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İş analitiği ve değer zinciri: Detaylı ve sistematik bir literatür taraması

Yıl 2019, Sayı: 54, 1 - 24, 31.12.2019


Bilgi ve iletişim
teknolojilerindeki yaşanan hızlı gelişmeler iş dünyasında da köklü değişimlere
yol açmaktadır. Günümüz firmaları rekabet edebilmek amacıyla hızlı bir biçimde
değişen ve gelişen veri kaynaklarını takip etmek, veri toplama ve depolama teknolojilerini
güncellemek, veriyi her geçen gün daha etkin yönetmek ve veriden faydalı
bilgiler elde edip bu bilgileri değere dönüştürmek zorundadır. Firmalar, İş
Analitiği sayesinde sahip oldukları verilerden yararlı bilgiler elde edip bu
bilgilerle karar verme süreçlerini destekleyip rekabet avantajı sağlamakta ve
stratejik değer elde etmektedir. Bu derleme çalışmasında İş Analitiği konusu
sistematik bir biçimde ayrıntılı olarak incelenecek ayrıca Değer Zinciri
Analizi ile bağlantısı kurulacaktır. Bu sayede İş Analitiğinden faydalanan
firmaların ne tür değerler geliştirdikleri Değer Zinciri Analizi
perspektifinden ortaya konacaktır. 


  • ANAND, Abhijith; Rajeev SHARMA and Rajiv KOHLI (2013), "Routines, reconfiguration and the contribution of business analytics to organisational performance".
  • ANDO, Tomohiro (2018), "Merchant selection and pricing strategy for a platform firm in the online group buying market", Annals of Operations Research, 263(1-2), 209-230.
  • AYDINER, Arafat Salih; Ekrem TATOGLU; Erkan BAYRAKTAR; Selim ZAIM and Dursun DELEN (2019), "Business analytics and firm performance: The mediating role of business process performance", Journal of Business Research, 96, 228-237.
  • BEDELEY, Rudolph T; Torupallab GHOSHAL; Lakshmi S IYER and Joyendu BHADURY (2018), "Business analytics and organizational value chains: a relational mapping", Journal of computer information systems, 58(2), 151-161.
  • BOSE, Ranjit (2009), "Advanced analytics: opportunities and challenges", Industrial Management & Data Systems, 109(2), 155-172.
  • BRONZO, Marcelo; Paulo Tarso Vilela DE RESENDE; Marcos Paulo Valadares DE OLIVEIRA; Kevin P MCCORMACK; Paulo Renato DE SOUSA and Reinaldo Lopes FERREIRA (2013), "Improving performance aligning business analytics with process orientation", International Journal of information management, 33(2), 300-307.
  • CAO, Guangming; Yanqing DUAN and Gendao LI (2015), "Linking business analytics to decision making effectiveness: a path model analysis", IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 62(3), 384-395.
  • CHAE, Bongsug and David L OLSON (2013), "Business analytics for supply chain: A dynamic-capabilities framework", International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making, 12(01), 9-26.
  • CHEN, Hsinchun; Roger HL CHIANG and Veda C STOREY (2012), "Business intelligence and analytics: from big data to big impact", MIS quarterly, 1165-1188.
  • DAVENPORT, Thomas H (2006), "Competing on analytics", Harvard Business Review, 84(1), 98.
  • DAVENPORT, Thomas H and Jeanne G HARRIS (2007), Competing on analytics: The new science of winning: Harvard Business Press.
  • DAVENPORT, Thomas H; Jeanne G HARRIS and Robert MORISON (2010), Analytics at work: Smarter decisions, better results: Harvard Business Press.
  • DELEN, Dursun and Haluk DEMIRKAN. (2013). Data, information and analytics as services: Elsevier.
  • DELEN, Dursun and Sudha RAM (2018), "Research challenges and opportunities in business analytics", Journal of Business Analytics, 1(1), 2-12.
  • DELEN, Dursun and Hamed M ZOLBANIN (2018), "The analytics paradigm in business research", Journal of Business Research, 90, 186-195.
  • DIAS, Ivo and Maria José SOUSA. (2015). Business Intelligence applied to Human resources management New Contributions in Information Systems and Technologies (pp. 105-113): Springer.
  • EVANS, James R. and Carl H. LINDNER. (2012). "Business Analytics: The Next Frontier for Decision Sciences". Retrieved from, Date of Access: 09.01.2019
  • FIREFLYON, Inc. (2019). Retrieved from, Date of Access: 09.01.2019
  • GRIVA, Anastasia; Cleopatra BARDAKI; Katerina PRAMATARI and Dimitris PAPAKIRIAKOPOULOS (2018), "Retail business analytics: Customer visit segmentation using market basket data", Expert Systems with Applications, 100, 1-16.
  • GROVER, Varun; Roger HL CHIANG; Ting-Peng LIANG and Dongsong ZHANG (2018), "Creating Strategic Business Value from Big Data Analytics: A Research Framework", Journal of Management Information Systems, 35(2), 388-423.
  • HOLSAPPLE, Clyde; Anita LEE-POST and Ram PAKATH (2014), "A unified foundation for business analytics", Decision Support Systems, 64, 130-141.
  • JALALI, Seyed Mohammad Jafar and Han Woo PARK (2018), "State of the art in business analytics: themes and collaborations", Quality & Quantity, 52(2), 627-633.
  • KIRON, David; Rebecca SHOCKLEY; Nina KRUSCHWITZ; Glenn FINCH and Michael HAYDOCK (2011), "Analytics: The widening divide", MIT Sloan Management Review, 53(3), 1-22.
  • KOHAVI, Ron; Neal J ROTHLEDER and Evangelos SIMOUDIS (2002), "Emerging trends in business analytics", Communications of the ACM, 45(8), 45-48.
  • KÖKLÜ, Kevser (2018), "İş Analizi, İş Analistliği ve İş Zekası", lectio socialis, 2(2), 121-142.
  • KRISHNAMOORTHI, Suryanarayanan and Saji K MATHEW (2018), "Business analytics and business value: A comparative case study", Information & Management, 55(5), 643-666.
  • LIBERATORE, Matthew J and Wenhong LUO (2010), "The analytics movement: Implications for operations research", Interfaces, 40(4), 313-324.
  • LONG, Qingqi (2018), "Data-driven decision making for supply chain networks with agent-based computational experiment", Knowledge-Based Systems, 141, 55-66.
  • MORTENSON, Michael J; Neil F DOHERTY and Stewart ROBINSON (2015), "Operational research from Taylorism to Terabytes: A research agenda for the analytics age", European Journal of Operational Research, 241(3), 583-595.
  • NALCHIGAR, EY Soroosh and Eric YU (2017), "„Business-driven data analytics: A conceptual modeling framework,”", Data & Knowledge Engineering, 3, 1-14.
  • NEMATI, Hamid and Antara UDIAVAR (2012), "Organizational readiness for implementation of Supply Chain Analytics".
  • NIELSEN, Steen (2018), "Reflections on the applicability of business analytics for management accounting–and future perspectives for the accountant", Journal of Accounting & Organizational Change, 14(2), 167-187.
  • PAPPAS, Ilias O; Patrick MIKALEF; Michail N GIANNAKOS; John KROGSTIE and George LEKAKOS. (2018). Big data and business analytics ecosystems: paving the way towards digital transformation and sustainable societies: Springer.
  • PORTER, Michael E (1985), "Competitive advantage: creating and sustaining superior performance. 1985", New York: FreePress, 43, 214.
  • RAMAMURTHY, K; Arun SEN and Atish P SINHA (2008), "Data warehousing infusion and organizational effectiveness", IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics-Part A: Systems and Humans, 38(4), 976-994.
  • RAMANATHAN, Ramakrishnan; Elly PHILPOTT; Yanqing DUAN and Guangming CAO (2017), "Adoption of business analytics and impact on performance: a qualitative study in retail", Production Planning & Control, 28(11-12), 985-998.
  • RANSBOTHAM, Sam and David KIRON. (2017). "Analytics As A Source Of Business Innovation". Retrieved from, Date of Access: 08.01.2019
  • RAVISHANKER, Ganesan (2011), "Doing academic analytics right: Intelligent answers to simple questions", Research bulletin, 2, 2011.
  • ROSENBERGER, Larry E and John NASH (2009), The deciding factor: the power of analytics to make every decision a winner: John Wiley & Sons.
  • SCHNIEDERJANS, Marc J; Dara G SCHNIEDERJANS and Christopher M STARKEY (2014), Business analytics principles, concepts, and applications: what, why, and how: Pearson Education.
  • SEKER, Sadi Evren (2016), "İş Analitiği (Business Analytics)", YBS Ansiklopedi, 3(4).
  • SEVINÇ, Naim. (2008). Tedarik zinciri yönetiminde bilgi teknolojilerinin kullanılması ve önemi. Trakya Üniversitesi, Edirne. SHANKS, Graeme; Rajeev SHARMA; Peter SEDDON and Peter REYNOLDS (2010), "The impact of strategy and maturity on business analytics and firm performance: a review and research agenda", ACIS 2010 Proceedings, 51.
  • SHARDA, Ramesh; Daniel Adomako ASAMOAH and Natraj PONNA (2013). Business analytics: Research and teaching perspectives. Paper presented at the Information Technology Interfaces (ITI), Proceedings of the ITI 2013 35th International Conference on.
  • SHMUELI, Galit; Peter C BRUCE; Inbal YAHAV; Nitin R PATEL and Kenneth C LICHTENDAHL JR (2017), Data mining for business analytics: concepts, techniques, and applications in R: John Wiley & Sons.
  • SRINIVASAN, Sujatha and T KAMALAKANNAN (2018), "Multi criteria decision making in financial risk management with a multi-objective genetic algorithm", Computational Economics, 52(2), 443-457.
  • TAMM, Toomas; Peter SEDDON and Graeme SHANKS (2013), "Pathways to value from business analytics".
  • TAYLOR, James (2010), "Intelligent automated processes: embedding analytics in decisions”", Business Process Management and Workflow Handbook, Lighthouse Point, FL, Future Strategies Inc, 71-78.
  • TEECE, David J; Gary PISANO and Amy SHUEN (1997), "Dynamic capabilities and strategic management", Strategic management journal, 18(7), 509-533.
  • TONIDANDEL, Scott; Eden B. KING and Jose M. CORTINA (2018), "Big Data Methods:Leveraging Modern Data Analytic Techniques to Build Organizational Science", Organizational Research Methods, 21(3), 525-547. doi:10.1177/1094428116677299
  • TRKMAN, Peter; Kevin MCCORMACK; Marcos Paulo Valadares DE OLIVEIRA and Marcelo Bronzo LADEIRA (2010), "The impact of business analytics on supply chain performance", Decision Support Systems, 49(3), 318-327.
  • TROILO, Michael; Adrien BOUCHET; Timothy L URBAN and William A SUTTON (2016), "Perception, reality, and the adoption of business analytics: Evidence from North American professional sport organizations", Omega, 59, 72-83.
  • TUREL, Ofir and Bhushan KAPOOR (2016), "A business analytics maturity perspective on the gap between business schools and presumed industry needs", CAIS, 39, 6.
  • TYAGI, Sandeep (2003), "Using data analytics for greater profits", Journal of Business Strategy, 24(3), 12-14.
  • WAGNER, Sebastian; Tobias BRANDT and Dirk NEUMANN (2016), "In free float: Developing Business Analytics support for carsharing providers", Omega, 59, 4-14.
  • WAMBA, Samuel Fosso; Shahriar AKTER; Andrew EDWARDS; Geoffrey CHOPIN and Denis GNANZOU (2015), "How ‘big data’can make big impact: Findings from a systematic review and a longitudinal case study", International Journal of Production Economics, 165, 234-246.
  • WANG, Gang; Angappa GUNASEKARAN; Eric WT NGAI and Thanos PAPADOPOULOS (2016), "Big data analytics in logistics and supply chain management: Certain investigations for research and applications", International Journal of Production Economics, 176, 98-110.
  • WANG, Yichuan and Terry Anthony BYRD (2017), "Business analytics-enabled decision-making effectiveness through knowledge absorptive capacity in health care", Journal of Knowledge Management, 21(3), 517-539.
  • WU, Pei-Ju and Po-Chu HUANG (2018), "Business analytics for systematically investigating sustainable food supply chains", Journal of Cleaner Production, 203, 968-976.

Business analytics and value chain: A comprehensive and systematic literature review

Yıl 2019, Sayı: 54, 1 - 24, 31.12.2019


The rapid developments in
information and communication technologies have triggered radical changes in
the business world. In order to remain competitive, current firms must pursue
the transforming and developing data sources; update the data collection and
storage technologies; manage the data effectively and acquire useful knowledge
from databases to transform it into the value. Firms that use Business
Analytics obtain beneficial insights from the data and use these data to
support their decision-making processes which eventually create competitive
advantage and strategic value for firms. In this review, the concept of
Business Analytics will be examined thoroughly, and it will be linked with the
Value Chain Model. By this means, what sort of values are created by the firms
those use Business Analytics will be demonstrated from the Value Chain


  • ANAND, Abhijith; Rajeev SHARMA and Rajiv KOHLI (2013), "Routines, reconfiguration and the contribution of business analytics to organisational performance".
  • ANDO, Tomohiro (2018), "Merchant selection and pricing strategy for a platform firm in the online group buying market", Annals of Operations Research, 263(1-2), 209-230.
  • AYDINER, Arafat Salih; Ekrem TATOGLU; Erkan BAYRAKTAR; Selim ZAIM and Dursun DELEN (2019), "Business analytics and firm performance: The mediating role of business process performance", Journal of Business Research, 96, 228-237.
  • BEDELEY, Rudolph T; Torupallab GHOSHAL; Lakshmi S IYER and Joyendu BHADURY (2018), "Business analytics and organizational value chains: a relational mapping", Journal of computer information systems, 58(2), 151-161.
  • BOSE, Ranjit (2009), "Advanced analytics: opportunities and challenges", Industrial Management & Data Systems, 109(2), 155-172.
  • BRONZO, Marcelo; Paulo Tarso Vilela DE RESENDE; Marcos Paulo Valadares DE OLIVEIRA; Kevin P MCCORMACK; Paulo Renato DE SOUSA and Reinaldo Lopes FERREIRA (2013), "Improving performance aligning business analytics with process orientation", International Journal of information management, 33(2), 300-307.
  • CAO, Guangming; Yanqing DUAN and Gendao LI (2015), "Linking business analytics to decision making effectiveness: a path model analysis", IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 62(3), 384-395.
  • CHAE, Bongsug and David L OLSON (2013), "Business analytics for supply chain: A dynamic-capabilities framework", International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making, 12(01), 9-26.
  • CHEN, Hsinchun; Roger HL CHIANG and Veda C STOREY (2012), "Business intelligence and analytics: from big data to big impact", MIS quarterly, 1165-1188.
  • DAVENPORT, Thomas H (2006), "Competing on analytics", Harvard Business Review, 84(1), 98.
  • DAVENPORT, Thomas H and Jeanne G HARRIS (2007), Competing on analytics: The new science of winning: Harvard Business Press.
  • DAVENPORT, Thomas H; Jeanne G HARRIS and Robert MORISON (2010), Analytics at work: Smarter decisions, better results: Harvard Business Press.
  • DELEN, Dursun and Haluk DEMIRKAN. (2013). Data, information and analytics as services: Elsevier.
  • DELEN, Dursun and Sudha RAM (2018), "Research challenges and opportunities in business analytics", Journal of Business Analytics, 1(1), 2-12.
  • DELEN, Dursun and Hamed M ZOLBANIN (2018), "The analytics paradigm in business research", Journal of Business Research, 90, 186-195.
  • DIAS, Ivo and Maria José SOUSA. (2015). Business Intelligence applied to Human resources management New Contributions in Information Systems and Technologies (pp. 105-113): Springer.
  • EVANS, James R. and Carl H. LINDNER. (2012). "Business Analytics: The Next Frontier for Decision Sciences". Retrieved from, Date of Access: 09.01.2019
  • FIREFLYON, Inc. (2019). Retrieved from, Date of Access: 09.01.2019
  • GRIVA, Anastasia; Cleopatra BARDAKI; Katerina PRAMATARI and Dimitris PAPAKIRIAKOPOULOS (2018), "Retail business analytics: Customer visit segmentation using market basket data", Expert Systems with Applications, 100, 1-16.
  • GROVER, Varun; Roger HL CHIANG; Ting-Peng LIANG and Dongsong ZHANG (2018), "Creating Strategic Business Value from Big Data Analytics: A Research Framework", Journal of Management Information Systems, 35(2), 388-423.
  • HOLSAPPLE, Clyde; Anita LEE-POST and Ram PAKATH (2014), "A unified foundation for business analytics", Decision Support Systems, 64, 130-141.
  • JALALI, Seyed Mohammad Jafar and Han Woo PARK (2018), "State of the art in business analytics: themes and collaborations", Quality & Quantity, 52(2), 627-633.
  • KIRON, David; Rebecca SHOCKLEY; Nina KRUSCHWITZ; Glenn FINCH and Michael HAYDOCK (2011), "Analytics: The widening divide", MIT Sloan Management Review, 53(3), 1-22.
  • KOHAVI, Ron; Neal J ROTHLEDER and Evangelos SIMOUDIS (2002), "Emerging trends in business analytics", Communications of the ACM, 45(8), 45-48.
  • KÖKLÜ, Kevser (2018), "İş Analizi, İş Analistliği ve İş Zekası", lectio socialis, 2(2), 121-142.
  • KRISHNAMOORTHI, Suryanarayanan and Saji K MATHEW (2018), "Business analytics and business value: A comparative case study", Information & Management, 55(5), 643-666.
  • LIBERATORE, Matthew J and Wenhong LUO (2010), "The analytics movement: Implications for operations research", Interfaces, 40(4), 313-324.
  • LONG, Qingqi (2018), "Data-driven decision making for supply chain networks with agent-based computational experiment", Knowledge-Based Systems, 141, 55-66.
  • MORTENSON, Michael J; Neil F DOHERTY and Stewart ROBINSON (2015), "Operational research from Taylorism to Terabytes: A research agenda for the analytics age", European Journal of Operational Research, 241(3), 583-595.
  • NALCHIGAR, EY Soroosh and Eric YU (2017), "„Business-driven data analytics: A conceptual modeling framework,”", Data & Knowledge Engineering, 3, 1-14.
  • NEMATI, Hamid and Antara UDIAVAR (2012), "Organizational readiness for implementation of Supply Chain Analytics".
  • NIELSEN, Steen (2018), "Reflections on the applicability of business analytics for management accounting–and future perspectives for the accountant", Journal of Accounting & Organizational Change, 14(2), 167-187.
  • PAPPAS, Ilias O; Patrick MIKALEF; Michail N GIANNAKOS; John KROGSTIE and George LEKAKOS. (2018). Big data and business analytics ecosystems: paving the way towards digital transformation and sustainable societies: Springer.
  • PORTER, Michael E (1985), "Competitive advantage: creating and sustaining superior performance. 1985", New York: FreePress, 43, 214.
  • RAMAMURTHY, K; Arun SEN and Atish P SINHA (2008), "Data warehousing infusion and organizational effectiveness", IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics-Part A: Systems and Humans, 38(4), 976-994.
  • RAMANATHAN, Ramakrishnan; Elly PHILPOTT; Yanqing DUAN and Guangming CAO (2017), "Adoption of business analytics and impact on performance: a qualitative study in retail", Production Planning & Control, 28(11-12), 985-998.
  • RANSBOTHAM, Sam and David KIRON. (2017). "Analytics As A Source Of Business Innovation". Retrieved from, Date of Access: 08.01.2019
  • RAVISHANKER, Ganesan (2011), "Doing academic analytics right: Intelligent answers to simple questions", Research bulletin, 2, 2011.
  • ROSENBERGER, Larry E and John NASH (2009), The deciding factor: the power of analytics to make every decision a winner: John Wiley & Sons.
  • SCHNIEDERJANS, Marc J; Dara G SCHNIEDERJANS and Christopher M STARKEY (2014), Business analytics principles, concepts, and applications: what, why, and how: Pearson Education.
  • SEKER, Sadi Evren (2016), "İş Analitiği (Business Analytics)", YBS Ansiklopedi, 3(4).
  • SEVINÇ, Naim. (2008). Tedarik zinciri yönetiminde bilgi teknolojilerinin kullanılması ve önemi. Trakya Üniversitesi, Edirne. SHANKS, Graeme; Rajeev SHARMA; Peter SEDDON and Peter REYNOLDS (2010), "The impact of strategy and maturity on business analytics and firm performance: a review and research agenda", ACIS 2010 Proceedings, 51.
  • SHARDA, Ramesh; Daniel Adomako ASAMOAH and Natraj PONNA (2013). Business analytics: Research and teaching perspectives. Paper presented at the Information Technology Interfaces (ITI), Proceedings of the ITI 2013 35th International Conference on.
  • SHMUELI, Galit; Peter C BRUCE; Inbal YAHAV; Nitin R PATEL and Kenneth C LICHTENDAHL JR (2017), Data mining for business analytics: concepts, techniques, and applications in R: John Wiley & Sons.
  • SRINIVASAN, Sujatha and T KAMALAKANNAN (2018), "Multi criteria decision making in financial risk management with a multi-objective genetic algorithm", Computational Economics, 52(2), 443-457.
  • TAMM, Toomas; Peter SEDDON and Graeme SHANKS (2013), "Pathways to value from business analytics".
  • TAYLOR, James (2010), "Intelligent automated processes: embedding analytics in decisions”", Business Process Management and Workflow Handbook, Lighthouse Point, FL, Future Strategies Inc, 71-78.
  • TEECE, David J; Gary PISANO and Amy SHUEN (1997), "Dynamic capabilities and strategic management", Strategic management journal, 18(7), 509-533.
  • TONIDANDEL, Scott; Eden B. KING and Jose M. CORTINA (2018), "Big Data Methods:Leveraging Modern Data Analytic Techniques to Build Organizational Science", Organizational Research Methods, 21(3), 525-547. doi:10.1177/1094428116677299
  • TRKMAN, Peter; Kevin MCCORMACK; Marcos Paulo Valadares DE OLIVEIRA and Marcelo Bronzo LADEIRA (2010), "The impact of business analytics on supply chain performance", Decision Support Systems, 49(3), 318-327.
  • TROILO, Michael; Adrien BOUCHET; Timothy L URBAN and William A SUTTON (2016), "Perception, reality, and the adoption of business analytics: Evidence from North American professional sport organizations", Omega, 59, 72-83.
  • TUREL, Ofir and Bhushan KAPOOR (2016), "A business analytics maturity perspective on the gap between business schools and presumed industry needs", CAIS, 39, 6.
  • TYAGI, Sandeep (2003), "Using data analytics for greater profits", Journal of Business Strategy, 24(3), 12-14.
  • WAGNER, Sebastian; Tobias BRANDT and Dirk NEUMANN (2016), "In free float: Developing Business Analytics support for carsharing providers", Omega, 59, 4-14.
  • WAMBA, Samuel Fosso; Shahriar AKTER; Andrew EDWARDS; Geoffrey CHOPIN and Denis GNANZOU (2015), "How ‘big data’can make big impact: Findings from a systematic review and a longitudinal case study", International Journal of Production Economics, 165, 234-246.
  • WANG, Gang; Angappa GUNASEKARAN; Eric WT NGAI and Thanos PAPADOPOULOS (2016), "Big data analytics in logistics and supply chain management: Certain investigations for research and applications", International Journal of Production Economics, 176, 98-110.
  • WANG, Yichuan and Terry Anthony BYRD (2017), "Business analytics-enabled decision-making effectiveness through knowledge absorptive capacity in health care", Journal of Knowledge Management, 21(3), 517-539.
  • WU, Pei-Ju and Po-Chu HUANG (2018), "Business analytics for systematically investigating sustainable food supply chains", Journal of Cleaner Production, 203, 968-976.
Toplam 58 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Emrah Bilgiç 0000-0002-9875-2299

Mehmet Ali Türkmenoğlu 0000-0001-5668-2184

Gülgönül Bozoğlu Batı 0000-0001-9953-8289

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2019
Kabul Tarihi 19 Nisan 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019 Sayı: 54

Kaynak Göster

APA Bilgiç, E., Türkmenoğlu, M. A., & Bozoğlu Batı, G. (2019). İş analitiği ve değer zinciri: Detaylı ve sistematik bir literatür taraması. Erciyes Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi(54), 1-24.

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