inequality, 18(2), 239-259.
  • Tansel, A. (2001). Wage Earners, Self-Employed and Gender in the Informal Sector in Turkey. (Working Paper 0102). Economic Research Forum.
  • Tansel, A. (2005). Public-Private Employment Choice, Wage Differentials, and Gender in Turkey. Economic Development and Cultural Change, 53(2), 453-477.
  • Tansel, A., & Bodur, F. B. (2012). Wage Inequality and Returns to Education in Turkey: A Quantile Regression Analysis. Review of Development Economics,16(1), 107-121.
  • Tansel, A., Dalgıç, B., & Güven, A. (2019). Wage Inequality and Wage Mobility in Turkey. Social Indicators Research, 142, 107-129.
  • Tansel, A. and Kan, E.O. (2012). The Formal/Informal Employment Earnings Gap: Evidence from Turkey. (IZA) Discussion Paper No. 6556). Institute for the Study of Labor.
  • Tekgüç, H., Eryar, D., & Cindoğlu, D. (2017). Women’s Tertiary Education Masks the Gender Wage Gap in Turkey. Journal of Labor Research, 38, 360-386.
  • Toksöz, G., & Memiş, E. (2020). Gender Inequalities in Informal Employment and Wage Gap in Turkish Manufacturing. Ekonomik Yaklaşım, 31(114), 39-71.
  • TURKSTAT (2003). Household Budget Statistics Micro Data Set 2003.
  • TURKSTAT (2011). Household Budget Statistics Micro Data Set 2011.
  • Yun, M. S. (2009). Wage Differentials, Discrimination and Inequality: A Cautionary Note on the Juhn, Murphy and Pierce Decomposition Method. Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 56(1), 114-122

Gender Wage Inequality Along the Wage Curve: In Quest For Discrimination in Turkiye

Yıl 2024, , 168 - 191, 31.12.2024


This study aims to investigate male and female wage differentials in Turkiye, using the Household Budget Surveys of 2003 and 2011. First, descriptive statistics are introduced to capture the gender-based outlook of employment. Then, Mincerian wage equations are estimated by quantile regression to explore the returns to labor characteristics and per-year returns to educational categories are obtained to observe the role of wage premia in determining the gender wage gap. Finally, a counterfactual analysis by Juhn, Murphy, and Pierce (1993) is conducted to decompose sources of gender wage inequality into endowment, remuneration, and unobservable effects. The pattern of wage inequality and returns to education differ along the wage distribution. The gender wage gap tends to fall during the period and across the wage curve as we move towards the upper tail. Price discrimination preserves its position irrespective of income level but decreases over the course of time.


  • Akgul, T. (2018). Discrimination Against Women in Turkish Labor Market: An Analysis of Gender Wage Gap with Blinder-Oaxaca and Juhn-Murphy-Pierce Decomposition Methods, 2004-2017 Period. Journal of Economics Finance and Accounting, 5(4), 349-358.
  • Aktaş, A., & Uysal, G. (2016). The Gender Wage Gap in Turkey. Marmara University Journal of Economic and Administrative Sciences, 38(2), 1-19.
  • Bakis, O., Davutyan, N., Levent, H., & Polat, S. (2009, October). Social Returns to Higher Education in Turkey: A Quantile Regression Approach. In Shock Vulnerability and Therapy, Economic Research Forum 16th Annual Conference.
  • Bakış, O., & Polat, S. (2015). Wage Inequality in Turkey, 2002–10. Economics of Transition, 23(1), 169-212.
  • Bakis, O., & Polat, S. (2023). Wage Inequality Dynamics in Turkey. Empirica, 50(3), 657-694.
  • Beblo, M., Beninger, D., Heinze, A., & Laisney, F. (2003). Methodological Issues Related to the Analysis of Gender Gaps in Employment, Earnings and Career Progression. Final Project Report for the European Commission, Employment and Social Affairs DG, Mannheim: ZEW.
  • Bircan, F. (2005). Three Essays On Education In Turkey. (Unpublished PhD Dissertation). Middle East Technical University, Ankara.
  • Bozdoğan, A. (2021a). Wage Inequality in Turkish Manufacturing Industry. Journal of Research in Economics, 5(2), 129-145.
  • Bozdoğan, A. (2021b). Skill Biased Technical Change and Wage Inequality: Evidence from Turkish Manufacturing Sector. (Unpublished PhD Dissertation). Marmara University, Istanbul.
  • Card, D. (1992). The Effect of Unions on the Distribution of Wages: Redistribution or Relabeling?. (NBER Working Paper No.4195). National Bureau of Economic Research.
  • Cudeville, E., & Gurbuzer, L. Y. (2010). Gender Wage Discrimination in the Turkish Labor Market: Can Turkey be Part of Europe?. Comparative Economic Studies, 52, 429-463.
  • Özbay-Daş, Z. Ö. (2021). Wage Inequality and Labour Market Polarization in Turkey?. Journal of Financial Politic & Economic Reviews, 58(658), 73-100.
  • Özbay-Daş, Z. Ö., & Doğruel, F. (2017). Wage Inequality in Turkey: What Changed during 1994-2011?. Marmara Journal of Economics, 1(2), 171-194.
  • Dayioglu, M., & Kasnakoglu, Z. (1997). Kentsel Kesimde Kadin ve Erkeklerin İsgücüne Katilimlari ve Kazanç Farkliliklari. METU Studies in Development, 24, 329-362.
  • DiNardo, J., Fortin, N. M., & Lemieux, T. (1996). Labor Market Institutions and the Distribution of Wages, 1973-1992: A Semiparametric Approach. Econometrica, 64(5), 1001-1044.
  • Elveren, A. Y. (2010). Wage Inequality In Turkey: Decomposition By Statistical Regions, 1980-2001. Review of Urban & Regional Development Studies, 22(1), 55-72.
  • Eriş-Dereli, B. (2021). Ücret Eşitsizliğinin Mesleklere Göre Ayrıştırılması: 2005-2017. In O. Kent, B. C. Karahasan, M. Tekçe, H. Taştan, M. Donduran, (Eds), Türkiye Ekonomisinde Büyüme Kalkınma ve Eşitsizlik içinde (pp. 350-368). Istanbul, Turkiye: Efil.
  • Fortin, N., Lemieux, T., & Firpo, S. (2011). Decomposition Methods in Economics. In: Ashenfelter, O., Card, D. (Eds.), Handbook of Labor Economics, vol. 4. North Holland, Amsterdam, pp. 1–102. Part A.
  • Günalp, B., Cilasun, S. M., & Acar, E.Ö. (2015). Male-Female Labor Market Participation and the Extent of Gender-based Wage Discrimination in Turkey. (Economics Discussion Papers, No 2015-56). Kiel Institute for the World Economy.
  • Hisarcıklılar, M., & Ercan, H. (2005). Gender based Wage Differentials in Turkey. Bilgi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, (1), 45-62.
  • Ilkkaracan, I., & Selim, R. (2007). The Gender Wage Gap in the Turkish Labor Market. Labour, 21(3), 563-593.
  • Juhn, C., Murphy, K. M., & Pierce, B. (1993). Wage Inequality and the Rise in Returns to Skill. Journal of Political Economy, 410-442.
  • Kara, O. (2006). Occupational Gender Wage Discrimination in Turkey. Journal of Economic Studies, 33(2), 130-143.
  • Katz, L. F., & Murphy, K. M. (1992). Changes in Relative Wages, 1963–1987: Supply and Demand Factors. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 107(1), 35-78.
  • Kaya, E. (2017). Quantile Regression and the Gender Wage Gap: Is There a Glass Ceiling in the Turkish Labor Market?. (No. E2017/5). Cardiff Economics Working Papers.
  • Kent, O. (2022). Türkiye’de Bölge-içi Ücret Farklılıkları VE Ücret Eşitsizliği: Dağılım Boyunca Bir Aanaliz. Journal of Financial Politic & Economic Reviews, 59(661)., 155-181.
  • Kent, O., & Sefil-Tansever, S. (2021). Educational Wage Premia and Wage Inequality in Turkey. Global Business and Economics Review, 24(4), 360-381.
  • Koral, Z. A., & Mercan, M. A. (2021). Assessing the Gender Wage Gap: Turkey in the Years 2002–2019. Economics and Business Review, 7(1), 90-112.
  • Lee, D. S. (1999). Wage Inequality in the United States during the 1980s: Rising Dispersion or Falling Minimum Wage?. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 114(3), 977-1023.
  • Lemieux, T. (2008). The Changing Nature of Wage Inequality. Journal of Population Economics, 21(1), 21-48.
  • Limanlı, Ö. (2015). Gender Based Wage Gap in Turkey. In EY International Congress on Economics II (EYC2015), November 5-6, 2015, Ankara, Turkey (No. 22). Ekonomik Yaklasim Association.
  • Machado, J. A., & Mata, J. (2005). Counterfactual decomposition of changes in Wage Distributions Using Quantile Regression. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 20(4), 445-465.
  • Oaxaca, R. (1973). Male-Female Wage Differentials in Urban Labor Markets. International Economic Review, 14(3), 693-709.
  • Pelek, S. (2018). The Impact of the Minimum Wage on Wage Distribution: The Evidence from Turkey. Ekonomi-tek, 7(1), 17-59.
  • Tansever, S. S., & Kent, O. (2018). Earnings Inequality in Turkey: A Regional Perspective. Marmara Journal of Economics, 2(1), 117-136.
  • Tamkoç, M. N., & Torul, O. (2020). Cross-Sectional Facts for Macroeconomists: Wage, Income and Consumption Inequality in Turkey. The Journal of Economic Inequality, 18(2), 239-259.
  • Tansel, A. (2001). Wage Earners, Self-Employed and Gender in the Informal Sector in Turkey. (Working Paper 0102). Economic Research Forum.
  • Tansel, A. (2005). Public-Private Employment Choice, Wage Differentials, and Gender in Turkey. Economic Development and Cultural Change, 53(2), 453-477.
  • Tansel, A., & Bodur, F. B. (2012). Wage Inequality and Returns to Education in Turkey: A Quantile Regression Analysis. Review of Development Economics,16(1), 107-121.
  • Tansel, A., Dalgıç, B., & Güven, A. (2019). Wage Inequality and Wage Mobility in Turkey. Social Indicators Research, 142, 107-129.
  • Tansel, A. and Kan, E.O. (2012). The Formal/Informal Employment Earnings Gap: Evidence from Turkey. (IZA) Discussion Paper No. 6556). Institute for the Study of Labor.
  • Tekgüç, H., Eryar, D., & Cindoğlu, D. (2017). Women’s Tertiary Education Masks the Gender Wage Gap in Turkey. Journal of Labor Research, 38, 360-386.
  • Toksöz, G., & Memiş, E. (2020). Gender Inequalities in Informal Employment and Wage Gap in Turkish Manufacturing. Ekonomik Yaklaşım, 31(114), 39-71.
  • TURKSTAT (2003). Household Budget Statistics Micro Data Set 2003.
  • TURKSTAT (2011). Household Budget Statistics Micro Data Set 2011.
  • Yun, M. S. (2009). Wage Differentials, Discrimination and Inequality: A Cautionary Note on the Juhn, Murphy and Pierce Decomposition Method. Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 56(1), 114-122
Toplam 46 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular İstihdam, Çalışma Ekonomisi
Bölüm Makaleler

Altan Bozdoğan 0000-0002-4976-9043

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Kasım 2024
Kabul Tarihi 30 Aralık 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Bozdoğan, A. (2024). Gender Wage Inequality Along the Wage Curve: In Quest For Discrimination in Turkiye. Econder Uluslararası Akademik Dergi, 8(2), 168-191.

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