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A Traditional Meat Product of Kosovo: Kaverma

Yıl 2023, Sayı: 52, 64 - 70, 15.12.2023


Traditional food products are valuable cultural heritage and play an important role in the development and sustainability of rural areas. Kaverma is a traditional meat product of Kosovo that has been produced for generations, but little is known about its history or consumption. This paper aims to describe the production process and use of Kaverma in the rural communities of the Dragash district, in Kosovo, where sheep and cattle are the main sources of meat production. The paper also discusses the challenges faced in preserving and promoting traditional food products like Kaverma. Data were collected through field visits, interviews with local producers, and literature reviews. Kaverma is made from fresh sheep meat and has a unique taste. It is served hot as a dish or as cold meat cut into small pieces. Kaverma has not been reported to be produced or used in other parts of Kosovo, and it faces various challenges, including inadequate standardization, insufficient knowledge regarding its nutritional properties, and limited marketing and distribution channels. The production and consumption of Kaverma in the Dragash region contribute to the local rural economy, heritage, food biodiversity, and sustainability. Thus, it is hoped that this work will raise awareness and multiple significance of traditional food products like Kaverma.


  • Atlas of Sustainable Development for Dragash, (2013). Framework for balanced and inclusive rural development of the Municipality of Dragash, Volume III: Evaluation, pp. 37-39.
  • Avermaete, T., Viaene, J., Morgan, E. J., Pitts, E., Crawford, N., & Mahon, D. (2004). Determinants of product and process innovation in small food manufacturing firms. Trends in food science & technology, 15(10), 474-483.
  • Barrère, C., Bonnard, Q., & Chossat, V. N (2020). Food, gastronomy and cultural commons. E. Bertacchini, G. Bravo, M. Marrelli and W. Santagata. Cultural Commons: A new perspective on the Production and Evolution of Cultures, Edward Elgar, pp.129-150, 2012. Accessed 04.03.2023 Food, gastronomy and cultural commons (
  • Berisha, K., Bytyqi, H., Mehmeti, H., Hamidi, A., & Sylejmani, D. (2018). Technological process of preparation of meat sheep in traditional way in Kosovo. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 24(3), 515-520.
  • Bi, Q., Chen, W., Li, L., Wang, X., & Cai, E. (2022). Agricultural population supported in rural areas under traditional planting mode based on opportunity cost analysis. Land, 11(8), 1340.
  • Bytyqi, H., B. Fuerst-Waltl, H. Mehmeti, R. Baumung. (2015). Economic values for production traits for different sheep breeds in Kosovo. Italian Journal of Animal Science 2015; volume 14:3808.
  • Bytyqi, H., G. Klemetsdal, J. Ødegard, H. Mehmeti, M. Vegara. (2005). A comparison of the productive, reproductive, and body condition score traits of the Simmental, Brown Swiss, and TyrolGrey breeds in smallholder herds in Kosovo. Anim. Genet. Res.Inf. 37:9–20
  • Bytyqi, H., R. Baumung, H. Mehmeti, B. Fuerst-Waltl. (2014). Characterization of autochthonous sheep breeds and production system in Kosovo. Anim. Genet.Res. 54:163-170.
  • Calicioglu, O., Flammini, A., Bracco, S., Bellù, L., & Sims, R. (2019). The future challenges of food and agriculture: An integrated analysis of trends and solutions. Sustainability, 11(1), 222.
  • Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. (2017). The future of food and agriculture: Trends and challenges. Fao. Accessed 04.03.2023: The future of food and agriculture: Trends and challenges (
  • Gobattoni, F., Pelorosso, R., Leone, A., &Ripa, M. N. (2015). Sustainable rural development: The role of traditional activities in Central Italy. Land use policy, 48, 412-427.
  • Johns, T., Powell, B., Maundu, P., Eyzaguirre, P.B. (2013). Agricultural biodiversity as a link between traditional food systems and contemporary development, social integrity and ecological health. J. Sci. Food Agric. 93, 3433–3442.
  • Karadaş, Ö., Geçgel, Ü., Yılmaz, İ., (2022a). Her Yönüyle Havsa, Yayın Yeri: Paradigma Akademi, Editör: Prof.Dr. Mustafa Tan, Dr. Tolga Erdoğan, 2022, page; 493-504.
  • Karadaş, Ö., Yılmaz, E., Yılmaz, İ. & Geçgel, U. (2022b). Trakya Bölgesinde Coğrafi İşaretleme Çalışmaları ve Bölge Ekonomisine Katkısı. Girişimcilik ve Kalkınma Dergisi, 17 (2) 180-189.
  • Kilic, B. (2009). Current trends in traditional Turkish meat products and cuisine. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 42(10), 1581-1589.
  • Lin, M.-P., Marine-Roig, E., Llonch-Molina, N. (2021). Gastronomy as a sign of the identity and cultural heritage of tourist destinations: A bibliometric analysis 2001–2020. Sustainability, 13, 12531.
  • Monterrosa, E. C., Frongillo, E. A., Drewnowski, A., de Pee, S., &Vandevijvere, S. (2020). Sociocultural influences on food choices and implications for sustainable healthy diets. Food and Nutrition Bulletin, 41(2_suppl), 59S-73S.
  • Moreira, P., &Padrão, P. (2021). Safe and healthy food in traditional food markets ins the WHO European Region. Accessed 04.03.2023: WHO-EURO-2021-1854-41605-56825-eng.pdf
  • Municipal Development Plan (MDP 2013 – 2023). (2013). Conservation of Biodiversity and Sustainable Management of Land Use in Dragash. p.p., 4-21.
  • Nemeth, N., Rudnak, I., Ymeri, P., &Fogarassy, C. (2019). The role of cultural factors in sustainable food consumption—An investigation of the consumption habits among international students in Hungary. Sustainability, 11(11), 3052.
  • Nguyen, N.T.H., Suwanno, S., Thongma, W., Visuthismajarn, P. (2018). The Attitudes of Residents towards Agro-Tourism Impacts and Its Effects on Participation in Agro-Tourism Development: The Case Study of Vietnam. Afr. J. Hosp. Tour. Leis. 7, 1–18.
  • Oraman, Y., Unakıtan, G., Yılmaz, E., Başaran, B. (2011). Analysis of the Factors Affecting Consumer’s Some Traditional Food Products Preferences by Multidimensional Scaling Method. Journal of Tekirdag Agricultural Faculty, 8(1)33-40
  • Pato, M. L., & Duque, A. S. (2023). Traditional agri-food products and sustainability–A fruitful relationship for the development of rural areas in Portugal. Open Agriculture, 8(1), 20220157.
  • Petrescu, D. C., Vermeir, I., & Petrescu-Mag, R. M. (2020). Consumer understanding of food quality, healthiness, and environmental impact: A cross-national perspective. International journal of environmental research and public health, 17(1), 1
  • Yılmaz, E., Yılmaz, İ., Soysal, M. İ., Kurultay, Ş., Şimşek O., (2017), Geleneksel Gıdaların Coğrafi İşaretlenmesi ve Sürdürebilirlik, Mediterranean International Conference on Social Sciences (MECAS), 19 - 22.05.2017.
  • Yılmaz, E., Yılmaz, İ., Şimşek, O., Kurultay, Ş., (2018). Traditional Foods and street foods, The 4th International Symposium on “Traditional Foods from Adriatic to Caucasus” 19-21 April 2018 Kyrenia / Northern Cyprus page;102

Kosova’nın Geleneksel Bir Et Ürünü: Kaverma

Yıl 2023, Sayı: 52, 64 - 70, 15.12.2023


Traditional food products are valuable cultural heritage and play an important role in the development and sustainability of rural areas. Kaverma is a traditional meat product of Kosovo that has been produced for generations, but little is known about its history or consumption. This paper aims to describe the production process and use of Kaverma in the rural communities of the Dragash district, in Kosovo, where sheep and cattle are the main sources of meat production. The paper also discusses the challenges faced in preserving and promoting traditional food products like Kaverma. Data were collected through field visits, interviews with local producers, and literature reviews. Kaverma is made from fresh sheep meat and has a unique taste. It is served hot as a dish or as cold meat cut into small pieces. Kaverma has not been reported to be produced or used in other parts of Kosovo, and it faces various challenges, including inadequate standardization, insufficient knowledge regarding its nutritional properties, and limited marketing and distribution channels. The production and consumption of Kaverma in the Dragash region contribute to the local rural economy, heritage, food biodiversity, and sustainability. Thus, it is hoped that this work will raise awareness and multiple significance of traditional food products like Kaverma.


  • Atlas of Sustainable Development for Dragash, (2013). Framework for balanced and inclusive rural development of the Municipality of Dragash, Volume III: Evaluation, pp. 37-39.
  • Avermaete, T., Viaene, J., Morgan, E. J., Pitts, E., Crawford, N., & Mahon, D. (2004). Determinants of product and process innovation in small food manufacturing firms. Trends in food science & technology, 15(10), 474-483.
  • Barrère, C., Bonnard, Q., & Chossat, V. N (2020). Food, gastronomy and cultural commons. E. Bertacchini, G. Bravo, M. Marrelli and W. Santagata. Cultural Commons: A new perspective on the Production and Evolution of Cultures, Edward Elgar, pp.129-150, 2012. Accessed 04.03.2023 Food, gastronomy and cultural commons (
  • Berisha, K., Bytyqi, H., Mehmeti, H., Hamidi, A., & Sylejmani, D. (2018). Technological process of preparation of meat sheep in traditional way in Kosovo. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 24(3), 515-520.
  • Bi, Q., Chen, W., Li, L., Wang, X., & Cai, E. (2022). Agricultural population supported in rural areas under traditional planting mode based on opportunity cost analysis. Land, 11(8), 1340.
  • Bytyqi, H., B. Fuerst-Waltl, H. Mehmeti, R. Baumung. (2015). Economic values for production traits for different sheep breeds in Kosovo. Italian Journal of Animal Science 2015; volume 14:3808.
  • Bytyqi, H., G. Klemetsdal, J. Ødegard, H. Mehmeti, M. Vegara. (2005). A comparison of the productive, reproductive, and body condition score traits of the Simmental, Brown Swiss, and TyrolGrey breeds in smallholder herds in Kosovo. Anim. Genet. Res.Inf. 37:9–20
  • Bytyqi, H., R. Baumung, H. Mehmeti, B. Fuerst-Waltl. (2014). Characterization of autochthonous sheep breeds and production system in Kosovo. Anim. Genet.Res. 54:163-170.
  • Calicioglu, O., Flammini, A., Bracco, S., Bellù, L., & Sims, R. (2019). The future challenges of food and agriculture: An integrated analysis of trends and solutions. Sustainability, 11(1), 222.
  • Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. (2017). The future of food and agriculture: Trends and challenges. Fao. Accessed 04.03.2023: The future of food and agriculture: Trends and challenges (
  • Gobattoni, F., Pelorosso, R., Leone, A., &Ripa, M. N. (2015). Sustainable rural development: The role of traditional activities in Central Italy. Land use policy, 48, 412-427.
  • Johns, T., Powell, B., Maundu, P., Eyzaguirre, P.B. (2013). Agricultural biodiversity as a link between traditional food systems and contemporary development, social integrity and ecological health. J. Sci. Food Agric. 93, 3433–3442.
  • Karadaş, Ö., Geçgel, Ü., Yılmaz, İ., (2022a). Her Yönüyle Havsa, Yayın Yeri: Paradigma Akademi, Editör: Prof.Dr. Mustafa Tan, Dr. Tolga Erdoğan, 2022, page; 493-504.
  • Karadaş, Ö., Yılmaz, E., Yılmaz, İ. & Geçgel, U. (2022b). Trakya Bölgesinde Coğrafi İşaretleme Çalışmaları ve Bölge Ekonomisine Katkısı. Girişimcilik ve Kalkınma Dergisi, 17 (2) 180-189.
  • Kilic, B. (2009). Current trends in traditional Turkish meat products and cuisine. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 42(10), 1581-1589.
  • Lin, M.-P., Marine-Roig, E., Llonch-Molina, N. (2021). Gastronomy as a sign of the identity and cultural heritage of tourist destinations: A bibliometric analysis 2001–2020. Sustainability, 13, 12531.
  • Monterrosa, E. C., Frongillo, E. A., Drewnowski, A., de Pee, S., &Vandevijvere, S. (2020). Sociocultural influences on food choices and implications for sustainable healthy diets. Food and Nutrition Bulletin, 41(2_suppl), 59S-73S.
  • Moreira, P., &Padrão, P. (2021). Safe and healthy food in traditional food markets ins the WHO European Region. Accessed 04.03.2023: WHO-EURO-2021-1854-41605-56825-eng.pdf
  • Municipal Development Plan (MDP 2013 – 2023). (2013). Conservation of Biodiversity and Sustainable Management of Land Use in Dragash. p.p., 4-21.
  • Nemeth, N., Rudnak, I., Ymeri, P., &Fogarassy, C. (2019). The role of cultural factors in sustainable food consumption—An investigation of the consumption habits among international students in Hungary. Sustainability, 11(11), 3052.
  • Nguyen, N.T.H., Suwanno, S., Thongma, W., Visuthismajarn, P. (2018). The Attitudes of Residents towards Agro-Tourism Impacts and Its Effects on Participation in Agro-Tourism Development: The Case Study of Vietnam. Afr. J. Hosp. Tour. Leis. 7, 1–18.
  • Oraman, Y., Unakıtan, G., Yılmaz, E., Başaran, B. (2011). Analysis of the Factors Affecting Consumer’s Some Traditional Food Products Preferences by Multidimensional Scaling Method. Journal of Tekirdag Agricultural Faculty, 8(1)33-40
  • Pato, M. L., & Duque, A. S. (2023). Traditional agri-food products and sustainability–A fruitful relationship for the development of rural areas in Portugal. Open Agriculture, 8(1), 20220157.
  • Petrescu, D. C., Vermeir, I., & Petrescu-Mag, R. M. (2020). Consumer understanding of food quality, healthiness, and environmental impact: A cross-national perspective. International journal of environmental research and public health, 17(1), 1
  • Yılmaz, E., Yılmaz, İ., Soysal, M. İ., Kurultay, Ş., Şimşek O., (2017), Geleneksel Gıdaların Coğrafi İşaretlenmesi ve Sürdürebilirlik, Mediterranean International Conference on Social Sciences (MECAS), 19 - 22.05.2017.
  • Yılmaz, E., Yılmaz, İ., Şimşek, O., Kurultay, Ş., (2018). Traditional Foods and street foods, The 4th International Symposium on “Traditional Foods from Adriatic to Caucasus” 19-21 April 2018 Kyrenia / Northern Cyprus page;102
Toplam 26 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Et Teknolojisi, Gıda Güvenliği, İzlenebilirliği, Sertifikasyonu ve Özgünlüğü
Bölüm Makaleler

Kaltrina Berisha 0000-0003-1945-1509

Hajrip Mehmeti Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-8851-123X

Hysen Bytyqi 0000-0001-7352-695X

İsmail Yılmaz 0000-0003-1116-0934

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 4 Aralık 2023
Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Aralık 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023 Sayı: 52

Kaynak Göster

APA Berisha, K., Mehmeti, H., Bytyqi, H., Yılmaz, İ. (2023). A Traditional Meat Product of Kosovo: Kaverma. Avrupa Bilim Ve Teknoloji Dergisi(52), 64-70.