The aim of this study is to propose an integrated model consisting of PSI-SD and MABAC methods for measuring and evaluating performance at the firm level. For this purpose, various performance indicators for the 2013-2020 period of Anadolu Sigorta, which has a critical importance for the Turkish insurance industry in various aspects, were used for firm-level analysis. In the study, the objective weighting coefficients related to the performance criteria selected to measure the firm's performance were determined by using PSI and SD methods in the first stage. In the second stage, both weight scores are combined using the Bayesian approach and thus optimal weight scores of the evaluation criteria are obtained. Findings from the Bayes approach reveal that the most important performance criterion for the firm is the retention rate. The MABAC ranking results for the years included in the analysis show that the most successful year for the Anadolu Sigorta is 2013, whereas 2018 is found to be the most unsuccessful year. Within the scope of the study, various sensitivity analyzes are also employed to test the reliability and robustness of the proposed methodology. Results from the sensitivity analyzes indicate that the proposed procedure gives consistent and robust ranking results.