Geopolitical risks are a serious concern today as they were in the past. Stationarity tests in the literature are generally used in tests such as hysteria, sustainability, purchasing power parity, convergence hypothesis. In this study, it is investigated whether the geopolitical risk index is stationary or not. An inference will be made about whether the uncertainty created by the events that
disrupts the normal and peaceful functioning of international relations is sustainable. For this purpose 1985-2019 year include geopolitical risk groups in that thought and data availability, taking into account a country group composed of 13 countries (Turkey, South Korea, Russia, India, China, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, Thailand, Ukraine, Israel, Malaysia, the Philippines and Hong Kong). Index values, which are considered and calculated as indicators of the geopolitical risk index of the countries, were used. In this study, the stability of the geopolitical risk index was tested with the panel
unit root test. This test is the Fourier test with refraction, which was introduced to the literature by Li, Ranjbar, and Chang (2015), and takes into account soft and sharp structural breaks in the data
structure. As a result of the stationarity test, it is concluded that the geopolitical risk index series is stable. Thus, it has been concluded that the impact of the shocks on the geopolitical risk index for countries is not permanent but temporary. Apart from India and Indonesia, no other countries have geopolitical risk breaks.