The exchange rate is defined as the foreign currency value of the national currency. While foreign exchange is an important investment tool of the portfolio of all kinds of investors, it is one of the most important determinants of international trade. Stock markets are one of the most important elements of a financial system. It is a fact that a properly working financial system can affect its own country and then other countries depending on its degree of influence. In this study, it is aimed to compare monthly data of stock prices and exchange rate for the period of January 2010 - September 2019 by using time series process. For this purpose, short and long term relationship between the USA dollar and Euro exchange rates and closing prices of Tourism BIST index was examined. In the VAR model, a causal relationship was found between all three variables. There was no long-term relationship between the variables. Finally, in variance decomposition model, it is revealed that one of the important factors affecting the tourism index is the US dollar exchange rate. The results obtained from this study are crucial to determine the interaction between the tourism index and the exchange rate.