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The Simulation Argument and the Essence of Human Being: The Cinematic Universe of the Perception of Beauty in The Congress

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 2, 707 - 726, 30.07.2021


The Simulation Argument and the Essence of Human Being: The Cinematic Universe of the Perception of Beauty in The CongressBeauty myth is one of the cornerstones of the Western culture in which Hollywood is located and framed rules of physical appearance of women. However, the idea of praising youth and beauty and the idea of old age turning people into nothing, is becoming an accepted idea in society every day with the help of social media. Directed by Ari Folman, The Congress, a futuristic dystopia movie released in 2013, is a film inspired by Stanislaw Lem's book The Futurological Congress (1974). Based on the beauty myth of Hollywood, the director works by transforming his character visiting the World Futurology Congress into the story of a living Hollywood star being forced to choose between reality and an illusionary world. The aim of this study is to examine the presentation of the beauty perception in the cinematic universe by blending illusion and reality theories, making it valuable at the expense of human existence, and creating another illusion by moving the myths of youth and beauty to the parallel universes created by analyzing content.


  • Alperstein, N. (1991). Imaginary relationships with celebrities appearing in television commercials. Journal of Broadcasting&Electronic Media, 43-58.
  • Bacon, F. (1884). The works of Francis Bacon. New York.
  • Banes, M. (1912). The mad search for beauty: And the slight chance that the average actress can guide the average woman. The Green Book Magazine, s. 953.
  • Banner, W. (1983). American beauty: A social history through two centuries of the American idea, ideal, and image of the beautiful woman. Figueroa Press.
  • Batkin, J. (2017). Identity in Animation: A journey into self, difference, culture and body. Routledge.
  • Baudrillard, J. (1967). Review of understanding media. L'Homme et la Societe Nr. 5, 227.
  • Baudrillard, J. (2003). Requiem for the media. N. Wardrip-Fruin içinde, The New Media Reader (s. 277-288). Cambridge: The MIT Press.
  • Baudrillard, J. (2014). Simülarklar ve simülasyon. Doğu Batı Yayınları.
  • Bostrom, N. (2003). Are you living in a computer simulation? Philosophical Quarterly Vol. 53 No.211, 245-255.
  • Brey, P. (2008). Virtual reality and computer simulation. K. Himma içinde, The handbook of information and computer ethics (s. 361-384). Wiley.
  • Brooks, X. (2014). Robin Wright: I am in my 40s and I don't inject my face with Botox. The Guardian: adresinden alındı
  • Campbell, K. (1948). Hollywood, more than ever, going for those ad tieups. Variety.
  • Children, T. M. (2015, January 21). Past Research Reports. January 16, 2021 tarihinde adresinden alındı
  • DeCordova, R. (1990). Picture personalities: The emergence of the star system in America. Urbana: University of Illinois Press.
  • Drexler, K. (1985). Engines of creation: The coming era of nanotechnology. London: Fort Estate.
  • Eco, U. (2004). On beauty: A history of western idea. Seeker&Warburg Publishing.
  • Frith, K. (2014). Globalizing beauty: A cultural history of the beauty industry. Conference: Journal of Communication, (s. 1-33). Seattle.
  • Hüttner, S. (2010). Dirty sexy money": Commodified identities and acts of consumption in Christopher Shinn's "other people and where we come from. South Atlantic Review Vol. 75 No. 3, 25-40.
  • Harrison, K. (2006). The relationship between media consumption and eating disorders. Journal of Communication Vol 47 (1), 40-67.
  • Hermannsdottir, M. (2011). Self-Identity in modernity. Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi. University of Akurevi, Faculty of Social Sciences.
  • Hernandez, L. (2019). Animation in the core of dystopia: Ari Folman’s the Congress. Animation, 222-234.
  • Jones, G. (2005). Multinationals and global capitalism. Oxford Publishing.
  • Kriger, J. (2012). Animated realism: A behind-the-scenes look at the animated documentary genre. Oxford: Focal Press.
  • Kunzle, D. (2004). Fashion and fetishism: Corsets, tight-lacing and other forms of body sculpture. The History Press.
  • Kurzweil, R. (1999). The age of spiritual machines: When computers exceed human. New York: Viking Press.
  • Lem, S. (1971). The futurological congress. Seabury Press.
  • McClendon, X. (2018, May). The body, fashion and physique. adresinden alındı
  • McClintock, A. (1995). Imperial leather: Race, gender and sexuality in the colonial context . New York.
  • Merriam-Webster. (2021). Merriam-Webster Dictionary. adresinden alındı
  • Miskell, P. (2004). Cavity protection or cosmetic perfection? Innovation and marketing of toothpaste brands in the United States and Western Europe. Business History Review, 29-60.
  • Moe, B. (1999). Understanding negative body image. New York: Rosen Publishing.
  • Mulvey, L. (1975). Visual pressure and narrative cinema. Screen Vol. 16 (3), 6-18.
  • Routray, S. (2019). Concept of identity in real and virtual world. THL Journal Vol. 4 (5), 133-138.
  • Saddik, A. (2007). Contemporary American drama. Edinburgh: Edinburgh Press.
  • Schweitzer, W. (2005). The mad search for beauty: Actresses’ testimonials, the cosmetics industry and the democratization of beauty. The Journal of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era, 155-292.
  • Silverstein, B. (1986). The role of mass media in promoting a thin standard of bodily attractiveness for women. Sex Roles, 519-532.
  • Skeat, W. (2015). An etymological dictionary of the English language 1884. Generic Publishing.
  • Swami, V. (2007). The missing arm of venus de Milo: Reflections on the science of physical attractiveness. Book Guild Publishing.
  • Tiggemann, M. (2011). Sociocultural perspectives on human appearance and body image. T. Cash içinde, Body Image (s. 12-19). New York: The Guilford Press.
  • White, M. (2009). Graduate Thesis. Representations of the true woman and the new woman in Harper's Bazar. The Iowa State University.
  • Wolf, N. (1991). The beauty myth: How images of beauty are used against women. Chatto& Windus Publishing.

Simülasyon Argümanı ve İnsanın Özü: The Congress Filminde Güzellik Algısının Sinematik Evreni

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 2, 707 - 726, 30.07.2021


Hollywood’un içinde bulunduğu Batı kültürünün temel taşlarından birisi olan güzellik mitinin, 1930’lu yıllarda başlayan yıldız sistemi ile doruğa ulaşması ve takip eden yıllarda bilhassa kadınların fiziksel görünüşlerini belirleyen kuralları çerçevelediği bilinmektedir. Ne var ki teknolojik gelişmeler ışığında gençliğin ve güzelliğin övülmesi, daha uzun yıllar yaşlanmaktan kaçınılmasının telkin edilmesi, yaşlılığın insanı bir hiçe çevirmesi fikri sosyal medyanın da yardımı ile her geçen gün toplumda kabul gören bir düşünce haline gelmektedir. Ari Folman’ın yönettiği, fütürist bir distopya filmi olan The Congress (Son Şans), Stanislaw Lem’in The Futurological Congress (1971) adlı kitabından esinlenerek gerçek ve anime edilmiş görüntünün bir arada kullanılarak çekildiği bir filmdir. Yönetmen, Hollywood’un güzellik mitinden yola çıkarak, ana akım kültürün bitmeyen metalaşmasına ait göndermeler ile filmi şekillendirmiştir. Bu çalışma, güzellik algısının yanılsama ve gerçeklik teorileri ile harmanlanarak sunulduğu filmde bu algının insanın var oluşunun hiçe sayılması pahasına değerli kılınması üzerinde durmaktadır. Analiz sonucunda ise bir aktrisin kimliğinin dijital imgeyle belirlenmiş yeni film endüstrisinin hizmetinde nasıl yok olduğu ve sanat eserlerinin biricikliklerinin kaybolması gibi, insanların da biricik ve eşsiz olma özelliklerinin geride bırakılarak insan yığınları şeklinde sistemin ilahlaştırdığı kişilere benzemelerinin desteklendiği görüşünün irdelendiği sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.


  • Alperstein, N. (1991). Imaginary relationships with celebrities appearing in television commercials. Journal of Broadcasting&Electronic Media, 43-58.
  • Bacon, F. (1884). The works of Francis Bacon. New York.
  • Banes, M. (1912). The mad search for beauty: And the slight chance that the average actress can guide the average woman. The Green Book Magazine, s. 953.
  • Banner, W. (1983). American beauty: A social history through two centuries of the American idea, ideal, and image of the beautiful woman. Figueroa Press.
  • Batkin, J. (2017). Identity in Animation: A journey into self, difference, culture and body. Routledge.
  • Baudrillard, J. (1967). Review of understanding media. L'Homme et la Societe Nr. 5, 227.
  • Baudrillard, J. (2003). Requiem for the media. N. Wardrip-Fruin içinde, The New Media Reader (s. 277-288). Cambridge: The MIT Press.
  • Baudrillard, J. (2014). Simülarklar ve simülasyon. Doğu Batı Yayınları.
  • Bostrom, N. (2003). Are you living in a computer simulation? Philosophical Quarterly Vol. 53 No.211, 245-255.
  • Brey, P. (2008). Virtual reality and computer simulation. K. Himma içinde, The handbook of information and computer ethics (s. 361-384). Wiley.
  • Brooks, X. (2014). Robin Wright: I am in my 40s and I don't inject my face with Botox. The Guardian: adresinden alındı
  • Campbell, K. (1948). Hollywood, more than ever, going for those ad tieups. Variety.
  • Children, T. M. (2015, January 21). Past Research Reports. January 16, 2021 tarihinde adresinden alındı
  • DeCordova, R. (1990). Picture personalities: The emergence of the star system in America. Urbana: University of Illinois Press.
  • Drexler, K. (1985). Engines of creation: The coming era of nanotechnology. London: Fort Estate.
  • Eco, U. (2004). On beauty: A history of western idea. Seeker&Warburg Publishing.
  • Frith, K. (2014). Globalizing beauty: A cultural history of the beauty industry. Conference: Journal of Communication, (s. 1-33). Seattle.
  • Hüttner, S. (2010). Dirty sexy money": Commodified identities and acts of consumption in Christopher Shinn's "other people and where we come from. South Atlantic Review Vol. 75 No. 3, 25-40.
  • Harrison, K. (2006). The relationship between media consumption and eating disorders. Journal of Communication Vol 47 (1), 40-67.
  • Hermannsdottir, M. (2011). Self-Identity in modernity. Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi. University of Akurevi, Faculty of Social Sciences.
  • Hernandez, L. (2019). Animation in the core of dystopia: Ari Folman’s the Congress. Animation, 222-234.
  • Jones, G. (2005). Multinationals and global capitalism. Oxford Publishing.
  • Kriger, J. (2012). Animated realism: A behind-the-scenes look at the animated documentary genre. Oxford: Focal Press.
  • Kunzle, D. (2004). Fashion and fetishism: Corsets, tight-lacing and other forms of body sculpture. The History Press.
  • Kurzweil, R. (1999). The age of spiritual machines: When computers exceed human. New York: Viking Press.
  • Lem, S. (1971). The futurological congress. Seabury Press.
  • McClendon, X. (2018, May). The body, fashion and physique. adresinden alındı
  • McClintock, A. (1995). Imperial leather: Race, gender and sexuality in the colonial context . New York.
  • Merriam-Webster. (2021). Merriam-Webster Dictionary. adresinden alındı
  • Miskell, P. (2004). Cavity protection or cosmetic perfection? Innovation and marketing of toothpaste brands in the United States and Western Europe. Business History Review, 29-60.
  • Moe, B. (1999). Understanding negative body image. New York: Rosen Publishing.
  • Mulvey, L. (1975). Visual pressure and narrative cinema. Screen Vol. 16 (3), 6-18.
  • Routray, S. (2019). Concept of identity in real and virtual world. THL Journal Vol. 4 (5), 133-138.
  • Saddik, A. (2007). Contemporary American drama. Edinburgh: Edinburgh Press.
  • Schweitzer, W. (2005). The mad search for beauty: Actresses’ testimonials, the cosmetics industry and the democratization of beauty. The Journal of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era, 155-292.
  • Silverstein, B. (1986). The role of mass media in promoting a thin standard of bodily attractiveness for women. Sex Roles, 519-532.
  • Skeat, W. (2015). An etymological dictionary of the English language 1884. Generic Publishing.
  • Swami, V. (2007). The missing arm of venus de Milo: Reflections on the science of physical attractiveness. Book Guild Publishing.
  • Tiggemann, M. (2011). Sociocultural perspectives on human appearance and body image. T. Cash içinde, Body Image (s. 12-19). New York: The Guilford Press.
  • White, M. (2009). Graduate Thesis. Representations of the true woman and the new woman in Harper's Bazar. The Iowa State University.
  • Wolf, N. (1991). The beauty myth: How images of beauty are used against women. Chatto& Windus Publishing.
Toplam 41 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Radyo-Televizyon
Bölüm Türkçe Araştırma Makaleleri

Selen Gökçem Akyıldız 0000-0002-7948-8330

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Temmuz 2021
Gönderilme Tarihi 17 Mart 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021 Cilt: 8 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Gökçem Akyıldız, S. (2021). Simülasyon Argümanı ve İnsanın Özü: The Congress Filminde Güzellik Algısının Sinematik Evreni. Erciyes İletişim Dergisi, 8(2), 707-726.